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"Immigrant Issue" of

Lincoln State Journal

Sunday 5 June 1887, pages 19 & 20


This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.

Towns on page 19:  Broken Bow - Fremont - Hastings

Towns on page 20:  Ashland - Edgar - Inland



The County Seat of Custer County - On the Burlington & Missouri Rairoad - One Hundred and Thirty-nine Miles from Lincoln - Population Sixteen Hundred and Eighty.

   Broken Bow is very near the geographical center of Nebraska. It is the seat of government of Custer, a county 48x54 miles in size, and is in almost the exact center of this vast territory. The surrounding country is of the very best quality for agricultural and stock raising purposes, the soil being a dark loam, slightly mixed with sand. There has never yet been a failure of any crop planted in this county, and every year the yield has been fully as large as the best years known in Illinois, Iowa and other parts of the west. The town is built on both the north and south sides of the Muddy, a stream that in appearance is the exact opposite of what its name would indicate. From the creek south the surface ascends about three-fourths of a mile until an elevation of about eighty feet is reached. The surface on the north side is about the same, but only reaches an elevation of about fifty feet at a distance of half a mile. The water is of as good a quality as can be found on earth, and is obtained at a depth of from fifteen to sixty feet. The business of the town is supplied from all parts of the county, and from the west and northwest comes from an area embracing several other counties. The natural lay of the surface of the county and the general course of the streams are such that by this law of nature, the territory now supplying it with business will always contine on.
   The town was laid out in June, 1882. Its population January 1, 1884, was 210; January 1, 1886, 820; January 1, 1887, 1,146; May 1, 1887, 1,680. The business of the town in 1882 amounted to $1,200; in 1884, $20,000; in 1886, $160,000; from january 1, to May 1, 1887 it was $475,000. The population of the county in 1882 was 2,668; in 1884, 7,890; and at the close of 1886, 22, 500.
   The business of the town is transacted by the following business houses; Four drug stores, four general merchandise stores, one dry goods and notions, one clothing store, four hardware and implement stores, two tailor shops, three millinery stores, six hotels, six livery, feed and sale stables, four restaurants, two bakeries, three banks, two furniture stores, four lumber yards, one flouring mill, roller process; four weekly papers, one daily paper, three confectionery, ice cream and lemonade stores, two grocery stores, six doctors, twelve lawyers, one cigar manufactory, one billiard hall, one wagon maker, one job printing house, three saloons, one gas fitting and plumbing house, two harness shops, one jewelry store, three barber shops, one real estate dealer, seven loan, real estate and insurance agents, six contractors and builders, one creamery, two brick yards, one cornice factory, four blacksmith shops, two butcher shops, one opera house, five churches, six secret societies and three halls.
   The railroad was completed to this town and cars commenced running regular on August 26, 1886. Since that date there has been 325 cars of coal, twnety-five cars of lime and cement, twenty-five cars of machinery, and since March 1 there has arrived forty cars of emigrants. At the present time, and in fact during the whole spring, building operations have been going on very rapidly. There are now nine two story and two three story brick business houses in course of erection. One of these will be used for a new opera house, the building throughout to be supplied with electricity and steam. Good farming lands can be purchased in the neighborhood at from $5 upwards per acre. Residence lots can be bought at from $50 to $150, and business lots at from $300 to $1,500. The average deposits of the banks are from $40,000 to $80,000 each. There has recently been a building and loan association organized, with a capital of $250,000, and is in a very flourishing condition. There is but a small percent of foreign population here, the mass of the people being Americans.

BROKEN BOW.      p 19


The Only Exclusive

Real Estate

Dealer in the city.


Property bought and sold.


Acres choice lands for sale Correspondence.


REFERENCE - The First National Bank,
Broken Bow, Neb.


Contractor and Builder,
Corner Sixth Avenue and Jewett St., R. R. add.,
Plans and specifications on short notice. Store
fronts and interior finish a specialty. Desks, secreta-
ries, scroll sawing, odd sized doors, sash, etc. at
reasonable rates. Job work promptly attended to.
Trefren & Hewitt,



Farm Loans a Specialty.


Correspondence with eastern investors invited.


