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"Immigrant Issue" of

Lincoln State Journal

Sunday 5 June 1887, page 8


This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.
Town on page 8:  Ainsworth

Towns on page 9:  Avoca - Beaver City - Benkleman - Blue Hill - Whitney


The County Seat of Brown County - On the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Railroad - Two Hundred and Seventy-four Miles from Lincoln - Population One Thousand.

   In a trip by the Elkhorn Valley line one of the most attractive and prosperous towns the traveller will find is Ainsworth, the county seat of Brown county, on the F., E. & M. V. railroad. This town has a population of 1,000 and is destined to always be one of the leading towns of northern Nebraska. The town is located in the heart of the celebrated Bone creek coutry, a fine body of agricultural land, unsurpassed for fertility.
   Native timber including many different varieties of hard and soft wood, abounds along the Niobrara river and its tributaries, in fact Brown county is probably the best timber county in the state. The purest of soft water is found everywhere in wells varying in depth from twenty to forty-five feet, and the whole country is well watered by numerous small, pebbled bottomed creeks fed by never failing springs. The surrounding country is specially adapted to the continued business of farming and stock raising. The soil is rich, dark loam and the land is gently rolling prairie. Corn, wheat, oats, rye and barley yield as well as in any other portion of the state, and for small grain this section of country will rival the famous Red river country. Sixty bushels of corn, thirty bushels of wheat and eighty bushels of oats to the acre, although above the average yield, are not unusual.
   The town is but four years old, and the country is new and just beginning to be developed, yet during the year ending April 1 there were shipped from here 140 carloads of grain, ninety-six carloads of live stock, and there were received during the same time eighty-three carloads of lumber, nineteen full carloads of freight were received and 350 carloads of farm implements. At least 800 full carloads of freight were received and 350 carloads shipped out during the year. During the same time our four general merchandise stores did a business aggregating $200,000. We have two banks, four general stores, two hardware stores, three drug stores, two hotels, two lumber yards, two coal dealers, one furniture store, three agricultural implement establishments and three weekly newspapers.
   The Methodist, Congregationalists, Baptist and Presbyterian chruches each have organizations here, the two former having already erected good church buildings. We have a large two story brick school house, erected at a cost of $7,000, and a commodious brick school house will be built this season and cost at least $11,000.
   This towns affords a splendid opening for a good roller grist mill. Indeed, it is doubtful if a more desirable field for such an enterprise can be found in the northwest. The man of means, enterprise and energy can make money here in any business.



"Immigrant Issue" of

Lincoln State Journal

Sunday 5 June 1887, page 9


This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.


Situated in Cass County on Missouri Pacific Railroad, Fifty-nine Miles From Lincoln - Population Two Hundred and Fifty

   Avoca, Cass county, Neb., is a town which sprang into existence when the Omaha and Atchison branch of the Missouri Pacific was built. While not as large as Lincoln, or some of the older towns of the state, it rejoices in believing that for the amount of capital employed, it does as large and renumerative a business as any. The population of Avoca is between two and three hundred. It is surrounded by a very rich and properous farming country, and is reached from all directions by roads of easy grade, consequently the dealings in stock, grain, etc. are large.
   The business of the town is distributed among two general merchandise, one hardware and furniture and two drug stores. Also one firm dealing in agricultural implements, one in pumps, gas pipe, etc. one lumber yard, one hotel and livery stable, one restaurant, two blacksmiths shops and one jeweller. The bank, which enjoys a constatnly increasing business, has, by its promptness, won the confidence of the whole community. Two well appointed elevators show a record of shipments for the last year amounting to 182,500 bushels.
   Avoca is proud of its excellent graded school and its reputation is drawing residents to the town that they may enjoy its advantages. There are two religious organizations, the Methodist and Congregationalist. The latter have a commodious church built which is being used by both denominations at the present. The Methodists have not yet built. The corporation will assist any legitimate manufacturing enterprise that would locate in its midst. It is expecting the new Omaha and Sourthwestern railrroad to be built through the town this summer to help it forward in the career of prosperity.




County Seat of Furnas County - On Pueblo Branch of Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Two Hundred Milles from Lincoln - Population One Thousand

