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"Immigrant Issue" of
Lincoln State Journal
Sunday 5 June 1887, page 14
This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.
Towns on page 14: Bertrand - Cherry County (Valentine) - Hartington - Juniata - Mead - Norfolk - Pawnee City - Raymond - Unadilla
Located in Phelps County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - One Hundred and Sixty-six Miles From Lincoln - Population Five HundredBertrand is situated in the extreme western part of Phelps county, fifteen miles from Holdrege, on the Curtis branch of the Burlington & Missouri railroad. The town was laid out July 1885 by the Lincoln Land company and is surrounded by a smooth, fertile country. It is a town of about five hundred inhabitants and possesses all the elements of steady, vigorous growth. Its school facilities are good and the moral welfare of the community is looked after by several well organized church associations, including the congregationalist, Methodist Episcopal and Swedish Lutheran. Among the enterprises which the immediate future will see under operation is a one hundred barrel steel roller mill now under contract. The business of the place is represented as follows: Two banks, two elevators, three lumber yards, two hardware stores, two hotels, two restaurants, two billiard halls, two livery stables, two drug stores, one exclusive dry goods store, one exclusive grocery, one harness shop, one furniture store, one shoemaker, one newspaper, the Journal, one barber, two attorneys, two physicians, three windmill agents, one windmill factory, one smutter factory, four general merchandise stores, two jeweler and three carpenters.
----------------Its Resources Awaiting Development - Valentine, the County Seat - On the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad - Three Hundred and Twenty-One Miles from Lincoln - Population Six Hundred
It requires complete conception and more space than allotted here to fitly write up Cherry county, with its area of sixty-four by ninety-six miles of territory, covering vast tracts of farm land of superior fertility, extensive valleys that slope away with broad, sweeping undulations, numerous hills of valuable grazing lands, which girth as with a belt beautiful inland lakes and innumerable crystal springs of pure, wholesome water from which courses the streams rendered rapid by their descent and named with Indian significancy, Niobrara, Minnecaduza, Schleigel, Snake, Gordon, and Seven creeks.
In our limited space we will briefly set forth the advantages as presented and appreciated by those who come with the tide of immigration and have for the last four years made it their homes. To the would-be settler many desirable tracts remain untouched by the implements of culture, and it is here where there is every advantage of soil and climate, that the surplus of the overcrowded cities should take advantage of the munificence of a free home offered by our government.
The land is divided into three kinds - first, gently rolling table or prairie land, susceptible of a high state of cultivation, and especially adapted to corn and small grain.
Second, valleys from which can be cut from two to three tons of hay to the acre.
Third, hills and rough land, which afford excellent grazing in summer and shelter from winters, storms. The two latter classes of land offer most favorable inducements to the stock grower.
Two much cannot be said of the water power. Nature has so abundantly furnished, with volume and power sufficient to meet the requirements of all kinds of manufactories, and item of no small consequence when cheap and lasting power is required. Along the hills that direct the course of the streams can be found in large quantities and many varieties timber, which is daily taking its part in meeting the necessities which settlement, cultivation and development of a new country requires.
The principal towns are Valentine, Cordy (sic), Wood Lake, Crookstown and Merriman.VALENTINE the county seat, has numerous evidences of prosperity and growth. Business of all kinds is good; there is an air of enterrrise (sic), activity and advancement pervading the town which must impress the most indifferent observer. The United States land office for northwester Nebraska is located there, and in addition to the large territory of farm and ranch which it supplies, Valentine is but four miles from Fort Niobrara, and thirty miles from Rosebud agency, and being the base of supplies from which both places freight their immense stores, it derives a lucrative cash trade with both.
FORT NIOBRARA alone receives from that station four million pounds of supplies and being so near, the officers and men (about eight hundred in number) do their marketing in Valentine. The disbursements annually will aggregate about $250,000 which brings a steady flow of currency into the country.
