NEGenWeb Project - Antelope County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
in Nebraska |
Mrs. R. J. Hering
OTHING is known definitely as to when white men first saw what is now known as Antelope County but it is believed that the earliest account by others than natives is that of Lewis and Clark of 1804. In 1839 Theophile Brugier, a French-Canadian employed by the American Fur Company, passed through this region.
In 1846 a colony of Mormons passed through Antelope County on the way from Niobrara to Great Salt Lake. They crossed what later became Royal and Garfield townships. When the earliest settlers arrived, the Mormon Trail was still clearly visible.
If the state of Nebraska were divided into four equal parts by a line through the center from north to south and another line through the center from east to west, Antelope County would be in the exact center of the northeast quarter. From Neligh, the county seat, it is forty miles north to the South Dakota line, eighty-nine miles east to the Iowa line and one hundred forty-seven miles south to the Kansas line.
Antelope County is thirty-six miles long north and south and twenty-four miles wide east and west. It consists of twenty-four townships containing 864 square miles or about 552,960 acres of land which is strictly agricultural. Its soil, which consists of clay and sandy loam, is fertile and productive.
The general surface of the county is undulating or gently rolling. On the western border it is about 150 feet higher than the eastern part. The elevation above sea level at Neligh is 1,760 feet and the uplands throughout the county are from 50 to 250 feet higher than the valley of the Elkhorn at Neligh. The average altitude of the county is about 1,850 feet above the sea.
About one-fourth the surface is valley land adjacent to the streams and three-fourths is upland. The widest valley is that of the Elkhorn river in the southern part of the county. It reaches a maximum width of three miles, there are no canyons or deep ravines and the entire surface may be classified as level or gently rolling.
The Elkhorn River was named Corne de Cerf or horn of the elk, by French Canadians. With its tributaries it waters and drains an estimated seven-ninths of the county while the Verdigris and Bazile creeks in the northern part of the county drains the remainder.
Springs which are two miles east of Royal form the source of the Verdigris. The springs are visible from national highway No. 20. The large, rapid stream of pure, soft water flows over a gravel bed. The creek abounds in trout and attracts devotees of the rod and line from the surrounding territory and neighboring states.
There is no indication that Indian tribes occupied Antelope County as a permanent home although there is abundant evidence that it was used as a camping ground. Both the Pawnee Indians and the Omahas laid claims to tracts of land in which Antelope County is included. Many relics have been found in both the south and north sections of the county.
Indians as a rule were friendly to the early settlers but in 1870 there was an Indian raid at the Martin L. Freeman home in the Elkhorn valley. A company known as the Elkhorn guards was formed. This included every able bodied man in the settlements. A number of skirmishes ensued and finally the Indians left the settlers to peaceful possession of the valley.
One of the first homestead filings in the county was made in August 1867 by Michael J. Hughes of Illinois. He settled in what is now Elm Township but left because his wife was afraid of Indians. In 1868 George St. Clair also filed on a claim but abandoned it soon afterward. The record shows the first permanent homestead entry as being made Sept. 9, 1868 and the second on Oct. 22, 1868.
On Aug. 31, 1868, Crandall Hopkins with his wife and twelve children settled on a one hundred and sixty acre homestead in Antelope County twenty-five miles from the nearest neighbor, thirty miles from the nearest store and postoffice, more than one hundred miles from the nearest railroad station and seventy-five miles from the nearest mill.
Hopkins had come by covered wagon nearly six hundred miles across the greater part of Illinois and all of Iowa to locate in a new and untried part of Nebraska. Few tools and household goods had been brought on the journey. Despite many obstacles he broke the sod, tilled the soil and subsequently purchased adjoining lands.
The early settlers found cottonwood, white elm, ash, several kinds of willow, burr oak, red elm, hackberry, box elder and bass wood. There was an abundance of wild plums, choke cherry, and wild grapes and wild raspberries. There was plenty of timber for building material.
Except for a few stray herds, all buffalo had disappeared by 1870, but there was ample evidence that there had been many before that time. Elk
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and deer had also been abundant shortly before the first settlers came. Prong-horned antelope were found here by the thousands before 1876. Prairie chicken, grouse and quail and wild turkeys were found in great abundance. There were also numbers of coyotes or prairie wolves, in addition to badgers, raccoons and wild cats. All have disappeared except the coyote which is hunted in annual roundups.
Prairie fires were a constant terrorizing menace. Even the Elkhorn River was not always a barrier.
The bill providing for organization of Antelope County was approved March 1, 1871. The measure was introduced by Leander Gerrard of Platte County who represented this part of the state in the senate. Gerrard, in company with others, shot and killed an antelope for food while on the trail of some Indians accused of horse stealing. Recalling this incident when introducing the bill, he suggested the new county be called Antelope.
The first county convention was held in September 1871. It was nonpolitical and at that time there were approximately 213 persons in the county holding claims.
In 1872 the first grasshoppers appeared and stripped the county of everything green but in 1874, known over the state as the grasshopper year, they came in greater numbers and denuded not only living plants and trees but consumed clothing and ate the paint off machinery. They returned in 1875. Farmers then had no means of combatting the pest.
The first wedding in the county was a double ceremony. On Aug. 14, 1869 Allen Hopkins and Miss Frances L. Riley and Elias Ives and Miss Nancy Freelove were married by C. P. Matthewson, Esq., of Norfolk. In May 1870 a little girl was born to Mrs. L. A. Kimball, and in October 1870 occurred the death of Fanny Snider.
In 1877 occurred the death of White Buffalo Girl, sixteen-month-old Ponca papoose, whose parents, Black Elk and Moon Hawk, were with a tribe of Poncas moving to Oklahoma (Indian territory) from Niobrara, The child was buried in what is now Laurel Hill cemetery at Neligh. The agent with the Indians asked Stephen Hall, farmer, to make a white pine cross for the grave. The father, Black Elk, asked those present to "forever decorate the grave, for I may never see it again." The white pine cross stood at the grave until June 13, 1913 when F. C. Auringer, Neligh monument dealer, donated a stone.
Black Elk never returned, but on July 13, 1939 Pete Le Clair, 56-year-old Ponca Indian of Verdel, who lives at the former home of Moon Hawk and Black Elk, stood at the grave of White Buffalo Girl and paid tribute to her memory.
A tragedy of the Millerboro community was the death of little Willie Bonge, 7-year old who was frozen to death in a blizzard in October 1890. The lad stopped at the postoffice to get the mail while on the way home from school and "Doc" Jacob Miller, postmaster, was the last to see him alive. The boy became bewildered in the blinding snow as there were no trails and fences. Not until the snows had melted was his body found.
"Doc" Miller, also known as "Captain" Miller, had come from Buchanan County, Iowa to Antelope County in the late 60's to establish a colony of soldiers and their families.
The story is told that "Cap" Miller and his associates went to the top of a low hill to hold council and from this point looked over the country. They selected lands in Knox County and in Antelope County for their settlement. The hill where they gathered has been called Council Hill since that day.
Millerboro consisted of a school, a church and a postoffice which "Doc" Miller located in his residence. These were landmarks in southern Knox and northern Antelope for sixty years.
Whether "Doc" Miller was a registered physician is uncertain. He had a knowledge of medicine that proved a boon to early settlers and his name has since been held in grateful remembrance. Millerboro postoffice continued to serve the community until the establishment of rural routes.
Residents of Antelope County speak of its "North End," and its "South End," due to the fact that all the first settlements were made in the south part along the Elkhorn river and its tributaries. Other settlements were made in the north part along the Verdigris and Bazile Creeks and their tributaries.
History of the development of the north end centers largely about Hering's Mill, which served early settlers living in a radius of thirty miles. Farmers came from long distances and often remained overnight awaiting their turn at the mill.
Julius Hering, native of Germany and a millwright by trade, came to America at the age of twenty-three and went to Omaha. He first operated a flour mill at La Platte and then a sawmill at Plattsmouth. In 1879 he came to Antelope County to find a suitable millsite. He first looked over the country about Pierce, then decided to locate near the headwaters of Verdigris, four and one-half miles north of the present site of Royal.
Once framework of the building was up and machinery installed, farmers came with their grists and he began grinding. The building at first had only a canvas roof. His wife helped lay shingles.
About the time Hering's Mill was established, surveys were made for a proposed railroad from Niobrara to the Gulf of Mexico. These surveys passed Hering's Mill, a number of miles were graded and the railroad seemed a certainty.
The late George A. Brooks of Bazile, pioneer miller and merchant, erected a store building at
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Hering's Mill, and arranged to move the Jessup postoffice there from a location two miles north. He sold the store to Walter L. Seaman, who was also appointed postmaster. Frank Vickery established a drug store and sold "bitters." Ben Jones operated a blacksmith shop, Tite Sherman opened an eating house and the Lon Brown family also kept boarders. Bob Gross manufactured cigars. The town was named Jessup after the postoffice and for a matter of thirty years or more was to be found on maps of Nebraska.
For ten years all indications pointed to a successful outcome of this venture, then the Short Line was built from Sioux City to O'Neill by the Burlington, Jessup disappeared like magic and Savage came into existence, four and one-half miles south of Hering's mill.
The mill continued to serve a large area for nearly half a century. In 1909 Julius Hering leased the mill to his eldest son Roy J., and his son-in-law H. S. Lytle, and in 1915 a modern mill took the place of the little red structure of pioneer days. Some fifteen years later, Lytle sold out and "R. J." continued the Hering Willing Co. until 1929. The elder Hering established a high reputation for his buckwheat, corn meal and graham. Old-timers say its quality has never been equalled. The son maintained his father's reputation.
Towns in south Antelope County came into existence long before those in the north end. To Oakdale belongs the distinction of being the first town laid out in the county. Surveyed in 1872, it was the county seat until 1883 and five county seat elections were held before its removal to Neligh. Politics played no part during all those years in the county seat question. Whether a man was a Republican or a Democrat mattered not. "Are you for Neligh or Oakdale?" was a question of vital importance.
Oakdale was made up of hardy pioneers interested in building homes, schools and churches and all that contributed to the highest development of the individual.
The first flour mill was built in 1872 and supplied flour to settlers as far south as Albion.
The first doctor and first druggist was Dr. Ashford B. Elwood, the first paper was the Oakdale Journal, published by M. S. Bartlett; the first term of school was taught by Charles E. Sale who was also the first Methodist preacher. The Baptists, Catholics and German Evangelical churches were supplied with pastors soon afterward.
During the '80's Oakdale was an important cattle livestock and grain shipping center. The first carload of grain shipped out of Antelope County went from Oakdale and the town was headquarters for several large freighting outfits during early days. It also had the first bank in Antelope County.
The Oakdale of today compares very favorably with other towns of the county and ranks third in population. Every line of business necessary for a town of approximateiy 600 inhabitants is operated. The Oakdale Sentinel is a breezy little paper that keeps the readers supplied with news.
Clearwater, with a population of 504, places either fourth or fifth in size in the county with Orchard having practically the same population. The first settlements were made by French in 1869 six miles from the present townsite. By 1872 there were sixty-six men within the present bounds of the four townships surrounding Clearwater. The population then was thought to be 250.
James Gillespie had a grocery store at his home in Ord township; Doc Tubbs supplied drugs and groceries from his place in Blaine township; James Smith had the postoffice and also sold groceries and sorghum; G. H. McGee set up a grist mill in 1886 on Clearwater Creek.
All supplies for the first settlers were freighted from Sioux City or West Point and the first products of the community were freighted from Columbus. In 1881 the railroad was extended from Oakdale to O'Neill and pioneer days for Clearwater were over.
Clearwater was platted in 1880 and practically all business activities of the community were transferred to the town within a year. By the close of 1882 there were twenty buildings in town. The first newspaper, The Clearwater Headlight, was launched by Charlie Fields. Nineteen Scotch families from Iowa located in Frenchtown before the town was plotted.
Clearwater of today is a busy place. It is located on Highway 275 and there is considerable travel through town. Its business enterprises are up-to-date and its schools are progressive. The Clearwater Band, the pride of the town and the county for the past twenty-five years, gives weekly open-air concerts. The Clearwater Record, recently launched under a new editor, provides news and is an advertising medium.
Elgin, with a population of 917, is second to Neligh in size. It has been called "The Beehive" because of the energetic spirit of its citizens.
