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engaged in his present business. He was early recognized as an enterprising young man, bearing a good character, and he at once received the hand of good-fellowship from the prominent residents here. He has entered heartily into the public affairs of this place, supporting the movements which tend to the advancement and improvement of the public welfare, and in every way has distinguished himself as a good and loyal citizen. On the 9th of February, 1886, our subject, realizing the fact that it is not good for man to be alone, was joined in marriage with Miss Emma C. Wait, a daughter of Phillip Wait, of Sedan, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Craig are prominent and influential members of society, and in the short time they have made their residence in this city they have gathered about them a circle of friends and acquaintances from the best families. The business in which our subject is engaged naturally brings him in contact with a large number of the most prominent citizens of the community, and he is becoming well established here. In this office he makes use of the improved time lock and burglar-proof safe.
James Boggs the father of our subject, was born in Virginia, where he lived until a young man twenty years of age. Upon leaving home he migrated to the embryo town of Newcastle, Ind., where shortly afterward he was married to Miss Martha Stinson, who was born in East Tennessee, Oct. 26, 1806. Her father, John Stinson, with his wife, was also a native of that State, and they spent their last years in Henry County, Ind. The parents of our subject continued residents of Indiana, where the fattier carried on farming until his death, which occurred Nov. 7, 1842. The mother survived a period of ten years, and died at the old homestead, March 6, 1852. Their family included seven children, six sons and one daughter, of whom the following are living, namely: L. B., the subject of this sketch; Milton M., a physician of Lincoln, Ind.; Anthony, a farmer of Argus, Marshall Co., Ind.; Joel L., a merchant of Argus, Ind., and William J., who is farming in the vicinity of Saline, Kan. Hon. L. B. Boggs was born Sept. 3, 1828, at Newcastle, Ind., and was but fourteen years of age at the time of his father's death. He was thus thrown upon his own resources, and for two years following worked for his board and clothes, and attended school three months in the winter. He was always recognized as a bright and ambitious lad, and determined to have an education. He followed farming in the manner already described until twenty years old, and was then so fortunate as to be able to enter Wabash Valley College, in his native State, where he took a full classical course, including three years of Latin, and one year of Greek, besides the common English branches, and natural science. At the close of his college course young Boggs was employed in an elevator one year in Michigan City, and then took up the study of medicine, at Leesburg. Ind. Three years later he entered upon the practice of his profession at North Manchester, where he was located until the fall of 1858. He then changed the scene of his labors to Neponset, Ill., where he operated until 1865. From there he removed to Argus, Ind., where he followed his profession until 1870, and then on account of failing health turned over his practice to his brother, and for a year served as Deputy Marshal of the Third District of Marshall County. At the expiration of the year he resumed practice, and continued in Indiana until September, 1871, when he traced his steps to this county. Dr. Boggs, soon after landing in Southern Nebraska, purchased 185 acres of laud in what is now Filley Township, but what was then designated as "Mud Creek." For this he paid $4.50 per acre, intending to commence stock-raising, but as soon as |
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it became known that he was a physician he was induced to resume his profession. He, however, did not abandon his stock operations, in which he was ably assisted by his sons. His practice in a short time extended for twenty miles in different directions, his farm being his office and headquarters. Dr. Boggs, in 1887, feeling that he had done ample service in the professional field, and having educated one of his sons to succeed him, retired from active practice, and is now for the most part giving himself up to the enjoyment of the ample fortune which he has secured by his energy and perseverance. He has given his children a liberal education, and finds great pleasure in establishing them in business, and watching their careers, which there is every reason to believe will be but the reflex of his own. He has not been without his reverses, having like his neighbors fought the grasshopper scourge, and upon the occasion of one of the severe storms frequently visiting this region suffered the loss of a fine barn, which was struck by lightning and burned. Our subject has dealt considerably in real estate, and besides giving a farm to each of his six sons has 265 acres of good land in Filley Township. He usually keeps a herd of fifty cattle and thirty head of horses and colts. In August, 1884, Dr. Boggs and a number of other gentlemen interested in the temperance work organized a publishing company, of which the Doctor was made Vice President, and began the publication of the New Republic, with which our subject remained associated until 1887. He then retired from its management, although not from any lack of interest in the work, which he believes to be one of the most important on the face of the globe. He was born and reared a Democrat, and continued one until after the election of Pierce. From that time until the organization of the Republican party he was an Abolitionist until this party had accomplished its object by the extinction of slavery. In 1880 he identified himself with the Prohibition party, and in 1884 was one of the Presidential electors on the Prohibition ticket. In 1876 he was elected by the people of Gage County as their Representative to the Nebraska Legislature, and assisted in that most important measure, the adoption of the new constitution. In the House of Representatives he was the same industrious and energetic spirit that he has been always, and served