NEGenWeb Project - Kearney County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940

in Nebraska


s Laurence Bernard; with Neal Stratford & Kerr Co in Oakland until 1930; 1935-36 pastor Kearney Evang Mission Ch; 1936- pastor Evang Mission Ch, Keene; chmn Kearney Co Ministerial Assn; Evang Ch, secy Midwest Conf of Amer, chmn Young Peoples Soc of Neb; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off & res Keene.

   ETZELMILLER, JOHN HAROLD: Merchant; b Kearney Co, Neb Nov 6, 1897; s of John J Etzelmiller-Elizabeth Paulson; ed Minden HS 1916; m Myrtle H Aabel Sept 1, 1920 Minden; s John Eugene, Phillip, Robert; 1916-17 emp by Ford garage, Minden; 1917-29 clk in Gaarde & Peterson Store, changed to Gaarde Clothing, Minden, after death of Mr Peterson; 1929- ptr of Mr Gaarde under name of Gaarde & Etzelmlller; 1933- mbr city coun; during World War 3 mos in SATC Cotner Coll, Lincoln 1918; Amer Leg, ch mbr; C of C: ch mbr Minden Golf Club; AF&AM; United Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, sports; off 501 N Colorado; res 714 N Kearney Ave, Minden.

   FRANK, CHARLES EWING: Farmer; b Houghton, Mich July 20, 1869; s of Joseph Seward Frank-Anna Amerman; ed Kenesaw; KSTC; m. Annabel Linson Mar 8, 1897 (dec); s Dr Charles Harold, Henry Seward, Herbert Lewis; d Hazel Mae (Mrs E F Ham); m Winnie M Linson Mar 26, 1922 Denver Colo; step-s Lt Ross G Linson; step-d Luella May (Mrs W H Holthaus), Doris (Mrs H B Olsen); came to Neb in 1876; 1892-93 sch tchr in Adams & Kearney Co; 1895-96 tchr in Heartwell; 1897-1920 farmer, Kearney Co; 1920-22 farmed, Rock Co; 1922-39 farmed, Kearney Co; 1939- ret; past mbr Kearney Co Rural Tele Co, Heartwell & Norman; 1935-87 state representative; past mbr town bd, past mbr sch bd; pres Old Settler's Orgn of Kearney Co; Meth Ch, ofcr, past SS supt; Rep; hobby, reading history; res 343 Holland, Minden.

   FRANK, HENRY SEWARD: Superintendent of Schools; b Heartwell, Neb Apr 15, 1899; s of C E Frank-Annabelle Linson; ed Kearney Co; KSTC; Hastings Coll; m Enid E Canfield May 22, 1927 Lexington; s Charles Elmer; d Annabel Lou; 1919-20 tchr, Rock Co; 1920-21 tchr, Kearney Co; 1921-23 emp on farm, Kearney Co; 1923 emp by Farmer's Elevator Co of Minden; 1923-24 emp by L A Youngson on farm; 1927-30 tchr Scotts Bluff Co; 1931-37 tchr Crofton grade sch & Jr HS prin; 1937- supt of schs Norman: mbr town bd; mbr recreational bd; NSTA: AF&AM; past mbr KP; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, reading current events; off & res Norman.

   FREELAND, JOHN EARL: Owner Furniture Store & Funeral Home; b Axtell, Neb Feb 15, 1900; s of J S Freeland-Esther Pearson; ed Axtell & Minden HS; m Elsie S Peterson Apr 17, 1924 Axtell; s Robert Earl; 1918-30 with father oprd furniture store & funeral home, Axtell; 1930- opr store after death of father; 1928 added musical instruments to store; past mbr town bd; mbr sch bd, past mbr fire dept; Neb St & Natl Funeral Dirs Assns; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Shrine; past mbr MWA; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, music, tennis; off & res Axtell.

   FRIEMANN, HERMAN HENRY: Merchant & Postmaster; b Province of Hanover, Germany Oct 28, 1894; s of Friedrich Friemann-Friedricke___; ed Germany; m Lillie Dasher Sept 15, 1919 Minden; s Gene Dasher; clk in hdw & furn store, Hanover Germany until 1913; 1913-33 clk in gen store, Minden; 1933- P M of Keene; Neb League of Dist P M's; Indep; res Keene.

   GAARDE, HANS ANDERSON: Merchant; b Denmark, Sept 23, 1860; s of Jens Nussen Gaarde-Marie Sorgenfrey; ed Denmark; Cedar Co; m Mary E Brady June 6, 1898 Gibbon (dec 1920); m Rosa B Crocker June 6, 1921 Minden (dec 1932); 1874-78 emp on farm in Denmark; 1878-92 emp on Cedar Co farm; 1892-1900 ptr of brother John F Gaarde, Minden; 1901-18 ptr of Oto B Peterson in Gaarde & Peterson Clothing Store, pur ptrs int before his death 1918; 1918-19 owner & opr H A Gaarde Clothing Store; 1929- ptr of John H Etzelmiller in Gaarde & Etzelmiller; past mbr city coun; past city treas 6 years; C of C; AOUW; past mbr Danish Brotherhood; Rep; hobby, dominoes; off 501 Colorado; res 343 N Nebraska Ave, Minden.

   GIBSON, RODNEY ERNEST: Civil Engineer; b Fort Collins, Colo Nov 17, 1905; s of John Gibson-Florence Harrison; ed Morrill HS 1923; U of N, BSc 1929; Chi Phi; m Romain Dickinson July 7, 1928 Harrisburg; s Richard Ernest; d Jean Jacquelin, Romain Louise; 1929 emp by CB&Q RR; Aug 1929-31 with UP RR; 1931-35 with Neb St dept of roads & irrigation; 1935- resident engr for Tri-Co Project of Central Neb Pub Power & Irrigation Dist; during World War, res ofcr 2nd lt engr corps; Neb Engineering Soc; Soc of Amer Mil Engineers; Rotary; AF&AM; past mbr Uni Club, Lincoln; Presby Ch; Indep; hobbies, reading, golf, football; res 329 Hull, Minden.

