NEGenWeb Project - Pawnee County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
in Nebraska
Mary Frances Little Leonard
NTERWOVEN into the history of Nebraska is the account of Pawnee County, which dates back to earliest territorial days. In 1803 Napoleon Bonaparte sold the Louisiana Purchase to the U. S. government. Into this territory in 1804, there came an exploring expedition led by Captains Lewis and Clark of the U. S. army. Their party found Pawnee Indians along the Platte river, many of them south of this stream; hence for many years all southeastern Nebraska territory was called the Pawnee Country.
When county divisions were first made, Richardson and Pawnee were one for a time. Earliest settlers located near the Missouri river. In 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska bill was passed and a few adventurous spirits pushed farther west and began building homes.
The first four settlers of whom we have record in Pawnee County were Christian Bobst, Robert Tuner, Jacob Adams and Robert Archer. They located along the south fork of the Nemaha river. In the years 1854 and 1855 came others, among them George T. Bobst also James O'Loughlin who grew a wonder -- Pawnee County's first apple. And in 1854 Pawnee County was laid out in twelve precinct divisions. In 1856 surveyors divided each precinct or township into thirty-six sections.
The settlement on the south fork of the Nemaha flourished. Waters of the Nemaha furnished power for "Uncle John" Fries' grist mill; a good vein of coal helped furnish fuel for the new homes; so a little town was built here and called Pleasant Valley. Later it was called Cincinnati. For a considerable time all mail for Pawnee County came to the home of Judge Bobst in Pleasant Valley.
On page 11 of the oldest record book in the Pawnee County clerk's office is found the first plat of Pawnee City. With it is a certificate designating the southwest quarter of section 26, township 2, range 11 as the site chosen for the county seat. The certificate is duly signed by the county commissioners, E. W. Fowler, John C. Perry and Joseph Fries. This document is dated "the first Monday in January, 1857."
The aforesaid record also tells that in July 1858, the town site of picturesque Table Rock was surveyed by C. W. Giddings, "acting agent and general superintendent of the Nebraska Settlement Company." Table Rock was so named because not far from its site was a huge rock, table-like in form. The old table stood for many years, quite a curiosity with its Aztec inscriptions. Some years ago the top of the old table toppled over, but pictures of the whole rock table are extant, some of which are copies of a drawing by C. E. Moss, artist of Pawnee County's seventies.
A village also existed in Mission Creek precinct. We read of its grange organization, two stores, blacksmith shop and postoffice in 1877. As time passed and the need arose, other towns were founded. Some of these small towns have passed away, faded like flowers of the prairie. Pawnee City the county seat, Table Rock, Burchard, DuBois, Lewiston and Steinauer yet remain as busy towns.
The pioneers of Pawnee County brought their religion west with them. Religious meetings were held in homestead cabins and school houses. Soon denominations began to form and church buildings were erected.
The first Methodist Episcopal Church of the county was at Table Rock. In 1869 Mr. R. J. McCready organized the First United Presbyterian congregation at Pawnee City and was its faithful pastor forty years. At an early date another United Presbyterian Church was established in Mission Creek precinct. Early pastors of this church were Rev. W. A. Pollock, 1874-76, "the grasshopper years"; Rev. Oscar Jenne; then Dr. Marion Mornson was pastor for many years. Baptists organized in West Branch. Other churches of various denominations were established over the county, so that on a clear Sabbath morning, church bell answered church bell across the rolling prairies. Today the finest church building in southeastern Nebraska is St. Anthony's at Steinauer.
For the settlers' children there must be schools. We are told of a school that was conducted the winter of 1868-69, in the G. L. Griffing home in Clear Creek precinct. "Aunt Lydia" Holmes (nee Gere) of Table Rock may have been one of Pawnee County's first pupils. She was a pupil 81 years ago.
The first district schoolhouse was "Rosin Weed," and school is still held there, three and one-half miles west of Pawnee City. There have been seventy-eight districts in the county; there are not so many now since Lewiston has a consolidated school. For thirty-five or forty years the Pawnee City Academy gave commercial, classical, English, and musical courses. At Steinauer is St. Anthony's school, taking pupils through eight grades. In Clear Creek precinct is a Lutheran parochial school. Each town in Pawnee County has a high school.
Many of the early settlers were veterans of the war of 1861-65. In Pawnee City on May 18,871
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1882, John Ingham post No. 95 of the G. A. R. was organized. It was a strong patriotic group for years. In 1939, just one Civil War veteran remained in the county, John Lehrman of Table Rock. Memorial and Decoration Day programs in recent years have been in charge of William Thomas Little post No. 168, American Legion.
Four newspapers have survived vicissitudes of the years: The Pawnee Republican founded in 1868, was owned many years by the Hasslers; now its owner and publisher is H. D. Flory, assisted by F. W. McDonald; The Pawnee Chief is owned by A. E. Ovenden, published by Albert Porr and Harry Hassler; there is also the Table Rock Argus and the DuBois Press.
Many changes have been wrought in Pawnee county since Nov. 10, 1871, when the first locomotive pulled into Table Rock on the Atchison-Nebraska railroad. For one thing, the Farmer's State Bank of Pawnee City was organized, "a landmark since 1874." Grandfather's bank!
The late 70's must have been busy and productive years. Samuel Barnard near Table Rock had a nursery in which he raised and sold fruit trees, grape vines, osage orange and ornamental shrubs. Preparation of Pawnee County fair grounds was begun in April, 1880, when a knoll of ground northwest of Pawnee City was selected and small forest trees were transplanted there by John Edwards, Ichabod Bray, Eb Wade and Oliver Little.
The first annual fair of Pawnee County was held Sept. 28, 29 and 30, 1880. A trim little booklet was published under the title "Pawnee County Agricultural and Mechanical Association." Premiums were offered on almost everything grown or made in Pawnee County. The annual membership season tickets were $2 each and granted admission to father, mother, their bonafide children under 18 years of age, and one team. All persons were required to leave the grounds by 7 p. m. Pawnee County Fair is flourishing yet and is one of the best in the state.
Many things have gone into the making of the county's history, and if all were told, some pages would be sad with stories of drouth, floods, "grasshopper years," crop failures and other tragedies. But the best has survived, for which the residents are glad. We are proud of our churches and schools, of the ministers, teachers, physicians, nurses, musicians and artists who were born in Pawnee County.
For years Pawnee County's talent in music was known far and wide. The Pawnee City Military Band, led by Charles E. Pierce, was outstanding and now the Pawnee City High School Band directed by H. Arthur Schrepel brings home prizes.
Among artists past and present, may be numbered Charles E. Moss, Dwight Kirsch of the University of Nebraska, Emil Uhlir, Robert M. Williamson and Bruce Meek. The Pawnee Countian most often in the headlines, Harold Lloyd, though born in Burchard, attended school in Pawnee City. And of course there is an oldest citizen -- M. H. Marble of Table Rock, who was 100 years old March 16, 1939.
For that which has been attained in the way of Christianity, civilization, and culture, much credit is due our parents and grandparents, pioneer's in the years long past; they laid our foundation. May we continue to build upon it, ever onward and upward.
ALBERS, CHRISTIAN: Merchant; b Oyle, Germany May 25, 1883; s of William Albers-Sophia Meiers; ed Germany; m Rickie Wehrbein Nov 22, 1922 Steinauer; came to Amer 1899 settled in Pawnee Co; until 1906 emp on farms in Pawnee Co; 1906-07, 1908-14 with Anton Sacher in Steinauer; 1907-08 ptr of N A Steinauer in plumbing & impl bus; 1914-17 with Val Viscup; 1917-20 oprd fountain service; 1920- owner & opr hdw, impl & furn store; mbr village bd 19 years, 6 years chmn; chief vol fire dept 1917-35; Evang Reformed Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; res Steinauer.
ANDERSON, ALLEN BYFORD JR: Physician & Surgeon; b Pawnee City, Neb Apr 9, 1895; s of Dr A B Anderson Sr-Susie Horne; ed Pawnee City HS; Monmouth Coll, Monmouth Ill, 1914-17; U of N, MD 1921; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; m Reah Dawson Aug 1921 Canistota S D; s Allen Byford Jr; d Jeanne; 1920-21 interne Uni Hosp, Omaha; 1921- prac in Pawnee City, specializing in obstetrics, participating in Pawnee City Med Unit; past mbr Pawnee Co Fair bd; 1924-38 mbr bd of edn, secy 1927-33, pres 1936-38, instrumental in construction of HS building 1931; during World War served in med res corps US army; Pawnee Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; Pawnee City Pub Service Club, past pres; United Presby Ch; Rep; off Pawnee Med Unit; res Pawnee City.
ANDERSON, ALLEN BYFORD SR: Retired; b Clayton, Ill Mar 25, 1851; s of Ervine Anderson-Sarah Shannon; ed Camp Point Ill HS; Louisville Ky Med Coll, MD 1876; Med Coll of Chicago; Monmouth Coll; Phi Delta Theta; Golden Legion; m Susie Horne Oct 24, 1889 Monmouth Ill; s Allen Byford Jr; d Gertrude (Mrs R M Story), Katherine (Mrs K P Gordon); 1877-1917 prac med, Pawnee City; 1917- ret; Pawnee Co phys: mbr Pawnee Co insanity bd; RI RR surg; Neb St Med Assn; ch mbr Round Table; United Presby Ch, elder 50 years; Rep; res Pawnee City.