Elgin had its beginning in 1883 when William Eggleston, living two miles north of the present location, wanted a postoffice and presented a petition through the postmaster at Oakdale and suggested the name Eggleston. The petition was granted but the Oakdale postmaster was asked to select a shorter name. He opened his postal guide to Illinois and selected the name Elgin. The office was on his farm for three years.
The first protestant minister in Antelope County was Rev. Henry Griffiths who served the West Cedar Valley Congregational Church as early as 1873, three miles from the present town of Elgin. His was a large territory in early days and he is gratefully remembered.
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The first Catholic priest was Rev. Peter James Bedard who came from Sioux City. He was French-Canadian by birth and homesteaded in Frenchtown. He served a territory extending from Oakdale as far east as Battle Creek in Madison County. He erected the first church building west of Norfolk, using logs cut from timber along the Elkhorn.
In 1887 with the extension of the railroad from Scribner to Oakdale, a townsite was selected where the present town of Elgin now stands. Eggleston moved his family and postoffice to the new townsite. He also established the first hotel, set up the first blacksmith shop and was one of the founders of the Methodist church.
L. A. Young moved his country store building to the townsite on July 4, 1887. Barney H. Smith also moved a country store to the townsite. Many other enterprises began this year. The Elgin Clippings was started by L. Loper who also organized a brass band. In 1895 Elgin was ravaged by fire and again in 1909, but new buildings quickly were erected to replace the old.
Elgin today is an attractive town of white homes and business places. The industry and energy characteristic of early days has in no wise abated. The Elgin Enterprise publishes news of the town and vicinity.
Neligh is located on the bank of the Elkhorn river, about 150 miles northwest of Omaha and 35 miles west of Norfolk. It is situated at the junction of highways 8 and 14, the former connecting Canada with the Gulf of Mexico and the latter connecting Omaha with the Black Hills. Neligh is a place of scenic beauty, enterprising business houses and gracious hospitality.
Riverside Park, municipally owned and maintained, is one of the most beautiful natural parks in the state and contains a new $10,000 grandstand, county fair grounds, the fastest half-mile dirt track for auto races in the state besides lagoons, fountains, bath houses and tourist accommodations. It is the home of the Legion Elm, the oldest elm tree in the state, thought to be 180 years old. A few years ago the tree was designated as a memorial for World War veterans.
Neligh was founded sixty-seven years ago by John D. Neligh and others who purchased the townsite from the Chicago and Northwestern railway. Mr. Neligh was also mainly responsible for the first bridge across the Elkhorn and for the building of the first saw mill.
The town grew rapidly and for a few years was a favorite rendezvous for cowboys and for such notorious characters as Kid Wade, Doc Middleton, Texas Charley, Cowboy Joe Hall and other similar characters.
Neligh grew by leaps and bounds, making such rapid strides that its pioneer days were soon past. One business enterprise after another came into being with almost unbelievable rapidity. In the '80's and '90's Gates College flourished and many persons recall the profitable time spent within its walls.
The Antelope County Fair, nearly as old, as Neligh itself, has attracted 15,000 persons annually to this county seat town.
Neligh is one of the cleanest small cities in the state. Among other institutions it has a Carnegie library that lends an average of 2,000 books per month; there are seven churches, a hatchery, ice plant, a National Bank building constructed at a cost of $90,000; a $50,000 school building, bottling works, greenhouse and a modern theater that attracts thousands of movie fans monthly. The town has two newspapers, The Leader, established more than half a century ago and The Neligh News.
There are three towns in north Antelope County, all of which came into existence about 1890 when the Short Line was built from Sioux City to O'Neill. All three are located on the Burlington and on national highway No. 20.
Orchard, six miles west of Royal and fourteen miles west of Brunswick, was settled by pioneers. Frank, Joe and George Meuret as well as Charlie Meyers, who came in 1878, are thought to have been the earliest settlers.
The United Brethren Church, organized in a sod school house, observed its golden anniversary in 1934. The United Presbyterian Church was founded in 1883.
The first school teacher was James Delzell, later state superintendent, and the second teacher was Ede Hemenway, who was also an early teacher at Clearwater. Oldest resident of the town is J. W. Harmon, proprietor of the drug store which is also the oldest business house in town.
Almost as old a resident is Dr. G. W. Fletcher, who came to Orchard forty years ago, and who has practiced there since. He was joined later by his brother Dr. D. L. Fletcher who has practiced with him more than thirty years. Orchard has never had any other physicians.
"Doc Gordon," as a youth in his twenties, performed his first major operation--an appendectomy upon a homesteader living in a sod house. The kitchen table served as an operating table and there was no assisting nurse. Forty years later Dr. Fletcher operated upon the same man in the Orchard hospital. J. W. Harmon often assisted the doctor in administering the anaesthetic in the earlier days.
Orchard boasts it never has had a saloon within the city limits. It has a $60,000 school building and employs nine instructors; a public library, a modern printing plant and newspaper--The Orchard News--which has served the territory thirty-seven years; it has up-to-date general stores, an exceptionally good movie theater that serves a wide territory, a sales pavilion, tourist park, co-operative creamery and a greenhouse, as well as many other business houses.
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Brunswick had its beginning in Chicago, a post office at the the home of Charles Galloway one mile east of town. Another postoffice was at Clear Springs west of town. Both were merged in the home of W. E. Gunthorpe whose farm joined Henry Nagle's and was a part of the townsite.
The town received its name in this way: A number of farmers asked for beet seed from the government. Henry Nagle sent beets raised from this seed away to be tested and learned that they contained a higher percentage of sugar than beets raised anywhere else in the world. They closely resembled those raised in Brunswick, Germany and Nagle suggested that the new town be called Brunswick. It is a mile from highway No. 20 since the new route was established and has a population of 352. It has a good school building, a Catholic and a Community Church, a number of good stores and good homes.
The first elevator was owned by George Fletcher, the first drug store by Al Mentor, the first lumber yard by Walt Older. Krause Brothers of Wisner owned the first hardware store. The first teacher was Cora Frost. J. Q. Ingram, county judge the past twenty-four years and Hyacinth Rehberg, now Mrs. Anton Kemmel, a heroine of the blizzard of 1888, were also early teachers.
Among those credited with aiding the growth of the town are: B. I. Rose, George Nagel, T. F. McMahon, W. P. Van Gilder, E. P. Van Kirk, J. E. Weaver, Fred Hoscheit, A. W. Gunthorpe, J. D. Eckhoff, M. A. Buckmaster, Sterner Brothers, J. C. Harris, John Paul, Harmon Lichty and others.
John Allen, Civil War veteran from Wisconsin, took a homestead on the present site of Royal. Willet Couch, C. H. Bligh, Royal Thayer and James Blackburn also lived in the vicinity. Through the efforts of Royal Thayer a postoffice was located at the C. H. Bligh farm, a mile east of the present town.
When the railroad went through, a townsite was plotted on Allen's farm. The farm buildings, still standing, are occupied by one of his sons. The postoffice was then moved into Fred Clark's store in town and Jim Welch was appointed postmaster. George Fannon, later state representative, established the second store. Henry Charles, owner of a store at Jessup, four and one-half miles north, also moved his building into town. Matt Rundquist, who located in the Swedish settlement south of Royal in 1885, opened a store in 1905. With his wife and eight children he contributed much to the development of the town and community.
Early postmasters included Fred Clark, G. W. Fannon, Ernie Johnston and H. E. Field, who served for nineteen years.
Although the postoffice has always been called Royal, the town was long known as Savage, having been named for a Sioux City physician who promised to build a school in any town named for him along the railroad.
The preacher's name was Bear. The story goes that Rev. Mr. Bear didn't like to be called pastor of the Savage Sunday school, and since Dr. Savage forgot to build the school as per agreement, the preacher was influential in having the name of the town changed to coincide with that of the postoffice.
Royal, once an important grain and livestock shipping center, today has an accredited school and one church; its population is 205. Large numbers of people come here for recreational and trading purposes.
Mention should also be made of Dikeman's Park, a natural beauty spot two and one-half miles north of town, upon which site David Dikeman, Sr., homesteaded in 1880. Discovery of Indian relics there revealed it had once been a camping ground. Lava-like formations on a hilltop with a craterlike opening give rise to the theory that a volcano may once have been active. Natural timber and the crystal clear waters of the Verdigris in which rainbow trout abound make this an ideal spot for tourists and picnickers during the summer months. Golf links and a baseball diamond likewise add to its attractions.
Approximately midway between Royal and Orchard is the Pleasant Valley community which centers about a school, Sunday school and a cemetery. The Pleasant Valley Cemetery Association, one of the oldest organizations in the north end of the county, has given annual programs on Memorial Day for more than fifty years. Mrs. Carrie Hall Durkee of Neligh, first teacher, attended the fiftieth anniversary of the school with seven of her former pupils.
Success of these organizations and of the Farmers Union local of Pleasant Valley was due largely to the efforts of the late James M. Grove.
Park Center, which consists of a church, school and cemetery, is ten miles west of Elgin and was established during the 1880's. Mrs. George Wilshire, eighty-eight, first homesteader and oldest resident of the community, lives on her original farm. Rev. Mr. Griffiths was the first pastor.
The history of north Antelope County can scarcely be written without mentioning the Creek Rats, crack baseball team that played from 1896 to 1917 and enjoyed a seven-year winning streak in competing with the fastest teams in the state. They established a tradition not only in Antelope County but also in northeast Nebraska.
The baseball team was composed of three trios of brothers: George, Fred and Carl Forsberg; John, Sam and Charlie Couch; August, Elmer and Linn Peterson.. All these players were farmers.
Fred Forsberg, present manager of the local league team, was pitcher for the Creek Rats. In 1899 he pitched three games on three successive days, allowing only one run and striking out 36
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batters. He beat Atkinson at Tilden 5-0, Atkinson at Neligh 4-0 and Oakdale at Neligh 3-1.
The greatest game he ever pitched was the famous "grudge" game between Plainview and Brunswick in 1908. Fred pitched for Brunswick and the team won 7-6.
Forsberg also pitched once for the Omaha Giants, negro team, at Creighton. They blacked him up as dark as any Ethiopian beneath a tropic sun and named him "Sam." He won that game too.
There are 112 school districts in Antelope County. Seven are town districts and six others have two teachers and are known as rural high school districts.
Enrollment of the rural schools of the county averages about 15 pupils per school. The larger schools have about 30 students and the smaller ones four or five.
There are three teacher training schools, in Neligh, Clearwater and Elgin. About one-fourth the teachers hired in the county are inexperienced young men and women from these schools.
A number of random facts might well be included in rounding off this history of Antelope County. It was the pioneer in Farmers' Union work, locals No. 1 to 5, inclusive, having their beginning here. At one time the county organization had a membership of one thousand, the largest in the state. One year the Elgin Baby Beef Club held the distinction of being the largest in the world.
C. C. Ames of Orchard, born Dec. 16, 1858 on the present site of Wynot, claims to be the oldest living white man born in the state of Nebraska. He lived in Cedar County when the Indians killed the five children of Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman. His mother helped prepare the bodies for burial.
Note: The author consulted the History of Antelope County by A. J.. Leach for a record of facts prior to 1883. The Neligh News booster edition of 1925 provided a pioneer history of each town in the county. The author's file of clippings from the Orchard News, the Neligh Leader and the Neligh News, provided source material for the north end of the county.
AGLER, JAMES L: Grocer; b Ringgold Co, Ia Jan 27, 1862; s of Peter Agler-Sarah Stucker; ed Ringgold Co; m Olive Eastman Nov 25, 1890 O'Neill; d Goldia Florence; Velma Arvilla; homesteaded in Holt Co, 1886; moved near Elgin 1892, farmed until 1901; 1901- in groc bus, Elgin; Lions; MWA; Royal Highlanders; Meth Ch, steward, trustee, treas; Indep; hobby, reading; res Elgin.ALBRIGHT, EDWARD R: Merchant; b Fairbury, Neb May 9, 1902; s of R W Albright-Emma Hendricks; ed Ainsworth HS 1921; m Evelyn Davis July 8, 1924 Washington Kas; s Dick M; d Doris Annette; 1922-29 with Fred Diers Dept Store, Madison, later with Brown-McDonald; 1929-37 in bus, Walthill; 1937-38 lived in Idaho; 1938- mcht, Neligh; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Neligh.