Lumber Co.,



C. S. ALLEN, Proprietor.


   First Class in every particular. Commercial trade
a specialty.

Knox & King

Real Estate


40,000 acres of land for sale. 250 residences and busi-
ness lots for sale in Broken Bow, Neb. Correspond-
ence solicited. Reference, First National Bank of
Broken Bow, Neb.

S. H. BURNHAM, President, Lincoln, Neb.
         H. LOMBARD, JR., V. Pres., Boston, Mass.
L. H. JEWETT, Cashier, Broken Bow,
         Q. P. PERLEY, Ass't Cashier, Broken Bow,
First National Bank



Transacts general banking business.

2,400 ACRES

Stock Ranch in Custer County


Two miles front on Loup river. Good buildings for
stock and running water to them. Finest stock ranch
in the west. Address  J. S. GEORGE, Broken Bow.



The County Seat of Dodge County - On the Union Pacific and Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroads - Fifty-two Miles from Lincoln - Population Eight Thousand

   Fremont is located on the Platte river, thirty miles west of the Missouri, and at the confluence of the two greatest and richest valleys in the world - the Platte and the Elkhorn.
   The town has a population of 8,000 and increasing very rapidly, so much so that there is a crying demand for tenement houses. It would be a source of good revenue to capitalists to build cottages here to rent. Rents are at such a figure that it is not burdensome to the tenant and yet remunerative to the holder. Fremont enjoys a very fair retail trade from the surrounding territory, but it is being more or less restricted by the building of near towns, but to make up for this her attention is being turned more especially in the direction of wholesaling and manufacturing. The railroad connections with eastern and southern markets is direct, while the facilities as a distributing point places Fremont at the head of the wholesale cities for the trade of the north and west, and as soon as the lines now building are completed to the southwest, she will be a powerful rival in that section. The main line of the Fremont, Elkhorn, Missouri Valley railroad, which with its numerous branches reaches almost every town and hamlet of the Elkhorn valley and the vast new country beyond, extending on into the new and rich fields of Dakota and Wyoming, and is still pushing forward toward the Pacific coast, thus adding every year more territory for the wholesalers and manufacturers. The main line of the Union Pacific extends along the rich Platte valley and is the great central overland route to the western coast. Besides these two main lines, with numerous branches, the Fremont & Elkhorn road is building two branches from Fremont to the southwest. One of them will be complete this year as far as Seward and the other to Hastings. A "cutoff" is also under construction to Omaha and will be completed by September. The Fremont & Elkhorn Valley railroad is operated by the Chicago & Northwestern, and Fremont is the center of this great railway system in the west. It is now apparent that the principal shops and headquarters of this system of roads is soon to be located at Fremont, on the company's fine lands in and adjoining the southwestern portion of the city. When this is done it will add a large population to Fremont.
   As to wholesaling, Fremont now has houses successfully engaged in dry goods, groceries, hardware, oils, liquors, cigars, agricultural implements, jewelry, flour, furniture, boots and shoes, paper, burlaps, etc. The total sales for the year 1886 amounted to over $4,000,000.
   The manufacturing business is represented by a foundry and machine shops, largest creamery in the United States, broom factories, flouring mills, steam planing mills, steam marble works, brewery, bottling works, brick yards, cigars, cornice, medicines, gloves and mittens, blank books, etc. The manufactured products of 1886 amounted to considerable over a half million - making the total of wholsaling (sic) and manufacturing about five millions of dollars, and at the rate business is now progressing these figures will be largely increased this year. The above figures show that these lines of business can be successfully carried on in Fremont.
   Arrangement have just been perfected for a belt line railway through a large territory adjacent to the city and along the Platte river, to be used as a manufacturing district. A company with one million dollars capital has been organized to erect on this line a mammoth packing house, with a capacity of 1,000 hogs per day. This house will be erected and ready for operation this fall. Large stock yards will also be built in connection with the packing house. The Continuous Brick Kiln company has just been organized and will locate a brick yard with a large capacity on the line of this road.
   Several other manufacturing enterprises are on foot, but not sufficiently developed to make notice of at present writing, that will be of vast importance to Fremont.
   This brief review of Fremont can be summarized as follows:
   Fremont has a population of 8,000; it is the county seat of Dodge county; has fourteen fine churches and six school buildings and a normal school and business college; three national banks; three four-story brick hotels, and numerous smaller ones; city is lighted with gas of excellent quality; has a splendid system of water works with five miles of mains and six well equipped fire companies; has seven lines of railroad and commands the jobbing trade of north Nebraska, Wyoming and the Black Hills; is the third city in Nebraska in importance; did a jobbing business in 1886 of $4,746,500; invested last year in permanent improvement $307,000; has the largest creamery in the United States; has a foundry employing fifty hands; has a street car company organized and will have cars running this fall; has a pork packing and stock yards company with a capital of a million dollars and will have in operation by next winter a packing house with a capacity of 1,000 hogs per day; has two daily and three weekly newspaper; has all branches of trade well represented; has ten three story business blocks; has hundred of fine residences, miles of shade trees lining smooth, hard street; will next year secure extensive shops of the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railway; one hundred per cent more money will be invested this year than any previous year; a good town to invest in and surpassed by none for homes.