BARCLAY, FRED H: Merchant: b Aurora, Ill Sept 14, 1879; s of James McMicken Barclay-Harriet A Blair; ed Pawnee Co Acad; m Nellie A Colwell Apr 26, 1905 Pawnee City; s James C, Donald A, Robert A; d Mildred (Mrs Grant D Godfrey), Dorothy J; 1883 came to Pawnee Co; 1895-98 with father in merc bus, Bookwalter; 1898-1910 with C D Robinson store in Pawnee City; 1910- with George A Sawyer co-owner Sawyer, Barclay & Co, clothiers, Pawnee City, 37 years in same location; 1926-32 ptr in Barclay-Hare Sales Co; 1933-35 mbr Neb legislature; dir Fedn of Neb Retailers 4 years; Neb Retail Clothiers Assn, past pres; 1923- mbr special com on budgeting & accounting, Natl Retail Clothiers Assn, dir; Round Table; AF&AM, secy, past master, 25 years mbr; MWA; Presby Ch; Dem; off, Sawyer-Barclay Co; res Pawnee City.
BARNARD, JAY IRVING: Farmer, Engineer; b Table Rock, Neb Mar 5, 1886; s of Clyde H Barnard-Viola Roberta Moss; ed Table Rock HS 1902; Pawnee City Acad; U of N 1904-06; Palladian; m Mabel Inez Goodale June 18, 1907, Sterling; d Ruth Norma (Mrs Clarence Deines), Bernice Roberta; grandson of Samuel Barnard who came to Table Rock in 1869 & was prominent in horticultural work in the state; 1907- has farm ints at Table Rock, past owner Table Rock Fruit Farm; 1914-15 Instr, Lincoln Auto Sch; 1915-18 owner & mgr South Side Garage, Lincoln; 1920-24 gen foreman, later supt Neb State highway dept shops; 1924-28 with Henkle & Joyce Hdw Co, Lincoln; 1929- farmer at Table-872
in Nebraska
rock; 1929- mbr bd of edn, pres since 1936; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Sesostris Shrine; OES; MWA; Meth Ch; Rep; res Table Rock.
BARR, JOSEPH: Retired; b Jo Daviess Co, Ill Mar 16, 1860; s of Robert Barr-Elizabeth Williamson; ed Jo Daviess Co Ill; m Christina Hancock May 9, 1894 Clarinda Ia (dec); s Ross M, Lowell C, Joseph H; d Jennie Marie, Edna (Mrs N M Beatty), 1874-79 farmed in Ill; 1879-1926 farmed & raised stock in Gage & Pawnee Cos; 1926- ret; 1926- pres Citizens Bank, Pawnee City; 21 years treas sch bd; mbr city coun 2 years; United Presby Ch, elder 10 years; Rep; hobbies, reading, flowers; res Pawnee City.
BARTON, CLAUDE TURNER: Attorney; b Table Rock, Neb Nov 24, 1888; s of Frank A Barton-Hannah G Turner; ed Pawnee City HS; U of N, LLB 1915; Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi; m Edna Payton Oct 4, 1919 Lincoln; d Mary Elizabeth; 1914 adm to Neb Bar; 1915- prac law Pawnee City; past Pawnee Co atty, past mayor; city atty since 1921; during World War, trained in Italy & France, aviator in US army, O/S 16 mos, 1st lt; Amer Leg, past comm; Neb St Bar Assn; Pawnee City Public Service Club; AF&AM, past master; past high priest RAM; Prot; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Pawnee City.
BARTON, FRANK A: Attorney; b Crawford Co, Penn Dec 15, 1861; s of Lorenzo Dow Barton-Margaret McFadden; ed Townville HS 1878-80; U of N, LLB; m Hannah G Turner Jan 1888 DuBois; s Clyde T; d Blanche (Mrs Harry Johnston), Ruth, Maude Irene (Mrs Clyde Nelson); 1885-88 tchr Pawnee Co; 1888-89 supt Table Rock schs; 1889-92 Pawnee Co supt of schs; 1892-94 clk in off of state supt of schs, Lincoln; prepared Neb St exhibit for World Fair in Chicago; 1894-96 dep state supt of schs; 1896- prac law in Pawnee City; Pawnee Co atty, Pawnee Co judge; mbr Pawnee Co insanity bd many years; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; AF&AM; Sesostris Shrine; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; off & res Pawnee City.
BECKER, GEORGE EDWIN: Manager of Telephone Co: b Placerville, Cal Nov 9, 1863; s of Samuel Simon Becker-Caroline McConkey; ed Table Rock HS 1882; U of N 1884-85; Union Literary Soc; m Hester Edith McClure June 8, 1892 Johnson Co; s Morris R, Donald M; d Lucille M (Mrs George V Shipley); 1883-90 tchr & prin, Elk Creek & Burchard; 1888-90 read law with Judge J L Edwards; 1890-91 sold ins, Pawnee City; 1890 adm to Neb bar; 1890-97 prac law with W W Giffin, Pawnee City; 1898- org, inc & built tele co, serving Pawnee City & vicinity, owner & mgr; Pawnee Co dep judge 10 years; mbr sch bd 4 years; mbr Pawnee City band many years; AF &AM, past secy; RAM, past high priest; Scot Rite 32o; Sesostris Shrine; OES, patron; MWA; Chris Ch, elder 50 years; Rep; hobbies, mechanics, tool work; off & res Pawnee City.
BEDEA, GEORGE EMERY: Farmer, b Livingston Co, Ill Jan 19, 1865: s of Benjamin Bedea-Martha G Crossman; ed Pawnee Co; Table Rock; Omaha Bus Coll 1886; m May N Becker Feb 21, 1894 Table Rock (dec 1938); s George Howard; reared on farm in Ill, came to Pawnee Co in Feb 1882; 1887-88 homesteaded, Yuma Co, Colo; 1888- farmed near Table Rock except one year (1889-90) spent in Louisiana; has occupied present home & farm since 1894; 20 years VP State Bank of Table Rock; past mbr AOUW; Meth Ch, trustee 30 years; wife active in church work; Rep; res RFD, Table Rock.
BINDER, WESLEY RUDOLPH: Hog Feeder; b Colfax Co, Neb Mar 2, 1891; s of William Binder-Katherine Keller; ed Table Rock HS; m Goldie Kinney Aug 26, 1915 Ashland; s Howard Wesley, Forest Duane; d Lois Mae; 1912-14 worked for father on farm, Pawnee Co; 1914- farmer, Pawnee Co; 1916- hog buyer & feeder, Pawnee Co; feeds approximately 100 carloads of hogs each year; mbr sch bd 10 years; Meth Ch, trustee; hobbies, music, good stock; res Table Rock.
BONHAM, GUY FURMAN: Bank Cashier; b Wilsonville, Neb Dec 23, 1895; s of Clarence Bonham-Mae Treat; ed Hastings HS 1914; Hastings Bus Coll; U of N 1915; m Beatta Bigelow June 7, 1916 Hastings; s Dwight D; d Shirley M; 1915-19 oprd Grain Elevator & pur livestock, Ayr; 1919- cash State Bank of Table Rock; city clk 20 years; mgr Table Rock band 1929-34; Pawnee Co Bankers Assn, past pres; Comml Club; AF&AM, past master & treas; IOOF, past noble grand; MWA, clk 20 years; Meth Ch, treas; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off State Bank of Table Rock; res Table Rock.
CALHOUN, FRANCIS CAVET: Optometrist; b Van Buren Co, Ia Sept 2, 1876; s of James Taylor Calhoun-Nancy Rebecca Byers; ed Ness City Kas HS 1893; Omaha Optical Coll 1901; m Maude Pierce Jan 19__, Pawnee Co; s Frank Charles, William Paul; d Esther May; 1893-95 emp in Kas; 1895-99 with father on farm in Pawnee Co; 1899-1901 emp by C H Brassfield, learned watchmaking, jewelers trade & optometry; 1902-03 worked at trade, Traer Ia; 1903-38 owner & opr jewelry store & optical off, Pawnee City; 1938 owner & opr optical off, Pawnee City; mbr optometry examining bd 1919-22; Neb Assn of Optometrists, past pres; S E Neb optometric ext group, Beatrice, past chmn; Amer Optical Assn; mbr city sch bd 10 years; Pawnee City Pub Service Club, past pres; Lions; AF&AM; Meth Ch, trustee 15 years; Rep; hobby, sports; off F C Calhoun Optometry off; res Pawnee City.
CLARK, CHESTER MELVILLE: Farmer; b Pawnee Co, Neb July 13, 1884; s of Isaac M Clark-Sarah Skillman; ed Pawnee Co; Neb Wes Acad; Neb Wes, BSc 1908; m Dora Moulton Sept 22, 1909 Swanton; s Ronald M, Chester D; 1908 farmer & stock raiser near Lewiston; 1918 sold highest priced fat cattle ever sold on open market; 1931 Pawnee Co representative in state legislature; mbr Pawnee Co Fair bd 2 terms; mbr sch bd 18 years, helped org & construct Lewiston consolidated sch bIdg; Master Farmer 1931; Farmers Union; Amer Hereford Assn; Meth Ch, steward, trustee, SS supt 15 years, mbr 45 years; Rep; hobby, reading; res Lewiston.