ROSEBUD AGENCY is the headquarters of eight thousand Sioux who do their own freighting and receive from the government fifty cents per hundred freight from Valentine; this freight amounts to five million pounds annually and that with the proceeds of the sale of the hides which they take from the eight thousand beeves issued them annually, which hides bring them about four dollars each, give the Indians a nice little revenue, most of which finds its way into the coffers of our merchants. The Indian department has a large warehouse at Valentine wherein many cars of goods are often stored, waiting for the teamsters. The management of this business is under the supervision of Mr. George Lang, United States forwarding agent.
THE U. S. DISTRICT LAND OFFICE brings people there from throughout all parts of the land district, and keeps up a transient business for the hotels which is lucrative to say the least. As the morning hour approaches for opening the office, crowds of anxious land seekers, contestants and candidates for final proof can be seen gathering around the office doors, which, when opened begins the daily rush. From that time until closing hours the office is usually crowded, and business invariably at high tide. We give herewith the business of the office for 1886, which we are enabled to do through the courtesy of Messrs. Burtch and Glover, register and receiver respectively and their corps of efficient clerks.
Sales of land, 239,915 acres .............................................. $299,895.35
Fees received on 21,031 pre-emption declaratories, 488,000 acres ...... 6,102.00
Fees received on 2,059 declaratories, 329,440 acres ..................... 29,006.80
Commissions on 122 final homesteads, 19, 230 acres ....................... 585.00
Fees received on 1,470 timber culture entries, 233,200 acres .......... 20,500.00
Comment on these figures unnecessary, but they are given to prove to the reader that arable land is found in abundance and that many people are availing themselves of free homes at the hands of a munificent government.
The population of Valentine is six hundred and its business is divided up about as follows: Five general stores, the aggregate sales of which will foot up about $250,000 per annum; two drug stores; two hardwares, two lumber yards, two hotels and six boarding houses, two banks, four saloons, two barber shops, two blacksmith shops, three livery stables, four lawyers, two doctors and one market.
Valentine, on account of the freight receipts, is one of the most important stations on the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad, and from the diversity of the trade its merchants are forced to carry very heavy stocks and do a large cash business.
It needs a good mill to grind the 800,000 pounds of flour that goes to Rosebud, the 300,000 pounds that goes to Fort Niobrara and as much more for settlers. It has the natural water advantages, the market for its grists, and lands surrounding on which to raise its wheat. What better inducement could a wheelwright ask? In addition large quantities of meal and feed stuffs would find ready market there.
To people looking for a home near a good prosperous town, go to Cherry county. To those looking up business location, will say that no business there is overdone; the town shows every evidence of prosperity, and a good business could soon be established in any line. A detailed statement of the amount of wood, hay, charcoal, game, beef and provisions contracted for by Fort Niobrara; the flour, beef, meal grain, hay, etc., contracted for by Rosebud agency, running the cash disbursements into the hundreds of thousands, would be of interest, but space forbids in this issue.
Wood Lake, Crookston, Merriman and Cody are all new towns, but the tide of immigration which is so rapidly settling the county bids fair to make them all desirable business locations.
C. H. Correll,
Real Estate
Has town lots and acre property in corporate limits
of Valentine for sale at reasonable prices and
favorable terms.
Good Farms
Near Valentine and Fort Niobrara for sale. ----------------
---------------The County Seat of Cedar County - On the Chicago, St. Paul & Minneapolis Railroad - One Hundred and Forty-five Miles from Lincoln - Population Seven Hundred
Hartington, Neb., situated in the geographical center of Cedar county, has a population of 700 people. The ground was broke for the first building on the 18th day of September, 1883. First train arrived on the first day of December, 1883. April 1, 1885, it became the county seat. Hartington is located twenty-one miles directly south of Yankton, Dak., and sixty-five miles northwest from Sioux City, Ia., at the terminus of the Wakefield branch of the Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis railroad. The distance from competing points is, Yankton north twenty-one miles, Ponca east forty-two miles, Coleridge south ten miles, Creighton west forty-five miles, surrounded by splendid farming country, watered by the Bow creek and branches in the northern part and the celebrated Logan creek in the central and southern part. Stock raising and agriculture are the principal industries. Wheat, barley, oats, corn and flax are grown with good success. Apples, plums, grapes and small fruits are cultivated with good results. The county has a population of 4,500 people who are thrifty and prosperous.
