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and his son, with M. H. Southwick, having bought the Bank of Wymore, of which they are still the owners, and being interested in all of the improvements of the town. He has built several fine buildings and one block of business houses, and he was also one of the building committee of the schoolhouse and church just lately built.
Mr. Burch was united in marriage with Elizabeth Rafter in 1845. There were five children in this family, as follows: George F., Francis B., Hiram E., John C. and Albert N. George F. was killed when he was four years old by being run over by a threshing-machine, and Francis died in Fayette at the age of nineteen years. Hiram E. married Miss Ada Bullock, of Fayette, and is now living in Montana, engaged in the hardware business; John C. was married to Miss Nell C. Tunison, of Fayette, and is the business partner of our subject; they have two children--Ray and Benjamin. Albert N. is unmarried, and is at present located in California.
ON. JOSEPH H. BUFFINGTON, M. D. Among the disciples of Esculapius. who in this century have graced the profession, few have been more successful than Dr. Buffington, the popular physician of Liberty. He is a son of James and Eliza A. (Sleeth) Buffington, and was born on the 5th of January, 1840, six years previous to the admission of Iowa as a State. His father was a native of Meigs County, Ohio, his mother of Jackson County, W. Va. The former was an Ohio River pilot for about five years, and after that removed to Iowa, and became one of the most successful millwrights of the State, and erected quite a number of large mills in different parts thereof. In earlier days he had served an apprenticeship at cabinet-making, in Wheeling, W. Va., and found frequent occasion to use the knowledge thus obtained. From mill building he gradually drifted into and became extensively interested in the lumber trade. He is now deceased.
Our subject received his education in the more rudimentary branches in the common schools of his native State, and afterward supplemented this by a full course at Mt. Pleasant University, in Henry County, Iowa, from which he was graduated in due course with honor. Shortly after this he began the study of medicine, being graduated in the year 1868, from the College of Physicians, at Keokuk. He began the practice of medicine in Liberty on the 3d of April, 1881, and has since that time enjoyed a very large and lucrative business.
Our subject's study of medicine was interrupted by the outbreak of the Civil War, and considerably delayed, but feeling that the welfare of the country was to be considered more than his as an individual, he enlisted, May 16, 1862, in Company F, 25th Iowa Volunteers, and served for over three years. In that time he was in active conflict in sixty-four different engagements, and twenty-seven principal battles. Among these were Sherman's Landing, on Yazoo Bottom; Arkansas Post, Jackson, Black River, Grand Gulf, Atlanta (siege of forty-four days), Jackson (2d), Canton, Tuscumbia, Ala.; Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Ringgold, Ga.; Lebanon, Ga.; Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain; Rome, Ga.; the battles of Atlanta, the march to the sea, Mill Creek, Goldsboro, and others.
The great step in the life of our subject, one that has perhaps influenced it more than any other, not excepting his choice of profession or enlistment, was that of his union in marriage with Cynthia A. Sargent. Their home was enriched by the birth of three children, who have received the names of Flora E., William Q. and George A. Nov. 22, 1881, Mr. B. became the husband of Josie E. Hickok, who is the daughter of Robert Malcolm, of Moline, Ill. To them has been born one son, Fred R., Dec. 9, 1882.
By a very large majority Dr. Bufflngton was elected to the Legislature in 1884, and served for a period of two years. Although no measure of remarkable historic import was undertaken or passed in that term, sufficient opportunity was offered for him to manifest the many qualities possessed by which he is specially fitted for such work. He is a man of liberal thought, public spirit and quick intelligence, and owing to these powers, his genial, affable disposition, his intimate knowledge and skill in his profession, combine to make him one of the prominent citizens of Liberty.
Socially, our subject is connected with the G. A.
R. and also the Masonic fraternity, and in the latter has served for a period of six years in the Chair of the Worshipful Master. During that time the lodge over which he presided was noted because of its working efficiency and good discipline. The Doctor has also given much attention to the political questions of the day, and consistently supports and advocates the cause of the Republican party.
