NEGenWeb Project - Cuming County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940


in Nebraska


Margaret Richardson DeWald

LetterHE history of Cuming County, in the center of the "nation's bread-basket," is the tale of the thrift and enterprise of its early pioneers, its builders and its alert citizenry. Today the county's progress is shown in its fine farm residences which are a far cry from the rude dugouts of the early pioneers; its many farm homes which enjoy the comforts of rural electrification and other improvements; excellent schools; beautiful churches and the four thriving towns of West Point, Wisner, Bancroft and Beemer.
   Cuming is in the second tier of counties west of the Missouri in the beautiful Elkhorn valley. It covers an area of 575 square miles. Splendid railroad facilities in addition to cement and surfaced roads lead to nearby market centers. The county seat town of West Point is seventy-five miles from Omaha, sixty- five miles from Sioux City and is on the main line of the Chicago & Northwestern railway. The Elkhorn river enters the northwest portion of the county and follows a southeasterly direction and is fed by Plum creek, Rock creek, Cuming creek, Fisher creek, and Pebble creek, some of which are now only dry creek beds.
   Gently rolling prairies broken by valleys or flats form the county's surface and timber grows profusely along the waterways. When the productive soil receives ample moisture its ability to grow corn, hay and small grain is unsurpassed. Normal average rainfall in the county is 31 inches.
   Cuming County boundary lines were established by an act of the territorial legislature, and were approved, March 5, 1855. The seat of government was located at "Catharine," a fictitious "paper" town supposedly located at Dead Timber in Dodge County on the Elkhorn river. Two years later, Feb. 12, 1857, the boundary lines of the county were more exactly defined and the county seat moved to "Manhattan." Not until Oct. 12, 1858, was a county organization perfected, county officers elected and the county seat established at West Point.
   Cuming County records show that Benjamin B. Moore was the first actual settler. He left Hillsdale, Mich., during the summer of 1856, accompanied by his wife, Anna, a daughter, and three sons. After viewing other parts of the state, the Moore family decided to make a claim in the valley of the Elkhorn because it abounded with natural timber, wild game and fertile soil. They believed Cuming County "unsurpassed in beauty and fertility," and built a cabin at Dead Timber, now a state game preserve in Dodge County. They found the winter of 1856 one of the most severe ever recorded in the history of the nation. Deep snow impeded teams from going to Fontanelle, a small settlement in Dodge County, so Moore and his sons hauled necessities from Fontanelle to Dead Timber on handsleds. Fresh meat in abundance was right at their door, however. Wild game, antelope, deer and elk which sought refuge in the timber land along the Elkhorn were easy prey. The animals, driven into the deep snow, were easily killed with axes. Moore and his sons, it is recorded, killed about 70 of these wild animals that first winter.
   The next summer the Moore family left Dead Timber and settled at what became known as DeWitt about five miles northeast of West Point. Part of the Moores' original frame home still stands on what is now the Herman Hasenkamp farm. The old two-story part of the Hasenkamp home is more than eighty years old. It was in the kitchen of this old Cuming County house that about twenty. soldiers trapped eleven Pawnee Indians who were stealing supplies and powder for their tribe, which was camping 4,000 strong a mile and a half to the south of the Elkhorn river. The Pawnees had been robbing settlers during the journey up the Elkhorn river to join the Omaha tribe.
   Three Indians were killed in that skirmish at the Moore home and the body of one was thrown into Plum creek, about fifty yards below the house. Two weeks later, when General Thayer made peace with the Pawnee tribe at Battle Creek, their chief maintained only three of the eleven maurauders returned to the tribe.
   A settlement known as DeWitt sprang up near the Moore home and competed with West Point for the county seat. On Oct. 12, 1858, an election resulted in the casting of just 19 votes--12 for West Point and 7 for DeWitt. Nevertheless, Cuming County has never known a hotter contest than this first county seat election in 1858. All that remains of DeWitt today is the old country graveyard in Sherman township where many of the old settlers are buried.
   Early in March, 1857, a group of easterners and other citizens of Omaha formed an association known as "The Nebraska Settlement Association." A committee was appointed to scout along the Elkhorn for a good townsite location. Uriah Bruner, John J. Bruner and other members came up the Elkhorn over the snow covered prairies to find streams bursting with the spring floods. Unable to ford these streams, bridges were built over Belle creek, Logan creek and Cuming creek. It took several days to reach the place near which West Point is now located, but they returned to Omaha


Who's Who

with a favorable report and orders were issued to locate a town. Claims were taken, a saw mill was purchased, and during the summer part of the present site of West Point was located, and originally named "New Philadelphia." The log house built by this first group served as the seat of government for the community and was used later as the Cuming County court house until the present brick structure was built in 1874.
   In the spring of 1858 John D. Neligh and James D. Crawford of Pennsylvania and Josiah and John McKirahan of Ohio were impressed with the accounts they heard of the Elkhorn river valley. They came as far as Cuming County and took squatter's claims in accordance with laws established by early settlers before Cuming County was surveyed. Temporary homes were covered with sod and established in dugouts, soil was broken preparatory to locating permanently. The first preemption claim was taken by Josiah McKirahan, April 14, 1858.
   The unfinished sawmill was purchased from the Nebraska Settlement Association by John D. Neligh and J. C. Crawford, who also bought its claim to the town site.
   The sawmill was completed the summer of 1858. Other settlers found West Point and the Elkhorn valley highly satisfactory. They urged relatives and friends in eastern states to make Cuming County their home. The first postmaster appointed by Aaron Brown; postmaster general at that time, was J. C. Crawford. Mails were carried back and forth irregularly to Fontanelle from the old log house, which was the first official post office.
   Old timers recall that the winter of 1858-59 was a bitter one. Lack of food, necessary supplies and money made this handful of pioneers unfitted to cope with frontier hardships and all shared their fortunes and misfortunes together. Corn was ground in coffee mills in order to make corn meal for bread; corn and barley were parched to make a drink that resembled coffee. The suffering of that winter was soon forgotten when spring transformed the countryside with grass and beautiful prairie flowers, and familiar birds returned trilling notes of encouragement. Prospects for a good crop were favorable and many new settlers arrived.
   Contentment was short-lived, however, for fear stalked the valley during the latter part of June, 1859, when 4,000 Pawnees came up the river valley on the pretense of hunting. They plundered homes and killed the settlers' livestock. After the skirmish near the Benjamin B. Moore home, the inhabitants of West Point were panic stricken. Rumors had reached the little settlement that several hundred Indians were preparing to wipe out the little cluster of houses. Hurriedly the settlers decided to take all movable possessions and go to Fontanelle for protection. A few stayed behind to protect the more valuable possessions which could not be moved and which they attempted to hide. The cattle, too, were herded and driven to Fontanelle for safety.
   On July 4, several men at Fontanelle decided to return to DeWitt and see what the Indians had been doing. This group included J. D. Neligh, Josiah McKirahan, J. C. Crawford, John McClellan, A. Clemens, J. B. Robinson, Thomas Parks, John Shoer and William Keyes. They reached West Point July 5 and Neligh and Clemens remained there while the rest went on to DeWitt. They found the Moore home a scene of destruction. Lying on the kitchen floor was a dead Indian beside a bucket of water. On the stone hearth was a pan of unbaked biscuits. Feathers and broken dishes littered the floor. Bureau drawers had been ransacked and contents scattered about. While the men were viewing this discouraging scene, some one shouted, "Indians! Indians!" While the men were rushing to the wagons for their rifles a gun was accidentally discharged, killing John Shoer instantly. The Indian alarm proved false and the sad group started back to Fontanelle, taking Shoer's body with them.
   On July 5, Governor Black and General Thayer, accompanied by soldiers and approximately 200 determined citizens, followed the Indians up the Elkhorn. After a week's travel from Omaha they neared the camp northwest of Battle Creek in Madison county. Many years later, General Thayer told John Avery, depot agent at Battle Creek, the Indians had thrown up a breastwork of sand and brush over a quarter of a mile long as they saw the soldiers approaching. The women and children helped scoop up this makeshift fort with their bare hands. It was said the Pawnees and Poncas made a quick getaway but the Omahas remained in camp. Eye witnesses have described the Indians as a seething mass of fleeing humanity, men, squaws, papooses, children, dogs, pet wolves and badgers. Squaws hid their papooses in the tall marsh grass. But the fleeing Indians were soon overtaken and a council was held through the medium of an old Indian chief who was so fat he couldn't escape by running. After much parleying the Indians turned over the young warriors who had been doing the plundering and agreed to pay damages out of the annuities due them.
   The next winter of 1859-60 was again one of discouragement, and many of the settlers prepared to leave the county. Disastrous prairie fires took a toll of life and property. Then J. D. Neligh made a trip to Omaha in the spring of 1860 to induce settlers to take advantage of the rich Elkhorn valley. He met with little success on his trip, but on the way home he met a wagon train headed for the Dakota Territory. He used all his persuasive powers to get this group to come into Cuming County. Stopping over at Fontanelle, he again had to urge them to come further because many wanted to settle there. But seven families with nine teams came on to West Point. It is said when they caught sight of the broad green Valley of the Elkhorn at West Point, they thanked Mr. Neligh for having