L. D. RICHARDS,     I. M. KEENE,    J. F. HANSON,    J. W. GOFF.

Richards, Keene & Co.,



A large list of improved and unimproved city and farm property. If you want to buy or
sell come and see us. Titles carefully examined and perfected.

FREMONT,                   NEBRASKA.



The County Seat of Adams County - On the Burlington & Missouri and St. Joe & Grand Island Railroads - Ninety-Six Miles From Lincoln - Population Twelve Thousand.

     Hastings is the county seat of Adams county and is the junction of the Burlington & Missouri and St. Joe & Grand Island railroads. It is located upon the high divide between the Platte river upon the north, and the Blue and republican rivers upon the south, and is upon what was once supposed to be be dry and unproductive plain. Fifteen year ago it was not supposed that the country along the divide could ever be utilized for agricultural purposes, much less that flourishing towns and cities would spring up and prosper at convenient distances.
   The first evidence of title to the land upon which this city now stands was filed with the county clerk on the 29th day of September, 1872, and since that time the growth of this city has been remarkable and almost phenominal (sic). The fact of its being the junction of competing lines of railroad gave it a prestige over any other town in the western portion of the state, and enabled it to draw a large trade from a large scope of country extending 100 miles south and more than that distance west. Year by year it continued to grow in commercial importance, and eastern men looking for western locations were not slow to see the advantages here offered for business locations and safe investments. "What makes Hastings grow?" is the first question asked by the astonished stranger who visits the city for the first time. The usual answer is that Hastings is made up of a class of energetic, enterprising, thrifty citizens, who have the utmost confidence in its future greatness; a class of people who have no sectional strifes, but who all work and act for the common good of the city at large. Nearly all the money invested here is owned here. No foreign capital has helped to any great extent, to build up the city. The last year has witnessed greater improvements than ever before, and the plans are now being made for still great things for the next year.
   The completion of the Northwestern and the Missouri Pacific railroads, both of which will be built into the city before January 1, 1888, will still more invigorate and give activity to new enterprises and continued faith in a great future. With all the growth and prospective growth of the city, real estate owners have not shown an inclination to ask exorbitant prices for lots. Every new comer is encouraged and made to feel that he is welcome.
   The continued substantial growth of the city has been a subject of wonder to the stranger for many years, and some have been ???? enough to predict a halt. These croakers are now confronted with an increased preparation for more extensive buildings this year than has ever been built in any previous year, and not only for the present year are plans laid but heavy contracts are let for the next year's operation. The era of brick building dates back to the great fire of 1879, at which time two whole blocks in the business portion of the city were burned to the ground. Again in 1881, another business block was entirely destroyed and since that time more than 2,000 feet of brick and stone fronts have been erected and are now occupied by thrifty, merchants with as fine stocks of goods as can be found in any city west of Chicago.
   Nearly every mercantile branch of business is well represented. The financial standing of the city may be estimated by the fact that four banks, two loan and investment companies and a life insurance company represent a paid up cash capital, exclusive of surplus and undivided profits, of more than $1,000,000. Besides this, there is now in these banks more than $1,500,000 of money on deposit subject to call. Among the buildings now in course of construction are three large brick wholesale houses and others under contract. The aggregate cost of private and public improvements to be constructed during this year amounts to more than $1,700,000.
   The only indebtedness of the city is the $85,000 water works bonds and the receipts from the water service will from the start, pay interest and running expenses and within a year will commence the creation of a sinking fund which will pay off the bonds at maturity.
