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with barns, stable, granary and other needed buildings, to which has been added a magnificent windmill pump. He has also set out and carefully tended until they were sufficiently established to provide themselves with needed sustenance, extensive groves of choice shade and forest trees, besides quite a large orchard. At LaPorte, Ind., upon the 6th of April, 1865, our subject became the husband of Julia M. Stevens. This lady was born at Lima, Ind., Jan. 29, 1838. Her parents spared neither time, trouble nor expense in her education, which was designed to fit her for the position of school mistress. She afterward taught school for two years, and having developed quite a passion for music, had made herself competent to give instructions in the divine art. The father of Mrs. Leighton, Jonathan Stevens, was born in Montpelier, Vt., in 1790, and served throughout the Revolutionary War as a private. The old musket then carried by him is still a highly prized heirloom in the possession of Mrs. Leighton. He died in the year 1840. Her mother, whose maiden name was Sophia Bass, was born in Connecticut in 1800, and died at the, age of seventy-seven years. There were six children born of this union, whose names are as follows: Prudence, Malvina, Mary, Louisa, Sylvia and Julia. To Mr. and Mrs. Leighton has been born one child, who received the name Fay E., and was born Oct. 6, 1873. Besides this child they have adopted two others, viz: Alice Leighton, born Sept. 28, 1870, and Eddie, Feb. 1, 1878. Our subject has been several times called upon to accept office, but has only consented in two instances, and upon these occasions was impelled to do so by his deep and continuous interest in educational affairs. He was for six years in the office of School Treasurer and two as School Director. Both Mr. and Mrs. Leighton have for many years been members of the Baptist communion, and are affiliated with the church at Filley. In the Sunday school and church work, especially the former, they are among the most active and earnest workers. In society they are counted among the elite, and are respected as most honorable and valued citizens The political sentiments of Mr. Leighton lead him to an active membership in the Prohibition party, and his influence in his township is quite large, and doubtless efficient work will be done by him to advance this great cause of larger liberty. A view of the home place of our subject may be seen on an adjoining page.
The subject of this sketch was born on the other side of the Atlantic, in the Principality of Wales, April 6, 1805. His parents were Thomas and Jane (Loyd) Edmands, who spent their entire lives upon their native soil, the father engaged in day labor. The family was in limited circumstances, and the household circle included three children, two sons and a daughter--Thomas, John and Jane. The brother and sister of our subject are now in Green County Wis. Mr. Edmands received but a limited education, and began life for himself at an early age, beginning to work out when eight years old. Two years later he was wholly thrown upon his own resources on account of circumstances. Thereafter he made his home with strangers, often receiving hard fare, and but few of the comforts of life. He employed |
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himself mostly at day labor. Upon reaching manhood he was married to Miss Mary Evans, one of his own countrywomen, who was born in 1804. In 1851 he determined to seek his fortune in the New World, and embarking on a sailing-vessel at Liverpool, landed in New York four weeks later. Thence be proceeded directly westward, locating in Kenosha County, Wis., where he rented a farm and continued to live for a period of seventeen years. In the fall of 1868 Mr. Edmands made his way to this State, and homesteaded the land comprising his present farm. He labored industriously in the cultivation of the soil, and in bringing about the improvements necessary to his convenience and comfort. His career has been that of an honest man and a good citizen, and one in which he has justly earned the esteem and confidence of his neighbors. He has been identified with the Republican party for many years, and to the enterprises calculated to benefit the community at large has given as he was able his cordial and generous support. He thoroughly believes in the establishment of religious and educational institutions, and has assisted in the building of several churches in his county. As one of the oldest pioneers, he is accorded that tacit reverence and respect extended those who ventured into the uncultivated wilds, and never permitted themselves to withdraw from the task they had undertaken. To Mr. and Mrs. Edmands there were born eight children, namely: Mary, Margaret, Jane, Ann, Jonathan, Edmund, Elizabeth and Sarah. Three of these are living, one in Wisconsin, and two in Nebraska. Among the views presented on the pages of this volume may be found one belonging to Mr. Edmands.
