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in the lumbering districts of Pennsylvania securing a place after a time in the sawmills and lath and shingle mills of that region. However, he abandoned this line of work, and went to Bureau county, Illinois, where a few years were spent at farm work. While on a visit to his home in Pennsylvania he decided to join his father in a trip to Iowa, where a brother of the latter was living, in Henry county. While there he secured a position as attendant in the hospital for the insane at Mt. Pleasant. After about four years of service in that capacity, he went to Nebraska, arriving in York county in September, 1870. He filed a homestead claim to eighty acres of land in section 4, Baker township, a tract adjoining his present farm on the east. On the site of the present city of York there were then but two frame houses, each about 14 x 18 feet, they having been erected by the parties who held preemption claims to the surrounding lands. Between the site of this future city and the homestead of our subject there were but four houses. These were built of sod, and stood in the bottom lands along Beaver Creek, no houses at that time having been erected on the divide." Mr. Dietrick hauled lumber from Nebraska City and Columbus during the winter, and in the spring of 1871, constructed a small house about 12 x 14 feet, said to be the first frame structure west of the city of York. By hard work he broke about thirty-five acres of his land that season and planted it to sod corn, which yielded him a good crop. Having pre-empted his land, he returned to Iowa in December, 1871, and resumed his old position in the hospital at Mt. Pleasant.February 26, 1874, Mr. Dietrick was married to Laura Simpson, a young lady employe in the above named institution at Mt. Pleasant, whose society he had enjoyed and whose favor he had won during his last term of service there. She was the daughter of William and Nancy (Range) Simpson, natives of Pennsylvania. The young couple in July, 1874, left the hospital and lived about one year on a farm which he rented in Iowa. In the fall of 1875 they drove overland to their new home in York county, Nebraska. After partially improving his homestead, he traded it for a portion of his present farm. He now owns one hundred and sixty acres of excellent land, all under a high state of cultivation, and enhanced by many and valuable improvements, including a modern residence and commodious outbuildings for the protection of his stock and machinery. He is one of the substantial farmers of York county.
Mr. and Mrs. Dietrick are the parents of six children, named as follows: Ethel, Paul, Attic, Walter, Arthur and Mabel. Ethel is now the wife of William Towle. They reside in York county. In political sentiment Mr. Dietrick is independent, supporting with his vote and influence the men and the measures he deems best calculated to subserve the interests of the community, state and nation.
ENRY H. MARTIN is a prominent contractor and builder of Geneva, Nebraska, of whose skill many notable examples are to be seen throughout the city. Thoroughly reliable in all things, the quality of his work is a convincing test of his own personal worth. He is a native of New York, born June 18, 1836, and is a son of Charles and Hannah (Kent) Martin, who died in that state, the former when our subject was only thirteen months old. There were only two children in the family, and the older, Charles J., died at the age of sixty years.
Henry H. Martin is indebted to the common schools of New York for his educational advantages. At the age of eighteen he went to Iowa, and in that state and Illinois he learned the carpenter's trade, which
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he has made his life work. During the Rebellion, he enlisted as a private in the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, under Captain McDonald, but when discharged at Nashville, Tennesssee (sic), was holding the rank of first lieutenant of Company F. Since 1893 he has received a pension of twelve dollars per month from the government.On coming to Geneva in November, 1875, the place consisted of about seven buildings, and as its leading contractor and builder he has since erected three-quarters of the buildings now standing. Specimens of his skill and handiwork are also seen in surrounding towns and counties, and among the most notable buildings he has erected are the largest business houses at Geneva, which are ornaments to the city. As a designer and architect he is one of the best in this section of the state and he always conscientiously discharges his part of every contract. Since first corning to Geneva, he has made his home here continuously with the exception of one year spent in California, and he has the respect and esteem of his fellow citizens to a high degree. He cast his first presidential vote for James Buchanan, but since that time has been a stalwart supporter of the Republican party.
