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"Immigrant Issue" of
Lincoln State Journal
Sunday 5 June 1887, pages 21 & 22
This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.
Towns on page 21: Arapahoe - Culbertson - Elmwood - Firth - Table RockTowns on page 22: Bennett - Eagle - McCook - Trenton - Wabash
Situated in Furnas County on the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - One Hundred and Eighty-nine Miles From Lincoln - Population One Thousand.
Arapahoe is located in the northern part of Furnas county, on the north side of the Republican river on the second bottom lands and about midway between the Elk and Muddy creeks, which flow into the Republican a short distance apart. On the town site the surface of the land is nearly level, but slopes just enough to insure good drainage, while to the northward the low hills ascend to the upland prairie. As a business point the location is favorable. It is the principle grain market and shipping point for the entire country.
The history of Arapahoe begins with the organization of a town company at Plattsmouth, Neb., early in the 1871. In the spring of 1880 the railroad was completed and regular trains began running through the town. Building progressed rapidly and in a few months all branches of business were represented. Since that time the town has enjoyed a steady and vigorous growth and now has a population of about 1,000. The different religious societies are well represented and all enterprises of a truly moral and religious character receive liberal encouragement. All educational interests have also, since the earliest history of the town, received the special attention of the citizens.
All the trades and professions are represented as well as all classes of mercantile enterprise, among the principle of which are two banks, five dry goods stores, seven groceries, two hardware, three clothing stores, two drug stores, three boot and shoe firms, three hotels, two lumber yards, two coal dealers, four general merchandise dealers, three mill and factories, two furniture store (sic), two newspapers and five agricultural implement dealers. A careful estimate on the aggregate amount of business done during the past year places it at not less than $850,000.
Consultation of the freight records show that during the last year 324 cars of grain and live stock have been shipped from this place. During the same time there has been received 202 (?) cars of merchandise and lumber.
Arapahoe is happy in the possession of the largest flouring mill in western Nebraska. It should also be mentioned that there is an abundance of splendid water power yet unoccupied. Chief among the enterprises for the coming season is the putting in a fine water works plant.----------
The County Seat of Hitchcock County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Two Hundred and Forty Miles From Lincoln - Population Seven Hundred.
Culbertson has a boom with a big B. It is full size and regular in its habits. It was born January 1, 1887, and for an infant is doing well. The railroad building from this point, at this time, is a part of original plan of the Burlington system, as conceived at the time that company crossed the Missouri river at Plattsmouth in 1870. Culbertson located as it is, is one of the naturally central points for differing lines of railroads, and being situated on the old main line of the Burlington from Chicago via Omaha and Lincoln to Denver and from Kansas City, Mo., via Atchison, Kas, to Denver. A line leaves this main line here for the Pacific via Cheyenne, Wyo. T., and over mountain and plain to the Columbia river in Oregon. Culbertson being the point at which a freight originating at Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago and east, and Atchison, Kansas City and south, will be distributed. Culbertson, the initial point on the main line east and south, must and will grow into a city that will rival the older towns. This line is now being pushed with the accustomed energy of the Burlington company, and at no distant day the machine shops and round houses will be built here. Our people will do something handsome by the railroad company in the way of donation to hurry the accomplishment of this desired establishment.