   GLANTZ, LUDWIG BENGT: Manufacturer; b Kearney Co, Neb June 14, 1888; s of Charles Glantz-Anna Nelson: ed Kearney Co; Highland Park Coll, Des Moines Ia 1909-10; Sweeney's Auto Sch, Kansas City Mo 1915-17; Columbia U; m Esther M Petersen June 16, 1926 Lincoln; 1905-09 emp by CB&Q, UP, & C&NW RRs; 1910-17 with Weber Engine Works, Kansas City Mo; also with Lou Enderloe of Aurora; 1919-25 with Lawrence Weedlund estab Glantz & Weedlund Garage & Machine shop; 1925-29 owner White Star Machine Shop, Minden; 1922- owner & opr Glantz Mfg Co, Minden, mfg tools, has patented several types; mbr city coun; 30 years mbr fire dept, chief engr 15 years; during World War 1917-19 chief machinist USN; past pres C of C; past pres Rotary; IOOF; Swedish Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, political & internatl affairs; off 626 N Minden Ave: res 808 Yates Ave, Minden.

   GUNDERSON, LARS: Auto Dealer & Blacksmith; b Sundalen, Norway June 14, 1869; s of Gunder Haagensen-Rande Hjelle; ed Norway; m Lillie Ester Themanson 1897 Kearney; 1885-1888 hunted for pleasure & sold much of game: 1889-90 lived with sister in Minden & worked at odd jobs; 1890-1903 owned & oprd blacksmith shop; 1903-06 ptr of Lars Ottesen in blacksmith shop; 1906- auto dlr; 1928-38 ptr of Albert Johnson; past mbr vol fire dept, chief 1894-95; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; Amer Luth Ch, past dir, trustee; Rep; hobbies, metal & tool work; off & res Minden.

   HALSTEAD, WILLIAM: Banker; b Downers Grove Ill May 3, 1870; s of Otis Halstead-Alice Starkie; ed Dawson Co; Hastings Coll 1890; Grand Island Bus Coll 1891; m Edith A Guernsey May 5, 1897 Dawson Co (dec 1935); 1891-96 sch tchr in Dawson Co; 1897-1910 farmer, stock raiser Dawson Co; 1910-15 asst cash, First Natl Bank of Hay Springs; 1915- cash First Natl Bank, Wilcox; past mbr twp & sch bds; C of C; AF&AM; past mbr IOOF; Comm Ch; Rep; hobbies, travel & reading; off First Natl Bank; res Wilcox.

   HAMILTON, MRS MARTHA BRAINARD: Publisher; b Minden, Neb Oct 26, 1905; d of Lewis Scott Brainard-Maren Sophia Jensen; ed HS: reg nurse in Neb; 1 year grad work in surgical technique & supervision at Cook Co Hosp, Chicago; m James Doyle Hamilton Oct 3, 1928 Osborne Kas; past 3 years with Courier Publishing Co, Inc. Minden; Rebekah; hobby, collecting recipes; off 426 N Minden; res 236 N Park, Minden.

   HANSEN, HANS THOMSEN: Retired; b Darun, Denmark Jan 3, 1870; s of Hans Jensen-Johanna M Larsen; ed Denmark 1884; Franklin Acad 1892; Rathburn Bus Coll, Omaha 1893; m Kathrine Marie Nisson Jan 3, 1894 Minden; s Hans Lloyd, Everett Thomsen; 1889-91 lived on farm, Minden; 1891-92 with impl dlr in Minden; 1898-96 mgr hotel, Minden; 1896-97 with Deering Harvester Co in Chicago factory; 1897-1901 with Jensen & Hansen, Minden; July 1901-Jan 1902 Kearney Co dep treas; 1902 with Deering Harvester Co, later with local firm; 1902-10 ptr of Jensen & Andersen in Andersen Impl Co; 1910-34 ptr of Andersen in Andersen Impl Co; 1934- ret; 1934- Kearney Co Commr; 1911-12 mbr city coun; Dem: res 241 Nebraska Ave, Minden.

   HAPEMAN, HARRY: Physician & Surgeon; b Earlville, Ill Feb 1, 1858; s of William E Hapeman-Lucy A Brown; ed La Salle Co. Ill; Milton Wis Coll 1875-77; Northwestern Coll, Naperville Ill 1877-79; Northwestern U 1879-80; Rush Med Coll, MD 1882; m Carrie Russell Oct 11, 1882 Polo Ill (dec 1914); m Mona C Clearman June 14, 1916 Kearney: d Lucy Ann; 1882-84 ptr of J B Snyder in med prac, Polo Ill; 1884- prac med, Minden; VP First Natl Bank; ACS; past mbr Neb St & AMA; Torrey Botanical Club; ch mbr Amer Soc of Plant Taxonomists; past mbr AF&AM; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, botany, has collection of 17,000 specimens; off 444 1/2 N Minden Ave; res 225 Brown Ave, Minden.

   HARLAN, JAMES PHILLIP: Merchant; b Kearney Co, Neb Oct 16, 1886; s of Jerome J Harlan-Mary Belle; ed Kearney Co; m Nera M Meyers May 1, 1926 Heartwell; d Rosanna, Vera May; 1900-17 worked on farm in Kearney Co: 1917-20 mason, Norman; 1920-29 owner & opr Harlan Meat Market; 1929- owner & opr store, Harlans Meats & Groc; buyer



Who's Who

for Kearney Co Creamery; past mbr sch bd; mbr town bd; Cath Ch, com mbr; Dem; hobby, baseball; father has lived in Kearney Co 77 years; res Norman.