Mr. Martin has been twice married, his first wife being Miss Corinne Denio, who died in Illinois, leaving five children, all of whom are now married with the exception of Wilber. They are as follows: Louis, a resident of Utah; Clara, of Nebraska; Wilber, of California; Harvey, of Missouri; and Edward, of Oregon. In Illinois Mr. Martin was married, in 1892, to Miss Alice Street, who was born in that state, July 4, 1858, and was educated in its common schools. Immediately after their marriage she came with her husband to Geneva, and their home has been blessed by the birth of three sons, namely: Burt, Seymour and Frank. Mrs. Martin's father, Seymour Street, died at the age of forty-three years and was buried in Fairmont, Illinois, but her mother is still living and finds a pleasant home with our subject. She bore the maiden name of Abbie Gubtil. In her family were five children: Luella; Frank; Dwight; Allison, who died in Illinois during infancy; and Alice, wife of our subject.
EDGWICK W. PETTIS, deceased.--It is an important public duty to honor and perpetuate, as far as is possible, the memory of an eminent citizen-one who by his blameless and honorable life reflects credit, not only upon his community, but also upon the county and state. In Mr. Pettis, who is now deceased, we find not only one of the highly respected citizens of York county, and one of its honored pioneers, but also a veteran of the Civil war, who devoted the opening years of his manhood to the defense of his country from the internal foes, and whose death resulted from his arduous service. His portrait is shown on another page.
He was born July 3, 1844, in Wyoming county, New York, a son of Zina H. and Amanda (Sedgwick) Pettis, also natives of the Empire state, where the mother passed away. In the latter part of the fifties the father removed to Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, and passed his last days upon a farm there. Our subject was about fourteen years of age when he accompanied his father to Wisconsin, having previously acquired the greater part of his education in the public schools of New York. In September, 1862, at the early age of eighteen years, he joined the boys in blue as a member of Company F, Twenty-seventh Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. His company was the second of the regiment to arrive at Camp Washburn, Milwaukee, where they were afterward mustered into the United States service, but were not ordered south until the 30th of the following March, going first
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to Columbus, Kentucky. From that time on Mr. Pettis was in active service until the close of the war, and while on the Camden expedition in Arkansas, April 10, 1864, he received a wound in the left leg, which at the time was not considered serious, but it so affected his nerves as to give him almost constant pain and finally caused his death December 27, 1894.After the war Mr. Pettis returned to Wisconsin, and in that state married Miss Amanda Townsend, who was born in Monroe county, New York, January 29, 1845. In the spring of 1871 they came to York county, Nebraska, and for their homestead secured the northeast quarter of section 22, Leroy township, at which time the present city of York contained but two frame houses and one sod shanty. They had one child at that time--Martin, then ten months old. Their first year here was spent in a dug-out and they experienced all the hardships and privations of pioneer life, their stock consisting of only one team, a cow and a pig, and their cash capital fifty cents on their arrival at their new home. Their neighbors were few and far between, but quite a number of other settlers arrived during the following summer and fall. Aided by his good wife, Mr. Pettis succeeded in making a good home and finally was able to surround his family with all the comforts and many of the luxuries of life.
After coming to York county the wound he had received during the war began to give him a great deal of trouble, and for many years he suffered with the same. Hoping to get relief he underwent three surgical operations, first cutting out some of the nerves and then amputating the leg above the knee, but these only afforded temporary relief. About two years before his death it was thought best to amputate the leg the second time, and from that time on he was confined to his bed, a constant sufferer until relieved by death. Every thing that kind friends and a loving, devoted wife could do to relieve his suffering was done. He was a prominent member of the Grand Army Post at York, and he and his wife assisted in organizing the Methodist Episcopal church at that place, of which he was ever afterward a consistent and active member.
Mrs. Pettis, who is a most estimable lady, honored and respected by all who know her, still resides on the old homestead in Leroy township. She has two children--Eliza Hart, now a resident of Columbus, Nebraska, and Ruth, at home. Her parents were Hiram and Eliza (Baldwin) Townsend. The father died August 6, 1898, aged eighty-two years. The mother, now seventy-five years old, is a highly esteemed citizen of Sheboygan county, Wisconsin. The father was a native of Vermont, where his mother died, and later during his boyhood he removed to Monroe county, New York, where he was reared and educated. In 1841 he married Eliza Baldwin, a native of that county.
