NEGenWeb Project - Madison County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940


 Part 1: County history; bios Adkins-Fraser | Part 2: bios Freudenburg-Paulson
Part 3: bios Perry-Zutz



Who's Who

mbr city coun; 1935- secy-treas Madison Cemetery Assn; res Madison.

   FREUDENBURG, R H: Merchant; b Madison, Neb Aug 11, 1896; s of Earnest Freudenburg-Anna Sunderman; ed Madison Co; m Ella Kamrath May 27, 1919 Madison; s Eldon; d Arlene; prior to 1920 farmed in Madison Co; 1920- owner & opr men's wear store, Madison; mbr sch bd; Comm Club, Rotary; Luth Ch, mbr finance com; Indep; hobby, travel; res Madison.

   FRINK, FRANK LEE: Physician & Surgeon; b Clarence, Ia Sept 25, 1865; s of E P Frink-Eliza M Root; ed Clarence Ia HS; U of Louisville Ky, MD 1891; m Ida V Person Oct 6, 1887 Fremont; d Amy B (Mrs Joe English), Hazel A (Mrs Walter Hansen); 1891- prac med, Newman Grove; 1894- surg C&NW RR; med dir BSA; during World War capt orthopedic section of med corps at Camp Custer; Amer Leg, past comm, state vice-comm; past pres Madison-Six Co Med Soc; dir Elkhorn Valley Ed Soc; 1925-38 mayor; chmn local ARC; AF&AM 305; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Newman Grove.

   GADBOIS, ARTHUR C: Physician; b Sioux City, Ia Nov 30, 1874; s of Aphonse Gadbois-Sarah Allard; ed Nicollet Coll, Canada 1892; Creighton U, MD 1903; m Marie Desparois Jan 27, 1904 Sioux City Ia; s Guy, Robert, Richard; d Betty (Mrs Neil Thacker); 1903-05 prac med, Humphrey; 1905-07 prac, Madison; 1907- prac, Norfolk; staff surg Our Lady of Lourdes & Luth Hosps, Norfolk; oculist for CN&W RR; during World sr capt in MORC Camp Greenleaf, Oglethorpe Ga; Amer Acad of Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology; Madison Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; C of C; Country Club; BPOE; Lions, past pres; hobbies, fishing, farming; off 106 S 4th; res 1219 Koenigstein Ave, Norfolk.

   GANSKO, GODFREY AUGUST: Hotel Owner; b Berlin, Germany Apr 15, 1880; s of Gottlieb G Gansko-Wilhelmina Kranz; ed Madison Co; m Viola Ellen Poor Oct 24, 1907 Albion; s Ralph Vincent, James Arthur; 1900-05 owner Albion House, Albion; 1905-08 owner Comml Hotel, Bloomfield; 1908-11 owner Grand Hotel, Hartington; 1911-13 owner Comml Hotel, Gordon; 1913-15 owner Thurston Hotel, Columbus; 1915-18 owner Neely House, West Point; 1918-19 owner Hartington Hotel, Hartington; 1919-29 owner Boyd Hotel, Wayne; 1929-37 owner Horst Hotel, Norfolk; 1937- owner Hotel Oxnard, Norfolk; C of C; Lions, past mbr; Rep; res Norfolk.

   GANSKO, JAMES ARTHUR: Hotel Owner; b Columbus, Neb Sept 17, 1913; s of Godfrey August Gansko-Viola Ellen Poor; ed Madison HS 1932; WSTC 1933; m Helene Marie Nichols June 3, 1938 Madison; 1934-35 with Allied Properties, Los Angeles; 1936-37 with Rogers-Smith Hotel Chain, New York City; 1937- ptr Oxnard Hotel Norfolk; C of C; Northwestern Hotel Assn; Amer Hotel Assn; Hotel Greeters of Amer; BPOE; Country Club; Presby Ch; Indep; hobby, golf; off & res Oxnard Hotel, Norfolk.

   GEIST, OSCAR E: Pharmacist; b Ravenna, Neb Aug 22, 1896; s of Oliver O Geist-Anna Hochreiter; ed Ravenna HS 1914; Creighton U, PhG 1917; m Adaline Packard June 28, 1926 Norfolk; d Carol Rita; 1919-21 with Weatherby Drug Co, Blair; 1921 with Keleher Drug Store, Norfolk; 1922 with Charles A Sheeler Drug Co; 1937- owner & opr Geist Drug Store; during World War pharmacist's mate in USN stationed in various areas in US; one year O/S, disch Oct 1919 at Mare Island NY; Amer Leg; VFW; Neb Pharm Assn; NARD; C of C; Rotary; BPOE; Dem; hobbies, fishing, huntIng; off 321 Norfolk; res 609 S 4th, Norfolk.

   GERHART, EDWIN HENRY: Banker; b Reamstown, Penn Aug 20, 1870; s of William Gerhart-Maria Mishler; ed Lincoln Penn; Millersville State Normal, Millersville Penn, BE 1892; m Kathryn Daum Aug 21, 1894 Columbia Penn; s Harold Lincoln; d Kathryn; 1893 tchr, Cordelia Penn; 1893-94 tchr Schuylkill Seminary, Fredericksburg Penn; 1894-98 supt Newman Grove schs; 1899-1909 cash First Natl Bank, Newman Grove, 1909- pres; 1901-21 secy sch bd; during World War 4-min man; 1919 mbr Neb legislature, chmn com on edn; Comm Club; past master AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; Tangier Shrine, mbr com on edn & asst custodian grand lodge of Neb; past grand IOOF; Meth Ch; res Newman Grove.

   GERHART, HAROLD LINCOLN: Banker; b Newman Grove, Neb Dec 17, 1897; s of Edwin Henry Gerhart-Kathryn Daum; ed Newman Grove; U of N, BA 1920; Alpha Tau Omega; m Dorothy Hallgren Sept 10, 1927 Newman Grove; s Harold Lincoln Jr; d Mary Ellen; 1920-33 asst cash First Natl Bank, 1933- cash; 1923- mbr vol fire dept; during World War in ROTC, lt & instr at Fort Sheridan; past comm Amer Leg; VP Comm Club: Neb Bankers Assn; past grand IOOF; past master AF&AM; Meth Ch; chmn bd of stewards; res Newman Grove.

   GILLETTE, JAME WILLIS: Owner of Creamery & Dairy, b Newman Grove, Neb Mar 8, 1887; s of Willis Stephen Gillette-Blanche Hoffman; ed Goddard Seminary, Barre Vt 1907: m Birdie Kuhl Sept 15, 1915 Norfolk; s Richard Willis, James Stephen; d Mary Louise; 1910-13 at Newman Grove, in bus at Elgin & rancher in Holt Co: 1913-17 ptr in creamery bus, Norfolk; 1917- owner Gillette Creamery & Dairy, Norfolk; dir C of C; dir Rotary; dir YMCA; dir UCT; AF&AM, Montpelier Vt; York Rite, Norfolk; RAM; KT; Scot Rite 32o Omaha; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, home; off 409-11 Madison Ave; res 508 S 10th, Norfolk.

