NEGenWeb Project - Lincoln County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
Lincoln |
Who's Who |
committeeman, past chmn Neb St Central Com; hobbies, football, hunting, fishing; res 421 West 4th, North Platte.
     NIELSEN, WALTER H: Auto Dealer; b Omaha, Neb July 9, 1907; s of I O Nielsen-B M Christensen; ed Technical HS Omaha; m Ella M Alt May 28, 1938 Grand Island; 1925-26 draftsman for Weir Body Co. Omaha; 1927-38 salesman & sales mgr Nielsen Chevrolet Co, Columbus; 1938- pres & gen mgr Nielsen Chevrolet Co Inc, North Platte; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; C of C; dir Kiwanis; Country Club; Luth Ch; hobby, collecting pipes; parents born in Denmark, father came to US age 10, farmed in Douglas Co; off 315 E 4th; res 204 S Pine, North Platte.
     OGlER, NICHOLAS EDWIN: Auto Dealer & Service Station Operator; b Parkersburg, W Va Sept 26, 1877; s of Nicholas Pedwin Ogier-Almira Leach; ed Schuyier HS; m Raie Ethel Garman Jan 26, 1896, Wallace; s Raymon Robert; d Grace Almira (dec); 1896-98 rancher & farmer Lincoln Co; 1898-1902 clk Banks Store, North Platte; 1902-04 UP RR fireman & brakeman; 1904-05 opr livery barn; 1904-12 North Platte afl for Standard Oil Co; 1912-38 secy Hendy-Ogier Inc 1938- opr Ogier Oil Co. stations in McCoolc, North Platte, surrounding towns; past pres C of C; Kiwanis; B of LF&E; Country Club, trustee since 1916; BPOE; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Tehama Shrine; OES; IOOF; trustee Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off 223 E 4th; res 510 W 4th, North Platte.
     OGlER, MRS RAIE GARMAN: Homemaker; b Parkville, Mich May 3, 1881; d of William Garmen-Susan Campbell; ed North Platte HS; m Nicholas Edwin Ogier Jan 26, 1896 Wallace; s Rayrnon A; Robert E; d Grace Almira (dec); 2 nieces, Frances Garman Ogier & Margaret Garman Ogier, make home with Mr & Mrs Ogler; active in civic, charity work & youth edn; DAB; past matron OES & grand representative S D OES; Rebekah, past noble grand ch mbr Womans Club, past chmn art dept; 5$ supt primary room Presby Ch; hobbies, flowers, art; father born in England, came to Amer when 8 years old; came to Lincoln Co 1880's, bldg contr & rancher; mother's ancestors came over on ship Welcome; res 510 W 5th, North Platte.
     OVERCASH, BERT L: Attorney; b Dorchester, Neb Nov 24, 1906; s of Bert R Overcash-Elizabeth Hendrickson; ed Lincoln HS 1924; U of N, BSc 1928; LLB 1980, cum laude; Order of Coif; Phi Delta Phi; Delta Sigma Fl; m Esther White Jan 24, 1931 Lincoln; s Allen L; 1930 adm to Neb bar; 1930-34 prac law Lincoln 1934 with Lester Dunn; 1934- prac law with firm Shuman & Over. cash in North Platte; ally CB&Q bus lines; 1937-39 asst atty gen of Neb; 1928-30 mbr editorial staff Neb Law Bulletin; 1932-34 special counsel for state banking dept in Lincoln; mbr Lincoln Co. Western Neb & Neb St Ear Assns; C of C; AF&AM, Lincoln; Luth Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, swimming, fishing, landscaping; off 112 Dewey; res 821 East B, North Platte.
     PIZER, HARRY L: Real Estate & Investment Dealer; b North Platte, Neb Jan 1, 1898; s of Julius Pizer-Anna Friedman; ed North Platte HS; Wentworth Mil Acad; U of N; 1907, when 9 years old started working in father's store, The Leader in North Platte; 1919 salesman for Armour & Co. Omaha; 1920-21 traveling salesman for Star Bottling Works, North Platte; 1921-24 ptr of father in gen store, North Platte; 1924-28 ptr of brother in Pizer Bros gen store: 1927- mgr est of Julius Pizer & real est & investment bus; 1935-39 mbr Neb legislature; during World War enl July 1918 in med corps 39th field arty, 13th dlv, Camp Lewis Wash, disch Feb 1919; BPOE; Amer Leg; 40 & 8; UCT; Country Club; Rep; hobby, work with trees; res 303 W 2nd, North Platte.
     PLATT, OTIS R: Physician & Surgeon; b Johnson Co. Neb June 26, 1891; s of John M Platt-Susan M Jones; ed Cook HS; Loyola U, Chicago, MD 1916; grad work Amer Hosp, Chicago; Phi Chi; m Leona C Kuse 1914 Johnson Co; s John Henry, Otis Boyes; m Mary K McHugh 1935 Omaha; during World War 1918-19 was 1st lt at Fort Oglethorpe Ga; 1916-20 phys & surg with Dr Joseph Boyes at Blue Valley Hosp, Hebron; 1921- surg North Platte; 1921-35 conducted Platte Valley Hosp, North Platte; surg for UP & CB&Q RRs, mbr surgical staff of St Mary's Hosp; one of first surgs to use airplane to carry patients to hosp from surrounding country; opr farm & ranch in Lincoln Co; Lincoln Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn, 4 years councillor 11th dist; AMA; C of C; AF&AM; BPOE; Amer Leg; 40 & 8; hobbies, farming, ranching; off 416 1/2 Dewey; res 1303 W 3rd, North Platte.
     PORTER, GRENVILLE B: Credit Bureau Owner; b Omaha, Neb Aug 4, 1896; s of Boyd K Porter-Elizabeth Illife; ed Central H5 Omaha; m Doris Boardman May 21, 1921 Omaha; s Ralph B; d Janice B; 1918-24 asst yard supt Sunderland Brothers in Omaha, 1924-30 credit mgr; 1931- owner & mgr Credit Bur, North Platte; 1934-35 farm debt adjuster in rural re-habilitation work; assoc Credit Burs of Neb; Assoc Credit Bur of Amer; socy North Platte Retail Credit Assn; NatI Retail Credit Assn; Natl Consumer Credit Reporting Corp; secy Lincoln Co Auto DIrs Assn; C of C; past secy Kiwanis; past secy LOOM; Pioneer Ad Club; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; off Pawnee Hotel; res 2500 W 2nd, North Platte.
