NEGenWeb Project - Garden County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
in Nebraska
R. A. Quelle*
HE haven of the Indians, the birthplace of the great Sioux chief Red Cloud, the resting place of weary Mormons and Forty-niners, the battleground of some of Nebraska's bloodiest Indian fights--these are a few scenes from Garden County's varied history. From such a colorful background this panhandle county has developed into one of Nebraska's leading ranching regions.
The earliest known expedition by white men through Garden County was made by John T. Brackenridge, in 1810. Three years later a party led by Robert Stuart traveled along the North Platte on its way from the Pacific coast to St. Louis.
This party of seven men was returning to report to John Jacob Astor after successfully founding a trading post for him at the mouth of the Columbia river. Stuart's diary shows he camped one-half mile west of where Oshkosh is now located on March 25, 1813. An entry for the next day records the party sighted "sixty Wild Horses and for the last three days march, the country is, I may say, literally covered with Buffalo."
Because of its rich grasslands, this area was, as Stuart said, the grazing land of thousands of buffalo. These beasts, in turn, attracted Indians, among the most powerful of whom were the Sioux nation. Red Cloud, great chief of the Oglala Sioux, was born in Garden County in 1821, and became a leader early in life. It was he who forced the whites to sign the Fort Laramie treaty of 1868, after refusing to let immigrants travel the Bozeman Trail into Montana and defeating the soldiers sent out to protect it.
In 1841 the party of Joseph Williams, enroute from Indiana to Oregon, crossed the South Platte with much difficulty. On the evening of June 13, the party camped eight miles below Ash Hollow, where a young man named Shortwell was accidentally shot. He was buried the next day. Ash Hollow, in the southeastern part of the county, about three miles from the present Lewellen, was the scene of many dramatic and significant incidents in Garden County history.
Ash Hollow, bounded on the north by the North Platte river, was the converging point of the Mormon Trail and two branches of the Oregon Trail. The general course of this latter trail was along the South Platte to a point near the present Big Spring. There the South Platte was crossed, and the trail led northward to Ash Hollow, where the travelers rested before continuing westward. Another trail crossed the South Platte at Hershey, in Lincoln County, following the river's north branch from there to Ash Hollow. This was the path followed by most of the Mormons in 1846.
A party led by James Clyman, traveling east, reached Ash Hollow July 2, 1846. A journal which was kept contains the following: "We found a company of Mormon emigrants encamped at Ash Hollow, consisting of nineteen wagons. These people are on their way to Oregon." Whether the party reached its destination is unknown.
Ash Hollow is most famous for the Harney Massacre of 1855, in which General Harney's army of seven or eight hundred men had ambushed a band of Brule, Oglala and Minneconjoe Sioux and a party of Northern Cheyenne, all under the command of Little Thunder.
General Harney's force of dragoons, artillery, and six infantry regiments united at Fort Kearny, moving up the Platte from there. Upon reaching Ash Hollow, they discovered the Indians had left a day or two before. Continuing up the North Platte, scouts soon found the Indians camped at the mouth of a Platte tributary. Arrangements were made to attack at dawn, and at 10:00 o'clock that night the stream was forded. Harney planned to hem the Indians between the cavalry at their rear, and the infantry, who would approach from the front. But while Harney's men were quietly assuming their positions during the night, they were sighted by an Indian woman and her two children, who spread the alarm. The Indians prepared for battle by donning war bonnets and shouting challenges from the opposite river bank.
In the ensuing battle, the Indians were routed. Most of them retreated to the north, but a small force hid themselves on the slopes of the hills. They were driven out by the infantry while the cavalry pursued those who retreated. An officer reported hearing shots from a hill fronting the river, and a force was organized to drive them out. This hill was rotten limestone, filled with tiny caves and covered with underbrush. When the piercing cry of a child indicated women and children were hidden in these caves, the troops retired. Gen. Richard S. Drum later told of finding an Indian child abandoned in some thick grass after the battle. When a sergeant attempted to pick up the baby it scratched and bit him, and refused to be quiet. General Drum then gave the sergeant his canteen, which contained
* Compiled with the aid of Betty Brennan and John Grieve, high school students. Emil Kopac furnished books and early historical data and residents of the community were interviewed.477
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"lemonade with a fair amount of whisky." This soon quieted the baby, and she was taken to the prisoners camp.
