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Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
Custer |
Who's Who |
ther was a farmer & cattle raiser; res Arnold.FINLEY, JAMES MATHERS: Custodian; b Monroe Co, Ind May 1, 1877; s of James D Finley-Lucy Mathers; ed Monroe Co Ind; Bloomington Ind; m Louise M Vallery Feb 11, 1904 Aurora; d Grace (Mrs H Allen); 1892-95 brakeman for LNA&C RR, New Albany Ind; 1895-96 brakeman for C&EI RR, Chicago; 1896-98 worked on farm near Sargent; 1898-99 on cattle ranch, Douglas Wyo; 1899-1900 worked in machine shop, Louisville Ky; 1900-02 drove night hack, Danville Ill; 1902-04 fed cattle for Broass & Conway, Sargent; 1904-07, brakeman for CB&Q RR, Aurora; 1907-12 brakeman for St Joe & Grand Island RR, Fairbury; 1912 6 mos owner & opr Brumbaugh Hotel, Sargent: 1912-14 farmed near Bayard; 1914-15 in restaurant bus, Sargent; 1915-22 farmed near Sargent; 1922- custodian Sargent HS; past mbr sch bd; past mbr IOOF; past mbr BRT; past mbr AOUW; past mbr WOW; hobby, fishing; res Sargent.
FORNEY, LESTER WAYNE: Physician & Surgeon; b Daykin, Neb Jan 6, 1906; s of Elmer D Forney-Viola Graves: ed Daykin HS, Fairbury HS 1919; U of N, BS 1923, MD 1925; Alpha Kappa Kappa; m Della M Schultz July 1, 1926 Omaha; s Larry Wayne, Lewis Elmer; 1925-26 Interne Neb Meth Hosp, Omaha; 1926- prac in Mason City; 1938- has farming ints; past mbr sch bd: Custer Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Comm Service Club; AF&AM; hobbies, woodwork, fishing, hunting; res Mason City.
FORRESTER, OLIVER C: Auto Dealer; b Miller, Neb Jan 3, 1891; s of George Forrester-Harriet C Jenkins; ed Buffalo Co; Hastings HS 1909; Hastings Coll 1910-11; m Nora A Huffman Aug 15, 1915 Stapleton; s Robert R; d Pauline E (Mrs Dorace Harberts), Hazel Helen, Ruth Imogene, Cora Lee; 1912- 23 homesteaded near Stapleton; 1923-32 owner & opr Arnold Battery Station; 1932- in garage bus, Arnold; 1935- DeSoto & Plymouth dlr; past mbr town & sch bds; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; C of C; Rotary; Arnold Gun Club; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby. travel; res Arnold.
FORSYTH, THEODORE SCOTT: Banker; b Anselmo, Neb Sept 5, 1905; s of Charles Mason Forsyth-Pearl Swan; ed Broken Bow HS 1928; U of N 1924-25; Alpha Sigma Phi; m D Pauline Cooper Dec 31, 1926 Taylor; s John Cooper; 1925-26 with McComas Pharm, Broken Bow; 1927-30 bkkpr Neb St Bank at Broken Bow, 1930- asst cash; past mbr town & sch bds; secy Pub Service Club; Country Club; AF&AM; RAM; KT; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, stamp collecting; off Neb St Bank Bldg; res 345 S D, Broken Bow.
FOX, ROBERT GLENN: County Sheriff; b Ansley, Neb Aug 12, 1894; s of Robert J Fox-Alice Burnett; ed Ansley; Custer Co Bus Coll 1912-14; m Minerva B Williams July 12, 1916 Broken Bow; s Hubert G, Charles L, Dillard L, Clarice W; 1915-16 clk for Kiffin Groc, Broken Bow; 1917-18 bkkpr Berwyn State Bank; 1918-19 asst cash People's State Bank, Anselmo; 1919-21 cash Berwyn State Bank; 1921-23 in ins bus, Berwyn; 1923-35 Custer Co dep Sheriff, Broken Bow; 1935- Custer Co Sheriff, Broken Bow; Neb Sheriffs & Peace Ofcrs Assn; Pub Service Club; Country Club; AF&AM; RAM: Tangier Shrine; IOOF; MWA; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, work; off Courthouse; res Custer Co Jail, Broken Bow.
GARDNER, CHARLES ALVIN: Physician & Surgeon; b Omaha, Neb July 12, 1886; s of William Allen Gardner-Elizabeth Lewis; ed Omaha HS 1904; Herring Med Coll & Hosp, New York, MD 1910; Chicago Lab of Surgical Technology; Alpha Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; m Beryl F Drew Sept 8, 1920 Boston; s Charles Alvin Jr, Allen Drew; 1910-11 interne Childrens Hosp, Philadelphia; 1911-15 prac med, Omaha; 1915-30 prac med, Columbus, Mont; 1930-35 prac med, Superior; 1935- prac med, Broken Bow; during World War capt med Co commanding ofcr ambulance Co 248; Amer Leg; Custer Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; past mbr IOOF; MWA; WOW; Past Masters Club; AF&AM, RAM, KT, Shrine; Rep; hobbies, dogs, stamp collecting, ornithology; res 444 N 8th Ave, Broken Bow.
GARDNER, IVAL CLEON: Banker; b Westerville, Neb Mar 20, 1901; s of Willis D Gardner-Effie Copsey; ed Westerville; Broken Bow HS; m Beulah F Wilson June 23, 1924 Council Bluffs Ia: s Robert Wilson, Jack David; d Phyllis Ann; 1918-21 clk in Custer State Bank at Broken Bow, 1921-26 asst cash; 1926-28 in receivership div of Neb St banking dept: 1928- cash Security State Bank of Ansley; 1925- in ins bus; 1933- ptr in farm & livestock bus NW of Ansley; 1917-36 played professional baseball; mbr sch bd; treas village bd; treas Ansley twp bd; Rotary; AF&AM; Broken Bow Golf Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, sports; res Ansley.
GARDNER, WILLIS DAVID: City Clerk; b New Hampton, Mo Sept 15, 1872; s of Thomas Gordon Gardner-Mary Ellen Allen; ed Harrison Co, Mo; Central Chris Coll, Albany, Mo 1892-93; m Effie May Copsey Aug 1, 1893 Westerville; s Jewell B, George D, Ival C, Harley H, William A, Seth P, David W, Harry H; d Opal (Mrs F M Coleman), Catherine (Mrs W T Carland), Hollie (Mrs L F Wilson), Helen F; 1894-1913 farmed near Westerville; 1913-18 Custer Co assessor, Broken Bow; 1918-24 clk in off of Custer Co treas: 1924- city clk, bkkpr in water & light dept; past mbr city bd; MWA; past mbr IOOF; League of Neb Municipalities, mbr city elks section; Rep; hobby, fishing; off City Hall; res 308 S 12th Ave, Broken Bow.
GIBBONS, WALTER EDWARD: Farmer & Rancher; b Comstock, Neb Mar 21, 1898; s of Edward C Gibbons-Ida Wescott; ed Comstock HS 1914; U of N 1915-16, 1919-20; Kappa Sigma; m Sylvia M Havlik Oct 3, 1922 Comstock; s Walter Edward Jr, John Bragg; 1917-19 farmed for father SW of Comstock; 1920-25 farmed with father; 1925- mgr Wescott & Gibbons Ranch, org 1880; pres Middle Loup Public Power & Irrigation Dist since orgn; 1925- ptr in Wescott, Gibbons & Bragg Store Comstock, estab 1886, father an org of firm; Business Men's Club; hobby, Hereford cattle; res Comstock.
GOINGS, HAROLD ROBERT: Hardware Dealer; b Bloomington, Neb Oct 11, 1897: s of Lively Frank Goings-Jennie Robinson; ed Wilcox HS 1916; ICS; m Lena May Sensel June 2, 1924 Sterling Colo; 1916-20 worked for Joe Wright in garage at Wilcox; 1920-22 farmed near Sterling Colo; 1922-24 farmed near Ogallala; 1924-31 engr for Northwestern Public Service at North Platte; 1931-36 farmed near Arnold; 1936 pur Worrel Bros Hdw; 1936- owner & opr H R Goings Hdw, Arnold; 1932-34 road overseer, Garfield pct Lincoln Co; C of C; Rotary; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Arnold:
GOULD, MERRILL LEONARD: Agricultural Extension Agent; b Jamestown, Kas July 11, 1892; s of Edwin Adelbert Gould-Lydia Florence Rodgers; ed Jamestown Kas HS; Kas St Coll, BSc 1915; m Velora A Fry Dec 28, 1915 Manhattan, Kas; s K Max; 1915-23 farmed in Cloud Co Kas; 1921-23 also oprd produce station; 1923- Custer Co agrl agt, Broken Bow; 1927- ptr of Ben Petrie in Broadway Meat Market; 1929- ptr of Dr E G Johnson in Broken Bow Fox Farm; engaged in cattle bus several years; Custer Co Hereford Breeders Assn, org & secy; Custer Co Crop Improvement Assn; past secy Custer Co Agrl Soc; Neb Assn of Co Agrl Agts; org Custer Co Poultry Protective Assn; past mbr of Pub Service Club, Country Club & Rotary; org Custer Co rodeo; Presby Ch; Dem; res Broken Bow.