     PRYOR, FRANCIS J III: Clergyman; b Philadelphia, Penn Apr 23. 1904; s of Francis J Pryor Jr-Florence Ella, Smith; ed Episc Acad, Overbrook. Penn; Trinity Coll, Hartford Conn. BSc 1926; Berkeley Divinity Sch, New Haven, Conn 1929; Delta Psi; m Marion Kart June 17. 1929 Buffalo N Y; s Francis J IV; d Susan; 1929 ordained deacon St Andrew's Chapel, Philadelphia Divinity Sch; ordained to priesthood St Elizabeth's Ch, Holdrege Dec 1929; 1929-30 priest St Elizabeth's Ch in Holdrege & St Matthews Ch in Farnam; 1930- rector Church of Our Saviour, North Platte; mbr Ministerial Assn of North Platte; secy Western Neb diocese; C of C; past chaplain AF&AM; Country Club; Rep; hobbies, reading, wood carving; res 219 W 4th, North Platte.
     PYLE, TALMAGE O: Railway Agent; b Fancy Farm, Ky Oct 4, 1888; s of Benjamin F Pyle-Elmira Boswell; ed Eastern U Prep Sch, Claremore OkIa; m Marceline Gartner Nov 2, 1922 North Platte (dec); d Norma Gail, Ruth Lucille; m Elvira Knutson May 28, 1939 North Platte; 1906-09 teleg & wireless opr US army SC Fort Omaha, Havana & Matanzas Cuba & Fort Sam Houston Tax, disch Fort Sam Houston; 1909-10 in merc bus with father, Claremore OkIa; 1910-20 UP RR teleg opr Ogallala Neb, Julesburg Colo, Sidney & North Platte; 1918-20 also ticket agt Julesburg, Colo; 1920-21 train dispatcher in North Platte; 1921- ticket agt; 1908- mbr ORT; treas Sedgwick Co Colo ARC during World War; past sr warden AF&AM. Julesburg Colo; secy UP Old Timers Club; deacon First Chris Ch, pres 100 club, ch treas, treas bldg fund; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off Depot; res 712 S Vine, North Platte.
     RAINE, FRANK H: Manager Telephone Company; b Antigo, Wis Aug 26, 1903; s of William M Rains-Katherine M Warner; ed MoCook HS; m Lea O Burnett Sept 1, 1923 Oberlin Kas; s Larry Gene; d June Elaine; 1922-24 comml clk Northwestern Bell Tele Co at McCook; 1924-26 comml clk at Holdrege; 1926-27 mgr Trenton also Stratton & Culbertson with hdqrs in Trenton; 1927-28-Feb 1933 mgr Lexington also in Ovcrton at Elm Creek and Elwood; Feb 1933- mgr North Platte; C of C; VP Kiwanis; dir Pioneer Ad Club; exec com SA; Meth Ch; hobbies, golf, fishing, football; off Telephone Bldg; tea 516 N Maple, North Platte.
     RASMUSSON, RASMUS: Merchant; b Denmark Sept 6, 1866; s of Herman Rasmussen-Karen Peterson; ed Atlantic Ia HS; m Rose H Dickerson July 3, 1889 Harlan Ia; s LeRoy L, Robert D; came to Amer 1873 settled in Ia and was emp as clk in gen mdse store at Atlantic; 1892-99 clk in gen mdse store Gothenburg; 1899- owner & mgr Rasmusson Gen Mdse Store in Brady; mayor 3 terms; mbr sch bd 14 years; Comml Club; Rep; hobby, gardening; res Brady.
     RA5MUSSON, ROBERT O: Insurance Agent; b Gothenburg, Neb June 20, 1894; s of Rasmus Rasmusson-Rose Dickerson; ed Brady HS; m Lily Wallace Aug 4. 1915 Overton; 1911-15 bkkpr Brady State Bank; 1915-20 cash; 1920- moved to North Platte & ent ins bus; 1933- org & mgr firm Cotterell & Rasmusson, ins & finance; Neb Assn of Ins Agents; C of C; past lt gov Kiwanis, 7th div Neb-Ia dist; secy Lincoln Co Wildlife Club; AF&AM; Meth Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting, collecting Indian relics. Parents came from Ia to Neb in 1890; oprd gen mdse store in Gothenburg, later at Brady; off Dickey Bldg; res 417 S Vine, North Platte.
     RAUE, EDWARD CHARLES: Clergyman; b Appleton, Wis Aug 16, 1889; s of Frederick William Raue-Emilie Roeber; ed Carroll Acad, Waukesha Wis; Carroll Coil, Waukesha Wis, BA 1914, DD 1936; Presby Theological Seminary, Chicago, BD 1917; Tau Kappa Epsilon; m Ethel Walvoord July 25, 1924 Sheboygan Wis;
in Nebraska
d Mary Ann, Emilie June; 1917-18 pastor Grace Presby Ch; Green Bay Wis; 1918-19 First Presby Ch in Sheboygan Wis; 1919-21 assoc pastor Second Presby Ch, Chicago; 1921-23 First Presby Ch, Eau Claire Wis; 1923-26 Benson Presby Ch, Omaha; 1927-34 First Presby Ch, Scottsbluff; 1934-36 First Presby Ch, Casper Wyo; 1934- First Presby Ch, North Platte; 1924-26 stated clk Omaha presbytery; 193439 trustee Hastings Coil, coll preacher 1935; 1936 coIl preacher Westminster Coll, Salt Lake City Utah; 1937 coIl preacher, Carroll CoIl Waukesha Wis; tchr 19 summer confs of young people, Great Lakes region & the west; Presbytery of Kearney; past moderator synod of Neb; North Platte Ministerial Assn; Inter-Church Res; during World War 1917-18 chaplain YMCA at Camp Grant; C of C; Rotary; Amer Leg; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32°; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing;, off 4th & Willow; res 319 West 4th, North Platte,
     REDFIELD, JOSIAH BECKLEY: Physician & Surgeon; b Omaha, Neb Aug 23, 1892; s of Willis J Redfield-Catherine Archer; ed Papilhon HS; U of N, MD 1908; m Cassie H Harris June 23, 1909 Lincoln; s Harris B, John J; 1908-11 phys & surg in Wood River & Cairo; 1911- prac in North Platte; specialist in X-ray & surgery; 1915-21 pres & mgr North Platte Gen Hosp Inc, mbr staff & instr in surgery, nurses training sch; 1925-34 owner & mgr Redfield-Dent Hosp, North Platte; 1925- city phys; during World War was 1st lt in Med OTC Fort Riley Kas; North Platte Birth Control Soc; Lincoln Co Med Soc, past pres, author of history of soc; Neb St & AMA; patented mouth gag surgical instrument in 1918; C of C; Country Club; BPOE; past master AF&AM; past high priest RAM; KT, past comm; Scot Rite; past patron OES; Amer Leg; past pres & chmn mbrship com Neb-Ia dist of Kiwanis; hobby, golf, winner Neb St Med Assn tournament in Grand Island 1939; off 5081/2 N Dewey; res 523 W 2nd, North Platte.