Even without these railroad improvements Culbertson will boom and continue to boom. The survey of a water-way for manufacturing purposes has been made and found practicable. A canal of seven miles in length has been surveyed and plated, with an average width of twenty-five feet and a depth of five feet with a fall of about forty feet. This water power will be built to completion in this summer of 1887, furnishing a power equal to twenty-four ordinary mill powers and like Kearney, Nebraska, the surroundings will be dotted with numerous lakes of twenty to forty feet deep, around which groves of timber and residences will spring up, making lovely summer resorts. These lakes will be supplied from the never failing source of fresh water from the Rocky mountains. The hum of mills, whirr of spindles and whiz of machinery cannot fail to make Culbertson a manufacturing center for southwestern Nebraska. Already capitalists have signified their intention to utilize this power to its utmost capacity. The water being soft a fine paper mill will be erected during the coming summer and the first men on the grounds will be the first accomodated. There will be no steam engines to keep in fuel to raise water for water works or expensive towers to erect. A reservoir 100 feet above the river will force water to the tops of the highest buildings at a nominal cost. Altogether Culbertson will be one of the pleasant places of the earth for the good people thereof. Our building boom at present consist of about thirty new buildings in course of construction and under contract, of which G. W. Daniels & Co. will erect a brick 25x100 for a general store below and offices above; also a brick school house, two stories with all modern improvements. The money to pay for the same is in the hands of the school treasurer. At this time it seems as if the day for wooden buildings was passed in Culbertson, except for outside residences. Two brick yards are in operation, and practical brick men say the material is of the very best quality. Our hotels of which there are four, are crowded to their fullest capacity, and a first-class new hotel would be a paying investment for some good hotel man and if the right man shows up our people will do something handsome for him. Culbertson has an immense country tributary to it for trading purposes. Twenty miles south and twenty north by ten east and nine west, which causes the counter jumpers to be on the alert.
Our banks, of which we have three, seem to be doing a good business, one of which contemplates building a brick in the near future. We have four large general stores, two lumber yards, two hardware stores, and three drug stores, but the poor devils of doctors, who stay around them complain of the health of the community and the drug stores are compelled to ??? in stomach bitters and soda water. There are two harness stores, two shoe and boot makers, three agricultural implement establishments, three blacksmith shops and one wagonmaker shop, three livery and feed barns; of bakeries, restaurants and tonsorial artists, about two each and one furniture store. Real estate dealers and loan and trust companies are numerous and all seem to be prospering. We have four churches well attended.
Culbertson is the county capital of Hitchcock county; is about 240 miles from Lincoln, 270 miles from Kansas City, Mo; and about 230 miles from Denver, Col., also 250 miles from Cheyenne, W. T. with lines of railroads to all these points, except Cheyenne which is now being built. Look at the map and you see Culbertson located about midway between these points. It is about 3,000 feet above the sear level. Water is found in wells at from ten to sixty feet, ?? gravel and sand in great abundance.
The surrounding country, once the unbroken prairie, is now yielding golden harvests to the hands of industrious husbandmen. Where only a year or two stood the lowly sod house or still more humble dugout, now stands a comfortable farm house of fair proportions, commodious barns, while the smooth line graze at pleasure on rich pastures. The villages of the past with their straggling houses have given place to magnificent residences, while church spires ??? the skies at corners once marked by a stake of red cedar. This is what the homesteader has done for this part of Nebraska. Our farm products have been in competition with the older counties at the state fair and carried away the red ribbon on many lots of those products.
Now is the time for men in crowded cities to find homes at nominal prices, for within six months property will advance one hundred per cent. Our prospects through out the county for crops of all kinds are the best ever known. come, while prices are so a man of moderate means can get a good home. Lots within one-third of a mile of the courthouse can be bought at this time for from $50 to $100 title perfect.
Located in Cass County - On the Missouri Pacific Railroad - Twenty-two Miles From Lincoln - Population Three Hundred and Fifty.
Elmwood is situated in the midst of one of the best farming portions of the state, on the Lincoln branch of the Missouri Pacific railroad. It has a population 350. It seems that nature is putting forth it most strenuous efforts to advance the welfare of the village. Even the bowels of the earth are lending assistance in benefiting the inhabitants in this vicinity. At a depth of but thirty feet below the surface there is found a rich vein of soft coal, nineteen inches thick. This has been developed on the farm of C. D. Clopp, adjoining town on the northeast. It was discovered in the early spring but owing to the lack of the required amount of capital it has not been further developed, but the citizens and people in general have begun to realize the great benefit a coal mine would be to them, and in accordance a stock company is being organized and by fall the work will be continued.
