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march and fight on half rations and could obtain only very poor water. The regiment was chiefly used to chase bushwhackers, and our subject escaped in every combat unhurt, and at the close of his term of service was honorably discharged and returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess are members of the Church of Latter-Day Saints, and in it are held in high regard. In his political sentiments our subject is a Republican, and has so continued since he was old enough to vote. He has always been a friend of good morals, giving his hearty support to movements that were calculated to help the township or county, and is generally recognized as a much-valued citizen. Mrs. Burgess' family came and settled in Nebraska in the summer of 1860, when there were only three families within eight miles.
The first business of Mr. Barmore, after securing a claim to a portion of the soil of Nebraska, was to provide suitable quarters for his family. Their first dwelling on their own land was a log house, and they were beset with the difficulties common to the people of a new settlement. They had "come to stay," however, and were not to be turned from their purpose by any ordinary event. Mr. B. commenced to till the soil and to surround himself gradually with those comforts and conveniences essential to a well-ordered homestead and the health and happiness of the family. In this labor of love he was most earnestly seconded by the hearty co-operation of one of the best and most intelligent of women, and the result has been that which one would most naturally expect. They have now one of the most desirable homes in the township, are honored and respected by their neigh-hors, and have yielded no small measure of assistance in the building up of their adopted county and assuring its reputation as one of the most intelligent communities of the West. Mr. Barmore is the offspring of a good family, his father having been Adna, and his mother Abigail (Dart) Barmore, natives of Genesee County, N. Y., where they were reared and married. They resided there afterward for a time, and then removed to Cattaraugus County, where they lived for a period of twenty years. In 1844 they removed to LaPorte County, Ind., and thence, in 1847, to Berrien County, Mich., where they spent the remainder of their lives, the father dying in 1876, at the age of seventy-four years, and the mother in 1883, aged eighty-two. They were the parents of three children, who lived to mature years, viz: Elfinda; Horace C., of our sketch, and Edwin C. The brother resides in Cortland, and the sister is now in Berrien County, Mich. Horace C. Barmore was born in Randolph Township, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., Dec. 23, 1829. His home being among the timber regions, the schools were few and far between, he having to travel one and one-half miles to the temple of learning to secure the rudiments of his education. He was a lad fifteen years of age when his parents went to Indiana, and eighteen when they left there for Michigan. Our subject developed into manhood in Berrien County, the latter State, and there also met and married his present wife. The maiden name of this lady was Mary I. Curtiss, and she was the daughter of William and Laura (Merrick) Curtiss, both natives of Willington, Tolland Co., Conn. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss removed to Chautauqua County, N. Y., where the father, who |
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was a teacher by profession, followed his vocation in the city schools of Buffalo. He was also interested in other business, and more than ordinarily capable and intelligent. The parents of Mrs. Barmore about 1843 removed to Indiana, but the health of the father becoming greatly impaired, he went to California in 1851, returning sixteen months afterward greatly improved. In 1861 the family came to this State, then a Territory, and settled upon a homestead tract, the patent of which was No. 14, and signed by Abraham Lincoln. That document, now in possession of Benjamin Hornby, could not be purchased for scarcely any sum of money. Mr. Curtiss was at once recognized as a valued addition to the community and the county, and in 1878 was elected to the Nebraska Legislature. His serious illness, however, prevented his ever taking his seat, and he passed away on the 17th of March, 1879, at the age of seventy-seven years. Mrs. Curtiss survived her husband seven years, dying at the home of her daughter in 1885, when eighty-two years old. To the parents of Mrs. Barmore there were born six children, two sons and four daughters. Three only are now living: Mary Irena, Austin William and Harriet E. Mrs. B. was born at Barcelona, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., on the shores of Lake Erie, Dec. 22, 1831. She pursued her first studies in the excellent schools of Westfield, in her native county, but when a little girl ten years of age they removed to Indiana. The mother then being incapacitated for continuing the charge of the household, this duty fell upon her daughter Mary, and the studies of the latter thereafter were pursued at home by the light of the evening lamp after the duties of the day were over. So thorough, however, had been the previous training of the child, that with the assistance and encouragement of her father she made good headway, and a few years later taught in the district schools of LaPorte County. