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met and finally married Miss Nancy McConnell, who was born in Kentucky, of Virginian parents. After his marriage he settled in Warren County, Ky., where they made their home until their death, Mrs. Tarrants dying in the year 1850, at fifty-six years of age, and her husband in the year 1868, at the age of eighty-four years. Our subject is one of a family of seven children, who are still living. He was born, brought up, educated, learned the duties and tasks of farm work until he arrived at man's estate, at the Warren County homestead. Oct. 5, 1854, he became the husband of Miss Margaret Merrell, at Lexington, Ky., where this lady was born, and had continued to live until that time. Her father was a blacksmith, and had lived in Kentucky, his native State, all his life, and there died in the year 1862. The home of our subject was made quite bright and happy by the influence of his wife. His house is most happily situated and pleasant, both in internal arrangement and general situation. Mr. and Mrs. Tarrants have been blessed by the birth of three children, whose names are recorded as follows: Ophelia, Lena and Nancy. The first child, however, died in childhood; Lena is the wife of Dr. C. D. Stevens, of St. Louis, where Mr. Stevens is at present manufacturing mineral paints upon quite a large scale; Nancy, the youngest, is happily married to C. L. Gratiot, who until his health failed superintended the mill of Mr. Tarrants. As above noted, our subject was born in Warren County, Ky. There he remained until 1848, when he removed to St. Louis, Mo. After living for some time in that city, he purchased a small farm of twenty-five acres just beyond the city limits. During this time he was engaged in farming and fruit-growing. He removed thither in the year 1856, and in the year 1870 sold that property for the sum of $2,000 per acre. He then returned to the city, and removed to this place in 1887, and it was not long before he purchased his present property. His mill was originally the property of a Mr. Hancard, but this gentleman was bought out by our subject, who, although not a practical miller, has been quite successful in the business. It has an abundant supply of power and has a capacity of seventy-five barrels per day. In order to do this our subject has been careful to employ only those who are intensely practical, and thoroughly understands the business in all its branches. Since the sickness of his son-in-law, the superintendency has been in the hands of Mr. Worthy Lee, a gentleman intimate with every department of his calling, and under whose management the good reputation of this mill is steadily and constantly increasing. Our subject occupies a prominent place in the township, owing to this fact, and is at the same time highly esteemed because of his honor in all business transactions and general high character. In his political relations he affiliates with the Democratic party, and is among the most stable and consistent of his patty.
Thomas Wilkinson, the father of our subject, was born in Nottinghamshire, England, in the year 1790. His first employment was in a butcher shop, but as a young man he turned to the profession of veterinary surgeon, which he practiced with much success until his death, which occurred in 1842. The maiden name of his wife was Mary A. Cousens, a native of the same county. Their family comprised five children, our subject being the only son. Their names are as follows: Mary A., the wife of George Hardy, one of Iowa's well-to-do farmers; Carolina Wilson, of London, England; our subject; Fanny Hardy, a widow, who makes her home at Island |
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Grove, and Jane, who resides in London, England, and is still unmarried. In Grassthorpe, Nottinghamshire, England, was born on the 6th of October, 1824, the subject of this sketch. All the days of childhood and youth, the school days, and also those when he joined the army of wage workers, were spent at home, and under this sheltering roof he remained until he had passed his eighteenth birthday. From that time he continued for three years in a butcher shop, learning the trade, which he afterward followed for about two years; then, in 1847, he came to New York, and from there went to Rochester, where he remained a year working at his trade. Thence he went to New Orleans, which was his home for about five years, during which time he continued at his trade, and succeeded in making somewhat of a start toward the success of to-day. At the close of that period he returned to Rochester; thence west to Illinois, where he rented a farm in Whiteside County, and for four years saw prosperous times in that new departure. During this period he lived with his sister, who was upon an adjoining farm. The waves of war that surged and billowed filled the whole country with the noise of their roaring, and in common with others who had learned to love the star-spangled banner, our subject enlisted in Company F, 93d Illinois Infantry, and proceeded to the barracks at Chicago, where, after a short period spent in necessary drill and outfitting, with his regiment he went