   HOFGAARD, ARTHUR: Clergyman; b Chicago, Ill Mar 17, 1880; s of Andrew Hofgaard-Helen Hadeler; ed Buffalo Co; Dana Coll Prep, Blair 1905; Dana Coll & Trinity Seminary 1908; m Anna E Larsen June 3, 1908 Hampton; s Alvin H, Ethan H; d Elna (Mrs Immanuel Peterson); 1908-11 pastor Danish Luth Ch, West Branch Ia; 1911-18 pastor Our Saviors, St Peters & Dania Churches, Owatonna Minn; 1918- 26 pastor Nazareth, Bethany, Our Saviors Churches, Kenmore, N D; 1926- supt & pastor Bethany Luth Ch & Old Peoples Home; 1938 resigned as pastor, Bethany Ch; 1939- pastor Ebenezer Ch, Curtis; mbr bd of pensions of United Danish Luth Ch in Amer; Rep; hobby, carpentry; off & res 115 Yates Ave, Minden,

   HOLMES, CARL: County Clerk, Register of Deeds & County Assessor; b Huntley, Neb Dec 6, 1881; s of Charles H Holmes-Eliza David; ed Minden HS 1901; Central Bus Coll 1902-03; m Mary E Porter June 8, 1908 HeartwelI; s Howard P; d Pauline (Mrs C W Strand), Betty June, Gwenda Lee; 1901-02 tchr, Huntley; 1908-05 tchr, Huntley & rural sch; 1905-08 emp Broman Bros Mdse Store, Minden; 1908-17 clk of dist court; 1917-35 in ins bus; 1935- Kearney Co clk; past mbr sch bd; past J P; past city clk; C of C; AF&AM; IOOF; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, gardening; off Courthouse; res 735 N Kearney Ave, Minden.

   HOVE, ANDREW CHRISTIAN: Banker; b Minden, Neb Oct 4, 1904; s of Christian Hove-Dorothy Petersen; ed Minden; m Rosalie Vopat June 8, 1930 Oxford; s Andrew Christian Jr, Richard Joseph; 1922-30 bkkpr Minden Exchange Natl Bank, 1930-38 asst cash, 1933- cash; city treas; sch treas; 1939 pres C of C; Minden Golf Club; IOOF; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbles, golf, fishing; off Minden Exchange National Bank; res 309 N Nebraska, Minden.

   JOHNSON, JAMES: Electrician; b Davenport, Ia Aug 12, 1876; s of Chris N Johnson-Mary Ann Thomsen; ed Minden HS 1897; m Jennie C Stephens July 27, 1898 Minden; d Georgia (dec), Hazel Virginia (Mrs J C Beeman), Ruth (Mrs R Haury); 1897-99 steam engr at brickyard & roller mills, Minden; 1900-04 engr, Sewell Grain Co, Minden; 1904-10 mgr Farmers Elevator, Axtell; 1910-18 with Crete Mills elevator; 1918- owner & opr electrical bus; 1925 pur threshing rig & has worked each season in Kearney Co; retainer for Western Pub Service Co, Holdrege dist; ch mbr vol fire dept, chief; past mbr sch & town bds; local register of births & deaths; C of C; AF&AM, sr warden; MWA; Presby Ch; Dem, vice-chmn State Central Com; hobbies, fishing, hunting, baseball; res Axtell.

   JONES, CLINTON LEMIN: Superintendent of Schools: b Blossburg, Penn Jan 7, 1888; s of Abram R Jones-Mary Lemin; ed Vaughnsville O; Berea Ky HS 1912; PSTC 1914; U of N, BA 1921, MA 1935; m Glena Gordon Dec 22, 1916 Seneca; s Gordon L; d Janice C, Margaret J; 1908-09 tchr Putnam Co Ohio; 1914-16 supt of schs, Seneca; 1916-19 supt of schs, Verdon; 1919-24 supt of schs, Ansley; 1924- supt of schs, Minden; Neb Schoolmasters Club; NSTA, past pres 5th dist; past mbr bd of control Neb HS Activities Assn; Rotary, past pres, secy; AF&AM; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, golf; off HS, Minden; res 247 Hawthorne, Minden.

   JORGENSEN, CHARLES JORGEN: Farmer; b Plano, Ill June 27, 1876; s of Solomon Jorgensen-Sidsel Marie Christensen; ed Kearney Co; m Mary K Hermann Feb 28, 1900 Kearney Co; s Caleb L, Clifford H, Gilbert M; d Helen (Mrs J C Adams), Ethel (Mrs Ross Barr), Ruby, Garnette (Mrs Foster Patterson), Marjorie, Jeanette, Mary Carol, Jane; 1877 came with parents in covered wagon to Kearney Co; 1895-1900 worked as hired man; 1900- farmed, Kearney Co; 1929 Master Farmer; past mbr sch bd; Farmers Grain & Supply Co; pres Pleasant View Tele Co; Farmers Union, ch mbr; United Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, raising evergreens; res RFD 3, Minden,

   JORGENSEN, THORVALD MARTIN: Merchant; b Denmark Dec 20, 1884; s of Niels Jorgensen-Anna Thomsen; ed Denmark HS 1901; Nyborg Denmark night sch 1900-01; m Sylvia C Hulqulst Sept 10, 1912 Wilcox; s Paul T; d Lorraine M, Myrtle A; 1907-09 clk for Chris Madsen, Elm Creek: 1909-27 clk for Chas J Hulquist, Wilcox; 1927- owner & opr T M Jorgensen Mdse; past mbr town bd; dir C of C; AF&AM, York Rite, Shrine; Dem; hobbies, driving, travel; res Wilcox.

   KING, MILO DAVID: Attorney; b Elkhart Co, Ind July 26, 1860; s of John King-Nancy Kenagy; ed Lagrange Co Ind; Hillsdale Mich Coll, 1882-84; studied law in off of Judge Farell, Lagrange Ind & A H Burnett, Minden; m Emma M Bronson Oct 6, 1887 Minden; d Ruth M (Mrs W A Canady), Helen A (Mrs F C Palmer); 1884-85 tchr Ind rural schs; 1885-87 tchr, Minden; 1886 adm to bar; 1887- prac law, Minden; 1885-89 Kearney Co Judge; 1900-02 & 1907-09 Kearney Co atty; 1920-32 city atty; helped found Kearney Co Natl Farm Loan Assn; Kearney Co & Neb State Bar Assns; Kearney Co Hist Soc; past mbr C of C; MWA; AF&AM; Maccabees; Presby Ch, past elder; Dem; hobby, stock raising; off Courthouse; res 558 N Hull Ave, Minden.

