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in the country of his birth, and Henry is a resident of this county.
At the time of his journey across the ocean Mr. Wagner was too small to be impressed with any of the incidents of the voyage. He spent his early youth on his father's farm, and attended school at St. Johns, making his home with his parents until he grew to manhood. In August, 1841, he was united in marriage with the present companion and sharer of his joys, who in her girlhood was Miss Eleanor Lane. Mrs. Wagner is also a native of County Cork, Ireland, the daughter of William and Margaret (Daily) Lane, and was born on the 2d of May. 1822. About the time of the great famine in Ireland (1847-48), the family emigrated to America, also choosing New Brunswick as a place of residence, and settled near St. Johns. The mother died in that place, and after Miss Eleanor's marriage with our subject her father came to Nebraska and made his home with her, living to the age of one hundred and six years and three months. The following is the record so far as known of the nine children who comprised the family of Mr. and Mrs. Lane: Henry and Eliza died in Wisconsin; William died in Rochester, N. Y., leaving a large family; John resides in New Brunswick, and of the remaining members of the family all are deceased except the wife of our subject.
After their marriage our subject and his wife resided in New Brunswick until 1858, when they removed to Kenosha County, Wis., where they were engaged in farming until their removal to this State. The estate embraces 480 acres of land on section 22, Midland Township, and 160 acres on sections 10, 15, 4 and 6. The homestead is noticeable for its good improvements, which include a substantial dwelling and the necessary barns and stock buildings. Mr. Wagner gives attention to the growing of cereals and general farm products and the raising of cattle. He and his estimable wife have reason to feel gratified with the result of their labors, surrounded as they are by all the comforts of life.
The Wagner family includes eight bright, intelligent children (three others, named Henry L., Warren C. and Ella A., having been called from the happy fold), and to them have been given the names .of Frank T., William A., John P., Richard W., Sarah Jane, George A., Abel E. and Margaret F. The ancestors of our subject were adherents of the Episcopal faith, and Mr. and Mrs. Wagner are members of the same church. Among his fellowmen he bears an unblemished reputation, and has received from their hands the election to the office of Township Treasurer, which proves to what an extent he enjoys their esteem. Where political matters are discussed, our subject speaks heartily in favor of the Republican party.
A view of the Wagner homestead and its surroundings, which will be found on another page, indicates perhaps better than any words which we might use to what good purpose the time and talents of the proprietor have been employed.
HOMAS LEPOIDEVIN is one of the pioneers of the year 1866, and one of the large land-owners and substantial farmers of this county, residing on section 13, Midland Township, where he is very pleasantly located. He was born on the Island of Guernsey, one of the beautiful little islands in the English Channel, on the 25th of March, 1840. His parents, Job and Rachael LePoldevin, were also natives of Guernsey, and had cared for a family of seven children, whose names are appended: Thomas, Rachael, Amelia, Alice, John, Joseph and Alfred. All of the sons came to the United States, Joseph and Alfred being residents of New York City. John and Thomas of this county.
The parents of our subject lived on a farm, and he, as the eldest son, was early called to assume his share of the family burden in assisting his father to provide for their maintenance. Consequently he was permitted to attend school but a short time, and his education is the result of a business contact with many people rather than a close acquaintance with text-books. In 1863 he left his native home and came to the United States, going direct to Wisconsin, and first stopping in Racine County, where he for a time engaged as a farm hand. In 1866 he came to this State, and took advantage of the generous offer of the Government to provide him with a homestead, selecting the southwest quarter of section l, Midland Township, on which he
still resides. He now owns 240 acres of land, all in an improved condition, which is the result of his own perseverance and industry, on which he has erected an attractive and substantial dwelling, with convenient barns and farm buildings for the storage of the farm produce and the shelter of the stock. He gives attention to the raising of cattle, horses and hogs, and from a financial standpoint his vocation has proved successful.
On the 5th of December, 1867, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Teanna Tanner, a native of Switzerland. She was born on the 14th of January, 1847, near Berne, and is a daughter of John and Catharine Tanner, who are now residing in Logan Township, this county. The family of our subject and his wife includes nine children, the older members budding into young manhood and womanhood, attractive and intelligent, on whom are bestowed the following names: Adelia, Amelia, John, Bertha, Mabel, Ezra, Charlie, Marie and Josephine. The parents of our subject were religious people, who did not shrink from the duty of placing before their children the truths of religion and the example of Christian lives; thus our subject was early in life taught to believe in the Scriptures, according to the doctrines of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but while he is a believer in the Christian religion he has not yet identified himself with any church.