After another battle between the Sioux and white immigrants on the Overland Trail, one of the chiefs under Little Thunder, before he was killed in the Ash Hollow affray, said the Indians at that time thought so many whites had gone from the east to the west that they believed they could defeat all those left in the east. After the immigrations of 1849, 1853 and 1854, the Indians might well believe there could be few whites left in the east. The size of these immigrations may be estimated from a notation in the diary of Henry Page, who was traveling westward in 1849. He writes, "A man passed us this morning going back, that said our wagon made 484 wagons he had passed since daylight."
After the Ash Hollow battle, General Harney erected a small field works there. He wanted to establish a post for the support of immigrant trains and to furnish escorts for the monthly mail passing between Forts Kearny and Laramie. A small garrison was stationed there for only a month, however.
Another interesting Indian battle was the one at Mud Springs, a telegraph station 105 miles east of Fort Laramie in what is now Garden County. On Feb. 4, 1865, when Colonel Collins received word Mud Springs was being attacked, he dispatched Lieutenant Ellsworth from Camp Mitchell to the scene with 36 men. Colonel Collins left Fort Laramie that night with 120 men, and reached Fort Mitchell the next morning by marching all night. After a short rest there, he went on with 25 men, who reached Mud Springs at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. The Indians, who had been stealing cattle in the area around Mud Springs on February, 4 and 5, were surprised at the increased force of men when they returned February 6.
At dawn, warriors began coming over the bluffs from all directions, firing sporadically in an attempt to cut off some of the troops who were then arriving at the station. The soldiers were at a great disadvantage, being exhausted from their night travel in forced marches, and many of them frostbitten. However, after about four hours fighting, the soldiers began to press back their enemies, and the Indians' fire slackened about 2:00 o'clock. Seven soldiers were wounded in the fighting, three seriously, and some animals were killed. The number of Indian dead was estimated at about forty. There had been from 500 to 1,000 warriors engaged in the battle, armed with rifles, revolvers, and bows and arrows. There were white men and Mexicans with them and some rode American horses.
Two days after the fight, the soldiers set out in pursuit of the Indians, finding their abandoned camp at Rush Springs. The size of this camp indicated the number of Indians had been underestimated. Apparently this camp had been used for about three days, and had been abandoned only a short time before. Pressing forward, the soldiers soon located the Indians, now camped on the other side of Rush creek near where it joined the Platte. With the aid of field glasses, the officers soon discovered there were at least 2,000 warriors in sight, and no women, children, dogs or lodges were visible. This group of Indians apparently was a combination of all the hostile tribes who had been terrorizing the South Platte valley.
The soldiers were soon sighted, and Indians began crossing the frozen river one or two miles above and below their position. The battle was severe, but only two soldiers lost their lives, Private John A. Harris and Private William H. Hartshorn. Their bodies were later taken to Fort Laramie for burial. Soon after daybreak the next day a band of approximately four hundred warriors circled the camp, and, after exchanging a few shots, hurried away into the sandhills to rejoin their families. After several years, however, the Indians had been almost completely subdued and the white man now was king of all he surveyed.
The first to utilize Garden County's resources were the large ranchers. One of the most important of these groups was the Oshkosh Land and Cattle Company, headed by Henry and Alfred Gumaer, George P. Kendall, H. W. Potter and John Robinson. They drove their first herd through from St. Paul, Neb., in 1885. Three years later Deuel County was created out of the old Cheyenne County. Deuel, as first organized, included the territory which later became Garden County.
In 1889 Oshkosh was the site of a two-story frame building, which served as a store, postoffice, and had rooms above. A year later a sod school building was established on Lost creek, eight miles north of Oshkosh, and in 1894 August Sudman, Eugene Fish and Fred Sudman bought the Oshkosh store.
Garden County was organized in 1909, being formed out of the north portion of Deuel County. J. T. and W. R. Twiford, real estate men, gave the county its name. First county officers were D. F. Fickes, William Barnell and M. P. Clary, commissioners; Robert Day, clerk; A. W. Gumaer, judge, T. C. McKee, superintendent; Walter Clark, sheriff; Charles M. Davis, treasurer. The final separation of the counties was effected Feb. 14, 1910, but the commissioners held their first meeting January 15 of that year. The lower part of the Oshkosh rooming house was rented for a courthouse, amid a heated dispute over location of the county seat.
Since Oshkosh was incorporated in 1911, the village has grown steadily. The Methodists first organized in 1904, and in 1913 they dedicated a new church. The history of the Catholic Church begins as early as the town, for a priest from Omaha was an occasional visitor here. Later, priests came from Sidney and Scottsbluff, saying Mass in homes every several months. In 1916 the Catholics constructed a church, under the supervision of Father O'Byrne of Scottsbluff. St. Mark's Lutheran Church was organized in 1906, when fifteen persons assembled478
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with W. C. Heidenreich as pastor. Their church was built and dedicated three years later.