     RINCKER, MRS HATTIE WHITE: Homemaker; b Yankton, territory of Dakota Dec 18, 1865; d of Charles Sylvester White-Elizabeth B Welch; ed Cheyenne Wyo HS; m Frederick W Rincker Sept 24, 1884 Cheyenne Wyo; s Ernest W, Charles A, Fred B (dec); 1877 moved to Cheyenne Wyo; came to North Platte Nov 15, 1895; husband was conductor UP RR 26 years; Mr & Mrs Rincker oprd Rincker Drug Co in North Platte many years; Mrs Rincker org North Platte ch Amer War Mothers before natl group formed, past natl memory tree chain, past natl 2nd VP, past 3rd VP, past natl auditor, past nal chrm of welfare, hospitalization, prison & relief, past state pres now corresponding secy North Platte ch writer of articles for War Mothers magazine; North Platte chmn mil relief during World War; past pres Travel & Study Club; past worthy matron OES; past pres PEO; past pres Womans aux Western Neb dist of Episc Ch; hobby, war mother's work; parents born in Vt, father freighted from Yankton thru Ia; res 323 W 6th, North Platte.
     RITNER, EDITH: Deputy Clerk US District Court; b Lincoln Co, Oct 12, 1893; d of John R Ritner-Gertrude May Thompson; ed North Platte HS; 1918-19 retoucher in Brooks Studio, North Platte; 1919-30 clk, off of Lincoln Co clk; 1930-28 dep clk in dist court; Jan 1939- dep clk in US dist court; treas Altrusa Club; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, coloring photographs; father born in Penn & mother in Mich, father came to Lincoln Co when 17 years of age; off P O Bldg; res 721 W 4th, North Platte.
     RITNER, MRS FERN: Deputy County Sheriff; b Table Rock, Neb Sept 17, 1898; d of C H Watts-Ida B Harter; ed North Platte HS; KSTC; m William M Ritner July 27, 1922 North Platte; 1916-18 tchr in rural schs; 1918-23 with Brooks Studio North Platte; 1923-29 in ins & abstract bus with Mr Rltner; 1929- Lincoln Co dep sheriff; Altrusa; B&PW, past pres; past worthy matron OES; past noble grand Rebekah; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; father a rancher in Lincoln Co & one of prominent cattle raisers; off 303 Jeffers; res 1320 W 3rd, North Platte.
     ROBINSON, JAMES RALPH: Vice-President Service Co; b North Platte, Neb June 28, 1892; s of James V Robinson-Ada Ann Salisbury; ed Northwestern Acad, Ill; Mornlngslde Coll, Sioux City, Ia 1915-16; Hamilton U of Commerce, Ia; Hawkeye; m Dorothy D Rosencrants Nov 28, 1923 North Platte; s James Lewis; d Ruth Irene, Helen Elizabeth; 1914 cash & bkkpr Mason City Candy Co, Mason City Ia; 1916- chief clk to master mechanic Armour & Co, Sioux City la; 1917 OSD clk with CM&StP BR; 1917 Earl Fruit Co, welghmaster Fresno Cal; 1918 tonnage clk SP BR San Francisco; 1919-22 chief clk to gen yard master UP RR North Platte; 1922 apptd Lincoln Co dep clk; 1922 pur half int in S & R Service Co; 1928- VP S & R Service Co, distributor Sinclair products; eh mbr & past dir C of C; past secy-treas Rotary; mbr BSA com; Lincoln Co Wildlife Club; AF&AM; York Rite; KT, boys SS tchr 15 years Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, BSA work; off 616 N Jeffers; res 704 W 1st, North Platte.
     ROMIGH, JAMES VICTOR: Attorney; b Rochester, Penn June 28, 1881; a of James B Romigh-Helen S Fezeii; ed Central HS Omaha; U of N, BA 1903; Harvard Law Sch, LLB 1906; Alpha Tau Omega; m Viola M Luce July 3, 1906 Vineyard Haven, Mass; s Orin L, PhiIlip S; 1906 adm to bar; 1906-10 prac low, Omaha; 1910-16 prac law, Gothenburg; Gothenburg city atty; 1916- prac law North Platte & mgr Co-op Collection Bur, Western Neb Bar Assn; past secy Neb St Bar Assn; pres Great Plains Highway Assn; dir Neb Good Roads Assn; past pres & past dir C of C; Rotary; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading, roads; off Dickey Bldg; res 821 West 4th, North Platte.
     RUSSELL, RALPH SWISHER: Physician & Surgeon; b Metlaioyuca Mex Mar 22, 1900; s of C P Russell-Orissa Swisher; ed Lincoln HS 1917; U of N, BA 1922, MD 1925; Pi Kappa Alpha; Phi Rho Sigma; m Ruth Carpenter July 20, 1926 Lincoln; s Ralph S Jr. Calvin Bruce; d Ann Carpenter; 1925-26 Interne Uni Hosp, Omaha; 1926-27 surgical asst to Clyde A Roder in Omaha; 1927- prac in Sutherland; 1930 designed & built Russell Hosp now known as Sutherland Hosp, opr since; 1934- maintains off in Paxton; 1938- mbr surgical staff of St Mary's Hosp in North Platte; UP RR surg; mbr sch bd dist 55; 1918 during World War in field arty OTC Camp Zachary Taylor Ky; Keith, Perkins & Garden Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; FACS; 1938 Comml Club; AF&AM; IOOF; Meth Ch; hobbies, sailboating & fishing; res Sutherland.
