NEGenWeb Project - Phelps County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
in Nebraska
HANSON, G ROYAL: County Sheriff; b Omaha, Neb Apr 16, 1888; s of Gust Hanson-Sarah U Lofstedt; ed Omaha; Omaha Comml Coll; m Lu Verne B Stone July 14, 1925 Omaha; s Wayne R; d La Von B; 1905-06 elevator conductor Paxton Block, Omaha; 1906-17 farmer & cattle feeder, Phelps Co, raised purebred Shorthorn cattle & Duroc Jersey hogs; 1919-21 groc, Holdrege; 1921-22 emp by Amer Railway Express, Holdrege; 1922- Phelps Co sheriff; during World War May 1918-June 1919 in Co B 350th Inf, 88th div AEF; past post comm, past co comm & service ofcr Amer Leg; C of C; Kiwanis; service ofcr Phelps Co ARC; MWA; Presby Ch; Dem; father born in Sweden, farmer & groc, Holdrege; res 703 Blaine, Holdrege.
HATCHER, JAMES SPENCER: Hardware & Lumber Dealer; b Chattanooga, Tenn Mar 22, 1863; s of William C Hatcher-Caroline Cameron; ed Coghill Tenn Collegiate Inst; m Minnie E Dayton Feb 10, 1899 Madrid (dec); d Ida E (Mrs Omer R Prey), Eunice F (Mrs Ivan W Smith); m Ida M Smith Sept 19, 1937 Harvard; 1885-87 bkkpr, Cambridge Mills, Cambridge; 1887-1939 VP J S Hatcher & Co, Inc, 1939- pres lbr bus at Curtis, Bertrand, Smithfield, Elwood, Farnam, Moorefield, Maywood, Wellfleet & Dickens; 1931- owner & opr hdw co, Holdrege; past mbr sch bd, Imperial & Curtis; past mbr city coun, Curtis; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; past pres Holdrege C of C; past pres Rotary; AF&AM 146; MWA; Meth Ch, past trustee; Rep; hobby, gardening; off 319 West Ave; res 718 Garfield, Holdrege.
HELD, ADOLPH H: Secretary-Treasurer & Manager Chamber of Commerce; b Grand Island, Neb June 5, 1877; s of Herman C Held-Wilhelmina Wiese; ed Grand Island; St Benedicts Coll, Atchison Kas; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Frieda A Nyboe Apr 18, 1900 Grand Island; d Katherine A (Mrs Alfred H Siemssen), Corinne E (Mrs Lawrence E Johnson); prior to 1900 emp in father's jewelry bus, Grand Island; 1900-04 farmer, Hall Co; 1904-05 emp by Bell Tele Co, Grand Island; 1905-07 Hall Co dep clk; 1907-10 ptr of Walter Beltzer in Holdrege Confectionery Co; 1910-13 secy Hollenbeck Mfg Co, mfrs of road machinery, Holdrege; 1913-17 inspector for Neb St food & drug commission; 1917-28 ptr of E A Roth in real est, abstract & ins bus, Holdrege; 1928-30 ptr in K K Motor Co; 1930- secy-treas & mgr C of C, Holdrege; 1930-34 mgr fed employment off; 1936-37 Phelps Co assistance dir; mbr Holdrege recreation bd; past pres, past secy & dir Neb Assn of Comml Orgn Secys; Comml Club, past secy several years; 1934-37 & 1939 secy South Platte United C of C; 1931-34 secy Holdrege Welfare Assn; MWA; Dem; hobbies, fishing, cribbage; parents born in Germany, father in jewelry bus in Grand Island 1872-99; off C of C Bldg; res 1010 East Ave, Holdrege.