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conducted them to what they called the "Garden of the West."
   When these newcomers arrived, many of the discouraged land and property owners remained, the members of the wagon train took claims and subsequently became substantial land and property owners. Among those who located in the county about that time were Charles Schueth, Martin Steufer, Joseph Emley and Judge Josiah Newburn.
   With the spring of 1864, a period of prosperity dawned. County officials had been serving the county without pay for five years and at the same time paying for necessary official supplies out of their own pockets. Resolutions passed by the county commissioners provided for necessary record books, one quire of foolscap writing paper for the use of the county, and ordered the treasurer to reimburse A. McCurtin for the county seal. This claim of $7.50 was the first account audited by the Cuming County commissioners. The first school district was organized April 11, 1864, and sixty dollars was voted toward building a school house. Today West Point children attend classes in a $30,000 grade and high school building with every educational advantage.
   In the spring of 1865 the county was settling so rapidly it was necessary to establish roads. Early hotels were the old West Point House and Union House, later known as the Dubuque House. The first store in West Point was run by A. E. Fenske in 1865, the second by John Meier in the same year. The first grist mill was also built in 1865 by Bruner and Neligh who dammed the Elkhorn river at West Point. Settlers brought their grain from sixty to seventy-five miles away to be ground.
   The United States land office was moved from Omaha to West Point in June, 1869, E. K. Valentine being the registrar and Uriah Bruner the receiver. The first term of district court was held in Cuming County June 28, 1869. West Point was surveyed and platted by Niels Larsen, who also measured J. D. Neligh's homestead and David Neligh's and M. J. Hughes' farms.
   Steps were taken in the spring of 1870 to induce the railroad to build through West Point. Work soon commenced and the road was completed to West Point on Nov. 25. Trains began regular runs between Missouri Valley, Iowa, and West Point. In October, 1871, bonds were voted to help in the construction of another railroad into Cuming County by the Omaha and Northwestern railroad.
   On Nov. 18, 1870, the West Point Republican, edited by E. L. Sweet, was first issued, and today it is rated one of the best country weeklies in the midwest. Its present editor is E. M. Von Seggern, member of the first unicameral legislature.
   The Cuming court house and jail was completed in 1874 at a total cost of $40,000. It still houses Cuming County offices. Cuming County's first officers were elected on Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1859, and served without pay during the years of 1859-1860. They were: probate judge, W. R. Artman; treasurer, J. C. Crawford; clerk, G. W. Howser; register, J. D. Neligh; sheriff, Henry Cline; commissioners, A. A. Arlington, John Bromer and Josiah McKirahan.
   In 1877 attempts were made by E. K. Valentine and J. D. Neligh to make West Point a manufacturing center. The West Point Creamery, employing more than 125 persons, in 1878 added materially to progress of the community. Other manufacturing interests in West Point about this time included a furniture factory, a paper mill and a flour mill. Investments amounted to about half a million dollars and much promise was held for the future success of the town.
   Wisner, the second most populous town in Cuming County, is one of the ranking livestock feeding centers of the state. It is located in the northwestern portion of the county near the Elkhorn river, in the heart of this rich agricultural belt. The plat of Wisner was filed in the county clerk's office July 26, 1871. The town site was originally owned by the Elkhorn Land and Town Lot Company. It was surveyed in the spring of 1871 by N. E. Farrill. At that time, Wisner was little more than a railroad grade, a farm house and a few surveyor's stakes. An auction disposed of the lots, sixty-three of which were sold for an average of $169; the highest bringing $305 and the lowest $55.
   Building started at once. The first structure completed was the warehouse and office of John W. Pollack. Work was begun by George Canfield upon the Wisner House and the railroad erected a depot. Among the first to settle in Wisner were John W. Pollack, E. M. Clark and George W. Canfield. Rapid strides were made and on May 14, 1873, the town was incorporated. The first school house was built that year and an iron bridge spanned the Elkhorn river. A Methodist Church organization was effected in 1874 and Wisner was named head of the circuit.
   Growth was slow between 1874 and 1884 but the ideals of its citizenry were sure and substantial. Two church buildings, Methodist and Catholic, and good schools sprang up. A newspaper, The News, was established by S. M. West in 1883. The first paper was The Times, edited by H. S. Beever in 1875. A flour mill was kept running full time, and all branches of business prospered.
   The first goods were sold in Wisner by George Gibson in 1871; George Canfield was the first landlord at Wisner House, the first good sized structure. The first hardware dealer was H. J. Robinson; first druggist, M. C. Robinson; first milliner, Mrs. G. A. Heller.
   Other early Wisner merchants include August Dorman, C. F. Mewis, J. W. Pollack, E. W. Wilson, "Dan" Tucker, J. M. Forscythe, George Canfield and Harry and Walter Harris. In 1877 W. W. Cones started what he called a bank--he had a small sum of funds in a safe in one corner of M. C.