CLARKE, MARY: County Superintendent of Schools; b Brock, Neb Aug 22, 1899; d of William A Clarke-Anna Young; ed Pawnee City HS; Neb Wes; PSTC; U of N; Alpha Delta Omega; Kappa Delta Pi; 1919-22 tchr Pawnee Co; 1923-24 tchr Schuyler schs; 1924-25 tchr Falls City schs; 1925-38 tchr Pawnee City schs, resigned Dec 1938; 1939- Pawnee Co supt of schs; Neb St Assn of Co Supts; NSTA; B&PW, past pres; PEO, past pres 2 terms; United Presby Ch; res Pawnee City.
COLWELL, FRANK SHERMAN: Pharmacist; b Stark Co, Ill Dec 11, 1869; s of George Colwell-Sarah Barr; ed Atchison Co Mo; Tarkio Mo Coll; m Mary S Hawkins Dec 11, 1896 Pawnee City; s Ervin Barr; d Marjorie (Mrs Kenneth S Wherry), Katherine Virginia (Mrs Morris K Van Horn); 1891-93 with L W Salmon Drug Co, Tarkio Mo; 1893-98 ptr of James M Rogers in Rogers & Colwell Drug Store, Pawnee City; 1898-1907 owner & opr drug store, Pawnee City; 1907-12 in real est bus, Enid Okla; 1912-17 ptr of brother Clyde in drug store, Pawnee City; 1934- ptr of son Ervin in drug store; Neb Pharm Assn; mayor 6 years; mbr city coun 2 years; Pawnee Co fair bd, past pres 2 years; Pawnee City Pub Service Club, past pres; AF&AM; Presby Ch, past chmn of bd; hobby, bus; res Pawnee City.
CONRADT, CATHERINE: Postmaster; b Steinauer, Neb Nov 14, 1891; d of Peter Conradt-Francis Gyhra; ed Steinauer; M S Scholastica, Atchison Kas 1910; 1910-13 with A Hindera gen store in Atchison, Kas; 1913-19 with A J Rucker gen mdse store, Steinauer; 1919-20 with Gold & Co, Lincoln; 1920-32 with Arthur Bentsinger gen store, Steinauer; 1934- P M; Neb ch Natl Assn of P M's; Neb League of Dist P M's; Cath Ch; Blessed Virgin Sodality; dem; hobbies, garden flowers; off & res Steinauer.
DAVIS, CECIL ALBERT: Auto Dealer; b Seneca, Kas Feb 14, 1897; s of Robert Davis-Estella Wolfe; ed DuBois HS; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Gladys Parker June 16, 1926 Pawnee City; d Cynthia Ann; 1919-22 homesteaded near Gillette Wyo; 1922-24 with Farmers Union Store, DuBois; 1924- mgr Wherry Ford Agcy & Service Station, Pawnee City; during World War served in US army balloon corps, stationed Fort Omaha 1918-19; Amer Leg, past co comm; past dir DuBois Tele Co; Pawnee City Pub Service Club, pres; Round Table; AF&AM, master; RAM; KP, past chancellor; Meth Ch; Rep; res Pawnee City.
DINNIS, WILLIAM DANIEL: Merchant; b Pawnee Co, Neb June 5, 1882; s of John Dinnis-Mary S Vliet; ed Pawnee Co; Pawnee City HS; m Ina G Prowant Feb 15, 1905 Pawnee City; s Laurence Donovan, Charles E, Paul E; d Fern E (Mrs Rex Gifford), Adelaide, Pauline A; 1901-14 farmed, Pawnee Co; 1914-16 with Farmers Merc Co, Lewiston; 1917- owner & opr gen store, Lewiston; mbr sch bd 10 years; chmn village bd 20 years; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading, sports; res Lewiston.873
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DONAHUE, MICHAEL JOSEPH: County Sheriff; b Pawnee Co. Neb Sept 7, 1894; s of John Donahue-Mary Byrne; ed Burchard HS 1912; m Clara Kamen Feb 7, 1917 Burchard; s Charles L, Michael J Jr; d Lillian (Mrs Glen Callam), Mary A; 1912-17 farmed with father; 1917-34 farmed & raised purebred livestock, Pawnee Co; 1935- Pawnee Co sheriff; mbr Neb Sheriff & Peace Ofcrs Assn; mbr sch bd 1 term; Pub Service Club; Lions; Pawnee Co, chmn Corn Hog Program 1934; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; off Courthouse; res Pawnee City.
DORT, JOHN CHARLES: Attorney; b Delavan, Wis Dec 28, 1857; s of Charles Dort-Adah Cordelia Pattyson; ed Pawnee City HS 1875-76; m Catherine Lloyd Mar 20, 1883 Burchard (dec); s Charles Lloyd; 1876-80 tchr, Pawnee Co; 1880-89 with Dort Bros & Dort & Lloyd Merc Store, Pawnee Co; 1889-96 with State Journal, Lincoln; 1897- prac law, Pawnee City; Pawnee Co atty 10 years; during World War active as 4-min man; Neb St Bar Assn; Round Table, one of founders; Neb St Hist Soc; AF&AM; RAM, past high priest; Sesostris Shrine; MWA; Chris Ch, elder; Rep; past chmn Pawnee Co Com; hobby, travel; res Pawnee City.
EDDY, RAY R: Merchant; b Nemaha Co, Kas Apr 19, 1904; s of T J Eddy-Maude Wade; ed Pawnee City HS; ICS; m Esther A Wenzl Oct 11, 1927 Beatrice; s Robert William, John Allen; d Lucille Ruth; 1922- with Farmer's Union Co-op Assn at Pawnee City, 1923-33 mgr of produce dept, 1933- gen mgr; chmn comm betterment com, Lions, past pres; Farmers Union; AF&AM, past master 2 terms; Meth Ch, past deacon; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting, drawing; off Farmers Union Store; res Pawnee City.
EDEE, ALLEN BARNETT SR: Merchant; b Jonesville, Ind Dec, 71 1961; s of Charles C Edee-Virginia F Barnett; ed Jerseyville Ill; Bus Coll of Jacksonville Ill; m Minnie M Comfort, Omaha; s Allen B Jr, Alfred F; d Gretchen C (Mrs P A Jensen), Gwendolyn V (Mrs Vinsant); 1881-95 cash & pres bank, Pawnee City, Beaver City & Astoria Ore; 1895- in partnership with John S Low pur store, Pawnee City, later pur Mr Low's int & became sole owner & opr; Interstate Mchts Coun; past mbr city coun; BPOE; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, travel, fishing; res Pawnee City.
FARWELL, HORACE STEPHEN: Retired; b Preemption, Ill Oct 24, 1857; s of Edward Farwell-Lovica Spizey; ed Ill; m Maggie Park Sept 15, 1881 Viola, Ill; s Leon, Albert, Ralph, Verner; d Leota; 1892 came to Pawnee Co; prominent landowner, farmer & stockraiser until retirement; KP; Dem; res DuBois.
FARWELL, LEON C: Banker; b Mercer Co, Ill Oct 24, 1883; s of Horace S Farwell-Margaret Park (dec); ed DuBois; m Evelyn Dorrance Oct 23, 1912 Lincoln; d Florence L, Laura Phanetta, Mary Ellen; 1892 came to Pawnee Co; 1904-05 farmed near DuBois; 1905- with State Bank of DuBois, 1906-08 asst cash, 1908- cash & mgr; first state bank in Neb to file report of re-opening after 1933 bank holiday; widely interested in farm lands in Pawnee & Richardson Cos Neb & Nemaha Co Kas; owns 2,000 A free of encumbrance; agt & overseer other property; ext int in feeding cattle & hogs; past pres, past dir Fourth Regional Clearing House Assn; past pres, past dir Pawnee Co Bankers Assn; pres group 1 Neb Bankers Assn 1938-39; Amer Bankers Assn, VP for Neb 1939-40; past mbr DuBois sch bd; dir Pawnee Co fair bd past 8 years; KP, past chancellor comm; AF&AM; RAM, high priest; KT; Sesostris Shrine; conservative Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res DuBois.
FLORY, HARRY DAVIS: Publisher; b Pawnee City, Neb Dec 26, 1884; s of George S Flory-Ann Davis; ed Pawnee City HS; m Florence Elizabeth Nye Oct 8, 1914 Lincoln; s Harry Davis, William Nelson; 1896- in newspaper work, Pawnee City; 1906- with Pawnee Republican, owner since 1920; past dir NPA; ch mbr Pub Service Club; ch mbr Lions; AF&AM, past master; RAM, past high priest; past patron OES; hobbies, reading, music; res Pawnee City.
FLORY, PAUL JONES: Physician; b Pawnee City, Neb Dec 25, 1889; s of George S Flory-Ann Davis; ed Pawnee City HS 1908; U of N, BSc, MD 1916; Nu Sigma Nu; m Anna Wright Oct 6, 1917 Schuyler; s David W; d Barbara A; 1919-20 prac med, Genoa; 1920- prac, Pawnee City; mbr Pawnee Hosp staff; med advisor to city & co health bds; local chmn pub health unit; during World War with med corps USN 2 years; Amer Leg; past pres Pawnee Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; secy sch bd; Pub Service Club; AF&AM; hobby, reading; off Pawnee City Hosp; res Pawnee City.