   Beaver City, the county seat and metropolis of Furnas county, is situated upon the north side of Beaver creek, from which stream it derives its name. The town site proper occupies the gently sloping second bottom land, which raises gradually and almost imperceptibly for six miles to the north. The original site occupies one quarter section of land, but additions swell it to one full section. The population is over one thousand and represents a valuation of at least $300,000 (?) in personal property. The B. & M. railroad line to Pueblo will soon run through trains daily and the O. & K. C. railroad expect to build in the coming year.
   Two commodious hotels care for the weary travellers, while three well arranged restaurants aid in feeding the hungry throng, and four well stocked livery stables furnish conveyance for those who come to select a home in the fertile Beaver valley. Three banks, all doing a big business attest the volume of the financial transactions of the place. Four drug stores, six general stores, one clothing store, three grocery stores, two furniture stores, four hardware stores, one agricultural implement house, two wagon and carriage shops, two blacksmith shops, one plow facotry, one broom factory, two harness shops, two butcher shops, two billiard halls, one saloon, two lumber yards, two book stores, two newspaper and job printing offices, three millimery stores, one photographer, two dentists, three doctors, one veterinary surgeon, nine lawyers, eight firms making real estate loans, ten real estate offices, one pump and windmill house, four carpenter shops and five contracting firms, two flouring mills, one dairy farm, three nurseries and one brick yard, contbutes to give the town a trade that will exceed $600.000 this year.
   The fine high school building, two beautiful churches and the new academy speak well of the interest taken in moral and educational advantages. New buildings are going up on every hand, and mechanics have all the work they can do. Everything is bustle and activity, and, in general, points to an increase in population of more than 100 per cent within the next twelve months. The country surrounding the town present one of the most beautiful pastoral landscapes upon which the eye could dwell. The farm houses, farm buildings, pastures filled with stock, the great green fields of growing grain, give a picture of the western home, which to see is to covet.
   There is practically no bonded debt on the county, therefore this vicinity holds out inducements to the wary investor that has brought many thousands of dollars to it. The substantial improvements that are being made by foreign capitalists helps to develope the natural resources and insures a vigorous and permanent growth. Town lots and farms are sold on such terms that an investor may double his money in a short time. Good store rooms and cottages are in great demand, and can be contracted for rent at enormous rates before ground is broken for them. Special inducements are held out for men of capital and for those who will put up brick blocks. The town demands more than she can supply. A grain elevator is needed badly, while mills woolen and flouring will meet with hearty support. Good opening are here for stock men and in fact for almost any kind of trade. New lumber yards, furniture store, wood and feed yard, boot and shoe store, are needed and will all be liberally patronized. THE JOURNAL representative predicts a bright future for bright, generous Beaver City.



Wm. Howard Phelps



Lincoln Land Co. town lots for sale.

General banking and exchange business transacted.

Collections and farm loans specialties.

Interest allowed on time deposits.

The only vault and burglar proof safe in town.




County Seat of Dundy County, on Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Two Hundred and Eighty Miles from Lincoln - Population Five Hundred

   This sprightly little burg, although only two years old, has grown to be one of the liveliest towns along the line of the Burlington & Missouri railroad in the Republican valley. It is situated at the confluence of the north and sourth forks of the Republican river and is surrounded by a very rich farm country, which is especially adapted to the raising of corn and other cereals.
   The population of Benkleman is estimate (sic) to be not less than 500, all intelligent and enterprising, who have settled here to stay.
   Business of all kinds is pretty well represented, although there is still room for more. There are four general merchantdise stores; four hardware and ? implement stores; three good newspapers; three hotels; ? drug stores, one exclusive clothing store and of dealers in harness, millinery and furniture, one firm each; also a brick yard and tailor shop; two solid banks; two large lumber yards, three blacksmiths shops and five livery stables. There are in all, about 100 houses in Benkleman, among which is the Methodist Episcopal church and school house, in process of construction. There is already a bridge across the river here and work has been commenced on two more.
   The shipment of lumber and merchandise to this station has been the largest of any ? between Denver and McCook, if not ? than McCook. Four men are employed by the company to take care of freight business. The shipment of live stock from this place last year averaged ? two hundred cars of beef cattle, the shipment of grain was light, the farmers ? ready buyers among their neighbors. The prospects for the future growth and prosperity of Benkleman are very encouraging. It is the county seat of one of the ? counties in Nebraska, and a railroad ? the south fork of the Republican river ? assured thing, while the $5,000 school ? and two churches costing $3,000 each indicates the enterprise of the inhabitants. A better class of peple to live among, or do business with, could not be asked for.

* Portions of the left margin of this article are missing and it has been reproduced as "best guess" until a full copy can be secured.


West & Neighbor,

Law, Real Estate and Loans.

   If you want farms as good as the sun has shone upon come to Dundy Co., Neb., where the climate is not too warm and not too cold. We can furnish you farms from

$50 to $1,000

That will in two or three years be worth from $1,000 to $5,000. Why stay in the east where your land and property in general is becoming less valuable every year, when with the same capital in the west you might

Double It Every 3 Years.