It is a known fact among practical miners and geologists that where there is one vein of coal there is sure to be more beneath it, and practical men have examined the surroundings here and state that another vein can be found at a depth of not over two hundred feet, and more probably at a much less depth. And it is further stated that each vein below the first one becomes much thicker, and it is supposed that the second vein here will be near four feet thick. With this assurance the stockholders are going into it with determined energy and perseverance.
An examination of the freight records show the average monthly shipments to amount to 135 car loads; the receipts for the same time thirty-five car loads.
Handsom and substantial church edifices are the property of the Methodist, Christian and Catholic associations. The German Lutheran also have a building nearly completed.
A review of the business of the village shows the following firms represented.
Beardsley and Clark, lumber merchants, Jesse Leavis, agent.
S. D. Eells, dealer in grains; shipment per month, sixty-four cars.
Adams & Gilbert, grain dealers with R. N. Rowbothaur as agent; average shipments, sixty-one cars per month.
A. Hastie, stock dealer; average ten cars per month.
D. W. Greenstate, general merchandise, is now building a fine store house 24x60 feet, two stories high. He does a business of about $30,000 per year.
Arends & Elliott, general merchandise. They occupy a handsome building on the corner of Fourth and D streets, and do a business of $35,000 per year.
C. M. Boher, general merchandise, is erecting a commodious store building, 22x50 feet, which will be ready for occupancy by the first of June.
George Hatch, dealer in groceries and general furnishing goods.
Bank of Elmwood, Edwin Jeary, president, W. S. Walters, cashier.
Mrs. Josie Rover, confectionery, also post-mistress, with Mrs. Angie Williams as assistant.
Cortwell & Co. hardware, are preparing to occupy their new store on south Fourth street.
Marshall Bros. hardware, are preparing to move their large stock of goods from north Fourth street to the corner of Fourth and D streets.
Clement & Elliot, furniture and undertaking; also dealers in farming implements.
C. L. Bailey, harness dealer.
A. L. Rase and J. H. Green, dealers in drugs and medicines.
E. K. Parmalee, livery and feed stable, and J. L. Janes and E. M. Jacobs, wagonmakers.
C. O. Clapp, real estate agent and money loaner.
Samuel Baker, boot and shoe dealer.
The business in blacksmithing is divided between William Mueller and Billy Schick.
Hotels, the Greenslate and Yoder houses, both commodious and first-class.
The Elmwood Echo is a newsy little paper, edited by A. N. Mayfield.
This is one of the best locations in the state for a flouring mill. Who will build one? The educational advantages are as good as will be found in any village in the west. To any one wishing to locate in business Elmwood offers superior advantages.--------------
Situated in Lancaster County - On the Atchison & Nebraska Railroad - Twenty-one Miles From Lincoln - Population Four Hundred.
This town is located in the southern portion of Lancaster county on the Atchison & Nebraska branch of the Burlington & Missouri River railroad, near the head water of the Nemaha river, and in the famous Nemaha valley, which Horace Greeley denominated the "Garden of America." It is in the midst of a splendid farming country and is a shipping point of no small importance. The shipments of grain for the past season amounted to 800 car loads.
The business of the town is distributed chiefly among the following: Five dry good stores, one bank, two groceries, two hardware, one clothing store, one drug store, one boot and shoe dealer, two hotels, one lumber yard, three coal dealers, one general merchandise firm, one furniture store, one newspaper and two agricultural implement dealers. There is also a harness hop, 4 four and feed exchange and a number of other miscellaneous business firms. These firms did a business last year amounting to $100,000.
The place offers a splendid inducement to capital and enterprise. Especially is a flouring mill and creamery needed either of which could be most profitably conducted.---------
Situated in Pawnee County - On the Atchison & Nebraska and Republican Valley Railroads - Sixty-three Miles from Lincoln - Population Eight Hundred.
The town derives its name from a large table rock situated on the high road near the village. Although the site was chosen and probably surveyed by the Table Rock town company in 1855, actual settlement did not begin until 1857.