Mr. Rickard came to this county in the fall of 1870 and located on the farm on section 2, and entered upon the pioneer work connected with the bringing of raw prairie land to good farming land. In this work he was abundantly successful, and continued until about ten years ago, when he came to his present residence and took up a retired life. Previous to living in Nebraska his home had been in Wayne County, Ohio, where he had farmed for four and a half years. Prior to that he had continued to reside in his native State, that of Pennsylvania, where he was born in Somerset County on the 13th of December, 1819. He is the third child and the second son of William and Sarah (Strose) Rickard, both of whom are now deceased, their death occurring in Westmoreland County of that State. When this last change came the father was over eighty, and the mother somewhat more than ninety years of age. They were both natives of the Keystone State. Mr. Rickard, Sr., was a hotel-keeper all his life. The family was well known throughout a large section of country and held everywhere in the highest regard. They were the parents of nine children, five of whom were sons. Of this family but one member, Elizabeth Miller, is deceased; she died at an advanced age, and all those living are over fifty years of age. The boyhood, youth and early manhood of our subject were spent in his native county; his education was received in the usual institution of the times and was complete according to the curriculum of that day. It was with pleasurable pride that as a young man our subject deposited his first ballot, which was given in favor of Gen. "Tippecanoe" Harrison, of glorious memory, and it is almost unnecessary to say that his grandson received the vote of our subject at the past election. At the age of twenty-two years Mr. Rickard went to Westmoreland County, and there was united in holy matrimony with Catherine Harmon. This interesting event was celebrated on the 24th of December, 1846, and has been the means of com- |
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pleting and brightening two lives at least. This lady was born on the 9th of August, 1825, in that county, and remained at the home of her parents until her marriage, receiving such education as was usual in the neighboring school-house, and at home trained in all the diversities of housewifery. She was the daughter of one of Pennsylvania's prosperous farmers. Philip Harmon, who was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Humm. Mrs. Rickard, who was called to pass to her long home in September of 1881, was just such a one as King Solomon might have had in mind when he wrote "He that findeth a good wife findeth a good thing." Her memory will always be sacredly revered, for her life and character were most beautiful, presenting in the varied relations of life as wife and mother an idealistic maturity and beauty. Her eight children will ever hold her in mind as the one perfection of womanhood of their lives. The names of her children are as follows: William H., now of DeWitt; Oscar, resident in the Rockies; Elizabeth A., now the wife of Finley Kinzey, and resident in Lincoln; David H., who operates the old home farm; John, who lives upon a farm in Lane County, Kan.; Lucius L., living in Lincoln; Mary D., now Mrs. George Randell, of Frontier County, Neb., and George G., also a farmer in Lane County, Kan. Mr. Rickard entered into a second matrimonial alliance upon the 2d of March, 1884, the lady of his choice being Mrs. Lucy B. Van Cleef, nee Tuttle. This lady was born on the 4th of October, 1823, in Indiana, to John A. and Mary (Tiney) Tuttle, natives of Long Island, who were then married, and later came to Ohio, and thence removed to Indiana, residing in the northern part of that State, where they died at a very advanced age. Their daughter Lucy was married to William W. Van Cleef, and shortly afterward came to Nebraska and located in this county, where he died in 1866, leaving his widowed wife with five children, one of whom is now deceased; her name was Phoebe A. Those who still survive are as follows: John A., a resident of Jefferson County; Betsey J., now the wife of Dow Taylor, a farmer in Saline County; George, a successful farmer in the same county; Mary Close, who with her husband resides upon her mother's farm, being the land taken by her late husband when they came to the State in 1857, and from which at one time they had to flee to Beatrice to escape Indian cruelty or worse. Mrs. Rickard owns in her own right 240 acres which was left by her husband. In the late war Mr. Rickard enlisted in the cavalry as Corporal in a battalion in Pennsylvania in 1863, and after six months re-enlisted in Company E, 211th Pennsylvania Infantry, and served in all the engagements of note until the close of the war, rising from the ranks to the position of Second Sergeant. He was accounted a good soldier, and because thereof was promoted. He has continued from that time the support of the Republican cause, and will continue so to do. He is accorded by the entire community in which he resides the hearty respect and highest esteem because of his irreproachable character and successful life. He has ever been forward in advancing the interest of religious, social and educational affairs, and has recognized the importance of the institutions having this in view.