By 1913 Oshkosh had a population of 300, three general stores, two drug stores, bank, hotel, large hardware and furniture store, lumber yard, grain elevator, two newspapers, and other businesses. Its' population today is nearly 1,000. In more recent years, Garden County has improved itself with better schools, better roads, and an increased community spirit.
ALDRICH, HAROLD N: Manager of Oil Co; b Pender, Neb Apr 1, 1895; s of O D Aldrich-Dora L Abbott; ed U of N, BA 1918; Phi Gamma Delta; m Edith L White Oct 26, 1919 Rosalie; d Ruth Harriet, Maurie, Beverley; 1919-29 asst cash of bank, Rosalie; 1929- in oil bus, Oshkosh; during World War enl May 3, 1917 CAC & QMC; O/S May 2, 1918-July 6, 1919; disch July 12, 1919; Rotary; AF&AM 186, sr deacon; res Oshkosh.
BAILEY, JOSEPH B: Railway Agent; b Long Pine, Neb June 26, 1885; s of A Bailey-Dema Kilgore; ed Wood Lake; m Anna Canton Oct 23, 1907 St Joseph Mo (dec Sept 12, 1939); s Dewayne; 1901-08 emp by C&NW RR as teleg opr at various towns, tsfrd to Pilger 1905-08; 1908-15 UP RR teleg opr & agt, various mid-western Neb towns; 1915- agt for UP RR Oshkosh; Comml Club; AF&AM 208; Dem; hobby, golf; res Oshkosh.
BLAUSEY, ALICE M: County Superintendent of Schools; b Ogallala, Neb Oct 4. 1901; d of Wilbert Warner Aldridge-Caroline Louise Aufdengarten; ed Garden Co HS, Oshkosh 1920; CSTC summer sessions at various times 1922-32; m Clarence Blausey Nov 11, 1923 Julesburg Colo; s Bob; 1920-21 & 1926-35 sch tchr, Oshkosh; 1921-23 sch tchr, Lisco; 1923-24 sch tchr, Lemoyne; 1935 Garden Co supt of schs; RNA; OES 264, Oshkosh; Luth Ch, mbr of guild; hobby, collecting dog statues; res Oshkosh.
CASEY, SAM: County Judge; b Sauk Rapids, Minn __ 1870; s of Thomas Casey-Hattie Trace; ed State Normal, Mich; m Nellie Tucker Mar 4, 1896 Almena Kas; s Ross W, Max L; d Lois Irene (Mrs Howard Preston); 1890 came to Furnas Co; 1914-19 rancher, Garden Co; 1928- Garden Co judge; hobby, golf; off Courthouse; res Oshkosh.
CLARK, MRS CORA E: Homemaker; b Shelby, Neb Aug 5, 1878; d of Ira Paisley-Mary M Wilson; ed Lewellen; m Walter M Clark Apr 24, 1898 Ogallala (dec Dec 6, 1935); 1886-1906 resided at Lewellen; 1906- resided at Oshkosh; OES, past worthy matron; Federate Womens Club; ladies guild of Luth Ch; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, flowers; res Oshkosh.
CLARY, MORSE P: Rancher; b Quincy, Ia Oct 20, 1858; s of D B Clary-Rachel Hooper; ed Mount Ayr Ia; Indianola Ia; m Louisa McNaucht Jan 20, 1881 Indianola Ia; s March, Frank, Ray, Oren; d May (Mrs C R Minchell), Genoa (Mrs Ray Brown), Jocie, Dolly (Mrs Bernard Collins); prior to 1886 farmed with father in Ia; 1886- ptr of sons March & Oren in oprn of ranch near Lewellen; has 4820 A, runs 250 cattle; past dir Farmers Life Ins Co, Denver; past dir Fairview Mining Co, Denver; past pres Farmers State Bank of Lewellen; treas sch bd 53 years, org sch dist 55; treas Lewellen HS past 11 years; past treas Garden Co, Fair bd; Commi Club; AF&AM 286, Garden Co comm 1891-97, 1909-14; Meth Ch; Rep, chmn Co Central Com; hobbies, travel, collecting Indian relics, has one of most complete Indian relic collections in the state; O V Clary has contributed lower jaw of shovel toothed mastodon to museum of U of N; res Lewellen.