GRAYBEAL, GLENN J: Merchant; b Christian Co, Ill July 11, 1896; s of Alvin J Graybeal-May Hitchcock; ed Carthage, Mo HS; m Dollie Read Jan 2, 1919 Merna; s Earl R, Robert G, Allen G; d Shirley Jane; 1914-19 farmed, Custer Co; 1919-31 with ptr in Merna Meat Mkt; 1931 added groceries; 1933- owner & opr Graybeals Cash Store; mbr sch & town bds; Comm Club; Fedn of Neb Retailers; Kilfoil Cemetery Assn; AF& AM; UB Ch; Rep; hobby, Hereford cattle; res Merna.
GREEN, JOHN CHARLES: Bank Vice-President; b David City, Neb Feb 22, 1885; s of Charles Fremont Green-Elsie Cram; ed David City; Omaha Bus Coll 1905; m Mabel Jane Culbertson June 27, 1918 Omaha; s John Donald; d Dorothy Lenette, Lucille Marie, Eleanor Ruth; 1906-08 asst cash Bank of Creighton; 1908-09 8 mos steno for Foster Williams Co, real est, Norfolk; 1909-10 asst cash Farmers Bank at Burwell, 1910-14 cash; 1914-15 6 mos owner & pres Bank of Dempster, S D; 1916-30 owner & pres First State Bank, Onaka S D; 1930-32 liquidating state banks in S D for S D St banking dept; 1932-33 worked in charge of collection in 9 Cos for J I Case Co at Ree Heights S D & Miller S D; 1933- VP Farmers State Bank, Sargent; 1937- owner Sun Theater; mbr sch bd; Sargent Service Club; past mbr Lions; AF&AM, 32o at Aberdeen, S D; Custer Co Bankers Assn; Neb Bankers Assn; FDIC; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, playing chess; res Sargent.
GREEN, JOHN PAUL: Managing Editor; b Mason City, Neb May 12, 1901; s of Edward M Green-Ada M Morris; ed Mason City HS; m Thelma E Mooney Aug 30, 1921 Mason City; s Roderick P, Guy L; until 1923 with father farmed near
in Nebraska
Mason City; 1923-35 emp by the Mason City Transcript, 1935- managing editor; past police judge; Comm Club; past master AF&AM; hobby, gardening; off Mason City Transcript; res Mason City.
GREENE, EARL GEORGE: Store Manager; b Salt Lake City, Utah Nov 12, 1894; s of John T Greene-Lorinda Osler; ed Jordan Utah HS; Utah U 1915-17; Phi Beta Pi; m Vera Mae Harrison Mar 26, 1918 Sandy Utah; s Earl G Jr; d Elva Gertrude, Vera Mae, Gladys Adele; 1914-15 clk in Oakland, Cal store; 1919-20 salesman for J C Penney Co at Jerome Ida, 1920-21 & 1921-23 salesman at Shoshone Ida, 1921 salesman Kemmer, Wyo, 1923-29 mgr J C Penney store Salmon Ida, 1930- mgr at Broken Bow; 1917-19 during World War, non-commd ofcr in hosp unit, Chateau-Thierry & Belleau Wood; Amer Leg; mbr retail com, past pres Pub Service Club; Rotary; Country Club; AF&AM; RAM; KT; chmn local BSA com; Latter Day Saints Ch; off 802 South E; res 719 South 10th Ave, Broken Bow.
GRESSLEY, CHARLES WESLEY: Mayor b Aurora, Neb Sept 7, 1881; s of Samuel R Gressley-Anna Jane Ling; ed Hamilton Co: Aurora Bus Coll 1899-1900; m Eva Shoemaker July 7, 1903 Central City; s Claude Bolan, Kenneth Alfred; d Ada May (Mrs W A Mattox), Wuanita (Mrs T Franklin), Mary Ann (Mrs H H Cuckler); 1899-1900 emp in Aurora printing shop while in bus coll; 1900-04 farmed near Aurora; 1904-07 farmed in Buffalo Co; 1907-26 farmed in Custer Co; 1926-27 carp, Sargent; 1927 pur Carl V Dean Whol Co, Broken Bow; 1927-39 owner C W Gressley Whol Co, Broken Bow; 1936- mayor; past mbr sch bd; Pub Service Club; Country Club, past mbr; IOOF; Bapt Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; off 530 S 8th; res 134 North B, Broken Bow.
GRIM, OLIVER JACKSON: Petroleum Dealer; b Hastings, Neb Jan 5, 1898; s of Frank Oliver Grim-Nettie Belle Craft; ed Anselmo HS 1916; m Inez M Richardson Apr 12, 1917 (dec 1925); s Delbert O'Neil; m Marie H Bolin June 21, 1928 Hastings; 1912 with parents moved to Anselmo; 1916-18 farmed with father near Hastings; 1918-22 indep farmer near Hastings; 1922-27 ptr of Robert L Richardson in gas & oil bus, Anselmo; 1922-27 co-owner Anselmo Light & Power Co; 1927-28 distributor of grease & oils in Broken Bow for Natl Refining Co; 1928-37 owner & opr O J Grim Oil Co; 1937- opr O J Grim & Son Oil Co; past mbr town bd; Neb Petroleum Marketers Inc; 1933-34 pres Rotary; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, amateur motion pictures; res Ansley.
GULDNER, REV LESTER: Clergyman; b Davenport, Ia Nov 4, 1901; s of Hugo F Guldner-Emma Doescher; ed Davenport HS 1919; Moody Bible Inst 1922-24; Penn Coll, Oskaloosa Ia, AB 1927; Presby Theol Sem of Chicago, BD 1930; m Norma Ahrens Apr 25, 1922 Davenport Ia: d Ruth Carol; 1930- pastor First Presby Ch, Broken Bow; 1934-39 pres Broken Bow Ministerial Assn; 1935 pres Custer Co Ministerial Assn; 1935-36 moderator Kearney presbytery; Pub Service Club; hobbies, baseball, hiking; res 425 N 10th Ave, Broken Bow.
HALE, JAMES H: Osteopath; b Warrick Co Ind Oct 21, 1886; s of Joseph Hale-Rebecca Williams; ed HS in Ind; Amer Sch of Osteopathy & Surgery, Kirksville Mo, DO 1914; Coll of Phys & Surg, Kansas City Mo 1920-21; grad work in surgery, Chicago 1923; m Iva Mae Duncan Sept 2, 1918 Jamesport Mo; s Ralph, Taylor; 1914-16 prac osteopathy with Dr O E Johnson, Princeton, Mo; 1916-26 prac, Jamesport MO; 1928- prac, Broken Bow; 1937- ptr of O E Wilcox in drug store; past mbr town bd, Jamesport Mo; Country Club; AF&AM; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res 425 N 9th, Broken Bow.
HANSON, HERMAN FREDERICK: Abstractor; b Helsingborg, Sweden Sept 16, 1878; s of Peter Hanson-Nellie Peterson; ed Lincoln Co; Valparaiso Ind U, BSc 1896; m Sybil Guthrie Mar 7, 1914 Lincoln; 1879 came to Tecumseh; 1888-95 homesteaded, Lincoln Co; 1895-1909 lived in North Platte; 1909-20 bonded abstractor, Broken Bow; 1920-32 clk Custer Co dist court; 1932 abstractor, Broken Bow; AF&AM, past master; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off Tele Bldg; res 314 S 12th Ave, Broken Bow.
