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usually clerks in the bank during his vacations, an has also remained there for one year.
Besides the 230 acres of land in Blue Springs Mr. Hill has a half-interest in eighty more, and is the owner of 320 acres in Kansas. Mrs. Hill has for many years been a member of the Methodist Episcopal communion, and still continues an active member of the same. She is affiliated with the church at Blue Springs, and is held in highest esteem as a most ardent friend and earnest supporter. Our subject is a member of the I. O. O. F. and also of the Masonic fraternity. In the various relations of life he is held in high regard as a man of honor, and a friend of good morals. He is quite popular in the community, and with his family moves in the best circles of society.
ON. SETH H. CRAIG, M. D. The gentle man whose biography is herein briefly sketched, and whose portrait we present, is too well known to need an introduction to any student of Nebraska's history, or one at all acquainted with her politics, he being one of the early settlers in and most prominent men of the city of Wymore. He is the son of James Craig, who was born in Washington County, Pa., in February, 1793, and coming to proper age received a common school education, and then was apprenticed to learn the trade of a tailor, which he continued to follow until he was about twenty-five years of age. when he removed to Ohio, and began the study of law in the town of Millersburg, in the office of Gen, Glasgow. He was diligent and careful in his studies, passed a good examination, was admitted to the bar before his thirtieth birthday, began the practice of his profession in the same town, continuing until 1842, and for many years had enjoyed a very lucrative practice. In that year he visited Iowa, and taking quite a fancy to the Territory removed there with his family, and engaged in the practice of law at Farmington, Van Buren County, and there remained until the death of his wife in 1855, when he removed to Louisville, Ky., and St. Joseph, Mo., and lived with our subject and an elder brother, spending the major portion of his time with his son Seth, and died in St. Joseph in the month of August, 1874.
James Craig was married to Miss Margaret Slater, in the year 1814. Their family circle included sixteen children, of whom ten came to years of maturity, and our subject was the eighth son. Mrs. Craig died in the month of June, 1855, as noted above. She was the daughter of Joseph and Margaret Slater, and was born near West Alexander, Washington Co., Pa., about 1794. Her father, who was quite prosperous as a farmer, was unfortunately removed from his family by death while still a young man.
The grandfather of our subject, Alexander Craig, was born in the North of Ireland, but was of Scottish descent. He was married to Miss Hannah Murry, and they became the parents of seven boys and one girl. He came to America while quite a young man, and all his children were born in this country, but it was their misfortune to lose their father when he was about thirty-six years of age.
Our subject was born in Millersburg, Holmes Co., Ohio, on the 14th of February, 1825, and there remained until he was about eighteen years of age, received his education in the common school, and afterward was initiated into the technique of farming. About 1843 he removed with his parents to Farmington, Iowa, where his education was finished in the common school. Our subject enlisted in the army July 4, 1817, as a private, but it was not long before he was promoted, and received the commission of Lieutenant for exceptional ability and distinguished bravery, he served chiefly in the Northwest among the Indians, and remained in the service until November 12 of the following year, when he was mustered out at Ft. Leavenworth.