GILES, RAYMOND HERBERT: Merchant; b Fremont, Neb May 1, 1902; s of Hugh A Giles-Mary W Barnes; ed Pawnee City HS 1921; m Marie Hattie Goldsberry July 3, 1924 Marysville, Kas; s Lavelle Eugene; Richard Herbert; 1922-23 with W A Wilson Variety Store, Pawnee City; 1923-24 ptr of Willis McKamey in groc store; 1924-26 with E R Linderman Groc; 1926-28 plumber, Herrington Bros Hdw; 1928-32 plumber for Glen Wade; 1932-38, with Langs M System, Pawnee City & Table Rock, mgr 3 years; 1937- owner groc & dry goods store in Table Rock; mbr sch bd; pres vol fire dept; Comml Club; IOOF, left supporter to noble grand; Meth Ch, steward, mbr finance com, asst SS supt, mbr music com, song leader; Rep; hobby, music; res Table Rock.
GOTTULA, SAMUEL FREDRICK: Farmer; b Pawnee Co, Neb Sept 16, 1892; s Christian G Gottula-Marie Hunzeker; ed Pawnee Co; m Florence Genevieve Sacher Sept 16, 1919 Steinauer; s Gerald W, Justin R, Zeno A, Paul A; d Bernadette, Delores Ann, Ethelreda, Theoda M, Mary L, Josephine M, Rosella Maxine; 1908-17 farmed with father in Pawnee Co; 1919- farmed indep; mbr dist 26 sch bd 2 terms; during World War in machine gun co of 355th inf, 89th div at Camp Funston, Co A 137th inf 35th div, in service 20 mos, 1 year O/S; Amer Leg; Farmers Union, secy & treas, past treas; mbr dist 26 sch bd 2 terms; KC, Hall Co; Cath Ch committeeman; Dem; hobby, travel; res Steinauer.
GRIFFING, OLIN WILBERFORCE: Retired; b Wayne Co, Penn Oct 8, 1856; s of George L Griffing-Achsah Andrews; ed Pawnee Co; m Matilda R Conklin Sept 10, 1879 Pawnee Co; s Winford, William; 1857 came to Pawnee Co, oldest in point of residence in co; 1876-1932 brickmason & plasterer in Pawnee Co & other sections of Neb; past mbr sch bd Clear Creek dist; town bd mbr 4 years; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, gardening, raising chickens; father a mbr of Neb territorial legislature & constitutional conv; res Table Rock.
HALDERMAN, JACOB FULTON: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Pawnee City, Neb June 13, 1874; s of William J Halderman-Ida Fulton; ed Burchard; m Blanche Brown Sept 1899 (dec 1929); 1892-94 with First Natl Bank, Pawnee City; 1900-09 cash, Bank of Burchard; 1913-14 cash Farmers & Merchants Bank of Wymore; 1915-25 cash, First State Bank of Pawnee City; 1928-32, Pawnee Co treas; 1932- agt Farmers Mutual Ins Co, Pawnee Co; org Pawnee Natl Farm Loan Assn, secy-treas 1918-37; 1919 mbr state constitutional conv; 1920-21 state sen from Pawnee and Gage Cos; past master Burchard AF&AM;. IOOF; Presby Ch; Rep; off & res Pawnee City.
HASSLER, HARRY COULSON: Publisher; b Pawnee City, Neb Oct 9, 1880; s of John Nesley Hassler-Elizabeth Coulson; ed Pawnee City HS; Pawnee City Acad; m Flossie Chatterton Sept 29, 1904 York; d Virginia Elizabeth (Mrs Landon Gant); 1898-1913 with Farmers State Bank, Pawnee City; 1913-31 ptr of father & later with H D Flory in publishing Pawnee Republican; 1931- with Pawnee City Chief; secy Pub Service Club; AF&AM, Sesostris Shrine; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, sports; res Pawnee City.
HAWKINS, JAMES ARCH: Merchant; b Sinks Grove, W Va Mar 6, 1866; s of A M Hawkins-Isabell Miller; ed Secondcreek W Va HS; Dunsmoore's Bus Coll, Staunton, Va; m Mattie C Brannan July 18, 1899 Winfield, Kas; s Bertram A; d Altha (Mrs Dorrence Powell); 1883-99 clk in various stores in W Va; 1899-1904 with J R Ervin'store, DuBois; 1904-20 ptr of Joy Mann & G W Potts; 1920-25 mgr Farmers Union store; 1925-28 oprd store for brother; 1928-34 ptr of T J Boyd in gen store; 1934- opr cream & produce store, DuBois; assessor South Fork pct 10 years, registrar 13 years; past mbr village board; Meth Ch, steward, treas; Dem; hobby, fishing; res DuBois.
HURD, CHARLES MARK: County Judge; b Pawnee City, Neb Sept 21, 1878; s of John M Hurd-Elizabeth Hill; ed Pawnee Co; Pawnee City Acad; m Laura Dykes Dec 18, 1906 Lebanon, Kas; s John M; d Gertrude (Mrs W M Allen); when only 9 years old began regular farm work during illness of father; 1899-1928 oprd farm near Pawnee City, owned large dairy herd; 1928 Pawnee Co judge; 1918-26 Pawnee Co commr; org & led baseball team in Sheridan dist several years; IOOF, past noble grand, several times del to grand lodge of Neb;874
in Nebraska
Neb Assn of Co Judges; First Bapt Ch, sr deacon; Rep; hobbies, fishing, baseball; res Pawnee City.
HUSTON, ARCHIE MERVIN: Pharmacist; b Taylor Co, Ia Jan 13, 1875; s of James A Huston-Emma S Smith; ed Taylor Co Ia; Ia St Coll; m Mary E Ryerson July 20, 1900 Bradyville Ia; s James Donald, Hobert T; m Alice B Barclay Sept 18, 1917 Kansas City Kas; d Harriet A (Mrs Thomas Phalen); 1894-98 tchr Ia schs; 1900-01 tchr Conway Ia schs; 1901-07 ptr of Earl Ryerson, Conway Ia; 1907-26 ptr of Earl Ryerson in drug store, Pawnee City; 1926-28 owner & opr Huston Drug Co, Pawnee City, 1928- ptr of son; during Sp-Amer War in Co I 51st Ia vol inf; William Lewis Camp 2 USWV; Neb Rexall Club, past pres; Pub Service Club, past pres, treas; AF&AM Conway Ia; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Pawnee City.
HYLTON, MRS MARGARET: Retired; b Nemaha Co, Neb Oct 20, 1875; d of William Sutton-Josephine Flott; ed Table Rock HS; m J Harry Hylton Jan 11, 1910 Kansas City, Mo (dec 1938); d Josephine (Mrs Wayne Kubick); 1910-38 with husband in drug store, Table Rock, assumed management at husband's death in 1938; sold store in 1939; OES, past matron; Meth Ch; Rep; res Table Rock.
JENSEN, JULIUS AMBROSE: Merchant; b Fullerton, Neb Dec 15, 1893; s of Nels A Jensen-Ingeborg Juhl; ed Fullerton; LaSalle Extn U; m Inez Johnson Aug 18, 1926 Brunswick; s Charles Allen; 1912-18 with father in Jensen Mdse Co, Pawnee City; 1919- co-owner & mgr, 1922-26 assoc with Fred J Jensen, 1926- assoc with Nelson R Jensen; during World War served in QMC 314th supply co, US army 1918-19; O/S 14 mos; Amer Leg; mbr bd of edn since 1938; Pub Service Club; IOOF; Presby Ch; Dem; res Pawnee City.
KEHMEIER, FERDENAND AUGUST: Harnessmaker; b Lassburch, Lippe Detmold, Germany Jan 28, 1866; s of Herman Kehmeier-Karoline Finke; ed Germany; m Minnie Zorn Aug 8, 1895 Pawnee Co; s Bryan H, Edwin; d Emma; 1884 came to Amer; 1885-88 learned harnessmaking with brother in Tecumseh; 1888-90 carp in Johnson Co; 1890-91 visited in Germany; 1891-93 carp in Tecumseh; 1893- owner & opr harness shop, Steinauer; chmn village bd 2 years; past mbr sch bd; Evang Reformed Ch; Dem; hobby, gardening; res Steinauer.
KIRKLAND, GEORGE THOMAS: Merchant; b Chicago, Ill June 21, 1904; s of Charles Kirkland-Elizabeth Gille; ed HS of Commerce, Omaha; m Anita J Lang Jan 17, 1932 Beatrice; 1923-28 with father in King Hdw Co, Omaha; 1928-31 traveled in Neb for H J Heinz Co; 1930- with Lang's M System Groc Stores at Beatrice, Wymore, Tecumseh, Pawnee City, DuBois, Table Rock, Humboldt; located at Pawnee City since 1931; ROTC, field arty; Pub Service Club; Lions; AF&AM; Rep; hobbies raising & crossing cattle & buffalo, hog raising; res Pawnee City.
