NE Resource Center
Copyright Release forms -
From USGenWeb guidelines to copyright for volunteers.
RELEASE (or non-release) FORMS -
For lookups -
I grant non-exclusive permission for individuals to do lookups for The USGenWeb Project from my publication(s). I am not forfeiting my rights under 17 USCode Section 106.
I grant permission to allow copying of information from my copyrighted material not to exceed _______ pages per request.
(Title of Material) __________________.
Publication date & publisher _______________________
Signed______________________ Dated ______________________
Address_____________________ email________________________
I DO NOT grant permission to allow copying of any of my copyrighted material.
Signed______________________ Dated ______________________
Address_____________________ email________________________
For reproduction -
I grant non-exclusive permission for individuals to reproduce my publication(s) for The USGenWeb Project. I am not forfeiting my rights under 17 USCode Section 106.
I grant permission to allow reproduction of my copyrighted material.
(Title of Material)__________________.
Publication date & publisher ____________________
Signed______________________ Dated ______________________
Address_____________________ email________________________
I DO NOT grant permission to allow reproduction of any of my copyrighted material.
Signed______________________ Dated ______________________
Address_____________________ email________________________
Notes: The form must be signed and sent by regular mail to the person(s) doing the lookups or the reproduction. An email "release" is NOT sufficient. A copy must be forwarded to USGenWeb & to the state individuals responsible for maintaining files.
1. We have inquired with USGenWeb and were informed that modification of their "lookup form" using the word "reproduce" would meet basic requirements for copyright release.
2. It is generally easier to maintain "permission" files if one form is submitted for each publication. If you use a single form for multiple works - you MUST include the title of each publication.
3. For publications by book committees - Please have the surviving members of the book committee and the current officers of the society which sponsored the book sign the copyright release. This indicates that persons involved in the production of the original, and those who might feel they "inherited" the copyright are made aware of granting permission to reproduce. We are concerned that many books written for centennial celebrations may fade into obscurity because nobody will assume the responsibility to reprint ($$$) or to sign a release once the committee members are gone.
Be aware - tight library budgets are resulting in books no longer available for interlibrary loan. Sometimes the possessors prohibit placing a book on a copy machine even when you reach the library that holds a copy. Too many books were printed on paper that contained acid. The pages are "chipping" away with each handling. The expense of de-acidifying and rebinding is prohibitive.
IF you have been involved in publication of a book by committee - consider signing a release for a FUTURE date and providing a copy of the material NOW so it will be available for later use. Most county coordinators will provide a few lines on their page to help you sell the remaining copies of your book for the benefit of your society. Many of the coordinators are "not so young" themselves, so make your release date fit with a reasonable lifespan! <grin>
The USGenWeb Project and NEGenWeb Project were organized to provide FREE genealogy information, your contribution of data will help us achieve that goal. NEGenWeb Project does encourage our viewers & friends in the genealogical & historical societies to make copies of files for the use of their members and to supplement the local library. Those who do so understand they may NOT sell the data, it is free! There is no way that we can PREVENT people from downloading a file once it is posted on the web, and if you should find these files being sold "for profit" by any individual or commercial group, please let us know.
In some cases, the cc's have provided the files they have THEMSELVES generated to a local group as a means of assisting genealogical research in the county or region they coordinate. Most of those agreements are for the files to be sold at a price that covers the cost of reproduction and mailing, and allows some "profit" to the local group. We encourage you to support the local societies, help them purchase a computer and we'll all have lookup volunteers just an email message away!
---------------<>--------------- There are a number of websites that deal with copyright issues. Recommend you review several as the content is highly variable
US Government Copyright Office <>
USGenWeb Project copyright page <>
Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States <>
Mike Goad's page on copyright <>---------------<>--------------- Wish List -
1893 Legislative Manual and Handbook
NE Blue Books - 1899, 1901, 1915 and 1919Notes: Two of the "basic resources" for NE government have been completed,
1897 Legislative Manual & Handbook - Thanks to Geil Wiggins
1920 NE Blue Book - Thanks to Pam Rietsch and her MARDOS Memorial Library Collection.If you have a copy of any of these books, or any other - please contact us about how to reproduce it for the NEGenWeb Project On-Line Library.
©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 for the NEGenWeb Project by Ted & Carole Miller