During his residence in his native land our subject was loyal to his Sovereign, and served for seven years in the militia of H. R. H. Queen Victoria. Since his removal to his adopted country he has informed himself on all topics of public interest, in order that he might be qualified to act as an intelligent and enterprising citizen, and in matters of politics affiliates with the Republican party.
A view of the farm property of Mr. LePoidevin is shown in this connection.
REDERICK H. LOHMEYER. In February, 1883, the subject of this sketch came to Glenwood Township with his wife and one child, settling on his present farm of 160 acres on section 18. Since that time his little homestead has received his entire attention, and is rising into prominence as one of the most desirable pieces of property in the locality. He understands the proper cultivation of the soil, and is effecting the improvements consistent with his means, adding each year something to the beauty and value of the premises. He has recently completed a handsome dwelling, and has around him already many of the comforts and conveniences suggestive of an older man and a longer residence.
The early home of our subject was on the other side of the Atlantic, he having been born in the Province of Hanover, Germany, May 7, 1849. When a lad of twenty years he emigrated to the United States alone, he first settled in the county of Iowa, in the State of that name. After occupying this four years, he removed to the vicinity of Fremont, Dodge Co., Neb., and from there a year afterward changed his residence to Dawson County. They lived there three years, where he took a claim, but which he kept about three years, then went to Mitchell County, Kan. Our subject, after a sojourn of three years in the latter, moved into Washington County, that State, living there also three years, and at the expiration of this time took up his abode in this county.
In the Fatherland young Lohmeyer assisted his father at blacksmithing, locksmithing and farming, and also worked some in the distillery owned by the latter. The father, Frederick Lohmeyer, was a native of Hanover, and married Miss Margaret Engel, a native of his own Province. They were the parents of six children, of whom Frederick, Jr., was the eldest son and second child. Our subject is considerably interested in stock-raising, and will probably extend his operations in this direction, as he gradually gathers about him the facilities for doing so.
In Washington County, Kan., Mr. Lohmeyer was married, Nov. 9, 1880, to Miss Caroline, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Ann (Day) Gundelfinger, who were natives respectively of Germany and Illinois. Mr. G. emigrated to America when a young man, and is now living in Hanover, Washington Co., Kan., having settled there in June, 1860. The mother died in Hanover, Kan., Aug. 29, 1885. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom
Mrs. L. was the second born. She first opened her eyes to the light in Hanover, Washington Co., Kan., Oct. 3, 1861, and was there reared to womanhood, remaining with her parents until her marriage. She is now the mother of four children, three of whom, Maggie E. C., Anna and John G., they with sad hearts consigned to little graves in infancy. Their only child, Frederick Jacob, was born Aug. 5,1881.
Mr. and Mrs. Lohmeyer are members of the Lutheran Church, in the doctrines of which they had been trained from childhood. Mr. L. believes in progress and reform, and politically, is a decided Republican.
TEPHEN S. JONES, editor and proprietor of the Blue Springs Motor, comes of excellent Welsh ancestry. His father, Edward S. Jones, was horn in Wales in 1818, and emigrated to America when a young man twenty-two years of age. Locating in Pittsburgh, Pa., he followed his trade of stair-builder, finally becoming a contractor, and was a resident of the Smoky City for a period of twenty years.
Upon leaving Pennsylvania the father of our subject took up his abode in Thurman, Ohio, where he has resided since 1855. He followed his business of contractor a number of years, then retired, and is spending his last days in peace and comfort. The mother, Mrs. Eliza (Evans) Jones, was born in Wales also, and emigrated to America when a young lady of eighteen years. She subsequently lived in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Youngstown, Ohio, and departed this life at her home in Thurman, Ohio, April 21, 1888. The family included eight children, five sons and three daughters, six of whom are living, and are now residents mostly of Ohio.
The subject of our sketch was born at Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 8, 1850, and when five years of age removed to Thurman, Ohio, with his parents. He received a common-school education, completing his studies at the academy in Gallipolis, and the Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, in 1870. He afterward was employed as a teacher in the schools of Thurman until 1872, and in May of that year started for the West. His first residence in this State was in Rulo, where he officiated as Principal of the schools of that place two years, and from there went to Galipolis, Ohio, and for a year was in the teachers' department of the academy there. Later he returned to Thurman, where he taught school and studied law. He was admitted to the bar, and returned to Rulo in 1876. There he was again made Principal of the city schools, and in due time was elected County Superintendent, serving as such two years. Next he had charge of the Sterling schools, with which he was connected for one year, and in 1880 was called to Liberty, the schools of which he was connected with one year. Then becoming interested in newspaper work, he purchased the Liberty Journal, which he conducted a year, then sold, and invested his capital in the Blue Springs Motor, Feb. 1, 1883. This paper he also sold a year later, and for two years following was editor of the Beatrice Republican. At the expiration of this time he returned to Blue Springs, repurchased the Motor, and is now giving his attention to the business connected therewith.