KOVANDA, MRS A R: Clubwoman; b Pawnee Co, Neb Feb 28, 1873; d of John Clema-Mary Vrtiska; ed Pawnee Co, Pawnee City Acad; m Anthony Rudolph Kovanda Aug 18, 1891 Pawnee City (dec 1931); s Rudolph Anthony; 1896-1912 with husband in hdw & furn store, Table Rock; 1912-21 asst P M; 1908-30 conducted sch in Czech language, produced plays & raised funds for ZCBJ lodge rooms at Table Rock; 1914-18 VP Neb Woman's Suffrage Assn, instrumental in securing passage of amendment in Neb; holder of special certificate of service awarded in Neb by Carrie Chapman Catt; 1926 del to GFWC, Atlantic City, 1933 del to Detroit; Womans Club, pres; Pawnee Co Hist Soc, secy; ZCBJ, past pres; OES, past matron; Meth Ch, ss tchr 30 years; Dem; hobbies, club work, embroidery, making quilts; res Table Rock.
KOVANDA, FRANK: Mortician; b Pawnee Co, Neb Nov 13, 1873; s of Frank Kovanda-Barbara Benes; ed Pawnee Co; m Minnie Fuller, Pawnee City (dec); d Laura (Mrs ___ MeGannis), Roberta (Mrs Merle Fisher); m Dolly Brown Apr 8, 1925 St Joseph, Mo; 1898- owner & opr mortuary, Table Rock; 1898-1935 owner & opr hdw & furn bus, Table Rock; Neb & Natl Funeral Dirs Assns; mbr city bd 12 years; mbr sch bd 8 years; Comml Club; AF&AM; IOOF, past noble grand; ZCBJ; Chris Ch; hobby, fishing; res Table Rock.
LEHMAN, JOHN HENRY: Retired; b Bunker Hill, W Va Nov 26, 1845; s of Daniel Lehman-Lucinda Kavanaugh; ed Payson Ill; m Sarah E Kerns Nov 27, 1870 Table Rock; s Victor (dec), Glen; d Linnie M (Mrs P I Faulkner), Ella A (dec), Cleo E (Mrs Frank Porak, dec 1885); 1866-77 homesteaded, farmed in Neb; 1877-78 farmed in Tex; 1878-1934 farmed in Pawnee Co; 1934- ret; during Civil War vol in Co F, 118th Ill inf in 1862: with Gen Grant at siege of Vicksburg, fought in Arkansas Post battle & various other battles, disch July 1865; cast first vote for Abraham Lincoln while in Civil War; also voted for admission of Neb as state; past mbr sch bd; GAR; hobby, reading; res Table Rock.
LEONARD, GEORGE A: Farmer; b Tazewell Co, Ill June 15, 1879; s of Leslie W Leonard-Ada Malone; ed Pawnee City Acad; Lincoln 1898-99; m Mary F Little Dec 16, 1903 Pawnee City; s Rev John Leslie, Alfred Huston, Dr George Allison; 1899- farmer & stockman, Pawnee City; 1900-29 conducted livestock auction sales in Neb; held int in first purebred Poland China herd brought into Pawnee Co; 1910-23 mbr Neb st bd of agr; 12 years supt swine dept Neb St Fair; mbr sch bd 20 years; pct assessor 20 years; 4-min man during World War; AF&AM, mbr 30 years; Presby Ch; Rep; res Pawnee City.
LEONARD, MRS MARY FRANCES LITTLE: Homemaker; b Pawnee City, Neb June 19, 1877; d of John R Little-Barbara H Huston; grad Pawnee City Acad; m George Leonard Dec 16, 1903 Pawnee City; s Rev John Leslie, Alfred Huston, Dr George Allison; 1896-98 tchr, Pawnee Co; 1898-1903 tchr, Pawnee City; 1903- homemaker on farm near Pawnee City; author various poems published in natl magazines, state papers during past 35 years; author of Pawnee Co history in this volume; DAR; Extn Club; Meth Ch, ladies aid, ss supt 20 years; Presby Ch; Rep, Pawnee Co committee woman many years; hobbies, poetry, house plants; res Pawnee City.
McCOURTNEY, CHARLES OLIVER: House Mover & County Commissioner; b Tazewell Co, Ill Feb 21, 1869; s of Robert P McCourney-Jerusha Caroline Matthews; ed Pawnee Co, 3rd grade; m Clara E Martin Feb 1892 Pawnee Co; m Lula M Bivens Jan 1905 Pawnee Co; s Bruce, Mike, Pat; d Myrl (dec), Fern (Mrs Jim Frapa), Lottie (Mrs Jim Davakos), Eva (Mrs Leon Beers), Maude (Mrs Bruce Bailey), Hazel, Velma (Mrs Leroy Epley); orphaned when 12 years old; 1881-92 worked on farms in Pawnee Co, most of time with R B Stevens, Table Rock; 1883 broke sod with yoke of oxen; 1892-97 farmer, Franklin Co & in Minn, later in Pawnee Co; 1898-1932 in construction dept, CB&Q RR; 1906- engaged in house moving bus in SE Neb, NE Kas, SW Ia, NW Mo; 1932- Pawnee Co commr; Neb Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds & Co Highway Commrs; Pawnee Co Hist Soc, treas; Neb St Hist Soc; mbr IOOF 46 years, past noble grand; Indep; hobby, horse racing; off Courthouse; res Table Rock.
McCREA, EDWIN LEE: Physician & Surgeon; b Cole Co, Mo July 14, 1865; s of John Wilson McCrea-Sarah Adeline Lane; ed Clarksburg Mo; Bates Co Mo; Iantha Mo HS; Uni Med Coll, Kansas City Mo, MD 1900; m Eliza Lenore Wade Feb 8 1888 Jefferson City Mo; celebrated Golden Wedding 1938; s Dr Lowrain E; d Veda (Mrs H J Smith), Ural Hazel (Mrs C W Beck), Zelma (dec); prior to 1896 with father in cattle bus in Mo, where mbrs of family were ext land owners & stock raisers; 1900- prac med Table Rock, builder & opr McCrea Hosp; org, past pres Table Rock Electric Co; mbr sch bd many years; mayor & mbr city coun many years, leader in securing street bldg, water system & natural gas; apptd by Gov Weaver in chg of road supervision Pawnee Co; pres Pawnee Co Med Soc several times; Neb St & AMA; AF&AM; IOOF, past noble grand, instituted several lodges; Dem, vice-chmn Pawnee Co Central Com; hobbies, travel, photography, woodwork, noted in Neb & other states as cabinet maker & woodworker, has presented pieces to individuals in every state; grandparents came to Mo with Daniel Boone; res Table Rock.
MARBLE, MILTON HALL: Retired; b Wayne Co, O Mar 16, 1839; s of Hiram S Marble-Anne Stewart; ed Wayne Co O; Iowa City Ia HS 1854; m Maria Bump, 1863, Brodhead Wis; m Amanda Linn Fairbanks, 1871 Tecumseh; m Amy E Linn, 1911 Pawnee City; s Harmon P, Max A; d Alice (Mrs Edgar Woods, dec), Edith (Mrs Bruce Woods); 1852 with family moved to Ia City 4 years before RR was built; 1856-60 tchr Nodaway Co. Mo; 1860-62 tchr, Ia; 1862- 63 tchr, Brodhead, Wis; 1863-65 Brodhead Wis dep P M apptd by Pres Lincoln; 1860 cast first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln; 1870 came to Pawnee Co, farmed near Table Rock until 1894; 1870-74 tchr, Table Rock & vicinity; 1886-90 Pawnee Co commr; 1875-94 pres sch bd dist 51; 1893-1923 secy Table Rock875
Who's Who
sch bd; Neb's oldest judge, serving as JP Table Rock, since 1894; 62 years notary pub, apptd by 10 different governors; 1894- in real est & ins bus, Table Rock; correspondent for Neb St Journal 58 years; contributed approximately 250 poems to various newspapers & magazines; past secy cemetery bd, 38 years; Pawnee Co Hist Soc, ch mbr; IOOF mbr 72 years, ch mbr lodge 9 Pawnee City, secy of Table Rock lodge 33 since 1894, oldest mbr in state both in years & membership; Rep, active in politics since Lincoln's time; during Civil War, vol, rejected because of injured right hand; father was chaplain "Graybeard's" regiment in Civil War; maternal grandmother was direct descendant of Edward Doty who came over on the Mayflower 1620; res Table Rock.
MEIER, FRED WILLIAM: Garage Owner; b Nemaha Co, Kas Nov 20, 1881; s of C William Meier-Minnie Kouster; ed DuBois; m Ida Parli Feb 15, 1905 Nemaha Co, Kas; s William J (dec), Howard H, Clyde, Lyle, Verne; d Alma (Mrs William Volz), Margaret, Lois, Louise, Helen, Erma, Doreen; 1901-06 with State Bank of DuBois; 1906-16 owner & opr DuBois Elevator; 1916- owner & opr Meier Garage & Station, DuBois; 1909 began selling autos as side line; mbr sch bd, secy & treas 20 years; mbr village bd 30 years, chmn 15 years; past chancellor KP; Rep; hobbies, good stock, sports, reading; res DuBois.