CROSBY, WILLIAM W: Pharmacist; b Sioux City, Ia, Sept 22, 1876; s of William M Crosby-Lorinda Collingwood; ed Bloomfield HS 1898; Omaha Coll of Pharm 1903; m Anna Maim Sept 22, 1910 North Platte; s William Russell; d Dorothea (Mrs Percy Reins), Vivian (Mrs Daniel Bray), Pauline (Mrs Byron Roberts); 1893-1909 worked in various drug firms in northwestern Neb also worked in drug stores in Wausa; Sutherland, Chappell & Emerson; 1909- pharm Lewellen; owner 880 A ranch NE of Lewellen; 1912-15 mbr sch bd; past mbr town bd, 7 terms; Rep; hobby, hunting; res Lewellen.
CURTIS, HERBERT J: Attorney; b Knoxville, Ia, Sept 24, 1871; s of Stephen S Curtis-Louesa A Coons; ed home study in Marion Co Ia; review courses 3 weeks each summer in Marion Co Normal Institute & Knoxville Ia HS, recd 1st class co tchrs certificate; Highland Park Coll, Des Moines Ia, BDi in 1895, MDi 1897; U of N, LLD 1910; Delta Chi; m Lille P Gilbert July 26, 1899 Memphis Mich; s David G, Robert A; d Helen (Mrs Frank E Robinson), Carol (dec 1903); as oldest in family of 7 children managed farm after death of father; tchr rural schs in Ia, also Newbern Ia, 1889-93; passed US civil service examination 1895; 1895-97 prin Colo River Indian Boarding Sch, Parker Ariz; 1897-98 supt Ouray Indian Boarding Sch, Randlett Utah; 1898-1903 supt of Pine Point Indian Boarding Sch, White Earth Indian Reservation, Ponsford Minn; 1903-06 in gen mdse bus, Ponsford Minn; 1910-15 in priv law prac, Oshkosh; 1915-22 Garden Co atty; 1922- priv law prac, Oshkosh; Neb St Bar Assn; Country Club; U of N Alumni Assn; MWA; AF&AM 286, past master; OES 264; hobbies, hunting, golf; Dem; off Courthouse; res Oshkosh.
DELATOUR, BEN CLAYTON: Bank President; b Cambridge, Neb Oct 6, 1883; s of Samuel P Delatour-Lucy McGraw; ed Neb; Kearney Mil Acad 1898-99; Sch of Mechanical Arts 1899-1901; m Agnes E Mapel 1926 Oshkosh; d Joy Jean, Bonnie Ben; 1904-11 emp, on ranch in Deuel & Garden Cos; 1911-14 an org & cash Garden Co Bank at Lewellen, merged 1914 with Bank of Lewellen, of which he was cashier until 1930; 1930-38 cash of bank reorg as First Natl Bank of Lewellen; 1938- pres; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Secy of Garden Co Fair Ed several years; Comml Club; AF&AM 286; Dem; hobby, reading; off First National Bank; res Lewellen.
DUTTON, FRANK ARTHUR: Attorney; b Portage Co, O Sept 26, 1887; s of Merritt Dutton-Janet Mott; ed Geauga Co O; prep dept, Hiram Coll, Hiram O; U of N, LLB 1910; Delta Chi; Theta Kappa Nu; m Clara Dutton Jan 30, 1907 Telluride Colo; s, Bryon C; d Jeanette, Mary Louise (Mrs Vern Reierson); 1900-07 tested ore in assay off, Telluride Colo; 1910-12 indep law prac, Grand Junction Colo; 1912- prac law, Oshkosh; notary public; Garden Co atty 2 terms; helped org irrigation dists; regent Garden Co HS; Neb St Bar Assn; Comml Club; MWA, consul; Meth Ch; Rep, chmn Garden Co Central Com; hobby, historical reading; off Dutton Law office; res Oshkosh
FERRELL, FLOYD LISLE: Banker; b Wallace, Neb Dec 27, 1896; s of Edward R Ferrell-Josephine Barnbrugg; ed Wallace; Holdrege; Curtis HS; LBC 1916-17; m Margaret Filbert Apr 1918 North Platte; d Marjorie Jean; 1917-22 asst cash Citizens Security Bank, Wallace; 1922- cash Neb St Bank, Oshkosh; Neb & Amer Bankers Assns; C of C, past pres; Rotary; AF&AM 276, past treas; Meth Ch; Dem; father rancher, farmer & banker, homesteaded in Lincoln Co 1883; res Oshkosh.