BERHART ALBERT in the fall of 1874 set sail from his native Germany, and soon after reaching New York City made his way directly westward to this county. Here be has since remained, and is thus entitled to he numbered among its pioneer residents. He owns and occupies a fine farm of 240 acres on section 25, Clatonia Township, where he has erected good buildings, and in all ways distinguished himself as an enterprising and industrious citizen. He is known far and wide, and just as thoroughly esteemed as he is known.
Our subject was born in Germany, Oct. 23, 1847, and is the third son of David and Mary Albert. He received a good education in his native tongue, and was carefully trained in those habits of industry and economy which have been the secret of his success in life. Upon coming to this county he purchased eighty acres of land from the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company, for which he paid $5 per acre. He met with success in his labors of tilling the soil, and invested his surplus capital in additional land, all of which he brought to a good state of cultivation. Six years before leaving his native country he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Elsha, and to them there have been born seven children, namely: Lena, the wife of William Brinkmeyer, of Clatonia Township; Charles, Louisa, Sophia, Ella, Emma and Henry, all at home with their parents. The land which Mr. Albert secured at that early day, it is hardly necessary to say, was in its primitive condition, and he began at first principles in the rearing of a homestead. He has now a goodly assortment of live stock, and the machinery necessary for his convenience and profit. He identified himself with the Republican party upon becoming a naturalized citizen, and is a member in good standing of the German Methodist Episcopal Church and Superintendent of the Sunday-school. In his district he has served as School Treasurer three years. As a typical representative of the sturdy,, intelligent and fearless German pioneer, he takes a place in the front ranks, and has contributed in a marked degree to the development of Clatonia Township. He has watched its progress and prosperity with genuine interest, encouraging in a substantial manner those projects tending to the welfare of its people.
Mrs. Albert is in all respects the suitable companion of such a man as her husband, being energetic, intelligent and industrious, and to her is no small credit due for his success in life. She has stimulated him to his best efforts, and proved a most wise and affectionate mother to her children. In the respect and esteem of the community she stands equal to her husband, and there is no pleasanter resort in this locality than the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert.
M. SCHRODER is regarded by his neighbors as a man of sterling worth and exemplary conduct, who may review his past life and feel gratified that it has been so well spent and so honorable, he was born in Prussia, near Bremen, on the 1st of May, 1818, of which country his parents, Henry and Elizabeth, were also natives. His father was a shepherd, and the family circumstances were but lowly, so that our subject began to rely upon himself for his daily needs when only a boy of seven. He worked in the employ of neighboring farmers, and was able to receive but a limited education, because of the slender family resources. His parents were devout members of the Lutheran Church, and early instructed him in the truths of their religion, so that when he was fourteen years old he received his confirmation in the church.
Our subject had early made up his mind to come to America, but he did not allow his desires to interfere with the strict and careful performance of his labors, by his integrity and industry gaining
the confidence and good wishes of his employer, who became interested in his welfare. Finding that he wished to leave his native country to try his fortunes in a land which offered great inducements, his employer advanced sufficient money to pay his fare on the voyage, and on the 1st of August, 1836, he boarded the "Paulina." which sailed from Bremerhaven, and was tossed about on the waves forty-two days. He landed at New York on the 11th of September, and having but fifty cents left after paying his fare, he at once engaged in work, choosing first to clerk in a mercantile house. His honesty and genial manner soon gained for him kind friends, who greatly relieved his social wants, and he remained in the mercantile house for two years, after which he started in business for himself, but did not meet with good success.
Our subject next engaged as a drayman for a mahogany sawmill in Pittsburgh, Pa., where he remained for a long time, during which he was married to Miss Elvira Miller. Mrs. Schroder was born in New Jersey in 1823, and after her marriage with our subject they made their home in New York City until about the close of the war, when they removed to Bureau County, Ill. They rented a farm of 240 acres and prospered well, so that in 1871 they moved to Missouri and bought a farm. But there they met with financial reverses, and sickness overtook them, which wasted their means, and when they came to this State they had but $300 left of the snug little fortune which they had accumulated.