     SALISBURY, ARTHUR J; Sheriff; b Dwight, Ill Mar 19, 1872*; s of William N Salisbury-Lena Matthews; ed Tonica Ill; m Katherine Clark Feb 1921 Grand Island; s Arthur J Jr; d Ruth K; 1892-1901 farmer & rancher in Lincoln Co; 1901-10 opr livery & feed barn, North Platte; 1912-23 sheriff in Lincoln Co; 1923-27 in auto & farm impl bus, North Platte; 1927-39 Lincoln Co sheriff; BPOE; IOOF; C of C; Cosmopolitan; Lincoln Co Wildlife Club; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; parents came to Lincoln Co in 1889, lived on ranch; res 103 W 3rd, North Platte.
*Died July 6, 1939 following injuries in auto accident near Loveloek, Nev.     SANDALL, OSCAR J: County Judge; b North Platte, Neb Apr 15, 1887; s of John Sandall-Hulda Samuelson; ed North Platte HS; m Tiiiie Huxoll June 3, 1914 North Platte; s Willis L; 1905-08 UP RR ear checker, North Platte; 1908-13 with Weingard & McDonald Clothing Co; 1913-19 in retail groc bus; 1919-29 asst cash Platte Valley State Bank; 1929- Lincoln Co judge; C of C; advisory bd SA; treas BPOE; IOOF; treas & coun mbr First Evang Luth Ch; hobby, baseball; parents came from Sweden to US 1857, settled in North Platte, father with UP RR; off Courthouse; res 218 S Vine, North Platte.
     SCOTT, MARSHALL EWAN: Abstracter; b Port Republic, Va Oct 5, 1881; a of George . L Scott-Edmonia V Ewan; ed Cuba Ill HS; Gem City Bus Coll, Quincy Ill; m Winifred Booler Dec 25, 1906 North Platte; s Beeler E; d Virginia (Mrs H D Lawrence); 1902-05 bkkpr for coal Co, Cuba, Ill; 1905-11 bkkpr, asst cash, cash, Cuba Ill Farmers State Bank; 1911-27 in banking bus, North Platte; 1927- in abstract, ins & B & L bus; past secy sch bd; Neb & Amer Title Assns; Neb Assn Local Ins & Real Eat Agts; past pres, past dir C of. C; IOOF; trustee Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, gardening, flower raising; off 220 E 3rd; res 220 W 2nd, North Platte.
     SEBASTIAN, JAMES E: Insurance Agent; J Carroll Co, Mo Dec 5, 1886; s of Henry N Sebastian-Mary A Smith; ed Carroll Co; Maupins Comml Coll, Chilllcothe Mo; m Ethel C Homing Aug 18, 1908 Juiesburg Colo; s J Doian; d Gladys H, Catherine Ann; 1903-11 owner & opr real est & life ins off, Chappell; 1911-39 opr ins bus in North Platte, gen agt Minn Mutual Life Ins Co in central & western Neb; 1939- dist mgr Mlnn Mutual Life Ins Co; VP 1933, pres 1934 Neb St Assn Life Underwriters; ch mbr Rotary; C of C; past chmn advisory bd SA; past grand IOOF; BPOE; KP; Country Club; mbr of bd Luth Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting; off Hirschfeld Bldg; res 911 E 2nd, North Platte.
     SELBY, CLAUDE A: Physician & Surgeon; b Petersburg. Ind Aug 25, 1888: s of Isaac Selby-Mattie I
Who's Who
Adams; ed North Platte HS; U of Ill, BA 1911; Loyola U, MD 1915; Alpha Kappa Kappa; m Mable Duke Sept 22, 1915 North Platte; s Bruce Allen; d Phyllis Claudia. Lois Betty, Mary Jean; 1915 interne St Elizabeth Hosp, Chicago; 1915-17 phys & surg, Chicago, also sch examiner Chicago bd of health; 1916-17 courtesy attending staff mbr St Elizabeth Hosp, Chicago; 1919- phys & surg, North Platte; UP RR surg since 1923; 1920-25 city phys; 1926-35 mbr bd of edn: 1932-35 VP; past staff mbr Platte Valley Hosp; staff mbr St Mary's Hosp, North Platte, chief of staff, 1939; Lincoln Co Med Soc; 1921-35 councilor of 11th dist Neb St Med Assn, VP 1930, pres 1936, China constitutional revisions com 1937-39, mbr 1st bd of trustees 193839, alternate del from Neb to AMA 1939-40; fellow AMA: 1934-36 med advisor to state labor commr; 1938- consulting surg Neb state dept of health, div of venereal diseases; during World War enl June 1917: commd by Gov Neville as 1st med corp NNG: assigned to Neb field hosp; AEF, Rainbow or 42nd div: comrnd capt of mcd corps Sept 1918, army of occupation stationed at Coblenz Germany, disch May 1919; ch mbr Amer Leg, past comm & dist surg VFW; C of C; ch mbr Kiwanis; Episc Ch; hobby, music; off 517 1/2 Dewey; res 1017 E 4th, North Platte.
     SHOUP, BERTON THEODORE: Grain Dealer; b Sutherland, Neb July 24, 1904; s of James Melton Shoup-Etta Florence Ridgway; ed Sutherland HS 1921; U of N, 1921-25; Farm House; m Lucille Evelyn Coker June 7, 1936 Sutherland; d Sandra Lu; 1925-27 mgr Farmers Union Co-op Assn elevator, Sutherland also ptr with mother & brother Wesley on farm & ranch lands in Lincoln Co; 1927-30 with ptrs on farm & ranch; 1931- mgr Farmers Union Co-op Assn, Sutherland; 1934- coptr Hershey Mills, in Hershey; raises purebred Hereford cattle & won grand championship with steer at Western Natl Livestock Exposition 1929; chrm of town coun; past pres Sutherland Comml Club; mbr of bd, Sutherland Co-op Bank; AF&AM; past comm KT; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; res Sutherland.