   KINGSLEY, FRED RALPH JR: Bank President; b Minden, Neb Aug 16, 1886; s of Fred R Kingsley Sr-Anna M Booth; ed Minden HS; U of N, 1906-07; Sigma Chi: m Clair A Armstrong Jan 6, 1912 Glenwood Ia; 1907-14 bkkpr Minden Natl Exchange Bank, 1914-17 asst cash, 1917-30 cash, 1930- pres; pres Bank of Bertrand, treas Tri-Co Project, past pres; past mayor; mbr vol fire dept; C of C; Minden Golf Club; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off Minden Natl Exchange Bank; res 521 Hull Ave, Minden.

   KINGSLEY, MABEL: Homemaker; b Elgin, Ill Oct 19, 1886; d of Andrew D Wright-Susanna B Duck; ed Wilmington Ill; Miss Gregg's Seminary, Chicago Ill; m George Pomeroy Kingsley Nov 22, 1893 Freeport Ill (dec 1929); s George Pomeroy Jr. Donaldson Wright, Hamilton Swift, Archibald Wright (dec); d Susanna, Edith (Mrs E Hamilton), Ethel (Mrs T L Weekes); 1893 came to Minden where husband was banker; org Garden Club; past mbr Womans Club; Presby Ch; hobby, gardening; res 745 W 4th, Minden.

   LANDSTROM, EBER ELMER: Manager Elevator; b Axtell, Neb Apr 30, 1905; s of Charles E Landstrom-Mary Soderquist; ed Axtell HS 1924; m Irene Carleson Nov 16, 1927 Hastings; s Ronald Lavern; 1924-26 ptr of G Parriott in comml trucking; 1925-32 owner & opr trucking bus in Colo & Neb; 1932-mgr Axtell Grain & Elevator Co; mbr town & sch bds; Elevator Mgrs Assn of Omaha: C of C, VP exec bd, 1937; Bethany Ch; Indep; hobby, fishing; off Grain Elevator; res Axtell.

   LAPTHORNE, ALBERT WILLIAM: Clergyman; b Plymouth, England Oct 27, 1896; s of Charles William Lapthorne-Edith Kelland; ed Davenport HS, Plymouth England; Plymouth Coll, 1912-16; Garrett Biblical Inst 1936; m Lillian Beatrice Kyle Apr 7, 1920 Plymouth England; d Betty Jean; 1916-21 surveyor in civil dept of naval dock yard, Plymouth; 1915-21 local preacher; 1916-18 asst & military chaplain during World War; 1921 came to Eagle, apptd pastor, Meth Ch; 1924 ordained deacon; 1926, elder; 1924-25 pastor, Swanton; 1925-27 pastor, Brock; 1927-29 pastor Dietz Memorial Ch, Omaha; 1929-34 pastor, Sutton; 1934-36 pastor, Franklin; 1936- pastor, Minden; past mbr Lions; C of C, hon mbr; AF&AM; OES; chmn Epworth League Inst Coun, Holdrege Dist 1937-38; secy Kearney Co Ministerial Assn; secy Interchurch Reserve; Meth Ch, mbr religious edn com of Neb conf; hobby, travel; off & res 326 E 6th, Minden.

   LEHMKUHL, CHARLES JOHN: Hardware & Furniture Dealer; b Wahoo, Neb Dec 11, 1896; s of Edward Lehmkuhl-Grace Beebe; ed Wahoo HS; U of N, BA 1919; Alpha Kappa Psi; m Gladys M Schwab June 18, 1919 Osceola; d Jean, Helen, Marjorie; 1914-15 tchr, Cheyenne Co; 1919-33 ptr of father in hdw bus; 1933- owner & opr C J Lehmkuhl Hdw & Furn, Minden; mbr sch bd; during World War, 1918-19 bus agt for SATC, U of N; past pres Neb Retail Hdw Assn; C of C; AF&AM, RAM: Rotary, secy; chmn BSA com; United Presby Ch, trustee, treas; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off 343 N Colorado Ave; res 205 E Holland, Minden.

   LUNDBERG, FLOYD MELVIN: County Attorney; b Wakefield, Neb Nov 18, 1907; s of Oscar G Lundberg-Mathilda Hanson; ed Wakefield; Randolph HS; U of N, BA 1930; LLB 1982; Delta Theta Phi; m Marjorie E Chamberlain Oct 22, 1932 Nebraska City; d Eleanor Mae; 1932- prac law, Minden; 1933- Kearney Co atty; during World War, capt res coast artillery signal corps; 10th Judicial Dist, & Neb St Bar Assns, C of C; Golf Club; IOOF; Rep; hobby, golf; off Courthouse; res 200 S Minden Ave, Minden.


in Nebraska


   MAASE, CLYDE FREDRICK: County Superintendent of Schools; b Washington Co, Ark Aug 6, 1893; s of Charles Maase-Nettie Johnson; ed Phillips; Polk Co; Palmer Coll Acad, Albany Mo 1917; York Coll 1925-26; KSTC, BSc 1931; m Nellie M Hananon Apr 27, 1918 Adair Co Ia; s Charles F, Robert L, Donald Carl; d Barbara J, Ruth J; 1918-20 farmed, York Co; 1920-21 homesteaded, Casper Wyo; 1921-25 farmed, Polk Co, 1926-27 dep MWA, Kearney; 1928-31 HS tchr, Denman; 1932-35 supt Norman HS; 1935- Kearney Co supt of schs; orphaned when 9 years old; taken from Mothers Jewels Home in 1905 by Rolon Jones with whom he & brother remained in Polk Co until 1913; during World War, 1917-18 enl in US army aviation corps, 812 aero squadron, O/S; Amer Leg; Neb Assn of Co Supts; mbr dist 5; NEA: Kearney Co Men Tchrs Assn; C of C; IOOF; KP; Interchurch Res; Meth Ch, SS supt; Rep; hobby, reading; off Courthouse; res 603 N Tower Ave, Minden.

   McCONNELEE, FRED JOHN: Clergyman; b Mussoorie, India May 21, 1900; s of John Alfus McConnelee-Alma Collins; ed priv sch, India; Xenia O; Muskingum Acad & Muskingum Coll, New Concord O; Sterling Kas Coll, BA 1925; Xenia Seminary, St Louis Mo, ThB 1926; m Anna Lee McKee June 12, 1929 Beloit Kas; s Daryl F, Charles W; 1919-21 did odd jobs; 1928-31 pastor United Presby Ch, Shannon City Ia; 1931- pastor, Minden; Presby Ch, supt of young peoples work Presbytery of Neb; hobby, tennis; off & res 336 W 1st, Minden.