MILLER, JOSEPH GOODNOW: Hotel Manager; b Charlevoix Co, Mich Dec 28, 1884; s of Major Fredrick Eleasor Miller-Emma Jane Dennison; ed Johnson Co; DeSoto Kas HS, 1902; Dougherty Bus Coll; m Eva C Richardson Oct 11, 1912 Chicago; m LaTisha A Baker Aug 6, 1929 St Joseph, Mich; 1902-07 farmed with father in Kas; 1909-11 with Warren M Crosby Dry Goods Co Topeka Kas; 1911 with AT & SF RR 6 mos; 1911-29 with Chicago & Alton RR; 1929-33 with orgns in Topeka & Kansas City; 1933- mgr Exchange Hotel, Pawnee City; Neb Hotel Assn; Pub Service Club, chmn road com; Rulo-Rocky Mtn Highway Assn, VP; Prot; hobbies, fishing, hunting & sports; grandfather was first pres Kansas St Coll & later pres Baker U of Baldwin, Kas; grandfather, Dr Joseph Dennison, & great uncle, Isaac T Goodnow, first Kas State supt of pub instruction were founders of educational system of Kas; res Pawnee City.
MOORE, HARRY AUGUSTUS: Postmaster; b Pawnee Co, Neb Dec 4, 1869; s of Carlyle Fisk Moore-Martha Jane Graves: ed Neb & Kas; m Laura Jane McKean Dec 8, 1892, Yuma Colo; s Walter P; d Myrtle Irene (Mrs G C Albaugh); 1883-85 appr in newspaper work, Arapahoe; 1885-87 with father in store, also in newspaper work, Ellis Kas; 1887-89 various vocations in Neb; 1899-91 worked on newspaper in DuBois, pur & oprd DuBois Item; 1891-96 worked on street car line Lincoln; 1896-97 worked on street car line, St Louis; 1897-99 worked in Denver, Colo in book & job shop & on Yuma Colo Pioneer; 1899-1900 worked on Arlington Review, pur Arlington Herald; 1901-02 worked on street car line, Omaha; only man Omaha Street Car Co has ever summoned for work; 1902-04 worked on Bloomfield Monitor; 1904-06 in chg of Wray Colo Rattler; 1906-08 in chg of Yuma Colo Pioneer; 1908-11 worked in book & job shop, Denver, also for Brush Colo Republican, Fort Morgan Colo Times, Brighton Colo Blade; 1911-12 worked on Platte City Mo Monitor; 1912-13 in newspaper work at Aurora & Lincoln; 1913-17 owner & opr DuBois Press; 1917-21 owner & opr Steinauer Star; 1921-28 owner & opr DuBois Press; 1921- PM, DuBois; village clk 5 years; res DuBois.
MUSCHEITES, BRUNO FRED: County Clerk; b Thayer Co, Neb July 9, 1891; s of Fred Muscheites-Meta Wenke; ed Bruning HS; Beatrice Bus Coll 1916-17; m Ruth McCoy March 17, 1917 Blue Springs; s Fred; d Margaret; 1912-17 fireman, CB&Q RR, Lincoln; 1917-21 farmed near Greeley, Colo; 1921-34 farmed near Table Rock; 1934- Pawnee Co clk, recorder & assessor; Neb Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds & Co Highway Commrs; Pub Service Club; mbr bd of edn 3 terms; AF&AM, jr warden; MWA, Chris Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res Pawnee City.
NORRIS, CHARLES IRA: Merchant; b Falls City, Neb Dec 3, 1860; s of Chauncey H Norris-Fannie C Giddings; ed Table Rock HS; m Ida Phillips Nov 30, 1887 Table Rock; s Edgar J; d Eunice (Mrs Fred E Peters), Aline (Mrs Dan Bare); 1882-86 with Missoula, Mont Mdse Co, att completion ceremonies of NP RR there 1884; 1886- with Norris Merc Store, Table Rock, 1886-1910 with C H Norris, 1910- owner & mgr; this is oldest store in continuous oprn 70 years in Neb; past mbr Pawnee & Richardson Cos in Neb legislature; mbr sch bd 33 years; Pawnee Co Hist Soc; IOOF, past noble grand; Meth Ch; Rep, past mbr Pawnee Co Central Com; grandfather, C W Giddings founded Table Rock in 1856; father began store in Table Rock 1859, later served in Union Army, and fought Sioux Indians in Dakota; after war he was apptd Indian agt near Falls City, opened present store in 1869; res Table Rock.
OBERMANN, FREDERICK HENRY: Banker; b Snyder, Neb June 29, 1893; s of Henry Obermann-Minnie Holt; ed Snyder; Cal; Fremont Normal 1918; U of N 1923-24; Northwestern U 1925; Delta Theta Phi; m Viola Francis Jasa Aug 1, 1936 Tyndall S D; 1913-15 chauffeur in Cal; 1915-17 oprd light & power co, Snyder; 1917-18 & 1919-22 with Hartington Natl Bank; 1926-27 farmed with father, Dodge Co; 1927-31 with state banking dept, receivership div; 1931-37 with farm loan div of ins co & emp by private investors; 1937- cash Burchard State Bank; during World War, USN, Great Lakes, later with 22nd regiment USN air corps 10 mos; Amer Leg, treas; AF&AM; OES; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, sports; res Burchard.
OSBORN, DAVID WILLIAM: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Pawnee Co, Neb Dec 7, 1870; s of John M Osborn-Mary J Gilkerson; ed Pawnee Co; Pawnee City Acad; m Emma Maude Waddell June 17, 1900 Pawnee Co; d Margaret O, Mary E, Isabella Jeanette; 1893-96 tchr, Pawnee Co; 1896-1903 farmed, Pawnee Co; 1903-04 resided Loveland, Colo; 1904-20 owner & opr farms, Pawnee Co; 1917- opr real est & ins bus in Pawnee City; police judge; JP; past mbr sch bd; past mbr Pawnee Co Fair bd; Sheridan pct assessor 6 years; Pub Service Club; Neb St bd of agr; United Presby Ch, congl clk 28 years; Dem; hobby, reading; res Pawnee City.
OVENDEN, ARCHER ELLIS: Publisher & Postmaster; b Nemaha Co, Neb Oct 1, 1873; s of Alfred Ovenden-Sarah Irwin; ed Nemaha Co; m Stella A Tucker Mar 22, 1894 Pawnee City; d Amber (Mrs Ira J Williams), Ethelda (Mrs Albert L Porr); 1890-96 owner & editor Elk Creek Sentinel; 1896-1903 owner & editor Brock Bulletin; 1903- owner & publisher Pawnee Chief, Pawnee City; 1915-23, 1935- P M; mbr sch bd 7 years; Pub Service Club, past dir; NPA; SE Neb Press Club, past pres; Natl Edit Assn; Neb League of Dist P Ms; Neb ch of Natl Assn of P Ms of US; Meth Ch; Dem, past chmn & secy Pawnee Co Central Com, several times mbr State Central Com; hobby, travel; off P O; res Pawnee City.
PATTISON, HARLAND GLEN: Superintendent of Schools; b Table Rock, Neb Sept 28, 1903; s of John Pattison-Myrta Johnson; ed Table Rock HS 1921; U of N, BA 1930; m Cecelia Jensen Aug 8, 1927 Omaha; s Gary Lee; 1923-25 tchr, Pawnee Co; 1927-29 tchr Brunswick; 1930- supt Table Rock schs; Assn of Supts & Prins of Neb; NSTA; res ofcr US army; AF&AM, past master; Meth Ch, bd of stewards; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Table Rock.
PESEK, MRS MARIE V: Homemaker; b Mala Losentee, Czechoslovakia Aug 14, 1875; d of Jacob Dobvrovolny-Marie Hosek; ed Czechosolvakia; Germany; m Joseph M Pesek Mar 15, 1898 Pawnee City (dec 1938); s Ludwig; d Marie (Mrs Henry Rakosnik); 1890 came to Pawnee Co; 1898- homemaker near DuBois; ARC, active during World War & recd certificate of honor from US govt; Pawnee Co Hist Soc; mbr bd of edn ZCBJ; Dem, past vice-chmn Pawnee Co Central Com; res DuBois.
PETERKA, JAMES: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Krolvitch Co, Czechoslovakia Aug 3, 1875; s of Joseph Peterka-Josephina Hanna; ed DuBois; m Verna A Hunzeker Mar 7, 1899 Pawnee Co; d Emily (Mrs Henry Krofta), Lillian (Mrs Glen Noble), Edna; 1897-1911 farmed, Pawnee Co; 1911-13 in real est bus Tate; 1913-22 in real est & ins bud, oprd elevator for Dobbs Grain Co, Virginia, Neb; 1922- in real est & ins bus, Pawnee City; HOLC appraiser; 1932- state highway grade inspector; chmn Virginia sch bd 8 years; VP Citizens State Bank of Virginia 6 years; Virginia JP 8 years; mgr & secy Virginia Tele Exchange 3 years; AF&AM, KT, Sesostris Shrine 32o; past treas MWA; Dem; hobby, travel; res Pawnee City.
PINKERTON, GEORGE ROBERT: Farmer; b Peoria Co, Ill Oct 10, 1857; s of James Pinkerton-Martha C Weede; ed Peoria & Clay Cos, Ill; m Alma Downing Feb 26, 1885 Clay Co Ill; s Fred A, Clifford C, Roger E, John L, George R Jr; 1878-81 farmed, Clay Co Ill; 1881-94 farmed,876
in Nebraska
Brown Co Kas; 1894- farmer near Pawnee City, owner & opr present farm since 1906; breeder of purebred Duroc-Jersey hogs 20 years; 1923-30 Pawnee Co commr; past mbr sch bd 15 years; United Presby Ch; Dem; hobbies, gardening, reading; res Pawnee City.