HIGH, CARL ALBIN: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Phelps Co, Neb July 10, 1882; s of John High-Augusta Johnson; ed Gosper Co; m Nellie Julia Nelson Jan 20, 1909 Phelps Co; s Allan T, Lloyd R; d Alice (dec), Lois M; 1906-37 farmer & stockman on 380 A farm, Gosper Co, son now opr of farm; 1920- in ins bus, Bertrand, 1939- in real est bus; dir Farmers Co-op Elevator; dir & VP Bertrand Co-op Oil Co; C of C; South Platte C of C; Luth Ch, deacon; Rep, past mbr Phelps Co Central Com; hobby, stamp collecting; parents born in Sweden, homesteaded in Gosper Co 1882; res RFD, Bertrand.
HILSABECK, HALE H: Postmaster; b Holdrege, Neb Nov 22, 1885; s of David W Hilsabeck-Mary Ellen Sullivan; ed Holdrege; m Freddie A Lundin Oct 26, 1909 Hastings; s John H, Frank H, D Bruce, Robert T; d Barbara Jane, Mary Ann (Mrs Roy Burgeson), Kathryn L; worked in father's drug store until 1906; 1906-09 farmer, Phelps Co; 1909-30 in piano & music bus, Holdrege; 1930-37 with Neb Natural Gas Co, Holdrege; 1937- P M, Holdrege; past mbr city coun; past dir C of C; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing, golf; father, pioneer druggist, settled in Holdrege 1884; res 321 Lafayette, Holdrege.
HUFF, WILBERT G: President Bottling Company; b Marshall Co, Ind Sept 28, 1872; s of Phillip B Huff-Sophia Miller; ed York Co; m Alzina Foltz Sept 12, 1901 York; d Stella Anne (Mrs Delbert Lefler), Mabel May (dec); 1895-1907 farmer, Phelps Co; 1907-22 in real est, ins & loan bus, Holdrege; 1922-37 owner & mgr Coca-Cola Bottling Co, 1937- co, Inc, pres; past dir C of C; Country Club; Dem; hobby, travel; parents settled in York Co 1879, off 223 West Ave; res 609 East Ave, Holdrege.
JACOBSON, CONRAD: Superintendent of Schools; b Verona, Mo Mar 31, 1883; s of John A Jacobson-Mary L Lindquist; ed Springfield Mo Normal Coll; WSTC; mbr football team 4 years & all-conf tackle 2 years; U of N, BA 1922, MA 1927; grad work U of Chicago; Phi Delta Kappa; m Esther J Ross June 9, 1917 Dakota City; s John Ross, Conrad Ross; 1904-07 tchr, Lawrence Co Mo; 1907-11 tchr, Cuming Co; 1914-15 supt of schs, Dakota City; 1915-17 supt of schs, Bancroft; 1917-19 supt of schs, Newcastle; 1919-22 supt of schs, Ponca; 1922-25 supt of schs, Wayne; 1925-32 supt of schs, York; 1932- supt of schs, Holdrege; instr U of N, WSTC, KSTC in summer terms; NSTA, past mbr exec com dist 5; past secy Neb Schoolmasters Club; NEA, life mbr, dept of supts; Progressive Edn Assn; past pres Rotary; C of C; OES; AF&AM; Meth Ch; hobbies, gardening, writing poetry, page of which was published in American Voices 1939; res 524 Morton, Holdrege.
JOHNSON, ERNEST B: Sales Manager & Vice President Milling Co; b Holdrege, Neb Dec 12, 1898; s of Morton Johnson-Marie Johnson; ed Holdrege HS; U of N; Kas St Coll, BSc 1922; U of Minn; Alpha Tau Omega; m Jane L Bruce June 23, 1924 Holdrege; s Bruce Morton, Ernest Eugene; d Mimi Anne; 1922-23 chemist for Washburn-Crosby Flour Mills, Minneapolis Minn; 1924- sales mgr & VP Holdrege Roller Mills, Inc; during World War in SNTC; past treas Amer Leg; dir & past pres Neb Millers Assn; Rotary; dir & past pres Country Club; dir BSA; AF&AM 146; Scot Rite, Topeka Kas; Meth Ch, mbr finance bd; Dem; hobbies, golf, fishing; parents born in Denmark, homesteaded in Phelps Co, among early pioneers; father was mbr city coun & estab Holdrege Roller Mills 1904; off 4th & Sherman; res 807 West Ave, Holdrege.