Mr. Jones was married, May 14, 1873, to Miss Alberta R. Easley, of Rulo, and they have become the parents of two children--Blanche and Easley. Mrs. Jones was born in Halifax County, Va.,. July 11, 1855, and is the daughter of Albert and Elizabeth Easley, who were natives of Virginia, and are now residents of Falls City, this State. The father is retired from active business. Mrs. Jones was carefully reared and educated, and lived at home with her parents until her marriage.
OHN S. JONES, a late resident of Barneston Township, having spent many years in well-doing, has gone to receive the reward which is promised to those who lead consistent and Christian lives on earth. He was born in Wales, in September, 1844, and was a son of Thomas Jones (deceased), who was a native of the same country. When he was about twenty-seven years old he made up his mind to come to America and in 1872 he departed from his native land, and after enduring the voyage across the water arrived safely in the harbor for which he was bound. He
made his home in Shenandoah County, Pa., and for five years worked in the coal mines, after which, in 1877, he went to Williamsburg, Iowa, and began farming. For four years he continued the pursuit of agriculture in that place, and in the spring of 1881 he brought his family to this county, making his home where the family now live.
On the 18th of August, 1869, our subject was united in marriage in his native country to Miss Ann S. Lloyd, a daughter of John and Elizabeth Lloyd, who were natives of the same country. She was born in September, 1842, and came with our subject to the United States in 1872. By their marriage they have become the parents of eight children, whose names and the dates of whose births are noted as follows; Lizzie was born on the 15th of August, 1870; Sarah, on the 4th of October, 1872; Maggie, on the 31st of March, 1875; John T., on the 3d of August, 1877; Mary E., on the 10th of October, 1880; Robert V., on the 10th of November, 1882; Edith, on the 16th of April, 1885; and Luther E., on the 1st of March, 1887. At the time when this growing family so much needed the care and protection of a kind father he was taken from them, leaving to his bereaved wife the burden of caring for a family whose oldest son was about eleven years old. He died on the 10th of July, 1888, and his family was not only deprived of an affectionate husband and a tender father, but their loss was mourned by the community.
Out subject was one of the pillars in the Welsh Presbyterian Church of Blue Valley, a good Christian man, respected and loved by all. He was a friend to the poor man, sympathizing with him, and as far as he was able assisting him in the accumulation of this world's goods, and in the preparation for a useful life. He had provided well for his family, showing in that respect his love for them, to the end that if he were taken from them they might not be left in destitute circumstances. His farm of 160 acres on section 18, Barneston Township, is managed by Mrs. Jones, who has assumed the responsibilities from which her sons may soon be able to relieve her. When our subject died he regretted to leave his loved family, but knowing that he could not be with them always, and conscious of having led a useful and Christian life, he was ready to answer the summons and submit his life to the hands of Him who gave it. None knew him but to love him, and his memory will long be cherished in the hearts of his warm and admiring friends, who have much sympathy for the widow and family so early bereaved of his tender care. He has gone to receive his reward, having left an example worthy to be followed by his sons, and worthy of the admiration of all. He was forty-four years, nine months and twenty-seven days old at his demise.
ENRY THEASMAEIR, of Clatonia Township, is numbered among its leading farmers, and is considerably interested in stock-raising. His homestead, a view of which is given in this work, is pleasantly located on section 15, and indicates the manner in which he has labored during the years of his residence here, which commenced in the spring of the year 1875. A native of Germany, our subject was born in Datmold, Feb. 21, 1850, and is the son of Henry and Amelia (Talle) Theasmaeir, who left him an orphan at an early age, the mother passing from earth when he was two years old and the father four years later.
Our subject was reared by relatives, and when ten years of age began the struggle of life by working out on a farm, and was thus occupied four years. He then engaged in a brickyard, where he remained until 1869, then resolved to emigrate to America. In the spring of that year he secured passage on a sailing-vessel bound from the port of Bremen to New York City, and after an ocean voyage of twelve days landed upon American soil. Proceeding directly to Stephenson County, Ill., he hired out on a farm, and was engaged in agricultural pursuits in that region for a period of seven years, working for only three different parties during that entire time. His first wages were $11 per month and board, but he was soon promoted, and during the last four years of his labors as an employe received the creditable salary of $225 and his board.
Mr. Theasmaeir in the spring of 1875 crossed the Mississippi, and coming into this county purchased
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