Our subject, as the eldest son, assisted his father in the work of his farm and the maintenance of the family until he reached the age of twenty-two years, after which time he began in business for himself, and having by this time a thorough understanding of the work necessary for successful results in agriculture he continued in that work on his own behalf. In 1876 he moved to Adair County, Iowa, |
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where he continued farming, and in 1886 he came to this county and purchased a quarter section of land at 22 per acre. The land was in a partly improved condition when it came into his hands, and he has since increased its value and added to its appearance by the improvements which he has made. In 1866 Mr. Wright was united in marriage with Miss Erilla Linn, a daughter of John and Mary A. (Campbell) Linn, who were natives of Ohio. Mrs. Wright was born in Morrow County, Ohio, on the 14th of June, 1845, and remained in her native State until the year 1856. She received her education from the schools in Morrow County, and from her mother she learned the domestic virtues which qualify her to make such a pleasant home for her own family. By her kind advice, and the interest which she manifests in his labor, she has assisted our subject in the accumulation of his present property, and the work necessary for its improvement. They have gathered about them a family of four children, to whom they have given the names of Susan E., William Scott, Jefferson T. and Nora D. Our subject is concerned in the welfare of his community as well as for that of the country at large, and as far as he is able he gives encouragement to the fostering and improvement of all the public institutions by which the best good can be secured. He has been an incumbent of the offices of Director and Treasurer, in which he served for ten years, with credit to himself and satisfaction to those who elected him to the office. In all matters relating to the political government of the country he affiliates with the Democratic party.
Jeremiah Cook during his early manhood served as a soldier in the War of 1812, and was a strong supporter of Andrew Jackson for President. The household circle consisted of eight children, seven of whom are living, and located as follows: Franklin is in Steuben County, N. Y.; Samuel, in Bradford County, Pa.; Seth, in Kansas; Halsey is our subject, and was the fourth child; Amanda is the wife of L. G. Hastings, of Greene County, Iowa; Nancy, Mrs. Barlow, and Mary A., the wife of Alvah Butler, are residents of Steuben County, N. Y. When the subject of this sketch was a little lad five years of age, his parents took up their residence in Bradford County, Pa., where they lived for a period of six years, the father engaged in farming. Thence they removed back to the Empire State, locating this time in Steuben County, where Halsey completed his education, and was reared to manhood. The school advantages of those days were far inferior to those of the present time, but our subject being fond of his books, pursued a thorough course of reading, and became well informed upon the important topics of the day. When twenty years of age, he set about the establishment of a home, by his marriage with Miss Lydia Clark, the wedding taking place at the home of the bride, Dec. 15, 1842. Mr. and Mrs. Cook continued residents of New York State until 1845. There have been born to them six children, four of whom are living: Monroe is a resident of Ogle County, Ill.; Eliza, the wife of Edward Atkinson, is a resident of Burlington, Iowa; Delphia married George Tunison, and lives in Saline County, this State; Halsey J. is also a resident of that county, engaged in farming. The deceased daughters, Sarah C. and Mary A., died at the ages of twenty-eight and five, respectively. Sarah C. died in Kansas, May 10, 1874, and Mary A. in Illinois. Our subject and his wife, a few months after their marriage, emigrated to Ogle County, Ill., taking up their abode among its early pioneers, and there lived a quarter of a century. Mrs. Lydia Cook departed this life at her home in Flagg Township, Ogle County, in 1862. Our subject was the second time married, Oct. 12, 1862, to Mrs. Emily Jewell, widow of Monroe Jewell, who died in California. Mr. Cook in 1871 left Illinois, and crossing the Mississippi, settled in Woodson County, Kan., where |
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