   In educational advantages Hastings is the peer of any city of its size in the west. Its present facilities are four large ward school buildings, one high school building, and the college building, the latter costing over $40,000, this sum being nearly all contributed by the citizens of the city and adjacent country, this college was built up in 1882-3 and during the last year had 190 students. It is one of the finest educational institutions in the state, and is each year growing in favor and importance. The college has been the means of drawing a refined, wealthy, and worthy class of people here to reside and give their sons and daughters the benefit of a college course of education.
   Nine churches are filled every Sabbath by a Christian people. Lodges of Good Templars, Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, and other secret societies, accommodate a large membership. Society is as select as in any of the older or eastern cities.
   As a manufacturing point Hastings has many advantages. Every important point in the western portion of the state is easily reached by some one of the many diverging lines of road, radiating from this point. In the manufacture of cigars there are four firms engaged, whose united product is 2,500,000 cigars per year and furnishes employment for forty hands. A steam candy factory employs from ten to twenty hands and turns out nearly 200,000 pounds of candy per year. The header works and machine shops employ twenty hands and does a business of more than $40,000 per year. The manufacture of brick employs about forty hands, who turn out more than 2,000,000 brick per year. The soda water and beer bottling business employs about thirty hands, and represents a business of more than $35,000. A metalic (sic) cornice factory employs ten hands, and turns out work to the amount of $20,000 per year. The wagon and carriage business represented an out put of more than $20.000 last year. A manufactory of hot air and steam heating apparatus will manufacture $30,000 worth of that class of goods this season. Two planing mills and sash and door factories do a business of $10,000. A broom broom factory turned out more than 2,000 dozens of brooms last year. A job printing and blank book establishment with all the latest improvements and appointments employs from sixty to seventy hands and is a credit as well as a benefit to the city.
   Other branches of industry are well represented and each year increases the number and capacity of these institutions.
   The railroad facilities are unexcelled by any city in the state. The Burlington & Missouri system, the largest in the state, has a line passing through the city from the Missouri river to a junction with the Union Pacific at Kearney. It also has a branch known as the Republican Valley road running to Red Cloud and there connecting with the Kansas City & Denver line. There is another branch which runs via Kenesaw to Oxford upon the aforesaid Kansas City & Denver line, and still another branch extending southwest to Oberlin, Kas. The St. Joe & Grand Island road approaches the city from the southeast and passes through the city upon its way to Grand Island, where it forms a junction with the Union Pacific system and passes on toward the great northwest. A branch of the B. & M. runs to Aurora and there branches and forms connections with the U. P. at Central City and Grand Island. When the Northwestern and Missouri Pacific and the Kansas City & Northern are completed, as they will certainly be within a year, Hastings will be entitled to the name recently suggested, "the Indianapolis of Nebraska". These railroads afford to the jobber and manufacturer the finest facilities for shipment of their goods and wares and make Hastings one of the most advantageous and desirable points in the west.
   A board of trade, with C. H. Dietrich as president and Capt. A. D. Yocum secretary, has been formed and will give encouragement to any enterprises looking for a western location. There are several branches of industry that night be placed here with profit to the projectors and credit to the city. Among these are a packing house, starch factory, canning factory, paper mill, tannery, flouring mill, oat meal mill, hemp mill, tile factory, seed farm and other kindred industries, the raw material for which are raised here in abundance, and a steady demand for their products.
   Real estate investments, either in city of out side property, has always been profitable and safe. At no time in the history of the city has the supply of houses for business or residence been in excess of the demand. With a steady increase of new buildings each year there has been a steady demand for more buildings than are being erected. The influx of men with their familles drawn here by the railroads now building into the city, will still increase the demand for business and residence property.