HARRIS, ROBERT EARL: Attorney; b Barneston, Neb Feb 22, 1895, s of Robert James Harris-Nancy I Eaton; ed Holmesville HS; Blue Springs HS 1913; Beatrice Bus Coll 1914-15; Amer Extn U, Los Angeles 1932; m Stella L Reiff Apr 11, 1917 Lincoln; s Robert Reiff; d Theda Arline; 1913 bkkpr in Holmesville State Bank; 1915-16 clk in Harris Genl Merc Store, Holmesville; 1916 clk City Natl Bank, Lincoln; 1916-19 asst cash Pleasanton State Bank; 1919-20 asstd father in store, Holmesville; 1920-30 part owner & cash Security State Bank, Arnold; 1930-39 liquidation agt Security State Bank-; 1931- owner & opr R E Harris Ins Agcy; 1933 adm to Neb bar; adm to prac in fed court; 1933 prac law, Arnold; treas village bd 17 years; past mbr sch bd; VP Custer Co Bar Assn; Neb State Bar Assn; C of C; past pres Rotary; AF&AM, 14o; IOOF; hobbies, home, gardening, fishing, hunting; res Arnold.
HART, BERTHA MAE: Owner Cleaning Shop; b Richmond, Va Aug 22, 1894; d of Charles Franklin Gill-Sarah J Clark; ed Dawson Co; Lexington HS; Cozad HS; m Charles Henry Hart Feb 25, 1903 Cozad (dec Sept 11, 1938); s Wayne Franklin; d Dorothy Mae (Mrs H J Tatman), Doris Marie; 1888 came with parents to Lexington; 1917-29 with husband owner & opr Hart Pantorium, Cozad; 1929-38 with husband owner & opr Hart Cleaners & Hatters at Arnold, 1938- mgr since husband's death; Women's Improvement Club; Rebekah; Chris Ch, SS tchr at Cozad; Dem; hobby, work; res Arnold.
HARTLEY, WILLIAM THOMAS: Retired; b Toronto, Canada Sept 15, 1858; s of William Hartley-Sarah Wilson; ed Livingston Co Ill; m Martha C Robinson (dec 1911); d Vina C (Mrs Henry Peters); m Leota Tobias Aug 31, 1913 Sargent; d Bernice (Mrs W Sherich, dec 1914); 1878 came with parents to Beatrice; 1879-83 farmed near Sterling: 1888-87 homesteaded in Sherman Co Kas; 1887-94 farmed near Sterling; 1894-96 farmed near Cook: 1896-1901 farmed in Nance Co; 1901-09 farmed near Sargent; 1909 leased farm, 1909-11 farmed, Smith Center Kas; 1911 retd to Sargent; 1911-13 farmed with son-in-law, Henry Peters, N of Sargent; 1913-15 resided in Sargent, did some farming; 1915- ret; past mbr MWA; Rep; hobby, tinkering; res Sargent.
HAYCOCK, MRS ETHEL LLOYD: Music Teacher; b Lincoln, Neb Sept 24, 1888; d of George L MacFarland-Georgianna Lloyd; ed Hastings HS; Uni Sch of Music, PL 1909; Alpha Chi Omega; m Willis F Haycock Sept 10, 1919 Sheridan Wyo; d Nancy Jean, Harriet Ella; 1909-10 with Lyceum Bur, Lincoln; 1910-13 music tchr, Lincoln; 1913-19 music tchr, Sheridan Wyo; 1919- music tchr, Callaway; OES; Sorosis; Amer Leg aux, pres Callaway & Custer Cos; Episc Ch; Dem; hobby, music; res Callaway.
HAYCOCK, WILLIS F: Electrical Supply Dealer; b Edmundston, N B, Canada Mar 28, 1889; ed Callaway HS 1906; Lincoln Acad 1907-08; U of N 1909; m Ethel L MacFarland Sept 10, 1919 Sheridan Wyo; d Nancy Jean, Harriet Ella; 1909-11 surveyor CB&Q RR, S D; 1911-14 foreman Warren Construction Co, Portland Ore; 1914-17 electrician & flour salesman, Callaway Milling & Electric Co; 1918- with Callaway Milling & Electric Co, 1938 changed to Callaway Electric Co, pres since 1929; 1919- opr Star Theater, Callaway; 1931- ptr of R E Brega in theater & electrical bus; 1929-39 in ins bus; past mbr village bd; 1933-35 Neb St representative; 1937 mbr let unicameral legislature; during World War 1917-18 in electrical sch USN, 1st class electrician; capt Co F 110th quartermaster regiment NNG, Broken Bow, 4 years; past co comm Amer Leg; C of C; past mbr Rotary; Golf Club; AF&AM, past master; past mbr Scot Rite & Shrine; Episc Ch; Dem; hobbies, home, sports; off & res Callaway.
HELTON, OMER: Rancher; b Vermilion Co, Ill Oct 28, 1871; s of James H Helton-Margaret Ann Larimore; ed Fairfield HS; Fairfield Bus Coll 1894; m Nellie C Bearnes June 10, 1902 Geneva; s Harold Bearnes; 1874 came to Clay Co; 1889-97 clk in father's store, Fairfield; 1897-1904 mgr Helton & Larimore Store after father's death; 1904-05 salesman Nave & McCord Merc, North Platte & Kearney; 1905-31 ptr in Helton & Roberts Gen Store at Callaway, 1931 sold to J H Eller & Co; 1931 rancher S of Callaway; Farmers Co-op Creamery Co: past mbr sch & town bds; past mbr C of C; Fedn of Neb Retailers; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Callaway.
HENDERSON, MERL FRANK: Mechanic & Garage Owner; b Comstock, Neb Feb 4, 1898; s of Franklin E Henderson-Martha Smith; ed Comstock; m Alma Vida Taylor Dec 24, 1918 Central City; 1911-15 helper in Hovie & Hovie Garage & Mach Shop, Comstock; 1915-22 welder & mechanic, Comstock; 1922-28 mechanic for C A Wood at City Garage, Comstock; 1928- owner & opr Hovie & Hovie Garage & Machine Shop, renamed Henderson Garage; 1937- also assoc with Movel Motor Co, Arcadia; 1933-36 opr Gaiety Theater, Comstock, installed first talking picture equipment; made reflectors & flood lights for Comstock
Who's Who
football field; Business Mens Club, mbr bldg com; past mbr IOOF; hobby, hunting; res Comstock.
HERSH, LOY ELDRED: Manager Lumber & Coal Co; b Broken Row, Neb Aug 26, 1903; s of Leonard R Hersh-Myrtle Oxford; ed Broken Bow HS 1921; KSTC 1921-22; 1922-26 yardman for Dierks Lbr & Coal Co at Comstock, 1926-27 bkkpr at Ravenna, 1927-83 mgr at Comstock, 1933-36 mgr Dierks- Peters Lbr Co at Syracuse Kas; 1986-38 traveling salesman for Florman Mfg Co, Pueblo Colo; 1938 mgr Dierks Lbr & Coal Co, Sargent; 1936- owner of ranch managed by brother, Oram V, near Dunning; past mbr town bd, Syracuse Kas; Sargent Service Club; Lions; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, music, singing; res Sargent.
HICKS, ROY WELLER: Pharmacist; b Newark, N Y Mar 15, 1877; s of Frank Little Hicks-Vina E Weller; ed Coleridge; Monticella Ia HS 1894; m Lula Maude Livermore July 20, 1904 Sargent; 1884 came with parents to Coleridge, herded cattle & held various jobs; 1895-96 druggist in Dr Hamilton's off, Coleridge; 1896-99 in various stores in Omaha & pharm in Dr C S Shepherd's off; 1899-1900 druggist, Sheridan Wyo; 1901-02 emp by Ben Bridgeford in drug store, Sargent; 1902- ptr of A Tobias in drug store, Sargent; dir in Farmers State Bank; mbr town bd; secy lib bd; Neb Pharm Assn; Sargent Service Club; Golf Club; AF&AM; Rep; hobbies, fishing, golf; father was a druggist in Coleridge; res Sargent.
HIGGINS, RALPH PHILLIP: Retired; b Blue Hill, Neb July 25, 1888; s of William W Higgins-Nancy Price; ed Blue Hill HS 1907; U of N, MD 1912; Phi Rho Sigma; m Ruby C Applegarth May 25, 1915 Ansley; s Ralph P Jr, Clinton J; d Phyllis (Mrs Mike Lumire), Adaline J, Patricia; 1911-12 interne Douglas Co Hosp, Omaha; 1912-13 interne Clarkson Memorial Hosp, Omaha; 1918-35 prac med in Ansley; 1935- ret; 1917-19 past mbr town bd; commanding ofcr ambulance Co 37, sanitary train 6th div, commd capt; Amer Leg; Custer Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; past mbr Rotary; AF&AM, master; res Ansley.