Who's Who

Robinson's drug store. E. M. Clark was first to practice law and also was the first real estate agent; Dr. J. W. Kearns was the first physician.
   Today Cuming County's principal crop is corn, about 140,000 acres of which are planted annually. In 1929 the county's land produced an average yield of 47 bushels per acre, and four years later the national cornhusking contest was held on the Ben Stalp farm. Drouth and grasshoppers have cut corn and other crop production in the past seven years but in normal times Cuming is one of the state's leading counties in corn production. The pioneers who made Cuming County their home settled here because they thought the county's agricultural prospects were good, but probably none of them foresaw the extent to which his expectations would be fulfilled.

   ALBERS, GUSTAV ADOLPH: Stockman & Farmer; b Wayne Co, Neb Dee 15, 1893; s of G Henry Albers-Meta Heyne; ed Wayne Co; Fremont Normal; U of N Sch of Agr; m Mary Luther Feb 1, 1917 Cuming Co; d Marjorie, Alice Marie; worked on father's farm until 1916; 1916- indep farmer, cattle & hog feeder, Cuming Co; owns 360 A, farms 840 A; raises approximately 500 hogs & feeds 600 head of cattle annually; past mbr sch bd; dir Farmers Union store, Wisner; dir Wisner First Natl Bank; St Pauls Luth Ch; Dem; res Wisner.

   AMACK, EMMELINE MINERVA: Beauty Shop Owner; b Custer Co, Neb Mar 24, 1910; d of John Amack-Jennie Andrews; ed Anselmo HS 1927; Cal Beauty Sch, Omaha; nurses training St Elizabeth Hosp, Lincoln; 1928-35 gen nursing Neb St Tuberculosis Hosp, Kearney; 1935-36 with Van Messen Beauty Shop, Omaha; 1936- owner & opr beauty shop, Beemer; Cosmopolitan Club, secy-treas; treas Jr Womans Club; OES; Meth Ch; hobby, knitting; maternal grandparents early settlers in Custer Co; grandfather drove stage & carried mail from Fort Kearney to Deadwood, S D; office Emmeline Beauty Service; res Beemer.

   ANDERSON, ALBERT WILFERD: Physician & Surgeon; b Callaway, Neb May 6, 1893; s of Nels N Anderson-Clara Bjork; ed Denson HS 1913; Creighton U, MD 1918; m Lillie Mae Hultman Aug 8, 1918 Oakland; 1917-18 interne Swedish Mission Hosp, Omaha; 1918-20 with Dr J J Kiefer, Bancroft; 1920-22 with Dr Frank Heacock, 1922- prac med with Dr J J Kiefer, West Point; 1929 West Point Clinic estab 1929 by Drs Kiefer, Anderson, Kotlar & Carey; 1935- owner & overseer farm in Cuming Co; chief surg St Joseph Home & West Point Hosp since 1923; Six Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; life mbr Interstate Post Grad Med Assn of N Amer; pres Neb Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders Assn; pres Neb Berkshire, Breeders Assn; Lions; Comm Club; Grace Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, farming, raising Brown Swiss cattle & Berkshire hogs; res West Point.

   BAUMANN, EDWARD MARTIN: Merchant; b West Point, Neb Oct 27, 1881; s of Otto Baumann-Helena Zepf; ed West Point HS 1898; U of N 1898-1900, Pershing Rifles; Gem City Bus Coll, Quincy Ill 1900-01; Delta Tau Delta; m Emma Kloke June 12, 1907 West Point; s Otto F, Paul E, Robert B; d Ada (Mrs H D McEachen), Alice (Mrs L R Lashley), Ruth (Mrs LeRoy Enstrom), Marjorie Mae; 1901-03 bkkpr & clk in store; 1903-06 steward Neb St Penitentiary, while here recd from the late Walt Mason in Lincoln Journal, a tribute for his ability in these words; "He handles his dept easily & so efficiently that there is neither a hitch nor misunderstanding"; 1906- with firm of Stieren, Jarman, Baumann Co, later changed to Baumann Co, oprd now by E M Baumann, H W Baumann & Sons, store estab 1873 by father; chief announcer for WP studio programs by remote control over WJAG, Baumann store has broadcast since 1933; Master Mcht, one of first ten selected in state; active in construction of West Point auditorium, St Pauls Luth Ch, Baumann store, West Point Hotel, HS; 1938 major; past pres & secy bd of edn; past pres Fedn of Neb Retailers; 1901-03 first sgt & 2nd lt West Point Rifles; Comm Club, past pres; past pres Lions; Izaak Walton; St Pauls Luth Ch; Rep, 1939 filed as candidate for gov, subject to primaries of Apr 9, 1940; hobby, Cuming Co fair; off Baumann Stores; res 306 S Farragut, West Point.

   BAUMANN, HENRY WILLIAM: Merchant; b West Point, Neb July 20, 1878; s of Otto Baumann-Lena Zepf; ed West Point HS 1894; St Louis Coll 1894-95; m Amelia Psota Jan 30, 1907 West Point; s Raymond Leroy, Lawrence (dec); d Laura (dec); 1895-1900 clk & bkkpr Stieren & Jerman Gen Store, West Point; 1900-02 bkkpr in off of state treas; 1902-06 ptr in firm Stleren & Jerman, West Point; 1906- ptr in same firm under name Jerman-Baumann Co, 1920- Baumann Co; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, baseball, sports; res 410 N Lincoln, West Point.

   BAUMGART, WILLIAM: Retired; b Germany, March 18, 1867; s of August Baumgart-Gesse Annastein; m Minnie Hass May 25, 1888 Cuming Co; 1884 came to US, then to Cuming Co; 1884-88 worked on farm; 1888-1920 farmer, Cuming Co; 1920- ret; German Luth Ch; hobbies, gardening; fishing; res Wisner.

   BEAVER, JOHN EDGAR: Merchant; b Scribner, Neb Aug 27, 1896; s of J M Beaver-Cora Putnam; ed Scribner HS 1914; m Adele Hargens Oct 10, 1922, Omaha; 1908-33 in chg of groc dept, J F Drenguis Co, Scribner; 1933- owner & opr J E Beaver store, Beemer; 1936 owner & mgr J E Beaver store, Scribner; during World War, in USN radio corps, 1918 Great Lakes Naval Training Station, later Brooklyn Navy Yard; past city & sch bd tress, Scribner 6 years; mbr Beemer town bd; VP Lions; AF&AM, past master 2 terms; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; father came to Scribner 1883; mother native of Neb, descendent of Putnam family of Revolutionary War times; res Beemer.

   BECHER, ARTHUR ADOLPH: Merchant; b Wisner, Neb May 25, 1880; s of Adolph Becher-Pauline Schoechert; ed Wisner; m Gertrude Dahl Dec 3, 1902 Scribner; s Steve Owen; 1900- owner & mgr Becher Hdw Store; also opr harness mfg, plumbing & heating bus; Neb Retail Hdw Assn, ch mbr; AF&AM 320, past master; OES, past patron, assoc patron; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; parents homesteaded near Norfolk 1870; res Wisner.