JOHNSON, FRED W: Merchant; b Loomis, Neb Mai 20, 1896; s of David Johnson-Mary L Swanson; ed Loomis HS; m Alice P Berg Aug 6, 1933 Greeley Colo; s Rodney B; 1914-18 emp in meat market, Loomis; 1919- mcht, Loomis; during World War in Co C 355th inf, 1st sgt Sept 1918-June 1919, with AEF 12 mos; Amer Leg; C of C, secy since 1927; Free Mission Ch, vice-chmn; hobby, home development; parents born in Sweden, homesteaded in Phelps Co 1880; res Loomis.
JOHNSON, HOWARD JAMES: President Milling Co; b Holdrege, Neb June 14, 1893; s of Morton Johnson-Marie Christensen; ed Holdrege HS; LSC; m Gertrude McNish June 5, 1917 Holdrege; s Harold M, Jerry L; d Barbara Ann (Mrs Robert Holmes), Shirley Jean; 1915-20 emp by Holdrege Roller Mills, 1920-30 mgr, 1930- pres; past mbr city coun; Neb Millers Assn; dir C of C; Country Club; AF&AM 146, RAM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, golf; off 4th & Sherman; res 422 Sherman, Holdrege.
JOY, DONALD C: Agricultural Extension Agent; b Franklin, Neb Mar 24, 1914: s of Chester G Joy-Ella M Erdman; ed Franklin HS; U of N, BSc 1936; Farm House; Farmers Fair Bd; pres Coll-Agri-Fun; mbr varsity dairy cattle & dairy products judging teams; asst circulation mgr Cornhusker yearbook; m Vera L Bean Nov 25, 1937 Western; s Gary Dean; June-Oct 1936 asst agrl agt at Kearney, North Platte, Grand Island & Holdrege; 1936-89 Gosper Co agrl agt, Elwood; 1939- Phelps Co agrl agt, Holdrege; owner farm ints in Franklin Co; Neb & Natl Assns of Co Agrl Agts; U of N Alumni Assn; Rotary; C of C; Presby Ch; hobbies, hunting, photography, aviation, holds solo priv license; off Courthouse; res 614 Sheridan, Holdrege.
KINGSLEY, HAMILTON S: President Lumber & Coal Co & Bank Cashier; b Minden, Neb June 27, 1901; s of George P Kingsley-Mabel Wright; ed Minden HS; St John's Mil Acad, Manlius N Y; m Genevieve Langevin Apr 8, 1929 Minneapolis Minn; s Hamilton S Jr, Langevin G; 1921-24 emp by West Oregon Lbr Co, Portland; 1924-25 foreman Long-Bell Lbr Co, Longview Wash; 1925-26 asst supt West Oregon Lbr Co, Portland; 1927-39 cash, Norman Exchange Bank, Norman; 1929- pres Kingsley Lbr & Coal Co, at Norman, Wilcox, Keene & Lowell; 1939- cash Bank of Bertrand; dir Exchange Natl Bank, Minden; owner farm ints in Kearney Co; C of C; 4-H Club; Minden Country Club; Uni Club, Lincoln; Dem; hobbies, raising Hereford cattle, fishing, hunting; res Bertrand.
LANDIS, JOHN C: Attorney; b Seward, Neb Sept 11, 1912; son of Harry D Landis-Alice Mabel Cattle; ed Seward HS; Hastings Coll BA 1934- mbr debate team, won Neb peace oratorical contest 1933 & Neb St ex-
Who's Who
temporaneous speaking championship 1932; U of N, LLB 1936; mbr debate team; chmn Inter-fraternity Ball 1935; U of Mich; Beta Theta Pi; Phi Alpha Delta; m Beryle McFadden Jan 15, 1988 Seward; 1936 field man for Hastings Coll; 1936 adm to Neb & fed bars; 1937- prac law, Holdrege; 1937- conciliation commr, Phelps & Gosper Cos; 1939- police judge, Holdrege; Phelps Co, 10th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns: VP Phelps Co div U of N Alumni Assn; Past VP Kiwanis; C of C; Country Club; Presby Ch; Rep, jr pres Founders Day 1936; Y R Club, natl committeeman, VP; hobbies, hunting, swimming, stamp collecting; res Holdrege.