ALLEN, HAROLD A: Editor & Publisher; b York Co, Neb May 12, 1904; s of Albert A Allen-Maude King; ed York HS 1925; York Coll 1925-26; m Beth Meredith Oct 5, 1927 Lincoln; 1926-27 with Hopkins Abstract Co. York, 1927-29 owner of half-int in firm; 1929-35 opr Oakdale Sentinel, owner since 1935; Comm Club; IOOF; Rep; hobbies, baseball, basketball; off Oakdale Sentinel Bldg; res Oakdale.
ASHCRAFT, LLOYD M: Produce Dealer; b Tilden, Neb July 26, 1899; s of Emerson M Ashcraft-Minnie Kelley; ed Tilden; m Maudie Smith July 21, 1925 Grand Island; d Maxine; 1923-24 opr gen store, Millboro S D; 1924-25 opr produce store, Tilden; 1925-27 opr produce store, Clearwater; 1927 opr Tilden produce store, Farmer's Poultry Co; 1928- owner & opr produce store, Clearwater; one of largest indep poultry dlrs in Neb; 2nd largest indep poultry dlr in U S; during World War enl Apr 9, 1917 in USN, made 17 trips abroad in convoy service, disch May 10, 1919; Tilden Amer Leg, ch mbr; MWA; Chris Ch; Indep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Clearwater.
AURINGER, FRANCIS GIDEON: Monument Dealer; b Albion. Ia June 24, 1867; s of Gideon Francis Auringer-Sarah Sawyer; ed Marshalltown Ia 1883; m Mae Mabel Osman May 18, 1892 Marshalltown Ia; s Osman Francis, Marvin William; d Marion Mae (Mrs Claude D Wood); 1884-1902 appr in Amer Monument Works, Marshalltown Ia; 1902- pres & mgr Elkhorn Monument Co in Neligh; C of C; helped org first golf club, one of orgs Rotary1, first pres; Neb Memorial Craftsmen, pres 3 terms; led move to select Amer Leg Elm, located in Riverside Park; AF&AM; KP; Episc Ch, mbr vestry; Rep; hobbies, landscape gardening, cartoonist, sells to publications including Monumental News; res Neligh.
BARKER, WILLIAM HENRY: Lumber Dealer; b Clinton Co, Ia Jan 19, 1881; s of Henry Barker-Mary Ann Dannatt; ed Morningside Coll 1898-99; m Eva Fawcett Sept 20, 1917; s Forrest; 1900-02 with father in flour mill & electric light plant, Correctionville Ia; 1902 homesteaded 160 A Denhoff N D; 1902-04 in real est bus, Spokane Wash; 1905-08 emp on farms, Antelope Co; 1906 mcht in Arcadia Fla; 1908-10 emp by NP RR, Spokane Wash; 1910-14 farmed in Ia; 1918-26 owner & opr 160 A farm lands, Amtelope Co; 1926- emp by Farmer's Co-op Lbr Yard, Elgin div; treas bd of edn; Comm Club; Meth Ch, past bd mbr; Rep; hobbies, gardening, flowers; res Elgin.
BARNES, J MORTON: Hotel Owner; b Cairo, Ill Oct 28, 1903; s of Walter E Barnes-Darlyne Moore; ed Palmyra 1922; m Augusta Carlson July 5, 1925 Sioux City Ia; s Robert Morton; 1922-30 with Bryon-Hammer Dry Goods Co, Omaha; 1930-31 with J C Ridnour Co, Lincoln; 1931 owner & mgr Nehoco Hotel, Neligh; C of C; Neb Hotel Assn; BPOE; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf baseball; res Neligh.
BARNES, WALTER E: Hotel Owner; b Lancaster Co, Neb June 17, 1882; s of Perry Barnes-Lydia Stantz; ed Palmyra 1900; m Darlyne Moore Jan 1902 Palmyra; s Morton; d Mary (Mrs F C Pickering); 1911-35 in gen mdse bus, Neb; 1935- owner & mgr Nehoco Hotel, Neligh; C of C; Rotaary (sic); Neb Hotel Assn; AF&AM; Rep; hobby, golf; res Neligh.
BARNUM, CHARLES JOHN: Furniture Dealer & Undertaker; b Waverly, Neb Jan 6, 1879; s of James T Barnum-Eunice Adkinson; ed Waverly; LBC 1896; Memphis Tenn Bus Coll; m Hattie Doherty May 5, 1907 Chambers; 1903-06 opr livery barn in Chambers, contracted mail routes; 1906-11 blacksmith & wagon maker, Chambers; 1911-20 furn & hdw dlr & undertaker; 1911- undertaker; 1921- undertaker & furn dlr, Neligh; C of C, past pres, exec com mbr 6 years; pres park commission; sponsored incorporation of Chambers; chmn village bd; Rotary, pres 1938; AF&AM; Rep; hobby, children; res Neligh.
BARTLEY, FRANK: Osteopath; b Shenandoah, Ia Aug 27, 1877; s of John W Bartley-Thedora Rice; ed McCook 1896; Drake U 1900-02; Still Coll of Osteopathy, Des Moines 1902-04, lettered in baseball, football & track; Kirksville Mo Coll of Osteopathy & Surgery, DO 1905; m Lulu Jean King Feb 2, 1905 Shenandoah; d Lois Jean (Mrs Robert Moser); 1905- prac in Neligh; asst coach Neligh HS; 1905-15; Wyo & Neb Osteopathic Assns; Amer Osteopathic Assn; C of C; Country Club; Congl Ch; hobbies, fishing, outdoor sports; res Neligh.
1Neligh is said to be the first small town in the US to have received a Rotary charter. Its success here led to the granting of charters to other small towns.24
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BASKETT, MRS PEARL WARWICK: Merchant; b Buchanan, 0 Feb 27, 1886; d of Luther S Warwick-Emma Rhodes; ed Oakdale HS 1906; PSTC 1908-10; U of N, 1926-27; Ia St Coll 1929-81; m Clyde V Baskett Oct 10, 1922 Oakdale; 1910-11 primary tchr, Stromsburg; 1911-13 primary tchr, Oakdale; 1913-15 English & math tchr, Newport HS; 1915-16 English & math tchr, Wakefield HS; 1916-17 English & math tchr, Arlington HS; 1917-18 supt Chambers HS; 1918-22 prin Ewing HS; 1927-29 matron senior boys' Masonic Home, Fremont; 1931-89 Antelope Co supt of schls; 1939 owner of Baskett's Dress Shop; C of C; past pres B&PW; Womans Club, pres of music dept 1938-39; pres woman's div Country Club 1939; DAR, chaplain of Neligh ch; chmn Jr ARC 1931-39; past mbr NSTA; OES, worthy matron 1938-39; Meth Ch, SS tchr; Rep; hobby, golf; res Neligh.
BEARINGER, LLOYD WILLIAM: Livestock Dealer; b Holt Co, Neb Aug 6, 1901; s of William Bearinger-Clara Nibloe; ed Antelope Co; m Ruth Bailey Nov 1922 Sioux City Ia; s Harold, Donald Gene; d Clarabelle; 1920- farmer in Antelope Co: 1934- opr livestock market, Clearwater; Comml Club; Dem; hobbies, baseball, hunting; res Clearwater.
BECKWITH, EDWARD EMERSON: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Dodge Co, Neb July 2, 1871; s of Daniel E Beckwith-Catherine King; ed Oakdale 1892; Fremont Normal 1892-94: Yankton S D Coll 1899-1901; m Edith E Best June 11, 1902 Neligh: s Philip Edward, Robert E; b (sic) Elizabeth May (Mrs S L Parry), Florence (Mrs J H McBurney); 1897-99 Antelope Co supt of schs; 1901-03 supt of Neligh schs; 1903-07 Antelope Co clk; 1907- real est & ins agt, Neligh; C of C; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, collecting old guns; res Neligh.
BENNIE, JAMES WALKER: Physician & Surgeon; b Chatham, Ont Canada Oct 31, 1882; s of James Bennie-Wilhelmina Angus: ed Leamington Ont HS 1902; Detroit Coll of Med, MD 1910; Nu Sigma Nu; m Olive Pletcher Oct 1, 1913 Fletcher Ont; s Fletcher; 1910-12 prac in Big Beaver Mich; 1912- prac Clearwater; pres Clearwater State Bank; owner & opr 320 A in Antelope Co; Five County Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; mbr bd of edn 5 terms, now chmn; C of C; IOOF, past noble grand; AF&AM; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, hunting; res Clearwater.
BEST, CHARLES J: Editor & Publisher; b Portage, Wis Jan 4, 1857; s of Thomas Edward Best-Emily Jones; ed Agency Ia; m Mary J Hill Apr 17, 1883 Agency Ia; s John H (dec 1939); d Helen (Mrs Gerald Drew), Ruth Emily (Mrs A A Pagel); 1883-85 with Omaha Herald; 1885- ptr in Neligh Leader; C of C; Rotary; AF&AM; Meth Ch; hobbies, hunting & fishing; res Neligh.
BINKERD, GEORGE ALEXANDER: Mortician; b Dorsey, Neb June 14, 1882; s of James Binkerd-Harriet Kelly; ed Holt Co 1898; m Pearl Connelly Apr 7, 1903 Dorsey; s Veldon, Gerald Eugene; d Doris Lorraine; 1898-1904 farmed in Holt Co; 1904-05 sold medicine & toilet articles; 1905-10 emp in lbr yard; 1910-22 in groc bus, Lynch; 1922-36 in groc bus, Neligh; 1936- mortician, & furn dlr; C of C; IOOF; Congl Ch; Dem; res Neligh.
BITNEY, WESLEY E: Farmer; b Lime Ridge, Wis Apr 2, 1867; s of Lewis Bitney-Laura Phelps; ed Neligh HS 1889; Gates Acad, Neligh; m Nellie Stone Aug 2, 1893 Plainview; d Elberta May Mrs William M Grable); 1889-92 farmed with father in Antelope Co; 1893-1909 owner & opr farm in Antelope Co; 1909 moved to Neligh; 1910-34 owner & opr George Fletcher & Son impl bus; also owned & oprd serveral farms in Antelope Co; 1934- mgr real est ints in Antelope Co; 1893-1909 treas sch bd Willow twp; 1927-33 mbr city council; Rotary; C of C; Golf Club; Congl Ch, deacon & trustee; Rep; hobbies, golf, livestock, hunting; res 308 Ash, Neligh.
BRADLEY, WALTER BOVAIRD: Theater Owner; b Bradford, Penn June 19, 1894; s of William Bradley-Rebekah Bovaird; ed Independence Kas; m Marjorie Jenkins Mar 6 1916 Crawford; s John William, d Joline; 1911-12 with explorer Martin Johnson in Snark Theater, Independence Kas; 1912-18 with Clint & Bessie Robbins road show; 1918-25 owner & opr Candyland restaurant, Neligh; 1925- owner & opr Moon Theater; 1930-39 dir C of C, pres; chmn bd of Riverside Park 1936-39; supvr NYA project in Neligh; chmn BSA troop 168; during World War, enl May 3, 1918 in 167th depot brigade, Camp Pike Ark, disch Dec 24, 1918; Amer Leg; AF&AM; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbles, improving Riverside Park; res Neligh.
BROOKS, WILLIAM EDGAR: Mortician; b Mt Vernon, Ia Mar 29, 1858; s of James Stewart Brooks-Melissa A Jones; ed Mt Vernon Ia; m Anna May Fee Mar 25, 1885 Stanwood Ia; d Genevieve (Mrs R C Huffman); 1875-86 farmed near Stanwood Ia; 1886-92 farmed in Antelope Co; 1892- hdw, furn dlr, undertaker, Elgin; Comml Club; AF&AM; KT; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, gardening; res Elgin.
BUELT, THEODORE HENRY: Clergyman; b Elgin, Neb Apr 27, 1895; s of Henry Buelt-Elizabeth Overomle; ed St Joseph Hall, Dubuque Ia; Columbia Coll, Dubuque Ia; St Paul Minn Seminary; 1919-20 asst pastor St Mary's Ch, Omaha; 1920 chaplain St Joseph's Hosp, Omaha; 1921 asst to Father Renner of Elgin; Feb 1, 1925- pastor Elgin parish; helped rebuild parish sch; KC; St Boniface Ch; hobby, travel, writing; res Elgin.