Table Rock felt a revival when the Atchison & Nebraska railroad was built through it and the northwestern corner of Pawnee county. This was increased by the arrival in 1881 of the Wymore branch of Republican Valley road. The place is supplied with good schools and three well organized church organizations. The business is at present represented by one bank, one grocery, two hardware, two hotels, one lumber yard, one coal dealer, three general merchandise firms, one mill and a creamery, one furniture store, one newspaper and one agricultural (sic) implement dealer.--------------
"Immigrant Issue" of
Lincoln State Journal
Sunday 5 June 1887, page 22
This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.
BENN ET (sic)
Situated in Lancaster County on the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Twenty Miles From Lincoln - Population One Thousand.
Bennet (sic) is situated on the banks of the Nemaha river twenty miles southeast of Lincoln, in Lancaster county. Surrounded by a fine agricultural county, and with a population of 1,000, it is the best town on the Burlington & Missouri railroad between Lincoln and Nebraska City.
The State Holiness association owns twenty acres on the south side of the Nemaha. It is a natural grove and said to be the finest in the state. Here the brethren hold campmeeting every year with great success, people coming from all over the state and from Iowa. They have also bought twenty acres north of town which they have laid out in lots and planted trees.
There is here as good a flouring mill for its capacity as the state can produce. It is a complete roller system and is run to its full capacity, which is seventy-five barrels of flour and forty barrels of cornmeal per day. It has a fine Corliss engine of eighty-horse power and is built of stone with iron roof and is fire-proof. It does custom work for twenty miles around and ships flour to Iowa, Kansas and Colorado. D. H. Harris is proprietor. The Bennet creamery is another flourishing institution located here. It collects cream for fifteen miles in all directions from the city, and its butter brings the highest price in New York. It took second premium at the state fair last year. It does a business of $20,000 a year.
Bennet (sic) has two good school buildings. At the term just closed there were 178 scholars enrolled.
Prof. Scott has charge of the "Union seminary." This institution was built by Prof. Scott, with the help of the citizens, and is in a flourishing condition. This is its first year. It starts out with about forty scholars. Miss Elliott of New York assists the professor, and Mrs. Dr. Hoover conducts the music department.
There are five church societies here, the Methodist, Presbyterian, Christian, United Brethren and the Danish Luthren (sic). The Methodist and Christian have nice church buildings. There are four secret societies here, the A. F. and A. M., the I. O. O. F., and K. of P. and G. A. R.
Bennet (sic) is well represented with all kinds of business. There is one lumber yard, which keeps a large stock; also three dry goods stores, two exclusive groceries, two hardware stores, three drug stores, two furniture stores, three agricultural implements, three boot and shoe stores, one jewelry store, two millinery and dress making, one music store, two livery barns, and two good harness shops, blacksmith shops and meat markets there are two banks, both in flourishing condition and plenty of capital. Business in all lines is good. The deposits in Bank of the Merchants last year was over $450,000. There are two firms buying stock here; the last year they have shipped over 200 cars of hogs, fifty of cattle and twenty-five of sheep. They have paid out $200,000 for stock. There is also two large elevators. The last year they shipped out over 600 cars of corn. Both elevators are now full and there is 100,000 bushels of corn in the crib ready to be shelled and much more in the country that has not been marketed. There was 500 cars of stone shipped from this place the last year. The freight records show that an aggregate of 1,400 car loads were shipped, and 673 cars received at this station.
There is considerable of building going on at present. Property is advancing, the town is booming, every body reads THE STATE JOURNAL and is happy. There is a good opening here for a canning factory, a brick yard and a clothing store. The Lancaster Union is the name of the paper published at Bennet (sic). It is chuck full of local and state news each week and is a credit to the town and county. J. Montgomery editor.--------- ============================================
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P. F. BEGHTOL, (Estab. 1883) A. L. BEGHTOL.
Drugs and Jewelry,
Altamaha Roller Mills,BENNETT, NEB.
Wholesale Flour, Meal, Feed, Bran.