RINNE, AUGUST W: Farmer; b Pawnee Co, Neb Sept 27, 1882; s of August Rinne Sr-Caroline Kuehlmann; ed Pawnee Co; m Anna Bartels May 1, 1908 Pawnee Co; s Erwin, Elmer, Clarence; d Margaret; 1908- farmer Pawnee Co; mbr sch bd 2 terms; Farmers Union Oil Assn, VP; Farmers Union; Evang Reformed Ch; hobbies, mechanical work, fishing; res Steinauer.
RUCKER, LEONARD JOHN: Dentist; b Steinauer, Neb Oct 22, 1900; s of Anton Rucker-Christine Hoffman; ed Steinauer 1906-17; Dubuque Ia Mil Coll 1918-19; Creighton U, DDS 1923; Psi Omega; m Lahoma Augusta Williamson Dec 21, 1934 Burchard; Ann Christine; 1923-30 prac dentistry in Marysville Kas; 1930 with Hinkle Anesthetic Co of Kansas City, Mo; 1931- prac in Pawnee City; ADA; Pub Service Club; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, livestock & sports; res Pawnee City.
SAWYER, GEORGE A: Merchant; b Pawnee City, Neb Apr 30, 1882; s of John B Sawyer-Anne Eliza Karns; ed Pawnee City HS; m Lucy Grace Van Horne Sept 2, 1908 Pawnee City; s Ted I, George Hugh, John Tom; d Kathryn Jane (Mrs Myron R Bickell); 1904-10 with C D Robinson Clothing Store, Pawnee City; 1910- with Fred H Barclay co-owner of Sawyer Barclay Co, clothing store; 1926-32 held int in Barclay-Hare Sales Co; Allied Clothiers Inc, dir; Neb Retail Clothiers Assn, past secy; past mbr sch bd; past mbr city coun; Pub Service Club, ch mbr & past pres; AF&AM; RAM, past high priest; KT; Sesostris Shrine; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; off Sawyer-Barclay Co; res Pawnee City.
SCHLACHTER, OSCAR FRANCIS: Clergyman; b Cincinnati, O June 8, 1895; s of Herman Schlachter-Anna Meyer; ed Cincinnati O HS 1913; St Francis Coll, Cincinnati, BA 1916; Seminary in Cincinnati 1917-24; U of Wash, JCB & STB 1925; Creighton U, MA 1926; U of N 1927-29; Phi Kappa; 1925-26 pastor in Deweese; 1926-27 pastor Colon; 1927-29 pastor Valparaiso; 1929-37 pastor Shelby; 1937- pastor Steinauer; KC; Cath Ch; hobby, reading; res Steinauer.
SCHROFF, CHARLES JR: Miller; b Red Cloud, Neb Sept 27, 1888; s of Charles Schroff Sr-Ida Giger; ed Steinauer, Alma; Pawnee City Acad 1904-05; m Natalie Frey Feb 22, 1911 Beatrice; s Gilbert Logan, Robert Warren; d Norma C (Mrs ---- Myers); 1905- emp in Steinhauer Mill; Neb Millers Assn; mbr sch bd 16 years; AF&AM; Evang Reformed Ch; hobbies, fishing, sports; parents born in Switzerland; off Steinauer Milling Co; res Steinauer.
SLOAN, FLOYD ANDREW: Farmer & Stockman; b Lewiston, Neb Mar 23, 1887; s of James Sloan-Matilda Ellen Rounds; ed Lewiston; U of N 1911; m Ola Bertha Williams Mar 13, 1913 Lewiston; s Beverly F, Dwight L; d Wilmetta E; 1911-13 farmed with father in Pawnee Co; 1913- farmer, livestock raiser in Pawnee Co; breeder purebred Red Polled cattle since 1913; since 1926 has shown stock at leading state fairs in central US, including Chicago Internatl Livestock Exposition, has also shown stock in Canada; has won outstanding prizes & ribbons; mbr sch bd, Lewiston & Burchard 12 years; Pub Service Club; secy Red Polled Cattle Club of Amer; Master Farmer 1931; Master Neb Farmers Club, past pres; United Presby Ch, elder 15 years; Rep; hobby, good livestock; res Burchard.
SMALL, SAMUEL GASCLOW: Farmer; b Pawnee Co, Neb June 19, 1868; s of Thomas C Small-Abbie Waters; ed Pawnee Co; m Bertha McElhose July 30, 1896 Pawnee Co; d Genevieve (Mrs A B Graham); 1889- farmer, stock feeder Pawnee Co; 1920 moved to Pawnee City; 1924-29 ptr of Potts in elevator bus; Pawnee City; Meth Ch, chmn bd of trustees; Rep; hobby, good stock; res Pawnee City.
STAKE, ALBERT: Retired; b Amberson, Penn Apr 19, 1866; s of Eli Stake-Savila Ray; ed Penn; Ia; m Carrie S Miles Feb 3, 1892 Lincoln; s Earl M, Willie A, Eli, Harold, John Russell; d Gladys A (Mrs E K Drake), Edith M (Mrs Frank Dougherty), Grace (dec Feb 22, 1900), Dorothea (Mrs L Steiner), Edna (Mrs H Kuster), Vera (Mrs Carl Riddlenbarger); 1888-89 farmed in Ia; 1889- farmer in Pawnee Co; pres Burcbard Tele Co 23 years; pres Farmers Elevator Co 19 years; mbr sch bd several years; AF&AM, past master; RAM; OES, sentinel, past secy; Rep; hobby, trees, grafting & experimenting; father served in Union army in Civil War; res Burchard.
STEINAUER, FRANK MARTIN: Banker; b Steinauer, Neb July 4, 1878; s of Joseph Alois Steinauer-Catherine Kaufmann; ed Steinauer HS 1897; LBC 1899-1900; m Nellie May Woods Aug 11, 1915 St Joseph Mo; d Lots Francis; 1902-06 took care of stock on land in Pawnee Co; 1906- with Bank of Steinauer, now pres; mbr town bd 1910-35; past mbr village sch bd; Pawnee Co Bankers Assn; Fed Res System; FDIC; KC; Cath Ch; hobby, travel; father came to N Y in 1852 lived at Louisville Ky 2 years, Ind approximately 2 years, settled in Pawnee Co Sept 26, 1856 at present site of Steinauer, founded the town 1886; parents marriage June 12, 1859 first ever recorded in Pawnee Co; off Bank of Steinauer; res Steinauer.
STEINAUER, NICHOLAS ALOYSIUS: Farmer; b Steinauer, Neb Mar 26, 1874; s of Joseph Alois Steinauer-Catherine Kaufmann; ed Steinauer; Bus Coll of Beatrice 1894; Marysville, Kas Normal Sch 1895; m Anna S Coscrove Oct 14, 1896 Beattie, Kas; s Edmond D, Norbert A, Richard C, Jerome J; d Eleanor C (Mrs Paul I Manhart), Mildred E (Mrs Thomas Dugger), Genevieve M; 1895-1908 asst cash, Bank of Steinauer; 1908-10 in impl bus, Steinauer; 1910-37 cash, Bank of Steinauer; 1937- dir & treas E Neb Pub Power Dist; 1897- village clk; mbr sch bd 2 terms; 1905-07 representative from Pawnee Co in Neb legislature; past dir Edmonds Band, Steinauer 30 years; 1934-36 Pawnee Co Soil Conservation Com, past chmn; KC, past exec; Cath Ch; hobby, sports; father came to Neb 1856, founded Steinauer 1886, parents marriage June 12, 1859 first recorded in Pawnee Co; res Steinauer.
STEINAUER, WILLIAM ALBERT: Farmer & Banker; b Steinauer, Neb Apr 23, 1880; s of Joseph Alois Steinauer-Catherine Kaufmann; ed Steinauer HS 1900; m Margaret M Botchlett July 23, 1902 Steinauer; s Bernard J, John C; d Hildegarde V (Mrs J W Schutz), Dorothea A (Mrs M S Huff), Rita M, Thrasilla (dec); 1900- farmer in Pawnee Co; 1910- cash Bank of Steinhauer; Pawnee Co Bankers Assn; Fed Res System, FDIC; Turkey Creek Soil Conservation Dist, chmn bd of supvrs; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, livestock; father came to N Y in 1852 (see biography of Frank); res Steinauer.
TAYLOR, ROBERT WISHART: Retired Farmer; b Hawesville, Ky Dec 16, 1860; s of John Taylor-Mary Wishart; ed Pawnee Co; m Elizabeth Carmichael June 27, 1894 Table Rock (dec Sept 5, 1939); s Virgil V. Ralph Wishart (dec Apr 27, 1898), Robert Warren (dec Aug 14, 1907); 1875- engaged in gen farming & stock raising on father's Inland Stock Farm near Table Rock; both Mr & Mrs Taylor were mbrs of sch bds many years in Table Rock; Pawnee Co Hist Soc; AOUW; Presby Ch; hobby, horses; parents emigrants from Scotland to Ky in 1850, came to Pawnee Co 1864; Mrs Taylor born in Penn 1866, daughter of Hiram & Elizabeth Carmichael, residents of Penn & of English & Scottish descent; came to Pawnee Co in 1885, sch tchr 10 years, 1889 took land claim in Kit Carson Co Colo & taught first term of sch ever held in Burlington Colo; great grandfather Carmichael came to Amer with Gen Wolfe & fought in battle of Quebec in 1764; res Pawnee City.