on the Judicial Committee, besides being called upon for aid in the settlement of various vexed questions outside the province of this committee. During the term of Dr. Boggs as a member of the House occurred the Senatorial contest, which resulted in the election finally of Alvin Saunders, and in which contest the Doctor bore no unimportant part. In his township and county there have always been offices at his command, but he has preferred the quiet of home surroundings, and to give his attention to his (arm and his family. Socially, he belongs to the Masonic fraternity. He is a stockholder and one of the directors in the bank at Filley, and to various enterprises intended for the advancement of the people around him has ever lent a cordial and generous support. The marriage of L. B. Boggs and Miss Virginia R. Fraser was celebrated at the home of the bride in Indiana, Oct. 26, 1854. Mrs. Boggs is the daughter of James and Sarah (Campbell) Fraser, who were natives of Washington, D. C., and are deceased. Mr. Fraser was born in Alexandria, Va., July 3, 1798, and died July 4, 1884, in Indiana. His wife, Sarah, was born in Washington, D. C., in 1808. They were married in Washington, and in the year 1834 emigrated to the vicinity of the embryo town of LaPorte, Ind., where Mr. F. followed farming. There the mother died in October, 1866. They had a family of eight children, of whom Mrs. B. was the third in order of birth. Six only of these children are now living: Catherine is the wife of Thomas K. Armstrong, a farmer of Johnson, Mo.; Noval W. is superintendent of the broom department of the penitentiary at Lincoln, Neb.; Virginia R., Mrs. Boggs; Mary, Mrs. William Shumaker, is the wife of a well-to-do farmer and merchant of Chilhowee, Mo.; Joseph H., of LaPorte, is engaged in merchandising, and Cornelia, who lives there also, is unmarried. Mrs. Virginia Boggs was born in LaPorte County, Ind., March 28, 1836, where she was reared and educated, and remained under the parental roof until her marriage. Of her union with our subject there have been born thirteen children, eleven of whom are now living, namely: James F., born |
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Jan. 7, 1856, and now carrying on farming in Filley Township, this county; Charles S., born June 19, 1857, and practicing medicine in Filley; Eva L., born Nov. 19, 1858, and now the wife of P. E. Plumb, a telegraph operator of Drummond, Wis.; Mary Ellen, born Aug. 5, 1860, and the wife of William H. Andrew, a lumberman of Table Rock, this State; Luther H., born April 16, 1862, a liveryman of Filley; Thomas W., born March 8, 1864, and farming in Filley Township: Benjamin F., born March 16, 1866, and assisting on the home farm; Alice C., born March 4, 1868; Virginia Belle, Dec. 20, 1870; Lewis W., Nov. 4, 1875, and Midge, Feb. 11, 1881. The younger children are all at home with their parents. The fine family of children, the beautiful and comfortable home where plenty reigns, the standing of a capable and energetic man in his community, form a picture pleasing to contemplate, and suggest the true object of man's creation, namely, to glorify the Author of all good, and benefit the world around as opportunity occurs.
The father of our subject then moved to Rock Island County, where he conducted an extensive nursery and fruit business for thirty years. He then moved to Union County, beginning in the same business, in which he prospered very well. Unfortunately he met with an accident which caused his death, Nov. 7, 1877, at the age of seventy-seven years. The mother of our subject died in Rock Island County in 1859, aged sixty-two years, after having reared a family of seven children, who bear the names of Elizabeth J., Elijah, Elisha J., Simeon E., Ira B., Mary S. and Truman B. The father married a second time, in 1860, a lady from Arkansas, named Mrs. Carver, by whom he had five children--Levi, Isabella, Ida and two infants unnamed. Our subject was born in Drury Township, Rock Island Co., Ill., on the 12th of July, 1837, and as he grew to an age in which he could be of help to his father he really took charge of the farm while his father attended to the nursery. In this way he received many valuable lessons in the latter business which have aided him in the improvement of his own place. He also had a fondness for domestic animals and took care of those on his father's farm, now giving special attention to stock-raising on his own behalf. His education was limited to the common district schools, but in his acquaintance with the world he has gamed a large amount of general and useful information, which is of more value than the elementary learning from text-books. On the 11th of September, 1862, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Louisa J. Severns, a daughter of Nye and Magdalene (Quick) Severns, who were natives of the Empire State, but were early settlers in Rock Island County, Ill. The mother died in 1876, at the age of sixty years, and the father died in December, 1877, at the age of sixty-five years, having eleven children in their family, of whom the wife of out subject is the ninth. She was born on the 24th of November, 1845, in Drury Township, Rock Island County, and when she became of age to attend the district schools she received her early education therein. Our subject had become the owner of a farm, on which they resided for three years after their marriage, part of which time was spent in the service of the country, it being the time of the late civil disturbance. Our subject enlisted for 100 days' service with |