Hartington has two banks, the Cedar county bank with a capital of $50,000 - the Hartington state bak capital $25,000; three weekly newspapers, one republican, one democrat, and one independent; two drug stores, five general stores, two hotels, three agricultural implement dealers, one creamery and one flour mill. During the year ending May 1, 1887, there was shipped from this station 243 cars live stock, fifty-seven cars grain, with about fifty cars corn in crib, awaiting shipment. There have been received 137 cars of lumber and forty-three cars coal. A general merchandise business was done during the year of about $250,000. With a large country tributary, favorable locations and fertile soil, Hartington is sure in the near future to have a population of 5,000 to 10,000 contented, happy and prosperous people.-----------
Situated in Adams County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - One Hundred and Two Miles From Lincoln - Population One ThousandJuniata is located in one of the fairest, richest and most productive positions of the famous South Platte country, and in size business transacted and general commercial importance is the second town in Adams county. One of its superior advantages as a trade center is to be found in the fact that the farmers about the place are all well-to-do, enterprising and intelligent, living in comfortable homes, tilling the mellow soil with large profits, and take pride in supporting by their patronage, the business men of the town. The farmers are also largely interested in raising fine stock, cattle, horses, hogs, etc. The county has a population of nearly, if not quite, 30,000 people, and inside of two years will undoubtedly have 50,000. Juniatas business men will share the trade of these prosperous farmers. There is not a town, large or small, in the state where the business men are more successful or doing a better business. As a grain center Juniata outranks many towns of much greater pretentions (sic). During the year between April 1, 1886, and April 1, 1887, 1,440 car loads of grain and farm products were shipped east out of Juniata. The money received for this grain is largely expended with local merchants which accounts for the excellent trade done here. The local trade of the town for the past year was over half a million dollars. There has never been a business failure since the town was first planted - something unheard of elsewhere in the west.
The town has enjoyed exceptional railway advantages heretofore, and the prospects are flattering for still greater. They have the Burlington & Missouri, and the Missouri Pacific will be built here during the summer. The last named road forms a junction with the former at Juniata and diverges to the northwest. It is an open secret that the Northwestern railroad is destined to touch at Juniata. The asylum for the incurable insane has been located within three miles of the village limits. It is possible and probable that within two years street cars will be run from Juniata to Hastings.
There is no town or city in the state where there are better opportunities for canning factories, creameries, etc., etc. The town has a first class roller process flouring mill - the only one within a radius of forty miles - with a capacity of sixty barrels per day. There are two large grain elevators - perhaps among the largest in southern Nebraska. Two commodious school houses, well arranged and the school advantages are equal to those of any town east or west. The schools are graded and students graduating therefrom are qualified to enter the State university or the college proper. There are several church organizations in the town and the Methodist and Baptist have fine houses of worship. The Mason, Odd Fellows, Grand army and other secret orders have flourishing societies. The town is admirably located, being on a plateau, is well drained, with slight elevations for beautiful suburban residences. The place is sure to grow rapidly. The present population of 1,000 will increase the next year to not less than 2,000. The price of real estate, though being taken up rapidly, has not been put up to fabulous prices. Parties seeking a business location or pleasant homes in a prosperous city and a highly cultivated community are invited to give Junaiata a call. Money invested here now will be wisely and well invested and return a handsome dividend.
A Business Men's association has been formed and any and all inquiries about this young and growing city will be promptly and cheerfully answered if directed to said Business Men's association, Juniata, Neb.----------------------
-------Situated in Saunders County - On the Omaha & Republican Valley Railroad - Forty-five Miles From Lincoln - Population Four Hundred and Fifty.