BUTTERFIELD, ELVEN A: County Coroner; b Knox Co, Neb Jan 12, 1903; s of Z G Butterfield-Josephine Dougherty; ed Verdigre HS 1921; Trinity Coll, Sioux City Ia; 1922-23 Creighton U, LLB 1927; m Viola Lichty June 26, 1938 Neligh; 1921-22 tchr, Knox Co; 1928- prac Neligh; 1931- Antelope Co coroner; Neb St Bar Assn; C of C; 1928-39 scout master, BSA; pres N Central Neb Creighton Alumni Assn; hobbies, fishing, hunting, baseball; res Neligh.
CHAMBERS, WILLIAM SENECA: Pharmacist; b Auburn, Neb Dec 18, 1900; s of William S Chambers-Myrtle Clory; ed Auburn HS 1918; Kansas City Coll of Pharm, Kansas City Mo, PhG 1923; m Veronica Lempke Aug 23, 1923 Tecumseh; 1910-33 with Frank Cline Drug Store, Auburn; 1933 owner of Chambers' Drug Store, Neligh; C of C; Neb Pharm Assn; hobby, travel; off res Neligh.
CHILDS, MRS CATHERINE: Postmaster; b St Charles, Minn; ed St Charles Minn; m F A Childs Jan 25 1911 O'Neill; 1933- P M, Oakdale Neb Ch Natl. Assn of PMs; Cath Ch; Dem.; off PO; res Oakdale.
CLARK, EDWIN C: Farmer; b Illinois Grove, Ia Feb 24, 1873; s of George E Clark-Sarah J Williams; ed Hubbard Ia HS; Gates Acad, Neligh; m Irene G Kountz Sept 14, 1899 Mechanicsburg Penn; s Grier C. Horace V, George M, Glenn E; d A Ruth, Mary G, Margaret I, Dorothy A, Irene Katherine; secy-treas Farmers Union; 1895- supt Park SS, deacon Park Ch; hobbies, grandchildren; res RFD, Elgin.
COLE, RICHARD EDWARD: Pharmacist, b, Peru, Neb May 15, 1884: s of Daniel C Cole-Elizabeth Swan; ed PSTC, BE 1909; Creighton U, PhG 1912; m Lona Wilburn June 15, 1916 Atkinson; 1910 supt of schs, Scotia; 1912 in drug bus, Duncan Ariz; 1912-15 with W L Schultz Drug Store, Atkinson; 1915- 18 with C J Wilson Drug Store, Atkinson; 1918- owner & opr Cole Drug Store, Brunswick; village trustee 5 terms, past treas & clk; mbr Ellsworth twp bd 6 years; pres lib bd; Neb Pharm Assn; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading, hunting, travel; parents came to Neb 1867 & settled in Brownville, father was carp & contr, helped estab town of Peru; res Brunswick.
CURTIS, ELMER ELLSWORTH: Physician & Surgeon; b Neligh, Neb Feb 24, 1888; s of John Fremont Curtis-Albertina Matilda Holm; ed Antelope Co; WSTC 1905-06; Creighton U, MD 1911; m Minnie J McLain Aug 30, 1909 Omaha; s Glen E; od (sic) Charlotte D (Mrs J M Stringfellow), Marie I (Mrs W W McAllister); 1911-17 prac in Royal: 1917- prac med in Neligh; C&NW RR phys; C of C; Rotary; chmn Antelope Co Med Soc; Madison Six-Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; Antelope Co insanity bd; city phys; MWA: AF&AM; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, golf; res Neligh.
DARLINGTON, WILLIAM MEREDITH: Dairyman; b Des Moines Co, Ia Apr 8, 1878; s of David W Darlington-Alma Peck: ed Madison Co; Norfolk HS 1899; U of N 1900-01; m Mabel Whitla Oct 12, 1904 Battle Creek (dec 1938); s Grant A, Meredith W, David L, Milton H, Winthrop W; d Ruth W; 1901-03 rancher Long Pine; 1903-08 with postal service, Norfolk; 1908-17 Madison Co dep treas & treas; 1917- farmer & dairyman, Neligh; pres sch bd since 1926; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, nature study, edn; res Neligh.
DENNEY, EMORY ELMER: Farmer; b Stanton Co. Neb June 8, 1892; s of Solomon D Denney-Melissa Bertwistle; ed Stanton Co; Fremont Nor-
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mal; WSTC; m Effie Adams June 9, 1913 Linwood Minn; s Gerald; d Lois; 1913-17 opt 320 A Antelope Co farm land near Clearwater; 1917- opr 160 A; 1934-37 mbr Blaine twp agrl conservation com; mbr co com since 1937; crop ins committeeman; Antelope Co committeeman in chg of commodity loans, Fed Security program; mbr bd of edn dist 67; JP Blaine twp; mbr twp bd 21 years; Assn of Co Committeemen of North Neb, pres; Farmers Union; MWA; Clearwater Chris Ch, deacon; Indep; hobbies, travel, charity work; res Neligh.
EVERHART, CHAUNCEY E: Editor & Publisher; b Poneto, Ind June 11, 1885; s of John Everhart-Sarah Durbin; ed Gates Acad, Neligh 1906; m Olive M Meuret Nov 6, 1909 Orchard; s Harold V; d Leona (Mrs George F Voorhies); 1906-08 with Neligh Register; 1908-17 with Neligh Leader; 1917- publisher of Orchard News; Comml Club; NPA; IOOF; village clk since 1917; U B Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Orchard.
FARBER, THOMAS W: Merchant; b Northampton, Penn Sept 17, 1877; s of Lewis Farber-Eva Bachman; ed Neligh HS 1895; m Mae Lydon Apr 2, 1914 Omaha; s Wayne Thomas; d Doris Mae (Mrs William Taylor); 1898-1931 with Wolfe & Bros Gen Mdse, Neligh; 1931- opr Ladies Ready to Wear, Neligh: came with parents from Penn in 1877, one of oldest residents of Antelope Co; C of C; KP; BPOE; MWA; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, golf, athletics; res Neligh.
FEE, RICHARD VICTOR: Rancher; b Cedar Co, Ia May 13, 1878; s of Valentine Fee-Nancy Forsythe; ed Elgin; m Ruth Wilgocki Sept 9, 1985 Grand Island; d Barbara Joy; 1895-97 farmed in Antelope Co; 1896-97 carp in Parkersburg Ia; 1897-1905 with Friable & Haverland Impl Dlrs; 1905-17 ptr of E E Frisbie in impl bus; 1909 added auto bus; 1917 dissolved ptrship, continued as opr impl bus until 1920, auto bus until 1923; 1920-34 opr bulk gasoline & oil plant, Elgin; 1923-34 opr Elgin Oil Co, plant now leased; 1920- owner farm & ranch lands Antelope & Wheeler Cos; 1934- opr land holdings; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, cattle raising; res Elgin.
FLETCHER, DAVID LIVINGSTONE: Physician & Surgeon; b Fletcher, Ontario, Canada Nov 9, 1884; s of William Fletcher-Elizabeth ___; ed Fremont Normal; Sioux City Ia Coll of Med, MD 1908; Phi Delta; m Anna Bowen 1910 Orchard; d Ruth Ann; prac with brother William Gordon & specializes in children's diseases; FACS, life mbr Surgeons Club, Rochester Minn: AF &AM; Shrine; hobby, golf; brother Dr Archie is med missionary in Korea; res Orchard.
FLETCHER WILLAM (sic) G0RDON: Physician & Surgeon; b Fletcher, Ontario Mar 7. 1877; s of William Fletcher-Elizabeth ___; ed Toronto, Canada, MB 1899; m Mira Stonebraker 1905 Royal; s William G, Robert Bruce: d Isabel (Mrs Donald Reid); in prac with brother David more than 30 years, the two are known as "Doc Gordon" & "Doc Dave"; Gordon, elder of the bros, ent prac in Orchard upon completIng med sch; began in the horse & buggy days when there were only trails & walked, rode a horse, used a buggy or wagon; performed operations in sod houses on kitchen tables; has helped make wills in absence of a lawyer, has prepared the dead for burial & made arrangements for funerals when no undertaker was available; he and brother have operated with physicians in Holt, Antelope, Knox Cos; during past 10 years brothers have delivered over 4000 babies & have performed over 1000 major operations; AF&AM; hobby, farming; res Orchard.
FLOWERS, RAYMOND EARL: Postmaster; b Clearwater, Neb Mar 2, 1900; s of Jesse Flowers-Lena Ruggles; ed Clearwater HS; m Ora DePue Apr 23, 1921 Norfolk; d Donna, Sharon; 1926-36 in trucking bus, Clearwater; 1936- PM, Clearwater; during World War, enl July 1918, stationed at Great Lakes Training Station, USS Pastores, disch Nov 1919; Amer Leg; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, golf; res Clearwater.
GAILEY, EUGENE H: Retired; b Jefferson Co, NY May 16, 1855; s of John Gailey-Josephine Howland; ed Watertown NY; m Mary L Elliott 1885 Albion; s Elmer E; d Mildred (Mrs J A Lewis), Florence (dec), Frances (Mrs C E Nelson), Tina B (Mrs Cecil Green), Norma (Mrs A C Carlson), Helen (dec); 1877-79 ran stage Wisner to Norflk; 1879-87 bought grain & oprd store, Oakdale; 1887-1904 in merc bus, Elgin; 1904-36 mgr Farmers Elevator: 1936- ret; Rep; hobby, gardening; res Elgin.
GALLOWAY, MRS BESS VAN GAASBEEK: Librarian; b Milwaukee, Wis Aug 1, 1875; d of James Harvey Van Gaasbeek-Agnes Helen Abell: ed Bellevue Coll, Bellevue; Gates Coll Conservatory, Neligh; Des Moines Musical Coll; Kinscella Piano Sch, Lincoln; m Arthur Thomas Galloway Apr 6, 1910 Neligh (dec 1925); s Emmett Van G, Harvey Arthur; gave music lessons before marriage; 1910-24 lived in Oakdale, husband in milling & grain bus; 1924-25 emp in Grain Exchange private off, Lincoln; 1925-31 tchr of piano, Neligh schs; 1931-33 asst librarian, Neligh; 1933- librarian, Neligh: DAR; certified librarian; ch mbr B&PW; Congl Ch; hobby, music; res Neligh.
GARRISON, FRANCIS BROWN: Dentist: b Missouri Valley, Ia Sept 11, 1896; s of Edgar Garrison-Edith Marian Clouser; ed Council Bluffs Ia HS: Creighton U, DDS 1918; Xi Psi Phi; m Helen A Hana May 10, 1930 LeMars Ia; s Edgar Charles; 1918- dentist, Oakdale; NE Neb Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; AF&AM; Presby Ch; Rep: hobbies, fishing, hunting, outdoor life; res Oakdale.
GRAYBIEL, ALVIN ELLSWORTH: Manager of Co-operative; b Ewing, Neb Sept 7, 1885; s of David L Graybiel-Christina M Mitchell; ed Neligh HS; PSTC; m Inez Edna Jones June 1, 1910 Neligh; s Gerald; d Ardis, Velma Blaine, June Avonne; 1904-06 tchr in Antelope Co; 1906-18 head clk of Butte Co RR, subsidiary of Diamond Match Co, Chico Cal; 1908-11 Antelope Co dep clk; 1911-17 ptr in groc of Henry Van Kirk, Neligh; 1916-17 bkkpr & salesman for Daxon Impl Co. Neligh; 1918- mgr Farmers Union Co-op Assn, Neligh; past secy Antelope Co Farmers Union picnic; C of C: 1934-36 Antelope Co treas of ARC; past mbr city coun & bd of edn; Country Club; Congl Ch. dir, choir, band & orchestra; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, golf; res Neligh.
GRIFFEN, ELLSWORTH: Farmer; b Elgin, Neb June 25, 1892: s of William E Griffen-Margaret Hutson; ed Antelope Co; m Relta Cooper May 28, 1919 Albion; d Joan; 1919- opr 160 A farm in Antelope Co, engaged in stock raising & feeding; IOOF; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, breeding livestock; res Elgin.
GRUNKE, GEORGE W: Merchant; b Cuming Co, Neb Dec 7, 1884; s of Charles Grunke- ___Kinbaum; ed Newport; m Sylvia E Barr Oct 25, 1911 Neligh; s Glen Gerald; d Thelma Pearl (Mrs Orville Haines); 1904-14 with father in horse breeding & meat bus; 1914- owner & opr of Grunke Meat Market, Elgin; Comml Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, sports; res Elgin.
