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value since he came into possession of it, is recognized as that of an industrious and intelligent citizen, who is highly worthy of representation in this work.
ILLIAM J. BURGESS, a general farmer and stock-raiser of Grant Township, owns real estate on section 27 to the extent of 160 acres of good land, which he homsteaded (sic) during the early settlement of Nebraska. Making his purchase directly from Uncle Sam, the spring of 1867 found him located where he has since lived, and where his most industrious efforts have been exerted in the building up of a homestead which will be for him a snug haven during his declining years.
Mr. Burgess came direct to this section of the country from Racine County, Wis., which was the home of his boyhood and youth, and where his birth took place in Dover Township, March 14, 1846. His parents were Nehemiah and Sophia (Woodman) Burgess, and he was their second son and child. Nehemiah Burgess was born in Vermont, and emigrated to Wisconsin while a single man. Securing a tract of land in the wilds of Dover Township, he transformed the uncultivated soil to a productive condition, and erected the buildings necessary for the comfort of his family. Previous to this, however, he had been united in marriage with one of the most estimable young women of that section, Miss Sophia Woodman, who was born in Palmyra, N. Y., and migrated with her parents to Wisconsin after attaining mature years.
The parents of our subject began life together in the most primitive fashion, making it a point to live within their income, and experienced all the hardships and difficulties of life in a new settlement. They continued residents of the Badger State until 1867, then crossing the Father of Waters, came to this county, and the father departed hence in the fall of 1877. The mother is still living, and makes her home with her children in Grant Township.
Our subject was reared to manhood in his native county, and acquired his education in the district schools. He came to Nebraska a single man, and was married in Grant Township to Miss Alice A. Kinzie, who was born near Elkhart, Ind., Oct. 19, 1854. Her parents, Daniel and Mary (Anderson) Kinzie, were natives of Virginia and Ohio respectively, and were married in Elkhart County, Ind. After the birth of several children they emigrated to Iowa County, Wis.. their daughter, Alice A., being then a little child three years of age and the fourth in the family. The father had learned the miller's trade in early manhood, and followed it mostly until coming to Nebraska. Here they located in Grant Township about 1874, where the death of both parents occurred when they were ripe in years. Mrs. Kinzie was a most estimable lady, and a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. K., politically, was a stanch Democrat.
Mrs. Burgess received an excellent education in her native county, where she continued at home with her parents, and accompanied them to Nebraska when a young woman. Of her union with our subject there have been born four children--Dora M., Cora A., William E. and Maude. The home and its surroundings present a pleasant picture of rural life in the midst of peace and plenty, and surrounded by a community where the inmates are held in the highest respect. Mr. Burgess cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln, and uniformly supports the Republican party. He has always taken a warm interest in local affairs, and under the new law was elected second Supervisor of Grant Township, the duties of which office he discharged in a manner highly creditable to himself and satisfactory to the people. During the late war he served as a soldier in the Union Army, enlisting in Company G, 2d Wisconsin Cavalry, his regiment being assigned to the Western and Southwestern divisions of the army.
After twenty-one months of honorable service, during which time our subject met the enemy in various skirmishes and endured many hardships and privations, he received his honorable discharge, returning home unharmed, with the exception of the natural results of privation and exposure. There were times when the soldiers suffered severely for the want of wholesome food and water, and they were often obliged to go long periods without any.
thing at all to eat or drink. Mr. B., socially, belongs to the G. A. R. Post, at DeWitt. Among the views of many of the excellent farms presented in this volume may be found that of Mr. Burgess' place.
HARLES E. TUCK. Logan Township contains few citizens more enterprising, honorable and patriotic to the institutions of the State and country than the subject of this sketch. In earlier life he traveled the rough road of experience, to reach the position of his present success in life, and has often found in the companionship which it has been his privilege to enjoy, the stimulus, inspiration and help to prosecute his journey toward this most-to-be-desired goal. His beautiful farm, which, thanks to his intimate knowledge of agriculture and his physical ability to utilize the same, has been brought to an almost perfect state of agricultural efficiency, is 160 acres in extent, and contains within its borders some of the most fertile and tillable land in the county.
Our subject is the son of Edward and Mary A. (Fry) Tuck, natives of New Hampshire and Massachusetts respectively. His father, whose chosen occupation in life was that of a farmer and drover, was born in the year 1817. In 1856 he went to Henderson County, Ill., where he continued in husbandry until he died, in 1864. His wife was born in 1827, and is at present residing in Woodland, Cal. Their union was completed by the birth of eight children, whose names areas follows: Lyman P.; Charles E., our subject; Ella T., Elma A., Mary E., Mercy A., Harold W. S. and Albert F. The grandfather of our subject on his father's side was Col. Edward Tuck, of the United States Army in 1812. Mr. Tuck's great-grandfather was a soldier in the Revolution, and died in the mountains while returning from the war.
Grafton, N. H., is the place of the birth of our subject, which took place upon the 31st of December, 1849. His education was that common to the times, and was the best the schools of the district afforded. At the age of seventeen he began farming for himself.