On arrival here our subject and wife took eighty acres of land on a school lease, and again the tide turned. They prospered well and have accumulated quite a competence, which enables them to surround themselves with comforts and luxuries. Our subject's son since purchased 160 acres on the Pawnee Reservation, and eighty acres on section 16, just north of his first claim. Mr. Schroder has done well, financially, and through his integrity and geniality has drawn around him a host of warm and lasting friends. He became naturalized as soon as the Constitution permitted, and has become one of the best citizens, seeking to advance the interests of his community socially, educationally and religiously. He and his wife are esteemed members of the Presbyterian Church, of Beatrice, and he has helped to build the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Holmesville.
Mr. and Mrs. Schroder have become the parents of eight children, named George, Hester, Lemuel, Ella, Lottie, Freddie, Johnny and an infant, the three last named dying in infancy. George grew to manhood, and enlisted in the 61st Illinois Infantry, serving during the last year of the war.
While our subject is a member of the Republican party in politics, he strongly advocates the policy of the Prohibition party, and is in favor of temperance, or total abstinence from the use of intoxicating beverages. He has never regretted his coming to America, and the people of his community are proud to number him among their friends.
OHN N. STEELE. Lying on section 3, in Holt Township, is one of the model farms of this county, and one of its most attractive homes, the property of the subject of this sketch. It indicates in all its surroundings the existence of cultivated tastes and ample means, and the residence of those whose lives have been good and useful, and who have exerted a refining and healthy influence upon those with whom they have been associated. The Steele family is one of the most widely and favorably known in this section, and the estate one of the most desirable in Gage County.
The subject of this sketch was born in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, Oct. 6, 1823, and acquired his education in the district school. In 1850 he married a lady who was born in Warren County, Ky., Oct. 29, 1828. The father of Mrs. Steele was a native of Virginia, and the mother of Bloomingburg, Fayette Co., Ohio. They migrated to Illinois in 1840, settling in Hennepin, Putnam County, where the father carried on general merchandising and also held the office of Sheriff a number of years. He was finally elected to the State Legislature, and for many years continued active in public affairs. The mother died when comparatively a young woman, in 1844, at the age of thirty-nine years. The household circle included seven children, namely:
William, Fulton, Martha J., James, John, Mary and Artie.
Mrs. Steele was a young girl twelve years of age when her parents removed from Kentucky to Illinois. She for a time attended the common school and completed her studies in South Salem Academy. She received careful home training, and remained with her parents until her marriage. Soon after their wedded life began Mr. and Mrs. Steele moved into a snug dwelling in South Salem, where Mr. S. engaged in the dry-goods trade until 1854, when he sold out, and removing to Illinois engaged in farming until after the outbreak of the Civil War. He watched the conflict until the year following, then laid aside his personal interests to proffer his services in support of the Union, enlisting in Company E, 4th Illinois Cavalry, for three years, or during the war. Such were the privations and hardships which he endured that his health began to fail, and at the end of two years he was obliged to accept his honorable discharge. The faithful wife and mother at home had in the meantime suffered the utmost anxiety, not only on account of her husband, but her four brothers who were fighting the battles of union and freedom. One brother was a Colonel and an officer held in high esteem on account of his bravery and fidelity to duty.
After his return from the army Mr. Steele resided in Ohio until the close of 1873. In January, 1874, resolving upon a change of location, he disposed of his property interests in the Buckeye State and came with his family to Nebraska. He purchased land in Holt Township, this county, and struggled through many difficulties and drawbacks in the development of his farm and the building up of a comfortable homestead. His labors were greatly prospered, as a glance at the handsome and comfortable home of the Steeles at once indicates.
To our subject and his estimable wife there have been born seven children, namely: Artie, Alice, Annie, Harry, Wardlaw and Minnie (twins), and Pattie. The eldest daughter is the wife of Robert Henderson, a resident of this State, and they have five children; Alice married Charles Harnes, a carpenter by trade; she is the mother of two children--Ralph and Lyle. They are residents of Auburn, Nemaha County. Annie is the wife of John Mosler, a mechanical engineer, and they reside in San Mateo County, Cal.; they have one child, a daughter, Kittie. Harry is married, and is a prominent railroad man residing in Sacramento, Cal.; he has one child, a son, Eddie. Wardlaw is occupying a homestead claim in Kansas, and is unmarried; Minnie is the wife of George Jackson, of Holt Township, this county, and the mother of two children--Gertie and Edna; Pattie is at home with her parents.