to the front, and became one of the Army of the Potomac. He participated in the great conflict at Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Champion Hills, Vicksburg and Altoona. He was also in Sherman's renowned march to the sea, and on the 3d of January, 1865, received an honorable discharge at Louisville, Ky. Upon leaving the army, our subject returned to Illinois, and there spent one year. During this year, however, he surrendered himself to the womanly graces and attributes of Miss Rebecca Jane Borton, the daughter of Darling H. and Anna (Ingling) Borton, natives of New Jersey and Ohio respectively. Their family numbered six children, two of whom were daughters. There are now but four members of this interesting family living. The wife of our subject was the youngest child, and was born Aug. 1, 1843. Her marriage was celebrated at Davenport, Iowa, on the 15th of June, 1866. Almost immediately after the happy event the young couple started with wagon, team, and some stock, and continued their westerly journey until their arrival in this county, where he entered a homestead of 160 acres. The land taken by our subject was in the hands of a "squatter" who had a small log cabin that covered a site 12xl3 feet, and had eight acres of ground broken. Our subject paid him $200 for his interest, and then took it as noted above. At that time the township was all Government land, and was exceedingly sparsely settled, as will be seen when it is noticed that only eleven houses stood as a nucleus of the present beautiful and enterprising city of Beatrice, and that between that place and the house of our subject, a distance of fourteen miles, there were only four houses. Since that time our subject has been enabled to purchase more land, until he controls a full half-section. The family of our subject comprises two children, who have been named Mary C. and Thomas E. In political matters Mr. Wilkinson affiliates with the Republican party, and finds in it that which is in harmony with his principles and thought in such matters. For several years he has been a member of the School Board, and fills that office with satisfaction to all. Despite heavy trials, reverses and adversity, our subject has continued faithfully with the work he began, and has for years been numbered among the most prosperous and valued citizens of Sherman Township. Among the portraits of representative citizens of Gage County presented in this ALBUM may be found that of Mr. Wilkinson.
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once substantial, and more truly complimentary then any mere eulogy, which this sketch is not designed to be. If in the following lines the facts stated reflect creditably upon the subject, as they must, there is supplied the inevitable reason. Our subject was born in Ogle County, Ill., on the 26th of December, 1863, and is the youngest son and last living of Job B. and Olive N. (Buck) Rathbun. The mother of our subject bade her last farewell to her family, and went to her rest at the age of forty-seven years, in 1860. This lady was born in Steuben County, N. Y., of which State her parents were also natives. Throughout her life she was a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and died in the faith. The father of our subject was also born in Steuben County, and was there reared to manhood. After their marriage the young couple settled in their native State, but only for a short time; they then removed to Ogle County, Ill., and located on a farm near Rochelle. In 1871 he came to this State and has since made his home here, for the greater part of the time at DeWitt. He is the owner of 3,000 acres of ground, with the exception of a very small portion all in a very high state of cultivation. He is one of the wealthy men of the county, and has accumulated the greater part in this State. Mr. Rathbun came to this county with his father, and from that time has made it his home. On the 22d of February, 1887, he was united in marriage, in Blakely Township, to Miss Nellie Whipple. This lady is a native of Illinois, in which State she was born on the 23d of March, 1870, and came to Nebraska with her parents when fifteen years old. Her parents are well connected, and have made many friends. Quite recently, however, they removed back to Illinois. Our subject and his wife are the parents of one child, to whom has been given the name Edna May. The home of our subject is situated on section 10, Lincoln Township, and comprises 160 acres of very fine agricultural land. He has spared no pains in improving his property, and being thoroughly acquainted with all the work of the farm, he has brought it up to a very high standard of efficiency, and other things being equal, harvests as fine a crop as can be found in the district. His settlement here dates from 1886, and most certainly his time has been fully and most profitably filled. Mr. Rathbun takes great interest in the political situation, and usually votes with the Republican party, which looks upon him as a member who in the days to come, if he continues as he has begun, will figure in no mean place in the future history of the county, and perhaps in a larger sphere.