   BECKENHAUER, CHARLES: Attorney; b Cuming Co, Neb Sept 16, 1876; s of Carl Beckenhauer-Sophia Gunzell; ed West Point HS 1896; U of N, LLB, 1899, grad work 1900; m Camille Bank May 14, 1902 West Point;. s Robert A, George W. Charles B, William J, Kenneth H, Paul W; d Ethel C (Mrs Edgar A Dorner), Camilla L (dec), Virginia Mae; 1896-97 tchr Cuming Co; 1901 in M McLaughlin law off, West Point; 1901-19 with A L Krause & O C Anderson in law, abstract & loan off; 1919- indep opr law, loan, abstract, real est off; took son Robert as ptr 1931, son Charles 1937, son Kenneth 1938; mbr sch bd 18 years; Cuming Co, 9th Judicial Dist, & Neb St Bar Assns; Neb Title Assn; Grace Luth Ch, trustee & treas 30 years; Rep; hobby, reading; parents came to Cuming Co 1867; off 121 E Park; res 341 So Colfax, West Point.

   BENEDICT, JAMES GUMAER: Insurance Agent & Farmer; b Wurtsboro, N Y June 25, 1876; s of William F Benedict-Katherine Gumaer; ed Wurtsboro NY; m Lillian Y Thompson Nov 19, 1902 West Point; 1900-04 with West Point Milling Co; 1904-08 traveling representative in Kas, Mo, Okla for E I DuPont Co; 1908- farmer in Cuming Co, raiser of purebred Hereford cattle & Chester White hogs; 1928- dist mgr for State Farm Mutual Ins Co at West Point; supt of cattle, Cuming Co Fair; Comm Club; AF&AM; Congl Ch; Rep; res West Point.

   BEUTLER, GOTTFRIED: Retired; b Bern, Switzerland Mar 15, 1879; s of John Beutler-Elizabeth Studer; ed Sheridan Co; m Anna Bosson June 18, 1903 Cuming Co; s Clarence E, Raymond G; d Lillie (Mrs Adolph Croygart), Rosa H, Elverna L; came from Switzerland to Saunders Co 1883, to Sheridan Co 1886, to Cuming Co 1896; 1902-18, 1926-33 farmed in Cuming Co; 1918-26 ret, lived in Bancroft; 1933- ret; dir Cuming Co Fair bd 6 years; mbr sch bd 15 years; twp & city assessor since 1938; Farmers Union; St John's Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; res Bancroft.


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   BORGELT, HENRY: Farmer; b St Charles, Mo Jan 31, 1881; s of Frederick Borgelt-Annie Kortmeyer; ed Cuming Co; m Elisabeth Meeske Jan 4, 1896 Cuming Co; s AIwin S, Victor H; d Adeline, Paula M, Uarda; 1897-1906 worked on father's farm, Cuming Co; 1906- farmer in Cuming Co; owns 320 A; Farmers Union; St Pauls Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, reading; res RFD 2, Cuming Co.

   BOSHECK, JOSEPH: Clergyman; b Baal, Rhineland, Germany Apr 2, 1875; s of Gerhard Bosheck-Anna Kohl; ed Germany; Brignole Sale, Genoa, Italy; colleges in Holland & Luxemburg; ordained 1908; 1908 came to U S; 1908-10 asst pastor St Agnes Ch in Omaha, Holy Trinity Ch in Hartington & St James Ch in Kearney; 1910-16 pastor St Michaels Ch in Coleridge; 1916-32 pastor St Rose in Crofton; 1932 pastor St Marys, West Point; 1932- dean of West Point deanery; 1937 made domestic prelate by Pope Pius XI, title Monsignor; Comm Club, past pres; KC, grand knight; Cath; Rep; res West Point.

   BOYER, FRANK LOUIS: Plumber; b Sturgeon Bay, Wis Sept 15, 1859; s of George Boyer-Catherine M Schueing; ed Cuming Co; m Mary A Lammers Feb 21, 1884 Fremont; s Herman G, Frank (dec), Benjamin (dec), George (dec), Joseph (dec); d Catherine (Mrs ___ Oliverious), Anna (Mrs E J Jensen); 1877-79 emp by John Hann, Dodge Co; 1879-82 worked in Colo; 1882-85 farmer, Cuming Co; 1885-94 oprd well drilling machine & impl bus; 1894-1902 West Point city engr & chief of police; 1902-03 emp in Kaup & Scheuth impl bus; 1903-26 plumber; 1926-38 in various vocations; 1938- owner & opr plumbing shop; mayor 3 years; mbr city coun 5 years; 1887-1900 mbr vol fire dept; mbr Cuming Co Fair bd; ch mbr Comm Club; pres Cuming Co His Soc; Dem; hobby, study of history; res 236 W Grove, West Point.

   BRAZDA, FRANK JOSEPH: Mail Carrier; b West Point, Neb Aug 2, 1893; s of Dominic J Brazda-Anna Cejda; ed Wisner HS 1912; m Dora Peters Nov 19, 1919 Wisner; 1914-18 rural mail carrier, Wisner; 1919-21 farmed with brother, Jerome, near Wisner; 1921- rural mail carrier; during World War, in 222nd field SC, 7 1/2 mos in service; Amer Leg, adjt; Neb Rural Letter Carriers Assn; St Josephs Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, Amer Legion activities, fishing; grandparents came from Bohemia to Cuming Co in 1860's; father oprd first picture theater in Wisner, 1907; res Wisner.

   BRAZDA, JEROME J: Garage Owner; b West Point, Neb Sept 28, 1889; s of Dominic J Brazda-Anna Cejda; ed Wisner; m Minnie Minarick June 29, 1928 Snyder; s Jerome Francis; d Mary Jean; 1907- 17 worked for father in mere bus, Wisner; 1917-25 farmed, Cuming Co; 1924-26 opr Auto Sales Co, Wisner; 1926-38, 1939- owner & opr of garage; past mbr Comm Club; past mbr Golf Club; past mbr KC 25 years; past mbr NNG; St Joseph Cath Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Wisner.

   BROWNING, ALVIN: Implement Dealer; b Washington Co, Neb May 6, 1880; s of Horace Browning-Anna Braton; ed Washington Co; m Mary Jane Kelly July 10, 1912 Omaha; 1904-11 farmer, Cuming Co; 1911- opr auto & impl bus, Bancroft; mbr city coun 12 years; past mbr sch bd 3 years; Social Club; Dem; hobby, work; parents came by ox team to Neb 1869; res Bancroft.

   BRUNER, LILLIE C: Retired; b Douglas Co, Neb Feb 29, 1864; d of Uriah Bruner-Amalia Brobst; ed West Point; 1885-86 tchr, Cuming Co; 1886-99 homemaker, bkkpr King Creamery several years; 1899-1937 homemaker for brothers in Holt Co; 1937- traveler & homemaker; DAR; ch mbr Cuming Co Hist Soc; Grace Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, music; parents came to Neb 1856; res 420 E Washington, West Point.

