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TWENTY-EIGHTH STATE CONFERENCE mittee for this room. Mrs. Cline gave a list of furniture desired--Colonial bed, spinning wheel, old lace and trinkets, etc.
Madam State Regent, Members and Friends:Letters have been written to 51 Chapter Regents asking them to appoint Chapter Chairman and to encourage the members to subscribe for our magazine. The information about the magazine contest has been given and other suggestions made.
Number of subscriptios (sic) reported by:
Sioux Lookout, North Platte
Deborah Avery, Lincoln
Omaha Chapter of Omaha
Elizabeth Montague, Beatrice
Fort Kearney, Kearney
Ann Froissart, Auburn
Crete Chapter, Crete
Kit-ki-ha-Ki, Superior
Lewis Clark, Fremont
Point of Rock, Alliance
Ebenezer Clark, Minatare
Quivera, Fairbury
Ni-ku-mi, Blair
Otoe Chapter reported subscriptions but failed to say how many. The National Chairman reported number of magazines subscribed for in Nebraska to March 8, 1930, as 126.
State Chairman.Mr. Lyle DeMoss sang in a most delightful manner at this time. Mrs. Spencer was recognized and told the Conference that she gives a talk on Genealogy over K. F. A. B. on each Wednesday noon. She will answer all questions sent in.
York,-"David Bryant"--Mrs. George Holdeman, Regent.
West Point-"Elkhorn Valley"--Mrs. P. M. Moodie.
Weeping Water--"Jonathan Cass"--Mrs. R. C. Pollard, Regent.
Wayne--"Douglas King"--Mrs. H. S. Ringland, Regent.This report read by Mrs. Jones.Sterling,-"Ephrium Plolk"--Mrs. C. E. Zink, Regent.
This report read by R. F. Frericks.Sutton,-"Buttler Johnson"--Miss Maude Case, Regent.
Stromburg (sic),--"Elijah Gove"--Mrs. H. C. Malster, Regent.Meeting then adjourned for the Memorial Hour.
Mrs. C. H. Mullin, State Chaplin
Mrs. E. H. Westcott, State Vice Regent
Reading, "The Sentry at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington, by Mrs. Mullin
Mrs. B. S. Peterson
The Sentry at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington
Fifty paces and reurn (sic)--
Fifty paces and salute the flag--
Fifty paces and return
Back and forth on Sentry go.
What is his thought as he paces
Head erect and gun in hand?
What is his thought as he paces
Guarding the Lost of the Land?
Does he know he is a symbol
Of the Soul of the Nation on guard?
Over our dearest hopes and ideals
Treading the path on watch and ward.
Fifty paces and return--
Fifty paces and salute the flag--
With him we guard the age's trusts
Sentry go on,--salute and pass.Cora Phebe Mullin,
From Songs of the Indian Dances.
Mrs. Mullin's latest book.
Roll Call of Members gone before
Mrs. Mullin
Beaver Valley Chapter, St. Edward, Nebr.
Margaret Kennedy Styles, May 24, 1924.
TWENTY-EIGHTH STATE CONFERENCE Butler Johnson Chapter, Sutton, Nebr.
Ida Tower Tooker, Jan. 28, 1930
Elvira Stevens Kendall, Jan. 31, 1930.Deborah Avery Chapter, Lincoln, Nebr.
Miss Mary Paterson, July 22, 1929.
Mrs. Alma Thomas Burgess Meshier, Jan. 9, 1929
Mrs. Thomas (Electa Morse) Kidder, March 25, 1929.
Mrs. Neal (Sarah Logan) McCroy, May 6, 1929.Kit-ki-ha-ki Chapter, Superior, Nebr.
Mrs. Maude P. Furry, July 22, 1929.Lewis Clark Chapter, Fremont, Nebr.
Mrs. Chas. Balduff, July 1, 1929.
Mrs. Arabella French, March 25, 1929.
Mrs. L. M. Keene, Sr., May 18, 1928.Crete Chapter, Crete, Nebr.
Miss Mary Etta Schrock, May 23, 1929.
Mrs. Theresa F. Mickle, Jan. 2, 1930.Fontenelle Chapter, Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Mrs. Mary Amelia Street, Feb. 6, 1930.Ni-ku-mi Chapter, Blair, Nebr.