HIXON, GUY B: Publisher; b Lynnville, Ia Feb 25, 1892: s of Abner Hixon-Ella R Potts; ed Lynnville Ia HS: m Inez A McCleerey Aug 17, 1917 Des Moines Ia; s Guy B Jr: d Helen Inez, Patricia Lou; 1908-10, 1914-16 with C E Johnson, Fonda Ia Times; 1910-13 tchr near Brooklyn Ia; 1913-14 with Maytag Co, Newton Ia; 1918-19 in newspaper bus, Danburg Ia; 1919- owner & opr Ansley Herald; mbr town bd; past mbr sch bd; during World War in U S army 1916-17, disch 1917, re-enl 1917-18 in Co B 42nd div 168th inf, sgt; comm Amer Leg, service ofcr 12 years; NPA; past mbr Rotary; AF&AM; Friends Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; off & res Ansley.
HOLCOMB, EUGENE S: Banker; b Belle Plaine, Ill; s of James B Holcomb-Margaret E Sands; ed Broken Bow HS; Omaha Comml Coll; m Mabel W Willing Oct 28, 1908 Broken Bow; steno for Lester Kirpatrick atty, 1 year; 2 years with Farmers Bank, Broken Bow & with Broken Bow St Bank 2 years; cash & auditor for several banks under J D Bassett, Ritzville Wash 3 years; 1906-16 with Custer Co, Natl Bank, Broken Bow; 1917- owner, cash, VP Neb State Bank, Broken Bow; 1927- pres; Central Neb Hereford Breeders Assn; pres Neb Bankers Assn; Pub Service Club; Rotary; Country Club; AF&AM, York Rite; MWA; Episc Ch; hobby, registered cattle; off 941 South D; res 639 S 14th Ave, Broken Bow.
HOLT, MARTIN JOSEPH: County Supervisor; b Page Co, Ia Aug 8, 1883: s of Olaf Holt-Matilda Anderson; ed Custer Co; m Isabelle F Delosh Mar 24, 1904 Broken Bow; d Norma Verna (Mrs Harry E Wells); 1887 with parents came to Custer Co; 1901-02 worked on farm near Greeley Colo; 1903-04 farmed with brother, Charles O W, Lincoln Co; 1905-06 farmed near Arnold; 1906-18 farmed various farms, Custer Co; 1918-27 asst mgr Farmers Co-op Elevator Co, Arnold; 1927-29 held various jobs; 1929-31 mgr impl dept of Farmers Co-op Elevator Co; 1931-32 did odd jobs; 1932-34 emp by Community Lbr & Supply Co; 1934- Custer Co supvr; 1937 apptd administrator J E Paine est; past mbr. town bd 10 years, 6 years chmn; 6 years mayor; past mbr sch bd 7 years; IOOF; Rep; hobbies, baseball, hunting; re; Arnold.
HOUSEL, WILLIAM ALVIN: Dentist; b Stockham, Neb. July 15, 1875; s of Gardner Housel-Jennie Cook; ed Custer Co; Ansley HS 1896; Cotner Coll 1899-1902; Lincoln Dental Coll, 1905 DMD: m Florence L Ford Sept 4, 1899 Bethany; s Dr Robert W, Raymond E; d Lucille F, Alice (Mrs R J Bohner), Dorothy M (Mrs D M Witter); 1905-19 prac dentistry, Ansley; 1920- prac dentistry, at Broken Bow, son Robert W ptr since 1933; past mbr town bd, Ansley; past mbr Neb St & ADA; Chris Ch; Dem; hobbies hunting, baseball; off Lyric Bldg; res 708 S 9th, Broken Bow.
HUBERT, ORVILLE LEROY: Drug Store Owner; b Upland, Neb Feb 15 1918; s of Julius Fredrick Hubert-Rosa Volk; ed Upland HS 1935, mbr glee club; dramatic club; debate team Neb champion 1935; 1935 att Natl Forensic Tournament, Kent O; U of N 1935-37, debate team; Beta Sigma Psi; Corn Cobs; m Wilma A Anderson Aug 7, 1938 Maxwell; 1933 recd World Herald & Amer Leg Young Citizens Award; June-Oct 1937 foreman in Mason City for Abel Construction Co of Lincoln; Oct 1937-May 1939 salesman for Publishers Guild, Kansas City MO; May 1939- owner Steinmeier Pharmacy in Mason City, renamed Hubert's Drug Store; 1939 mgr Mason City baseball team; Comm Service Club; Luth Ch; hobbies, books, fishing, hunting, baseball; res Mason City.
JACOBSON, JOHN MATHIAS: Implement Dealer; b Hazard, Neb May 16, 1909; s of Peter Jacobson-Kate Wind; ed Hazard HS 1925; KSTC 1926-27; Caledonian; m Una W Wilson Feb 18, 1938 Central City; 1927-29 asst mgr J V Daul Lbr & Impl Co, Overton; 1929-30 city salesman & collector, Oliver Lbr Co of Hastings; 1930-31 mgr Clay Center Lbr Co; 1931-32 asst mgr Byers Lbr Co, Minden; 1932-35 with father farmed & raised Hereford cattle near Mason it (sic); 1935-36 mgr Farmers Union, Mason City; 1937 with Oscar Wilson pur Farmers Union Impl bus in Mason City, 1937-38 opr as Jacobson & Wilson Impl Co; Feb 1939- owner & opr John M Jacobson, impls; 1937- agt for Internatl Harvester Co; Comm Service Club; past mbr IOOF & KP; Meth Ch; chmn YD Club; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Mason City.
JENSEN, GEORGE SEIVER: Manager Lumber Co; b Sargent, Neb Feb 2, 1906; s of Jens Chris Jensen-Ozzella Seivers; ed Sargent HS 1923; Grand Island Bus Coll 1924-25; m Angeline Bingham June 21, 1925 Grand Island: a James George, Donald Chris, William Dale; d Frances Jacqueline; 1923-26 clk in S N Wolbach Dept Store, Grand Island; 1926-29, 1931-35 with Koupal & Barstow Lbr Co at Sargent; 1929-31 mgr at Ericson; 1935- after father's death, mgr Koupal & Barstow Lbr Co. Sargent; secy sch bd; mbr vol fire dept; Neb Retail Lbr Dlrs Assn; Sargent Service Club; past mbr Golf Club; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res Sargent.
JOHNSON, ALBERT P: Attorney; b Racine, Wis Oct 22, 1873; s of Burt Johnson-Caroline Swinson; ed Gibbon Collegiate Inst, Gibbon 1890; U of Ore, LLB 1903; LBC; m Lola M Hogg (dec May 16, 1930); s A Paul; d Esther (Mrs M C Vannice), Thelma (Mrs R Schultz), Margaret Louise, Carol Frances (Mrs Fred Cash); m Rilla V Oliver Mar 22, 1934 Kearney; 1903 adm to Neb bar; 1903-04 prac law with L E Kirkpatrick, Broken Bow; 1904-06 Custer Co atty; 1906-13 atty in firm of Johnson & Taylor; 1913-26 ptr in firm, Sullivan, Squires & Johnson; 1926-28 with firm of Squires & Johnson; 1928 mbr Squires, Johnson & Johnson; past city atty; mbr town coun; past secy sch bd; past pres lib bd; Custer Co, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; past mbr Pub Service Club; AOUW, MWA; U B Ch; Dem; hobbies, baseball, prize fights, collecting stamps; off Broken Bow State Bank Bldg; res 1032 South E, Broken Bow.
JOHNSON, CLIFFORD CARL: Funeral Director; b Callaway, Neb June 15, 1894; s of Warren R Johnson-Florence C Sterner; ed Kearney HS 1914; U of N 1915; m Buena Vista Sinclair; d Barbara N; 1916-17 opr clothing store, Callaway; 1920-22 emp by Schneriger Funeral Home; 1922- ptr in Schneriger-Johnson Funeral Home; dur World War in 3rd div 4th inf; Amer Leg; Neb Funeral Dlrs Assn; past mbr Pub Service Club; past pres Rotary; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep, treas & past Secy Custer Co Central com; hobby, planting trees; off 542 S 9th Ave; res 838 South J, Broken Bow.
JONES, JAMES BUCHANAN: Real Estate, Loan & Collection Agent; b Mexico, Mo July 23, 1861; s of Martin T Jones-Martha Wade; ed Roseville & Kirkwood Ill; m Sarah Alice Maus Sept 28, 1882 Aledo Ill; s Roy Cleveland, Dewey James; d Mayme (Mrs R E Bush), Flossie (Mrs Jacob Kulhanek), Gay (Mrs James Petrik), Gladys (Mrs ___ Kulhanek), Vida (Mrs C L Chrisman), Dottie (dec); 1876-85 worked in Kirkwood Ill & Aledo Ill; 1885 came to Custer CO. farmed near Ansley until 1890; 1890-91 Custer Co sheriff; 1891-93 pres Custer Co Horse & Commission Co;
in Nebraska
1893-95 farmed near Ansley; 1895-97 dep warden Neb St Penitentiary in Lincoln; 1897-98 state grain inspector; 1898-1900 Douglas Co jailor; 1900-01 collector for whol house in Omaha; 1901-17 farmed in Custer co; 1894-34 auctioneer; 1917- opr real est, loan, collection agcy, Broken Bow; 1923-39 J P; mbr twp bd; IOOF; past mbr MWA; past mbr FOE; Bapt Ch; Rep; hobbies, gardening, fishing; res Ansley.