Mead is a village of about 450 inhabitants, located on the Omaha & Republican Valley, about seven miles west of the eastern boundary of Sanders county, which is the Platte river, fifteen miles south of Fremont, forty-six miles from Omaha and about the same distance from Lincoln. Mead is located in the midst of a s fine agricultural county as can be found anywhere in the state, and does an exceedingly large amount of business for a town of its size. Until two years ago this spring Mead was but a very small place, and since then about $125,000 worth of improvements in all have been made, both in building and starting new branches of business. The following lines of business are at present represented with prospects of more opening up in the near future: Four general merchandise stores, two hardware stores, two drug stores, three large grain elevators (with a capacity of about sixty car loads each), one weekly newspaper, the Mead Advocate (considered the best local paper in the county), one large millinery store, two harness shops, two hotels, two livery stable, two lumber yards, one bank (the most solid institution in the county), one large furniture store, one meat market, two dealers in agricultural implements, two live stock firms, one coal dealer, two or three carpenter shops, three blacksmith shops, two shoe shops, two practicing physicians, one barber shop, one billiard hall, one saloon, two or three real estate, loan and insurance agents., etc. As an evidence of the fine agricultural land surrounding this place and the amount of grain marketed, it is found that between 1,300 and 1,400 car loads of grain, principally corn, were shipped to the eastern markets from this place during the past year. Following are the amounts in goods, etc., sold by the different firms in Mead, as near as could be ascertained, during the past year. The three general stores, $55,000; two hardware stores, $20,000; two drug stores, $15,000; two implement firms, $16,000; two ??? firms, $45,000; two live stock dealers shipped over 200 cars of cattle and hogs, besides more than double that amount was shipped by other parties living near town, who are engaged in the stock raising business.
The town of Mead is growing right along and its general business is constantly increasing. There ware yet several good opening for business enterprises. A lawyer would do well, also a brick yard, a creamery, a grist mill, etc. ??? ???? ?? ? well to do and reliable men of means who are engaged in business which fact constitutes a big reason why the town is prospering so well. The town was incorporated a year ago last January. Several substantial improvement in the way of grading streets and putting in new sidewalks and crossings have been made since the town was incorporated.
--------------Located in Madison County - On the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad - One Hundred and Thirty-Two Miles From Lincoln - Population Two Thousand Five Hundred
Norfolk is situated in Madison county in the Elkhorn valley, near the confluence of the Elkhorn river and its tributary, the North Fork, and is almost in the center of the fertile agricultural region of northeastern Nebraska. It is a railroad center, with lines radiating in five different directions. A branch of the Union Pacific terminates here, as also does a branch of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha. The main line of the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad affords east and west outlets, and a branch of this line runs northward to Creighton. Thus it will be seen that its railroads make it an important commercial point. Its rail facilities will soon be enhanced and increased by the building of two additional lines. One of these is the Burlington & Missouri extension to the northwest, Norfolk being named in its articles of incorporation as a point on the line.
Norfolk is the most populous town in northern Nebraska, and is destined to be the commercial metropolis of this section of the state. Its population by the state census of 1885 was 1,989; by the school census just taken 2,437. It has never been favored with a boom, but has had a steady and gratifying growth for past four years. The present spring opens with more promise than any previous year. Already building improvements to the amount of $300,000 are in sight. Newcomers are arriving every day, and vacant houses are in great demand. Among the projected improvements is a $30,000 hotel, on which work is in active progress. Numerous other blocks and residences are also well under way. There is considerable activity in city real estate, and many transfers are being recorded. Residence lots can be secured at prices ranging from $150 to $300, and business lots at from $400 to $1,500.
Among the public improvements already arranged for is a street railway line, one and a half miles of which the Norfolk Street Railway company is pledged to build this year. Also an electric light, a company having been formed to put in a plant; An estimate has also been secured for a system of water supply, and works will probably be constructed in the near future.