   BUHK, FREDRICK CARL: Postmaster; b West Point, Neb Sept 12, 1889; s of Henry Buhk-Martha Zeplin; ed Beemer HS; m Lulu Bowyer May 1, 1917 Beemer; s Francis Max; 1905-07 with father in Beemer Brickyard; 1907-09 farmed for father, Cuming Co; 1909-13 with John Stoetzel Hdw, Beemer; 1913-33 with E L Fried Hdw; 1933-34 with Stoetzel Hdw, West Point; 1934- P M; past mbr bd of edn, treas 8 years; past mbr village bd 3 years; mgr Beemer Ball Club 15 years; Neb Ch Natl Assn of P Ms; Neb League of Dist P Ms; Lions, pres; AF&AM, past master, MWA; Dem; hobbies, fishing, sports; res Beemer.

   CATES, ELLSWORTH LINCOLN: Editor & Publisher; b Decatur, Neb Apr 27, 1866; s of Richard W Cates-Mary Baker; ed Lyons; m Henrietta Ferguson (dec) Apr 30, 1887 Tekamah; s Archie, Glen; d Ethel (Mrs P T Johns); 1887-1924 brickmason & plasterer, Bancroft, except 3 years residence in N D; 1924- editor & publisher Beemer Times; NPA; AF&AM; Indep; Cates family in Neb since Civil War; res Beemer.

   CATES, ROSS EUGENE: Editor & Publisher; b Silver Creek, Neb Aug 17, 1873; s of Richard W Cates-Mary Baker; ed Burt & Cuming Cos; m Lura Clark Nov 22, 1898 Randolph Ia; s Clayton E, Millard H; d Wilma (Mrs G H Harms); 1884-90 appr printer on Lyons Mirror; 1890-93 with brothers, masons & bricklayers, at Bancroft; 1893-1902 held int in Bancroft Blade, later moved paper to Arion Ia & to Randolph Ia for one year periods; 1902 retd to Bancroft; 1906- editor & publisher Bancroft Blade; played semi-professional baseball many years; Bus & Professional Mens Club; AF&AM, secy; OES; MWA; Presby Ch; Indep; hobbies, baseball, band work, plays all brass Instruments & drums; res Bancroft.

   CLATANOFF, JOHN: Retired; b Oldenburg Province, Germany Feb 4, 1870; s of Bernard Clatanoff-Metta Havemann; ed Jackson Co Mo; m Johanna Hilbers Oct 1893 Cuming Co (dec 1893); m Louisa Hilbers May 21, 1897 Cuming Co (dec 1897); m Johanna Kuckens Mar 1901 Cuming Co (dec 1924); d Laura Margaret; 1894-1906 owner & opr farm near West Point, also cattle feeder; 1908-13 Cuming Co assessor; 1915-21 ptr in Ritter, Clatanoff, Parsons Hdw Co; 1918-21 mayor of West Point at time of installation of city light plant & laying out of city park & first pavement; mbr city coun several terms; 1930-37 Cuming Co assessor; 1937- ret because of illness; as a boy knew by sight Jesse J & Frank James, neighbors; German Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; family came to Neb 1883; res West Point.

   COLLINS, GEORGE J: Veterinarian; b Maysville, Ky Oct 4, 1882; s of G W Collins-Sophia Kemp; ed Wayne Co Ia; Corydon Ia; Kansas City Veterinary Coll, DVS 1906; m Minnie Will Sept 8, 1908 West Point; s Dr Leigh G, Dennis D, Clark C, Gene; d Ruth S, Helen G; 1900-02 sch tchr in Ia; 1902-06 lived in Tekamah; 1906- prac veterinary med at West Point; pres Farmers & Mchts Nail Bank; VP Collins-Cady Co, mfrs of veterinary specialties; 13 years mbr bd of edn; 3 years mbr city coun; past mbr park bd; has farming & stockfeeding ints; past pres Neb St Veterinary Med Assn; Amer Veterinary Med Assn; Comm Club, dir & past pres; AF&AM; Tangier Shrine, Omaha; IOOF, past noble grand; Izaak Walton; hobbies, hunting, fishing; Indep; res West Point.

   COLLINS, JOHN MAXWELL: Veterinarian; b Wayne Co Ia Dec 3, 1897, s of G W Collins-Eugenia S Kemp; ed West Point; Kansas City Mo Veterinary Coll 1918; Alpha Psi; m Irma Zahn Sept 7, 1920 Snyder; s Warren E; 1918- ptr of Dr George J Collins in prac, West Point; owner & opr 191 A farm in Cuming Co; past city fireman 15 years; mbr city coun; Neb St & Amer Veterinary Med Assns; Comm Club; life mbr Cuming Co Fair Assn; IOOF; AF&AM; Izaak Walton; English Luth Ch; Indep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off 429 N Main, res West Point.

   DEGNER, HUGO ALBERT: Merchant; b Wisner, Neb Apr 10, 1900; s of Julius A Degner-Emma Becker; ed Wisner HS 1917; Bush Sulzer Diesel Engine Sch, St Louis 1921; m Alice Pollock June 1, 1921 Beemer; 1921-24 chief engr Wisner municipal light plant; 1924- owner & opr electric & radio shop; builder & owner first radio receiving set in Wisner, one of the first in this part of country; during World War in ARC automotive div at Chicago; ch mbr vol fire dept; AF&AM; hobbies, model bIdg & motion pictures; grandparents settled in Norfolk in late 1860's, traveled by ox team to Fremont, closest RR station, for provisions; grandfather Becker believed to be first mayor of Wisner; res Wisner.

   DeWALT, GRACE W: Homemaker; b Wood Lake, Neb June 6, 1900; d of William Wagner-Clara B Miller; ed St Paul HS 1917; Still Coll of Osteopathy Des Moines Ia 1927; Axis Club; m Dr I M DeWalt Aug 23, 1921 Broken Bow; s Ira Marion Jr; 1917-18 tchr in Custer Co; 1919-20 tchr, Dawes Co; 1921 tchr, Oelrichs S D; 1921- homemaker, Wisner; 1927- began prac of osteopathy; recd life tchrs certificate Neb 1919; city life certificate S D 1921; Neb Osteopathic Assn; Womans Club, past pres; OES, past matron; ARC; Rebekah; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, writing, knitting; res Wisner.

   DeWALT, IRA MARION: Osteopath; b Carlisle, Penn Apr 17, 1897; s of John Sherman DeWalt-Katherine Jane Wrightstone; ed Valentine HS 1915; U of N 1915-16; CSTC 1919-21;



Who's Who

Still Coll of Osteopathy Des Moines Ia, 1927; Atlas Club; m Grace Pearl Wagner Aug 23, 1921 Broken Bow; s Ira Marion Jr; 1916-17 emp in cream station & feed store, Ainsworth; 1917-18 in bridge & bldg dept, C & NW RR; 1921-22 supt consolidated sch Oelrichs S D; 1927 prac osteopathy with Dr. Charles A Blanchard, Lincoln; 1927- indep prac in Wisner; past city phys; mbr sch bd; Northeast Neb Osteopathic Soc, past secy; Neb & Amer Osteopathic Assns; during World War ent U S army Apr 18, 1918 Co C, 321st field signal batt, with AEF in France & England Aug 30, 1918 to Apr 19, 1919, disability rating; Amer Leg, past comm; DAV, Omaha; past mbr Lions; Comm Club, past dir; IOOF; AF&AM, past master; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, collecting stamps; off Wisner Hotel Bldg; res Wisner.