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Barmore settled in Berrien County, Mich., where our subject carried on farming, and where they remained until coming to Nebraska. Among the other improvements effected around their homestead is a fine orchard of 100 apple trees in good bearing condition, and a grove of cottonwood trees which affords shade in summer and protection from the blasts of winter. Mr. and Mrs. B. have kept pace with the growth of the country, interesting themselves in its welfare, and giving their hearty support and encouragement to the enterprises set on foot for the general good of the community. The warm friends of temperance, they have labored for its advancement many years, and are members in good standing of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Barmore politically is a progressive Republican, but on account of the cause of temperance is now identified with the Prohibitionists. He has been School Treasurer in his district for the long period of twenty years. He voted for the adoption of the State Constitution, and has served on the Petit Jury. The household circle of our subject and his wife includes the following children: The eldest daughter, Carrie, a bright and intelligent young lady, is teaching in the schools in this county; Frank married Miss Mary Bryson, and is farming in Logan County, Col.; Adna W. is engaged on a stock ranch near Greeley, Col.; Charles L. resides in Phillips County, Kan.; Walter H. and Florence are at home with their parents. These children have inherited the good qualities of both parents, and the latter may be pardoned for the pride with which they naturally regard them.
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now residing in Pottawattamie County, Iowa, and of the seven children who comprised their family six are now living, and make their homes in the following places: Elizabeth is the wife of Adolph Sass, of Livingston County, Ill.; Philip, George and Julia are in Iowa, and Frederick and John in Highland Township, this county. Catherine is the name of the daughter now deceased. On the arrival of our subject in America he came west to Illinois, making his home in Livingston County for one year, and engaged in working on a farm, after which he went to Cass County, Iowa, where he remained for a time engaged in his former occupation. He then changed his residence to Pottawattamie County, of the same State, where he lived for several years, and during the last four years of his residence there he rented a farm and assumed the management of it. By this time he had accumulated a sufficient amount of money to enable him to start in business for himself, so in the spring of 1885 he came to this county, and purchased eighty acres of land in Highland Township, on which he has since made his home. He has made most of the improvements on his farm, has erected a good house, barn, and the necessary farm buildings, and in various ways, by his industry, perseverance and good management, has he increased the value as well as the appearance of his land. On the 1st of September, 1885, the gentleman of whom we write was united in marriage with Miss Catherine Fotsch, a daughter of John C. Fotsch, of Muscatine, Iowa. She was born in Switzerland, in the month of April, 1860, and made her home with her parents, in Illinois, until the time of her marriage. Her mother died in the year 1887. To Mr. and Mrs. Bintz has been born one child, named Jacob, whose birth occurred on the 12th of January, 1887. They are well and comfortably situated in their pleasant home, and are rapidly becoming known as successful farmers, paying close attention to their agricultural labors, which are facilitated by the use of new and improved styles of implements. Our subject and his wife are esteemed members of the German Methodist Episcopal Church, of Cortland, and are active and highly respected members of society. The former is a Republican in politics, but in local matters he generally lends his influence toward the election of competent men, irrespective of party, believing that the Government can be better intrusted to men of ability and honor than to the administration of any one party. He is now serving his second year as Overseer of Highways, and is the present Treasurer of his school district, coming prominently to the front in matters of education and general improvement. In the short time of his residence here he has proved himself a loyal citizen, and has taken an active interest in the elevation of society and the advancement of the public institutions.
Our subject and his family reached the harbor of New York on the 10th of June, and immediately after their arrival they started for Illinois, arriving in Woodford County on the 15th of the same month. During the first year he worked by the month on a railroad, and engaged in whatever occupation he could secure lucrative remuneration. He then rented a farm, and began the occupation of tilling the soil, at which he continued until in the spring of 1881, when he came to this county, and began making improvements on a farm which he purchased. When Mr. Haferland reached America he had left about $150, and by his industry and good |
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