GRIEVE, JOHN A: Plumber; b Williamsburg, Neb Sept 28, 1884; s of John A Grieve-Jessie Frazer; ed Kearney; m Ada Naslund Aug 29, 1918 Julesburg Colo; s John Robert,. Martin George; d Margaret Ann; 1890-1909 carp, painter & plumber, Kearney; 1909-19 plumber in Neb, Colo & Wyo; 1915-19 plumber, Bridgeport; 1919- plumber, Oshkosh; Platte Valley Plumbing Assn; Indep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; parents were first couple married in Presby Manse, Kearney; res Oshkosh.
HEHNKE, ROBERT H: Merchant; b, Cairo, Neb Dec 6, 1904; s of C Hugo Hehnke-Bertha Kindler; ed Grand Island Coll 1922-23; KSTC 1926-27; U of Colo 1927-28; m Mary Grovert Dec 27, 1930 Haxtun Colo; d Elva Jane, Mary Kay; 1920-33 in merc bus for father, Paxton, emp on ranches short time & helped survey new road from Ogallala to Paxton; 1933- opr groc bus in Corner Store, Oshkosh; Rotary; C of C; mbr town bd; hobbies, hunting, golf; res Oshkosh.
JENSEN, OSCAR A: Theater Owner & Farmer; b Shelby, Ia May 3, 1893; s of Christ Jensen-Ida Jacobsen; ed Garden Co; m Pearl Zorn June 3, 1917 Julesburg Colo; s Howard Phillip; d Marjorie May; 1909-17 farmed with father on original homestead near Oshkosh; 1917-26 owned & oprd farm, raised purebred Guernsey cattle & Duroc-Jersey hogs; 1926- mgr Silver Hill Theater, Oshkosh, still active in cattle breeding & farming; mbr Zorn Theater Co; past mbr city coun; C of C; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby,479
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Guernsey cattle breeding; 1897 parents came west in covered wagon, filed on tree claim; res Oshkosh.
JOHNSON, ARCHIE: Oil Station Manager; b Garden Co, Neb Oct 19, 1893; s of Fred Johnson-Anna Lambke; m Edith Birchard Sept 12, 1931 Lewellen; homesteaded in Wyo 1917; 1919-21 lived on homestead in Wyo; 1921-26 farmer, Garden Co; 1926-27 emp in meat market & groc; 1927- in oil & gas bus, LeweIlen, now opr Beard Service Station; during World War enl June 5 1917 Co H 6th Neb inf; went O/S Sept 17 1918 retd June 26 1919, disch July 8, 1919, Des Moines Ia; mbr city coun 8 years; 1938- mayor; C of C; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Lewellen.
JOHNSON, FRED R: Grocer; b Lewellen, Neb May 7, 1902; s of Fred Johnson-Anna Lambke; ed Garden Co; m Myrtle White Aug 24, 1929 Julesburg Colo; s Richard Neil; d Marilyn Ann; prior to 1929 with father on farm near Lewellen; 1929-35 emp in meat market, Lewellen; 1935- owner & opr meat market & groc store, Lewellen; mbr town bd; Comml Club; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, gardening; res Lewellen.
LAUX, EDWARD: Rancher; b Burlington, Ia, Mar 29, 1879; s of Henry Laux-Louisa Luth; ed Elliotts Bus Coll, Burlington Ia; m Grace Weiler July 19, 1927 Kearney; s Billy; d Georgia; with parents came to Franklin Co 1886; 1904-08 traveled in U S as representative for Mfg firm of Burlington Ia; 1909-12 traveling representative in Ia & Mo for impl house, Omaha; 1912-15 in grain bus; 1915-19 in real est bus, Hastings, brought land seekers to Julesburg Colo; 1919-28 in real est bus Garden & Morrill Cos with hdqrs in Oshkosh; 1928- rancher & stockman, has 4000 A pasture land, 350 head whiteface cattle; Clarence W Chadwick Students Assn; Chris Sci Ch; hobbies, good horses & cattle; res Oshkosh.
LISCO, ADDIE R MILLER: Retired; b Kalamazoo Co, Mich June 21 1864; d of Harrison Miller-Helen Henderson; ed Grand Junction Ia; m Rubin Lisco Feb 5, 1895 Chappell (dec); 1882-85 tchr in Mich & Ia rural schs; 1885-95 emp in various vocations, 1894 came from Mich to Chappell; 1895- homemaker; OES; Presby Ch, aid soc; Rep; hobby, homemaking; Mr Lisco came to Platte Co 1873, elec Deuel Co sheriff 1889 & served 4 terms, estab the town named after him; helped org Rush Creek Land & Livestock Co in 1890, VP & gen mgr until his death in 1935; res Lisco.