   Two street car companies have recently been organized and before September first at least six miles of track will be laid and cars running from the center to the outskirts of the city.
   An insane asylum, a state institution for the care, and keeping of the incurable insane was located here by the last legislature and work upon the necessary buildings will be commenced at once. These buildings will be located upon the western outskirts of the town and will be an advantage to the city through the trade secured by the merchants and mechanics doing business here. The street car line will be run to this institution.
   That Hastings is in the midst of a fine agricultural country is evidenced by the following figures taken from the assessors returns for the year 1886:
   Acres in wheat, 36,658; corn, 68,191; oats, 23,508; barley, 11,320.
   Live stock in county - Horses, 6,402; mules, 1,006; cattle, 15,602; hogs, 16,100.
   One commission house has shipped more than a carload of eggs per week since the first of March. Other firms have made about the same average.
   As is well understood the assessment does not represent more than 25 per cent of the actual valuation of the real and personal property, yet we find that the real estate of Adams county, outside the city of Hastings, is assessed at $1,168, 500.80; real estate within the city limits, $537,171.11; personal property, city and county, $837,746; railroad property, $493,335.85; making a total assessed valuation of $3,022,891.85, or an actual valuation of more than $12,000,000.
   The farmers of the county, assisted by the business men of the city, have organized one of the best agricultural societies in the state. The society owns forty acres of valuable ground, all fenced and containing the necessary buildings and yards for every class of exhibitions. It also has a fine half mile track. The grounds and buildings are all paid for and the society has several thousand dollars in cash on hand.
   Hastings has all the modern improvements possessed by any city in the west. its streets and private houses are lighted by gas and electricity. A bountiful supply of water is furnished by the waterworks. Sixty hydrants are place at convenient distances throughout the city. An organization for the introduction of the incandescent light has lately been formed. The best telephone service in the state is in use here. A fine opera house, second to none in the state, graces one of the prominent business corners.
   A natatoriam covering an entire block has recently been built. A gymnasium with all modern appliances is well patronized. In the suburbs some as fine residences as the state affords are to be found. The fresh and cleanly appearance of the city is the common remark of the stranger.
   The following is a summary of the principal branches of business and industries to be found here:
   Exclusive dry goods, 4; dry goods and clothing, 3; exclusive clothing, 3; general merchandise, 3; grocery stores, 15; first class hotels, 3; second class hotels, 12; boarding houses, 20; restaurants, 5; livery stables, 7; sale stables, 3; bakeries, 2; furniture stores, 3; books and stationery, 2; drug stores, 5; jewelry stores, 4; boot and shoe stores, 6; hardware stores, 4; wholesale liquor dealers, 2; notion and toy store, 1; saloons, 10; exclusive crockery, wholesale and retail, 1; implement dealers, 4; grain dealers, 3; banks, 4; loan offices, 6; millinery establishments, 4; harness shops, 3; candy factory, 1; lumber yards, 5; brick yards, 3; meat markets, 7; cigar manufactories, 4; broom factory, 1; blacksmith (sic) shops, 8; wagon shops, 3; merchant tailors, 1; guns, ammunition and sporting goods, 1; newspapers, 5; contractors and builders, 8; abstract offices, 2; physicians, 20; attorneys at law, 36; insurance agents, 15; real estate dealers, 10; sewing machine agents, 4; photographers, 2; dentists, 3; brewery, 1; bottling establishments, 2; green houses, 2; dealers in nursery stock, 3; dress makers, 5; news stands, 3; express companies, 2; natatoriam, 1; cornice works, 1 opera house, 1; gynasium (sic), 1; machine shops, 2; coal dealers, 4; commission houses, 2; second hand stores, 2. The aggregate sales of merchandise by retail dealers for the year 1886 was more than $2,500,000.
   The city government consists of a mayor, eight councilmen, a clerk and treasurer. The principal officers are mayor, Samuel Alexander; clerk, J. D. Mines; treasurer, E. Fist. enough has been said above, and truthfully said, to convince any impartial eastern man that Hastings and its surroundings and advantages is well worthy of consideration as a good point for safe and profitable investments.