Nearly all lines of mercantile business are quite fully represented, and some of the leading firms, in addition to their retail trade, are building up a jobbing trade. The lines represented are: Grocery stocks, eleven; dry good and clothing, six; boots and shoes, five; drugs, four; stationery, two; millinery, three; butcher shops, two; restaurants, three; barber shops, three; furniture, three; flour and feed, one; shoe shops, two; confectionery, three; bakers, four; cigar shops, three; banks, three, agricultural implements, four; blacksmith shops, three; undertaker, one; livery, three; wall paper, two; harness, two; hardware, three; laundries; three; photographer, one; lumber dealers, three; musical merchandise, one; sewing machines; three; butter and egg packers, one; poultry, and pet stock, one; grain dealers, two; wholesale liquors, one; retail liquors, ten.
The manufacturing and industrial interests are: flouring mill, operated by water power, one; planing mill, one; foundry and machine shops, two; mineral water makers, two; cigar makers, two; taxidermist, one; creamery, one; brickyard, operated by steam, one; packing house, one; small, fruit and vegetable growers, three; nurserymen, two; marble cutter, one. There are also twelve attorneys, six doctors, and two dentists. The hotel accommodations are excellent and will soon be better, The number of houses is seven and another is under way.
Norfolk's municipal government is that of a city of the second class. A mayor and six aldermen preside over its affairs. The finances of the city have been well managed and no heavy debts rest over the corporation.
School facilities are ample and attractive. Two large brick structures were erected in 1883 and 1885 at a cost of $25,000 and in addition there is a wooden building. A superintendent and eight teachers are engaged in the work of bringing the schools up to the highest standard of excellence. The religious societies represented are the Congregational, Methodist, Episcopal, Baptist, two Lutheran and Catholic. The Congregationalists have the finest church edifice in this section of the state; it was erected in 1886 at a cost of about $8,000. All the societies mentioned have houses of worship except the Baptist.
The newspaper field is well occupied by the Journal, News and Ansieger. The Journal is the oldest weekly paper of continuous publication in the county, and for nearly four years has been under the management of its present editor and publishes, M. Waterman. It is a seven-column quarto. The Elkhorn Valley News is a paper of the same size, and independent in politics. It was founded and is published by Messrs. Norten, Sprecher & Bell. It has only recently started a daily edition to succeed the daily Gazette, an unfortunate venture in journalism by two young men who attempted without capital to establish a daily. The Ansieger is a German weekly published by Herman Brummond and only recently established.
There is quite a cattle interest here, and many stock men of this and adjacent stakes come here to buy feeders from the dealers and stock raisers of this city and locality. Many fat cattle and hogs are also shipped from this point to Chicago, Omaha, and western markets. The extension of the Elkhorn line into Wyoming and prospectively thence to the Pacific coast has made a market in that new country for the surplus of this section, while in a short time its coal fields will supply the people here with cheaper and better fuel.
The north Nebraska state insane asylum is located at Norfolk. A large and handsome building was erected last year at a cost of $75,000, and the legislature of last winter made an additional appropriation of $94,000 for the purpose of enlarging and completing the structure. When completed, as it will be this season, it will have a capacity for 350 patients.
Those who are looking around for a live young city in which to locate would do well to investigate the advantages of Norfolk while property is low. It is destined to be a leading city of the state in the years to come. Its citizens have organized a board of trade to advance its interests. Any one desiring fuller information in regard to its advantages is requested to write to Wm. Gerecke, secretary of the board of trade.