Please drop us a line or call and receive our per-
sonal attention. D. H. HARRIS, Manager
National Lumber Co.,DEALERS IN
Full stock. Good grades, Low Prices.
BANK OF BENNETT,Established 1882.
A general banking business transacted and SPECIAL
ATTENTION given to collections.J. G. SOUTHWICK, Cashier.
Citizens' Bank of Bennett,Bennett, Neb.,
Authorized Capital, $50,000
Paid in Capital, 25,000J. E. VANDERLIP, President
CHAS A. PIERCE, Cashier,DIRECTORS - J. R. Vanderlip, J. H. McClay, G. W.
Eggleston, C. A. Pierce, W. F. Torbitt.A general banking business transacted,
Special attention given to collections.
Taxes paid for non-residents.
Loans on real estate negotiated.
Correspondence solicited.-----------
Situated in Cass County - On the Missouri Pacific Railroad - Sixteen Miles From Lincoln - Population Two Hundred.
Upon the completion of the Missouri Pacific railroad in July of last year, the little village of Eagle sprang into existence.
From its birth it has proven a lively, healthy and vigorous country town, being situated sixteen miles due east of Lincoln, in the midst of a rich agricultural district, and is destined at no distant day to make a good shipping and trading point. Although not yet a year old the amount of shipment of grain and live stock will compare favorably with many larger and older competitors, as the following exhibit of railroad transactions will show.
From January 1 to May 31, inclusive, there has been shipped from Eagle 187 carloads of grain and forty-two cars of live stock, netting the producers of this vicinity in round numbers the sum of $50,000 for these two products alone.
The business interests of the town are in a flourishing condition, the merchants being wide awake and quoting Lincoln prices on their stock in trade.
The general merchandise interest are carefully looked after by Messrs. English & Files, Kennard Bros., Blanchard and Secrest, and Henry Reolaky.
Two hardware establishments are doing a lucrative business with H. C. Riordan, formerly of Lincoln, and Rev. Thomas Bell as managers and proprietors, respectively.
Messrs. Stanley & Wright have just opened an agricultural implement depot in connection with the manufacture of the "Little Monitor" cultivator, for which they are exclusive agents.
Two lumber yards - the National and Tidball & Fuller - furnish building material and report satisfactory trade.
J. M. Ray, a veteran harness maker of LIncoln, is among the proudest of citizens over Eagle's prosperity, having worked up a large trade in his line.
Pomeroy Coal company find a representative in G. I. Smith.
Drugs, Books etc. are attractively displayed by Mr. O. A. Taylor assisted by Dr. Porter, resident physician.
Two blacksmith shops with W. C. Dunagan and G. S. Wright at the helm are busy from early morn till starry eve.
Messrs. Adams & Gilbert and E. E. Day of Weeping Water have each large elevators and report the volume of business second to none on the Missouri Pacific.
McClintock & Benton, our local speculators, have 17,000 bushels of corn on hand and are now contracting for 10,000 more in order to boom the market.
The butchering interests are looked after by Geo. Calvert whose shop is central located and doing well.
Uncle John Sumner has a grist mill that occupies his time to the mutual profit of himself and customers.
Mesdames W. S. and W. A. Hills have opened up a stock of millinery goods and report trade beyond expectation.
Mr. Jacob Yoder has a model livery barn in connection with a general dray line.
Messrs. Hastie and Dysart are watching the interests of the live stock market and generally get there by paying top notch prices.
William Montz, architect and photographer, is complaining of an over rush of business.
This completes a list of Eagle's business men and presents a favorable report taking into consideration her age.
A good hotel, bank, furniture and clothing establishments are among the urgent needs of the village, while a creamery would undoubtedly reap a harvest by location at this point, having the advantage of a rich farming community to draw supplies from and a direct market to Lincoln, Omaha and St. Joe.