While our subject was residing in Farmington, Iowa, previous to his military life, he had studied medicine in the office of Dr. J. F. Sanford, and to these studies he returned when mustered out, and remained until the opening of lectures at Rock Island, where he attended the course of 1848-49. During the vacation he returned to his preceptor, and spent the next season in the medical college at Davenport, Iowa, from which he was graduated in 1850. He then returned to Farmington, legally en-
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titled to commence the practice of medicine, and soon settled in St. Francisville, Mo. Before beginning the practice of medicine Dr. Craig was united in marriage with Miss Susan M Dunning, upon the 28th of March, 1850. The lady of his choice was the daughter of Festes and Caroline Dunning. Their family circle was extended at various times until it included six children, five of whom are still living. Their names are recorded as follows: Clarence F., Herbert D., Charles S., Willard C., Frank B., and Edgar L., who died aged two years, about 1859. Clarence is the husband of Maggie Winther, of Madison, and is the father of four children; he is engaged in the hardware business at Wymore. His brother Herbert married Miss Katy Wilcox, but has no family; the other children are still at home. Mrs. Susan Craig departed this life on the 15th of November, 1872, and nearly ten months afterward, upon the 19th of August, 1873, our subject became the husband of Mrs. Sarah A. Winther, by whom there have been born three children--Sadie L., Clara M. and Hugh C. All the older children have received a good practical education, and have given every evidence of becoming successful business men and honorable citizens, following in the footsteps of their father. The practice of medicine established by our subject at St. Francisville speedily became both extended and lucrative, owing to his skill, more especially, perhaps, in surgery, as he was the only surgeon of marked talent for many miles around St. Francisville, but he only remained a little over twelve months, when he removed to Van Buren County, Iowa, and settled upon the farm that he had purchased in that district. The farm was already unproved, and provided with suitable buildings and residence. Leaving his family here, in the year 1852 he started upon an excursion to California, traveling by means of an ox-team, and occupying a little over four months in the journey, which was undisturbed by any hostile advances on the part of Indians or other persons. Sacramento was reached on the 1st of September, 1852, and much time was spent in the Yuba country, which is between the Middle and North Yuba, at Smith's Flat, where he was very successful in mining operations, coupled with the practice of his profession, which was very remunerative, he being the only physician and surgeon within a circuit of many miles. He continued thus successfully engaged until the summer of 1853, when he returned to his family in Iowa, via the Nicaragua route, of Central America. The following year he removed to Keokuk, and entered into partnership with his former preceptor until the fall of 1855, when he gave up the practice of medicine. Upon retiring from his profession our subject removed to Council Bluffs and engaged in real-estate and mercantile transactions, which resulted very favorably to him. Here he was appointed to fill a vacancy in the Sheriff's office, being afterward elected in due form to the same. This was at the time of Lincoln's first campaign in 1860, and our subject held this office until he resigned in order to enlist in defense of the Union. He joined the 4th Iowa Regiment and was commissioned Captain of Company B. and served as such until he was transferred to staff duty, and was ordered to the Northwest, with his headquarters at Ft. Laramie. During this time there was considerable trouble among the Indiana. He remained at this post until November of 1863, when he returned to St. Louis, resigned his commission, and returned to his family, who in the meantime had been at Farmington, Iowa. At that place he rejoined them and stopped for a short time. Our subject now purchased a farm in that county, and engaged in general farming with abundant success for about three years, when he sold out and purchased a paper-mill at Bentonsport, Iowa, and operated this until 1868, during which time the business largely increased. In 1867 our subject was elected by the Republican party to the Legislature. The election aroused unusual interest, and such was his character and popularity that he ran far ahead of his ticket and had an overwhelming majority. He was in the session of 1867-68, which was one of the most important and exciting, because of the subject under discussion being the resuming of land grants and reletting of the land. The Legislature finally settled the matter by resuming the land and reletting it under additional conditions. These were accepted by the railroads and since fulfilled, Also, because this was the first |
Dr. Ezra Wonder - Pages 153, 154, 155 & 156 cut out and sent to daughter Edith M. Millar ... Portland, Oregon 5/30/42.
Copy following provided by Bill Wever - from book shelved at NE State Historical Society, Lincoln, NE.