TAYLOR, MRS RUBY: Publisher; b Wayne Co, Penn Nov 4, 1870; d of Thomas W Conklin-Julia G Bidwell; ed Pawnee Co; m Frank H Taylor Dec, 1891 Table Rock (dec 1934); s Harland B; d Hazel M (Mrs Lee H Kuhn), Lyla I (Mrs Raymond Stewart); 1891 with husband published Table Rock Argus, pur by Mr Taylor May 14, 1887; paper sold 1915, repur 1917; 1934- owner Table Rock Argus; 1934- owner & mgr apt house, Table Rock; NPA; Woman's Club; WCTU; Meth Ch; Rep; Mr Taylor P M 1907-16; representative from Pawnee Co in Neb legislature 1927-29; res Table Rock.
THOMANN, FRANK CHARLES: Educator; b Summerfield, Kas May 16, 1893; s of Frank Thomann-Charlotte Wuester; ed Summerfield Kas HS; U of Kas, BA 1918; U of Colo, MA 1928; U of Chicago; U of N; Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Delta Phi; m Grace Smith June 19, 1923 Wray Colo; s Charles Edwin; 1915- 16 tchr & coach, Summerfield Kas; 1918-19 supt of schs, Maple Hill Kas; 1919-22 supt of schs, Wakefield Kas; 1922-39 supt of schs, Pawnee City, instrumental in securing construction jr & sr HS bldg 1932; 1939- supt of schs, Yuma Colo; NSTA; NEA; Pub Service Club; Lions; AF&AM, Scot Rite 32o Lawrence Kas; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, outdoor sports; res Pawnee City.877
Who's Who
VISTUBA, HERMAN EDWARD: Druggist; b Radstein, Germany Sept 31, 1871; s of Frank Vistuba-Mary Stroda; ed Germany & Amer; m Hannah Carver June 5, 1900 Dawson; s John Leonard, Donald F; 1884-98 worked on farms in Johnson & Pawnee Cos; 1898-1902 worked for Central Granary Co, Lincoln; 1902-07 oprd fruit & poultry farm in Lancaster Co; 1907- owner & opr drug store, Steinauer; Cath Ch, past treasurer; hobby, sports, fishing; res Steinauer.
WARNKE, CLARENCE HARPER: Merchant; b Lewiston, Neb Aug 17, 1911; s of Herman Warnke-Lena Harper; ed Auburn HS; m Nellie Wade Aug 17, 1932 Rockport, Mo; s Gary Eldon; d Marilyn Wanell; 1927-29 with Safeway Store, Auburn; 1929-30 with Swift & Co, Omaha; 1930-32 with Glen Wade Plumbing Co, Pawnee City; 1932-35 owner & opr meat dept of Food Center; 1935- owner & mgr Warnke's Groc & Market, Locker Storage; Bapt Ch; Dem; hobby, collecting match books; res Pawnee City.
WENZL, MAURICE: Garage Owner; b Pawnee Co, Neb Sept 10, 1903; s of Albert P Wenzl-Louise Weber; ed Steinauer; 1918-33 farmed with father also did mechanical work in own shop on farm; 1933- owner & opr Wenzl Garage in Steinauer; KC; Cath Ch; Rep; hobby, mechanics; built first radio receiving set at Steinauer; res Steinauer.
WHERRY, KENNETH SPICER: Attorney; b Liberty, Neb Feb 28, 1892; s of David Emery Wherry-Jessie Comstock; ed Pawnee City HS; U of N, BA 1914; Harvard U 1915-16; Beta Theta Pi; m Marjorie Colwell Sept 15, 1920 Pawnee City; s David Colwell; d Marilynn; 1915- ptr of Wherry Bros estab 1892 Pawnee City; 1915 opened branch offs at Wymore & Humboldt, oprd former 1915-35, latter 1915-26; 1918-30 especially active in sales & distributing of autos & impls, in furn & undertaking bus, livestock & farms with branches at Summerfield Kas, Pawnee City & Tecumseh; lic embalmer & funeral dir past 20 years in Neb, Kas, Ia & Mo; 1927- pres Pawnee Co Agr Soc & leader in promoting annual fair & stock show; mbr city coun 2 terms; serving 2nd term as mayor; 1929-33 state senator from dist 19 during 2 regular & 2 special sessions; 1933, candidate for gov of Neb; 1935 candidate for US Senate; mbr Rep State Central Com several years, 1937 pres state Founder's Day; during World War served in US naval flying corps 1917-18; in training schs in Chicago, Boston & Pensacola, Fla; Amer Leg, co comm; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Kiwanis; Pub Service Club; Round Table; Presby Ch; Rep; mbr State Central Com several years, 1937 pres state Founders Day; hobbies, fair work, farming; off & res Pawnee City.
WILSON, JOHN FINLEY: Photographer; b Washington, Ia Apr 17, 1871; s of John McMurray Wilson-Marjorie Jane Young; ed Anthony Kas HS 1892; m Marie Louise Avis May 12, 1896 Blue Rapids Kas; s Theodore Kenneth, John Herold, Arthur Gaylord; d Marie Ford (Mrs George W Smiley); 1892-93 learned photography; 1893 owner & opr studio in Kiowa Kas; 1892-98 owner & opr studio in Blue Rapids Kas; 1898- owner & opr studio in Pawnee City; Neb St Photographers Assn, pres; Photographers Assn of Amer; Missouri Valley Photographers Assn, past VP; mbr sch bd many years, past VP; Presby Ch, elder many years; MWA; hobby, business; off Wilson Studio; res Pawnee City.
WITTE, ELMER FREDRICK: Attorney; b Furnas Co, Neb July 14, 1896; s of August F Witte-Minnie Ehinger; ed Swanton HS 1912; U of N, BA 1918, LLB 1920; Chi Phi; Phi Delta Phi; m Marie Folk Nov 12, 1926 Pawnee City; s Richard Elmer; 1920- prac law Pawnee City; 1922-30 Pawnee Co atty; Pawnee City mayor 1930-38; during World War section class seaman USN; Amer Leg, past post comm; Neb St Bar Assn; Pub Service Club, past pres; IOOF; MWA, clk; SEA, financier; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep; hobbies, fishing, sports; off Dort & Witte off; res Pawnee City.
WOOD, ELMER DAVID: Lumber Dealer; b Cayuga Co, N Y July 26, 1873; s of Charles S Wood-Nancy J Slayton: ed Table Rock; comml course, Lincoln; m Dollye Mann June 18, 1907 Humboldt; s Fredric E; came with parents to Neb in Aug 1874, settled in Pawnee Co; 1890-1900 farmed in Pawnee Co; 1900-03 worked in the stockyards in St Joseph Mo; 1905-10 ptr of Charles Smith in lbr yd at Elk Creek; 1910-14 farmed in Pawnee Co; 1914-16 with Zook & Edie, lbr dirs in Humboldt; 1915-19 farmed in Pawnee Co; 1919- secy & mgr of Table Rock Lbr Co, Table Rock; mbr village bd; mbr sch bd many years; Comml Club; AF&AM, past master; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Table Rock.
WOODS, MRS JOHN EDGAR: Homemaker; b Ripley Co, Ind Apr 29, 1844; d of Samuel Small-Elizabeth Clark; ed Ind, Ia & Neb; McKinzie Seminary 1865; m John Edgar Woods Jan 16, 1866 Pawnee Co (dec 1933); s Edgar, Wilmer (dec), Bruce, Charles W, Fred; infant son (dec); d Nellie M (Mrs F M Steinauer), Florence B (Mrs J M Haley); born in log house, educated in log sch & married in log house; 1864 with mother & father came in covered wagon to Pawnee Co; 1859-62 sch tchr in Ia; 1862-64 helped brother on home farm, during Civil War; 1864-66 sch tchr in Pawnee Co; 1868-1900, homesteaded in Pawnee Co; 1900- lives in Pawnee City; WRC, past pres; First Presby Ch; Rep: hobby, flowers; res Pawnee City.
YOUNG, RAYMOND A: Physician; b Johnson, Neb June 4, 1896; s of Henry L Young-Ella Rowe; ed Johnson HS 1911; PSTC 1911-13; Creighton U, MD 1917; Phi Beta Phi; m Ruth M Strayer July 20, 1917 Kansas City Kas; m Velma H Kay July 6, 1924 Mexico; d Gwendolyn Gay; 1917-18 Interne in St Margaret's Hosp of Kansas City Kas; 1918-21 prac in Paonia Colo; 1921-24 prac in Madrid Neb; 1924- 26 prac, Tucson Ariz; 1926-31 prac Denver & Deer Trail, Colo; 1931- prac DuBois; village health phys, DuBois; village clk & treas at Madrid; Tri- Co Med Soc, secy 1922-23; AMA; UP RR dist surg at Deertrail, Colo 1927- 30; chief med examiner for Bankers Union Life Ins Co of Denver, 1929; Pub Service Club: past comm Amer Leg; during World War 1st lt of Fort Riley Kas MORC 3 1/2 mos; Prot; hobby, sports; res DuBois.
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