Situated in Webster County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - One Hundred and Fourteen Miles from Lincoln - Population One thousand

   Blue Hill is one of the prosperous and enterprising towns of Webster county and has a population of over 1,000. It is located at the intersection of the Republican Valley and a branch of the Burlington & Missouri railroads. It is in the centre of one of the finest agricultural districts in the state. The farming land in the immediate vicinity of the city is worth from $10 to $25 per acre according to the location and improvements.
   The town enjoys a good trade which is drawn from the country from several miles upon either side of it. The bussiness of the place is at present represented in three hotels, three banks, three livery stables, three lumber yards, three millinery stores, three coal yards, three doctors, three lawyers, three grain dealers, two steam elevators, one steam grist mill, six general merchandise stores, four clothing stores, one boot and shoe store, two restaurants, one loan company, three blacksmiths, four churches, viz: Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterians and Methodist Episcopal; one fine brick school house which cost $8,000, two railroads and a good prospect for two more, three implement dealers, two harness shops, one newspaper, three saloons, three hardware stores, one laundry, two barber shops, two butcher shops, one tailor shop, one furniture store, one bakery, two drugstores, one live stock dealer, two flour and feed stores, one photogrpher, one opera house, one jeweller, three contractors and builders, one dairy. There is a board of trade or business men's association here which will welcome and offer inducements to one brick maker, a packing house, a broom factory, a nursery, a creamery, a cheese factory, a cigar manufactory, a wholesale dealer in horses and mules. The officers of the boards are President A. M. Walters, Sec. J. S. Frances. There is room for twenty good brick business blocks. Capitalists with $5,000 would find this a fine location for profitable investment. One or more breeders of fine houses, cattle, hogs and poultry would do well here.
   There is an excellent school here, which is under the management of one principal and three able assistants. The enrollment of children of school at the April census was 203. Average daily attendance 163.
   There is a vast body of rich but uncultivated land lying within easy distance of the city which awaits purchase by eastern men. As good selections can be made here and at as reasonable rates as in any other portion of the state.
   An idea of the amount of business done here may be gathered from the following railroad shipments and receipts. The business done at the railroad offices averages about $1,000 per day. The local ticket sale does not fall short of $1,000 per month.
   During the year of 1886 there was received at this station frieght as follows:

Lumber ........................ 155 Cars
Coal ............................ 138 Cars
Salt ................................ 8 Cars
Merchandise ................... 218 Cars
Total ...................... 419

Shipped out

Grain ........................... 867 Cars
Hogs ........................... 106 Cars
Cattle ............................ 22 Cars
Merchandise .................. 127 Cars
Total ................... 1,122

   The above figures do not include way freight or partial car shipments in or out.
   Five thousand good farmers would find chances for investment in that number of farms lying within easy distance of the town and a hearty welcome among the other farmers and business men. There is no apparent reason why Blue Hill should not soon become one of the important towns of Nebraska.





First mortgage loans on improved farms in southern Nebraska and northern Kansas

Principal and Interest Guaranteed.

F. A. SWEEZY, President. P. A. WELLS, Secretary.
I. O. MARTIN, Treasurer.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS - R. A. Simpson, F. A. Sweenzy, J. R. Willcox, P. A. Wells, A. C. Hosmer.

Iowa Farm for Sale.

560 Acre good well improved land situated four miles from Peterson, IA., an important station upon the C. & N. W. R. R.  Will be sold at reasonable price and upon easy terms. Address




Located in Dawes County - on Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad - Four Hundred and Sixty-five Miles from Lincoln

   Whitney is situated in the center of the White river valley, and near the center of Dawes county. This valley has become famous for the fertility of its soil, mildness of its climate, and plentiful timeber and water supply, a combination of advantages enjoyed by very few localities. The soil is a black loam, free from sand. There are numerous small streams, and wells from twenty to forty feet in depth furnish pure water. The rainfall here is governed by local causes and has been found ample since settlement began. The Pine ridge which borders the valley on the south will furnish timber for fuel and building purposes for years.
   Three years ago a few settlers started out far in advance of the railroads and made this valley their home. Others followed, but immigration made its first great movement into the valley after the railroad, the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley, arrived less than a year ago. Now substantial frame houses and stables ornament nearly every claim within sight of the town, and settlers are pushing further back from the road to take advantage of the remaining free lands. It has been demonstrated by actual trial, that this valley has no superior in the state for growing corn, oats, wheat, vegetables of all kinds, small fruits and fruit trees, and the various grasses.
   The town is situated on the north bank of White river, giving it a valuable water power that will be a mine of wealth in the near future. It was platted last summer; building began as soon as lots could be obtrained, but the boom didn't strike it until this spring. It now has three general, one grocery, one hardware, one flour and feed and one drug store; two banks, two hotels, two blacksmith shops, one saloon, one lumber yard, one livery stable, a harness shop, a newspaper, a lawyer and three land offices. All are doing a good business, but there is room for more. There is a vast country around here thickly settled and still more to settle. The town needs a barber, a doctor, a meat market, a furniture store, and a shoemaker.
   A flouring mill with patent roller process of sixty barrel capacity is being erected. The surrounding country would furnish vegetables and the market east, north and west is almost at our doors. We have a good school and a Methodist church is now being built. We have good society, intelligent, educated, well-to-do people, and free from frontier roughness. There is less pauperism and crime than in any new community in the west.
   Guarded as this valley is by the Black Hills on the north and a spur from them on the west and south; it possesses the mildest and most equitable climate in the northwest. Fruit growers are turning their attention this way and all small fruits, plums, the tender varieties of apple, pear, and peach trees are being planted. Some enterprising man should start a nursery to supply the large and growing demand.




The White River Valley



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