Dildine & Co.,


Real Estate,

Hastings, Neb.

We have given our attention for some time
to listing on our books the most desirable
salable property in and adjoining the city
and are now in a position to offer to those
seeking an investment in


A selection of bargains guaranteed to
make you a handsome profit with the next
thirty days. Address or call on us for par-

Dildine & Co.

Office in the Bostwick Hotel.




Have fine list of desirable city property for sale,
consisting of business lots, residence lots and blocks
and 5 acre tracts. We have upon our list some
fine improved and unimproved farms in Adams
county and Western uncultivated lands.



Improved Real Estate.

  As many people who are desirous of coming west
are not able to buy a lot and build a house, we are
prepared to build houses and sell to new comers on
Easy Monthly Payments.
  For a description of Hastings read Hastings article
upon this page. Correspondence solicited.
Dakin & Davison,
REFERENCES - Lincoln National Bank, Lincoln;
Exchange National Bank, Hastings.


Real Estate & Loan Agents,


We have for sale some of the most desirable city
lots, improved city property, acre tracts in and ad-
joining this city and improved farm and wild lands
in Adams and adjoining counties. We make
For eastern capitalists. Parties desiring to invest
will do well to call upon or address us.
Best of References Given.


Real Estate and Merchandise Broker,


Will Exchange Western land for merchandise. Cor-
respondence solicited.



"Immigrant Issue" of

Lincoln State Journal

Sunday 5 June 1887, page 20


This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.



Situated in Saunders County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Twenty-four Miles from Lincoln - Population Sixteen Hundred and Fifty.

    The town of Ashland, Neb., is situated twenty-four miles from Lincoln and thirty miles from Omaha. It is the junction of the main line of the Burlington & Missouri railroad with the short line to Omaha. The North Platte railroad also leaves the main line at Ashland running north west through Wahoo thus making the town quite a little railroad centre. It is located near the junction of the three streams, Salt Creek, Wahoo and Platte river, and is one of the most beautifully situated towns in the state. It is surrounded by majestic hills and very many trees and groves make a view of marvelous beauty in all directions.
   It is an excellent business point being far enough away from Omaha and Lincoln to give it a wide tributary territory and it is surrounded by remarkably intelligent thrifty and well to do farmers. For culture, choice society, social pleasure, public enterprise and all the qualities that make a charming town, it is surpassed by none of its size in all the land.
   Its school advantages are of the highest order and its school building an object of interest and pride. It has fine churches well sustained Methodist, Baptist, Episcopal, Congregational and Christian.
   Ashland by actual count has between 1,600 and 1,700 people. It has many beautiful houses and many of the streets are delightfully shaded. It has a number of excellent brick blocks and more are projected. A system of water works will be put in during the summer, as plans are now being perfected. It has one of the finest roller mills in the state, owned by W. T. Allen.
   The American Loan and Trust company, of which O. M. Carter is president, has been made by him a magnificent success and is constantly growing in volume of business. The place has two prosperous banks, a large and creditable opera house, good hotels and livery stables and several very handsome stores. It has various industrial enterprises all of which are doing well. It offers most excellent opportunity for all classes of manufacturing, being situated between the two markets of Omaha and Lincoln, with quick railroad connections in all directions. It is located just at the head of the stone system of the state, and eventually its fine water power should be unitized in the handling and preparing of stone for various uses.
   Its location is most desirable for home to all people who are on the road. Is is so convenient of access; so many trains running constantly in all direction; such attractive society and growing into such a beautiful town, that it must attract the attention of those who would prefer not to live in large cities. To railroad men, commercial men, business men and men and women of all classes it offers a charming place for a home.




Situated in Clay County - On the Burlington & Missouri and St. Joe. & Grand Island Railroads - One Hundred and Twenty-Four Miles From Lincoln - Population One Thousand Four Hundred. 


