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M. J. Clay, C. J. Dawson, N. M. Ayers, C. J. Philips, Dr. Charles E. Bessey, Eugene F. Ware, Mrs. Mary Furnas, Mrs. Ada M. Bittenbender, Mr. A. Vine Pease, and Mr. Niles R. Folsom. Over 2000 bound volumes of Nebraska weekly newspapers had been removed from the rooms of the Society to the basement of the new building. A contract had been made with the State Journal Company for binding newspapers at a price of $1.12 a volume for weeklies, and sixty-five cents a volume for dailies. During the last six months 857 volumes of Nebraska weekly newspapers and 200 volumes of dailies had been bound and 450 volumes had been prepared for binding. Melvin R. Gilmore began his work as curator of the museum June 1. He had rearranged the collections and made valuable collections of native plants of Nebraska for the museum. The third and last volume of Constitutional Conventions and a volume of Collections, edited by Albert Watkins, were in process of publication. An Outline of Nebraska History, prepared by Mr. Watkins, had been issued. The last legislature had appropriated $2000 toward marking the Oregon Trail in Nebraska, and the first vice president and the secretary of the Society and the state regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution were named as a commission for carrying out the provisions of the act. The work of marking the trail had been begun. A memorial association had been organized for this special work. During the year, 7 life members, 15 sustaining members, and 40 active members were added to the membership of the Society. John L. Webster, Charles N. Deitz, Nelson H. Loomis, George W. Holdrege, A. L. Mohler, |
Gurdon W. Wattles, and Casper E. Yost, all residents of Omaha, had become life members. The board of directors had adopted a badge for the Society. Deaths of members of the Society had occurred during the year as follows: Samuel J. Alexander, Lincoln, April 23; John H. Ames, Lincoln, Jan. 18; Joseph E. Cobbey, Beatrice, August 22; Rev. John E. Ingham, Hot Springs, S. D., Nov. 28; William R. Kelly, Los Angeles, Cal., March 9; Mrs. Kittie McGrew, South Auburn, Sept. 14; Charles Frederick Manderson, Omaha, Sept. 28; Rev. William Murphey, Beaver Crossing, Nov. 7; Henry E. Palmer, Omaha, April 2; Stephen B. Pound, Lincoln, May 14; John Schwyn, Grand Island, Aug. 13; Mrs. Morris C. Stull, Lincoln, Aug. 2; Eugene F. Ware, Kansas City, Kans., July 2; Jacob Wiggins, Lincoln, March 15; Owsley Wilson, Lincoln, May 23.
Disbursements, 1911.
MEETING OF DIRECTORS. At a special meeting of the board of
directors, at the rooms of the Society, May 2, 1912, new
members of the Society were elected as follows: The thirty-fifth annual meeting of the
Nebraska State |
Historical Society was held at the Temple Theater, Lincoln, January 14, 15, 16, 1913. At the business meeting, on January 14, the secretary reported that during the year 1400 titles were accessioned, 800 titles catalogued, and 1000 newspaper clippings classified. The Society was then receiving 451 daily and weekly Nebraska newspapers and 58 special publications. A considerable quantity of archives had been removed from the basement of the capitol to the basement of the Society's new building. An act of Congress approved May 11, 1912, directed the Secretary of the Interior to cause a deed of two acres of the land which had been occupied by the Presbyterian mission building, on the Omaha Indian reservation, to be issued to the Nebraska State Historical Society. All of the 125 new members enrolled during the year had come in as sustaining members--with the understanding that they were to pay to the Society two dollars annually. One volume of collections had been published during the year, and the third volume of Nebraska Constitutional Conventions would soon be issued. Reports of the proceedings of the Society for 1908 and 1909 were published in pamphlet form. The cost of publication was paid with contributions from friends of the Society. Nearly all of the Crounse fund of $500 had been used for the purchase of books. The following named officers were elected for the ensuing year: John L. Webster, president; Robert Harvey, first vice president; Samuel C. Bassett, second vice president; Clarence S. Paine, secretary; Stephen L. Geisthardt, treasurer. Dr. Hamilton B. Lowry was reëlected a member of |
the board of directors, and Bishop J. Henry Tihen was elected a director to succeed Frank M. Currie whose term had expired. The committee on obituaries reported deaths of members during the year as follows: George W. Doane, Omaha; Henry Clay McMaken, Plattsmouth; Mrs. Charles H. Gere, Lincoln; Lyman A Stilson, York; Eleazer Wakely, Omaha; Harvey W. Hardy, Lincoln; Neriah B. Kendall, Lincoln; Miss Emma Morton, Nebraska City; Dr. David B. Perry, Crete; William Z. Taylor, Culbertson; Daniel H. Wheeler, Omaha. At an adjourned session of the business meeting, held at two o'clock in the afternoon, January 16, 98 persons were elected members of the Society. The treasurer presented his report for the year ending January 1, 1913 as follows:
The thirty-sixth annual meeting of the
Nebraska State Historical Society was held at the Temple
Theater, Lincoln, January 20, 21, 22, 1914. |
Mr. E. M. Correll had donated early town records of Hebron, Nebraska, and files of the Hebron Journal from 1871 to 1898. Donations had been made also by Charles H. Morrill, A. L. Anderson, George W. Hansen, Henry Huckins, L. J. Healey, H. A. Brainerd, Mrs. George. W. McCreery and Charles C. Hollebaugh. The secretary made the following financial statement, audited by the Wiggins-Babcock Accounting Company:
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Andrew J. Sawyer, for the committee on
obituaries, reported deaths during the year 1913 as
follows: |
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