     SHOUP, JOHN WESLEY: Rancher; b Sutherland, Neb Dec 26, 1900; s of James Melton Shoup-Etta Florence Ridgeway; ed Sutherland HS 1919; m Inice Lelah Pinkerton Nov 12, 1921 North Platte; s John Kennard; d Phyllis Mardene; Ellen Florence, Edna Maryetta, Eldean Marie; 1921- mgr & opt livestock & farming interests known as Shoup & Sons; 1934- ptr in Hershey Mills in Hershey; mbr sch bd; pres Neb St Irrigation Assn; 1928- secy Farmers Union Co-op Assn; pres Lincoln Co Water Conservation Assn; had highest production on 10 A in corn yield contest under auspices of Neb Crop Growers Assn; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Commi Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Sutherland.
     SHUMAN, WILLIAM E: Attorney; b Cedar Rapids, Neb Apr 19, 1882; s of Rev George Shuman-Sarah Coffman; ed Waco HS; U of N, LLB 1904; m Florence Erlas Apr 12, 1922 Colorado Springs Colo; d Dorothy Lucile (Mrs Alen Hackett), Mariel Ruth, Carole Erlas; 1901-02 prin Brady schs; 1902-03 tchr North Platte schs: 1904 adm to Neb bar; 1904- prac law in North Platte, Shuman & Overcash firm; atty CB&Q RR & bus lines; past pres Lincoln Co Bar Assn; Western Neb, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; C of C; Pioneer Ad Club: IOOF; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing, gardening; off 112 Dewey; res 821 E 4th, North Platte.
     SIMON, URBAN A: Attorney; b Hastings, Neb Mar 9, 1904; s of Lee F Simon-Katherine Neville; ed North Platte HS; Notre Dame, PhB 1926: Georgetown U, LLB 1931; m Dorothy LeDoiyt Sept 15, 1933 North Platte: s Gerald U, James A; d Myrtle K; 1927-31 station clk metropolitan police, Washington D C; 1931 adm to District of Columbia bar, 1982 adm to Ill & Neb bars; 1931 special investigator for Bur of Investigations US Dept of Justice; 1932- prac law in firm E H Evans & Urban Simon, North Platte; Lincoln Co, Western Neb, & Neb St Bar Assns; C of C; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off 414 1/2 Dewey; 914 E 3rd, North Platte.
     SNAVELY, LAWRENCE A: Dentist; b Brunswick, Mo Dec 15, 1894; s of Peter Snavely-Ida E Ehrett; ed Brunswick Mo HS; Washington U, St Louis DDS 1918; grad work Northwestern U, Chicago 1925; m Ocy L Louder Aug 18, 1921 Denver Colo: s Lawrence C (dec); d Barbara; 1919-21 dentist, Deshler; 1921- dentist, North Platte; opr registered Holstein dairy farm, specializing in production of pure raw milk; during World War in dental corps at Fort Oglethorpe Ga; N W Neb dist, Neb St & ADA; life mbr Holstein Friesian Assn of Amer; C of C; Kiwanis: UCT; Amer Leg; AF&AM; RAM past comm KT; Meth Ch; hobbies, dairy farming, raising purebred Holsteins: off 310 E 4th; res 1111 E 4th, North Platte,
     SNYDER, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Retired; b Nemaha Co. Neb Sept 2. 1857; s of Jeremiah Snyder-Frances Miles; ed Nemaha Co; PSTC; m Isadora Richardson 1898 Cozad; s Robert George, Albert William; 1874 carried mail by horseback from Fort Kearney to Fort Hayes; 1875-87 worked on farms in Mo & Ia; 1878-80 freighted hay by bull team to Lead S D; 1880 came to Lincoln Co & freighted hay by mule team for govt: 1881 homesteaded in Lincoln Co; 1880-90 worked for various cattle spreads in western Neb; 1881-1931 owner & opt 641 A ranch in Platte Valley near Maxwell; 1931- retired; MWA; hobby, reading; res Maxwell.
     SOUDER, JOSEPH L: Auto Dealer: b Lincoln Co, Neb Jan 29, 1894; s of J M Souder-Annette Bigford; ed Moorefield HS; m Amelia Anderson Nov 14, 1917 North Platte: d Aileen Marie, Bonnie Lois; 1910-15 tchr Lincoln Co rural schs; 1915 timekeeper for Allied Contrs, North Platte; 1916- bkkpr, stock clk, ptr & later sales mgr & mgr Ford Garage, North Platte; during World War joined 222nd field batt, Camp Mead June 1918, disch Dec 1918; Amer Leg; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; dir C of C; ch mbr Kiwanis; IOOF; trustee Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res 920 E 4th, North Platte.
     SPEERS, FRED W: Publisher; b Davenport, Ia July 26, 1906; s of Dr W F Speers-Agnes E Petersen; ed Davenport Ia HS; Stanford U, BA 1928; Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Delta Chi; m Victoria Rountree Oct 12, 1935 Denver Colo; 1928-31 & 1932-36 mbr editorial staff Denver Post: 1931-32 published Rock Springs Wyo Rocket; 1935-36 instr, Denver U: 1936-37 mbr editorial staff Wyoming State Tribune; 1937- publisher North Platte Daily Bulletin; Denver Press Club, pres 1935; NPA; ANPA; 1932 mbr natl exec coun Sigma Delta Chi: Amer Philatelic Soc; C of C; Rotary; Country Club; Denver Athletic Club; Presby Ch; hobby, stamp collecting; off 519 N Jeffers; res 816 W 2nd, North Platte.
     SPRINGER, E H: Retired; b Wilmington, Del Mar 15, 1863; s of Joseph W Springer-Rachel Armstrong; ed Lancaster Penn; m Florence J Hempstead May 1, 1919 North Platte; s Harold H Pulliam, Dwight J Pulliam; family traced back to 420 AD; 1880 errand boy in groc store, Philadelphia; 1882 & 1887 street car conductor, Philadelphia: 1883-86 letter carrier; May 1888-Jan 1889 emp on farm in Dodge Co: 1889-92 worked on ranch for Ed Murphy, Brady; 1892-95 farmed near Brady, 1900-23 owner & opr ranch; now has 660 A; 1904-21 Lincoln Co commr; 1908-14 & 192335 P M, Brady; pct assessor & road overseer; 1935 ret, mgr of ranch ints; past chaplain IOOF; Rep; hobby, collecting coins; res Brady.