   GOLDSBERRY, MONROE V: Manager Light & Power Co; b Mound City, Mo Apr 10, 1908; s of Corbin B Goldeberry-Ora Helen Van Deventer; ed Villisca Ia HS 1925; m Catherine Negley Nov 27, 1930 Hepburn Ia; d Ann; 1926-29 service man Ia-Neb Light & Power Co Villisca Ia, 1929-37 mgr, 1937- mgr, Newman Grove; mbr vol fire dept; chmn mbrship com, Comml Club; mbrship com Country Club; AF&AM; jr deacon Meth Ch; hobbies, golf, hunting; res Newman Grove.

   GRIFFIN, FRANCIS J: Dentist; b Irene, S D May 26, 1900; s of Frank Griffin-Margaret Ryan; ed Centerville S D HS 1918; Creighton U, DDS 1925; Psi Omega; m Loretta Schapman Oct 10, 1933 Tilden; d Beverly Jo; 1925-29 dental prac, Meadow Grove; 1929- dental prac, Tilden; Comml Club; Neb St & ADA; Cath Ch: Indep; res Tilden.

   HALDERSON, HELMER: Attorney; b in log house on homestead, Elk Point, S D Nov 26, 1873; s of Holdar Holderson-Sarah Thompson; ed S D; U of S D; U of N, LLB 1899; m Gertrude Kenagy Sept 10, 1910 Milford; s Maxwell H, Lewellyn D; 1894-97 rural sch tchr S D; 1900- prac law, Newman Grove; past city atty; 1915 original proponent of law for summoning jurors by mail; 1930 and 1932 Rep nominee for Congress; author of Taxation for Federal Purposes; writer & publisher history of pioneer settlers of Newman Grove vicinity; Neb St Bar Assn; mbr lib bd; mbr vol fire dept 21 years; during World War mbr coun of defense, chmn 4-min men, chmn civilian relief com; Tri Co Comm Club; IOOF; AF&AM; Rep del to 1912 natl conv; hobby, sports; mgr baseball team 7 years; 1917-18 tennis champ NE Neb; res Newman Grove.

   HALVORSEN, IRA D: Clergyman; b Forest City, Ia Feb 15, 1883; s of M C Halvorsen-Hattie Irish; ed Forest City Ia HS; Ia St Normal, Iowa Falls; Central U, Pella Ia; Moody Bible Inst; m Hattie I Howland Sept 4, 1907 Forest City Ia; s Phillip R, Arlin M, Ira D Jr: d Glenice Marie; ordained June 30, 1908 Vernon Center Minn; 1908-09 pastor Vernon Center Minn; 1909-18 missionary for Amer Bapt Home Missions in Okla; 1891-22 pastor, Chambers; 1922-29 pastor, Corwith Ia; 1929-36 pastor, Goldfield Ia; 1936- pastor, Norfolk; VP Neb Bapt Pastors Conf 1937-39; pres Norfolk Ministerial Assn; hobby, fishing; res 904 S 5th, Norfolk.

   HAMILTON, TRUMAN A: Dentist: b Wahoo, Neb Mar 6, 1897; s of Thomas James Hamilton-Mary E Barnes; ed Wahoo HS 1914; U of N, DDS 1927; XI Psi Phi; Acacia; m Nellie Wilson Apr 10, 1923 O'Neill; s Gordon E; Donald F; 1927-28 dentist, Giltner; 1928- dentist, Norfolk; during World War enl Mar 9, 1918 in med corps at Fort Baird, N M; disch Jan 20, 1920; Amer Leg; C of C; BSA committeeman troop 120; YMCA; Country Club; AF&AM: RAM; worthy patron OES; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; off & res 403 Madison Ave, Norfolk.

   HANSEN, BRUNO: Pharmacist; b Kiel Germany June 19, 1888; s of Lawrence Hansen-Gretchen Ingwertsen; ed Tilden; Creighton U, PhG 1911; m Caroline Praeuner Jan 12, 1916 Battle Creek: s Karl Bruno; d Beata Marie, Gretchen Elizabeth; 1905-09 with Tilden Drug Co & Paine & Shane Drug Co, Tilden; 1911-16 with Pollock Drug Co; 1916-17 owned Hansen Drug Store, Brunswick; 1917- owner & mgr Hansen Drug Store, Tilden; 1934- mayor; mbr bd of edn 15 years, pres 9 years; Comml Club; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Tilden.

   HARTNER, CHARLES: Osteopath; b Leonardville, Kas June 21, 1898; s of Paul F Hartner-Pauline Brodt; ed


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Kirksville Mo & York HS; Amer Sch of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo, DO 1915; m Alma D Wehmhoff Apr 23, 1915 Clay Center Kas; s Gerald Warren; d Helen D; 1915- osteopathic prac, Madison; mbr parochial sch bd; first pres & now secy-treas N E Neb & E Neb Osteopathic Assns; Neb & Amer Osteopathic Assns, del to natl meeting in Dallas Tex 1939; dir Comm Club; VP Rotary; Norfolk Country Club; Luth, Ch, treas; hobby, golf; res Madison.

   HASTINGS, WILLIAM CHARLES: Dentist; b Emmetsburg, Ia Aug 15, 1876; s of Charles William Hastings-Sarah Wright; ed Ruthven Ia HS; Highland Park Coll, Des Moines; Coll of Phys & Surgs, Chicago DDS 1903; Delta Sigma Delta; m Maud Doty June 1, 1907 Newman Grove (dec); m Margaret Hansen Nov 12, 1919 Tilden; s William Charles Jr; d Gretchen; 1903- dental prac, Newman Grove; past pres sch bd; pres lib bd, mbr 20 years; mgr Newman Grove Co-op Creamery; past pres N Neb Dist Dental Soc; Neb St Dental Assn; past pres C of C; past grand IOOF; past master AF&AM 305; Scot Rite 32o, Tangier Shrine; BPOE; Meth Ch, bd mbr; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Newman Grove.

   HAUGE, JOHN EMIL: Editor & Publisher; b Lindsay, Neb Apr 5, 1896; s of John Madsen Hauge-Anna Johanna Mathiesen; ed Newman Grove HS; WSTC 1921; m Mae Olene Peterson June 27, 1923 Newman Grove; d Myra Mae; 1922 sch tchr in Long Pine; 1923 sch tchr in Newman Grove; 1924-29 HS prin, Tilden; 1929-editor Meadow Grove News; during World War enl June 14, 1917 US marines 9th regiment, 100th Co, disch Jan 13, 1919; service ofcr Amer Leg; dir Business Men's Club; Luth Ch: Rep; hobby, athletics; res Meadow Grove.

   HAYDEN, GEORGE MERREL: Retired; b Webster City, Ia Apr 6, 1867; s of Zera Hayden-Nancy Jane Way; m Luella Kate Church Dec 25, 1891 Meadow Grove; s Emmett Ray, Dewey; d Rose May, Charlotte Ione, Fern; 1913-17 emp in Rouse & Hayden Gen Store, Meadow Grove; 1918-22 Madison Co commr; 1922-37 farmed, Madison Co; IOOF, noble grand; AOUW; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep; hobby, church work; res RFD 3, Meadow Grove.