The Steele property includes 160 acres of good land, with a comfortable frame house, a fine orchard, a goodly assortment of live stock, improved farm machinery, and the other appliances indicative of the progressive agriculturist. Both our subject and his estimable wife are members in good standing of the Congregational Church at Cortland. Mr. Steele, politically, is a stanch Republican. Mrs. S. is a lady of great refinement and intelligence, and became acquainted with her husband while they were attending college. Their children form a bright and interesting group, who have been carefully educated and are well fitted for the honored stations which they will ever occupy in life.
ON. ALBERT H. BABCOCK, ex-member of the Nebraska Legislature, one of the leading lawyers of Southeastern Nebraska, and a resident of Beatrice, was born near the city of Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., June 4, 1836. The family of his parents, John S. and Jane H. (Fleming) Babcock, consisted of two sons and one daughter, of whom Albert H. was the eldest, and all of whom are living. John S. Babcock is also a native of the Empire State, a blacksmith by trade, and with his excellent wife is still living, their home now being in Monroe County, Mich.
The subject of this sketch when an infant of six weeks was taken by his parents from his native State to Michigan, they settling among the pioneers of Monroe County. There he was reared to manhood, pursuing his studies first at Dundee and later in the seminary at Ypsilanti, where he was prepared for college. He then entered the law department of the Michigan State University, at Ann Arbor, where he took a full course, and at the expiration
of this time the outbreak of the Civil War furnished unlooked-for employment. Entering the service of his country, in Company H, 18th Michigan Infantry, he was soon made First Lieutenant, and was subsequently promoted to Captain, his regiment being assigned to duty around the city of Covington, Ky., resisting the enemy under Gen. Kirby Smith. When the necessity for their presence there had ceased the regiment received marching orders for Lexington, Ky., and at that point went into winter quarters. The following spring occurred the Morgan raid, and the regiment of Capt. Babcock was assigned to garrison duty for a time. Thence they proceeded to Nashville, Tenn., where our subject was on provost duty one year, and they were next assigned to Decatur, Ala., where they were attacked and repulsed by Hood's army in a siege of four days, the Union forces being under command of Gen. R. S. Granger. During the fight at Nashville Capt. Babcock was sent to hold Stevenson, Ala. Breckinridge was then attempting to cut off their supplies at Chattanooga, Leaving Nashville they were ordered to Huntsville, Ala., where Capt. B. was constituted Provost Marshal of the Northern District of Alabama, on the staff of Gen. Granger, and was thus occupied until the close of the war, being mustered out in July, 1865.
Our subject now returned to Ann Arbor, Mich., and in the State University completed his law course, being graduated in the class of '68. Soon afterward, coming to Nebraska, he located in Pawnee City, where he commenced the practice of his profession. In the fall of 1873 he was elected a member of the Legislature from Pawnee County, serving the sessions of 1873-74. He continued his residence in Pawnee City until 1879, then removed to Beatrice, where he has since built up a good business, practicing in the District, State and Federal Courts.
Capt. Babcock was married, May 6, 1880, to Miss Jeanette DuBois, the wedding taking place at the home of the bride in Pawnee City. Mrs. B. was a resident of Atlanta, Ga.. and at the time of making acquaintance with our subject was visiting friends in Pawnee City. She was born in Madison, Fla., March 17, 1856, and is the daughter of Col. L. W. and Lavina (Tarrant) DuBois. Of this union there have been born a son and daughter--Laura E. and Eugene. Mr. B. is a member of Pawnee Lodge, A. F. & A. M., also of Blue Lodge, Chapter and Council. In politics he is a Republican.
ILAS L. MORRIS. In this sketch it will be endeavored succinctly to present to the reader some of the more salient features in the life of the present Supervisor of Grant Township, whose home is situated on section 24, where he owns and operates a farm of some eighty acres in extent, nearly the whole of which he has in a good state of cultivation, and which is provided with a fairly good set of the buildings needed in connection therewith.