In 1880 our subject removed to Logan Township, Gage County, and settled upon the farm at present occupied by him, which, however, owes all its improvements, everything that distinguishes it from its primitive condition, to his intelligent efforts. His house occupies one of the best sites on the farm, is substantially built and well designed; although not what would be called a grand house, it is to our subject grander than the grandest; better than the best could be, were the faces of those who make this home what it is absent. Besides the residence he has put up a good barn and windmill, has put out groves and orchard, and his well-tilled fields are all well fenced or hedged. In 1885 our subject went to California, but not being satisfied with the outlook he returned here the same year.
Upon the 8th of October, 1875, in Washington County, Iowa, our subject was united in marriage with Phebe Walker. This lady was born in Vinton County, Ohio, on the 23d of September, 1850. She is well educated, attended the Washington County (Iowa) High School, and has taught school for three terms, in which she manifested an ability and power not usual excepting among older and far more experienced educators. Her father, John Walker, was born in England, in the sixth year of the present century, and was brought to the United States in 1818, when his parents removed hither. His first home in the New World was near Muskingum, Ohio, in the days when the State was first being opened up, and when it was in the beginning of its pioneer experience. He removed to Washington County, Iowa, in 1867, and there made his home until his death, in 1883. Her mother, whose maiden name was Susan Ellis, was born in Ohio in 1809, and now resides with her son. Mrs. Tuck has become the mother of three children: Minnie A., who was born on the 18th of July, 1877; also Susan Stella and Mary Ella, twins, who were born on the 25th of July, 1881.
The family of which the wife of our subject was a member comprised besides the parents thirteen children, whose names are here appended: Edward, William M., Thomas, Naomi, Anna and Elizabeth (both of whom are deceased), George W., Fletcher, Samuel, Leonard, Mary, Phebe and James W. Edward enlisted in the 18th Ohio Infantry, in the year 1861, for a term of three years, and served throughout that period, and not without commenda-
tion for distinguished conduct; William M. enlisted as a 100-days man in the Ohio Home Guards, in 1864; he was slightly affected in his leg. but not sufficient to hinder such service as might be demanded of him in this connection, but he was taken into actual service in the South at a time when there was special demand for men; there he became rapidly worse, and is now helpless and dependent. Fletcher enlisted in the 43d Ohio Infantry in 1861, was taken sick, and died at Corinth; George enlisted in the 118th Illinois Infantry, and during his service contracted disease from which he has never recovered; he received an honorable discharge and returned to his home. Thomas enlisted in the Home Guards and was taken into actual service, and served his full term; Leonard enlisted in 1863 in the 114th Ohio Infantry; he received a wound in the head, and while in the hospital was taken sick with measles and died.
The wife of our subject is a very devout member of the Methodist Church, and attends at Prairie Chapel; she is looked upon as one of the most devout and earnest of its members, and is universally respected. Mr. Tuck is at present Treasurer and one of the Trustees of the said church. He is also now in his third consecutive term as Township Treasurer, besides which he has been School Treasurer for one term. In each of these offices the manner of his conduct of affairs has been most satisfactory in every regard. Socially, he is prominently connected with the Masonic fraternity, and has been adjudged worthy of being raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, and of being advanced to the eminent degree of a Knight Templar. He is affiliated with the order in Beatrice, where he holds his membership in lodge, Chapter and Commandery. The politics of our subject are along the line of the principles of the Republican party, of which he is an old member, and has always been considered a firm friend and supporter.
VAN J. RODERICK, Treasurer of Gage County, was born in the Principality of Wales, at the modest home of his parents in the little village of Taliesin, on the 21st of June, 1856. When a lad twelve years of age, his parents, Evan and Ann (Jones) Roderick, who were of the same nativity and nationality as their son, emigrated to America, settling first in Wilkesbarre, Luzerne Co., Pa. There his father engaged in the boot and shoe business, and there both parents spent the remainder of their lives.
To the parents of our subject there were born four children, three sons and one daughter, of whom Evan was the youngest. His brother Edward is in partnership with him, the firm name being Roderick Bros., dealers in general merchandise, at Blue Springs; his sister is deceased; the other brother, George, is a farmer in Sicily Township, this county. Evan completed his education in the commercial department of Wyoming Seminary, at Kingston, Pa., and began his business experience as a clerk in a dry-goods store at Wilkesbarre, with John Roderick. His next engagement was with the firm of Schofield and Riley, of whose business he assumed the management until the year 1876. Thence he migrated to New York City, and engaged as traveling salesman for the commission firm of Mooretingue & Co., dealers in dry-goods, principally dress fabrics. He was next located in Utica, N. Y., and employed as head salesman with the firm of Shepherd & Co., with whom he remained two and one-half years.
At the expiration of this time Mr. Roderick established himself in business on his own account in a store of general merchandise at Floyd Corners, Oneida Co., N. Y.; later he formed a partnership with his brother, and they continued together until our subject came to the West. Upon his arrival in this county he located in Blue Springs, where he still carries on mercantile business in partnership with his brother. They have built up a good business, and as the result of a liberal patronage put up a neat storehouse covering an area of 24x90 feet, built of brick and two stories in height. In 1885 he became interested in the breeding of horses, including both fast trotting stock and draft animals. He had previously to this secured a tract of land which is now devoted to his stock operations.
In the fall of 1885 Mr. Roderick. who had long been recognized as a valued addition to both the
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