   HAZEN, ARTHUR O: City Clerk; b Milan, Ill July 5, 1872; s of Orville B Hazen-Emma Tuttle; ed Norfolk HS; Gates Coll, Neligh; m Chinella Twiss Apr 16, 1899 Norfolk; d Vyvyean (Mrs John Linn), Hortense (Mrs W I Hagen), Stella (Mrs Kenneth Durm); 1899-1906 with C&NW RR, Norfolk; 1906-11 with Durland Trust Co, Norfolk; 1911-91 with Elkhorn Life Ins Co, Norfolk; 1932 with Pacific States Life Ins Co, Norfolk; 1935- Norfolk city clk; C of C; YMCA; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, tennis; off 121 N 4th; res 410 S 9th, Norfolk.

   HENRY, AARON SAMUEL: County Sheriff; b Cuming Co, Neb Nov 22, 1885; s of George J Henry-Martha Washington Conger; ed Leigh; m Hazel Walker Oct 5, 1922 Ponca; s Earl Aaron, Aaron Samuel Jr; 1905-09 farmed in Stanton Co; 1909-13 drayman, Leigh; 1913-18 owner saloons; 1918-23 Buick dlr; 1923- John Deere dlr, Madison; 1932- Madison Co sheriff; mbr city coun 2 years, Neb Sheriffs & Peace ofcrs Assn; Comm Club; Rotary; Norfolk BPOE; Dem; res 8th & Grant, Madison.

   HERRINGTON, NOYES W: Pharmacist; b Waterloo, Neb Dec 26, 1883; s of James G Herrington-Belle S Noyes; ed Waterloo HS; Fremont Normal, PhG 1902; m Grace English Feb 16, 1903; s James; d Eleanor Rose (Mrs H Clifton); 1902-05 in drug bus, Oktaha & Muskogee, Okla; 1905-06 traveling salesman; 1907- owner of Herrington Drug Store, Newman Grove; Comm Club; Country Club; Rep; hobbies, golf, fishing; res Newman Grove.

   HOOPER, BYRON: Machinist; b Oxford, Neb Dec 22, 1900; s of Lance Hooper-Katherine Johnston; ed Holdrege HS 1918; U of N, 1922; Sigma Nu; m Elma Rodwell Aug 7, 1925 Holdrege; s Byron Hooper Jr; 1922-24 with father, Holdrege; 1924-29 with F Johnson Co; 1929 mgr BrownMcDonald Co at McCook; 1930-33 firm mgr at Julesburg Colo, 1933- firm mgr, Norfolk; AF&AM; past dir Kiwanis; past dir & past VP C of C; Meth Ch; Indep; hobby, BSA work; res 1306 Koenigstein, Norfolk.

   HOWLEY, A N: Physician & Surgeon; b Blue Earth, Minn Nov 21, 1883; s of Edward Howley- ___; ed State Normal Sch, Lewiston Ida; Lincoln Med Coll, MD 1907; Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Training Sch, Chicago & New York City; m Abbie Finley Nov 17, 1909 Missouri Valley Ia; d Margaret B (Mrs Gerald B Voelker); 1907-12 gen med prac in Garland; 1912- eye, ear, nose & throat specialist, Norfolk; Neb St & AMA: US aviation examiner; Country Club; Kiwanis; KC; res 410 N 10th, Norfolk.

   HOWSER, ALFRED L: Funeral Director; b Hoskins, Neb July 14, 1894; s of Alfred L Howser-Elizabeth Ziemer; ed Norfolk HS; m Ella C Hansen May 17, 1922 Norfolk; s Charles Edward; d Aria May, Delores Ann; 1913-18 with Sessions & Bell, Norfolk; 1919-28 with Johnson & Thenhaus, morticians; 1928-38 with Johnson, Thenhaus & Howser; 1938- funeral dir, Thenhaus, Howser & Thenhaus; during World War enl USN Apr 22, 1918 on receiving ship, hosp appr 1st class, Great Lakes Naval Training Station, disch Feb 2, 1919; Amer Leg, past comm; Neb Funeral Assn; Natl Selected Morticians, pres group 5; C of C, past dir, recd outstanding citizen award 1928 for comm service; Country Club; past pres vol fire dept; IOOF, past noble grand; Izaak Walton, past pres; Meth Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting, wax & papier-mache work; off 215 Norfolk Ave; res 710 S 10th, Norfolk.

   HUNT, MERLE W: Dentist; b Naper, Neb Aug 17, 1904; s of D D Hunt-Blenda Wyberg; ed O'Neill HS 1925; Creighton U, DDS 1931; Xi Psi Phi; 1931- dental prac, Battle Creek; Comml Club; Neb St Dental Assn; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, sports; res Battle Creek.

   HUSE, GENE: Editor & Publisher; b Ponca, Neb Aug 15, 1895; s of William N Huse-Mary Leggett; ed Norfolk HS 1904,; U of N 1907; Phi Kappa Psi; m Lucy Harris Sept 20, 1911 Reno Nev; s Gene; d Sean (Mrs Dave Powell), Charlotte; 1907-16 with Norfolk Daily News; 1916- publisher Norfolk Daily News; N E Neb Edit Assn; NPA; recd medal from King Albert for Belgian relief work during World War; C of C; Rotary; AF&AM; BPOE; Country Club; IOOF;, Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, travel, photography, boats; res 1810 Norfolk Ave, Norfolk.

   HUTCHINSON, AMOS T: Merchant; b Peru, Neb May 19, 1879; s of I H Hutchinson-Harriet Stites; ed Peru HS; PSTC 1897; U of N, BA 1900; m Minette Couffer Dec 22, 1907 Arlington; 1900-02 HS prin, Albion; 1903 lived in Cal; 1904-07 supt of Valley schs; 1907-35 mgr A L Killian Co in Norfolk, 1935- owner & mgr of firm, renamed Hutchinson Co, apparel dlr; Fedn of Neb Retailers; Natl Retail Dry Goods Assn; past dir C of C; chmn dist sanitary bd; dir Norfolk B & L Assn; past pres YMCA; past mbr natl bd; Country Club; dir lib bd; dir & past pres Rotary; AF&AM; KT; BPOE; past SS supt Congl Ch, chmn bd of trustees; hobby, fishing: res 1201 Norfolk Ave, Norfolk.

   HUTTON, LYNN D: Attorney; b Egan S D Nov 8, 1897; s of William E Hutton-Sadie C Lichty; ed Egan S D HS; S D St Coll, BSc 1919, MSc 1923; George Washington U, LLB 1927; Phi Delta Phi; m Bonnie Buck Sept 7, 1922 Bruce S D; s Lynn D Jr; d Marilyn; 1923-30 pathologist in chg of cereal disease work USDA, Washington D C; 1930- prac law, Norfolk; 1933-38 city atty; during World War 1918 Ames Ia, instr SATC unit; Amer Leg; VP Kiwanis; C of C; 9th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; AF&AM, RAM, comm KT, El Riad Shrine; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, gardening; res 602 S 10th, Norfolk.