Mrs. Anna Gross Stewart, Feb. 16, 1930.Maj. Isaac Sadler Chapter, Omaha, Nebr.
Mrs. Mary Ann Cramer, Feb. 22, 1929.
Mrs. Harriet Burky Lauck, Dec. 27, 1929.Fort Kearney Chapter, Kearney, Nebr.
Mrs. Mabel K. Gravely, May 27, 1929.Niobrara Chapter, Hastings, Nebr.
Mrs. Ida Brown, July 6, 1929.Omaha Chapter, Omaha, Nebr.
Mrs. Eliza Patrick, March 7, 1929.
Mrs. Edward Porter Peck (Mary), June 13, 1929.
Mrs. Hester Bronson Copper, July 29, 1929.
Mrs. Elizabeth Barnhart (Mrs. J. P.), August 22, 1929.
Mrs. Martha Christiancy, Nov. 20, 1929.Otoe Chapter, Nebraska City, Nebr.
Mrs. Sue Cornutt, July 1, 1929.Quivera Chapter, Fairbury, Nebr.
Mrs. C. F. (Anna) Steele, Feb. 17, 1930.St. Leger Cowley Chapter, Lincoln, Nebr.
Mrs. Mamie M. Claflin, Dec. 2, 1929.
Mrs. (C. G.) Charlotte Beach, Jan. 1, 1930.
Stephen Bennett Chapter, Fairmont, Nebr.
Mrs. Virginia Deffenbaugh, Dec. 11, 1929.Wethea Chapter, Peru, Nebr.
Nelia C. Bedell, Nov. 13, 1929.Thrity (sic)-Seventh Star Chapter, McCook, Nebr.
Mrs. C. A. Boughton, March 16, 1929.
Mrs. D. W. Colson, Oct. 17, 1929.
Mrs. E. S. Wescott
Memorial Hour Committee
Mrs. Charles H. Mullin, State Chaplin
Mrs. E. S. Wescott
Mrs. B. S. Peterson
The spacious ballroom of the Cornhusker Hotel was the scene of the annual banquet. The tables were beautifully decorated with blue tapers and gold candelobras (sic) with small D. A. R. Flags in standards as favors at each place.Mrs. H. B. Marshall, Regent of the Hostess Chapter acted as Toastmistress.
Welcome from the Mother Chapter
Mrs. H. B. Marshall
Coming Home
Mrs. Adam McMullen
Our Sister Chapter
Mrs. E. J. Williams
Our Honorary Member
Mrs. Arthur Weaver
Our Baby Chapter
Mrs. Clyde Hevner
A Daughter from Afar
Mrs. F. H. Andrews
State Regent, New Mexico, not present
The Sweet Singer of the State Family
Mrs. E. H. Wescott
Glad To Be Here
Mrs. C. S. Paine
My Adopted Mother
Mrs. C. B. Letton
A Toast of Love
Mrs. Mabel Lindly
At the close of the Banquet, Mrs. Walter O. Johnson presented to Mrs. C. W. Hevner, Regent presenting Council Cottonwood Chapter, the silk flag given by Mrs. C. O. Norton to the Chapter having the largest percentage of increase in membership during the past
TWENTY-EIGHTH STATE CONFERENCE year. Mrs. Johnson gave a short talk on the flag before the presentation.
A three act play "Enter Madam" was given by the University Players. This was very entertaining and was greatly appreciated by the guests.
Morning--9:00 o'clock
Processional. Song, "Onward Christian Soldiers".
Devotionals, Mrs. C. H. Mullin.
Flag Salute, led by Mrs. W. O. Johnson.
American Creed.
Meeting was called to order by Mrs. McMullen.
Minutes of the Wednesday session were read and approved.
The following Chapter and Committee Reports were given:
David City,-"David City"--Mrs. Bessie Jordan, Regent.
Fairbury,-"Quivera"--Mrs. F. G. Endelman, Regent.
Fairmont,-" Stephen Bennett"--Mrs. Willard Goodrich, Regent.
Falls City-"Reavis Ashley"--Mrs. E. H. Towl.
Credential Committee gave the following report:
National Officers
State Officers
Past State Regents
Chapter Regents
Past National Officers
Forty-seven were represented out of fifty-one Chapters. Those not represented were Chadron, Genoa, Minatare and St. Edwards,
Fremont,-"Lewis-Clark"--Mrs. W. H. Fowler, Regent.