   McHUGH, FRED SWILER: Store Manager; b Beatrice, Neb Sept 24, 1905; s of William Sloan McHugh-Mary Ellen Swiler; ed Beatrice HS 1928; m Thelma I Bower Jan 25, 1930 Council Bluffs Ia; s Hugh Bower; 1924-26 with Hested Store, Beatrice; 1926-27 mgr Hested Store, Geneva; 1928-29 with A A Hager Co, Eugene Oregon; 1929- mgr Hested Store at Neligh. 1933-35 mgr at Grand Island, 1935 mgr at Minden; C of C, dir; Rotary; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, photography, hunting, stamp collecting; res 441 E 3rd, Minden.

   MARTIN, FRED STANLEY: Attorney; b Tacoma, Wash Oct 31, 1912: s of Ernest Martin-Lillian Hanthorne; ed Valley HS; Omaha U; Creighton U, LLB 1936; Gamma Eta Gamma; m Edythe Anderson Sept 18, 1935 Carroll Ia; d Janelle C, Radelle, 1936- prac law, Minden; city clk; secy C of C; secy Neb Assn of Comml Orgn Secys; secy Minden Golf Club: Meth Ch; Dem; off C of C; res 735 N Brown Ave, Minden.

   MEIER, WILLIAM HENRY: Attorney; b Lincoln, Neb Dec 23, 1904; s of Otto William Meier-Mary O Bothwell; ed Lincoln HS; U of N BA 1926, LLB 1930; Palladian; Delta Theta Phi; m A Mabel Utter Aug 12, 1934 Lincoln; s William Edward; 1926-27 tchr Central HS, San Juan Porto Rico; 1930-31 special agt US dept of justice, bur of investigation; 1931-33 prac law, Lincoln; 1933-36 atty for Fed Land Bank of Omaha, 1935 with father & uncle in law firm Meier & Meier, Lincoln; 1933-35 mbr Neb house of representatives; 1936- prac law, Minden; police judge; JP; 10th Judicial Dist & Neb State Bar Assns; Comml Law League of Amer; C of C; Rotary, hon mbr; secy Kearney Co ch Natl Foundation for Infantile Paralysis; vice-chmn Kearney Co ARC; BSA, scoutmaster; AF&AM; KP; Presby Ch; Dem, chmn Kearney Co Central Com; hobby. BSA work; off Clearman Bldg; res 329 N Brown Ave. Minden.

   MORTENSON, ALFRED: Editor; b Council Bluffs, Ia Mar 20, 1886; s of Peter Mortenson-Mary Skodsholm; ed Council Bluffs Ia; m Kitty Belle Wills Nov 15, 1908 Harlan Ia; s Alfred Deming, John Stuart; d June E (Mrs E P Jones); 1904-08 mgr meat mkt & groc, Council Bluffs Ia; 1908-11 clk of superior court, Council Bluffs Ia; 1908-11 dep city clk; 1911-18 ptr of C Peterson & Co, Council Bluffs Ia; 1910-21 owner Mortenson's Variety Store, Minden; 1921- editor & co-publisher Minden Courier; 1935- pres Kearney Co Hist Soc; BSA; past scoutmaster; lecturer & tchr of ornithology; C of C, past dir; past pres Rotary; chmn Kearney Co ARC; KP; hobby, ornithology; off Minden Courier; res 314 N Smith Ave, Minden.

   NELSON, CLARENCE ELMER: Banker; b Keene, Neb Jan 5, 1896; s of Peter J Nelson-Ida C Anderson; ed Minden HS 1914; U of N 1914-16; Alpha Kappa Psi; m Hazel M Exstrum June 22, 1921 Kearney Co; s Marshall Ray; d Shirley Jane; 1919 bkkpr First Natl Bank, Chappell; 19207-21 bkkpr Bank of Axtell; 1921- cash Farmers State Bank, Keene; 1921- secy Keene Grain, Stock, Lbr & Coal Co; past mbr sch bd 15 years; during World War, evacuation hosp 7, 1st class sgt, 1917-19; Amer Leg; KP; DOKK; Bethany Luth Ch, past trustee; Rep; hobbies, golf, travel; off Farmers State Bank; res Keene.

   NELSON, EMIL SAMUEL: Postmaster; b Kane, Penn Apr 7, 1877; s of Thomas J Nelson-Avalona Larson; ed Kearney Co; m Tabitha Putnam Aug 17, 1898 Minden (dec): s Loren W, Irvin L, Eric O; d Hazel F (Mrs C O Howard); m Arvilla Olcott July 17, 1927 Minden; 1896-98 ptr in harness mfg & shoe bus, Hildreth; 1898-1903 in restaurant bus, Hildreth; 1903-07 farmed in Kearney Co; 1907-12 owner & opr bakery & restaurant, Hildreth; 1912-16 opr bakery & cafe & Franklin Co treas; 1924-36 oprd bakery, Minden; 1936- P M Minden; mbr city coun 2 years; C of C, dir, past pres; Rotary, dir, pres; IOOF; KP; Dem; off P O; res 109 S Colorado, Minden.

   NEWTON, ARTHUR E: Meat Market Owner; b Washburn, Ill July 30, 1880; s of George A Newton-Alzina Renata Hall; ed Washburn Ill HS 1996; m Blanche Charlotte Lenon Mar 8, 1900 Wilcox; s Clifford Iradel, Billy Richard; d Etta Mae (Mrs A F Morlan), Ruth Darlene; 1898-1900 farmed with brother in Harlan Co; 1900-05 indep farmer in Harlan Co; 1905-10 owner & opr City Meat Market; 1910-15 oprd auto livery & garage; 1916-25 farmer; 1925- owner & opr City Meat Market, Wilcox; mbr town bd; past mayor; secy sch bd; twp bd, past chmn; C of C, past dir; MWA, worthy councilor; AF&AM, past master; Meth Ch, chmn bd of trustees; Rep; hobbies, fishing & hunting; res Wilcox.