EREMIAH STANTON, who keeps a small confectionery, tobacco and cigar store in the village of McCool junction, is one of the first settlers of York county, and with the exception of John Smith, of McCool junction, probably no other person has resided in York county for so long a period as has Mr. Stanton. He located on the site of the present village of McCool Junction in May, 1866.
The subject of this sketch was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, June 26, 1817. His parents were Thomas and Catherine (Leichliter) Stanton, the former a native of Maryland, of English descent, and the latter a native of Virginia of German parentage. They both died in Pennsylvania. He was a farmer by occupation, and our subject was reared on a farm, and received his
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schooling in the log cabin subscription schools of Pennsylvania. Mr. Stanton says the course was confined to the three R's--Readin', 'Ritin', 'Rithmetic. He grew to maturity in his native state, and in 1839, while working in Virginia, he was married to Sarah Sutton, at Woodstock, Virginia. She was a native of Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and daughter of William Sutton. They became the parents of five children, named as follows: Catherine, Eliza J., Francis, Dennis F. and Thomas. Francis and Dennis F. served in the Civil war, the former dying in the hospital at Vicksburg, and the latter a short time after his return home. Mrs. Stanton died in 1848.In 1855 Mr. Stanton went to Marshall county, Illinois, where he farmed about four years, and then, in 1859, went to California, crossing the "plains" by wagon train. The wagon broke down in the Rocky Mountains, and they had to pack through the rest of the way. They arrived in California with one horse, having left the other on the Humbolt river. The trip was one of severe trials, especially in crossing the "plains," food and water being very scarce, and Mr. Stanton in fact walking most of the distance. In California he worked on the farm, receiving high wages. He left San Francisco on New Year's day, 1863 for Illinois, going by water, by way of the Isthmus of Panama, and arriving in New York January 25th.
In the spring of 1866 Mr. Stanton left Marshall county, Illinois, and settled in York county, Nebraska, filing a claim to a quarter of section 18, township 9, range 2, on which the present village of McCool junction is situated. He immediately set to work and constructed a "dug-out" and a table on the bank of the west fork of the Big Blue river. He was accompanied to his new home by Fernando McFadden and family, who located on section 8.
The first season Mr. Stanton broke and cleared about fifteen acres with the team he had driven from Illinois. He planted about four acres of corn, and the grasshoppers destroyed it. The first winter was a severe one, and Mr. Stanton says it was "dig out" most of the time during that winter, as his means of exit were repeatedly closed up by heavy snows. Mr. Stanton had fortunately brought an old scoop-shovel with him from Illinois, and with this weapon he says he spent at least half his time that winter battling with snow-drifts. When spring came the river overflowed, and he was forced to abandon his "dug out," first however, piling his seed-corn and wheat on boxes and tables to keep it out of the water. He was not able to return to his home for about ten days, during which time he visited several settlers along the river. Indians were numerous but not troublesome except for their begging and petty thieving. On one occasion Mr. Stanton made a bargain with an Indian to tan a beaver skin for seventy-five cents. The Indian improved the acquaintance by begging and carrying off almost everything that came under his view, so that the tanning of the beaver skin cost Mr. Stanton at least ten dollars before the job was completed. The first winter Mr. Stanton had only his horses and dogs for company, but the monotony was varied by the howl of wolves and the whoop of Indians. He had brought his provisions from Nebraska City, one hundred miles distant, paying fabulous prices for everything. Flour sold for nine dollars per hundred pounds, and corn at one dollar per bushel. He says that the few deer he shot during the winter were so poor that he could not get enough tallow to grease a bullet patch. He found it necessary to go to Nebraska City again after getting in his crops in 1867, as his larder had exhausted, and he was accompanied on this trip by a son of Fernando McFadden. Prices had not diminished in the meantime. Corn, wheat, po-
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tatoes and vegetables gave a heavy yield in 1867, and from time on Mr. Stanton was not dependent upon Nebraska City markets. He was able to sell his farm products to the new settlers coming in, who took all his surplus at good prices. He improved his farm, and built a log cabin, in which he lived until it was destroyed by fire. He then erected a frame residence. The village of McCool junction now stands upon the land homesteaded by Mr. Stanton.Mr. Stanton, growing tired of living alone, and wishing also to shift the arduous duties of looking after his own mending and baking, prevailed upon Mrs. Rhoda A. Custer to share his home. They were united in marriage in 1871. Mr. Stanton is an original member of the West Blue Baptist church, which he assisted in organizing in 1873, and of which he has been an officer for many years. His estimable wife died in 1883. Our subject is now conducting a small business in McCool junction, and is well known throughout the county. In politics he is a stanch Democrat, although he has never been active in party affairs.