The Congregationalists, under the foster care of $Rev. W. S. Hills, have erected a very tasty and commodious house of worship. A movement is also on foot to build a grade school house, which, together with other natural advantages will bring Eagle to the front.-----------
Situated in Red Willow County - On the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad - Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight Miles From Lincoln - Population Two Thousand.
In the spring of 1883, McCook, the queen of the valley, Nebraska's future fourth city, was surveyed and platted, and in May of the same year lots were placed upon the market. July 1 the first regular through passenger train on the Burlington & Missouri left Denver eastward bound, though irregular trains had passed through each way. From the time of the survey and location, McCook has had an almost phenomenal growth, which has been as substantial in character as rapid in development. This is due to the fact of its being a railroad division, supported largely by the capital of the railroad corporation, and to the activity and enterprise of its business men. The excellent quality of the soil has attracted immigration; each succeeding year our markets give evidence of its fertility. McCook is beautifully and healthfully located. There seems to be a charm about the country, as nearly all who visit our city, having faith in its future, buy lots and build homes, and thus become identified with its history and prosperity.
The city is noted for the excellence and substantial character of the residences of its citizens and the pride, taken in improving and beautifying their homes. It is a pleasure to drive through its streets and note the enhanced value of property, a result of commendable public spirit and sterling prosperity. The character of the business structures is also a matter of pride. The buildings of the First National bank, Citizens' bank, Dr. Green, Brewer & Wilcox, Joseph Mennards, Jas. McEntee, Kendall & Son, A. J. Pate and Geo. Hockneil reflect credit upon the public spirit of the proprietors, and give strong grounds for an enthusiastic faith in the city's future.
The place has a system of water works consisting of about twelve miles of mains, the investment being made by the Lincoln Land company.
There are three church structures, and another, the Trinity Lutheran, Rev. J. W. Kimmell, pastor, in course of erection. The other churches are the Methodist, Rev. D. F. Rhodabaugh, pastor; Congregational, Rev. J. S. Kelsey;, pastor; Catholic, Rev. Thomas Cullen, pastor;. The first school in the village of McCook was opened September 1, 1882. There are now two buildings owned by the district and a third is rented for school purposes. A new school building will be built the present summer and will be ready for use September 1. About a year ago the school was placed upon the accredited list of the university, and pupils now pass without examination into the Latin school of that institution. In addition to the common branches Latin and German are taught the aim being to maintain a school of a high order of excellence.
There are two solid banking institutions in McCook. The Citizens' bank is the pioneer banking institution of the city. Its officers are V. Franklin, president; J. R. Clark, vice president; A. C. Ebert, cashier. The business of this institution has been one of uninterrupted prosperity. The two elegant buildings on the corner of Main and Dennison streets attest the business sagacity and soundness of the men at the head of the institution. Their business is a striking evidence of the genius.
The First National bank opened its doors in the spring of 1885. it is officered as follows: Geo. Hocknell, president; B. M. Frees, vice president and F. L. Brown, cashier. The names of these men are synonymous with great industry and superior business acumen. They are men such as the commonwealth needs to give strength and permanency to business. McCook has reason to be proud of this institution.
The oldest merchandise store in the city was opened by W. H. Hayden, who conducted the business until November, 1886 when J. C., Allen & Co. purchased the stock of goods, the business now being under the direct management of Mr. J. C. Allen, a courteous gentleman, and one who is thoroughly conversant with mercantile trade. Easy in manner, of good executive ability, he is building up a trade of which he may justly feel proud. He has a fine trade from a large scope of country, reaching the magnificent sum of $80,000 per year. In addition to retailing he has a very enviable and rapidly increasing wholesale trade, keeping a force of six constantly employed. Mr. A. exhibits the soundness of his financial ideas by pursuing invariably the cash system, thus enabling him to sell at a very low margin. He justly enjoys the reputation of being one of the best business men in the valley.
C. H. Rogers, another veteran merchant in McCook, does a business of about $40,000 per year. He has another store at Culberson and is a man who is shrewd in business and successful in his undertakings.