Our subject has been a resident of Grant Township for about thirteen years, and before making his home on section 24 resided on section 3, where he located in 1876, when the land was in its original wild and uncultivated condition. He made some improvements there, but finding a good purchaser sold it in order to transfer his interest to his present property.
Mr. Morris is a native of Ohio, and was born in Portage County, that State, on the 28th of January, 1829. He was a mere child when his father, John Morris, removed to Geauga County of the same. State. The memory of his childhood, his school days and early manhood, is supplied from this source, for there he made his home until he came of age, acquiring somewhat thoroughly the branches of a practical English education, and then began at the lowest round of the ladder of farming, gradually making his way to his present position.
In Munson, Geauga Co., Ohio, our subject was united in marriage with Annette Warner, who was a native of that place, and was born Dec. 13, 1837. Her father was a practical, well-read farmer, and her life was spent upon the farm, for she was brought up at home, and continued to reside with her parents until her marriage. This union has resulted in the birth of four children, viz: Charles L., now the husband of Alice Kinzie, and a farmer in Grant Township; Altha, the wife of Marion Gaston, and
residing near Beatrice; Sadie L., now Mrs. Henry Gill, whose home is in Colorado, and Frank S.. married to Minna McC!ure, of Indianapolis; they live in York County, this State, where this son has a lucrative practice as a physician and surgeon.
With the exception of about three years our subject has been occupied as a farmer all his life. For about eight years prior to his settlement in Nebraska he was a resident of Miller County, Mo. Mr. Morris has worthily filled the offices of Township Treasurer and Justice of the Peace, in addition to that now held by him. He has been a stanch adherent of the Republican party for many years, and will doubtless so continue. His connection with the I. O. O. F. is at once lengthy and honorable, and at present he is a member of Lodge No. 103, of DeWitt, and has filled all the chairs, including that of the Noble Grand; he is also a member of the Grand Lodge of this State, and Deputy Grand Master of this district. He has been in all the relations of life a man worthy of the confidence and esteem of his fellows.
A fine lithographic view of the Morris farm will be found on another page. Not only does it assist in the embellishment of the ALBUM of Gage County, but is one of the attractive features of the landscape of Grant Township.
ON. NATHAN BLAKELY. The farming and business interests of Southern Nebraska have found no more enterprising and capable exponent than the subject of this sketch, who has aided materially in the cultivation and development of one of the richest sections of the great country lying west of the Mississippi. A native of Litchfield County, Conn., he was born in the town of Roxbury, July 25, 1824, and was the youngest in a family of four children, the offspring of Daniel and Lovina (Chatfield) Blakely, who were also natives of Connecticut, and descended from English ancestry.
Daniel Blakely, the paternal grandfather of our subject, was a farmer by occupation, and spent all of his life in Connecticut, dying in Roxbury, Litchfield County, at an advanced age. Daniel Blakely, following in the footsteps of his father, pursued the occupation of an agriculturist. The eldest brother of Nathan died when a lad; the mother and an only sister died in Roxbury, Conn., in 1839. The father in 1855 came west to Iowa, settling in Hardin County, where his death took place in February, 1861, being seventy-six years old. He was a strong Abolitionist, and as the exponent of Free-Soil doctrines voted in 1844 for the Abolition candidate, James G. Birney, for President. In 1848 he voted for Van Buren, in 1852 for John P. Hale, and in 1856 for John C. Fremont. His last Presidential vote, in 1860, was given to Abraham Lincoln.
Nathan Blakely acquired his early education in the district school, which he attended until fifteen years of age, mostly during the winter season, being employed upon the farm in summer. Later he was a student at Roxbury Academy, where he studied two winters, and then commenced teaching, receiving for his services the munificent salary of $10 per month for his first school, and boarded around among the scholars; this school was in Westchester County, N. Y., in a neighborhood called "Mount Airy," about two miles east of the Hudson River, about an equal distance from Peekskill and Sing Sing. He taught the same school the succeeding fall and winter, his salary being advanced to $12 per month. This was thought by some of the patrons of the school to be excessive, and more than any "schoolmaster" could earn. In the spring of 1846 he migrated to Monmouth County, N. J., where he followed teaching until 1852, officiating as tutor nine terms at the now celebrated summer resort, Long Branch.