RS. TILLIE C. (ROSS) BUCKLEY, who is the present postmistress of Stromsburg, Polk county, is one of the prominent personages of that county, and because of her prominence along educational lines and the public position which she holds, a work of this character would be incomplete without a review of her life. Mrs. Buckley is a daughter of Mary (Walker) Ross, who was born in England. She was married in Des Moines, Iowa, and was the mother of two children. The maternal grandfather was Thomas D. Walker, a native of England, who came to America in about 1848, and settled first in Canada, near Quebec, and soon came to the United States, settling at Des Moines, Iowa. He later came to Nebraska City, Nebraska, and erected the first brick house in that place, and still later moved farther west, settling in Denver, where he erected the first brick residence, and burned the first kiln of brick in that city. He traveled over the entire country, and died at Des Moines, Iowa, aged eighty-four years. He was married in England to Miss Mary Keagy, and they became the parents of two children, a son and a daughter, both of whom are now living.
The son, John D. Walker, now resides at Des Moines, Iowa, and lives retired. The daughter and the mother of our subject is now Mrs. E. Dunn, having married Mr. Dunn at Omaha, Nebraska, about 1869. Mr. Dunn for the past thirty years has been in the employ of the Union Pacific Railway at that point. They have one son, Lovell E.
Our subject was born at Nebraska City, Nebraska, August 3, 1861. She was reared and educated at Omaha, Nebraska, attending the schools of that city. In the fall of 1877 she came to Polk county, Nebraska, and began teaching school two miles west of Stromsburg, and followed that calling successfully until her marriage, December 2, 1880, to Mr. P. T. Buckley (a sketch of whom appears elsewhere). She has two children, Newton E. and Beulah I. Mrs. Buckley enjoys the distinction of being the first lady to serve on the school board of Stromsburg, having been elected to that position in the spring of 1896. She has taken an active interest in educational affairs, and is especially interested in the young, having educated two young girls besides her own children.
On February 8, 1898, Mrs. Buckley was appointed postmistress of Stromsburg by President McKinley, being the first lady to fill that position in that place, and at the present time is the only lady filling a presidential office in Nebraska. She was a charter member of the Stromsburg Womens Club, which in turn became one of the
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charter clubs of the state federation. She is now a member of the executive board of the Francis M. Ford Club of Stromsburg, of which she assisted in the organization, and named the same. Mrs. Buckley was among the pioneer school-teachers of Polk county, and did much to help bring about the present condition of the schools of Nebraska. Her son Newton is now attending school at Omaha, and has carried off honors each year, and is now captain of the Omaha High School Cadets. Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Buckley are shown elsewhere in this volume.
EWIS TIMM, a well-known farmer residing on section 26, township 15, range 3, Valley precinct, Polk county, is of foreign birth, but his duties of citizenship have ever been performed with a loyalty equal to that of any native son of America, and when the nation was imperiled by rebellion, he went to the defense of the Union and protected the cause of his adopted country on many a southern battle field.