Among the incorporated companies is that of the Durland Trust company of Norfolk. Its object exclusively is to negotiate city and country real estate loans. The excellent standing of the gentlemen at the head of the company is a guarantee of its reliability. Mr. A. J. Durland, the president, served this district with ability in the state senate two years ago, and with an experience of six years in the city as a practicing attorney, spending some time in looking after loans for friends in the east, he has necessarily obtained a very good knowledge or real estate loans, both in making them and in the values of the securities. During the past two years he has given a large part of his time to it, until the business became such that he thought best to organize a loan company. Mr. C. B. Barrows, the treasurer is president of the Norfolk State bank and a large property owner. Among the directory is the Hon. H. H. Shedd, the present lieutenant governor of the state, now serving his second term. D. W. Durland, an experienced business man, is the secretary. The other members are reliable citizens. The advantage that comes from having all the stockholders on the ground and having the personal attention of men of experience in business to attend to it, and also of having them financially interested in its success, is a special feature of the company that commends it.
Norfolk, Neb.
I have for sale within a few miles of Norfolk
amount of wild and improved lands that are just as
cheap as lands
father west and will consider it a fa-
vor to show you what I have for sale without ex-
pense. It is to your advantage to examine the lands
near the future great city of northern Nebraska,
Norfolk city property for sale.
The County Seat of Pawnee County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Seventy Miles from Lincoln - Population Two Thousand
Pawnee county is as situated in the
southeastern part of the state, forty miles from the Missouri
river and borders on the Kansas line. The soil is rich and
fertile, the principal staples being corn, wheat, oats, rye and
millet. The county is specially adapted to stock raising. Native
timber abounds along the streams of which there are upwards of
thirty in the county, besides numerous springs of "never failing
water." A quarter section of land that has not living water is a
rare exception. Fruit of all kinds grows in abundance. Every
specie of the fruit kind does well, with the possible exception of
the pear. The home-seeker, who is looking for a home where land is
cheap, with the very best educational advantages, is invited to
first visit Pawnee county before deciding on a permanent location.
During the past year about 1,500 tons of coal have been mined in
the county, and from the best obtainable evidence a rich vein has
been struck in the southeastern part of the county which will
revolutionize the coal trade of Nebraska and Kansas. There are
inexhaustible quarries of the finest kind of building stone which
have stood the test for twenty years. In short, Pawnee county
mines her own fuel, makes her own brick, manufactures her own
flour, feeds her own people, educates her children in the best
schools and offers a welcome to every new comer from every part of
the compass.
Pawnee City, the county seat of the county, is
one of the most picturesque and beautiful towns in the state. At
this season of the year she is embowered in groves of maple,
cottonwood and elm, and commands the admiration of every stranger.
Her population of 2,000 bids fair to be soon increased. The city
is situated nearly in the geographical center of the county, and
contains the court house, a fine three story building built of
stone, a splendid brick opera house, a three story brick school
building, two brick and three wooden church buildings, an academy,
a two story frame school building and many fine brick business
The city is noted almost the wide world over as
never having had a licensed saloon within her borders. Her
churches and schools, the morals of the people and the air of
comfort that surrounds every home should be an incentive to draw
the very best class of citizens to this eden (sic) of southern
The business of Pawnee City is carried on by
eight general merchandise stores, four groceries, four drug
stores, two cigar factories, two meat markets, two barber shops,
one book and music store, three hardware stores, two furniture
stores, five restaurants and confectioneries, two bakeries, three
livery stables, three weekly newspapers, three lumber yards, one
news store, three carriage and wagon manufactories, four
blacksmith shops, one foundry and machine shop, three jewelry
stores, four millinery stores, two hotels, three banks, six
carpenter shops, one steam flouring mill, one steam feed mill, one
clothing store, two photographers, two harnessmakers, one tailor,
three shoemakers, one marble shop, two music stores, half a dozen
or so dressmakers, one fruit farm, three elevators, and a $6,000
creamery. The health of the community is preserved by seven
physicians and an infirmary hospital, and eight attorneys find but
little litigation. The list is concluded with four real estate and
insurance agents who are never so happy as they are when showing
strangers choice tracts of land or building sites.