The parents of our subject, Tebbe and Antye (Gummerf) Fisser, were of pure German ancestry, and he was their eldest son. The family consisted of eight children; one is in Germany and one in this country. Tebbe T. was given a good German education, and in the twelfth year of his age began his apprenticeship at the blacksmith's trade, which he followed upon his native soil until the spring of 1848. He had now resolved to emigrate to America, not being satisfied with his condition or his prospects in his native country, and accordingly took passage on a sailing-vessel at Bremerhaven, and after an ocean voyage of six weeks and three days landed in the city of New Orleans; thence he took a steamer for St. Louis, Mo., where he sojourned two and one-half months engaged in general work. Then, making his way eastward across the Mississippi. He took up his residence in Schuyler County, Ill., where he labored first on a farm and a few months later rented a tract of land, which he operated some time, and then bought a farm in the same county. The ten years following Mr. Fisser was engaged in farming and blacksmithing alternately, and in the fall of 1874 left Illinois and settled in Clatonia Township, this county, where he has since lived. He is now the owner of 320 acres of good land, to |
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which he has obtained a clear title solely by the exercise of his industry and perseverance. His toils and sacrifices have been shared by one of the most estimable of women, who has been his faithful and devoted wife and his wise counselor for over forty-three years. To this lady, who was in her girlhood Miss Mary E. Schmid, he was married May 9, 1845, in his native Germany. Mrs. Fisser was born in Hanover, June 17, 1818. She, with her husband, is, a consistent member of the German Methodist Episcopal Church, in which Mr. F. has served a number of years as Class-Leader and Superintendent of the Sunday-school. Both have taken a warm interest in church matters, contributing liberally to its support and prosperity. Mr. F., politically, votes independently, believing in supporting principles instead of men. He has served as School Director in his district three years, and is one of those men in whom the community have entire confidence, and whose word is as good as his bond. In a comfortable home, surrounded by friends and the other good things of life, Mr. Fisser is but enjoying the fruits of an honorable career, in which there has never been a questionable act.
Our subject was born in Whiteside County, May 28, 1854, and his early life was spent on his father's farm, and in acquiring the education furnished by the common schools of that time, after which he attended for one year the Commercial College at Clinton, Iowa, and was well prepared to begin an active business life. He remained with his father and engaged in agricultural pursuits until the year 1882, when be removed to his present farm, consisting of 160 acres on section 30, Elm Township. When he came on his land it was in a rough, uncultivated condition, and he has made all of the improvements on it, having erected good buildings, made rows of fencing and planted groves of native timber. On the 2d of October, 1882, our subject was married, in Whiteside County, Ill., to Miss Hattie Hudson, who was born in Garden Plain, in the before-mentioned county. She is a daughter of John H. and Amanda (Mitchell) Hudson who were both natives of Ohio, and had moved to Whiteside County, where the former was engaged in business as a merchant and shipper of stock. In 1878 his house was entered by burglars, and he unfortunately met his death by a pistol shot from the hand of one of the intruders. Mrs. George completed the course of instruction at Fulton College, and then for three years she was engaged in teaching in the public schools of her native town. She also made a thorough study of music and became an accomplished performer, giving instructions in that accomplishment for four years. To the home of our subject and his wife there were sent three little children, two of whom, although they were received with hearts full of affection and were tenderly cared for by devoted parents, were not allowed to remain long in the home which they had brightened, but were called to a higher sphere to beckon with their young hands to the bereaved parents. Their names are remembered as John and Harry, Calvin Mitchell being left to comfort his parents. Our subject and his wife are esteemed members of the Presbyterian Church, at Diller, Jefferson County. Mr. George served as Town Treasurer during the years 1885 and 1886, and he was elected Clerk of the township in the fall of 1886, re-elected in 1887, and has given general satisfaction and won the approval of all. He votes with the Republican party. Mrs. George is a strong temperance advocate, and is a lady in every way refined and amiable, her cultivated taste showing to good advantage in the excellent manner in which she orders her home and its appointments. They are very |
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