HALES, LEONARD: Banker; b Kent Co, England Nov 26, 1881; 13 of Felix Hales-Elizabeth Thornton; ed Tilden HS 1898; m Mary Barber Sept 28, 1908 Logan Ia; d Audrey (Mrs Bert Spearman), Helyn (Mrs Kenneth Hunt); 1898-1900 with father in publishing Tilden Citizen; 1900-11 station agt C&NW RR, Tilden; 1911-17 station agt, Ewing; 1917-26 asst cash Pioneer Bank, Ewing; 1925-30 with. guaranty fund, commission Neb state banking dept, as receiver of liquidated banks; 1930- cash & mgr State Bank of Brunswick; owner & opr small acreage, raises stock near Brunswick: 1936- village treas: mbr group 3 of Neb Bankers Assn; treas Comml Club; AF&AM, past master: Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, gardening, stock raising; off & res Brunswick.
HALL, M FREMAN: Physician & Surgeon; b Albany, Mo June 3, 1871; s of William P Hall-Marinda. Hunt; ed Stanberry Mo Normal; scientific sch course; teachers course; Central Med Coll, St Joseph Mo; Ensworth Med Coll, St Joseph Mo, MD 1901; 1891-98 tchr in Daviess & Ozark Cos Mo; 1901-02 in city health dept St Joseph Mo; 1903-04 prac med, Cody; 1904-11 prac med, Clearwater: 1911 prac med, Neligh; has written financial history of US for tchrs, reading circles & pub libraries--not yet published; Indep; hobby, financial history; res Neligh.
HALL, ROY HERBERT: Auto Electrician; b Antelope Co, Neb Sept 28, 1885; s of Stephen Hall-Anna Trowbridge; ed Antelope Co; m Delaney James may 25, 1925 Yankton, S D (dec 1932): 1908 farmed in Antelope Co; 1908-14 homesteaded in Custer Co S D; 1915-18 mbr faculty Raikes Auto Sch, Kansas City Mo; 1919-20 dir auto dept of Peoples Coll, Fort Scott Kas, with R L Curry. instr, copyrighted & published book, Automotive Engineering, 1920 edition used as text: 1921- owner & opr Halls Electric Service, Neligh; during Sp-Amer War enl in USN Mar 26, 1902, appr 3rd class, promoted to appr 2nd & 1st class; seaman, 3rd class gunners mate, 2nd class gunners mate, acting chief gunners mate, also instr USN training station, Newport R I gun capt & gun
in Nebraska
pointer; sharpshooter in rifle squad, invented sight for 6 lb gun on battleship Texas; served 3 years in Cuba, stationed in Savannah & Guantanamo; recd Cuban Pacification medal from USN for service in Cuba; disch Sept 27, 1907; USN Ex-Apprentices Assn; USWV of Lincoln, del to natl encampment at Atlantic Citiy (sic) N J Sept 10-14, 1939; C of C; Meth Ch; Indep; hobbies, fishing in Canada, canoeing, motor boat racing, travel, airplane trips; off Hall's Electric Service Bldg; res Neligh.
HARRISON, UEN S: Physician & Surgeon; b St Clair Co, Ill Dec 27, 1890; s of Samuel Harrison-Rosa Pausch; ed Collinsville Ill HS; St Louis U, MD 1913; Phi Chi; m Ruth E Brandle Sept 8, 1920 Omaha; s Charles S; d Joan E; 1913-14 prac with M W Harrison, Collinsville Ill; 1914-16 with AT&SF Hosp, Topeka Kas; 1916- prac med, Neligh; during World War enl June 1917, O/S 2 years with 7th corps sanitary train, surg with mobile hosp 5, evacuation hosp 6 & 7 & also No. 3, army of occupation; Amer Leg; past pres Madison Six Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; ch mbr Rotary; C of C; AF&AM, past master; past mbr El Karubah Shrine & Scot Rite, Shreveport La; Meth Ch; hobby, flokers (sic); res Neligh.
HEMENWAY, CARL W: County Treasurer; b Clearwater, Neb Aug 3, 1893; s of Mayhew M Hemenway-Myrtle McKim: ed Clearwater: Grand Island Bus Coll; m Florence Mapes Feb 20, 1920 Albion (dec Jan 4, 1925); s Verner M (dec); m Phyrne Russell July 31, 1929 Center; d Jo Ann; 1916-26 farmed in Antelope Co; 1926-28 traveled; 1928-35 farmed in Antelope Co; 1935- Antelope Co treas; Oct 16, 1917-June 13, 1919 during World War, in 314th supply train, O/S with 89th div; Amer Leg; IOOF;. Meth Ch; Rep; res Neligh.
HENNEY, WILLIAM HENRY: Druggist; b Tilden, Neb May 29, 1898; s of George E Henney-Jane Hanigan; ed near Dunlap Ia; Highland Park Coll, Des Moines Ia; Fremont Ia Coll of Pahrm; m Regina McGhan Oct 6. 1915 Norfolk; s William H, James Edward, John Francis, Charles Thomas; d Margaret Jean; 1912-13 emp in Kiesau Drug Co, Norfolk; 1914 emp in Hudson Drug Co. Canadian Tex; 1914-22 owner & opr Henney & McGhan Drug Co, Tilden; 1923- owner W H Henney Drug Co, Elgin; past mayor: mbr town bd 4 years; C of C, past chmn; chmn Elgin ARC; KC, grand knight 6 years, treas since 1931; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, baseball, athletics; res Elgin.
HERING, MRS AGNES BROWN: Author & Homemaker; b Antelope Co, Neb June 19, 1883; d of Alonzo Brown-Mary Bentz; ed Woonsocket S D; U of N extn courses in English & child psychology; m Roy J Hering Nov 24, 1910 Creighton; s Robert L, Joe V; d Mary Agnes, Helen, Genevieve; 1916- feature article writer, reporter & writer of juvenile stories; 1919-34 editor of Children's Corner of the Grail magazine; has sold stories to Junior Cath Messenger & to Young Cath Messenger; also stories to school text Children & Their Helpers, published 1938 by D C Heath & Co, Chicago; reporter for Omaha World-Herald, Sioux City Journal, Norfolk Daily News, Neligh News, Orchard News, Creighton News, Clearwater Record; also sells to Neb Farmer, Kansas City Star, Milwaukee Journal & Central Press Assn; wrote Antelope history for Who's Who in Nebraska; Project Club; WCTU; Federated Womans Club: biography included in several volumes of Who's Who Among North American. Writers & in Cath Who's Who; past mbr Neb Writers Guild; Cath Ch. Rep; hobby, writing; res Royal.
HEWITT, LEO CHARLES: Optometrist; b Elgin, Ill Feb 7, 1881; s of Charles Alfred Hewitt-Kate B Knotts; ed Neligh HS 1898; Gates Coll, Neligh; U of N; registered optometrist 1916; m Fannie E Freeman Mar 23, 1912 Neligh; 1900-02 with D C Cook Publishing Co, Elgin Ill; 1903-07 with Metropolitan Life Ins Co, Elgin Ill & Joliet Ill, asst supt Alton & Litchfield Ill off; 1907- ptr of father in jewelry bus until 1921, opr of bus since; mayor 1926-36; VP C of C 1 year; past pres & past VP Neb Optometic Assn, Inc; mbr st bd of examiners 6 years; chmn of first aid Antelope Co ch 12 years, examiner in first aid & life saving 11 years; AF&AM, past master; past high priest RAM; past illustrious master R&SM; OES; past pres Rotary; Rep; hobbies, stamp collecting, swimming, athletics; res 7 W Fletcher, Neligh.
HINMAN, BERNICE CRATTY: Homemaker: b Elgin, Neb Sept 24, 1895; d of William H Cratty-Elizabeth Shain; ed Elgin HS; Neb Wes Conservatory of music 1918; m Dr Donald S Hinman May 5, 1917 Glenwood Ia; s Charles Robert; d Elizabeth Jane, Nancy; 1933-38 music tchr, Elgin; Amer Leg aux, pres; OES; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, singing; res Elgin.
HINMAN, DONALD S: Dentist; b Newman Grove, Neb Aug 1, 1895; s of Charles R Hinman-Nettie A Stewart: ed Newman Grove HS 1914; U of N, DDS 1918; Delta Sigma Delta: m Bernice Cratty May 5, 1917 Glenwood Ia; s Charles Robert; d Elizabeth Jane, Nancy; 1918-19 tchr in dental coll, U of N; 1919- dentist, Elgin; mbr sch bd 1925-34; Comml Club, pres; 1917 during World War in 1st OTC, Fort Snelling Minn field try, stationed at Camp Dodge until Jan 1918, 337th, 88th div field arty; medical reserve corps; Amer Leg, comm; mbr Neb state bd of dental examiners; secy & past pres, N Neb Dental Soc; pres lib bd; IOOF, past noble grand; AF&AM, past master, OES, past patron; Meth Ch; Dem: hobbies, gardening, sports; res Elgin.
HOFFMAN, VICTOR JOHN: Farmer & Rancher; b Sinnigen, Luxemburg, Germany Nov 29, 1882; s of Matthew Hoffman-Elizabeth Keifer; ed Le Mars Ia HS 1899: m Mayme Kandyba June 6, 1911 Le Mars Ia; s Joseph Louis, Robert Matthew, Edward Victor, Frederick Frank, Omer James, Raymond William, Leonard; 1899-1903 farmed with father near Le Mars Ia; 1905-07 emp in flour mills, San Francisco; 1907-10 surveyor on RR, Bitter Root Mountain, Missoula Mont; 1910- opr of 1200 A ranch, Antelope Co, livestock raiser & gen farmer; owner & mgr 2880 A near Clearwater; Holy Name Soc; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Neligh.
HOLDORF, ALBERT JULIUS: Lumber Dealer; b Toronto, S D Oct 31, 1910; s of August Holdorf-Cathartne Glandt; ed Benson HS, Omaha;, awarded World-Herald scholarship 1929; 1929 with Western Electric Co, Omaha; 1930-31 with Western Union Teleg Co, Omaha; 1931-32 with Rivett Lbr & Coal Co, Blair; 1932- mgr Elgin Lbr Co; dir & past pres Comml Club; past VP, dir Co-op Credit Assn; Amer Luth Ch: pres Midway group Norfolk Dist of Epworth League; VP Antelope Co YR Club; hobbies, pub speaking, contributing to publications; res Elgin.
INGRAM, JOHN QUILLARD: County Judge; b Henry Co, Tenn June 17, 1873; s of James Henry Ingram-Alice, Clark; ed Antelope Co; Clearwater HS; Fremont Normal; 1898-99 tchr, Antelope Co; 1899-1903 & 1907-08 prin, Clearwater schs; 1903-07 prin, Brunswick schs; 1907-11 cash Citizens State Bank, Clearwater; 1911- Antelope Co judge; C of C; IOOF; AF&AM, past worshipful master; MWA; WOW; Congl Ch; Indep; hobbies, baseball, golf; off Courthouse; res Neligh.
JACKSON, EDWARD C: Auto Dealer; b Madison Co, Neb Oct 26, 1876; s of Isaac W Jackkson (sic)-Amanda Perry; ed Antelope Co; m Anita L Fay, Elgin; d Perna (Mrs Charles Poc), June, Grace (Mrs Archie Adams); 1897-99 farmed in Antelope Co; 1899-1907 cattle dealer; 1907-09 oprd ranch in Colo; 1909-19 city policeman, Neligh; 1916-22 owner & opr real est bus; 1922-23 salesman, Winn Garage; 1933- owner & opr Jackson Chrysler & Plymouth Motor Co; C of C; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn, past dir; Natl Auto Dirs Assn; Rep; hobby, improving properties; res Neligh.
JACKSON, LYLE: Attorney; b Neligh, Neb July 19, 1886; s of Nelson D Jackson-Harriet Bissel; ed Neligh HS; Creighton U; m Juna Bowen Nov 1917 Sioux City Ia; d Betty; 1910 adm to bar, atty in Neligh since; Comml Club; AF&AM; IOOF; BPOE; Rotary; Omaha Athletic Club; Uni Club, Lincoln; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; TPA; mbr exec coun BSA; pres Neligh Natl Bank; Episc Ch; Rep; res Neligh.