During 1886 there was but one railroad, the
Republican Valley, but it received and forwarded 872 cars of
freight. Its receipts were: Lumber, 249 cars; coal, 108 cars;
flour 31 cars; salt, 9 cars; miscellaneous, 98 cars. Shipments:
Corn, 30 cars; cattle 87 cars; hogs, 142 cars; millet seed, 1 car;
wheat 3 cars. This should be increased by about 150,000 bushels of
corn in the crib which has been held over and will probably go
into the shipments of 1887.
The Pawnee City creamery will be built and in
running order before the 15th of June., The stock holders are
among the most enterprising business men, and the success of the
new enterprise is an assured fact.
This being one of the finest fruit countries in
the world, a canning factory is an indispensable adjunct to our
present and future pleasure and satisfaction. Some expert men in
the business would get a good life in this direction. In fact,
Pawnee county has a splendid outlet to the best markets of the
world. It has the only paying coal mines in the state. It has an
abundance of building stone of the best quality. It has plenty of
timber, an abundance of water, and a soil second only to that
along the River Nile.
The Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska railroad has
just been completed through this county from the southeast to the
northwest - thirty tree miles - this city being midway between St.
Joseph, Mo., and Hebron, Neb. The Republican Valley road runs
through the county from east to west, thus giving this city a
splendid (sic) outlet for her commerce though these two great
arteries of trade. With the Atchison and Nebraska running through
the northern part of the county gives the whole county splendid
railroad facilities. The people of Pawnee City and county are
sober, industrious and progressive, and will give a hearty welcome
to each and every one who is seeking a home in the free and
boundless west.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E. F. HEMPSTEAD, S. EDW. SMITH,
President Cashier.Nebraska State Bank.
Capital $50,000
Do a general banking business. Loaning money on
the personal and farm security, selling and buying do-
mestic and foreign exchange, collecting and all other
business done with neatness and dispatch.
Capital Stock, $50,000
Receives deposits and issues certificates therefor,
payable on demand or subject to sight draft as the
depositor may prefer, Buys and sells exchange in the
principal cities, discounts notes and transacts aGeneral Banking Business.
Real Estate,
J. R. Pool,Land & Loan Agent,
Pawnee City, Neb.
No. 12 - 80 acres handy to town, well improved, close to school, an
elegant farm, good terms, Write for particulars.
16 - 160 acres highly cultivated at a bargain, terms easy.
18 - 160 extra fine tract cheap if sold soon; write about it.
19 - 160 acres, one of the very best improved farms to be found in
the west at a bargain; terms easy.
23 - 80 acres; joins town; everything handy, timber, etc.
24 - 320 finest stock farm anywhere, close to Pawnee City; big
bargain; write for particulars.
29 - 450 acres, splendid location, plenty timber, water, etc. This is
dirt cheap if sold soon.
30 - 160 acres timber, water, tame grass, pasture, good buildings, etc. cheap. Write for terms, etc.
31 - 54 acres close to town; highly improved, fruits, etc.
32 - 50 acres joins city, good buildings, good land, etc. very cheap
33 - 160 acres improved 4 miles from Pawnee City. Cheap.
34 - 160 acres, raw land, 5 miles from Pawnee City. Fine one.
35 - 120 acres splendid farm; everything first class.
38 - 50 acres 5 miles out; house, barn; everything first class.
39 - 319 acres best improved half section in southeastern Nebraska at
a bargain. Write soon or it will be gone. Plenty of timber,
water, etc.
40 - 320 acres; fine farm; living water; 1 mile from railroad market; elegant place, fine land.
41 - 320 acres, near school; blue grass pasture; this is all fenced
and very cheap at the price.
42 - 160 acres, 110 acres under cultivation; near two railroad markets; living water; good house, very cheap.
42 1/2 - 80 acres under cultivation; house, fine water, very low.
43 - 120 acres; pasture, good house, springs, etc.; near town; close to school.
44 - 240 acres fine improved farm; pasture; living water; bearing
orchard; close to school and town.
Besides the above I have several thousand acres of raw land in this and adjoining counties, close to market, well watered, which is for sale cheap. In writing about any of the above lands please refer to numbers. All letters answered promptly and accurately. Correspondence solicited.J. R. POOL.