In the spring of 1852 Mr. Blakely, resolving upon a change of occupation, returned to his native State, and in company with W. S. Waterbury, purchased the Derby Journal at Birmingham, Conn., which they conducted together until the fall of 1853. Mr. Blakely then disposed of his interest to his partner, and in December of the same year, in company with J. E. Barnes, a friend and former teacher in New Jersey, started for Chicago, Ill., and the following winter taught a district school near the present site of Riverside, a few miles from Chicago. At the close of this engagement he mi-
grated to Newton, Iowa, there bought land, but subsequently bought land and moved to Hardin County, Iowa, but spent the following summer in the vicinity of Newton, where he made his first purchase of land, he returned to Chicago in the fall of 1854, and resumed teaching in the school he vacated the previous spring, and in the spring of 1855, in company with his brother, who had just arrived from Connecticut, and his friend Barnes, left for Hardin County, Iowa, to improve their lands. At this time the railroad was only completed to Galena; thence they went by steamboat to Dubuque, then by stage and private conveyance to Eldora, in Hardin County.
About this time reports were heard about Spirit Lake, said to be 150 or 200 miles northwest, in Dickinson County, Iowa, near the State line. It was said to be a very large lake, mostly surrounded by a large body of fine timber. This land was all in market, and subject to entry at $1.25 per acre, prairie lands being considered high in Hardin County at $2.50 and $3 per acre, and timber from $3 to $10. The prospect of "wealth" was too perceptible to be ignored, and they decided to get a couple of thousand acres of the cream of that section, and in August the trio loaded a wagon with a tent, a barrel of sugar, a sack of coffee, a chest of tea, hams and bacon, flour and meal, besides other articles necessary to put up cabins and make their homes in that wild and unsettled part of the State, and with two yoke of oxen, and one cow, with dogs, guns and revolvers, left Hardin County for the 'promised land." No trouble appeared until beyond the reach of settlements. Then there were no roads, and ponds, marshes and ravines were daily encountered, and travel accordingly slow, so that Spirit Lake was not reached until in October. The frost had killed the grass, and it was unfit to put up for hay; two of the party were suffering with the ague and could do nothing but eat. The bright picture of imagination of a few months before had rapidly vanished. The ague left two of the party so weak they could not travel to find out the numbers of the land, or hunt up the corners, and after camping two nights on the margin of this lovely lake, decided to retrace their steps to Hardin County and leave all of the "wealth" to their followers, whoever they might be. Those followers, numbering several families, settled around the lake within a year or two, secured their lands, built their cabins and opened up their farms, when the Indians appeared and massacred most of the settlers, some thirty in number.
The severity of the winters of 1855-56 and 1856-57 led Mr. Blakely to the conclusion that the climate of the Hawkeye State would not be altogether favorable to his health and comfort, and he accordingly, as soon as practicable, sought the milder atmosphere of Southern Nebraska. He arrived at Beatrice on the 17th of July, 1857, at a period in the history of this now flourishing town when it could not boast of even a log cabin, although one had been commenced by Pap Towle. A few days after his arrival Mr. Blakely took up a Government claim two miles up the river, upon which he operated until the spring of 1865, engaging in freighting and farming combined.
Mr. Blakely upon leaving his farm purchased a half-interest in the store of D. Latham, at Beatrice, and for the space of four years conducted a mercantile business; in 1867 he purchased Mr. Latham's interest in the store, and in 1868 formed a partnership with Reynolds & Townsend, the firm being Blakely, Reynolds & Co. In the summer of 1869 he disposed of his interest in the business to his partners, and in 1872 he associated himself with E. M. Hill, in general merchandising, until 1875.
In addition to his extensive business transactions Mr. Blakely has always maintained a lively interest in the affairs of his adopted county, and in 1858 was elected County Clerk, serving so acceptably that he was re-elected the following year. In 1861 he was chosen to represent this county in the Territorial Legislature, the district being composed of the counties of Gage, Johnson, Clay and Jones, now Jefferson. In 1866 he was again elected Representative, the Legislature meeting in Omaha, for the purpose of adopting the Constitution for the State, and of electing two United States Senators. Mr. Blakely voted in caucus for T. W. Tipton and A. S. Paddock. Tipton and Thayer received the nomination and election.