JOHNSON, H C: Merchant; b Grundy Center, Ia May 6, 1876; s of Charles Johnson-Kirstina ___; ed near Brunswick, m Meta Pilger July 11, 1900 Plainview: d Mabel, Inez (Mrs J A Jansen), Emma (Mrs Ray Rankin), Erma (Mrs S Sanders); 1880 came to Antelope Co, farmed with father until 1899; 1899- in gen mdse, lbd & hdw store, Brunswick; one of first mbrs of town bd; past mbr sch bd; dir Brunswick State Bank; Meth Ch: res Brunswick.
KOINZAN, WALTER: Machinist; b Thayer Co, Neb Nov 21, 1904; s of Fredrick Koinzan-Christina Kaiser; ed Wheeler Co; m Eunice Wells of Brewster; s Walter Lee, Duane Sidney; d Delphia Jean; 1924-30 with rodeo shows over US in riding & bulldogging acts; 1930-32 opr of ranch in Wheeler Co; 1932-34 US mail carrier; 1934- opr & owner Koinzan truck lines & Koinzan Mfg Co. Elgin; granted patent on Shur-
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Kleen oil refiner issued July 27, 1937, since engaged in manufacture & sale of this device, operates in middle western states; mbr charter Inventors Institution, Washington D C; Comml Club; Meth Ch; hobbles, mechanics, hunting, dogs, horses & horseback riding; off Koinzan Mfg Co; res Elgin.
KROHN, OSCAR EMANUEL: Bank Cashier; b Clearwater, Neb Dec 17, 1900; s of Joseph 0 Krohn-Adeline Peterson; ed Neligh; m Elsie Mae Molzacher Aug 15, 1936 David City; s Kenneth Austin; 1928-24 with Atlas Bank of Neligh; 1930- with Natl Bank of Neligh; C of C; Neb Bankers Assn; AF&AM; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; off Natl Bank of Neligh; res Neligh.
KRYGER, RALPH M: Attorney; b Neligh, Neb Dec 29, 1889; s of Henry E Kryger-Estella Mallory; ed Neligh HS; U of N, LLB 1913; Delta Chi; m Catherine Huffman Dec 21, 1916 Neligh; s Ralph Seymour; d Marjorie, Barbara Mae (Mrs Richard Mason); 1913-14 asst atty law dept UP RR, Omaha; 1914 prac law, Neligh; 1917-25 Antelope Co atty; 1915-38 mbr Antelope Co Fair bd; past mbr city coun; past mbr sch bd; 1927-31 mbr state senate 21st dist; chmn Neb St Capitol Investigation Com, special; while in senate chmn com on RRs, mbr fish & game, Judiciary, edn, school lands & funds coms; introduced Kryger-Stinson bridge bill, passed 1927: mbr lib bd; AF&AM; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, farming; off Natl Bank of Neligh; res 110 W Chestnut Neligh.
KRYGER, ROBERT GUY: Dentist; b Neligh, Neb Dec 24, 1884; s of Henry Kryger-Estelle Mallory; ed Kearney HS 1902; Omaha Dental Coll 1902-04: m Blanche McNabb May 4, 1915 Omaha; d Lila Catherine, Jeannette Joyce; 1905- dentist Neligh; Neligh mayor since 1986; past mbr bd of edn; past mbr park bd; C of C; AF&AM, past master; Episc Ch, Rep; hobbles, baseball, fishing, football; off Natl Bank of Neligh Bldg; res Neligh.
LINDAHL, JOHN ELMER: County Superintendent of Schools; b Tilden, Neb Aug 21, 1903; s of August Lindahl-Ellen Youngquist; ed Tilden HS 1922; WSTC, BA 1929; U of Southern Cal 1932; U of Colo 1936; Sigma Tau Delta; m Bernice Holm June 14 1933 Orchard; d Karen Lou; 1922-24 tchr, Antelope Co; 1926-27 prin, Brunswick schs; 1927-28 prin rural HS, Antelope Co: 1929-33 prin, Brunswick; 1933-38 supt, Brunswick; 1938- Antelope Co supt of schs; YMCA worker in coll; lettered in track, played coll football, secy-treas sr class, WSTC; chmn Jr ARC; NSTA; C of C; dir 4-H Clubs in Antelope Co; AF&AM; U B Ch; Indep; hobbles, fishing, reading; res Neligh.
MACLAY, FREDERICK DONALD: Superintendent of Schools; b Auburn, Neb Aug 12, 1909; s of Frederick D Maclay-Gertrude Smelser; ed Auburn HS 1927; U of N, BA 1931, MA 1938, lettered in basketball 1928-31, high scorer all Big Six 1630; mbr student coun 1930-31, interfraternity coun 1928-29, Cornhusker staff 1930; chmn Dads Day 1931; Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Kappa; Innocents; m Helen Belle Dirks Dec 27, 1934 Auburn; 1931-33 athletic coach, Mullen; 1934-38 athletic coach, Neligh HS; 1938- supt, Neligh schs; NSTA, pres supts & prins conf dist 3; Five-Co Schoolmens Assn, past pres; pres PTA; Rotary; AF&AM; Luth Ch; hobby, fishing; off Neligh HS; res Neligh.
McCLELLAND, ELMER EDWARD ELLSWORTH: Physician & Surgeon; b LaCrosse, Wis Aug 15, 1902; s of Dr E E E McClelland Sr-Dr Mary Settlemeyer; ed Lincoln HS 1919; U of N, MD 1926; Nu Sigma Nu; Pi Phi Chi; m Ruth LaVerne Tuttle Oct 4, 1924 Council Bluffs Ia; s Lee Custer, William Dennis; 1927 prac med, Elgin; Neb St Med Assn; Comml Club; mbr sch bd; Prot; Rep; hobbies, guns, model airplanes; res Elgin.
McPHERSON, VERN EDGAR: Dentist; b Atkinson, Neb Dec 11, 1892; s of Daniel McPherson-Emmeline Mason; ed Neligh HS 1912; Creighton U. DDS 1917; Xi Psi Phi; m Hila Fisher Oct 11, 1920 Omaha; s Daniel, Robert Eugene; d Louise Janice; 1917-18 prac in Norfolk; dentist, Neligh; during World War in 52nd inf regiment 6th div, commd lt July 1917; capt 1918; Amer Leg; AF&AM; Dem; hobby, guns; res Neligh.
MAHOOD, CALVIN GEORGE: Auto Dealer; b Petersburg, Neb July 7, 1884; s of James Mahood-Ellen Lundy; ed Neligh; Gates Acad Neligh 1906; m Mary Fraim Apr 16, 1924 Sioux City Ia; d Ellen Louise; 1909-26 ptr in Mahood Bros Impl Co, Orchard; 1911-27 owner & opr electric light plant; 1912 opr Mahood Bros Ford Garage; 1936-39 Ford dlr, Neligh; 1939- Studebaker dlr: once farmed near Orchard, opr from 160 to 1100 A; chmn Orchard CO-OP Creamery; mbr liquidating com Citizens State Bank, Orchard; org CO-OP Bank of Orchard 1935, chmn of bd 1935-36; pres Orchard C of C 1935-37; AF&AM; Prot; Dem; hobbies, work with engines & electricity; res Neligh.
MAHOOD, JAMES WILBUR: Auto Dealer; b Boone Co. Neb Sept 27 1880; s of James Nelson Mahood-Ellen Elizabeth Lundy; ed Neligh; Gates Acad, Neligh; m Sarah Milburn Mumberson Aug 24, 1934 Columbus; 1901-02 with McIntyre's Gen Mdse Store, Neligh; 1902-08 with Rapp & Duncan, with W K Johnson Gen Mdse Store, with Van Kirk Gen Mdse, with Van Kirk & Graybiel Gen Mdse Store, Neligh; 1908-09 owner & opr Mahood Hdw Store, Orchard; 1913-38 with Mahood Brothers Motor Co; 1938- owner & opr Mahood Bros Motor Co; village trustee; Comml Club; Orchard Cemetery Assn; U B Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; off Mahood Bros Bldg; res Orchard.
MARTIN, ROSS R: Secretary-Treasurer Credit Assn; b Sidney, Ia Sept 4. 1904; s of Frank V Martin-Hattie E Longnecker; ed Elgin HS; m Gladys Riggs May 24, 1929 O'Neill; d Phyliss Jean; 1924-29 with Farmers & Mchts Bank of Elgin; 1929-34 with Elgin Co-op Creamery; 1934-secy treas Co-op Credit Assn; AF&AM, jr warden; Comml Club; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, gardening, hunting; res Elgin,
MEIS, JOE F: Farmer; b Carroll, Ia. Aug 30, 1883; s of Meinolph Meis-Mary Geodde; ed Antelope Co; m Marie Kling Oct 6, 1906 Elgin; s Herman, Leonard; d Wilma, Helen (Mrs Anton Morisse); 1893 came from Ia to Antelope Co, farmed with father until married, now owner & opr same farm; sch bd dir 30 years; Farmers Union; Soil Conservation com, committeeman; treas Logan twp; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies. hunting, fishing; res Elgin.
MILLER, HARVEY DUNLAP: Banker; b Clearwater, Neb Nov 19, 1884; s of Putnam G Miller-Ida M Dunlap; ed Clearwater; WSTC; Norfolk Bus Coll, debating club; m Edna G Hildebrand June 15, 1910 Clearwater; d Audrey F, Gertrude Helen; 1905-06 tchr, Antelope Co; 1906-07 in drug store, Clearwater; 1908-25 bkkpr, later asst cash Clearwater State Bank; 1925-27 special agt Neb guaranty fund commission; 1929- cash Citizens State Bank of Clearwater; mbr sch bd 12 years; mbr town bd 15 years; mbr municipal band 19 years; treas C of C; MWA, clk 20 years; IOOF, past noble grand; Dem; hobbles, hunting, fishing, golf, res Clearwater.
MINTEER, JAMES ALEXANDER: Insurance Firm Manager; b Woodhull, Ill July 15 1857; s of William Y Minteer-Margaret Wilson; ed near Toledo Ia; m Jennie A Simkins Nov 14, 1882 Conrad Ia; s Clyde 0, Claude C; d Ethel (Mrs A Bunnell), Myrtle A (Mrs Orville H Coulthard); 1868-1908 farmed in Ia; exhibited hogs, chickens, horses at Ia St Fair, hog won first prize 1892; first prize awarded horse 1906; 1910-14 opr Minteer's Feed Barn, Neligh, also police magistrate; 1913-36 secy Antelope Co Assessment Assn; 1936- treas, mgr Antelope Co, Assessment Assn; Farmers Union; pres State Assn of Mutual Ins Cos; helped org Antelope Co Funeral Assn, pres 6 years; Congl Ch; Dem; hobbles, gardening, flowers; off Antelope Co Assessment Assn Bldg; res Neligh.
MITCHELL, FRED LEON: County Clerk; b Clearwater, Neb Dec 15, 1896; s of Hayden W Mitchell-Mollie Mummert; ed Clearwater HS; U of N; WSTC; m Leona Avery Sept 16, 1988 Clearwater; 1921-26 farmed in Antelope Co; 1927-36 tchr, Antelope Co; 1935- Antelope Co clk, register of deeds, assessor; during World War, enl Dec 29, 1927 served in 83rd co 6th regiment 2nd div US marines with army of occupation on the Rhine, disch Aug 15, 1919; Amer Leg; C of C; IOOF; Chris Ch; Dem; hobby, sports; res Neligh.
OLMSTED, FRED: Grocer; b Stanton, Neb Apr 3, 1888; s of Walter M Olmsted-Helen Hauks; ed Neligh; m Zelle Krise Oct 1908 Valentine; s Wilfred, Charles; d Helen (Mrs R L Sullivan), Geraldine May (Mrs C E Stegman), Winona; 1904-15 emp by Watkins Med Co in Antelope & Cuming Cos; 1915 spent 3 years as ptr in firm of Pexton & Olmsted, later in bus indep, Neligh; 1928-32 mbr sch bd; past mbr city coun; past pres C of C; past pres Country Club; AF&AM, past master; high priest, RAM; Episc Ch, sr warden; Indep; hobbies, taxidermy, leather work, painting; res Neligh.
in Nebraska
PERRY, JAMES M.: Land & Cattle Dealer; b Madison Co, Ind Oct 15, 1855; s of Andrew Perry-Sarah Marsh: ed Madison Co, Ind; m Sarah Keith Sept 29, 1878 Princeton Mo; m Jane Frost July 30, 1895 Stanton; s James Andrew, Martin Melmuth; d Laura E, Gertrude E (Mrs P M McKay), Martha E (Mrs John Sprague, dec 1907), Mae L, Gracia Marie (Mrs Ray Nordyke), Gladys Jane, Irma Belle; 1878 came to Antelope Co. has dealt in land, cattle & finance since; Rep; res Elgin.