LANQUIST, CHARLES J: Farmer & Stockman; b Elkhart, Ind, Aug 15, 1876; s of Jonas P Lanquist-Marie S Isackson; ed Phelps Co; m Jennie E Anderson Oct 12, 1898 Phelps Co; s Carl C, Bert T; d Phyllis M (Mrs Carl E Johnson), Charlotte Mae (Mrs Stewart Vickers); 1899- farmer & stockman, owns 790 A, 630 A farming land, 160 A grazing land, Phelps Co; 1937 Master Farmer; town clk; J P; mbr sch bd; during World War sold Liberty Bonds; dir Phelps Co Farm Bur; Rep; parents born in Sweden, homesteaded in Phelps Co in 1876; wife's parents came to Neb in 1891 & farmed in Phelps Co; res Loomis.
LARSON, CHARLES R: Postmaster; b Bertrand, Neb Aug 80, 1899; s of Richard P Larson-Hattie C Hurd; ed Bertrand HS; m Dorothy M Strickler Aug 2, 1923 Holdrege: d Marilyn Lee, Marcheta Lou, Susan; 1917-18 in electrical bus, Bertrand; 1919-20 salesman for Larson Music Store, Sidney; 1921 salesman for Sherman Auto Co, Bertrand, 1931-32 dist mgr S W Neb, McCook; 1932-36 ptr of brother in oil bus, Bertrand; 1936- P M; during World War in SATC, U of N; Amer Leg, service ofcr; C of C; Cath Ch; Dem; res Bertrand.
LEFFLER, DELBERT C: Secretary-Treasurer Bottling Co; b Phelps Co, Neb Sept 21, 1908; s of Isaac Leffler-Alice Coffman; ed Holdrege HS; U of N, BSc 1928; mbr track team; Pi Kappa Alpha; Phi Delta Kappa; m Stella A Ruff, Mar 20, 1931 Hays Kas; s Donald Dean; 1928-34 HS tchr & coach, Holdrege: 1934-37 off & sales mgr Coca-Cola Bottling Co, Holdrege, 1937- secy-treas; NNG, mbr since 1921, commd maj 1st batt, 110th quartermaster regiment; dir & Past Pres C of C; Rotary; Country Club; Bapt Ch; hobbies, athletics, golf, hunting, fishing; parents early settlers of Phelps Co; off 223 West Ave; res 624 Sheridan, Holdrege.
LOWRY, JAMES EDWARD: Auto Dealer; b Hyndman, Penn, Dec 18, 1881; s of Samuel R Lowry-Anna Rose Auman; ed Penn; m Candace Caroline Gierens June 10, 1914 Holdrege; s Robert G; worked on farms & in mines, Penn; 1903-06 oprd jewelry store, Berlin, Penn; 1907-18 traveling salesman for Doniphan Candy Co, St Joseph Mo, resided in Holdrege; 1913-18 salesman for Natl Biscuit Co, St Joseph Mo; 1918-25 salesman for Douglas Candy Co, St Joseph Mo; 1925- Studebaker dlr, Holdrege; past mayor; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; C of C; UCT, mbr exec bd since 1919; Chris Sci Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off 716 3rd Ave; res 807 Hancock, Holdrege.