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Legislature to take cognizance of railroad freight, transportation and rates, fixing the maximum of the rate. Our subject by the same powers which had made him a successful army officer soon became a recognized leader of his body, as many of his colleagues still testify. The above matters, with the bills naturally springing from them, made this session exceedingly important in the history of the State. Upon returning from the Legislature our subject went to Council Bluffs, and engaged in obtaining right of way, depot privileges, subscriptions, etc., for, the St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Railroad Company, following this by a similar position for what is now the Wabash Railroad, to the Iowa and Missouri State line. The trains of that railroad are at present running over the ground thus secured by our subject. This had brought him on to the year 1870, and for about two years he confined his work more especially within the usual boundaries of the real-estate business. In 1872 he was elected Warden of the Iowa Penitentiary at Ft. Madison, and continued to hold the same for three terms, each of two years, and is held by all to have been the best disciplinarian with the minimum of punishment up to that period of the history of the institution. His government was in excellent favor among the inmates, and gained for him quite a large and favorable reputation throughout the State and elsewhere, so much so that many prominent men consulted him regarding his methods; among the States thus consulting him were South Carolina, Texas, California, Missouri and Indiana. The term of our subject as Warden expired in the spring of 1878. He then purchased a farm of 240 acres in Fremont County, Iowa, and engaged in general farming, but also gave much thought and attention to the higher grades of stock, including horses, cattle and hogs. The horses were chiefly those adapted for general road purposes, and were of the Hambletonian order. His cattle were upon the line of the Short-horns and Jerseys, the rest of them being registered. This he followed until 1883, when he sold out and came to this place to live. He had visited it in 1882 and was much pleased with the country. Since the above time he has made his residence here continuously, and is held by the citizens as one of the most prominent and honorable citizens. He is often selected to represent Wymore in conventions and other gatherings. He is at present serving as Supervisor of Wymore Township, being elected in 1886 and re-elected in 1887. Dr. Craig's enthusiastic patriotism and military experiences lead him to a prominent position in the G. A. R., with which he is connected, he is also identified with the 1. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, and in the Masonic fraternity has taken the degree of a Knight Templar. In all these societies our subject takes the deepest interest, and is regarded by all his fellow-members with unusually high esteem.
Our subject was born on the 3d of January, 1848, in Aberdeen, Scotland, where he received his education, attending school at Gordon's Hospital, a regular High School. He finished his course of study, and at the age of sixteen years he began to serve an apprenticeship as a machinist, which lasted for six years, in that time making a voyage to South Africa. Afterward he came to New York City, and thence to Chicago and direct to Burlington, Iowa, where he began to work for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad in 1807. He has since that time remained in the employ of this company, having frequently been promoted because of his competence and ability; going first from Burlington to Plattsmouth, Cass Co., Neb., and then to Red Cloud, Webster County, when they were building time Denver extension of time road, and then |
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coming to Wymore, where he put in all of the machinery, and started the shops. He has since had charge of all the locomotives and cats here. The Burlington & Missouri River locomotive and car shops of the South Division were built in 1881, the machinery of which was put in under the direction of our subject. The shop proper is 60x100 feet, and contains four lathes, planer, one sloating-machine, one drill press, one bolt cutter and two circular saws. About 110 men are employed here, who are kept busy repairing the thirty-six engines of this division. There is also a roundhouse of fifteen stalls, ten stalls being built at the same time, and afterward an addition of five stalls made under the direction of Mr. Pirie last year. This being the central point for all this division, there are on an average eighteen locomotives here every night. It is needless to speak further in praise of Mr. Pirie's ability, as the position which he holds is a great compliment to it. On the 28th of November, 1877, our subject was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth L. Calder, who was born in Arbroath, Scotland, on the 24th of May, 1858. She came to America in 1874, and went for awhile to Kingston, Canada, thence to Plattsmouth, where our subject made her acquaintance. They are the parents of two children, both of wholly were taken from them by an early death. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pirie are esteemed members of the Episcopal Church.