Located in Lancaster County - On the Union Pacific Railroad - Eleven Miles from Lincoln - Population Two Hundred and FiftyRaymond, Neb., is the first station northwest of Lincoln on the Union Pacific railroad. The town site was platted about 1880 by Hon. T.P. Kennard. It is situated in the beautiful valley of Oak creek in one of the best agricultural districts in the state. It has a population of 250. There is no better trading point in the state. It contains two general stores, one drug store, one hardware and agricultural store, one grocery, two livery barns, blacksmith shop, good school house, two nice churches - Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian, one large lumber yard, one bank, two large elevators, and two track buyers are doing a good business buying and shipping stock. Robert fnkster (sic) & Son of Kalamazoo, Mich., have bought the extensive lumber yards of B. F. Reagan and expect to keep a stock sufficient to supply the wants of all. The hotel has also recently changed hands, and additions are now being built thereto, to accommodate the traveling public and is largely increasing.
Situated in Otoe County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Thirty Miles from Lincoln - Population Four Hundred.Unadilla is a flourishing town of about four hundred inhabitants situated on the north branch of the Nemaha creek in Otoe county, midway between Nebraska City and Lincoln, on the Burlington & Missouri railroad in Nebraska. The town site was laid out in 1871. Mr. Wm. Saunders erected the first building in 1873. It has not grown as large as some of its neighbors, but has always enjoyed a steady trade, being surrounded by a fine farm and stock raising community.
These was shipped last year, five hundred and forty-one cars of grain, forty-one cars of hogs, twenty-six cars of cattle, seventeen cars of emigrant goods, one car of bran and three cars of flour. There was received during the same period: twenty-eight cars of lumber, twenty six care of coal, four cars of salt, ten cars of wheat and thirty cars of merchandise. There is still in cribs 21,000 bushels of corn that was cribbed during the season of 1885 and 1886.
There are three churches in Unadilla, Christian, United Brethren, and Presbyterian. The Christian church is presided over by Elder Wm. Sampber. The own a nice building and have a large and flourishing membership. The United Brethren also have a neat building and a good membership. The Presbyterians have no building of their own, but hold meetings in the United Brethren church every alternate Sunday. Rev. T. D. Davis of Hopewell is the pastor. The Baptists hold service four miles south of Unadilla and have a good membership.
Unadilla has two grain elevators, one lumber yard, two coal dealers, two general stores, one millinery and dry goods, four grocery stores, two meat markets, one drug store, one shoemaker, one blacksmith shop, three hotels, one stock dealer, one barber, one implement dealer, one real estate and loan office, one livery stable and two doctors.
The common schools are among the best, having two grades in a large and commodious building situated on the hill north of the town occupying a full block that is set out with ornamental and shade trees and enclosed by a substantial fence. Prof. Geo. E. McCreary, formerly of Indiana, is principal, and Miss Lizzie Wolford presides over the primary department.
Unadilla Building and Loan association, organized in 1880 being one of the pioneers of Nebraska, has done considerable to provide comfortable homes for many that would not have been able to build if it was not for the benefits derived from its membership. A Good Templars lodge organized in 1873 has continued to flourish since. A Grand Army post and Equitable Aid union have a good membership.
Russell precinct, in which Unadilla is located, is noted for its enterprise in fine stock. With a radius of seven miles there are six choice herds of Shorthorns owned by wide awake farmers; also a herd of prize winning Poland Chinas which show that the farmers stand in the front in appreciation of pure blooded stock.
The Unadilla roller mills, Wm. Saunders proprietor, were erected in 1872. They have six pairs of rollers and three sets of burre with a capacity of sixty barrels a day. Their flour is all sold in the vicinity, supplying Palmyra, Syracuse, Elmsood, Wabash, Weeping Water, Sterling, Avoca and several other points, and building up a good and substantial trade by fair and square dealing.-------------- Please use your return button.
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