   JENSEN, FRANK: Physician & Surgeon; b Council Bluffs, Ia July 22, 1880; s of Lars Jensen-Mary Sandstrom; ed Pottawatomie Co, Ia; Western Ia Bus Coll; U of N, MD 1903; m Rose Batten Oct 6, 1906 Plattsmouth (dec); s Russell J; d Frances; m Inger Engelsjgerd Feb 15, 1928 Newman Grove; 1903-04 med prac, Boone; 1904- prac med, Newman Grove; Elkhorn Valley Med Soc, past pres; Madison Six- Co Med Soc, past pres; Neb St Med Assn; C of C; AF&AM past master, Scot Rite, Tangier Shrine; IOOF, past grand; MWA; hobby, fishing: res Newman Grove.

   JEWELL, DEWEY PEYTON: Manager Telephone Co; b Montgomery Co Ia June 5, 1898; s of George Washington Jewell-Ida May Fuller; ed New Market Ia 1915; Norfolk Bus Coll 1916-17; WSTC 1917-18: m Christina P Gilster Aug 20, 1918 Wayne; s Daniel Dewey; 1919-20 with Northwestern Bell Tele Co at Norfolk, 1920-24 as mgr at Spalding, 1924-28 mgr Howells, 1928-29 mgr Humphrey, 1929-35 mgr Ainsworth; 1935- mgr Norfolk; C of C, past dir & VP; Rotary, VP, past dir; AF&AM; Congl Ch, men's forum, pres 1937-38; Rep; hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting; off 406 Madison Ave; res 208 N 11th, Norfolk.



Who's Who


   JEWETT, WALTER LEROY: Clergyman; b Ithaca, N Y July 14, 1900; s of Herbert E Jewett-Josephine E Blackman; ed Cazenovia N Y HS 1923; Ohio Wes, BA 1929; Boston U, STE 1931; m Elizabeth Frances Bailey Aug 25, 1925 Hammondsport, N Y; s Robert Lee, Paul Whitney; d Elizabeth Jane, Joyce Eleanor; 1916-21 appr wood patternmaker Gould Mfg Co, Seneca Falls N Y; 1928-31 pastor Meth Ch, West Ridge, NH; 1931-38 pastor Meth Ch, Salem N H; 1938- pastor, Norfolk; Rotary; Meth Ch; Rep: hobby, fishing; off & res 208 S. 4th, Norfolk.

   JOHNSON, LYMAN CHARLES: Osteopath: b Minden, Neb Jan 29, 1903; s of Nels Peter Johnson-Bina Jacobsen; ed Norfolk HS 1920; Still Coll of Osteopathy, Des Moines Ia, DO 1924; Atlas Club; m Florence M Seder Oct 15, 1923 Norfolk; s Lyman Charles Jr; 1925-27 osteopathic prac, McCook; 1927- osteopathic prac, Norfolk; NE Neb Osteopathic Assn, past pres; Neb Osteopathic Assn; C of C; AF&AM; past patron OES; Country Club; Congl Ch; Rep; res Norfolk.

   JOHNSON, MARCUS W: Clergyman: b Rhinelander, Wis Nov 28, 1903; s of J W Johnson-Julia S Dahlstrom; ed Rockford Ill HS 1921; Beloit Coll, Wis BA 1928; Chicago Theological Seminary; U of Chicago, BD 1931; U of Wis; Augustana Theological Seminary, Rockford, Ill; Tau Kappa Epsilon; m Naomi Ethel Dahlstrom June 22, 1931 Chicago; s David Mitchell; 1930-35 pastor, Glenview Ill Congl Ch; 1935-38 pastor Plymouth Congl Ch, Omaha; 1938- pastor First Congl Ch, Norfolk; ROA; Kiwanis; C of C: YMCA; Country Club; Congl Ch, dir, Neb conf; Rep; hobbies, golf, art, wood work; off 9th & Norfolk Ave; res 1110 Koenigstein Ave, Norfolk.

   JOHNSON, REUBEN: Attorney; b Moody Co S D June 26, 1896; s of Rudolph A Johnson-Alice Aaker; ed Flandreau S D HS 1917; U of N, LLB 1923; adm to Neb bar 1923; Phi Alpha Delta; m Verna Selway Dec 27, 1922 Chicago; d Hartrice Nancy; 1923- law prac in Newman Grove; past city atty; 10 years mbr bd of edn; pres vol fire dept; during World War enl USN June 11, 1918 in OTS at Seattle Wash, commd ensign, disch Mar 17, 1922; past dist comm Amer Leg; 9th Judicial Dist, & Neb St Bar Assns; Comm Club; Country Club; Rep; hobby, fishing & hunting; res Newman Grove.

   KELSEY, CHARLES H: Attorney; b Waterloo, Ia Feb 4, 1873; s of John H Kelsey-Jennie Haskell; ed U of N, LLB 1895; Alpha Theta Chi; m Cosy Eckles Aug 1, 1895 Chadron, s Hadley; d Alpha (Mrs G C Thompson); m Elizabeth Schran June 7, 1928 Los Angeles; 1895-1911 law prac, Neligh; 1911- law prac, Norfolk; 9th Judicial Dist, Neb St, & Amer Bar Assns; C of C; Luth Ch; Rep; off Bishop Block; res Commodore Apts, Norfolk.

   KENNEDY, GEORGE EDWARD: Silver Fox Breeder; b Oakland, Cal Oct 19, 1881; s of Charles Kennedy-Mattie Kyle: ed St Edward HS: in Lillian Cain June 23, 1903 Platte Co (dec); s Edward J, Roy; Thomas; d Helen, Margaret; m Esther Baker May 25, 1927 Lincoln: d Ruth; 1912-22 in gen merc bus, West Chicago, Platte Co; 1922- owner Red Star Oil Co, Newman Grove; 1929- owner & opr silver fox farm, largest individually owned silver fox farm in Neb; elec pres of Milligan & Maruson Silver Fox Breeders Assn at natl conv Omaha 1939; 3 years dir sch bd, Platte Co; mbr city park bd; pres C of C; past grand IOOF; master AF&AM; Meth Ch; hobby, fur farming; res Newman Grove.

   KINDRED, HOMER L: Physician & Surgeon; b Leesville, Ind Dec 23, 1866; s of Marion R Kindred-Delilah Mathis; ed Kansas City Med Coll, MD 1892; registered pharm prior to entering coll; grad work eye, ear, nose & throat in Chicago; m Birdie Barrett Martin Apr 12, 1893 Kansas City Mo; d Gladys M (Mrs J T Dolan), Geraldine Ruth; 1892-93 prac med, Pender; 1893 ptr in drug store, Meadow Grove; 1893- prac med, Meadow Grove; author of lecture Before Baby Comes & various other addresses; Madison-Six Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; fellow AMA; during World War registered for service; mbr sch bd 26 years; chmn town bd 10 years; Madison Co coroner 2 terms; Comm Club; AF&AM; Meth Ch: Rep; hobby, hunting; res Meadow Grove.