LORENZEN, RUDOLPH J: Grain Dealer; b Grand Island, Neb Nov 11, 1885; s of William E Lorenzen-Anna Hansen; ed Hall Co; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Margaret D Christensen Feb 28, 1907 Wood River; s Murray R; 1905-09 farmer in Hall Co; 1909-28 rancher in Garden Co; 1928- mgr & part owner Farmers Elevator, Lisco; past mbr Deuel Co rural sch bd; Neb Grain Dealers Assn; AF&AM 286, Past master; Lutheran Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting & fishing; father one of early settlers in Hall Co, owner & opr store several years; res Lisco.
OLSON, HAROLD BENGHT: Bank Vice President, Rancher; b Genoa, Neb Jan 20, 1896; s of Nels Olson-Anna Benson; ed Genoa HS 1913; U of N 1915-17; Phi Sigma Kappa, ch mbr; Silver Lynx; m Helen Peterson June 10, 1925 Omaha; s William Stanford, Thomas Herald; d Marjorie Ann, Barbara Helen; 1919-22 east cash Maxwell State Bank; 1922-24 asst cash Farmers State Bank, Wallace; 1924- cash & VP Lisco State Bank; 1935- secy-treas & dir Rush Creek Land & Livestock Co, opr of 114,000 A Neb land; past mbr Lisco sch bd 9 years; past mbr Garden Co Fair Ed; during World War in U S army inf, 1 year Camp Funston, commd lt; Amer Leg 309, past comm, helped org Beek Heath Post of Wallace & Fort McPherson Post of Maxwell; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Neb Bankers Assn, pres group 6; AF&AM 286; Presby Ch, treas; Rep; hobby, hunting; parents homesteaders in Perkins Co in early 1880's; res Lisco.
QUELLE, AUGUST RUDOLF: Farmer; b Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany; s of Franz Quelle-Wilhelmine Werber; ed Handewitt Volkschule, Schleswig-Holstein Germany 1883-88; Deuel Co, now Garden Co; m Rosa Augusta Anna Albrecht Feb 3, 1904 Oshkosh; s Reinhardt Albert; d Marie Alwine (Mrs ___ Utesch), Della Wilhelmine (Mrs ___ Caldwell); came to U S May 3, 1888, came to Cheyenne Co, now Garden Co Aug 28, 1888; first job was killIng rattlesnakes; 1890-92 herded cattle, Colo & Neb; 1892-98 worked on farms & ranches; 1898-99 worked in coal mines, Rock Springs Wyo; 1899-1902 on freight wagon between Chappell & Oshkosh; 1902-03 on freight wagon between Big Spring & Lewellen; 1903- farmer near Lewellen, lived in sod house until 1917; 1939 one of 48 Neb farmers winning U of N & Omaha C of C certificate of award for contributions to progress of Neb agr through superior pasture, forage & livestock prac; 1923-35 pres bd of edn; mbr Garden Co soil conservation com since 1937; 1930- treas Blue Creek Irrigation Dist; pres Lewellen Natl Farm Loan Assn since 1933; 1929 mbr bd of dirs Lakewater Carrying Co; mbr Farm Bur Fedn since 1933; Grace Luth Ch, mbr ch coun & secy since 1937; hobby, hog raising; res Lewellen.
QUELLE, REINHARDT ALBERT: High School Principal; b Lewellen, Neb Feb 14, 1905; s of August Rudolf Quelle-Rose Augusta Anna Albrecht; ed LewelIen HS 1922; Midland Coll, BA 1927; 1924 del from Midland to Internatl Students Conv, Indianapolis; mbr natl coun Luth Student Assn of Amer 1927, del to internatl conv, Madison Wis, spoke before student groups in Neb colleges; Blue Key; grad work U of Chicago; Colo St Tchrs Coll, Greeley; m Irene E Stroup Jan 3, 1934 Evanston Ill; d Gretchen, Karen; 1918-22 with father on farm near Lewellen; 1923-27 emp in registrar's off while at Midland; 1927-28 field secy, Midland; 1928-29 prin, tchr & athletic coach, Carleton HS; 1929-30 tchr of literature, Lewellen HS; 1930- prin Garden Co HS, Oshkosh; 1984-85 AAA off asst during summers; past VP of 6th dist NSTA, pres 6th dist debate section since 1935; past mbr AAAS, del to natl conv, Kansas City 1926; secy C of C; dir Rotary; VP Garden Co Hist See; Neb St Hist Soc; compiled Garden Co hist for Who's Who in Neb; mbr coun, Luth Ch, secy of congregation, SS supt; Rep; hobbies, bee-keeping, study of history, horseback riding; res Oshkosh.