Mr. Blakely in 1868 was again elected to the Legislature, attending the first session held at
Lincoln. The year following he was appointed Receiver of the United States Land Office, by President Grant, assuming charge of the office on the 1st of October, and which he held until Oct. 1, 1875. Of the manner in which he discharged his duties, the Beatrice Express, dated October 7 of that year, M. A. Brown, editor and proprietor, speaks as follows:
"Hon. Nathan Blakely entered upon the discharge of his duties as Receiver of the United States Land Office at this place Oct. 1, 1869. On the 1st of October, 1875, he stepped down and out, Hon. R. B. Harrington having been appointed to the office. It will be seen that he had filled the important position of receiver of public moneys for precisely six years. During that time he had received and turned over to the Government $625,013.24, and when he closed his official labors his accounts were found to be correct to the cent. In these days of defalcation and dishonesty no higher encomium can be paid to a retiring officer than to say 'his accounts were found correct, and he had the money on hand to balance.'
But, notwithstanding the large amount handled by Mr. Blakely, and his long term of office, this can be truthfully said of him. At times during his six years' service he had not only an important position to fill, but also one of dangerous responsibility. For several years after he took charge of the office there were no banks in Beatrice where he could deposit the money, nor was there any railroad or express line connecting with this city by which be could send the money away. The Government required him to make monthly deposits at Omaha. In order to get the money to the river he would hire his brother to take it to the bank of John L. Carson, at Brownville, which required sixty-five miles of staging; at times Mr. Blakely's brother William has staged it to Brownville with strangers, and about $60,000 in his pocket. We know Mr. Blakely has plenty of nerve, but we are of the opinion he felt easier when he had Mr. Carson's certificate of deposit.
During the month of June, 1870, Mr. Blakely took in as Receiver $86,236.69, and on the 13th of the same month the sum of $38,126.31. These were the "big bonanza" days of his term of office.
We would be glad to he able to give a brief outline of Mr. Blakely's history, but except as to the above figures he has not given us any data from which to write him up. However, we learn, but not from him, that he has been a teacher, an editor, has served several terms in the Legislature, has been a farmer, merchant, County Clerk, was graduated as an ox-driver (but we don't believe he ever drove mules as he doesn't swear), has accumulated property, if we owned it we would think it to be worth at least $50,000, but we don't, and what is best, he has accumulated it honestly.
Mr. Blakely is one of the self-made men of the State. He came here poor, freighted over the California route, and by dint of energy and honesty in this grasshoppered American desert, he has laid by a goodly sum for a rainy day. He is a positive man, hence he has warm friends and some bitter opponents, he will stand by a friend through thick and thin. Almost all incumbents of land-offices are accused of resorting to ways that are dark to make a dollar, yet in this large district no man has ever accused Mr. Blakely of trickery or dishonesty. We don't know what business he intends to engage in, but wherever he is or whatever he does he will be known as a man of blunt honesty, strict integrity and undoubted ability.
The marriage of Hon. Nathan Blakely and Miss Maggie C. Tinkham was celebrated at the home of the bride, about two miles east of Beatrice, Nov. 9, 1868, and time young people began the journey of life together in Beatrice. Mrs. Blakely was born in Morrow County, Ohio, in October, 1843, and is the second daughter of Rev. A. L. Tinkham, a minister of the Methodist Church, who came to this State in 1860, settling in the embryo town of Beatrice among its earliest residents. He is yet living. The mother of Mrs. Blakely is also living, still residing at their old homestead, near Beatrice. To Mr. and Mrs. Blakely there were born two sons, Charles and Clarence. The latter died Sept. 21, 1873, when nearly two years old. Charles was born Jan. 5, 1870. He graduated from the High School in Beatrice, in June, 1888, and is now a student at the Wesleyan University, at Delaware, Ohio.
Mr. Blakely has been identified with the major-
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