JONES, OREL: Pharmacist; b Malvern, Ia Feb 6, 1877; s of Norvel Jones-Ella Nelson; ed Madison HS 1893; Highland Park Coll, PhG 1900; m Eva Pearl Hope Jan 6, 1904 Little Sioux, Ia; 1887 came with parents to Madison; 1900 with W D Smith Drug Store, Melvern Ia; 1901-02 ptr of brother Dr Newell Jones, Madison; 1902-04 with George H Brown Drug Store, Sheridan Wyo; 1904-06 mgr Hayden Bros drug dept, Omaha; 1906-10 owner Jones Pharm, Loveland Ia; 1910- owner Jones Drug Co, Oconto; instrumental in changing P O from 4th to 3rd class; past mbr sch bd; past Village clk; during World War 4-min man & active in ARC & War Savings Stamps sales; past pres Neb Pharm Assn, treas 12 years, 1917 del to natl conv Indianapolis, Ind; mbr Neb St bd of pharm 5 years, 1917 del to natl conv of NARD, mbr since 1910; bds of pharm; 1927 del to conv, Kansas City, Mo; Oconto Businessmens Assn; secy MWA since 1910; Evang Ch, del to gen conf, Akron O 1934; Rep, pct committeeman; hobby, reading; Mrs Jones ed Highland Park Coll, Des Moines, PhG; res Oconto.
JONES, TUCKER LON: Merchant; b Saline Co, Mo June 6, 1881: s of Emanuel Jones-Catherine Branner; ed Birmingham Ia; m Della A Phillips Aug 30, 1908 Callaway; d Katherine (Mrs L E Claudson); 1898-1900, 1902-04 clk in groc store, Birmingham Ia; 1900-02 prospector, Eureka Colo; 1904-05 barber, Van Buren Co Ia; 1905-06 hdw dlr, Stockport Ia; 1906 barber 2 mos, Saratoga Springs Wyo; 1906-07 mgr groc dept Mathews & Mathews Gen Store, Callaway; 1907-08 with Helton & Roberts Gen Store, Callaway; 1908-09 mgr Table Gen Store for Helton & Roberts, Table; 1910-11 mgr Corner Store for Helton & Roberts; 1911-12 again lived in Callaway; 1912-25 owner & opr T L Jones & Co; 1925- owner & opr Helton & Roberts, renamed T L Jones Store, past dir Security State Bank; past mbr sch bd 9 years, pres 4 years; mbr town bd 2 years; C of C; past mbr Rotary; Arnold Gun Club: AF&AM; past mbr Shrine; past mbr Neb Retail Grocers & Meat Dlrs Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Arnold.
JORGENSEN, CHRIS: Hotel Owner; b Denmark, Apr 24, 1889; s of Andrew Jorgensen-Marie Jensen; ed Denmark; m Anna K Petersen Oct 17, 1910 Estherville Ia; s Clark J; d Bessie (Mrs C R Rivers), Doris (Mrs T R Edmisten); worked on farms in Denmark until 1907; 1907 came to Ringsted Ia, emp in various vocations until 1910; 1910-15 owner & opr Ringsted Hotel & Cafe; 1915-20 salesman for Davidson Bros Fruit & Candy Co, Des Moines Ia; 1920-26 salesman for McLaughlin Coffee Co, Chicago; 1926-28 leased & oprd Grand Central Hotel, Broken Bow; 1928- owner & opr Hotel Arrow; 1939 estab McCook Hotel in McCook; past pres Neb Hotel Assn; Northwestern & Amer Hotel Assn; Pub Service Club; Country Club; AF&AM, Ia; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off & res Arrow Hotel, Broken Bow.
KEAYS, PARKE F: Business Manager of Newspaper; b Buffalo, Wyo Jan 11, 1905; s of W P Keays-Estella Ferguson; ed U of N, 1923-25; Phi Gamma Delta; m Alice Purcell May 19, 1925 Glenwood Ia; s Keating; d Shirley Grace; 1926-27 asst cash Ill Pipe Line Co, Casper Wyo; 1927-31 advertising mgr Custer Co Chief; 1931-34 field mgr NPA; mbr sch bd; 1938-39 pres Rotary; Pub Service Club; Country Club; AF&AM; Episc Ch; Rep; hobby, photography; off Custer Co Chief; res 345 N 5th Ave, Broken Bow.
KELLY, FRANK: Attorney; b Ashkum, Ill Sept 28, 1881; s of Robert J Kelly-Elizabeth Carey; ed Merna HS 1897; LBC 1899-1900; 1901-04 studied law in firm of Carey & Saum, Watseka Ill; Creighton U, LLB 1906; m Ella Snyder Apr 27, 1908 Chatsworth, Ill; s James R, John P; d Mary Frances, Helen L, Kathleen Y; 1885 came with parents to Custer Co; 1897-99 clk in gen merc store, Merna; 1906-14 prac law in Merna; 1915-17 Custer Co atty; 1917 ptr of C L Gutterson until his death, Broken Bow; 1917-28 ptr of A P Schnell; 1928- prac indep; Custer Co Bar Assn, past pres 7 years; Neb St Bar Assn; past chmn Pub Service Club; Rotary; MWA; WOW; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off Kelly Block; res 812 South E, Broken Bow.
KENNEDY, HORACE FRANKLIN: Theater Owner; b Brownville, Neb Sept 2, 1873: s of Charles H Kennedy-Catherine A Randall; ed Brownville; Custer Co; Omaha Bus Coll 1899; m Nannie R Talbot Dec 25, 1900 Broken Bow; s C Howard; d Ruth V (Mrs H H Haeberle); 1886 came to Custer Co; 1899-1900 ptr of father in Comml Hotel, Broken Bow; 1900-04 farmed near Broken Bow; 1902-08 clk in groc & also with Standard Oil Co; 1908-12 Custer Co sheriff; 1911- owner & opr Lyric Theater, 1929 son became ptr; 1936- with son owner & opr Bow Theater; 1935- farmer & livestock raiser; 1929-31 state sen; lt in Sp-Amer War, served in Philippine Islands 1898-99; pres Broken Bow Comml Hotel Inc; Neb-Ia Theater Owners Assn; past mbr grievance com theater owners code; Rotary; AF&AM, RAM; KT; Shrine; Bapt Ch; Rep: hobby, raising Shorthorn cattle; res 606 S 6th Ave, Broken Row.
KNAPP, JOHN DAVIS: Implement Dealer; b Rockford, Ill Mar 18, 1963: s of John D Knapp-Mary F Brown; ed Aurora; m Jessie F Stephenson in Wis; s John D (dec), Marius (dec), Argyle, Bert, Harold; d Cleo (Mrs Frank H Dobesh), Coralie (Mrs E L Cross); 1872 came with mother to Orville City1, att sch & worked on various farms until 1882; 1882-87 emp in flour mill in Algernon, Custer Co; 1887- 98 steam fitter in Henry Co Ill & in Chicago; 1893-94 farmed in Custer Co; 1894-95 with Mulford Steam Heating Co, Chicago; 1895-1905 farmed, Custer Co; 1905- engaged in impl bus in Ansley; past mayor; AF&AM, Tangier Shrine; Royal Highlanders; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Ansley.
1Orville City, one of first settlements in Hamilton Co, has now disappeared.KRIKAC, EDWARD S: Editor; b Comstock, Neb June 27, 1902; s of Vencel Krikac Sh (sic)-Josephine Klima; ed Comstock HS 1922; KSTC 1923-24; m Leone Pierce May 18, 1928 Taylor; s Dennis Clair; 1917-22 learned printing with E E Wimmer in off of Comstock News; 1922-26 emp by Wayne Herald, Creighton News & various other newspapers; 1926- owner, editor Comstock News; chmn town bd; past mbr sch bd, chmn 1 year; Comstock Business Men's Club; past mbr Creighton Golf Club; hobby, fishing; res Comstock.
