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He remained in his native country until 1862, when he removed with his parents to Glasgow, Scotland. From that city he embarked in 1862, in a sailing-vessel, for America, where he arrived seven weeks and three days from the date of starting. Landing in New York City, Mr. Young proceeded to Philadelphia, and there resided for several years, working as a bricklayer. About 1868 he came to West Lincoln, Neb., and there worked at his trade, brick making, until 1872, when he came to this county and settled upon section 4 of Highland Township, where he pre-empted a quarter-section of land in its original wild, prairie state. He put in a great deal of hard work during the next few years, and brought it to a very high state of agricultural efficiency. It was a thorough transformation and had become quite a valuable property. During this time his father and mother lived with him on the farm, and owing to this he was enabled frequently to absent himself from the farm in order to work at his trade at Lincoln, which under other circumstances would have been impossible. In 1884 Mr. Young settled upon his present farm on section 1, adjoining Cortland, where he was engaged in stock-farming, although necessarily giving considerable attention to the raising of corn, grain, hay, etc., for feed purposes. His specialty would appear to be the raising of Shorthorn cattle and the breeding of high-grade horses, such as the Clydesdale, English thoroughbreds, and the better class of American horses. In this occupation he has had unusual success, and has built up a very large and favorable reputation in connection therewith. On the 1st of October, 1874, our subject was united in marriage with Sarah Calathan, like himself a native of North Ireland. This lady is a daughter of James and Margaret Calathan, and was ushered into life June 1, 1851, and made her home with her parents until her marriage, coming to the United States in the year 1869 with some of her relatives, settling in Philadelphia. This union has been more completely cemented by the birth of nine children, viz: Sarah J., Robert R., Maggie T., Fred W., Jay W., Ette, Lora, also Willie and John, both of whom are deceased. In political matters our subject is independent, always voting according to the principles of right rather than party. During his residence on section 4 he filled the office of School Treasurer for several years, and has also held other offices. He is a man who enjoys the fullest confidence and respect of the community, as do also his family. His history shows what may be done by determination, energy and hard work, despite poverty of early opportunity.
The Neumann family is of pure German ancestry, William G., the father of our subject, having been born July 26, 1790. In 1812 he was drafted into the German army. The mother, Mrs. Catherine (Kehl) Neumann, was born March 18, 1805, at Meisenheim, and was the daughter of well-to-do parents, with whom she was reared, and remained with them until her marriage. She became the mother of twelve children, nine sons and three daughters, all of whom lived to mature years, and of whom our subject was next to the youngest. After the return of the father from the wars he removed to Meisenheim, where he married, then settled at Langenlonshime, where he held a Government position until sixty-eight years of age. In the fall of 1857 Mr. Neumann with his family emigrated to America, settling first in Henry County, Ill., where he secured a tract of land, upon which he followed farming until his death, which occurred on the 25th of December, 1861. The mother survived until Aug. 4, 1880, making her |
home with her son, our subject, the last six years of her life. All of their children had been given a good education, and with their parents were members of the German Lutheran Church. The sons are generally engaged in merchandising, and hold good positions in their community.
Julius Neumann was born in Langenlonshime, July 7, 1848, and there remained until a lad nine years of age, when he came with his parents to the United States. His education was completed in the schools of Henry County, Ill.; he was for a time a student at the Cambridge High School. Afterward he worked on the farm with his father until seventeen years old, and then started in business for himself, establishing a hardware store at Bishop Hill, which he carried on successfully for a period of three years. Next he embarked in the dry-goods trade at San Jose, Ill., and since that time has been in this business, having now an experience of twenty years.
Mr. Neumann came to this county in the spring of 1882, and that same year put up a fine brick block on Niagara avenue. In partnership with A. E. Winter he conducted a successful business until the spring of 1888, then, desiring a rest, sold out. Among the men most largely engaged in those enterprises which have furnished an impetus to the business interests of the town, the subject of this sketch has occupied no unimportant position. He has been a member of the School Board most of the time since coming here, and holds the office of President, both of the Building and Loan Association and the Board of Trade. Of the Methodist Episcopal Church he has been a generous contributing member for years, also holding the office of Trustee, and serving on the Building Committee and in other positions where he could do effective work.