   KOCH, WILLIAM N: Owner Bottling Co; b St Edward, Neb Mar 5, 1887; s of Cornelius Koch-Anna Han; ed Raeville; m Clara Gladen Oct 12, 1927 Norfolk; d Kathlyn, Beverly, Shirley Jean; 1903-15 farmed near Petersburg; 1915-26 with Farmers State Bank, Petersburg; 1928- owner & opr Norfolk Bottling Co; during World War enl Apr 27, 1918, 89th div 355th inf Camp Funston Kas, disch June 1919; C of C; Amer Leg; Lions; KC; BPOE; VFW; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, hunting; off 108 Norfolk Ave; res 1601 Koenigstein Ave, Norfolk.

   KOENIGSTEIN, JACK: Attorney; b Belleville, Ill Jan 11, 1870; s of John Koenigstein-Magdalena Behrns; ed Norfolk HS 1885; Northwestern Coll, Watertown Wis, 1887-89; U of Mich, LLB 1894; mbr varsity baseball team 1893-94: m Esther Sharpless May 11, 1898 Norfolk; d Wilhelmina (Mrs Louis D Snader); 1895- prac law, Norfolk; 3 terms city atty; 4 years Madison Co atty; NE Neb, 9th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; 1925- US commr NE Neb; first pres lib bd; C of C; past pres Country Club; past exalted ruler BPOE; secy Rep Congl Com 3rd dist; hobby, stamp collecting, Philatelic Club; father pioneer of Norfolk, early druggist & mayor; res 1204 Norfolk Ave, Norfolk.

   LANDGRAF, EDWARD ALBERT: Historian & Educator; b Scotia, Neb Jan 11, 1911; s of Charles A Landgraf-Louisa Thom; ed Scotia HS 1928; U of N, BA 1936, MA 1938; Beta Sigma Psi; m Helen Faye Huston Aug 3, 1934 Nebraska City; 1928-29 tchr in schs of Greeley Co; 1930-31 tchr Butler Co schs; 1931-34 coach & tchr, Surprise; 1936- head history dept Jr HS, Norfolk; NSTA; Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, books, travel, athletics; off Jr High School; res 806 S 6th, Norfolk.

   LATHEN, HOYT H: Farmer; b Elliott, Ia Dec 28, 1887, s of Tilman Lathen-Laura Giltner; ed Elliott Ia; Tabor Coll, Tabor la, 1907; m Lyvah Bell Feb 2, 1910 Tabor Ia (dec); m Emma Buettner Aug 2, 1930 Madison; 1910-18 impl & lbr dlr, Tabor Ia; 1918-23 impl & lbr dlr, Gordon; 1923-26 Ford dir, Norfolk; 1926-31 with Johnson Auto Co, Madison; 1931- farmer, Madison Co: VP sch bd; Rotary; Meth Ch, steward; res Madison.

   LEDERER, CLEO A: Secretary-Treasurer of Trust Co; b Pierce, Neb Dec 4, 1885; s of Charles G Lederer-Mary A Meyers; ed Pierce Co; Norfolk Bus Coll 1905-06; U of N, 1908-09; m Ruth E Shaw Nov 22, 1913 Norfolk; s John, K, Gordon S; d Susan Mary; 1907- with Durland Trust Co, Norfolk, 1917- secy-treas; past dir C of C; past pres Kiwanis; Country Club; dir YMCA; AF&AM; mbr gen coun Northern Bapt Conv; VP Neb Bapt State Conv; Rep; hobbies, golf, fishing; off 314 Norfolk Ave; res 1005 Norfolk Ave, Norfolk.

   LENSER, MAX EUGENE: Lumber Dealer; b Moline, Ill Aug 24, 1875; s of Christ Lenser-Regina Brandenburg; ed Stanton Co; m Christine Hansen Sept 16, 1903 Tilden; s Maurice, William; 1895-99 carp, Norfolk; 1899-1914 mgr Edward & Bradford Lbr Co, Tilden,; 1914 pur Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co, formed Max Lenser Lbr Co, dlrs in hdw, furn, lbr & coal; 1914- VP, secytreas; VP Comml Club; 5 years ambassador Ak-Sar-Ben; Friedens Evang Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, baseball; mother came from Germany to Amer in 1872 & settled in Ill; res Tilden.

   LEVIN, DAVID L: Merchant; b Jurbarkas Lithuania, Russia Dec 22, 1884; s of Jacob Levin-Hattie Beiman; ed Jurbarkas, Lithuania HS 1900, in Sadie Segall May 14, 1914 Chicago; s Jack Milton; d Bernice Jean; 1900-08 scaler in timber camps, Jurbarkas Lithuania; 1908-09 with retail dry goods store, Milwaukee Wis; 1909-24 owned hide, wool & fur bus, Norfolk; 1924- owner & opr women's wear store; C of C; Lions; Jewish Ch; Rep; res Norfolk.

   LEWIS, ALFRED HENRY: Project Superintendent; b Wayne, Neb Feb 27, 1895; s of John S Lewis Jr- Kate F Summers; ed Wayne HS 1911; WSTC 1911-13; U of N, BA 1915; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; m Margaret Aden Feb 26, 1921 Omaha; s Alfred H Jr (dec 1934), d Mary Margaret; 1915-39 stockraiser Madison Co, specialized in Shorthorn cattle; 1939- supt Madison Co Rural Pub power dist, Battle Creek; Comml Club; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, hunting; res Battle Creek.

   LEWIS, LORENA JEANNETTE: Junior High School Principal; b Phelps Co, Neb Apr 2, 1883; d of Lawren Perry Lewis-Eva Jane Palmer; ed Holdrege HS 1903; PSTC 1906, BA 1923: Columbia U, MA 1928; diploma, Internatl Coun of Religious Edn 1932; 1903-04 tchr in Kearney Co schs; 1906-08 tchr in Stanton schs; 1908-12 tchr Tobias schs; 1912-13 tchr Beatrice schs; 1914- prin Norfolk Jr HS; NSTA; NEA; pres AAUW; OES; DAR; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, art, photography, camping; off Jr HS; res 104 S 9th, Norfolk.


in Nebraska


   LEWIS, SYLVESTER: Farmer & Stockman; b Meadow Grove, Neb June 22, 1874; s of Van Buren Lewis-Adeline Heath; ed Meadow Grove; m Myrtle Anson Aug 14, 1902 Stanton; s Albert A; d Gladys (Mrs Howard McKnight), Fern (Mrs Ted Tiedgen); m Hazel Spencer Nov 30, 1926 Sioux City Ia; d Kathleen, Eva (dec); 1893- farmer near Meadow Grove, first opr of 40 A, now owner & opr of 1,400 A Madison Co grain land, breeds & feeds approximately 1,000 head of hogs yearly, feeds 100 to 300 cattle in own yards annually; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, boxing, movies; father a veteran of Civil War, enl in 57th div of Ill inf, came from N Y state 1869 & farmed in Madison Co; res RFD, Meadow Grove.