Wilcox Bros. located here in April, 1884. A year ago T. S. Wilcox was succeeded by F. H. Rowler, the firm now being Wilcox and Rowler, both men of sterling integrity and business tact. They have succeeded in building up a trade equaled by few firms in the valley. Their business last year amounted to about $40,000.
The firm of Lowman & Son started here in business November 1, 1885. They carry a complete line of dry goods and clothing of a fine quality, and take great pride in keeping a well selected stock of the very best. As a result their trade has been most gratifying. Both are fine business men; their trade amounts to about $30,00 per year.
Joseph Meenard, a veteran merchant, came to this city from Chicago in 1883. He has a commodious brick building, and carries a mammoth stock of goods. Mr. Menard is one of our careful business men and is in possession of the requisite knowledge required for the successful merchant. His sales aggregate to $50,000 per year.
In hardware Lytle Bros. are the pioneers. They have a stock both here and at Benkelman. They carry one of the largest stocks in the valley and are men of good business ability, and have a trade constantly increasing and is (sic) eminently satisfactory.
W. C. Latourette & Co. opened business here soon after Lytle Bros. and have succeeded in establishing a trade which comes only from unremitting industry and excellent business tact.
C. D. Palmer, successor to S. J. Shaffer, commenced business here in December, 1886. He has succeeded in securing a large share of public patronage by close attention to business and studying the wants of his customers.
Coleman Bros. commenced in January 1887, and have been uniformly successful in business, and are on the road to prosperity.
The agricultural implement business is represented by two firms - C. P. Rinker and S. J. Shaffer. Both are good business men and have all the business they can attend to.
In furniture, Ludwick & Trowbridge, Pade & Son and Miller & Tosrey supply the wants of an army of customers. Each firm is the owner of a fine hearse, creditable to their business sagacity. The first named firm do a business of about $15,000 per year.
The Famous Clothing company commenced business at the beginning of the present year. Jonas Engel manager. This firm carries a fine line of goods in their line and care doing a "land office" business. Mr. Engel is a man thoroughly conversant with his business, and is making many friends.
McCook is emphatically a "sundaying" place for commercial ????. Its hotels are preeminently in the front rank, the B. & M. being the oldest. It is under the management of Joe Swan, well known as one of the best hotel men in the state. His table is always replete with the best the market affords, served in a manner both rich and palatable.
The Commercial, Geo. E. Johnston proprietor, comes second in seniority, but by no means second in the estimation of the public. No business man in McCook has been more successful than Mr. Johnston a natural result of close attention to his duties, combined with courteous treatment of guests and a bountifully spread board.
The McEntee, under the management of Jordan & McEntee, both popular and efficient hotel men, has already become known as one of the best hotels in western Nebraska. A well ordered culinary department, commodious and airy sleeping rooms, and careful attention to the wants of guests, has attracted to it a patronage at once gratifying and deserving.
McCook has three weekly papers - the Gazette, Democrat and Tribune. The latter is the pioneer papers of the city, next the Trumpet, now Gazette, and third the Democrat. The first two are republican in politics, the last named, as its name indicates is democratic. Each has a circulation which is constantly increasing, giving evidence of prosperity and acceptability.
Prominent among the real estate men are Helm & Davis. The former is mayor or the city and one who is highly esteemed for this sterling worth as a citizen, and who is thoroughly conversant with his duties. He was for six years register of the land office at Kirwin, Kas., and has been uniformly successful. Mr. Davis came here about a year ago from Washington, D. C., where he was an examiner of contest cases, giving him an experience seldom gained. He is a most affable gentleman and calculated to give strength to the firm.
The Hon. C. F. Babcock, one of McCook's most popular business men, is also in the real estate business. Mr. Babcock was for nearly four years the receiver of the United States land office, and made for himself a record of which his friends are very proud. The state has honors in store for him.
G. W. Bede, our youngest land and loan agent, is a young man whom to know is to respect. He combines the qualities of the successful business man and useful citizen.