PETERSON, EDWIN 0.: Jeweler & Optometrist; b Waupun, Wis Oct 17, 1870; s of Peter Peterson-Anna Hansen; ed Waupun Wis; Neb Wes; U of N 1895-98; debating club; literary club; 1896-1921 optometrists & watchmakers sch, Winona Minn; Coll of Optometrists, Kansas City 1921; m Laura Smith June 25, 1903 Antelope Co; s Orville E; d Thelma Lucille (Mrs Laurence Jasper); 1892-95 came to Antelope Co, worked with brother in drug store; 1899-1903 worked in drug store, Elgin; 1904- owner of jewelry bus, also optometrist at Elgin; past mbr sch bd; Neb Assn of Optometrists, Inc; Amer Optometrtc Assn; registered pharm; during Sp-Amer War in U S army with Co D, first regiment, Neb inf, stationed in Philippine Islands; in battles of Manila, San Mateo, Maraquina, Guiginto, Malolos; wounded at Quinga; disch Aug 23, 1899; Comml Club; AF&AM; Meth Ch; hobbies, hunting, travel; res Elgin.
PETERSON, F VALDEMAR: Publisher; b Oakland, Neb July 18, 1903; s of Henry C Peterson-Hermanda Swanberg; ed Wayne; WSTC, BA 1927; bus mgr of coll paper, mbr coll annual staff, lettered in football; U of N, MA 1931; Pi Sigma Alpha; Phi Delta Kappa; m Elizabeth Howells Pleak June 6, 1929 Villisca Ia; 1925-26 tchr, Carroll; 1927-29 athletic coach, Madison; 1929-30 athletic coach, Kimball; 1930-33 instr, scholar. teaching fellow U of N, 1933- supt of schs, Elgin; 1936- publisher of Elgin Review; supt Standard Oil Co of Neb, Ogallala; past secy, past VP, pres dist 3 NSTA; Neb Schoolmasters Club; NEA; dir, secy-treas Comml Club; dir Neb Comml Orgn Secys; dir NE Neb NPA; NPA; AF&AM; Neb Schoolmasters Club; NEA; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, athletics, reading, collecting books, pub speaking; res Elgin.
PETERSON, HENRY ADOLPH: County Sheriff; b Boone Co, Neb Dec 16, 1883; s of John Peterson-Augusta Hogensdotter; ed Antelope & Boone Cos; m Pearl Allen Feb 8, 1908 Neligh; s Romaine, Albert, Herold, Earl; 1903-10 farmed in Boone CO; 1910-16 farmed in Antelope Co; 1916-38 owner & opr Peterson Garage, Neligh; 1938- Antelope Co sheriff; Neb Sheriffs & Peace Ofcrs Assn; C Of C; mbr vol fire dept; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, baseball; res Neligh.
PHILBEN, FRANK: Healer; b West Point, Neb Sept 28, 1886: s of Patrick Philben-Elizabeth Dawson; ed Butte; m Mary Rasmussen Sept 16, 1912; s Joe Chester, Mike Frank; d Agnes (dec), Marjorie; 1907-29 barber in Jamestown N D, Omaha, Fremont, West Point, St Edward & Neligh; 1928- healer, Philben Sanitarium, Neligh; C of C; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, baseball; res Neligh.
PONTON, GEORGE MICHAEL: Postmaster; b Lyons, Neb Apr 27, 1902; s of Adler E Ponton-Libby Garvis; ed Creighton Prep 1921; m Dixie Johnson June 1, 1926 Boyd Co; s Timothy Douglas, James Delano; d Joyce Elaine, Beverly Ann; 1921 with Lyons Co-op Mdse Store; 1921-26 with father in show bus, billiards & pool, Wisner; 1926-27 owner & opr recreation parlor, Battle Creek; 1927-34 owner & opr recreation parlor, Elgin; 1934- P M Elgin; Neb chapter of Natl Assn of PMs; Comml Club; KC; St Boniface Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, beautifying home; res Elgin.
PRATT, CLEON E: Farmer & Ranchman; b Antelope Co, Neb Sept 28, 1909; s of Stephen E Pratt-Elsie Howe; ed Elgin; WSTC; U of N; 1932139 farmed in Antelope & Wheeler Cos; Meth Ch; 1934- active in Rep party work, pres 3rd dist YR Club; hobbies, politics, aviation; res Elgin.
PRATT, MRS S E: Clubwoman; b Neligh, Neb Jan 28, 1888; d of Estes Pratt-Aletha Aikins; ed Elgin HS 1904; Fremont Normal, BSc 1906; m Steve Pratt Sept 29, 1908 Neligh; s Cleon; d Katharine (Mrs Erwin Clement); 1907 tchr in Antelope Co; OES, past asst conductress, secytreas, Esther, conductress; Woman's Club, treas, past pres; Congl Ch, past treas, mbr foreign missionary soc; Rep; hobbies, bridge, handiwork; res Elgin.
RAKOW, ELMER CLAYTON: Attorney; b Antelope Co, Neb Aug 29, 1902; s of August Rakow-DeEtte Henery; ed Neligh HS 1921; U of N, LLB 1983; Theta Xi; Phi Alpha Delta; m Viola Mulcahy Mar 17, 1934 North Platte; 1923-29 farmed, Antelope Co; 1938 adm to bar; 1933- prac law, Neligh; 1935 Antelope Co atty; 9th Judicial Dist Bar Assn, exec com; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; C of C; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; res Neligh.
RENNER, FRANCIS XAVIER: Clergyman; b Erlangen Bavaria, Germany Feb 1, 1880; s of Caspar Renner-Veronica Schoenhoefer; ed Pine Grove Penn; Pontifical Coll, Columbus 0 1894-1903; Propaganda Seminary, Rome Italy 1903-07; 1907 ordained in St John Lateran Basilica: 1907-34 asst pastor & pastor of various Cath parishes in Brooklyn NY; substitute pastor Blair & Beemer; 1934-88 asst pastor St Bridget's Ch, Omaha; 1938- pastor St Theresa's Ch & mission at St Francis, Neligh asst pastor St Joseph's Home, West Point; O'Neill deanery; hobbies; carpentry, mechanical work; res Clearwater.
REUTZEL, EMIL WILLIAM: Insurance & Finance Agent; b Neligh, Neb Aug 8, 1897; s of Phil Reutzel-Elsie Mansfield; ed Neligh HS;. U of N; Pi Kappa Phi; m Ruthie McAllister Nov 14, 1918 Neligh; s Emil W Jr; d Emagene; 1926-29 with Midwest Life Ins Co, branch mbr Fort Dodge Ia & Santa Barbara Cal; 1929-30 with WNAX, Yankton S D; 1930 with Dakota Finance Co, Yankton S D; 1930-38 secy-treas Elkhorn Finance Co. Neligh; 1938- mgr Central Finance Corp, Neligh; C of C; Neb Assn of Personal Finance Cos; mbr city coun; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off Central Finance Corp; res Neligh.
REX, F W: Clergyman; b Germany Feb 3, 1880; s of F W Rex-Maria Prenzlow; ed Springfield, Ill HS 1900; Concordia Theological Seminary, Springfield Ill 1905; WSTC; m Minnie Polk Aug 10, 1906 Sadorus, Ill; s William, Gerhardt; d Dorothea (Mrs Theo Collomorgan), Margaret, Edith (Mrs Jean Wendell), Esther (Mrs Jean Olson); 1905-10 pastor near Lindsay, 1910-24 pastor, Laurel; 1924 pastor of Neligh-Elgin Parish Evang Luth Ch, Mo synod; taught in church sch while in Lindsay & Laurel, since 1919 under supervision of Antelope Co supt; mbr N Neb dist of visitors of Mo synod 7th circuit; Evang Luth Ch; Indep; hobby, stamp collecting; res Neligh.
RICE, ROBERT HAROLD: Attorney; b Neligh, Neb Aug 18, 1908; s of Robert Henry Rice-Nell L Staples; ed U of N, LLB 1930; Alpha Sigma Phi; Phi Delta Phi; m Judith Stolpe July 30, 1985 Neligh; s Robert Harold III, Stanley Raymond; 1930-31 ptr of father in law firm, Neligh; 1931- ptr of L E Jackson in law firm; C of C, past pres; Congl Ch, trustee; Dem, secy-treas Antelope Co Central Com; VP of Y D Club of Neb; hobby, turkey raising; res Neligh.
RUMMEL, MRS RAY: Clubwoman; b Curtis, Neb July 6, 1905; d of Newton J Hall-Arminta Diehenderfer; ed Neb Sch of Agr, Curtis; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Ray Rummel June 25, 1925 Orleans; s Larry; d Marcia; 1921-22 sch tchr, Curtis; 1922-28 prin consolidated HS near Curtis; 1925-27 emp by J S Hatcher Co, Curtis; 1928-29 emp by Curtis State Bank; OES, past worthy matron; pres Neligh Woman's Club; Music & Book Club; Amer Leg aux; Country Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies collecting antiques, furn & early Amer pressed glass; res Neligh.
RUNDQUIST, CLIFFORD: Merchant; b Royal, Neb Sept 17, 1888; s of Mathias Rundquist-Minnie Holm; ed near Royal; WSTC; Warners Bus Coll, Sioux City Ia; Philo Club; m Ollie Boyd June 14, 1911 Royal; s: Glenn Albert; d Corinne Gertrude, Gwendolyn Mae (Mrs Dwight Morrison); 1906-07 tchr, Antelope Co; 1907 in gen mdse bus, first with father & brother, owner & opr since 1937; mbr town bd; past mayor; mbr sch bd; mbr Royal Baseball Club 25 years; AF&AM, past master: OES, past worthy. patron; Rep; hobbies, baseball, golf; res Royal.
SCHULTZ, EDWIN: State Senator; b Antelope Co, Neb Oct 31, 1898; s of August Frederick Schultz-Mary Stark; ed Elgin HS 1917; m Merle Farris Oct 4, 1928 Columbus; 1922- farmer in Antelope Co; 1935 Neb Senator from 27th dist, previously from 21st dist; Comml Club; Lions; AF&AM, past master; dir Antelope Co Fair Assn; past pres Neb Legislative League; Antelope Co chmn com for eradication of bovine tuberculosis; Presby Ch; Rep; res Elgin.
SCHULTZ, MERLE MRS: Homemaker; b Albion, Neb Oct 26, 1899; d of Walter C Farris-Nora Walker;
Who's Who
ed Albion HS 1917; U of N 1920-25; m Edwin Schultz Oct 4, 1928 Columbus; 1919-27 sch tchr, Newman Grove; 1927 Boone Co supt of schs; past pres Woman's Club, past dist chmn; OES, past matron; pres 2nd Unicameral Club, Lincoln; supt ednl dept Neb St Fair; Pershing Memorial com; past pres Presby Aid Soc; Meth Ch; Rep past Antelope Co committeewoman; hobbies, politics, cooking; res Elgin.
SCOFIELD, ERNEST S.: Editor & Publisher; b Blairstown, Ia Feb 22, 1872; s of R H Scofield-Charlotte McDermond; ed Syracuse HS 1889; Western Normal, Shenandoah Ia: m Addle Hodges Aug 1894 Madison: s Kenneth, Charles, Vernon; d Aileen (Mrs Aileen Simpkins), Helen (Mrs E A Guffey), Jeanne (Mrs Z S Nielsen), Lois (Mrs L R Snyder), Geraldine (Mrs N L Johnson); 1905-14 publisher of Neligh Register; 1915- publisher of Neligh News; C of C; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res Neligh.
SCOFIELD, KEN A.: Postmaster; b Elgin, Neb Apr 5, 1896; s of Ernest S Scofield-Addie Hodges; ed Neligh HS 1916; Ohio Mechanics Inst, Cincinnati 1917; U of N, BA 1925; Alpha Sigma Phi, Sigma Delta Chi; m Nell Whalen May 19, 1926 Lincoln; s Martin, Joel, Brian, Stephen; d Eleanor, Alan, Kathleen; 1920 with World-Herald, Omaha; 1921 with Barnhart Press, Omaha; 1926 proved up on homestead in Wyo; 1926-85 with Neligh News 1935- Neligh PM; during World War enl in USN July 6, 1917, Norfolk Va, on USS Huntington, disch Jan 29, 1929; Amer Leg, comm 1929; C of C, chmn 1928; AF&AM, master 1930; past mbr Rotary; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting, baseball; res Neligh.