   McCAW, STERLING H: Managing Editor; b Winfield, Ia Apr 13, 1877; s of William H McCaw-Margaret Serviss; ed Howes Acad Mt Pleasant Ia; Hooper HS 1895: U of N, BA 1903; editor Nebraskan; Delta Tau Delta; m Frances E Standish Mar 24, 1908 Omaha; d Barbara Jane; 1903-06 with Lincoln State Journal; 1906-10 with Omaha Bee, Omaha; 1910-12 with Boston Mass Herald; 1912-13 with Chicago Examiner; 1913- managing editor, Norfolk Daily News; dir NPA; C of C; dir Rotary; MWA; Izaak Walton; First Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; off Norfolk Daily News; res 1215 Koenigstein, Norfolk.

   McDONALD, HOMER C: Pharmacist; b Neola, Ia July 8, 1885; s of Thomas T McDonald-Clara McMullen; ed Tilden HS; Creighton U, PhG 1906; m Christine Lorenzen July 22, 1908 Tilden; d Leona (Mrs G O Potadle), Evelyn (Mrs R M Peterson); 1906-08 with C W Kunzman, Tilden; 1908-10 with Pollock Drug Co, Tilden; 1910-14 mgr Dr L L Nelson Drug Store, Oakdale: 1914-23 owner McDonald Drug Store, Elgin; 1923-25 mgr Suckstorf Brothers, Bloomfield; 1925- owner McDonald's Drug Store, Newman Grove; 1934- city treas; treas sch bd; treas Newman Grove Co-op Creamery Co; Neb Pharm Assn; past master AF&AM 305, RAM; KT; Comml Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, woodwork, fishing; res Newman Grove.

   McDUFFEE, MRS IDA BELLE: Clubwoman; b Crete, Neb Jan 19, 1881; d of August Knoll-Mina Jane Young: ed Crete HS 1900; Doane Coll, BA 1904; m Martin S McDuffee Oct 9, 1914 Crete; d Ruth; 1914- homemaker & clubwoman; local pres GFWC, Madison Co pres, dist pres, past state pres, past state dir, pres of upper Miss valley group of 12 states, mbr natl bd; while state pres publicized Neb character edn law, which later became natl project; inquiries concerning this law recd from 43 states, Canada, Hawaii, Philippines, & Australia; publicized state safety laws & educated mbrs on safety, conservation program resulted in planting 30 A of pine in Neb natl forest; health program sponsored cancer control for AMA, also syphilis control; co-operated in state child welfare program; also in edn in schs & psychological edn through Allied Youth; fine arts program won 2nd in natl contest; during World War chmn Madison Co lib work for soldiers; past ofcr OES; mbr lib bd 15 years; past pres YWCA; Presby; Indep; hobby, making pies; res 1200 Prospect Ave, Norfolk.

   McDUFFEE, M S: Attorney; b Adams Co, Ia May 29, 1878; s of G N McDuffee-Permelia Layden; ed Fremont Normal; U of N, LLB 19,08; m Ida Knoll Oct 9, 1914 Crete; d Ruth; 1906-23 prac law, Madison; 1912-23 Madison Co judge; 1923- prac, Norfolk; 1929-38 mbr sch bd, 1931-38 pres; 1937-38 pres Neb Assn of Sch Bds & Execs; VP 9th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; past pres C of C; past pres Kiwanis; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; KT; Presby Ch; Dem; off 0313 Norfolk Ave; res 1200 Prospect, Norfolk.

   McGINNIS, B B: County Commissioner; b Norfolk, Neb Nov 3, 1871; s of Andrew N McGinnis-Mattie M Figley; ed Madison Co; WSTC 1890-93; m Florence M Nielson Apr 29, 1896 Norfolk; s Lyle; d Fay, Helen: 1894- farmer, Madison Co; 1933- Madison Co commr; BPOE; AF&AM; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing & hunting; res Norfolk.

   McLAUGHLIN, J W: Merchant; b Minneapolis, Minn Dec 1, 1891; s of John P McLaughlln-Ellen Leonard; ed St Paul Minn parochial HS 1907; m Jessie Elizabeth Dengle June 1, 1917 St Paul; 1908-10 off boy, J J Hill, western RR magnate; 1910 with survey crew GN RR; 1911-27 houseman & traveling representative for Lindeke Warner & Son, whol dry goods, St Paul, home in Norfolk; 1928-33 mfrs broker in Norfolk for eastern mills; 1934- owner & mgr Star Clothing Co, oprd as McLaughlin Star Clothing Store; 1937 recd Amer Leg award for outstanding comm serv; head of civic emergency relief: pres Norfolk male chorus; dir Norfolk baseball team; past pres Country Club; UCT, past councillor; TPA, past pres; dir C of C; BPOE; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Norfolk.

   MAPES, ANDREW D: Attorney; b Norfolk, Neb Aug 16, 1902; s of Burt Mapes-Clara Durland; ed Norfolk; Kemper Mil Sch, Booneville Me, 1921; U of Penn, BSc 1925; U of Chicago, JD 1928; Sigma Phi Sigma: Gamma Eta Gamma; m Margaret Sinclair Dec 11, 1926 Chicago; s William Burt, John Richard; 1928-31 prac law with Mapes, McDuffee & Mapes; 1931- with Mapes & Mapes; 1929-31 city atty: 1939- Madison Co atty; 9th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; Comml Law League of Amer: past pres C of C: past dir Rotary; first pres Uni Club, Norfolk; BPOE; vestryman Episc Ch; Rep, past chmn Madison Co Central Com; hobby, stamp collecting; father was atty in Norfolk 40 years; off 0315 Norfolk Ave; res 506 N 11th, Norfolk.

   MAPES, DON D: Attorney; b Norfolk, Neb June 13, 1893; s of Bert Mapes-Clara Durland; ed Norfolk HS 1911; U of N, BA 1915; U of Chicago, JD 1917; Chi Phi; Phi Delta Phi; m Besse Wolford May 22, 1921 Norfolk; 1920-23 prac law with W R McFarland, Norfolk; 1923-31 prac law with M S McDuffy; 1931- with Mapes & Mapes; VP Durland Trust Co; dir Norfolk B & L Assn; during World War 2nd lt in AS, O/S Aug 1918-Feb 1919 with 100th aero squadron, instr 7th ASSC; past comm Amer Leg; judge advocate VFW; past pres C of C; pres & past dir Country Club: IOOF; AF&AM; hobbies, golf, fishing; off 0315 Norfolk Ave; res 1222 Nebraska Ave, Norfolk.

   MARSHALL, JACK A: Mortician; b Tilden, Neb Jan 21, 1899; s of Horace Marshall-Sadie Crawford; ed Tilden; York Bus Coll, 1915; U of N Sch of Music 1916-17; Worsham Sch of Embalming, Chicago; pres 1926 class; m Gertrude Swanson Sept 27, 1926 Davenport Ia; s Lyal Kay, Dean Arthur; d Jacqueline Joan, Madelon Jean; 1917-26 in orchestral work; 1926- owner & mgr Marshall's Mortuary; pres N E Neb Funeral Dirs; 1st VP Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; mbr bd of edn; mbr park bd, Comml Club; Lions, was first pres; past master AF&AM; past noble grand grand IOOF; BPOE; Meth Ch; Rep: hobbies, outdoor sports; res Tilden.