Seneca County, Ohio, was the birthplace of our subject, and where he first opened his eyes to the light Sept. 17, 1833. He completed his education in the High School of that place, began the study of medicine, and subsequently entered the office of Dr. J. Myers, in Carey, Ohio, under whose instruction he remained for a period of four years. He then entered upon a course of lectures in the Cincinnati Medical College, and began the practice of his profession at New Riegel, in Seneca County. There he remained two years, then returning to Carey, became the partner of his former tutor, Dr. Myers, with whom he remained until the spring of 1861. Our subject now changed his residence from the Buckeye State to Wakarusa, Ind., where he sojourned for a period of four years. Thence he returned to Carey, Ohio, where he established a drug-store and followed his profession successfully until 1874. His next removal was to this State, where he enjoys a fine reputation and the confidence of a large patronage in a marked degree. Dr. Wonder was married in Carey, Ohio, Oct. 1, 1857, to Miss Mary A. Kimball, and they are now the parents of six children, the youngest of whom, Eddie, died at the age of three years and nine months. The survivors have reached mature years, arid are named respectively Ruah Alma, Nathan D., Elmer E., Addie May and Edith M. Mrs. Wonder is the daughter of Capt. Nathan Kimball, a farmer by occupation, and a resident of Carey, Ohio. She was born there Feb. 22, 1836, and continued under time parental roof until her marriage. Capt. Kimball was a native of Maine, and earned his military title in the War of 1812. After the conflict had ended he settled in the Buckeye State, of which he remained a resident until his death. The mother, Mrs. Mary Ann. Kimball, resides in Wakarusa, Ind., in her eighty-fourth year. Daniel Wonder, the father of our subject, was born in Mifflin County, Pa., April 12, 1791, and upon reaching manhood was there married to Miss |
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Catherine Harpster. They became the parents of nine children, and in middle life left the Keystone state with their little family and settled among the pioneers of Stark County, Ohio. The father cleared a tract of land, making considerable improvements, but seven years later went into Seneca County, and entered a quarter-section from the Government. From this he built up one of the finest farms in that region, erected a large barn and a commodious brick house, the latter the first of its kind in that region, and the brick of which he manufactured himself. This structure is still standing and is often pointed out to the passing traveler as one of the landmarks of the early days. Daniel Wonder became prominent in the affairs of Seneca County, holding township offices, and being generally interested in the enterprises calculated for the advancement of the people. He was identified with the Evangelical Association, and died on the 20th of February, 1887, after reaching the advanced age of ninety-five years, tell months and eight days. The mother died in 1863. Mathias Wonder, the great-grandfather of our subject, belonged to the German nobility, and was born in the Kingdom of Wurtemberg. He came of a very wealthy family, and emigrated to America when his son Andrew was a little lad seven years of age. They made the ocean voyage in a sailing-vessel, and were nine months crossing the Atlantic. They landed at Philadelphia, and settled in York County, Pa., where the great-grandfather died in middle life when only forty years old. His son Andrew was the eldest of the family, and married Miss Catherine Swartz, of Little York, Pa. To them were born twelve children. They lived within five miles of Little York seven years, then removed north fifty miles to Chimoke. Later they went into Mifflin County, and afterward lived in different portions of the Keystone State, where Grandfather Wonder followed his trade of wheelwright. He finally settled in Wayne County, Ohio, and with his wife lived to a great age, his death occurring when he was eighty-four years and six months old. He served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, receiving an honorable wound, and thereafter drew a pension. Among the children of Andrew and Catherine Wonder was Daniel. who became the father of our subject. He was born five miles from Little York, Pa., April 12, 1792 and was a babe of five months when his parents settled in Chimoke. When they left there he was a lad of nine years. The country at that time was wild and uncultivated, and infested with bears, wolves, panthers, catamounts, etc., of which the father trapped and shot many. The school privileges of those days were exceedingly limited. After going to Mifflin County young Daniel was converted to religion through the preaching of Revs. Allbright and Miller. Six years later he removed with his parents across the mountains to Lost Creek Valley, where he lived until reaching his majority. Then obtaining permission from his father to take his ax and mattock, he left home and commenced in earnest the struggle of life on his own account. A year later, visiting his parents, he found them greatly in need of money, and gave them $4 in