     STONE, JOSEPH H: Pharmacist; b St Louis, Mo Oct 6, 1876; s of Maxwell Stone-Mary Morgenstern; ed Omaha HS: Omaha Med Coll, 1897-98; registered pharm 1898; m Wona Goldman Dec 19, 1900 Omaha; s Leon M; d Lena Mary (Mrs Stanley W Swenson); 1896-97 clk, Meyer-Dillon Drug Store, Omaha; 1897-1900 mgr Kuhn Drug Co. Omaha; 190007 mgr & pharm, North Platte Pharm; 1907- owner & mgr Stone Pharm; oldest pharm in North Platte; 1914-18 pres city coun; past VP Neb Phann Assn; C of C; ch mbr Rotary; ch mbr BPOE; dir Country Club; hobby, golf; off 520 Dewey; res 1118 W 5th, North Platte.
     TAYLOR, GEORGE J; Bank President; b Seneca, Kas Aug 8, 1883; s of Thomas H Taylor-Lucy Mary McElroy: ed Crete Acad 1903: Doane CoIl BA BSc 1907; m Jean Ralston Feb 27, 1912 Gothenburg; s George W; 1907-08 with C A Galloway lbr yard in Holdrege; 1908-14 with Tidball Lbr Co. Curtis & Wellfleet; 1914-26 cash Wellfleet Bank; 1923-26 Lincoln Co treas by apptmt, 1926 resigned, pur int in McDonald State Bank; 1926- pres McDonald State Bank; during SpAmer War with Co I 2nd Neb vol inf; C of C; Rotary; AF&AM, Curtis; Presby Ch, mbr of session; hobby, tennis; off McDonald State Bank; res 316 W 2nd, North Platte.
     THOELECKE, OTTO H: Insurance & Real Estate Agent; b Iowa City, Ia Mar 6. 1873; s of Louis D Thoebecke-Bertha M Weste; ed North Platte; m Henrietta F Clark Feb 6, 1913 Omaha; 1889-93 with ranches in Neb & Wyo; 1894-95 with Wilcox-Hailigan attys, Black Hills mining camps; 1896 ranched in Wyo; 1898-1904 in UP RR shops in Idaho & later with law firm of Wilcox-Hailigan; 1904- in real est bus, North Platte; past pres C of C; dir of Neb Real Est
in Nebraska
Assn, mbr ethics com; past park commr; mbr cemetery bd; past mbr Lincoln Highway Commission; supvr & appraiser for Tri-Co Sutherland Projects; Rotary; BPOE; Neb Assn of Local Ins Agts & Real Est DIrs; Evangelical Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, travel; father homesteaded 1873 in Lincoln Co; off 516 1/2 Dewey; res 415 W 3rd. North Platte.
     THOMSEN, PAUL J: Owner & Manager Harvester Agency; b Hastings, Neb Nov 19, 1895; s of Nels S Thomsen-Dagmar Knudsen; ed U of N Sch of Agn 1917; m Alta Derryberry Oct 7, 1919 North Platte; s Charles Lee, Paul John Jr; d Phyllis Marie; 1916-19 asst agronomist U of N experimental substation, North Platte; Sept 1917-June 1919 in Co E 355th inf, 89th div AEF O/S 1 year during World War; 1920- salesman Henry-Ogler Co. Ford dire, North Platte; 1921-24 salesman D M Brooks Battery Co; 1924-33 secy-treas Derryberry-Forbes ImpI Go; 1933- owner & mgr Paul J Thomsen Impi Co, distributors Internatl Harvester trucks, tractors & farm machinery: Midwest ImpI Dlrs Assn; Neb Auto DIrs Assn; C of C; ch mbr Amer Leg, past adjt; VFW; Rotary; sr counsellor UCT; IOOF, inside guardian; Pioneer Ad Club; Meth Ch, treas 55; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, travel; parents farmed in Douglas Co, mother born in Denmark, father born in Omaha; off 408 N Chestnut; res 302 S Jeffers, North Platte.
     TOUT, HARRISON: Business Manager Newspaper; b Dunbar, Neb July 25, 1905; s of Wilson Tout-Nell Harrison; ed North Platte HS; Colo Coll, Colorado Springs, BA 1927; m Margaret M Foote Sept 3, 1938 Glenwood Springs Colo; 1928- personnel dept Alexander Industries Inc Colorado Springs; 1929- with Lincoln Co Tribune, North Platte; 1934- advertising mgr & bus mgr; 1938- also with Plains Farmer; Colo Coll football team 1924, editor coll Tiger 1926-27; NPA; ch mbr Pioneer Ad Club; IOOF; chrm angling div Lincoln Co Wildlife Club; Meth Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off 223 E 6th; res 307 N Elm, North Platte.
     TOUT, MRS NELL H: Homemaker; b Mt Pleasant, Ia. Apr 16, 1878; d of George Murray Harrison-Saraetta Jackman; ed York HS; York Coll; m Wilson Tout July 30, 1903 Lincoln; s Harrison; d Rebecca; tchr York grade & HS 4 years before marriage; during World War count surgical dressing dlv Lincoln Co ch ARC; past pres North Platte Bird Club; past pres Travel & Study Club; past regent Sioux Lookout ch DAR; North Platte Woman's Club; ch mbr Neb Ornithologists Union; pres Lincoln Co Maternal Health League; past pres Meth Women; Meth Ch asst SS supt & ofcl bd mbr many years; hobbies, bird study & bird banding, maintains bird banding station for USDA Biology Survey; res 621 W 3rd, North Platte.
     TOUT, WILSON: Publisher; b Sutton, Neb May 18, 1876; s of Joseph Tout-Celestia Ann Gray; ed York HS; York CoIl, U of N; m Nell Harrison July 30, 1903 Lincoln; s Harrison; d Rebecca; 1894-95 with Daily Times, York; 1895-97 clk in gen store in Riverton; 189899 rural sch tchr, York Co; 1899-1901 in concert work in central US; 1901-20 sch tchr in Utica, Clay Center, Dunbar & North Platte; HS prin & supt of schs in North Platte 12 years; 1920- owner & publisher Lincoln Co Tribune & Plains Farmer; NPA; Natl Editorial Assn; Amer Soc of Mammalogists; Amer Ornithologists Union; ch mbr & past pres Neb Ornithologists Union, & North Platte Bird Club; past pres Lincoln Co Hist Soc; AF&AM; Scot Rite; past secy Rotary; C of C; IOOF; past pres Meth Men, SS tchr; hobbies, nature, birds, animals & flowers; off 223 E 6th; res 621 W 3rd, North Platte.