   MARTIN, FRANK E: Editor & Publisher: b Douglas Co, Neb; s of Robert E Martin-Sophronia E Reeves; ed Broken Bow HS; 1889-92 with Natl Bank, Broken Bow; 1893-1900 with print shops in Neb, 1900-editor & publisher Battle Creek, Enterprise; Comml Club; N E Neb Press Assn; NPA; AF&AM; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Battle Creek.

   MAYER, MARTIN E: Clergyman; b Norfolk, Neb Oct 21, 1886; s of Rev E A Mayer-Augusta Jaeger; ed Milwaukee Wis HS 1904; St John's Coll, Winfield Kas, BA 1906; Concordia Seminary, St Louis Mo, 1909; m Elizabeth Brauer June 20, 1910 Frankenmuth Mich; s Rev Martin E Jr Herman; d Magdalene, Martha; 1909-14 did missionary work, Burns Wyo; 1914-21 pastor St John's Luth Ch Oxford; 1921- pastor Christ Luth Ch: Norfolk; mbr synod of Mo, Ohio & other states; pres N Neb dist of Mo synod; mbr exec bd Luth Hosp: Rep; hobby, ships; off & res 510 S 4th, Norfolk.

   MEDELMAN, FRANK H: Contractor; b Crary, N D Nov 12, 1895; s of Henry Medelman-Mary Elizabeth Orr; ed Crary N D HS 1913; m Adelia Miller Oct 29, 1921 Crary N D; s Miles Henry; d Mary, Jane, Joan; 1923-35 with Interstate Machinery & Supply Co, Omaha; 1935- contr, Norfolk; C of C; KC; Cath Ch; Rep: hobby, hunting: off 200 S 7th; res 1102 Koenigstein Ave, Norfolk.

   MELCHER, SAUL N: Merchant; b Vilna, Poland Oct 29, 1892; s of Samson Melcher-Cecilia ____; ed in Poland; Columbia U 1912; m Katharine Heshelow June 25, 1916 South Omaha; d Beverly Jean; 1915-16 with Pelletier Co, Sioux City Ia; 1916-18 owned & opr groc store; 1918-19 oprd groc store, Youngstown O; 1919 oprd gen store, Davis S D; 1920 opened store Litcher S D, also oprd store Wolsey S D; 1923 store added in Wessington Springs S D; 1930 closed holdings in S D, moved to Tex, then to Minneapolis Minn; 1931- owner & opr two ladies ready-to-wear stores, Norfolk; Fedn of Neb Retailers; C of C; Country Club; BPOE; B'nai B'rith: Dem; hobbies, fishing, golf; res 1205 Nebraska, Norfolk.

   MEYER, OSCAR H: Osteopath; b Waltham, Minn Feb 14, 1902; s of Herman G Meyer-Margaret Ludwig;



Who's Who

ed Austin Minn HS 1921; Des Moines Still Coll of Osteopathy, DO 1927; Atlas Club; m Betty Buetner Apr 18, 1934 Omaha; 1928-30 osteopathic prac, Scribner; 1930-32 osteopathic prac, Madison; 1932- prac in Norfolk; C of C; Neb & Amer Osteopathic Assns; Kiwanis; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, horse racing; off 0432 Norfolk Ave; res 1302 Norfolk Ave, Norfolk.

   MINER, WALTER H: Dentist; b Ravenna, Neb Dec 23, 1890; s of James B Miner-Minnie Raleigh; ed Ravenna HS 1910: U of N, DDS 1915; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Delta Sigma Delta; m Marguerete Jones Nov 27, 1919 Junction City, Kas; s Richard Lee, John David; 1915- dental prac, Norfolk; during World War was 1st lt in dental corps, Camp Funston & US Hosp 21, Denver; disch Sept 16, 1919; Amer Leg; Neb St & ADA; Rotary; BPOE; AF&AM; Country Club; Congl Ch; hobbies, hunting, golf; off 0411 Norfolk Ave; res 1610 Norfolk Ave, Norfolk.

   MITCHELL, ALBERT SYDNEY: Mayor; b Owensboro, Ky Dec 18, 1873; s of Dr Franklin Mitchell-Samantha Hay; ed Southern Normal Coll, Bowling Green Ky 1897; m Mabel Harrison June 28, 1910 Omaha; d Lucille; 1897-1902 with law firm, Wathen & Morrison, Owensboro Ky; 1923-37 owner Wide-awake Clothiers, Norfolk; 1939- mayor of Norfolk; police judge, Owensboro Ky; Bapt Ch; Dem; hobby, golf; off City Hall; res 1220 Norfolk Ave, Norfolk.

   MONTGOMERY, RODNEY E: Banker; b Piqua, O Sept 1, 1893; son of William C Montgomery-Isabelle F Cox; ed Piqua O HS 1911; Ohio Northern U 1911-13; m Matilda DeRouchey June 4, 1921 Hoven S D; s Robert L, Rodney E Jr, William J, Jerome John; d Margaret Mary; during World War 1916-17 in US army 41st div, 5th div, 90th div inf, 2nd lt, O/S Jan 1918-June 1919; 1919-22 cash Hoven State Bank, Hoven S D; 1922-25 state bank examiner in S D; 1925-30 cash Tripp Co State Bank, Colome S D; 1930-33 cash First Natl Bank, Chamberlain S D; 1933-35 VP & pres Security State Bank, Norfolk; 1935- pres & chmn of bd Natl Bank of Norfolk; past comm, past post adjt, past vice-comm Amer Leg; VFW; treas Kiwanis; trustee & life mbr BPOE; pres Country Club; Uni Club, Lincoln; KC 3o; Cath Ch; Rep, 1928 del from S D to natl conv in Kansas City; hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting; off 315 Norfolk Ave; res 1103 Madison Ave, Norfolk,

   MOORE, JOHN G: YMCA Secretary; b St Louis, Mo Aug 1, 1897; s of Edgar M Moore-Agnes Baatz: ed McKinley HS, St Louis Mo 1918; Southwestern Assn Coll, Hollister Mo, Bachelor of Assn Science 1924; m Mary J Crowley Apr 14, 1919 Provo Utah; s Omar K; 1919 asst secy YMCA, Helper Utah; 1920- gen secy YMCA, Norfolk; C of C; secy-treas Rotary; AF&AM, RAM; KT; Scot Rite 32o, Yankton S D; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, mountain climbing; off & res YMCA Norfolk.

   MOYER, EARL JOHN: Attorney; b Madison, Neb Oct 5, 1893; s of Morris J Moyer-Anna Spence; ed Madison HS; U of N 1915; Kappa Sigma; m Genevieve Weesner Jan 22, 1918 Fremont; s Morris M; d Margaret, Jane, Mary; 1915-16 in off of late Sen William V Allen, Madison; adm to Neb bar 1917-24 prac law with W L Dowling; 1924- prac law with brother George H; during World War with 311th supply co, QMC sgt, O/S June 5, 1918-May 12, 1919; past comm, past state vice-chmn Amer Leg, 1 term judge advocate for dept of Neb; 9th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; secy Madison Co Race Assn; past dir Rotary; Lincoln Uni Club; past secy AF&AM: mbr Rep State Central Com, del to natl conv; res Madison.