   PARTRIDGE, VERN HARPER: Garage Owner; b Hastings, Neb Sept 29, 1892; s of Charles H Partridge-Mattie Robertson; ed Minden 1907; m Emma Jensen Aug 15, 1920 Minden; d Jane Elizabeth, Patricia Ann; farmed in Kearney Co until 1916, 1916-18 & 1919-31 with Ford Garage in Minden, 1931-38 held int in bus; 1938- owner & opr service garage; pres sch bd 1938, mbr since 1938; during World War, 1918-19 with Co E 319th engrs; Amer Leg; C of C, past committeeman; IOOF, past grand; Presby Ch, trustee since 1934; hobby, golf; res Minden.

   PETERSEN, ALFRED IVER: Store Manager; b Hildreth, Neb Mar 31, 1897; s of Iver S Petersen-Anna Larsen; ed Minden HS 1915; m Alta Rose Theitje July 10, 1926 Columbus; s E John; with Neb Bell Tele Co until 1918; during World War 1918-19 in USN, OTS Great Lakes, OTS Hampton Roads Va, USS Massachusetts, USS Leviathan; Amer Leg, past comm & adjt; 1920-23 with Brown & Ekberg Co at Minden, 1923-25 mgr at Holdrege, 1925-28 store mgr in Julesburg Colo; 1928-85 mgr at Minden; 1936-37 ptr in Jess Petersen Shoe Store; 1938- with Farmers Union Store; chief vol fire dept; C of C, past pres, past dir, mbr exec bd; United Presby Ch; Indep; hobbies, fishing, leading Model Airplane Club for Boys; off Farmer's Union Store; res 810 Yates, Minden.

   PETERSEN, ARNOLD WILBER: Agricultural Extension Agent; b Hamilton Co. Neb Jan 3, 1912; s of Ole T Petersen-Anna Nelsen; ed Hampton HS 1930; U of N, BSc 1937; Tri-K; Farm House; lived on farm in Hamilton Co until 1938; 1937-38 seed analyst Neb St dept of agr; did field work for U of N; emp as asst agrl agt in Dodge, Richardson, Webster, Thayer, Harlan, & Kearney Cos; Oct 1938- agrl agt in Kearney Co; won trip to Amer Soc of Agronomy meeting at Chicago 1937; C of C, chmn agrl com; Luth Ch; Indep; hobbies, athletics, botany; off Courthouse; res Minden.

   PETTEYS, WILLARD ALONZO: Gas & Oil Dealer; b Henry Co, Ill Sept 14, 1862; s of John T Petteys-Laurana E Field;. Cambridge Ill HS 1880; Davenport Ia Bus Coll, 1882; m Cora S Swain Apr 3, 1884 Henry Co, Ill; s W Alonzo, John A; 1885-1915 homesteaded in Harlan Co; 1915-21 with Farmer's Elevator Co, Wilcox; invented elevator dusting device; 1921 moved to Lincoln; 1925-30 lived at Wilcox; marketed elevator dusting device; 1930-34 farmed; 1934- org & owner City Oil & Gas Co; 1935 helped org Wilcox Co-op Oil & Gas Co; 1939 opened City Feed Mill, Wilcox; past mbr dist sch bd, past twp clk; past J P; past mbr C of C: Wilcox Mutual Ins Co. secy 25 years; Co-op Elevator, secy 15 years; Comm Ch; Rep; hobbies, machine work & invention; off & res Wilcox.

   PORTER, WILLIAM ELMER: Merchant; b Heartwell, Neb Nov 15, 1887; s of William C Porter-Mary Amanda Turpin; ed Heartwell; Hastings Bus Coll; m. Martba W Melson Feb 7, 1917 Minden; s William Harold; 1905-08 carp, bldg grain elevators for Burchard Construction Co; 1908-12 clk in gen store, Heart-



Who's Who

well; 1913-17, with brothers Charles A & Dan O owner & opr gen store, 1917-22 with brother Dan & E R Westing; 1922-26 with E R Westing; 1926- owner & opr Porter Bros; 1925- opr 400 A farm, raises & feeds hogs; AF&AM; Rep; hobby, woodwork; res Heartwell.

   POTTER, ERNEST ROLLIE: Retired; b Grandview, Ia Feb 21, 1867; s of Charles Robert Potter-Jennie McDougal; att 3 subscription schs, tchrs boarded with scholars' parents at Red Cloud & Freewater; m Mary Ellen Griswold Feb 26, 1888 Wilcox (dec Apr 24, 1935); s Ward Stanley; d Jennie Elizabeth (Mrs ___ Zertauf), Hazel Mae (Mrs ___ Cook), Leah Evelyn (Mrs Roland Drishaus); freighted from Red Cloud to Hastings & from Freewater to Kearney 1876-85; 1888-1915 farmed in Franklin & Phelps Cos; 1915-32 carp, Wilcox; 1932 ret, lives with children; came to Kearney Co 6 years before Wilcox was estab; hauled everything from Kearney, only 6 houses on road to Kearney & only two wells in radius of several miles, farmers hauled water from wells & Turkey Creek for stock, charged 10c barrel at well on the Walker ranch; all open range country, no fences; helped build many houses in Wilcox dist & in Ragan; was veterinarian for farmers many years & was offered license although trained only by practical experience; treas sch bd & mbr many years in rural sch dists; mbr Wilcox village bd 2 terms, one term chmn; road overseer many years; twp clk in Ash Grove several terms; past mbr IOGT; hobbies, reading, travel; res Wilcox.

   ROBB, HAROLD BRYAN: Garage Owner; b Minden, Neb Aug 8, 1897; s of J H Robb-Lena M Miller; ed Minden HS 1917; U of N 1919-20; m Hazel D Harvolt June 21, 1922 Superior; s Gordon Lee; with Ford garage in Minden while in HS; while in U of N airplane mechanic for Tatieum Garage; 1920-36 with Ford Garage, Minden; 1936- ptr in garage; pres city coun; mbr vol fire dept; during World War 1918-19 with MTC, instr in Lincoln, disch corp; Amer Leg, comm 1931; C of C; IOOF, past noble grand, past dist installing ofcr; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; off Fleming & Robb Garage; res 616 East 8th, Minden.