RICHARDS, E E: Attorney; b Warren, Ill May 14, 1880; s of E J Richards-Catherine S Smith; ed Warren Ill HS 1897; Warren Ill Acad 1898; U of N. LLB 1904; grad work U of Ia; m Daisy M Allard Oct 20, 1902 Orange City Ia; s Everett O; d Hazel E (Mrs Alvin Kingery); 1900-01 tchr rural Bch, O'Brien Co Ia; 1904-18 supt schs in various cities; 1919-22 prac law in firm Richards & Carter, Bayard; 1922-23 prac law, Denver; 1923- indep law prac, Oshkosh; 1935- Garden Co atty; secy & atty North River Irrigation Dist; during World War June 26, 1918-June 1, 1919 with YMCA, O/S 9 mos; IOOF, Past noble grand; Neb St Bar Assn; Comml Club; C of C; ch mbr Rotary; mbr Garden Co HS & Oshkosh grade sch bds; Prot; Rep; hobby, travel; off Courthouse; res Oshkosh.
ROBINSON, BRUCE E: Manager Lumber Co; b Waukee, Ia June 3, 1881; s of Henry H Robinson-Victoria Fagen; m Mildred Messenger, Aug 17, 1909 Julesburg Colo; s John H; d Virginia (Mrs Ralph Hays), Beth Nadine; 1881-95 with parents came from Ia to Kimball; 1895-96 worked on ranch, Garden Co; 1896-1902 worked for Victoria Livestock Co, Wray Colo, foreman 1899-1902; 1902-09 owner & opr ranch, Julesburg Colo; 1909-10 emp by Katy Lbr Co, Omaha; 1910-17 with Poster Lbr Co, Curtis; 1917- with Sterling Lbr Co, Oshkosh, now mgr; C of C; Rotary; AF&AM 286, past master; hobbies, golf, hunting; res Oshkosh.
SAGER, JOHN T: District Manager Telephone Co; b Moorefield, W Va Apr 10, 1881; s of Thomas Sager-Mary See; m Sofia Slettvedt June 7, 1906 Grand Forks N D; s Clarence T, Delmas K, Norman F, Russel D; d Virginia, Florence, Lucile; 1899-1901 cattle feeder, Ia; 1901-02 emp by Martin Tele Co, Webster City Ia; 1902-03 cowboy, Mont; 1903-09 emp by Bell Tele Co, Grand Forks N D; 1909-10 dist cable man Bell Tele Co, Billings Mont; 1910-17 cable man Bell Tele Co, Omaha; 1917-20 construction foreman Bell Tele Co, Cheyenne Wyo; 1920-25 in indep trucking bus in oil field, Lander Wyo; 1925-28 construction foreman for Platte Valley Tele Corp, 1928- dist mgr, Oshkosh; 1938 mayor; 1935-37 town trustee; C of C; AF&AM 286, worshipful master 1935-37; Gering RAM; hobby, fancy chickens; res Oshkosh.
SMITH, HENRY: Store Manager; b Republic Co, Kas Nov 20, 1902; s of Charles E Smith-Mary E Graham; m Irene Stella Lee July 23, 1934 Denver Colo; s Daryl Lee; 1917-21 clk in gen store; Deuel Co; 1923-28 farmed in Kas; 1928-32 farmed in Deuel Co; 1932- mgr H H Reese Co, Lewellen; C of C; hobby, fishing; res Lewellen.
STEVENSON, WILLIAM CARLISLE: Merchant; b Amherst, Neb Oct 1, 1885; s of John Carlisle Stevenson-Florence Hemmingway; ed Amherst480
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HS 1903; York Coll; m Stella M Outson June 19, 1908 old Cheyenne Co; s Marvin William; 1905-17 agt & teleg opr for UP RR at various locations; 1917-33 with brother R O in gen store at Lisco; 1933 owner & opr of store; Fedn of Neb Retailers; Oshkosh Country Club; AF&AM 286, past master; MWA, past coun mbr; Dem; hobby, golf; parents homesteaders Buffalo Co in early 1880's, father Buffalo Co treas 7 years; res Lisco.