   MOYER, GEORGE H: Attorney; b Madison, Neb Oct 14, 1895; s of Morris J Moyer-Anna Spence; ed Madison HS; U of N, LLB 1924; Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; m Eunice Geiger Jan 3, 1930 Dakota City; s George H, Jon M; 1924- in law prac with brother Earl; 1927-29 mbr Neb legislature; during World War in 164th depot brigade, 1st sgt Camp Funston Kas; Amer Leg; 9th Judicial Dist, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; VP Comm Club; BPOE; off Pearl St; res Madison Ave, Madison.

   MULLONG, CHARLES ROBERT: Physician & Surgeon; b Le Mars, Ia June 16, 1884; s of Henry Mullong-Margaret Pulfer; ed Le Mars Ia HS 1902; Western Union Coll, Le Mars Ia 1902-04; St Louis U 1904-07; U of Ia, MD 1909; Phi Delta; m Ethel Czarina Givens Jan 11, 1913 Sioux City Ia; s Richard DuPont; 1909-11 prac med, Le Mars Ia; 1911 prac, Denver; 1911-12 prac, Verdel; 1912- prac, Norfolk; author, Beyond Paradise 1924, Small Change 1926, Crude Material 1927; Five Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; C of C; 1934-35 pres Neb St Baseball League of Norfolk; past mbr BPOE; Indep; off Colton Block; res 1308 Koenigstein, Norfolk.

   NICHOLS, JAMES: Attorney; b Plymouth Co, Mass Sept 15, 1866; s of James Nichols-Maria A White; ed Mass; U of Kas, LLB 1890; adm to bar 1890; m Cora Wagner Dec 1893 Madison; 1890- prac law, Madison; past Madison Co atty 4 years; 1913-17 mbr Neb legislature; 1922-26 mayor of Madison; 1931-36 P M, Madison; 9th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; Rep; res Madison.

   NICOLA, LYLE B: President Trust Co; b Riverside, Ia Jan 27, 1883; s of Benjamin W Nicola-Ida Richards; ed Wellman Ia HS; Lake Forest Ill Acad, 1901; m Jessie Crooks June 20, 1906 Washington Ia, 9 Charles, Robert, James; 1901-O3 & 1907-21 with Durland Trust Co, Washington Ia; 1903-05 with father in furn & retail bus; 1905-07 org Foster State Bank, Foster; 1921- pres Durland Trust Co, Norfolk; Amer Bankers Assn; C of C; Kiwanis, ch mbr, past pres; BPOE, past exalted ruler; AF&AM; Congl Ch; Indep; off 312 Norfolk Ave; res 313 North 10th, Norfolk.

   NOFFSINGER, JOHN H: Theater Manager; b South English, Ia Oct 19, 1896; s of Hugh Noffsinger-May Gore; ed South English Ia HS; Coe Coll, Cedar Rapids Ia 1917; m Irene Heide June 27, 1923 Oakland; 1921-28 with P M Heft, Oakland Ia; 1928-33 with J O Heft, Woodbine Ia; 1934 opr motion picture theater, Woodbine Ia; 1934- opr Capitol Theater, Madison; during World War with 88th div 337th field arty, 169th arty brigade, mbr of band, disch Camp Dodge Ia Jan 31, 1919; Amer Leg, past comm Harrison Co Ia; Amer Leg, Madison; Comm Club; AF&AM; Presby Ch; hobby, travel; res Madison.

   OCHSNER, HONOR MORRIS: Farmer & Stockman; b Madison Co, Neb July 27, 1902; s of Norman Ochsner-Susan McCurdy; ed Madison HS; U of N, BSc in Agr 1925; Alpha Gamma Rho; mbr Livestock Judging Team 1925, won first place at Denver & Chicago shows & 2nd in Kansas City; m Ethel A Belknap Mar 23, 1926 Lincoln; s H Morris Jr; d Helen, Alene; 1925- stockraiser on father's farm; 1935- FSA rehabilitation supvr, Madison Co; won state award for pork production 3 years in succession; Neb Hereford Breeders Assn; Neb Livestock Breeders & Feeders Assn; mbr sch bd; Rotary; past master AF&AM; RAM; Scot Rite 32o Omaha; OES; hobbies, livestock & horseback riding; res Madison.

   OSBORN, HUBERT: Farmer; b Antelope Co, Neb Nov 11, 1878; s of George W Osborn-Elizabeth Doyle; ed Oakdale; m Ettna M Burnham Jan 11, 1906 Tilden; s Burnham, Clayton, Herbert, Harold, Quinton, Lawrence, Bernard; d Ione, Helen, Eva Mae; 1915- farmer in Madison Co; MWA; Meth Ch; Rep; res Meadow Grove.

   O'SHEA, MARK: Banker; b Madison, Neb Mar 25, 1888; s of Thomas O'Shea-Mary Carraher; ed Madison HS; St Thomas Coll, St Paul Minn 1906-07, mbr varsity football team; St Louis U 1908; m Ruth McGeehee Jan 18, 1912 Madison; 1909-19 clk Thomas O'Shea Lbr Co; 1919-25 cash Farmers Natl Bank, 1925- VP & cash; Neb Bankers Assn; Comm Club; BPOE; St Leonard's Cath Ch; hobby, football; father came to Madison Co in 1873; off 229 S Pearl; res 738 S Grove, Madison.

   PALMATEER, HOMER: Physician & Surgeon; b Creston, Neb July 15, 1897; s of Arthur Palmateer-Ora Pruitt; ed Humphrey HS; U of N. MD 1922; NY Polyclinic, special work in eye, ear, nose & throat; La St U; Chicago Eye Ear, Nose & Throat Coll; Alpha Omega Alpha; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Sigma Phi; m Ortha Travis Apr 15, 1923 Omaha; d Joan, Judith T; 1922-23 med prac, Telluride Colo; 1923- gen med prac, specializing in eye, ear, nose & throat, Madison; during World War in med res, med sch & base hosp at Omaha; ARC; Madison Six-Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Comm Club; Presby Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Madison.

   PAULSON, JOHN ARNDT: Clergyman; b Sarpsborg, Norway Nov 8, 1875; s of Soren Paulson-Mine Hauge; ed Augsburg Coll & Theological Seminary, Minneapolis Minn DD 1906; m Louise Gronvik June 7, 1907 Dalton Minn; s Leonard; Helmer, Harvey; d Marie (Mrs Arthur Loney), Esther (Mrs James Olsen), Eleanor; 1905-07 pastor Hancock Mich; 1907-12, 1913-19 pastor Trinity Luth Ch, Henning Minn; 1912-13 pastor Bethany Luth Ch, Seattle Wash; 1919-23 pastor First Luth Ch, Battle Lake Minn; 1923-28 pastor Our Savior Luth Ch, Chippewa Falls Wis; 1928-33 pastor Trinity


Part 1: County history; bios Adkins-Fraser | Part 2: bios Freudenburg-Paulson
Part 3: bios Perry-Zutz

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