   ROBB, JAMES HENRY: Attorney; b Hagens Grove, Mo Sept 18, 1861; s of Hugh W Robb-Mildred Tutt; ed Franklin Co; Franklin Acad; m Lena Mabel Miller Dec 29, 1888 Minden; s Leland E, Merl H, Harold; d Eula (Mrs L E Hutchinson), Ada (Mrs A Bowles), Gladys (Mrs P J Musgrave); came with parents to Macon Oct 1871: tchr in Franklin & Kearney Cos 10 years; 1895-99 Kearney Co supt of schs; 1899-1903 Kearney Co Judge; 1903 adm to bar; 1903- prac law, Minden; 1934- conciliation commr, Kearney, Franklin & Harlan Cos; Kearney Co, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; 1900-35 clk, MWA; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, politics; off Engaard Block; res Minden.

   ROBB, LELAND ELLSWORTH: County Judge; b Kearney Co, Neb Dec 8, 1889; s of James Henry Robb-Lena Mabel Miller; ed Minden HS; Franklin Acad; m Margaret Marie Stuehn Oct 25, 1928 Hildreth; d Irene Victoria; 1920-29 barber in Minden; 1929-30 prac law with father James H Robb; 1930- Kearney Co judge; past police judge 9 years; during World War with 16th recruit Co Jefferson Barracks Mo, gen service in inf, disch Dec 11, 1918; Amer Leg; Neb Assn of Co Judges; C of C, mbr budget com; AF&AM; IOOF; KP; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; off Courthouse; res 139 W 5th, Minden.

   ROGERS, CALVIN SPRAGUE: Banker; b Aurora, Neb June 24, 1881; s of Noies Caleb Rogers-Harriet Sprague; ed Minden; U of N 1899-1900; m Winifred P Mooney Dec 26, 1914 Minden; s John C; d Jean (Mrs S Dietrick), Carol; 1902-04 bkkpr First Natl Bank of Minden, 1904-07 asst cash, 1907-29 cash, 1929- pres; past sch bd mbr; C of C; Minden Golf Club; KP; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; father was pres First Natl Bank; off First Natl Bank; res 187 N Brown Ave, Minden.

   ROMIG, FRED HERBERT: Railway Station Agent; b Wisner, Neb July 11, 1894; s of Edwin J Romig-Anna S Slayman; ed Albion HS 1911; m Marie Keefer Apr 26, 1917 Superior; s Robert D; d Dorothy; 1916-21 cash for CB&Q RR at Superior, 1921- agt, Wilcox; mbr village bd 2 terms; past pres bd of edn; secy lib bd of Oneida twp; past dir Comml Club; PTA, org; AF&AM; KT; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep, pct committeeman many years; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Wilcox.

   SCHERER, OTTO: Real Estate & Insurance Dealer; b Jackson Co, Ia Feb 21, 1893; s of Charles Scherer-Amelia Schaite; ed Webster City Ia HS; Grand Island Bus Coll 1912; m Helena W Ziebarth Jan 1, 1919 Wilcox; d Eunice A, Doris B; 1912-15 with First Natl Bank of Wilcox; 1915-18 in real est, ins & auto bus; 1919-22 real est & ins dlr; 1922-28 owner Exchange Bank; 1928- real est & ins dlr, adjuster for Hartford Ins Co & farms 600 A, raising livestock; 1937- representative, Gleaner Harvester Co; 1988 mgr Hastings PCA, HoIdrege; 1935-36 Kearney Co supvr Corn-Hog Program; village clk since 1920; mbr sch bd since 1938; during World War enl Apr 2, 1918 with 164th DB, Camp Funston Kas, disch Nov 80, 1918; Amer Leg Post 66, Holdrege; C of C; St John's Luth Ch, treas; hobby, travel; res Wilcox.

   SMITH, JAMES JOSEPH: Physician & Surgeon; b New Lexington, O Feb 16, 1875; s of Thomas M Smith-Alice Dean; ed Sutton HS 1896; Creighton U, MD 1904; m Catherine Joyce May 31, 1905 Fairfield; s James J Jr; d Mary (Mrs Roland Groat), Nellie A, Cathdrine L; 1905 interne St Joseph's Hosp, Omaha; 1905- prac med, Heartwell; 1917- opr Smith's Pharm; 1933-40 mayor; past mbr sch bd; past mbr Kearney Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; off Drug Store; res Heartwell.

   SMITH, OSCAR CARL: Grain & Lumber Dealer; b Kearney Co, Neb Nov 21, 1888; s of John Smith-Anna Larson; ed Norman; m Anna Hansen June 10, 1917 Minden; s John W. Paul L; d Margaret (Mrs Glen Estele); 1901-04 emp on farm in Kearney Co; 1904-11 did comml threshing & road work; machinist; 1908-12 farmed with brother & father in Kearney Co; 1912-13 with brother oprd dray line & livery in Norman;. 1913-14 mgr Hines Elevator Co, Norman; 1914- mgr Keene Grain, Stock, Lbr & Coal Co, Keene; 1914- mgr Kingsley Lbr & Coal Co; 1938- opr indep elevator in Wilcox; pres & past secy Co-op Oil Assn; dir Keene Store Co-op; chmn sch bd 15 years; Farmer's Elevator Assn of Neb; Central Neb Grain Dlrs Assn, pres; pres Kearney Co SS Assn; Evang Ch, chmn 20 years; Rep; hobbies, woodwork, alabaster work; res Keene.