Mr. Tim was born October 3, 1844, in Mecklenburg, Germany, of which place his parents, Christopher and Mary (Timm) Timm, were also natives. There the father supported his family by day labor, but the mother's family were well-to-do farming people, owning land. In 1857 the family started for the United States on the sailing vessel Howarth, which left Hamburg, bound for New York. The ship having lost her way, they drifted up among the icebergs, their food almost gave out, and they were obliged to condense the steam from salt water to drink. Ship cholera also broke out, and both parents and a sister of our subject died from the disease and were buried at sea. The other children finally landed at New York city after being sixteen weeks upon the water. Here they were met by their brother John, he and another brother, Joachim, having previously come to this country and settled at Wolcottsville, New York. The younger children were taken to St. Joseph county, Michigan, and distributed among strangers. The family numbered eight children, of whom five are still living: Joachim, who now makes his home in Polk county, Nebraska; John, who died in 1873; Helmuth, a resident of St. Joseph county, Michigan; Frederick, of Polk county, Nebraska; Lewis, of this sketch; Christopher, of Polk county; Minna, who died on shipboard; and Rega, deceased. The parents were devout members of the Lutheran church. Four of the sons were Union soldiers during the Civil war, Helmuth being a member of the Eighty-eighth Illinois Volunteer infantry; Frederick and Lewis, members of Company A, Eleventh Michigan Infantry; and Christopher, a member of Company K, Thirty-ninth Illinois Volunteers.
On reaching St. Joseph county, Michigan, Lewis Timm was placed with a German farmer, who at one time gave him a terrible whipping, and when about to receive another he left. He then worked for a nurseryman until the Civil war broke out. To a limited extent he attended a very poor school in the old country, and the education he has acquired in America has all been obtained through his own unaided efforts.
On the 22nd of August, 1861, Mr. Timm enlisted as a private in Company A, Eleventh Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and was first sent to Bardstown, Kentucky, and later to Elizabethtown, where he was engaged in guarding bridges. After guarding railroads and wagon trains at Nashville, he participated in the engagements at Gallatin, Fort Riley and Stone River, Tennessee, also the second battle of Stone river January 2 and 3, 1863, and the battles of Elk River, Davis Cross Roads, Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863. In trying to jump a ditch when his regiment started to
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charge at Missionary Ridge, he missed his footing and fell back into the water, wetting his ammunition. He soon got out, ran on and overtook his regiment half way up the hill. He secured a new supply of cartridges from a comrade, and during the engagement was stationed near the color bearer of the state flag, who had his thumb shot off. Seeing the colors trailing in the dust, Mr. Timm grasped the flag pole, but on raising it the color tore loose, and he dropped the pole and grasped the flag, which he carried to the top of the ridge. As he stood there waving the flag above his head and watching the rebels retreat, Captain Patrick H. Keegan, of Company I, who temporarily had command of the regiment, came up and took the colors from our subject's hands, ordering him to get a gun and begin firing, which he did. After the battle this incident was reported to Col. M L. Stoughton, commanding the brigade, who directed that Mr. Timm be given any office in his company which happened to be vacant, and the captain offered him the position of corporal, but he declined. With his regiment he assisted in the capture of Ferguson's battery with all its equipments, was in the engagements at Graysville, Georgia, Buzzard's Roost, Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Rough Station, Peach Tree Creek, and the siege and capture of Atlanta, where he was wounded August 7, 1864, a musket ball passing through his right hand at the base of the thumb. From the field hospital he was sent to the general hospital, and later to Nashville, where he remained until his time expired. At Chickamauga, while busily engaged in loading and firing, a canister shot struck his cartridge box, spoiling it and two of his cartridges, but he was not injured, and while returning from picket duty at Chattanooga, he stooped to pick up two poles lying on the ground, and in doing so the enemy fired three shells at him, but fortunately missed their aim. On the 30th of September, 1864, he was honorably discharged and returned to Michigan.Soon afterward, however, Mr. Timm located in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, where he engaged in farming until 1866, when he purchased one hundred and twenty acres, and later eighty acres more in Calumet county, that state, to the improvement and cultivation of which he devoted his time until coming to Polk county, Nebraska, in 1873. He has since lived upon his present farm, his first home here being a board shanty sixteen by sixteen feet, which has since been replaced by a more comfortable residence twenty-two by sixteen feet with a kitchen twelve by twelve. Here he owns two hundred and forty acres, one hundred and sixty of which are under a high state of cultivation and well- improved. In 1874 his crops were destroyad (sic) by the grasshoppers, the following year his home was burned, and again in October, 1878, his residence was destroyed by fire, his present dwelling having been erected in 1888, but notwithstanding these discouragements, he has persevered in his attempt to secure a home and competence, and success has at length crowned his efforts.