   Edgar is a live young city of the second class, the metropolis of the south half of Clay and the north half of Nuckolls counties. It is beautifully located on the plateau between the Big Sandy on the north and the Little Blue rivers on the south, ninety miles west of Lincoln, and surrounded by as fine a country as the sun shines upon. It has a population of 1,400 people, with not less than 1,000 more within a radius of five miles, nine-tenths of whom were "to the manor born", the foreign born tenth being principally Swedes and Germans. Agriculture and stock raising are the principal occupation of the people, are successfully prosecuted; industry, economy and soberiety (sic), directed by intelligence and refinement distinguishing the citizens of this prosperous region. The principal trades, professions and employments of citizens generally are well represented here. The Edgar public schools are second to none in the state, have seven departments and employs eight teachers whose salaries aggregate $3,600 per year, with an enrollment of pupils exceeding 350. Five religious organization, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Christian and Episcopalian have pleasant and commodious houses of worship, and are in healthy working condition. The W. C. T. U., have a live organization and have established a reading room in connection with their benevolent work.
   The civic organization are fair represented, Masonry by Edgar lodge No. 67, A. F. and A. M., and Edgar chapter No. 23, R. A. M.; Odd Fellowship by Edgar lodge No. 30 (?), I. O. O. F. and Emerald lodge No. 24, Rebeccah (sic) degree. All these are in flourishing condition. The A. O. U. W., have a strong and active body, as also the G. A. R.
   There are five resident ministers of the gospel, six physicians, representing three principal school - siopahy (sic), homeopathy and electric - two dental surgeons, five lawyers, one photographer, two newspapers (Post-World and Times), two banks, five firms real estate, insurance and loan brokers, three milliners and dressmakers, one tailor, one shoemaker, three blacksmiths, two wagon and carriage shops, two contractors and builder, four grain and stock firms, two lumber and coal yards, three hotels, three agricultural implement firms; two butcher shops, two bakeries and restaurants, one cigar store, two jewelry, stationery and books, two flour and feed mills, two hardware, five groceries, five general stock dry goods, three drugstores, two barber shops, one notion store, one harness and saddlery, two furniture, three livery stables, with the usual complement of carpenters, brick and stone masons, painters, tinners and agents.
   The business of the city for the year ending June, 1887, aggregates over $400,000. The lumber and coal interest alone bring over $60,000. More than one and a half million pounds of freight was received during the year past, over 1,000 cars of grain, 200 cars of stock and 30 cars of other stuff were shipped out of the city. Two large brick blocks, and many handsome dwelling have been erected during the year, besides hundreds of improvements in the way of outhouses, side walks and fences. Our railroad facilities are most excellent, the St. Joseph & Western running from St. Joseph, MO., to Grand Island, Neb., a distance of 250 miles runs four passenger and two freights daily. The Nebraska & Colorado R. R. operated by the B. & M. in Nebraska runs two passenger and two freights daily except Sunday. Edgar is a division station on this road, the Edgar and Curtis division being operated from this point. Edgar has excellent prospects also for the Northwester extension of the Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska railroad and the southwestern extension of the Fremont & Elkhorn railroad a protege of the great Northwestern company.
   The latest improvement of special importance undertaken by local capital is manufacture of brick and tile. The Edgar Brick and Tile company having organized under the laws of the state have almost completed a plant, with a capacity of one and a half million brick per season, with permanent kilns of the celebrated "cotton, down central craft" patent. The clay is of excellent quality, and inexhaustible quantity. Edgar needs a creamery, a canning factory, a hominy and grist mill, a steam flouring mill; these are necessities and parties desiring to engage in any of the enterprises especially will meet with hearty and substantial encouragement from the citizens. Intelligent immigration is invited. Capital will be heartily welcomed. Come and see us and we will do thee good.



Located in Clay County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Eighty-eight Miles From Lincoln - Population Eighty four.


   Inland was the first town laid out in Adams county by the Burlington & Missouri town company, and was situated on that road about six miles east of Hastings. Owing to its nearness to Hastings it made slow progress until 1878 when the station was moved to a point just within the boundaries of Clay county. The old town became extinct and nothing remains to mark its site except the school house.
   Being located in a fine grain and stock raising country Inland has become an important shipping point. The shipment for the year just passed amounted to 18,000 car loads, while the receipts for the same time were 400 cars of lumber and merchandise.
   The business interests of the place are now represented by two dry goods stores, two groceries, one hardware dealer, one clothing store, two drug stores, two book and shoe dealers, three hotels, one lumber yard, one coal yard, two general merchandise firms and one agricultural implement dealer. The amount of business done by these firms aggregated, including the Burlington & Missouri dealings, $260,000. Several fine building are among the improvements for the near future, and the Northwestern railroad will be in operation in ninety days.

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