The marriage of our subject and Miss Amelia Wellmeyer, of Wapello, Iowa, was celebrated at the home of the bride, June 3, 1874. Mrs. Neumann was born Sept. 1, 1854, in Iowa, and is the daughter of W. H. and Elizabeth Wellmeyer, who were natives of Germany. Of this union there have been born six children: Clarence, who died in 1879, at the age of six years; Rawley W., Clarice, Mahlon, Gertrude and Wilhemina. The eldest is twelve years of age and the youngest two. They are being carefully trained and educated, and there is every reason to suppose will grow up an honor to their parents and ornaments to society.
. SIZER BARNUM, proprietor of the Pioneer Livery Stable, is also the owner of a fine stock farm of 120 acres lying two miles north of the city of Blue Springs. He gives his attention mostly to time breeding of fine horses, having two imported stallions, and is a member of the Imported Horse Society. There are few men who have been more industrious or energetic in the building up of this important industry in this section.
Hiram, the father of our subject, was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, in 1811. There also he was educated, studied law, and upon reaching manhood made his way to Buffalo, N. Y., where he was married to Miss Irena H. Howard. They became the parents of five children, two of whom died at an early age. The father of our subject operated as a broker, but left Buffalo in 1838, and returning to his native State, lived there for a time in Trumbull County, then removed to Akron, Summit County, and was engaged in the practice of law for a number of years. He finally returned to his native county, and settling down upon a farm there spent the remainder of his life, passing away at the ripe old age of seventy-six years.
Hiram Barnum was a man of fine capacities, prominent in local and political affairs, he held the various offices of his own township in Trumbull County, and was widely and favorably known throughout that region. His wife, Irena, was born in New York in 1807, and is still living at the old homestead in Trumbull County, Ohio. This tract of land was cleared from the wilderness by Eli Barnum, the grandfather of our subject, who was a native of Danbury, Conn. He continued a resident of New England until his marriage, then emigrated to Ohio, and in the woods of Trumbull County purchased land three miles from any other settlers. From this he built up a fine farm and erected a flouring-mill on Eagle Creek. Later he sold
a part of this property to a colony called the Trumbull Phalanx. He spent his last years in Trumbull County, and died at the ripe old age of seventy-five years. The house where he last lived was a large frame structure, the first frame house built in Braceville Township with an "L," and had within it the huge fireplace common to those days. It was the resort of the people of that region for miles around, and witnessed many a cheerful gathering.
The paternal grandmother of our subject was in her girlhood Miss Mary Dibble. She became the mother of nine children, all of whom lived to mature years. Grandmother Barnum survived her husband for a period of ten years, dying at the advanced age of eighty-five.
The subject of this sketch was born in Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1837. He was but one year old when his parents moved to Ohio, settling in Braceville Township. His education was continued in the schools of Akron, Summit County, and after their removal to the farm he became familiar with its various labors. He remained with his parents until the spring of 1859, then coming West, crossed the Missouri River at Nebraska City on the 20th of April of that year. He took up his location in this county on the 24th of May following, thus being one of the earliest pioneers of Southern Nebraska. In Blue Springs Township there were then only Henry Elliot, with his father and brother, a family by the name of Eavener, and another by the name of Poff. His nearest neighbor was two miles distant from the tract of land which he secured from the Government.
The Indians had not then left this section of country, being settled on a reservation, and caused the settlers much apprehension on account of their depredations and hostility to the whites. Wild animals also were abundant. For fifteen years Mr. Barnum contended with the elements of the soil and other inconveniences attendant upon pioneer life, then began to realize the fruits of his labors. By careful cultivation his land yielded abundantly, and he erected the buildings necessary for his convenience and comfort. He occupied this home until 1871. In the meantime, after the outbreak of the late Civil War, he enlisted on the 1st of September, 1861, in the 1st Battalion of Nebraska Cavalry, afterward transferred to the 5th Iowa Cavalry, and did good service as a soldier in the States of Kentucky and Tennessee until Nov. 11, 1862, when he was compelled to accept his discharge on account of disability. Two brothers of Mr. Barnum were also in the late war. One, Samuel H., was wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville, and died soon after from his wounds. The daughter Kate is a teacher in the grammar school at Blue Springs.
Mr. Barnum was married April 19, 1863, to one of the most estimable ladies of Blue Springs, Mrs. Myra H. Rappleye, and of this union there were born four children, one of whom died in infancy; those surviving are Kate, Eli H. and Roza. The family in the winter of 1871 left the farm and removed to Blue Springs, where Mr. Barnum put up a small house and a hay stable, and thins inaugurated the business from which he now derives a handsome income. He went to Bloomington, Neb., in 1873, laid the foundations for the second building in the town, and also established a livery stable there later, which he operated three years. He deals largely in Clyde, Norman and Percheron horses, and exhibits some of the finest animals in Southern Nebraska, of immense size and great beauty. His farm furnishes fine pasturage for these animals, and he also has convenient stables, and all the other appliances necessary for the successful prosecution of his calling. His stables contain some high-bred trotting stock, in the care and training of which he exercises the most excellent judgment, and has gained for himself an enviable reputation throughout the State. His brood mare stands second to none in the country.