Franklin,-"Council Cottonwood"--Mrs. C. W. Hevner, Regent.
Genoa, (not represented) "Petah-laShauro", Miss Marina Cleveland, Regent.
Gothenburg,-"Three Trails"- (not present).
Grand Island-"Besty Hagar"--Mrs. E. H. Vierregg (sic), Regent
Read by Mrs. Venetta.
Messages were read from Mrs. Edith Irwin Hobart, President General; Mrs. Susie Harwood, Vanlandingham, N. C.: and Mrs. Chas. Oliver Norton; Past State Regent.
Madam State Regent, State Officers and Daughters:As State Chairman of the National Old Trails Committee I wish to make the following report;
The report of Mrs. John Trigg Moss, National Chairman, was sent to Fifty-one Chapters. This was followed by a letter to each Chapter requesting that some time be given to Old Ttrails (sic) on a future program, also that the Chapter report any Old Trails in their vicinity.
Eighteen Chapters reported--nine giving a program on Old Trails.
A map is being prepared of Nebraska showing the Old Trails including the Oregon Trail etc. A short history will accompany this map.
Four Chapters sent material on the Trails near, which in most eases had been marked by the D. A. R. Any more material would be greatly appreciated by your Chairman for there is so little of this history in any books but most of it come from the Old Timers.
I attended the District Meeting of the Old Orgeon (sic) Trail Memorial Association and offered our hearty co-operation in their most patriotic work and have been appointed a member of the District Advisary (sic) board of this organization.
Submitted by, LUCILE NYE CARY, Nebr.
State Chairman National Old Trails Committee
Number of Chapters51
Number of Members in the State2747
Number of Chapters reporting
41 with 2201 members
Number reporting work done
Number having Pat. Ed. Chairmen
Number of members using ballot
864 from 24 chapters
How. much and what work in Citizenship Training:
$8.00 scholarship loan fund.
500 flag codes from 8 chapters.
Help girl scouts.
Gave banquet to local C M T C boys.
Flag and flag pole to Y W C A.
Number Chapters having program on Pat. Ed
Number Chapters having program on Ed. week
Number Chapters observing special days
Washington's birthday13
Flag Day11
Memorial Day2
Armistice Day3
Columbus Day1
D. A. R. Subscriptions for public use
Copies of the Constitution
The American's Creed
Washington's Prayer
Other books and pamphlets:
12 Chapters gave 993 manuals.
1 copy of the Boston Transcript.
1 copy National Defense.
How many prizes offered
1 to the best four year student in High School.
3 to Junior High School students.
10 to High School students.
3 to C M T C men.
11 to 8th grade graduates.
3 to R O T C boys.
1 Girl Reserves.
1 Camp Fire.
1 $100.00 scholarship to a Jr. High student.29
Crossnore--1 chapter sold $25.80 of the output of the school.
Kate Duncan Smith--$24.00 in cash, and 3 boxes to the value of $52.50.
Tamassee School--8 chapters gave $16.50 and 3 boxes to the value of $100.00.
Totals: 20 chapters, $66.30 in cash and boxes to the value of $152.50.Other Activities:
11 chapters reported that they regularly contribute to the state budget.
4 chapters secured out of town speakers for public programs. 2 gave tableaux and pageants.
2 furnished speakers for High School Chapel periods.
2 chapters gave money for a chair in Constitutional Hall.
2 chapters gave flags for school and library, valued at $37.50.
1 chapter sponsored the Yale Chronicles.
4 chapters presented flags and manuals to Naturalization classes.MISS FANNIE R. HAYLETT,
State Chairman of Patriotic EducationHastings,-"Niabrara (sic)" --Mrs. J. V. Diehl, Regent.
Hebron,-"Oregon Trail"--Mrs. Ernest Woodword, Regent.
Kearney,-"Fort Kearney"--Mrs. D. Arnold Webbert, Regent.
Lexington,-"Bonneville"--Mrs. George Johnson, Regent.
Lincoln,-"Deborah Avery"--Mrs. H. S. B. Marshall, Regent.Mrs. Jack Burton, Beatrice, favored the Conference with three of her own readings which were very original and entertaining.