KRIKAC, VENCEL JR: Bank Cashier; b Comstock, Neb Aug 22, 1892; s of Vencel Krikac Sr-Josephine Klima; ed Custer Co; St Paul Bus Coll 1908-09; m Helen D Panowicz June 22, 1926 Omaha; d Marilyn Kathleen; 1909 bkkpr in Citizens State Bank, Comstock, 2 mos; 1909-18 org & asst cash Farmers & Mchts Bank of Comstock, 1918- cash; past mbr sch bd; past twp clk 10 years; mbr town bd; during World War ent U S army Aug 1918, disch Dec 1918 Camp Funston Kas; org Amer Leg, past comm, 20 years secy-treas, past co comm 2 years & org; Comm Club; past mbr IOOF; past mbr AF&AM; past mbr KP; ZCBJ; MWA, camp clk; secy ARC; Meth Ch, SS supt; Dem; hobby, reading; res Comstock.
KRIKAC, VENCEL SR: Bank President; b Bohemia Dec 30, 1866; s of Bartholomew Krikac-Marie Fiala; ed Bohemia; m Josephine Klima Nov 1891 (dec 1933); s Vencel Jr, Edward S; d Emma (Mrs Thomas Gubton, dec), Rosie C (Mrs Cecil D Wordrop); 1888 came with parents to Valley Co; 1889-1911 homesteaded in Custer Co; 1909- an org & pres Farmers & Mchts Bank, Comstock; 1911- in banking & ins bus, Comstock; still owns homestead & half interest in equipment; past mbr sch bd; Comstock Business Men's Club; helped re-org ZCBJ; MWA; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, reading; res Comstock.
KUNS, RAY STRATTON: Secretary & Treasurer Farm Loan Association; b MacDougal, N Y Oct 20, 1884; s of Joseph Kuns-Henrietta Sackett; ed Beemer; Neb Wes 1900-05; m Cloe A Ashby June 7, 1911 Lincoln: s Robert A; d Jean E; 1905-07 steno Broken Bow State Bank, 1907-08 bkkpr, 1908-11 teller, 1911-19 asst cash, 1919-29 cash, 1929-34 VP; 1934- secy & treas Custer Co Natl Farm Loan Assn; 1909- city treas & sch bd treas; 1937- dir Custer Co Fedn of Loan Assns, secy since 1938; 1927- weatherman; ch mbr Pub Service Club; AF&AM, secy; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, music; off 410 S 10th; res 705 S l2th, Broken Bow.
LAMB, HARRY M: Hardware Dealer; b Shickley, Neb Sept 4, 1891; s of James W Lamb-Ora Bradley; ed Nelson HS 1909; m Gladys E Benger June 22, 1911 Callaway; s Kenneth B; 1909-23 asst cash, later cash First Natl Bank, Callaway; 1923-24 ret; 1924- ptr of C H Stephenson in Lamb & Stephenson Hdw Store, 1929- engaged in farming & raising Hereford cattle; past mbr sch bd; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; C of C; Rotary,
Who's Who
ch mbr & an org; Golf Club; Kearney Country Club; AF&AM; BPOE; past mbr KP; Episc Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Callaway.
LANDIS, HENRY BRUCE: Physician & Surgeon; b Des Moines Co, Ia Apr 18, 1874; s of Peter Eversol Landis-Elizabeth Fetrow; ed St Joseph MO; Central Med Coll St Joseph Mo, MD 1936; Chicago Poly clinic 1899-1901; m Lennis May Tanner (dec 1926); m Katie Moore June 14, 1928 Lincoln; d Helen Elizabeth; 1896-97 interne State Hosp, St Joseph Me; 1897-1905 prac med in Fairport, Mo; 1905-11 prac Kings City, MO; 1911- prac in Broken Bow; during World War 1918-19 phys at base hosp, Camp Dodge, Ia; Amer Leg; VP Pub Service Club; Country Club; AF&AM; RAM: KT; Sesostris Shrine; Rep, chmn Custer Co Central Com; Presby Ch; hobby, cabinet making; off 946 South D; res 405 N 11th Ave, Broken Bow,
LANG, JAMES RILEY SR: Retired; b Harrison, Ind Feb 27, 1852; s of Isaac Lang-Amy Laymon; ed Harrison Co Ind; m Rovilla J Foster Jan 12, 1873 Harrison Co Ind (dec 1937); s George W. Cortz E, Dennis A, Robert M, Harvey I, James R Jr, John F; d Eunice (dec), Blanche (Mrs C E Mills, dec 1938); 1865-68 supported family in Harrison Co Ind after father's death in Civil War; 1868-73 worked in Harrison & Crawford Cos Ind; 1873-79 indep farmer Harrison Co Ind; 1874-79 homesteaded near Mason City, raised livestock; 1877-86 oprd gen merc store near Muddy Mill; 1887-88 mcht in Litchfield; 1888-1911 farmed in Custer Co; 1911-12 mgr lbr yard for J R Lang Lbr Co, Litchfield; 1912- ret; 1920- has made home with son James on home farm since death of daughter-in- law; past J P; past mbr sch bd dists 33 & 45; past mbr MWA; past mbr IOOF; AF&AM, 32o, mbr 50 years; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, reading; res Litchfield.
LEE, MILES N: Attorney; b Arcadia, Neb July 9, 1901; s of Dr Daniel R Lee-Jennie Francis Allen; ed Arcadia HS 1919; U of N, LLB 1926; Phi Sigma Kappa; m Opal M Ayers July 28, 1935 Sabetha, Kas; d Carolyn Jane, Marilyn Jean; 1926-31 prac law in Arcadia; 1931-32 prac in Ansley; 1932- prac, Broken Bow; 1934- ptr of Ivan D Evans; secy-treas Custer Co Bar Assn; Neb Bar Assn; Pub Service Club; VP Rotary; Country Club; Congl Ch; Dem; hobbles, fishing, hunting: off Arrow Hotel Bldg; res 1138 South F, Broken Bow.
LEONARD, BRYAN: Chiropractor; b Ireland, Sept 30, 1882; s of Hubert Leonard-Julia Freeman; ed Custer Co; Universal Chiropractic Coll Davenport Ia, DC 1915; Neb Chiropractic Coll, PhC 1918; m Dr Elizabeth Jane Schmitz Jan 18, 1906 Custer Co; s Gayle Henry; d Thelma Hazel (dec); 1886 came to Neb; 1906-10 farmed in Custer Co; 1912-13 prac chiropractic in Milton Ia; 1913-16, 1916-18, 1919-20 prac in Callaway; 1920- prac, Broken Bow; past mbr city coun; past mbr Pub Service Club; AF&AM; IOOF; Bapt Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; res 1317 South F, Broken Bow.
LEONARD, JAMES GEORGE: Abstractor; b Ireland Mar 29, 1876; s of Hubert Leonard-Julia Freeman; ed Ireland; Broken Bow HS; m Helen L Read Dec 27, 1904 Council Bluffs Ia; 1886 came with parents to Philadelphia, later in year settled near Anselmo; 1898-99 farmed in Custer Co; 1899-1901 Custer Co dep register of deeds, Broken Bow; 1901-02 delinquent tax collector in Custer Co atty's off; 1902 opr abstract off in Broken Bow; past city treas; pres vol fire dept 5 years; Neb & Amer Title Assns; past pres Pub Service Club; past pres Rotary; Country Club; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off 410 8 10th Ave; res 642 S 9th Ave, Broken Bow.
LEONARD, PATRICK FRANCIS: Postmaster; b Roscommon Co, Ireland July 22, 1879; s of Hubert Leonard-Julia Freeman; ed Anselmo; Broken Bow Bus Coll 1902; m Elsie N Ross July 16, 1916 Anselmo; s Patrick R; 1886 came with parents to Custer Co, settled near Anselmo; 1902-07 rancher near Anselmo; 1907-08 ptr of B C Empfield in hdw co, Anselmo; 1908-16 RFD carrier on first mail route out of Anselmo; 1916-21 P M; 1921-26 asst cash of Anselmo State Bank, 1926-31 VP; 1933-34 owner & opr Leonard Oil Co; 1934-35 loan inspector for U S govt; 1935- P M; Comm Club; Neb ch, Natl Assn of P Ms; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, hunting; res Anselmo.
LEUI, HARVEY CLARK: Grocer; b Butler Co, Neb June 6, 1900; s of Joseph Leui-Eva Allen; ed Comstock; m Leona Derickson Jan 7, 1937 Concordia Kas; 1909 came with parents to Custer Co; 1915-20 farmed in Custer Co: 1921-28 oprd meat market, Comstock; 1928-29 resided at Seattle Wash; 1929- owner & opr groc & meat market in Broken Bow; Pub Service Club; hobby, fishing; res Broken Bow.