Mr. Barnum in addition to his extensive private interests has held the various township offices, and is everywhere spoken of as one of the liberal and public-spirited men of Gage County. Quiet and unassuming in his manners, he is one of the few who gain hosts of friends who respect him for his good qualities alone. He still has in his possession a certificate of election to the office of the Register of Deeds in Gage County, before its organization, and which had to be acknowledged in Pawnee County. This bears the date July 16, 1859, and was signed by Julius Tyler, Clerk. It is a document carefully preserved, and one with which he would not part
for considerable money. In Blue Springs Township he has served as Assessor, Supervisor and Treasurer of the School Board.
Mrs. Barnum was born in Derbyshire, England. Her mother was Frances (Hollingworth) Shelley, and the parents emigrated to America when she was a young girl of fourteen years. They settled on a tract of land in Portage County, Wis., and Myra remained under the parental roof until her marriage to L. C. Rappleye, who died in 1861. Her father followed farming until his death, which occurred about 1884. The mother resides with her son, R. E. Shelley, in Holmesville, Gage Co., Neb., and has arrived at the ripe old age of seventy-two years.
HRISTIAN C. MOWRY was early identified with the pioneers of Gage County, coming here in the very prime of early manhood, and devoting his energies to assist in the development of the wonderful agricultural resources of this exceedingly fertile and productive region. He is an intelligent, enterprising man, of honorable character and good business habits, and is well deserving of the good fortune that has come to him through his persistent toil. He now owns a good farm on section 12, Paddock Township that in culture and productiveness compares favorably with any other farm in the township.
Our subject was born in Darke County. Ohio, Oct. 17, 1844, to Jacob and Susanna (Cring) Mowry. His father was a man of good standing in his community, both as a man and as a citizen, and his death, in 1857, was felt to be a loss beyond the home circle. The mother of our subject, an estimable, capable woman, now lives in Blue Springs, this county. Christian C. was twelve years old when his parents removed from the place of his birth to make their home in Sandusky County, Ohio, and there the remaining years of his boyhood were passed. There he was living quietly when the Rebellion broke out, a youth of sixteen years, too young to enlist, but he watched with intense interest the course of the contending armies, and at length the longed for opportunity to take an active part in the conflict offered, and he gladly seized the chance to go as a substitute, becoming a member of the Ohio National Guards, May 2. 1864, and served with the regiment about 100 days. In February, 1865, he enlisted in Company B, 195th Ohio Infantry, and was a member of that company until the close of the war. He was on guard duty until about Christmas, 1865, and proved himself to be a capable, trusty soldier.
Mr. Mowry was united in marriage to Miss Lucinda Haupster, Feb. 27. 1868, and he owes much of his present prosperity to her wise and ready help. Her parents, Thomas and Catherine Haupster, of Richardson County, Neb., came to Gage County the next spring after she and her husband settled here, and her father died here in 1884. Her mother now makes her home in Falls City, Neb. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Mowry has been blessed to them by the birth of seven children, namely: William H., Charles A., Effa E., Sarah L., twins who died in infancy, and John F. Mrs. Mowry is a valued member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Blue Springs.
In the fall of 1868 Mr. Mowry decided to make his home in Nebraska, where he thought he could establish a comfortable home for himself and his young wife in this new and rapidly growing State, and be able sooner to gain a competence than in the older and more densely populated States in the East. After his arrival he located about three miles north of Blue Springs, in this county. Nebraska was not then what it is now; it had but recently been admitted into the Union, and gave but little indications of its present wealth and high standing among its sister States. Gage County was then but sparsely inhabited, there were but few houses in Blue Springs, and Beatrice was but a village; its pioneers had scarcely more than entered upon the development of its resources; the surrounding country was in a very wild condition; Indians were here in great numbers, and wild game, such as deer, antelope, wild turkey, etc., was abundant. In March, 1880, Mr. Mowry came to Paddock Township and purchased his present farm, and he thus became one of the early settlers of this township. His farm comprises 120 acres of land, on which but few improvements had been made
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