LUKE, LEE C: Hotel Owner; b Edon, O, Aug 28, 1886; s of Cornelius C Luke-Alice F Burlew; ed Cooney O; bus coll, Toledo O; m Myrtle Stephenson June 14, 1911 Hastings; s Arthur Dale; d Waunita Grace; 1907-08 checker, NYC RR, Toledo, O; 1909-10 emp by CB&Q RR, Lincoln: 1911-14 emp by Lincoln Traction Co; 1914-15 oprd cafe, Fremont; 1916-19 oprd cafe, Curtis; 1918-26 oprd Evans Hotel, Holdrege; 1926-35 oprd hotel, Ottawa Kas; 1931- builder, owner & opr Dale Hotel; Neb, Northwestern & Amer Hotel Assns; past VP Mo-Kas-Okla Hotel Assn; Rotary, C of C; Country Club; hobbies, hunting, fishing, golf, football; res Dale Hotel, Holdrege.
LUNDSTROM, LaMONTE M: Sports Editor & Advertising Manager; b Holdrege, Neb May 6, 1911; s of Charles V Lundstrom-Emlly M Melin; ed Holdrege HS; U of N 1926-30; Tau Kappa Epsilon, pres 1928; m Roberta M Marshall Oct 28, 1933 Lincoln; s Charlie Mack; 1921-24 emp by Holdrege Progress; 1924-26 emp by Holdrege Citizen; 1930-31 salesman for Standard Oil Co, Holdrege; 1931-33 advertising mgr Holdrege Citizen; 1933-36 mgr Holdrege Co-op Oil Co; 1936-37 publisher Big Thompson Valley News, Loveland Colo; 1937- sports editor & advertising mgr Holdrege Daily Citizen; 1933 mbr state legislature; Kiwanis; Luth Ch; Dem vice-chmn Phelps Co Central Com; hobby, woodworking; father born in Sweden, farmer & early settler in Phelps Co; res 908 Garfield, Holdrege.
McCONAUGHY, CHARLES WASHINGTON: Retired; b Champaign, Ill Sept 6, 1859; s of R H McConaughy-Mary Jane Campbell; ed Champaign Co Ill; m Ella Wallace Dec 14, 1892 Lafayette Ind; s Charles Wallace; d Florence (Mrs W E Goldsborough); clk, Ironton O & Pine Grove Furnace, Penn; 1876-92 traveling salesman for Toledo O boot & shoe firm; 1893- in grain bus, Holdrege; past mayor; Presby Ch, past trustee; Dem; hobby, irrigation, one of pioneers of central Neb Irrigation, began activities in 1911, dir & org irrigation co which later became Central Neb (Tri-Co) Power & Irrigation Dist; res 127 West 4th, Holdrege.
MAGILL, ROBERT ROY: Service Station Owner; b Phelps Co, Neb Mar 22, 1892; s of Frank M Magill-Louisa Ella Keiser; ed Holdrege HS; m Helen C Emig Oct 28, 1936 Lincoln; 1912-26 farmer & stockman, Phelps Co; 1926-27 oprd service station, Holdrege; 1927-28 carp, built & sold houses; 1928-37 ptr of Harold Bruce opr service station; 1937- owner & opr; Neb Petroleum Marketers Assn; Phelps Co supvrs; past dir C of C; Rotary; AF&AM 146; RAM; Dem; hobbies, hunting, athletics; parents homesteaded in Phelps Co 1879, father mbr Phelps Co bd; off 4th Ave & Garfield; res 718 Garfield, Holdrege.
MARSHALL, JOHN PERCY: Farmer; b Ontario, Canada Dec 10, 1864; s of James B Marshall-Rhoda Scheriff; m Alice L Ice Sept 8, 1916 Holdrege; 1878 came from Canada to Neb; 1879-86 helped father on farm; 1886-95 indep farmer on rented land; 1895- owner & opr farm near Elm Creek; past mbr twp bd, Williamsburg; past mbr sch bd 25 years: during World War chmn ARC comm; past mbr MWA; past mbr Royal Highlanders; chmn civilian com ARC; Meth Ch; hobbies, flowers, gardening; res Elm Creek.