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Company K. 140th Illinois Infantry, and was placed on duty, guarding the Memphis & Charleston Railroad, and was in Missouri at the time of Price's raid. After honorably serving for the time of his enlistment he returned home and went on his father's place, taking charge of the old homestead until the fall of 1873. He then came to Nebraska and purchased his present 400 acres on sections 1. 2, and also 35 in Logan Township, having been very successful in his farming and giving special attention to the raising of live stock. He feeds cattle largely and ships two carloads of beef cattle and a carload of hogs every year. His herd of cattle numbers about sixty, exclusive of the breeding stock and feeders. He makes use of his knowledge of horticulture to beautify his own farm, and on it he has a splendid orchard of 150 apple trees, plenty of small fruits, vines, etc., and a splendid grove containing several acres of cottonwood, maple and box elder trees. He has erected a very fine house, excellent barns and out-buildings, which greatly augment the value of his possessions. By his marriage with Miss Severns our subject became the father of five children now living, named Elmer, Omer, Myrtle, Lelah D., Truman B., Jr., and a daughter, Alma, now deceased. His wife died in April, 1883, and he was married a second time in Rock Island County, Ill., to Miss Augusta P. Davis, a native of that county, who was born on the 2d of July, 1847. She had received an excellent education in her early years, and for twenty-three years she adorned the profession of teaching, than which there is none more noble. Since her marriage with our subject she is the mother of one child, an infant, deceased. The parents of Mrs. Essex were Joseph S. and Amanda (Johnson) Davis, natives of New York State, and were married there in 1832. The mother died Sept. 18, 1880; the father died May 2, 1882, in Rock Island County, Ill. Our subject and his wife are honored members of the. Methodist Episcopal Church, of Summit Class, of the Holmesville charge. The service in behalf of his country entitles our subject to a membership in the G. A. R., Rollins Post No. 35, of Beatrice, and he is also a member of the social order of I. O. O. F. Lodge, No. 19, in time same city, in which be has attained the degree of Past Grand. Politically, he is connected with the Republican party, and was elected to the office of County Commissioner, in which he served from 1881 to 1885; in 1886 he was Supervisor, being the first to occupy that office in Rockford Township. In the Judiciary Courts he has served on the Grand and Petit Juries, and is prominently identified with the educational work of the township, now serving as Director of School District No. 49. His ability and service in behalf of the public institutions entitle him to an honorable mention among the most worthy of the township.
Our subject, being the eldest of a large family of children, was early called upon to assume part of the labor necessary for their maintenance, and thus from his boyhood days he has led an active, busy life. His father lived on a farm and he was early taught all the duties pertaining to farm life, not obliged, however, to neglect his education, as has been the case with some less fortunate elder sons. He attended the public schools in his county until he was thoroughly posted in the elementary branches of |
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learning, after which he for a time attended college at Galena, supplementing his course of instruction in the latter place by a partial course in the commercial department of the Normal School at Valparaiso. Ind. Thus he was well equipped to start out in business for himself with a thorough education as the basis of whatever vocation he might choose, and since he had spent many years in farm labor he decided to continue in the same occupation. On the 21st of September, 1882, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Lizzie Campbell. who was also born in his native county on the 28th of March, 1860, and is a daughter of John and Mary J. Campbell, the former of whom is deceased, and the latter is now making her home in Jo Daviess County. By their marriage they are parents of one son, named Charles H., who was born on the 28th of January, 1884. In the spring of that year our subject came to this county and settled on his present farm in Highland Township, section 17, consisting of 160 acres of well-improved and valuable land. Besides being extensively engaged in raising grain and general farm produce he gives considerable attention to buying and feeding cattle for the market, and by successful management and close attention to his business he receives a lucrative income, which has placed him in very good and comfortable circumstances, with well-improved surroundings. Mrs. Hammond's father was a native of Canada and her mother of the Empire State, and of the seven children born to them the following-named are living: Robert H., in Jo Daviess County, Ill.; David G. and John M. are deceased; the former was a physician. John W. resides in Humboldt County, Iowa. Lizzie J., the wife of our subject; Anne C., in Illinois; George E. M., in Illinois. Mrs. Hammond's mother is a member of the Presbyterian Church of the city in which she now makes her home. Both our subject and his wife are influential members of the Congregational Church, in Cortland, and are highly esteemed and active members of the society. The former is stoutly in favor of prohibition and has therefore joined the party which advocates the principles of total abstinence from intoxicating drinks, and is always ready to lend a hand to the advancement of the public welfare and the improvement of the institutions of education and religion. He is everywhere spoken of as a straightforward, conscientious business man, and a pleasant, accommodating neighbor.
Our subject was the fifth child of his father's family, and was born in Portage County, Ohio, on the 26th of December, 1834, where he made his home until he was twenty-one years old. He then went to Wisconsin, and in March, 1858, came to this county, pre-empted a quarter-section of land, and prepared to make his home. In 1863 he was united in marriage with Miss Susan Perkins, who is a daughter of Solomon and Martha (King) Perkins, the former a native of Kentucky and the, latter of Ohio. Mrs. Perkins died in 1882, and Mr. Perkins is now a resident of Pawnee County. They had a family of eight children, of whom Mrs. Dewey is the fifth, and was born on the 15th of February, 1844, in Bureau County Ill. In the same year as that in which he was married our subject took up a homestead of 160 acres in Island Grove Township, but in 1885 he bought 120 acres adjoining that on section 24, where he now makes his home and gives especial attention to the raising of live stock. But while he is industriously engaged on his farm it does not in time least disqualify him from participating in the manage- |
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