consideration of the tools which he had taken. He thus commenced in life with absolutely nothing. Returning to Jackson Valley he commenced making shingles at the rate of fifty cents pet day in the summer season, and thirty-five cents in the winter. Notwithstanding these small wages he managed to lay by a snug sum of money for those times, and shortly afterward began the establishment of a home of his own by his marriage, April 12, 1814 with Miss Catharine Harpster. The young people commenced life together in a manner suitable to their means and position, and lived in the valley six years. To them were born to them three sons, John, Matthias and George, but notwithstanding the increase in the family, wages remained the same. Daniel Wonder, about 1820, removed to Ohio, and there were afterward added six children to the family circle. His industry and perseverance in due time met with their reward, and he was enabled to do as he had always desired, viz: devote the balance of his life to the spreading of the Gospel. He had at an early age identified himself with the Evangelical Association, and remained connected with this until his death, which took place in 1887. Dr. Ezra Wonder, in 1880, put up his business block, which is two stories in height, and occupies |
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an area 23x90 feet. In 1882 he erected another store building by its side and of corresponding size. The upper half of the latter building comprises the Opera House. In 1881 he built a fine residence located in the northeastern part of the town, which with its grounds is an ornament to the city. He is recognized as one of the most liberal and public-spirited men in the place. Politically, Dr. Wonder is a stalwart Republican.
The first recollections of our subject therefore are of his adopted home in the Nutmeg State. There began his primary education but in 1850 the family left New England, and after a journey made in true emigrant style to the State of Wisconsin, and settlement in Somerset Township, Kenosha County, lived there from the fall of 1850 until the spring of 1857, when they again took up their line of march for the new and undeveloped Territory of Nebraska. Settling upon a squatter's claim, the father tilled the soil, and the family lived there amid numerous difficulties and hardships until his death, which occurred April 1, 1863. Mr. Shaw was a boy of thirteen years when he made the journey from the Badger State to Nebraska, and being a bright boy and very observant, the trip afforded him no end of amusement. They passed through the embryo cities of Beloit, Wis., Rockford, Dixon, Sterling, Moline and Rock Island, Ill., through Davenport, Iowa City, Des Moines and Glenwood, Iowa, and thence south and westward to Nebraska City, this State, where they crossed the Missouri River on a flatboat. Thence they made their way up Salt Creek, and proceeded westward until they struck the edge of the Nemaha Valley, arriving here July 6, 1857. Young Stephen had been blessed with good and sensible parents, who realized the advantages of education, and gave to the boy the best chance for schooling which their circumstances and surroundings permitted. He completed his studies in the school at Nebraska City when a youth of sixteen years, and thereafter assisted his father on the farm until a short time before reaching his majority. In the spring of 1864 he left home, and making his way to the central part of Colorado, began prospecting and working in the silver mines of Gilpin County, where he sojourned about one year. Upon returning home he engaged in various occupations until his marriage, in the meantime making preparations for the establishment of a home of his own. The maiden selected by our subject for his future wife and helpmate, and to whom he was married Nov. 8, 1866, was Miss Minerva, daughter of William and Annie (Scott) Hand, who were natives respectively of New York and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Hand after marriage settled at Niagara, where the father engaged in mercantile business, and whence they removed four or five years later to Kenosha County, Wis., where young Stephen Shaw and Miss Hand made their first acquaintance. The Hands in 1857 moved, like the Shaw family, to this State, settling near Nebraska City, where the father pursued the vocation of a farmer, and is now deceased. The wife of our subject was the only daughter in a family of three children, the other two being boys, William H. and Nathaniel. She was the second child, and was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., May 24, 1850. She was a little girl about four years old when the family removed to Wisconsin, and seven years of age when they came to Nebraska. She received a common-school education, and was trained by an excellent mother in those housewifely arts a knowledge of which is so essential in one presiding as the mother of a family. To Mr. and Mrs. Shaw there have been born the following children: Louis, Katie, Elmira, Ada, Alice and Charles. The eldest is twenty, and the youngest two years of age. They form a household group in which the parents take pardonable pride, |
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