TILGNER, IRVING E: Postmaster; b Birdwood1, Neb June 22, 1895; s of Henry Tilgner-Bertha Kirsh; ed Garden Co; Fremont Normal Acad 1912-16; U of N 1916-17; m Aria Pearl Higgins Dee 22, 1917 Deming N M; s Irving E Jr; 1919-28 secy-treas Blue Creek Light & Power Co; 1919-31 bkkpr & later asst cash Farmers State Bank, Lewellen; 1931- P M, Lewellen; past city clk 5 years; treas & dir Garden Co HS bd of edn since 1930; during World War in Co H 6th Neb inf, tsfrd to Co F 109th engrs, 34th div, O/S 9 mos, in service 24 mos; Amer Leg 14, ch mbr & past comm; 1928- secy Sailors & Soldiers Relief Commission Garden Co; Neb League of Dist P Ms; BSA, mbr town com 2 years; Comml Club; AF&AM 286; Grace Luth Ch, treas since 1920; hobby, aviation; father came from Germany 1868, moved from Wis to Redwillow Co 1885, homesteaded, later moved to Garden Co; off P O; res Lewellen.
1Birdwood was a small postoffice NE of Sutherland; now discontinued.
WEINSHEIM, E J: Merchant; b Neosho, Wis Nov 15, 1888; s of John Weinsheim-Elizabeth Eister; ed Neosho Wis; m Amanda Kaschke Oct 8, 1924 Sterling Colo; prior to 1917 in meat bus; 1919-24 cash Farmers State Bank, Sedgwick Colo; 1924- opr meat market & groc store, Lewellen; instrumental in obtaining city drainage system & street improvement; past Garden Co commr; mbr town bd years, past chmn; during World War enl June 15, 1917 in US army, 2 years O/S, QMC, disch July 2, 1919; Amer Leg 14, past comm, has held all offs; past grand IOOF; Rep; hobbies, golf, hunting, fishing; res Lewellen.
WIDNER, HAROLD L: Grocer; b Conway, la Jan 7, 1905; s of R B Widner-Viola Dee Herron; ed Sutherland HS 1924; participated in HS athletics, basketball & track; m Alice P Dikeman May 18, 1925 Julesburg Colo; foster s Walter; foster d Alice (Mrs Bert Roberson), d Mardine Faye; 1924-30 emp in Wiigs Gen Store, Sutherland; 1930- mgr Wiigs Service Store, Lewellen; secy sch bd; mbr town bd; pres Comml Club; IOOF 402, past grand; MWA; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, collecting old family records; res Lewellen.
WOOD, ED SAMUEL: County Treasurer; b Sutton, Neb July 15, 1800; s of Rev Samuel Wood-Gertrude Reeder; ed York HS; m Nora Deaver June 9, 1909 Des Moines Ia; s Orien Edward; 1897-1900 in groc, York; 1900-05 worked on ranch of John Orr in old Deuel Co; 1905-06 with William Brown Cattle Co, Big Spring; 1906-07 on M C Remington cattle ranch near Lewellen; 1907-13 & 1914-22 gen foreman for Western Land & Cattle Co ranch, Lewellen; 1908-23 also homesteaded small ranch near Lewellen; 1919-23, 1929- Garden Co treas; 1923-39 Garden Co dep treas; regent Garden Co HS 12 years, pres bd 1 year; past mayor of Oshkosh; mbr town bd 4 years; past chief vol fire dept; past mbr & trumpeter, Co A NNG, York; C of C, past secy & past pres; Oshkosh Country Club; Neb Assn of Co Treasurers; AF&AM 286, past master; OES; MWA; IOOF 388; Rep, past secy Central Com; hobbies, trout-fishing, golf, hunting; father came from Ireland to U S came to Neb 1873; off Courthouse, res Oshkosh.
WRIGHT, IRL W: Mortician; b Rockford, Neb Oct 11, 1885; s of Isaac W Wright-Louisa F Dobbs; m Edith M Jeffreys Feb 22, 1905 Sabetha Kas; s Noel W, Kenneth J, Claude W; d Vera Edith (Mrs H W Lanman); 1906-11 emp in hdw, furn & undertaking establishment at Peru, 1911 pur undertaking bus, 1919 pur hdw & furn bus, 1920 sold both; 1920-27 pur hdw, furn & undertaking bus, Shubert; 1927-29 in undertaking bus, Sidney; 1929- in undertaking bus, Oshkosh; Rotary; C of C; res Oshkosh.
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