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ject, circumstances were such that William Littlejohn emigrated with his family, and settled in Illinois in 1855, and after a residence of eleven years emigrated to Nebraska, where Mr. Littlejohn, Sr., died at the age of fifty-one years. His wife, the mother of our subject, is still living on the homestead in Hanover Township, and although sixty years of age, enjoys the full use of her faculties and as a rule excellent health. She is the mother of fourteen children, and of these our subject is the eldest, and was born upon the 25th of January, 1850, of which fact, as a Scotchman he is justly proud because it is also the anniversary of the birthday of Robert Burns, the immortal poet of Scotland. Our subject is possessed of a memory that is remarkable in its strength, clearness and tenacity, and is enabled to recall distinctly the old Scotch home and incidents connected therewith; the family, especially his grandfather, also the more noteworthy events connected with his coming to this country, and the early life in Morgan and Madison Counties, Ill. At the age of seven years our subject began to work as a trapper in the coal mines, and after working hours would devote his evenings to study and schooling, by which means he obtained almost all his education. The father of our subject at first put by a large part of his earnings, and then invested in buildings and city property, and before long succeeded in becoming the owner of a very handsome home besides other possessions. A small incumbrance on his property and mortgage held by Southern sympathisers led to a litigation, in which he became discouraged and let all his property go. Recovering somewhat, with energy characteristic of his family throughout its history, he began again and for the third time to climb the ladder of fortune, this time putting all his money into Western lands, chiefly in Gage County; in this example he was followed by his sons, and it was not long before he became the owner of two sections of land. The family of which our subject was a member came to Nebraska in 1869, and the boys went to work upon the land. Until the death of the father they continued to operate the property together, but shortly after his death it was divided as his last wishes had directed. This removal was in many regards very beneficial to the family and gave to each a new start in a new country; at the same time it is. indicative of the uncompromising energy and strength of character which are characteristic of this interesting family. In 1876 the subject of our sketch was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ann Smith, of Sangamon County, Ill. They had lived in close proximity to each other in that State, and it was with pleasure that Mr. L. at last fulfilled his many hopes, and returned to this State to claim his bride. Our subject was careful to make every provision for the proposed change prior to taking this journey, so that nothing might be wanting upon their arrival at their Nebraska home. They have become parents of one child, whom they have named William S. Mrs. Littlejohn is the daughter of David and Elizabeth (Simpson) Smith, natives of Scotland, and born not far from the city of Glasgow. Her family is one of the very old Scotch families of the district, and they are allied to the once powerful and noble Stewarts and McDonalds. Mrs. Littlejohn was born in LaSalle County, Ill., Nov. 3, 1857, and was twelve years of age when she went to Sangamon County. Her mother died in the year 1871, aged forty-two years. She was the mother of sixteen children, the wife of our subject being the seventh born. After the death of her mother she was thrown almost entirely upon her own resources, and although but twelve years of age, made a noble stand and gathered her strength to battle her way through the world. She continued in the conflict until she became the wife of our subject, and formed a union so true that it is almost impossible to find one more complete and happy. In the relations of this new life, the relations of wife and mother, she has presented the most beautiful disposition, faithfulness and devotedness, which have been strengthened and enhanced by the firmness of her Christian faith and character. She is one of the most consistent and active members of the Free Will Baptist Church, of Nemaha, where she is always remembered as one who at all times has been equal to the many demands necessarily made, and in every "work of faith and labor of love" has risen to the opportunity presented and the responsibility of her Christian calling. The |
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effect upon her life is such that no one can be in her presence long without the realization of something of a higher life in its motives, aspirations and purity. The farm operated by our subject is situated on section 10, in Hanover Township, and 27 of Nemaha Township, and includes the eastern half of both, also two and three-quarter sections in Hanover Township, a total of 2,080 acres, thus making him, perhaps, the largest farmer and ranchman in the county. Not only is this true, but he is the most successful, for his energy, his intimate knowledge of the business, his shrewd sagacity, natural ability, and reserve force, are such as to bring him to the front in almost any work he might undertake, but more especially in that which is his chosen occupation, and therefore most congenial to him. Not that he has been entirely free from reverses, for of these he has had his full quota, but that he has been enabled in spite of them to continually strengthen his position, and add to his possessions. As a sample of the adverse circumstances he has had to meet, we might mention that wherein lightning destroyed at one time all his horses, upon another occasion three horses and seventy-five hogs, while yet again, it destroyed fifteen hogs and five horses, so that it would seem that if, according to the old adage, "lightning never strikes twice in one place," it may still strike repeatedly the same person through his property. Upon his farm our subject keeps employed ten teams of work horses and mules, and never less than six men. Upon the ranch there are seldom found less than 170 head of cattle, and 1,200 high-grade Merino sheep, and hogs sufficient to fill completely three or four cars. In hog-raising Mr. Littlejohn has been very fortunate, and has been able to make some of his most lucrative ventures, but more attention is given to his Merinoes than anything else. He usually obtains about 7,200 pounds of wool, which represents a market value of not less than $1,200 to $1,400. In politics our subject is with the Republican party, and holds firmly to its principles, though he is strongly opposed to all trusts and monopolies. He is one of the most influential men in his district, both as a farmer and politician, and in all points relative to both these matters he is deeply interested. Socially, he is connected with the Knights of Labor, and in the Masonic fraternity has been initiated into the mysteries of the Blue Lodge and Chapter, receiving the degree of a Royal Arch Mason. We are pleased to include among the illustrations in this volume the view of Mr. Littlejohn's residence.
After the death of the father of our subject Mrs. Swain was married a second time, in 1837, to Col. Sumner, who was born in Wayne County, Ind., and distinguished himself during the late war. At Plymouth, Ind., in 1863, he was mustered into service as Lieutenant Colonel of the 87th Indiana Infantry, and was promoted to the rank of Colonel before the close of the war, serving honorably throughout the whole time of the disturbance. He died in 1883 at Plymouth, Ind., since which time his wife has made her home in Logan Township. |
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