     WALKER, HAROLD HILL: Physician & Surgeon; b Mason City, Neb Aug 14, 1892; s of Robert B Walker-Maude L Hill; ed Broken Bow HS; U of N, BSc 1917, MD 1918; grad work New York Eye & Ear Infirmary, New York City 1919-20; m Thelma H Harris Dec 22, 1922 North Platte; s Robert Harold; d Janet Louise, Joyce Marie; interne Kansas City Gen Hosp 1919; 1920-22 prac, Riverside Cal; July 1922- eye, ear, nose & throat specialist, North Platte; staff mbr St Mary's Hosp; secy Lincoln Co Med Soc; Western Neb Dist & Neb St Mod Assns; C of - C; Rotary; dist chmn BSA; AF&AM; RAM; Tangier Shrine; past patron OES; Rapt Ch; hobbies, stamps, relics, BSA work; off 518 1/2 N Dewey; res North Platte.
     WALTEMATH, HENRY: Retired; b Hanover, Germany Sept 7, 1864; s of Frederick Waltemath-Marie Nieman; ed Germany; m Marie Brand Sept 11, 1885 North Platte; s William F, Harry A; d Alma Marie (Mrs Lester C Thomas), Helen E Dixon; came to Amer 1880 settled in Neb; came to North Platte in 1882, worked for Fitzmaurice & Reese until 1884; 1886-1915 North Platte distributor Anheuser-Busch Cc; 1915- owner & pres Waltemath Lbr CO; owner of Tele Bldg. Hirschfeld Bldg, Bus Depot, in North Platte & ranches in Lincoln Cc; 1918 mayor; C of C; Country Club; BPOE; IOOF; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, gardening, ranch & lbr interests; off Tele Bldg; res 420 W 4th, North Platte.
     WALTEMATH, WILLIAM F: Vice President Lumber & Coal Co; b North Platte, Neb July 19, 1889; s of Henry Waltemath-Marie Brandt; ed North Platte HS U of Penn, 1907-11; Sigma No; m Margaret Ware Nov 28, 1916 Blair; s William W; d Elizabeth M, Helen L, Mary D; 1911-13 bkkpr SP RR Sheffield Ala; 1913-16 bkkpr North Platte Light & Power Co, North Platte; 1916 with father org Waltemath Lbr & Coal Go, Inc North Platte, 1916-22 secy, treas & gen mgr, 1922- VP; owner of ranches & real est; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; BPOE; Country Club; C of C; Rep; hobbies, hunting, horses; off Waitemath Lbr Go; res 421 W 3rd, North Platte.
     WALTHER, WILLIAM A: Proprietor Print Shop;- b Oak Park, Ill Apr 29, 1909; s of William J Walther-Nellie J Pease; ed North Platte HS; m Lucille York Sept 11, 1932 McCook; 1924- with Walther's Print Shop with exception of 6 mos with Northwestern Bell Tele Co & 18 mos with Best Laundry Co: 1935-37 ptr in bus of father; mgr & owner with mother since 1937; father estab print shop in 1922, died Oct 1937; C of C; Pioneer Ad Club; UCT; AF&AM; RAM; high priest KT, generalissimo; Kiwanis; Country Club; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; off 102 E 5th; res 509 1/2 N Jeffers, North Platte.
     WARY, NORTON MAURICE: Dentist; b Lushton, Neb Mar 14, 1905; s of Kimber D Wary-Mary J McDonald; ed Hastings HS; U of N, DDS 1930; Delta Sigma Delta; m Viva B Marshall June 4, 1932 Lincoln; s Richard Maurice; d Beverly Ann; 1930-39 dentist, Newman Grove; 1939- dentist, North Platte; past chmn city improvement com, Newman Grove; past mbr C of C, Newman Grove; Central Neb & Lincoln Co Dental Sees; Neb St & ADA; Pioneer Ad Club; Meth Ch; hobbies, golf, travel; off & res North Platte.
     WEAKLY, HARRY E: Agronomist; b Ayr, Neb Aug 6, 1899; s of Ward F Weakly-Hannah M Snyder; ed Roseland HS; U of N, BSc 1922, MSc 1925; Gamma Sigma Delta; Alpha Zeta; m Ethel B Liljegren Aug 30, 1925 Hildreth; s Ward Fredrick; d Shirley E, Donna Lea, Bonny Joy; 1920-21 worked on soil survey for USDA in Deuel & Antelope Cos; summer 1922 worked on barberry eradication for USDA in Neb; Mar 1923- jr agronomist for div of dry land agr USDA, U of N experiment sub-station, North Platte; NatI Geographic Soc; Neb Ornithologists Union; Inland Bird Banding Assn; Neb Acad of Science; during World War in SATC, U of N; Amer Leg; BSA, scoutmaster troop 294; Chris Ch, elder; hobbies, geology, stamp collecting, dendrology, chronology, ornithology, archeology; father was farmer in Adams Co; res North Platte.
     WHITE, GEORGE CONNER: Retired; b Columbia Co, Penn Nov 28, 1868; s of W P White-Rebecca Crevelling; ed Penn; m Elizabeth Hawley Dec 28, 1892 North Platte; s Alvin P (dec); John W; Charles Conner; d Elmyra (Mrs J E Marsh); 1886 came to S D; 1890-92 clk in gen store at North Platte; 1892-1908 owner & opr of merc bus in Sutherland; 1908-28 owner & opr Sutherland Tele Go; 1914- owner part int in lbr co in Sutherland; 1916- owner half int in artificial ice plant in North Platte; ext land owner, leases land for ranching & farming purposes; 20 years mbr town coun; 20 years mbr sch bd; first pres Comml Club; IOOF; MWA; Dem; hobby, trees; res Sutherland.