   DINKLAGE, GEORGE CARL: Stockman & Farmer; b Wayne Co, Neb Dee 16, 1897; s of Fritz Dinklage-Anna Swarting; ed Wayne Co; m Anna Tarnow Feb 22, 1922 Wakefield; s Dean T; d Caroline Anna; 1921 owner & opr of farm near Wisner, now 320 A; feeder of approximately 100 Hereford cattle per year past 15 years; 1930-33 J P Blaine twp, 1933-37 tress, 1937- clk; 10 years treas sch bd dist 40; 1933- active in fed farm program in Cuming Co; Farmers Union; Farm Bur; Luth Ch; Dem; father resident of Neb since 1892, Wayne Co stockman; res RFD 1, Wisner.

   DuBAY, FRED ELMER: Laundry Owner; b Clayton, Wash Mar 24, 1892; s of Ernest Dubay-Clarissa Ellen Rickman; ed Clayton, Wash; Chewelah, Wash H S; m Mildred Griffiths Nov 25, 1926 Omaha; 1910-12 milk buyer for Hazelwood Milk Co, Spokane Wash; 1912-14 learned harness making at Sprague, Wash; 1914-17 ranched near Sprague, Wash; 1919-23 co-owner & mgr Walthill Tailoring Co, later added dry cleaning dept; 1923- owner & mgr West Point Cleaners & Launderers; during World War in USN, assigned to Paullaic air station in France following training at Great Lakes, O/S 10 mos; Amer Leg; 40 & 8; Neb Assn of Cleaners & Dyers, past VP, past secy; Comm Club; Lions, pres 1938; Izaak Walton; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing, hunting; off & res 216 N Main, West Point.

   EDWARDS, DWIGHT THEODORE: Manager Light & Power Co; b Lindsay, Neb Aug 6, 1905; s of Frederick William Edwards-Chursty Mary Christensen; ed Lindsay HS 1923; m Mildred Jones Mar 5, 1926 Stromsburg; s William Lee, James Willard; 1923-27 with Ia-Neb Light & Power Co at York; 1927- 28 asst mgr Ia-Neb Light & Power Co at Stromsburg, 1928 asst mgr at Osceola, asst sales mgr at Aurora; 1929-30 asst electrical engr for Gates Rubber Co, Denver; 1930-31 asst mgr Ia-Neb Light & Power Co at Exeter; 1931-38 mgr at Geneva; 1938- mgr at West Point; past mbr Exeter sch bd; mbr vol fire dept at Geneva 5 years; Natl Elec Light Assn; Comm Club; Jr C of C, dir; AF&AM; Izaak Walton; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, motion pictures; 1857 grandfather & father came from England to Neb; grandfather was one of first doctors in state; father hunted with Buffalo Bill; has skinning knife which father pur in North Platte, 1863; off & res West Point.

Attorney; b West Point, Neb Nov 20, 1908; s of James C. Elliott-Lillian A High; ed West Point HS 1925; U of N, BA 1936, mbr tennis team 1929-30, singles champion 1929; Sigma Phi Epsilon; m Iona Peterson Sept 16, 1933 West Point; 1925-27, 1930-34 substitute clk US P O, West Point; 1936- prac law in West Point; city atty since May 1, 1938; 9th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; Young Mens Civic Club, pres 1938-39; Golf Club; Tennis Club, treas; Rep, chmn Cuming Co Central Com; hobbies, sports, especially tennis, team of Elliott & McDonald state jr champions, 1925; father owner & publisher of West Point Republican 17 years, past P M; off 109 E Park; res 333 S Niphon, West Point.

   ENGELHORN, HENRY WALTER: Garage Owner; b Dodge Co, Neb June 4, 1889; s of Jacob Engelhorn-Regula Durst; ed Dodge Co; m Gertrude L Munderluoh Mar 26, 1919 Cuming Co; s Merlyn G; d Virginia Rae; 1909-10 in Ore, Wash, Alberta Can; 1910-11 emp by Sol Spangler Impl Co, Scribner; 1912- 17 worked on farm near Beemer; 1919-27 farmer, Cuming Co; 1927-28 with Neb St highway dept, roads & irrigation dept; 1928-37 emp by E L Windt in Ford Garage, Beemer; 1937- owner Henry W Engelhorn Garage; during World War Sept 23, 1917 in U S army 3rd train unit 33rd Co, 164th depot brigade, at sgt 10 mos; tsfrd to 10th div battery D, 30th field arty, disch Feb 4, 1919; Amer Leg; AF&AM; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, gardening; res Beemer.

   ERNESTI, MARTIN: Secy Home for the Aged & Hospital; b West Point, Neb May 22, 1906; s of Charles Ernesti-Mary Goebel; ed Guardian Angels Sch, West Point; Creighton U 1926-28; m Maurine J Nitz Sept 5, 1929 West Point; s Thomas Charles; 1928- bkkpr for West Point Motor Co; 1931- secy St Josephs Home & Hosp Annex, West Point; 1934- ins agt for Travelers, Great Amer, U S Fire; 1937 clk, West Point Sales Co; promoter of basketball & other sports at Guardian Angel HS; past dir Young Mens Civic Club; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; res West Point.

   EVANS, CLARK BENTLEY: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Wisner, Neb Oct 4, 1889; s of Franklin C Evans-L Belle Finch; ed Wisner HS; U of N, LLB 1911; Alpha Theta Chi; m Gladys E Sibley July 10, 1929 West Point; s Franklin S; d Gladys Belle; 1911- with father in real est & ins bus, Wisner; 1932-40 mayor Wisner; 1916-17 with US army, 4th Neb inf in Mexican border service; during World War 1918-19 in marine corps service; Amer Leg, ch comm; Neb St Bar Assn; Neb Real Est Assn; AF&AM, past master; Rep; mother's parents Cuming Co homesteaders 1869, father came in 1881; res Wisner.

   FALSKEN, GEORGE CLARENCE: Clergyman; b Falls City, Neb Dee 31, 1887; s of C H Falsken-Minnie Bahr; ed Kansas City Mo; St Pauls Coll, Concordia Mo; Concordia Seminary, St Louis, Mo; m Elsie Kuehl Feb 4, 1913 Riesel Tex; s George C; d Evelyn O, Myrtle A, Alma F; 1910-11 Luth pastor, Battle Tex; 1911-13 pastor Abilene Tex; 1913-16 pastor, Schulenburg Tex; 1916-29 pastor San Antonio Tex; 1929- pastor St Johns Luth Ch, Mo Synod of Luth Ch, secy 9 years Cuming Co circuit conf; mbr auditing com 3 years N Neb dist; pres SS Tchrs Inst of Cuming Co circuit; hobby, softball; res Beemer.