LEWIS, JOHN FREDRICK: Postmaster; b Smith Co, Kas June 27, 1886; s of William Henry Lewis-Elizabeth Brechbuhl; ed Smith Co Kas; Anselmo; U of N, Tchrs Coll HS, 1905-06; m Lilly Velma Bass June 30, 1907 Anselmo; s Glen Leroy, Paul Fredrick, Clark Henry; d Norma Rose (Mrs J L Tryon), Olive Mildred (Mrs O J Strubbe); 1901 came with parents from Kas to Custer Co, located near Anselmo & farmed until 1905; 1906-14 worked for brother-in-law, C E Bass in gen merc store, Anselmo; 1914-17 ptr of C E Bass in C E Bass & Co, Ogallala; 1917-18 mgr Farmers Merc Co, Big Springs; 1918-19 clk in Walter W Bass & Co, Anselmo; 1920-21 mgr Farmers Elevator Co, Anselmo; 1921-25 livestock dlr, Custer Co; 1925-28 mgr Farmers Merc Co, Arnold; 1928-34 clk for L P Rose Hdw Co, Inc, Arnold; 1934- P M, Arnold; past mbr sch bd, Ogallala; C of C; AF&AM; Custer Co Assn of P Ms; Neb League of Dist P Ms; Neb ch Natl Assn of P Ms; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Arnold.
LIVERMORE, GUY ERNEST: Editor; b Ringgold Co, Ia Oct 17, 1875; s of Millard Fillmore Livermore-Sophia Estella Hatch; ed Sargent; Broken Dow HS 1900; U of N; m Mary Elizabeth Miller Sept 1, 1908 Broken Bow; s Leland C, Roscoe L, Millard (dec 1916), Ronald (dec 1913), Merwin M (dec 1936); d Clarice W (Mrs Norman T Fuhlrodt), Wanda F, Lucille M; 1883 came with parents to Sargent; 1894-97 tchr, Custer Co; 1900-02 tchr, Custer Co; 1902-03 tchr Taylor; 1903-04 farmed near Sargent; 1904-06 tchr, Custer Co; 1906-08 tchr, Sargent; 1908-16 supt Comstock schs; 1916 pur Sargent News & Sargent Leader, consolidated as Sargent Leader, 1916 owner, editor & publisher; son Leland C ptr since 1927 & now foreman; 1932- son, Roscoe L printer & opr; VP, past chmn bd of edn, Sargent; secy Custer Co Press Assn; Sargent Service Club; Lions; IOOF; WPA; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, gardening; res Sargent.
LOGAN, EUGENE RAY: Bank Cashier; b Dunbar, Neb Aug 23, 1886; s of John R Logan-Florence C Crooks; ed Benkelman; Grand Island Bus Coll, 1908; m Pearl G Ratcliff June 12, 1912 Stratton; s Donald E, John A, Robert, Vance; d Helen Louise; 1908-09 bkkpr in various cities in Neb & Ida; 1909-12 Dundy Co dep treas; 1912-18 Dundy Co treas; 1918-26 cash Max State Bank; 1926-28 cash First State Bank, Oberlin Kas; 1928- cash Seven Valleys Bank, Callaway; mbr town bd 10 years; C of C; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, travel, sports; fee Callaway.
LOMAX, HARVARD: Retired; b Stockport, England Sepe (sic) 15, 1859; s of James Lomax-Mary Hobson, ed Wesley Coll, Sheffield England 1874-78; m Laura S White Feb 15, 1885 Plum Creek; s James Conrad, Clifford Stuart, Harvard Leslie; d Mary Edith, Marian, Frances Harriet; 1880 came to U S, homesteaded S of Broken Bow: 1882-90 farmed on homestead in Wood River valley; 1890-92 representative in state legislature; 1892-95 Custer Co supvr; 1895-99 Custer Co treas; 1900-01 lived in Colo; 1901-19 cash Custer Co Natl Bank; 1919- opr farm near Broken Bow; 12 years mbr sch bd; AF&AM; Meth Ch: Dem; hobby, reading history; res Broken Bow.
LUCAS, CHARLES SINCLAIR: Pharmacist; b Shelton, Neb Sept 8, 1904; s of Charles Lucas-Lida E Campbell; ed Shelton HS 1922; U of N, PhG 1925; m Suzanne Barr June 10, 1930 Lawrence Kas; foster d Judy Dianne, 1925 emp by Sumner Drug Store Lincoln; 1926 emp by W A Scribner Drug Store, Pasadena, Cal; 1926-27 emp in Kaddy Drug Store, Ashland; 1927-28 with Rivoli Drug Store, Los Angeles; 1928- owner & opr Lucas Drug Co, Arnold; past mbr town bd; Neb Pharm Assn; C of C; Rotary, Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, photography; res Arnold.
LUCE, CHARLES RODNEY: Abstractor; b Zuma, Ill July 16, 1873; ed Broken Bow; m Maude Potts Feb 2, 1910 Broken Bow; foster d Leona A; 1894-1900 in father's feed Mill in Broken Bow, also farmed; 1900-11 farmed near Broken Bow; 1911-21 ptr of H F Hanson in abstract bus, Broken Bow; 1921- 30 indep abstractor; 1930-34 P M; 1934- abstractor; VP & chmn bd of dir Broken Bow State Bank; Pub Service Club; Country Club; secy Rotary; AF&AM; RAM; KT; past patron OES; Job's Daughters; past mbr IOOF; Rep; hobby, travel; res 612 S 9th Ave, Broken Bow,
McCALLISTER, CURTISS SHERMAN: Dentist; b Ellettsville, Ind Sept 11, 1895; s of William Sherman McCallister-Mary J Brown; ed Ansley HS 1914; Lincoln Dental Coll, DDS
in Nebraska
1917; m Gladys R Hawk Dec 15, 1917 Ansley; 1909 with parents came to Ansley; 1917- prac dentistry in Ansley; past mbr sch bd; 1st lt in rental (sic) res; ROA; past pres Custer Co Dental Soc; past VP Northwest Neb Dist Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; Rotary, past pres; AF&AM, past master; OES, past patron; hobbies, fishing, hunting, woodwork, collecting stamps; off Security State Bank Bldg; res Ansley.
McDANIEL, VIRGIL SPRAGUE: Physician & Surgeon; b Murray, Neb Nov 7, 1897; s of William Harding McDaniel-Mary Cynthia Root; ed Murray; Nebraska City HS 1916; U of N, BSc 1923, MD 1925: U of Omaha: grad work Washington U, St Louis 1934; Phi Beta Pi; m Ellen Marie Hagstrand Nov 15, 1927 Seattle Wash; s William Floyd, John Albin; d DorceLee Ellen, Virginia Mary; 1925-26 interne, Swedish Hosp, Seattle; 1926-31 acting asst surg, U S Pub Health Service, Seattle; 1931-34 med ofcr in drug control unit, USDA, Food & Drug Arministration (sic), Washington D C; 1934-37 phys & surg, Lincoln; staff mbr Lincoln Gen & St Elizabeth Hosps; 1937- prac med, Sargent; Custer Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Lions; Sargent Service Club; Golf Club; AF&AM, Nebraska City; Meth Ch; hobby, hunting; res Sargent.
MACKEY, CLARENCE: Retired; b Minerva, O Aug 11, 1860; s of Thomas Mackey-Caroline W Taylor; ed Stark Co O; m Ella L Campbell (dec); s William, Thomas, Richard, Clarence Jr: d Ella M; m Elsie L Saville, Ansley; s John S; d Louise: 1870-74 worked in Minerva O; 1874-78 emp in drug store Pemberville O; 1878-83 with whol drug store, Pittsburgh Penn; 1883-90 mgr W L Scott Co drug store; 1890 came to Neb; 1891-94 with Exchange Bank of Westerville; 1894-1904 farmed near Westerville; 1904-26 cash Ansley State Bank; 1926- ret; past representative in Neb legislature 4 years; past Custer Co treas 5 years; AF&AM; past mbr IOOF; hobby, gardening; res Ansley.
MACKIE, ARTHUR FRANKLIN: Manager Marketing Assn; b Iola, Kas Dec 17, 1883; s of John Cheater Mackie-Philecta Hutchinson; ed Nuckolls Co; Hardy HS 1902; Grand Island Bus Coll, 1905; m Clare B Molley May 24, 1908 Guide Rock; s Howard R, Gale F: d Oletha (Mrs W A Herman), Thelma (Mrs H Carland); 1885 came with parents to Peru; 1905-07 bkkpr & clk in M L Pierce Clothing Store, Superior; 1907-10 freight auditor AT&SF & C&NW RR, Superior; 1910-13 farmed Webster Co; 1913-16 dairyman near Broken Bow; 1916-18 bkkpr for Co-op Assn, Broken Bow; 1918-19 ptr in Leisure & Mackie Groc & Meat Market: 1919-21 owner & opr Mackie's Groc; 1921-22 ptr in Mackie & Gordon Groc & Meat Market; 1922-28 owner & opr Mackie Groc; 1933-34 auto dlr; 1934- mgr Co-op Marketing Assn; past sch bd mbr 9 years; past mbr city coun 5 years; Meth Ch, past mbr ofcl bd; Rep; hobby, fishing; off 147 N 5th Ave; res 502 E Broadway, Broken Bow.