     WIESE, HAROLD D: Secretary Building & Loan Association; b Harbine, Neb Sept 28, 1897; s of John G Wiese-Florentine Derr; ed Meadow Grove HS; LBC; m Florence Chaffin Mar 2, 1922 North Platte; d Virginia Lee; 1916 clk First NatI Bank, Lincoln; 1917 clk Meadow Grove State Bank; 1919-23 teller McDonald Bank, North Platte; 1924- secy Mutual B & L Assn; during World War joined 67th coast arty battery F; 1918, O/S 6 mos; disch 1919; past pres C of C; VP Neb B & L Assn; US B & L Assn; past mbr city coun; mbr bd of edn; AF&AM; Amer Leg; BPOE; Kiwanis past tress Meth Ch, past head Young Peoples See; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res 812 B 2nd, North Platte.
Who's Who
     WIIG, HAROLD P; Merchant; b Omaha, Neb Mar 8, 1889; s of Peter Wiig-Gurine Wernes; ed Omaha; m Blanche Tracy May 5, 1911 Marion Ia; d Hazel (Mrs Thomas Peacock); Hlldred (Mrs John L Lawson); Glorene (Mrs William Thompson); 190719 emp by UP RR, 1910-19 station agt in Sutherland: 1919-20 emp by Farmers Union, Sutherland; 1920-24 ptr of W H Tracy in merc bus; 1924- owner & opr merc bus; 1931- owner & opr groc & meat market at Lewellen; 1937- opr small ranch in Lincoln Co; past mbr town coun; past mbr sch bd dist 55; Comml Club; AF&AM; Loth Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res Sutherland.
     WILLIAMS, EDWARD GLEN: President Monument Co; b St Paul, Neb July 5, 1878; s of Warren T Wuiams-Alie R Houston; ed Grand Island HS; U of N; KSTC; m Marion A Brown June 4, 1909 Alda; d Helen (Mrs George Le Dioyt) Marion A; Betty E; 1901 prin Alda schs; 1902 prin Leavitt schs; 1903-08 prln Howard sch, Grand Island; 1908-11 instr in science dept, KSTC; 1911-20 traveling salesman & stockholder Paine-Fishburn Granite Co, Grand Island; 1920- org North Platte Monument Co. pres & gen mgr; past pres Neb Memorial Craftsmen; Memorial Craftsmen of Amer; mbr & past pres bd of edn; C of C; UCT, past sr counselor; VP Rotary; Meth Ch; Rep: hobby, fishing; off 202 E 1st; res 801 E 3rd, North Platte.
     WINTERBOTTOM. WILLIAM: Publisher; b Jacksonville, Ill Mar 30, 1869; s of Jesse Winterbottom-Rhoda Bloyd; ed Jacksonville Ill; m Cora C Booth Dec 7, 1891 Springfield Ill (dec 1922); d Bertha (Mrs G H Rosentrater); 1904 began newspaper work with Ill State Register & III State Journal; learned printers trade with weekly papers in Springfield, also emp by various other papers in Ill; emp in Minneapolis Minn. Texas & S D; 1908 came to Neb, worked for Charles Pool, Tecumseh; 1909-15 worked on Vindicator. Brady; 1915- owner & publisher Brady Vindicator; past mbr village bd; picture show opr 15 years; Comml Club; NPA; Legal Newspaper Assn of Lincoln Co; Amer Press Assn; Dem; hobby, photography; res Brady,
     YOST, ANDREW THOMAS: Grocer; b Germany Dec 8, 1880; s of Henry Yost-Anna Marie Beyer; ed North Platte HS; m Marie Aaboe June 9, 1909 North Platte; s Robert A, Roy O; d Marilyn Ann; 1886 came with parents to Amer; 1902-18 with E T Tramp Groc, North Platte; 1918-22 machinists helper UP RR; 1920 estab A T Yost Groc; 1922- owner & mgr groc bus; 1923- mbr city coun, past pres; Internatl Assn of Machinists; Neb Assn of Food Retailers C of C; IOOF; choir mbr, tress, SS supt, coun mbr First Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, music; father was harness maker in North Platte; off 1008 W 4th; res 412 Grant Ave. North Platte.
     ZENTS, RAYMOND P: Plumbing Shop Owner; b Kansas City, Mo Jan 10, 1892; s of Austin C Zents-Rebecca Walley; ed Manual Training HS Kansas City Mo; m Teresa Enright Oct 20, 1920 Kansas City Mo; 1907-11 plumber Hanson & Wright Co, Kansas City; 1911-13 plumber US govt. Fort Warren at Cheyenne Wyo; Fort Douglas at Salt Lake City & Fort Leavenworth Kas; 1913-17 & 1919-21 plumber for B Grunwald Inc, Omaha; 1921- owner & opr plumbing bus in North Platte, Zents Plumbing & Heating Co; during World War Aug 1917-June 1919 in 340th field arty, hdqrs Co AEF, O/S 14 mos; Amer Leg; 40 & 8; VFW; Neb Master Plumbers Assn; past VP C of C; BPOE; Country Club; past grand knight KC; Cath Ch; hobbies, golf, hunting, fishing; off 1000 E Front; res 511 Jeffers, North Platte.
     ZOOK, LESLIE LEWIS: Experimental Substation Superintendent; b Kearney, Neb June 21, 1880; s of Levi W Zook-Emma A Reynolds; ed Cozad HS; U of N, BSc 1907; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; m Josephine E Cobbey Dec 15, 1909 Beatrice; d Wilhelmina, Martha May (dec); 1902-03 farmed in Dawson Co; June 1907-1908 asst in field crops dept, U of N experimental station. Lincoln; 1908-15 physiologist, off of corn investigations Bur of Plant Industry of USDA, worked in Cal & Ariz, 3 years then tsfrd to Lincoln & worked in Great Plains states; 1915- assoc agronomist in div of dry land, agr, USDA, U of N experimental substation, North Platte; 1935- supt & assoc agronomist; Amer Soc of Agronomy; Amer Genetic Assn; Neb Hall of Agrl Achievement, author of numerous agri articles & bulletins for Neb State Agrl Experiment Station & USDA; C of C; pres Rotary; Chris Ch, elder, SS tchr; father born in Ill, mother in Ia, came to Neb 1879 homesteaded in Buffalo Co on Indian reservation, later farmed in Dawson Co; off & res North Platte.
Who's Who in Nebraska
(introduction & directory, list of abbreviations)
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