   FEYERHERM, OTTO: Implement Dealer; b Cuming Co, Neb Mar 24, 1880; s of Ernest Feyerherm-Louisa Brockman; ed Cuming Co; m Elisa Melcher Sept 2, 1908 West Point; s Weylent, Lloyd, Marvin; 1897- 1901 learned blacksmith trade from Robert Breetzke, Beemer; 1901-07 emp by Carl Swank in impl & blacksmith trade, West Point; 1907-17 owner & opr blacksmith shop; 1917-25 emp in garages & opr & owner of garage 2 years; 1925-33 ptr of A M Shairer in impl bus; 1933- ptr of Gail Washburn, in garage; mbr city coun 15 years; Midwest Farm Impl Dlrs Assn; Comm Club, dir; St Pauls Luth Ch, trustee; Rep; hobby, travel; off 317 S Main; res 117 S Farragut, West Point.

   FRANCIS, HARRY WHITING: Physician; b Oquawka, Ill Oct 12, 1866; s of James F Francis-EIizabeth Ankron; ed Seward HS; Omaha Med Coll 1896; Cora E Nelson June 4, 1890 Knoxville Ill; s Floyd V, Myrton, Marvyn, Norton L; d Minnie (Mrs Claud Eby); 1896- prac, med, Bancroft; past mbr town coun; past mayor; mbr sch bd 18 years; during World War, enl June 1917, commd capt Aug 1917, ent service May 1918 Fort Riley Kas, disch Dec 18, 1918; Amer Leg, past comm; Elkhorn Valley Med Soc, past pres; pres Madison Six-Co Med See; mbr Neb St Med Assn 42 years; past mbr AMA; AF&AM; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, gardening; res Bancroft.

Merchant; b Omaha, Neb Mar 7, 1907; s of Ernest L Fried-Elizabeth Craddock; ed Omaha; Beemer HS; WSTC 1926-27; m Herta Iden Nov 23, 1930 Wayne; s Leigh Rolland; d Gayle Elizabeth; 1925-38 with father in Fried Hdw Store, Beemer, 1938- owner & mgr store since father's death; 1938- Neb St electrical inspector; mbr village bd; mbr bd of edn; mbr res army of US served 3 seasons in CMTC; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; Lions; N E Neb Radio Club, past pres; Beemer HS Alumni Assn, past pres; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, oprn amateur radio station W9YMU; res Beemer.

   GALBRAITH, CLARENCE LEROY: Farmer & Stockman; b Beemer, Neb Apr 16, 1890; s of W H Galbraith-Alta Cohee; ed Beemer HS; PSTC 1909-10; U of N 1910-11; m Mary G Graham Feb 14, 1912 Creston; d Irene (Mrs Howard Drake), Dorothy Mae, Joyce Clare; 1912- mgr father's farm near Beemer, now owner 480 A; stock feeder, ptr of brother, raises approximately 350 cattle & 500 hogs a year; mbr twp bd 6 years; past mbr sch bd 12 years; Farmers Union; Farm Bur; AF&AM; MWA; Meth Ch, SS supt; Dem; res Beemer.


in Nebraska


   GOLDSMITH, LOUIS: Merchant; b West Point, Neb Jan 19, 1878; s of Bennett Goldsmith-Helena Olcovich; ed West Point; Elliotts Bus Coll, Burlington Ia 1896; m Emily Fisher June 21, 1915 Davenport Ia (dec 1933); 1893- partial mgr father's gen mdse store; 1900- opr L Goldsmith & Co with one of longest continuous records in retail mdse of any family in state; during World War, treas Cuming Co YMCA drive; Mrs Goldsmith was RN, commissioned by govt to teach adult nursing schs during war; Fedn of Neb Retailers; Comm Club, past dir & ch mbr; AF&AM, past sr warden; Indep; hobbies, baseball, sports, reading; off 143-5 S Main; res West Point.

   GRAFF, CHARLES: Retired; b Mackinaw, Ill Feb 16, 1863; s of Valentin Graf-Elizabeth Wullenwaber; ed Tazewell Co Ill; m Mary Elizabeth Waldemeyer Feb 12, 1885 Manito, Ill; s Robert V, Floyd (dec), Arthur N (dec), R Chester; d Leona (Mrs Floyd L Carey); 1884-1919 homesteader & farmer on Omaha Reservation, now Cuming Co; 1919- ret; 1907-09 representative in state legislature, chmn banking com, 1909; pres Citizens Banks 10 years; past mbr village bd; past major 8 years; past pres Farmers Grain Co; Instrumental in bldg first rural tele line in Cuming Co 1902; Neb St Hist Soc; Nebraskana Soc; past pres, life mbr Neb Improved Livestock Assn; org & first pres 5 years Cuming Co Agri Soc; Neb St bd of agr, pres 2 years, bd mbr many years, past mbr Neb St Fair bd 28 years; past pres 21 years, life mbr of Red Polled Cattle Club of Amer; life mbr ARC; AF&AM; past assoc patron OES; Presby Ch, past trustee; Dem; res Bancroft.

   GRAFF. R CHESTER: Stockman; b Cuming Co, Neb Oct 31, 1891; s of Charles Graff-Mary Waldemeyer; ed Cuming Co; U of N Sch of Agr, Lincoln 1908-12; m Ida Hanson Sept 26, 1918 Sioux City Ia; s Orin C, Curtis A, Lyle R; d Marian Ruth; 1913-22 with father on homestead & raised purebred Red Polled cattle, Chester White hogs; 1922- owner & opr 353 A farm in Cuming Co; 1905-34 showed cattle all over US, won many ribbons; past dir sch bd; Red Polled Cattle Club of Amer; Farmers Co-op Oil Assn; pres Cuming Co Farm Bur; pres Cuming Co Rural Pub Power Dist; AF&AM; Presby Ch, elder; Dem, chmn pet com; hobbies, livestock breeding & feeding; res Bancroft.

Insurance Agt; b Bancroft, Neb Sept 17, 1885; s of Charles Graff-Mary ___; ed WSTC; U of N; m Margaret E Burke June 1 9, 1907 Bancroft; s Harley B; d Vida Marie (Mrs James); 1907-09 farmer in Hitchcock Co; 1910-30 farmer near Bancroft; 1930- res Bancroft; 1933 mbr state legislature; 1936-37 field man in oil dept, Farmers Union State Exchange; 1938- agt for Union Natl Life Ins Co of Lincoln; 5 years mgr Farmers Union Co-op Oil Assn; 8 years secy Neb Red Polled Cattle Breeders Assn; 6 years past pres Cuming Co Farm Bur; Business Mens Club; AF&AM; Presby Ch, past bd mbr; hobby, new ideas for agr; res Bancroft.