SCOFIELD, VERNON: Editor: b Neligh, Neb Aug 10, 1915; s of Ernest S. Scofield-Addle Hodges; ed Neligh HS 1933; U of N 1938-35; U of Minn 1936-37; 1935-36 & 1937- editor Neligh News; C of C; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, sports; res Neligh.
SELLERY, ALFRED J.: Merchant; b Norfolk, Neb Sept 27, 1890; s of George A Sellery-Selina Williamson; ed Neligh HS 1911; m Mildred Ferrell Aug 18, 1921 Omaha; s George; d Helen Louise; 1920- mgr Sellery Clothing Store; during World War in US marine corps 1917-19, lt 2nd div; participated in many major & minor battles; Amer Leg, adjt & service ofcr, ch mbr post 172; home service secy ARC since 1921; FSA, mbr advisory com since 1934; AF&AM; RAM; Prot; 1936 Antelope Co chmn Rep Service League; hobbies, raising roses; father estab store in present location 1892; off Sellery Clothing Store; res Neligh.
SHAPLAND, GEORGE RICHARD: Grocer; b Spalding, Neb May 14, 1898; s of Arthur Shapland-Eliza DeLarm; ed Wheeler Co HS 1912; m Myrtle Fern Potter June 14, 1922 Albion; s Lawrence Richard; d Jean Elaine; 1915-18 mail carrier Bartlett to Spalding; 1918-19 oil salesman; 1919-27 emp in Jepsen Groc, Albion; 1927- opr Jepsen & Shapland Groc; C of C; Meth Ch: Rep; hobby, fishing; res Neligh.
SNIDER, M H: Editor & Publisher; b Clearwater, Neb June 23, 1898; s of I M Snider-Stella Henderson; ed Clearwater HS 1918; m Cressie Mitchell Dec 6, 1927 Stanton; 1918-25 opr of elevator & lbr yard, Clearwater; 1925-31 furn dlr & undertaker; 1931-35 in carp work; 1935-36 editor Clearwater Record; 1936-39 with Contois Bros; 1939- editor Clearwater Record; Comml Club: NPA; IOOF; Dem; hobby, hunting; res Clearwater.
SPIRK, JOSEPH WILLIAM: Miller; b Dayton, 0 Oct 27, 1871; s of Joseph Spirk-Anna Ternecek; ed Wilber HS 1884; Davenport Bus Coll 1885; m Grace Ray Aug 22, 1895 Valentine; 1888-91 with S F Gilman Co, Davenport Ia; 1891-1904 mgr S F Gilman Co; 1904-38 VP S F Gilman Mill Co; 1938 pres Neligh Mills; C of C, past pres; chmn park bd 18 years; 1st pres Neb Millers Assn; secy-treas Elkhorn, Monument Co; MWA; Royal Highlanders; past pres Rotary; dir Natl Bank of Neligh; KC; Cath Ch; Rep; hobby, mathematics; res Neligh.
SPOUT GEORGE M: Farmer; b Creston, Neb Oct 22, 1894; s of Charles W Spout-Mary E Fichter; ed Madison: m Jennie Pojar Feb 19, 1918 Madison; s George Frank; d Marjorie Mary; farmed with father near Madison, came to Antelope Co 1918; Farm Bur; Farmers Union; mbr dist 105 sch bd 10 years; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, sports, fishing, hunting; res Elgin.
STALEY, HERMAN M'LEOD: County Agricultural Extension Agent; b Branch Co, Mich July 30, 1902; s of Wilbert A Staley-Nettie Adams; ed Furnas Co; Holbrook HS 1920; Neb Wes 1920-23; KSTC, BA 1926; U of N, BSc 1936; m Viola Fecht May 25, 1927 Hastings; d Janet; 1923-25 tchr, Dalton HS; 1926-27 tchr, Central City; 1928-30 with W M Dutton & Sons, Hastings; 1930-33 with J C Henry & Co, Holbrook; 1938-35 agrl agt, Thurston Co; 1936- agrl agt, Antelope Co; Rotary; Meth Ch; hobby, fishing; res Neligh.
STEHLY, FRANK JOSEPH: Dentist; b Hecla, S D Nov 17, 1898; s of Joseph J Stehly-Katherine Dietrich; ed Hecla S D 1917; Notre Dame U 1917-18; Creighton U, BSc & DDS, 1925: Psi Omega; m Blanche Kratochvil Oct 13, 1923 Omaha; s Richard; d Jeanne, Elizabeth Ann, Alice Marie; 1918 in SATC Notre Dame U; Amer Leg; 1925- dentist, Elgin; N E Neb Dental Soc; Neb St Dental Assn; Comml Club; treas ARC since 1929; financial secy KC; Holy Name Soc; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, stamp collecting, sports; res Elgin.
STONEBRAKER, CLINTON: Farmer; b Royal, Neb Oct 23, 1894: 8 of George B Stonebraker-Addie M Pancoast; ed Gates Acad, Neligh 1913; WSTC 1913-16; m Gertrude Kest Feb 17, 1918 Omaha; s Delmont R, Delbert C, Newell K; d Elizabeth B; 1914-19 with father on farm, weighmaster O'Neill & Neligh Sales Barns; 1918-39 ptr of brother Dallas in farming & stockraising, Antelope Co; 4-H Club leader many years; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Neligh.
STONEBRAKER, DALLAS E: Farmer; b Royal, Neb Mar 19, 1893; s of George B Stonebraker-Addie M Pancoast; ed Gates Acad, Neligh 1912; m Myrtle Kest May 19, 1915 Omaha; s Winfred Eugene; d Elmyrna Esther, Luella Mae; 1912-17 with father on farm; 1917-39 farmer & stockraiser in Antelope Co; ptr of brother Clinton since Mar 1, 1918, two families live in same home; 1936 Clinton crippled when hit by car at Antelope Co Fair, unable since to do farm work; Stonebraker Bros are successful cattle feeders, raise Hereford steers & ship to Omaha market; grow Atlas Sorge, alfalfa, wild hay & corn; children of both families have raised prize winning calves with which a coll fund was estab; direct descendants of Sir John White, first gov of Eng colony on Roanoke Island, N C & grandfather of Virginia Dare, first native child born of English parents in Amer; Lidia White also descendant of Sir John White, married William Pancoast, parents Mrs Addle Stonebraker, mother of Dallas & Clinton; WOW; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Neligh.
STRINGFELLOW, MRS IDA F: Merchant; b Atlantic, Ia Jan 9, 1882; d of William L Payne-Bella Franklin; ed Oakdale 1900; m John I Stringfellow May 28, 1902 Oakdale (dec 1936); s J M, Francis L, Glenn, 1; d Muriel (Mrs G V Tyler), Jeanne (Mrs A J Coffman); 1920-89 with husband in management of chain of oil stations; 1936- owner Stringfellow stations & assisted by son Francis; Womans Club; PNG Club; Business Womens Club; Rebekah; OES; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; res Oakdale.
TRACEY, HAROLD E: Dentist* b Lincoln, Neb July 1, 1900; s of Dan E Tracey-Mary Zuver; ed Adams HS 1920; Neb Wes, BA 1924; U of N, BSc & DDS 1931; Theta Phi Sigma, Delta Sigma Delta; m Mary Ellen Hamill June 28, 1934 Orchard; 1924-25 science tchr, Bridgeport HS; 1925-27 mathematics tchr & athletic coach, Hastings HS; 1931- dentist, Orchard; Comml Club; N Neb & East Central Neb Dental Socs; Neb St & ADA; AF&AM; U B Ch; Rep; hobbies, stamp collecting, bldg martin houses, hunting, fishing, golf; res Orchard.
WALZ, EARL FRANCIS: Retired; b Melrose, Minn Apr 4, 1900; s of George Walz-Sophia Seibert; ed Huron S D HS 1919; m Helen Freeman July 31, 1934 LeMars Ia; s Freeman Earl; 1919-20 with father in cigar mfg, Huron S D; 1920-28 foreman, John A Sauer Mfg Co; 1929 with Gamble Stores Inc, Huron S D; opened first Gamble Store in Norfolk 1929, opr until 1935, owner & opr of Neligh branch since 1935; C of C; VP Rotary; Congl Ch; Dem; hobbies, baseball, softball, hunting, travel; res Neligh.
WALZ, VICTOR HERMAN: Hatchery Owner; b Hawesville, Ky May 28, 1899; s of Henry Walz-Martha Ballman; ed Hawesville Ky HS 1918; m Mary S Souvignie July ID, 1933 Omaha; s Robert Eugene; 1918-21 farmed in Hawesville Ky; 1921-23 PO clk, Hawesville; 1923-27 with Elkhorn Valley Hatchery, Battle Creek; 1927-29 with Plainview Hatch
in Nebraska
ery; 1929- owner & opr Neligh Hatchery; Neb Poultry Improvement Assn; Internatl Baby Crick Assn; C of C; Farmers Union; Holy Name Soc; Cath Ch; Dem; off Neligh Hatchery; res Neligh.
WATKINS, HAROLD J: Mail Carrier; b Venango, Neb Oct 10, 1893; s of Frank Watkins-Caroline Hopkins; ed Neligh; Gates Acad, Neligh; m Ferne Soprona Pyle Oct 10, 1914 Albion; s Dale E, Horace E, Billy E; d Phyllis Elaine; 1916-26 RFD carrier Neligh; 1926 RFD carrier Elgin; 1935- pres Comml Club; AOUW; Meth Ch; hobbles, sports, fishing; res Elgin.
WATSON, MISS MEDORA EMMA: Teacher; b Dravosburg, Penn Apr 14, 1874; d of James T Watson-Emma Eden; ed Braidwood Ill 1891; Fremont Normal; KSTC, teachers life certificate 1914; WSTC: 1892-94 sch tchr, Custer Park, Ill; 1894-99 tchr in Braidwood Ill; 1899-1910 sch tchr, Elgin; 1912-14 tchr, Fremont; 1914- tchr, Elgin; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, church work; res Elgin.
WRIGHT, GEORGE A: Bank Cashier; b Altoona, Wis Nov 3, 1896: a of Albert G Wright-Elinor Holder; ed Sioux City Ia; m Marian E Hansen Nov 10, 1931 Sioux City Ia; d Margaret Jo; 1919-26 with First Natl Bank, Laurel: 1926-32 with Creighton Natl Bank; 1932-35 with fed banking dept in Neb; 1935 cash bank of Elgin; during World War, enl Mar 1, 1918 in QMC, disch Oct 24, 1919; Amer Leg; Neb Bankers Assn, pres group 3; Comml Club, dir; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing;, res Elgin.
WYCOFF, CORAL BELLE: Homemaker; b Springview, Neb Oct 11, 1889; d of 0 H Gillespie-Cynthia Painter; ed Madison HS 1908; Natl Kindergarten Coll 1910; m Neal Abbot Wycoff Jan 6, 1915 Madison; d Ruth Elizabeth, Patricia Elaine; 1908-09 tchr near Madison; 1910-14 tchr, Madison; 1915-22 lived in Harrison, Ark; 1922-24 lived on farm near Manchester Okla; 1924-31 with Continental Tele Co, Tilden; 1931- with Continental Tele Co, Neligh; past pres Womans Club; VP Ante lope Co Fedn of Womens Clubs: PLO chaplain; Congl Ch, SS supt & mbr Dorcas Soc; hobby, club work; parents came from Ia to N Neb settled first in Keyapaha Co, late; in Madison; res Neligh.
WYCOFF, GEORGE R: Manager of Co-operative; b Switzerland Co, Ind Dec 24, 1862; s of John N Wykoff-Mary Jane Abbott; ed Lebanon Ind; m Jessie Ann Crue Oct 7, 1886 Madison; s Neal A, George R Jr, Charles T, d Ruth (dec), Eleanore (Mrs John L McKinley); 1883-1911 in hdw & contracting bus, Madison; 1911-17 farmed in Boone Co, Ark; 1917-27 oprd flour mill, Manchester Okla; 1927- mgr, lbr yard div, Farmers co-op Exchange, Elgin; Comml Club; Rep; res Elgin.
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