Having given a pen picture of McCook, past and present, with its population of 3,000 souls, we now turn our attention to its immediate prospects.
A company was recently formed for the purpose of introducing the telephone system into the city. The scheme at once met with popular favor, and shortly the sound of "hallo" will be heard in the land.
About the same time a franchise was granted to a company which will shortly introduce the electric light. This company is composed of men to whom failure is unknown. This will give the city a metropolitan appearance, and verify with other auxiliaries, the proud boast of being one of Nebraska's important trade centers.
Monday evening, May 23, a meeting was held for the purpose of considering the feasibility of forming a stock company to erect a creamery. That it will be a success is demonstrated by the fact that in a short time a sufficient number of names was secured to guarantee success.
One of our present needs is a flouring mill. The location of such an enterprise here would be an added element of growth. This is an excellent field for the right man. These enterprises, with the machines shops of the B. & M., which we hope to gain, will place our little city upon a plane of unparalleled growth and prosperity.------------
Real Estate & Loan Agent
Special attention give to cases
arising under the public
land laws.
Proofs examined and reported uponCHARLES F. BABCOCK,
Late Receiver U. S. Land Office, McCook
Real Estate and Loans.
Purchase and sale of city property and deeded
lands a specialty.Room 2, Hocknell Brick, McCook, Neb.
HELM & DAVIS,Attorneys, Land and Loan Agents.
Mr. Helm has ?? experience of five years as register
of U. S. land official at Kirwin, Kas. and Mr. Davis
has four years experience as examiner of contest
cases in the general land office at Washington, D. C.
J. C. ALLEN, McCook, Neb. A. YEAZEY, Hastings, Neb.
Wholesale and Retail Grocers.
The Famous Clothing Company,
JOS. ENGEL, Manager,
Dealers in Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods
Sw. cor Main and Dennison sts., McCook.
The First National BankOF
C. A. Frederick, Editor and Proprietor.
Office in basement of Citizen's Bank Building.
Situated in Hitchcock County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Two Hundred and Fifty Miles From Lincoln - Population Four Hundred.
Trenton is located in the geographical center of Hitchcock county on the main line of the Burlington & Missouri railroad, twenty-two miles west of McCook, and two hundred and thirty-three miles east of Denver. It was platted by the Lincoln Land Co. in the fall of 1885 and now has a population of four hundred people. It is filled with an energetic, enterprising class of business men representing the following branches: One bank, four dry goods, four grocery, two hardware, three clothing, two drug, two boots and shoes, two hotels, two lumber yards, two coal yards, three general merchandise, one broom factory, two furniture, two newspapers, and three dealers in agricultural implements. The business done during the past year by careful estimate foots up the snug sum of $500,000. The town is well located on a beautiful second bottom within one-half mile of the Republican river. A handsome two story brick school house was built during the year 1886 and a fine church building is now in course of erection. From present indications the town will double in population and business during the present year as it did last. Several business houses and residences are now being built. Parties wishing to get information regarding the town and country can receive the same by subscribing or send for sample copies of the Trenton Torpedo or Democrat. The town presents an excellent opening for any branch of business not already represented.
Located in Cass County - On the Missouri Pacific Railroad - Twenty-seven Miles From Lincoln - Population One Hundred.
Wabash is a prosperous town on the Lincoln
branch of the Missouri Pacific railroad. It has the advantage of
being situated in one of the finest agricultural districts of the
state. it has a population of one hundred, and its business men
are uniformly prosperous. The tributary trade is, however, large
and splendid openings are waiting to be availed of.
The business interests are represented by two
dry goods firms, two groceries, two hardware stores, two drug
stores, one boot and shoe dealer, one hotel, two lumber yards, one
coal dealer, two general merchandise firms, one furniture store,
one newspaper and one agricultural implement dealer. These firms
did a hearty business last year. A harness shop is among the needs
of the town, and parties starting such an institution would
receive due encouragement. There is also a splendid place here for
a roller mill. In point of schools, Wabash is well supplied, and
their management is a credit to the town.
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