   GROSS, MRS DELIA DEA: Homemaker; b Hancock, Mich Apr 12, 1864; d of John Dea-Mary Barron; ed Shelby Ia HS 1882; m John B Gross June 4, 1884 Avoca Ia; s John J, Dominic L, William M, George B; d Mary E, Julia G, Delia M (Mrs G F McGuire); 1884- homemaker in Ia & Neb; 1869 came with parents to Shelby Ia when it was end of RI RR, mother was only woman in the town for some time; came to farm near Wisner 1894; past VP Neb Home Economics Assn; Cath Ch, Social Club; hobby, fancy work; res Wisner.

   GROSS, WILLIAM MARTIN: Postmaster; b Cuming Co, Neb Mar 1, 1895; s of John B Gross-Delia B Dea; ed Wisner HS 1913; U of N 1923-26; Phi Alpha Delta; m Mary Frances Surber Nov 24, 1929 Wisner; s Francis William, David Joseph, Leo, Dominic, Michael, Gerald; d Mary Katherine, Rita; 1913-15 tchr Cuming Co; 1915-23 farmed near Wisner; 1926-35 prac law, Wisner; 1935- P M; 1921 pres Neb Hampshire Breeders Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; 1923 mbr Cuming Co Fair bd; KC; Cath Ch, com mbr 12 years; Dem; hobbies, golf, sports; res Wisner.

   HAGEDORN, GUSTAVE ADOLPH: Retired; b Cuming Co, Neb Aug 21, 1882; s of William F. Hagedorn-Williamine Leiza; ed Cuming Co; m Mary Witt Dec 31, 1903 Wisner; s William F, Harry H, Vern W; 1898-1901 emp by F C Herse Gen Store, Wisner; 1901-02 with Tom Duher Gen Store; 1902-04 with Kinzel Bros Hdw Store; 1904-05 with Cuming Co Tele Co; 1906-07 emp by city of Wisner; 1907-19 farmed, Cuming Co; 1919-35 owner & opr battery shop, West Point, also opr Studebaker agcy; 1935-36 ret; 1936-38 chief of police; 1938- ret; IOOF, past noble grand; Dem; hobby, outdoor sports; res 754 S Colfax, West Point.

   HALL, ERIC FRED: Clergyman; b Orrbyn, Sweden Oct 9, 1890; s of Eric Hall-Maria Borg; ed Orrbyn, Sweden; North Park Coll, Chicago 1912-19; Bethany Coll, Lindsborg, Kas; m Ruby LiIjestrand July 30, 1919, Lindsborg Kas; s Fred Louis, Dennis Neil; d Dagmar Gail; 1910 came to U S; 1919-21 pastor Covenant Ch, Aurora; 1921-25 pastor, Mission Covenant Ch, Randolph Kas; 1926-28 pastor, Odebolt Ia; 1928-37 pastor, Stromsburg; 1937- pastor Covenant Ch, Pender; 1924 secy Ministerial Assn, Kas conf; 1929-30 chmn, Ministerial Assn, Neb. conf; 1933-37 dist supt Mid-West conf; secy Polk Co Ministerial Assn; 1934 candidate for U S sen; Rep; hobby, working contests; res Pender.

   HANSEN, WARREN DEAN: Physician & Surgeon; b West Point, Neb Sept 28, 1909; s of John C Hansen-Meta Tramm; ed Bloomfield HS 1926; WSTC 1928-29; Omaha U 1931-32; U of N, MD 1936; interne Allegheny Gen Hosp, Pittsburgh Penn; Phi Beta Pi; 1937- prac med, Wisner; Six Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; AF&AM; Rep; hobbies, travel, sports; grandfather, Lars Hansen, came from Denmark to Cuming Co, oprd one of first blacksmith shops, homesteaded near West Point in 1850's; res Wisner.

   HARMS, GERHARD HERMAN: Bank Cashier; b Wilcox, Neb Nov 3, 1898; s of Benjamin Harms-Minnie Schepler; ed Wilcox HS 1917; York Bus Coll 1919; m Wilma Cates June 6, 1922 Bancroft; d Virginia Ann, Dorothea Jane; 1919 with Davis Auto Co, Sidney; 1919- asst cash First Natl Bank; mbr town coun; mbr sch bd; during World War, in SATC; Amer Leg, comm, past service ofcr; St Pauls Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; res Bancroft.

   HARMS, WILLIAM: Retired; b Gruenhagen, Germany Nov 1, 1855; s of Fredrick Harms-Margaret Bodenstab; ed Germany; Northwestern Coll, Watertown Wis 1871-77; St Louis Seminary 1877-80; m Augusta Kuehnert July 17, 1877 Chemnitz, Germany; s John C W, Martin F A, Wilhelm G, K L Gerhart, F Theodore; d P Dorothy C (Mrs T Eggert), Lydia W F (dec), H L A Lydia (Mrs ___ Pinnt), D A C Elizabeth (Mrs Arthur Pagels); 1860 came to Amer; 1880-1937 pastor, Zion Ch, Bancroft; 1937- ret; in early days preached at Omaha Reservation, Bancroft, West Point, Rosalie, Walthill; Mo Synod, past pres N Neb dist, past bd mbr N Neb dist parochial schs; St Pauls Luth Ch; hobby, travel; res Bancroft.

   HARRINGTON, DANIEL DONALD: Machinist; b Calumet, Mich May 9, 1876; s of Daniel Harrington-Mary Sullivan; ed O'Neill HS 1897; m Anne E Ryan Nov 7, 1912 Wisner; d Helen Anne; 1897-98 tchr Holt Co; 1898-1904 clk J P Mann Gen Store, O'Neill; 1904-05 traveling salesman for Amer Hand Sewed Shoe Co, Omaha; 1905-07 with P E McKillip Gen Store, Humphrey; 1907-09 with D Q Nicholson Gen Store, Madison; 1909-10 with J P Mann & Co, O'Neill; 1910-15 owner & opr gen store, O'Neill; 1915-22 ptr of J B Ryan in gen store, Wisner, J T Fleming became ptr 1918; 1922- indep owner & opr gen store, Wisner; 1921- secy bd of edn; Comm Club; MWA; Royal Highlanders; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, flowers, gardening; res Wisner.

   HERMELBRACHT, JOHN: Stockman; b Westphalia Province, Germany Mar 26, 1866; s of Carl Hermelbracht-Johannah Bischof; ed Germany; m Minnie Lutka Oct 12, 1892 Cuming Co; s Johnnie, Albert; d Louisa (Mrs Henry Flacker), Marie (Mrs Ed Anderson); m Carolina Lutka Oct 14, 1935 Omaha; 1889 came from Germany to Cuming Co; 1889-91 worked on farms in Cuming Co; 1891 farmer in Cuming Co; 1896- feeder of approximately 2000 cattle each year; in 1936 shipped in 30 carloads of hay & one carload of corn per week, fed 2500 cattle; pres First Natl Bank 29 years; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, good stock; res Bancroft.

   HEYNE, HENRY A: Farmer; b Dodge, Neb Dec 27, 1879; s of John H Heyne-Anna Grose; ed Dodge Co; U of N; Fremont Normal; m Elise Von Seggern Mar 9, 1905 Dodge Co;



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