Mesdames Spencer, Butterfield Kilpatrick and Wescott were called to the platform.
Madam State Regent, Delegates and Daughters:We are about ready for another Congress in Washington. It seems unnecesssary (sic) to say much about the Congress last year for you will see this evening the moving pictures taken by Mr. Dalbey.
TWENTY-EIGHTH STATE CONFERENCE Congress always begins on the Monday of the week of the 19th of April. Several days preceeding (sic) all delegates and officers are busy at board meetings, committee meetings, etc.
Last year the new building was of special interest. Although unfinished it was dedicated with impressive ceremony. Mrs. Hoover and all the honorary president generals assisted. For several years the Congress has met in the Washington Auditorium but this year we will assemble in the new and complete Constitutional Hall. I hope that many Nebraska people will attend. You have contributed over $4,000. to its construction.
On Tuesday, each year, a recess is declared at noon and time given for state meetings. For several years Nebraska delegates have been invited to hold their state meeting at the home of Mrs. C. S. Lobinger and also to attend her annual afternoon tea. It is always a very lovely affair. Mrs. Lobinger is a former Nebraskan. On Tuesday evening is the reception given by the National Officers and state regents for all delegates and visitors. Preceeding the the (sic) reception a dinner was given in the Burlington Hotel for the Nebraska delegates. Many Nebraska people in Washington attend this dinner. This year Mrs. McMullen has planned to hold the Nebraska dinner in the Washington Hotel.
To get a real inspiration in the work of the Daughters of the American Revolution you must go to the Washington Congress. Many times we do not understand the influences at work in the larger cities but after a few trips to Contintental (sic) Congress we appreciate there are many things the organization needs to be on guard against.
The Nebraska delegation has no regular headquarters in Washington but all hotels are available. Make your reservations early. We are planning to leave Lincoln and Omaha on the 8th or 9th. This is necessary to arrive in time for the National Board meeting of which your state regent is a member.
When in Washington do not fail to see the cherry blooms. There are two sets of trees that bloom about ten days apart. If the weather is right delegates usually get to see both bloomings. I hope that you will all see Mr. Dalbey's picture tonight.
Mrs. B. J. Williams, Regent of St. Leger Cowly Chapter brought greetings to the Conference from her Chapter.
Lincoln,-"St. Leger Cowly"--Mrs. E. J. Williams, Regent.
Mrs. E. Proctor Smith gave a short talk on the Chinese situation.
Announcement was made that Forty-four histories had been sold. Miss DeBow reported the amount to be $220.00.
McCook,-"Thirty-seven Star"--Mrs. R. E. Buford, Regent.
Neligh,-"Sally Cobb"-Mrs. T. A. Davis, Regent.
Read by Agnes Thornton.
Norfolk,-"Nancy Gary"--Mrs. S. F. Erskine, Regent. Mrs. Gertrude Pangle read this report.
North Platte,-"Soiux (sic) Lookout"--Miss Florence Antonidies, Regent.
Read by Carol McCanless.
Minatare,-"Ebenezes Clark"--Mrs. S. S. Vidette, Regent.
Not present and no report
Omaha,-"Omaha"--Mrs. R. C. Hunter, Regent.
Nebraska City,-"Otoe"--Mrs. Martin Schmaus, Regent.The Chairman of the Resolutions Committee, Mrs. C. W. Hevner report the following resolutions:
1. Whereas;
There is a bill before Congress known as H, R, 3547--to modify our present Naturalization Law that one seeking to become a citizen of the U. S. need not take oath to defend this country in time of war. Therefore be it resolved that the 28th Nebraska State Conference of Daughters of the American Revolution wire the Congressman that we do not approve of H. R. 3547.Signed by Mrs. E. Rush Stanley
State Chair. Legislation in Congress.Comments by Mrs. J. B. Reynolds and Mrs. McKelvey.
Motion carried.
Recommend that this 28th State Conference wire one Congressman, Hon. C. Ellis Moore, House Office Washington D. C. at the suggestion of the Pres. Gen. Mrs. Hobart that Mr. Moore request the passage of H. R. 11, the bill covering the adoption of the flag code.
Signed Mrs. B. Rush Stanley,
State Chair. Legislation in Congress.Seconded by Mrs. McKelvey. Comments by Mrs. Golden.
Motion carried.
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