McLEAN, LAWRENCE ALLAN: Well Driller; b Crounse, Neb Apr 13, 1882; s of Allan McLean-Adella Dye; ed Broken Bow; m Bertha Mae Furow July 3, 1905 Broken Bow; s Allan (dec 1925); d Lola Mae (Mrs C Burdick); 1903-05 in well bus, Merna; 1905-06 with O H Conrad in well & pump bus, Broken Bow; 1906-08 with P C Erickson in bus at Dunning; 1908-10 ptr of O H Conrad in firm of Conrad & McLean, Broken Bow; 1910- indep opr of well & pump bus; 1935- rancher; 1930-38 Custer Co, supvr; mbr vol fire dept; past pres Neb Well Drillers Assn; Custer Co Agrl Soc; pres Pub Service Club; Rotary; past mbr MWA: Baseball Club; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res 317 N 12th Ave, Broken Bow.
MAJERS, CHARLES E: Editor & Publisher; b Page Co, Ia Mar 14, 1889; s of Abner W Majers-Rosanna Spencer; ed Bedford Ia; m Elizabeth Jennie Ferrell Oct 4, 1909 Harveyville Kas; d Helen Lucille (Mrs Wayne Oldfather); 1903-06 worked in printing off, Bedford Ia: 1906-11 with Trapp Print Shop, Topeka Kas; 1911-18 owner & publisher Morehead Ia Times: 1918-20 owner & publisher Scribner Rustler; 1920-22 foreman Western Newspaper Union, Omaha; 1922-29 editor Wood River Sunbeam; 1929- owner, editor & publisher Loup Valley Queen, Callaway; mbr town bd; NPA, C of C; past mbr Rotary; Golf Club; IOOF; Dem; off Loup Valley Queen; res Callaway.
MANNING, FRANK LAWRENCE: Manager Lumber & Coal Co; b Clinton Co, Ia Mar 8, 1868; s of Felix Manning-Josephine Timpe; ed Clinton Co Ia; U of S D 1887-88; m Florence M Ferguson Oct 24, 1891 Deadwood S D; s Lawrence A, Herbert F, Arthur F, Paul F, Francis M; d Alta (dec 1900), Coletta (Mrs E Rich), Gertrude (Mrs V Delahoyde); 1889-89 clk in merc store, Wakefield; 1889-90 yard man for Peter Dierks Lbr Co, Merna; 1890 mgr Dierks Brothers Lbr Co, Dunning; 1890 estab Dierks Bros Lbr Co, Callaway; 1890-97 mgr Dierks Bros Lbr Co, Merna; 1897-99 mgr Dierks Bros lbr yds in Fremont, 1899-1900 mgr yds in Curtis, 1900- mgr, Merna; 1937-40 mayor; Neb Retail Lbr Dlrs Assn; AF&AM; IOOF; MWA; Cath Ch; Rep; res Merna.
MARY, CHARLEY: Merchant; b Mullen, Neb Oct 12, 1887; s of George Mary-Caroline Helmuth; ed Lodi; KSTC 1906-07; m Lulu C Kellogg Nov 24, 1908 Oconto; d Agnes (Mrs R Bain), Claudia E, Maxine C; 1896 came with parents to Oconto; 1908-19 clk in father's store, Oconto; 1919- mgr Charley Mary Dept Store, chief vol fire dept since orgn; past mayor; mbr town bd; Oconto Business Mens Assn; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; Cath Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off & res Oconto.
MEADE, GEORGE FRANKLIN: Auto Parts Dealer; b Sedalia, Mo Aug 30, 1900; s of Thomas Luther Meade-Josephine Hollingsworth; ed Union HS 1916; mi Viola May Breck July 11, 1925 Plattsmouth; s George Franklin Jr; 1918-22 farmed near Union; 1922-26 emp on RR: 1925-26 lived in Fla; 1926-30 in bus, Steamboat Springs Colo; 1930- owner & opr automotive parts bus, Broken Bow; during World War, 1916 enl in 126th machine gun batt, 34th div, 1917 tsfrd to 128th machine gun 35th div, O/S 1 year in battles of Argonne, Verdun, St Mihiel, disch May 1918 Camp Dodge Ia; Amer Leg; VFW; Pub Service Club; Rotary; AF&AM; Presby Ch; Rep; res Broken Bow.
MESTON, ORVIS MILTON: Auto Dealer; b Ansley, Neb July 12, 1911; s of Jim Meston-Coila Donelson; ed Broken Bow HS 1929; m Olive E Stanford Apr 1931 Broken Bow; s Ralph M; d Barbara E; 1924-28 clk in groc store, Strickler & Son; 1929-39 with Butler Motor Co in Broken Bow; 1939 with Mark Young as ptr, pur Butler Motor Co renamed Meston & Young Motor Co, 1989- opr; DeMolay; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, auto racing, athletics; res 707 South F, Broken Bow.
MILLER, CALVIN DANIEL: Bulk Oil Dealer; b, Venango, Neb Mar 22, 1896; s of John W Miller-Sarah C Dovenbarger; ed Julesburg Colo; North Platte HS 1915; KSTC 1917; m Madge M Bishop Sept 18, 1918 Nevada Ia; s Clarence Thurston; d Mary Lou; 1917-19 during World War in U S army med dept, disch Jan 10, 1919; 1919-20 coach, Sutton HS; 1920-22 coach, Holdrege HS; 1922-23 emp in garage, Kansas City MO; 1923- owner & opr Miller's Firestone Service, Broken Bow; chmn bd of pub works; secy Custer Co com, Neb Petroleum Industries Commission; dir Baseball Club; Amer Leg; AF&AM; Presby Ch; hobby, woodwork; off 607 South E; res 831 North E, Broken Bow.
MILLER, CLARENCE McKINLEY: County Judge; b Custer Co, Okla Mar 31, 1901; s of John William Miller-Bertha Swearingen; ed Webster Co; Guide Rock HS 1919; LBC 1920; U of N, BSc 1926, LLB 1928; Delta Theta Phi; 1920-21 with First Natl Bank, Lincoln; 1926-28 bkkpr Continental Natl Bank, Lincoln; 1928-29 asst auditor Hospie Music Co, Omaha; 1929-32 city atty & city clk of Ansley; 1929-82 prac law Ansley; 1932- Custer Co judge, Broken Bow; Neb St Bar Assn; Pub Service Club; ch & hon mbr Ansley Rotary; AF&AM; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off Courthouse; res 437 N 12th Ave, Broken Bow.
MILLS, CLARENCE ERNEST: Secretary-Treasurer Sales Co; b Arnold, Neb Aug 25, 1892; s of William G Mills-Millie Guy; ed Arnold HS 1913; 1913-15 farmed near Arnold; 1915-17 asst cash Arnold State Bank, 191925 asst cash; 1925-31 cash Farmers State Bank, Stapleton; 1931-32 lived at Arnold; 1933- secy-treas Arnold Sales Co; mbr town bd; during World War in Co D 355th Inf 89th div, sgt, disch Aug 9, 1919; Amer Leg post 180; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading, fishing, hunting; res Arnold.
MILLS, THOMPSON BAKER: County Assessor; b Rock Point, Penn Aug 31, 1879; s of Robert Josiah Mills-Catherine Baker; ed Rock Point Penn; Custer Co; m Ida V Copsey Dec 19, 1904 Broken Bow; s Robert C, Richard W; d Lucille (Mrs Ivan Barrett), Doris (Mrs W Liebert), Lela (Mrs L Johnson), Catherine; 1903-30 farmed near Westerville; 1930-33 rancher, Brown Co; 1933-34 emp on farms near Sargent; 1936- Custer Co assessor, Broken Bow; past twp assessor; past mbr sch bd; Neb Co Assessors Assn; AF&AM; Scot Rite; IOOF; Meth Ch: Dem; hobby, fishing; res 306 E Broadway, Broken Bow.
Part 1 (Abbott-Finch) | Part 2 (Finlay-Mills) | Part 3 (Miner-Zeller)
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