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has resided in this county continuously since. His parents came here in the fall of 1857. The father of Mr. Douglass died at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a few weeks before the birth of his son. The elder Douglass had driven overland to Cedar Rapids, taking emigrants back east, and was to bring a load of flour back with him. He was taken sick before reaching Cedar Rapids and after remaining in that city under a physicians care for a few days determined to start home, and had gone for his team when he was ordered back to his room by the physician. He was taken worse and died. When George was one year of age his mother moved to Arizona township where he grew to manhood and where he is living at the present time, a successful farmer.
   Mr. Douglass says he remembers when the Arizona farmers sold their wheat for $2.50 per bushel. The grain was sacked and delivered at a landing on the Missouri, known as Tekamah landing, and here boats would take it and transport it to market. It was the custom those days to sell and deliver grain and hogs and wait for the purchaser to get it to market and his money back before he paid the farmer.
   Mr. Douglass was united in marriage February, 1872, to Miss Ferby Ellen Reyman, who was also among the first white children born in this county who are still residents here.

   GEORGE B. OTT was born October 7th, 1872, at Wilton, Iowa. He came to Tekamah, February 1st, 1892, and is still a resident of this city. Except for an interval of a few years he has followed the printing and publishing business.
   Mr. Ott was united in marriage October 20th, 1897, to Miss Carrie M. Story, of this city.

   JOHN FEE NESBIT was born March 1st, 1858, in Bradford county, Pennsylvania. Here he grew to young manhood on the farm and in April, 1878, turn-


ed his face toward the great west, locating at West Point, Nebraska. He remained there until June, 1883, when he came to Tekamah and here engaged in the hardware business with his brother W. M. Nesbit. In 1888 he engaged in general merchandising which he has followed since. Mr. Nesbit was appointed postmaster in this city in March, 1903. He has taken an active interest and been a factor in republican politics in both county and state. In 1895 he represented Burt and Washington counties in the State Legislature. In 1897 he represented the county of Burt in the same body. In 1900 he was elected one of the republican presidential electors from this state. Mr. Nesbit represented the hardware house of Lee-Glass-Andreesen Co., of Omaha, for ten years from 1884 to 1894
   Mr. Nesbit was united in marriage August 16th, 1882, to Miss Lillian M. Fuller, a native of Pennsylvania.

   MICHAEL OLINGER was born December 12th, 1814, in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. He removed to the vicinity of Tekamah in the fall of 1855 and died here October 20th, 1888. Mr. Olinger was a leading factor in the early development of this vicinity.
   Mr. Olinger was united in marriage to Caroline Roberts in February, 1839.

   AARON WILSON was born November 12th, 1840, in Hardin county, Ohio. In early manhood he went to Colorado where he enlisted in 1863, at the breaking out of the rebellion, in Company B, 3d Colorado Regiment. At the close of the war he came to Burt county. Nebraska, locating in the vicinity of Tekamah. In 1866 he homesteaded the land now owned by R. L. Adams, about two miles south of town and through which the railroad now runs.
   Mr. Wilson was united in marriage June 30th, 1866, to Miss Margarett V. Olinger.

   SAMUEL A. MITTEN was born in Herrick, Penn-


sylvania, February 7th, 1861. There he grew to young manhood going to Camptown, Pennsylvania, where he clerked for two years prior to coming to Nebraska in 1886. Mr. Mitten came to Tekamah in October, 1886, associating himself with his cousin, R. J. Mitten, in the general merchandise business, building up one of the largest mercantile establishments in the county. He remained here until the fall of 1904 when he removed with his family to Puyallup, Washington, where he engaged again in the mercantile business.
   Mr. Mitten was united in marriage May 1st, 1895, to Miss Lydia H. Clark, in this city.

   ROBERT A. TEMPLETON was born May 30th, 1835, in Fayette county, Ohio, where he resided until 21 years of age. He came from there to Fairfield, Iowa in the spring of 1857, where he remained until August, 1879, when he cast his lot with the people of Burt county. Mr. Templeton has largely devoted his attentions to farming and stock raising although being interested financially in other enterprises. He is one of those men whose grand successes have gone so far to show the possibilities of this western country. Mr. Templeton's residence is in this city and from here he supervises his large land interests.
   Mr. Templeton was united in marriage to Miss Louisa M. Haywood in Jefferson county, Iowa, in August, 1858.

   WILLIAM W. LATTA was born September 6th, 1832, in Ashland county, Ohio. At sixteen years of age he began driving stage about Toledo and Daton, Ohio, and followed this vocation until twenty-one years of age when he came to Jackson county. Iowa. He remained there from 1853 until 1857 when he came across the state of Iowa by ox team and located in Arizona township this county. He was one of the pioneers who came here with few assets other than perseverence (sic), industry and a determination to conquer. He passed


through the hardships incident to that life, adding success to success, growing with the growth of the country and becoming one of the county's wealthiest citizens. His home is in this city and from here he superintends his large interests.
   Mr. Latta has served his city several terms as its Mayor and is a member of the City Council.
   Mr. Latta was united in marriage at Clinton, Iowa, May 10th, 1857, to Miss Mary A. Mason.

   BUD R. LATTA, was born November 26th, 1871, in Arizona township, this county. He removed to this city with his parents and is associated with his father, W. W. Latta, in looking after their large land and stock interests.
   Mr. Latta was united in marriage in June, 1900, to Miss May Sutherland, of Blair.

   CHRISTEL JEEP was born August 13th, 1851, in Hanover, Germany. He came to the United States in 1871 and after remaining in New York City for three months came to Nebraska. He located in Decatur, this county, where he remained for about eighteen months when he came to Tekamah and engaged in merchandising, making a specialty of clothing, boots and shoes. He has always taken an interest in public affairs and matters pertaining to the upbuilding of the city; being called upon twice to serve the city as its Mayor and also to serve for several terms as one of the city council.
   Mr. Jeep was united in marriage in October, 1882, to Miss Mary Goll of this city.

   LYMAN F. PRATT was born in Wyoming county. New York, in 1827. He came from there, to Tekamah in September, 1856. He followed farming, merchandising and auctioneering. In the winter of 1856-7 he and N. R. Folsom conducted a store in partnership in this city. In the spring of '57 he returned to New York state, where he engaged in the


general merchandise business for six years returning to Tekamah, July 4th, 1863. He entered, as a homestead, the farm now known as the Davis or Sawtelle place, in sections 30 and 31, township 22, range 11, Riverside township. He removed north of Bancroft in 1884 and to Lyons in the fall of 1886, where he resided until his death, June 30th, 1890.
   Mr. Pratt was united in marriage September, 1856, to Sarah J. Bates.

   WILLIAM B. BATES was born in the year 1800, in the state of Connecticut. He came to Burt county in 1856 and died in Silver Creek township in 1878. Mr. Bates was a Methodist preacher and was the Chaplain of the First Nebraska Territorial Legislature, held in Omaha.

   WILLIAM R. DAVIS was born January 11th, 1827, in Lawrence county, Indiana. Here he resided until 1850, when he removed to Jefferson county, Iowa, remaining there one year and then moved to Wayne county. the same state. He remained in the latter county until 1869, when he removed to Tekamah.
   Mr. Davis was united in marriage December 15th, 1850, to Miss Josie Wilcox, in Jefferson county, Iowa.


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