   SOUNDY, ARTHUR: Clergyman; b Dorchester, England May 15, 1877; s of Joshua Tovell Soundy-Elizabeth Johnson; ed priv sch; Friend's HS & Coll in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; m Olga P Widholm Apr 8, 1908 Milts Grove Ill;, s Arthur Douglas; d Gwendolyn (Mrs M Usher), Marjorie (Mrs M Nyquist), Dorothy (Mrs W Rogers); with father in dept store in Australia until 1903; 1904 as mfrs shipping agt opened off in London England; 1905 with Rev Davidson came to Amer to estab a Bible Inst in N J; 1905-14 minister to various churches of Ind & Ill; 1914-24 at Gothenburg, 1924- at Minden; while in Gothenburg founded Presby Young Peoples Conf grounds at Lexington, chmn bd of dirs, hon mbr vol fire dept: C of C; Rotary; past chaplain Neb Vol Firemen's Assn; dir Minden Golf Club, one of founders; Neb Coun of Chris Edn; Presby Ch, chmn com of Christian edn, stated clk of presby of Hastings; Rep; hobbies, golf; res Minden.

   STRAND, COLLINS WEIR: Dentist; b Minden, Neb Apr 10, 1909; s of Joseph B Strand-Minnie Johnson-ed Minden; Hastings Coll 1929; U of N, DDS 1934; Delta Tau Delta; m Pauline M Holmes July 4, 1937 Minden; 1934- prac in Minden; secy S W Neb Dist Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; C of C; Minden Golf Club; AF&AM; Presby Ch; hobbies, golf, hunting; off 609 N Colorado Ave; res 235 S Colorado Ave, Minden.

   SUTTON, BRUCE RALPH: Physician; b St Clairsville, O May 28, 1906; s of William West Sutton-Ida Denham; ed St Clairsville O HS 1924: Muskingum Coll, New Concord O, BSc 1929; U of Colorado, MD 1935; Interne St Anthony Hosp, Denver; Nu Sigma Nu; m Dorothy Woodhams June 14, 1935 Denver; s Harold Bruce; after coll tchr in Provident, Ohio 3 years, taking Coll work in summer; June 1936- prac med as asst to Dr Andrews in Minden; Adams Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; United Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, photography; off Seeley Hosp; res 521 N Tower, Minden.

   THOMSEN, INGEBERT J: Real Estate Dealer & Abstractor; b North Albid, Denmark Aug 4, 1878; s of Peter H Thomsen-Marie Johansen; ed Minden; m Hedvig E Holstein Nov 18, 1903 Minden; s Vernon I, Homer H (dec), Immanuel H; d Bernice M (Mrs E O Nelson), Eldoris S (Mrs P E Tobin); 1882-94 on farm with parents; 1894-1902 rented & oprd farm; 1902 pur farm; 1902-10 farmed, raised Percherons & Shorthorn cattle; 1910 moved to Minden; 1914-16 Kearney Co dep clk; 1916-23 Kearney Co clk; 1923-36 P M Minden, 1936- real est dlr &


in Nebraska


abstractor; inventor of Nu-Matic horse collar; during World War clk of local bd, Minden, June 20, 1917-1918; C of C; United Presby Ch, pres & supt of SS; Rep; hobbies, SS work; res 139 Yates Ave, Minden.

   TIDVALL, ELMER CLARENCE: Banker; b Minden, Neb Feb 22, 1885; s of Oscar Tidvall-Hilma S Anderson; ed Minden HS; Bethany Coll, Lindsborg Kas, BA 1908; m Maude M Baum June 5, 1912 Minden; s Preston E; d Willa Reye; 1900-02 clk & delivery boy for Hollman-Youngson Mdse Co at Minden; 1903-04 cash; 1904-07 bkkpr First Natl Bank, 1907-29 asst cash, 1929- cash; 1906-ins agt; dir First Natl Bank; past secy regional bankers clearing house; past mbr city coun; past city treas; VP bd of edn; dir Minden Cemetery bd; C of C, dir; Minden Golf Club; United Presby Ch, elder, asst SS supt, pres KIU SS class; Rep; off First Natl Bank; res 189 S Nebraska Ave, Minden.

   WESTON, FRED ELESWORTH: Merchant; b Moline, Neb Apr 28, 1888; s of Elmer Elesworth Weston-La Dora Robb; ed Harlan Co; Wilcox HS; LBC; m Maude Edna Mowrey Feb 14, 1912 Wilcox, d Mary Elizabeth; 1897-1912 farmed with father, Franklin Co; 1912-17 farmed, Norton Kas; 1917-19 homestead, Craig Colo; 1919-23 farmed, Kearney Co; 1923-30 owner & opr Weston Produce Bus, Wilcox; 1930- owner & opr Weston Groc, Wilcox; past mayor; vol fire dept, chief 15 years; chmn twp bd; mbr cemetery bd; past JP; chmn C of C; Community Ch; Dem; hobby, croquet; off & res Wilcox.

   WIMMER, ELWOOD ELESWORTH: Editor; b Custer Co, Neb Nov 29, 1896; s of Elmer Elesworth Wimmer-Lillie Mae Roberts; ed Comstock HS 1913; m Merle G Guggenmos July 31, 1920 Grand Island; s Bernard E; d Doris Darlene; 1913-17 opr father's farm near Broken Bow; 1919-26 publisher Comstock News; 1926 mgr Carmen Okla Headlight; 1927-36 foreman Ravenna News; 1936- editor & publisher Wilcox Herald; past police judge, Comstock; mbr village coun; mbr sch bd; during World War, Co B 21st inf San Diego Cal & OTS, Waco Tex, mil police, Little Rock Ark; Amer Leg, org post 220 at Comstock, first comm; NPA; secy Comml Club; village coun; past mbr Ravenna Golf Club; AF&AM; past mbr IOOF, MWA & KP; Rep; hobby, music; off Wilcox Herald; res Wilcox.

   YOUNGSON, CORA BELLE: Homemaker; b Beloit, Wis Nov 18, 1871; d of Isaac A Hill-Mary E Burger; ed Minden HS; m George Nelson Youngson May 21, 1890 Minden (dec 1931); s Isaac Hill, George N; d Helen (Mrs W H Brack), Harriett (Mrs James D Conway), Jane (Mrs L J Titus); 1874 came with parents in covered wagon to Kearney Co; 1890- homemaker, Minden, past mbr Woman's Club; an org & past VP Garden Club; Presby Ch. past secy bldg bd; Rep; hobbies, driving, gardening; father was US dep marshal & sheriff of Kearney Co; husband was VP First Natl Bank mcht, & mayor; res 219 N Brown Ave, Minden.




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