In May, 1867, Mr. Timm was united in marriage with Mrs. Hannah (Persohn) Richards, who was born in Prussia, Germany, October 26, 1846, and came to America in 1857 with her parents, Joachim and Carolena (Lange) Persohn, who settled near Waukesha, Wisconsin. The father died in 1891, but the mother is still living. Their children were Carl, Minna, Etta, William, Mrs. Timm, Carolina, deceased, and Tina. By her first marriage Mrs. Timm has one daughter--Mrs. Emma Sautter, who has five children. Twelve children bless her second union, all still living, namely: Fred, who married Anna Miller and has three children; Lena, who married Frank Klinkman and has three children; Eddie, who
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married Pollie Keisel; George; Christ, who married Rega Heuftle; Maggie, who married Philip Wiesemann and has one child; Charlie; John; Ernest; Hattie; Hannah and Laura. The parents are devout members of the German Methodist Episcopal church, in which he has served as trustee, treasurer of the board, and teacher in the Sunday school. He is an honored member of the Grand Army Post at Osceola, and is independent in politics. He has acceptably served his fellow citizens in the capacity of road overseer for six years, and as a member of the school board for ten years, and he always gives his support to any measures which he believes calculated to advance the moral, intellectual or material welfare of his township or county.
OHN WALKUP has been a resident of Lockridge township, York county, Nebraska, since 1870. He lives on section 12 of the above-mentioned township, where he has a well improved and highly cultivated farm. He has been a conspicuous figure in the development of the resources of this part of the county, and ranks among the leading agriculturist, of the county. He was born in Union county, Ohio, November 14, 1845, and is a son David and Elizabeth (Brewery) Walkup, both natives of Pennsylvania, sketches of whom will appear on another page of this volume.
Our subject was reared in Jefferson county, Iowa, where he resided until 1870, when he removed to York county, Nebraska. He took up one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 12 of Lockridge township, whereon he has made his home ever since. He came by team from Lincoln to his present home when coming to the county, and upon his arrival he built a frame house, which he sodded up. He has cultivated and improved his farm, until he now has one of the most desirable pieces of farming property in the county. He is considered authority on all subjects pertaining to agriculture, as he has followed farming all his life.
In 1862 Mr. Walkup enlisted in Company D, Nineteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in Jefferson county, Iowa, and served three years in the War of the Rebellion. He participated in the following battles: Prairie Grove, siege of Vicksburg, where he was slightly wounded, and the siege of Mobile. During the three years of active service he participated in all of the battles and skirmishes in which his regiment partook.
Mr. Walkup was united in marriage in 1867 to Miss Sarah Stanesbery, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of John and Esther Stanesbery, who were natives of New Jersey and Indiana respectively. They removed to Iowa in 1857, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Mr. and Mrs. Walkup are the parents of six children, three of whom, Edward A., Wilbur and Arthur W., are now living, and two daughters and one son who are dead. Mr. Walkup takes an active interest in the political welfare of the community in which he lives, though he has never sought any office. He is a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party. Socially he is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and is also a member of Ben Hur. Mr. Walkup is a prosperous and well-to-do farmer, and has a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
USTA F. BURKE, one of the first settlers of Lockridge township, York county, was born in Sweden, June 14, 1844, a son of John P. and Mary C. (Johnson) Burke, both natives of Sweden. They were farmers by occupation and followed that calling in their native country until 1857, when they migrated to the United States and settled in Knox county, Illinois.
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