MOORE, WALTER J: Furniture Dealer; b Virginia, Ill June 30, 1884; s of U S Moore-Mary I Treadway; ed Holdrege-HS; m Emily C Grantham Nov 16, 1910 Holdrege; 1903-04 clk in clothing store, Holdrege; 1904-10 farmer, Phelps Co; 1910- owner & opr furn store, Holdrege; owner farm ints in Phelps Co; C of C, Country Club; Meth Ch, trustee; hobby, travel; father farmer settled in Phelps Co 1886; off 322 East Ave; res 716 West Ave, Holdrege.
MORRISON, RICHARD GRANT: Farmer & Stockman; b Putnam Co, Ill Sept 26, 1868; s of Richard Wilson Morrison-Elizabeth Getty; ed Ill & Neb; m Jessie Rebecca Marshall. Dec 14, 1898 Holdrege; s Forrest; d Bonnie (Mrs Edward F. Stepp); 1887- after father's death farmer on home farm, owner 400 A & with son farmer 560 A; pres Farmers Co-op Elevator, Loomis; mbr Phelps Co Agrl Conservation Program; mbr sch bd; Congl Ch, mbr ch bd; Dem; hobby, feeding & raising stock; parents born in Ireland, came to Phelps Co 1884, father was farmer & stockman; res Loomis.
NORRIS, CLAUDE R: Pharmacist; b Holdrege, Neb Nov 11, 1890; s of Wilmot D Norris-Alice J Richardson; ed Holdrege HS: Capitol Coll, Denver; m Irma Katherine Lewis May 29, 1930 North Platte; s William. Paul; d Margaret Jean; 1910-11 with F Johnson Co, Holdrege; 1911 appr to Ben Haller, jeweler, Holdrege; 1912-16 homesteaded, Haigler; 1916- opr drug bus, store estab by father & oldest bus establishment, Holdrege; registered pharm in Neb; during World War in med detachment; Amer Leg; Neb Pharm Assn; past dir C of C; Country Club; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, woodworking, trees; father came to Neb in 1879, mcht in Juniata, Phelps Center & Holdrege; off 407 East Ave; res 1022 West Ave, Holdrege.
NELSON, CARL S: Funeral Director & Furniture Dealer; b Monmouth, Ill Oct 23, 1875; s of Peter Nelson-Mathilda Danielson; ed Polk Co; York Coll; m Selma Pearson Apr 6, 1904 Keene: s Clarence S; 1900-O2 mgr & buttermaker Farmers Co-op, Creamery Co, Stromsburg; 1902-05 grain buyer for Omaha Elevator Co, Stromsburg; 1905-09 with Osceola Hdw & Furn Co, learned undertaking bus & obtained state license; 1909-21 ptr in furn & undertaking bus, 1921- owner & opr, Holdrege; mbr city coun; past mayor; past mbr bd of edn; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn, mbr & past pres 4th dist; Fedn of Neb Retailers: Rotary, past secy: past dir C of C; pres bd of dirs Bethphage Inter-Mission Assn; MWA: Luth Ch, 1918- treas; hobby, travel; off 415 West Ave; res 621 East Ave, Holdrege.
NELSON, DORA: Attorney; b Phelps Co, Neb Sept 4, 1893; d of Nicholas Nelson-Christina Hanson; ed Holdrege HS: 1912; 1912-28 pub steno & studied law in off of A J Shafer, Holdrege; 1928 adm to Neb bar; 1928- prac law, with Mr Shafer, Holdrege; 1931-34 Phelps Co atty; past dir Natl Assn of Prosecuting Attys; past VP Phelps Co Bar Assn; 10th
in Nebraska
Judicial Dist, Neb St, & Amer Bar Assns, mbr legislative com Woman's Club; WCTU; Luth Ch; hobby, travel; parents born in Sweden, father farmer in Phelps Co prior to 1883; res Holdrege.
NORBERG, GUS: Attorney; b Bishop Hill, Ill Dec 6, 1853; s of Eric U Norberg-Brita Johnson; ed Toulon Ill HS; Urbana U, Urbana O, BSc 1878, MA 1883; m Carrie Burnett July 1885 Holdrege (dec 1902); s Fred B, William A; d Louise (Mrs Earl Boydston, dec); m Anna M Woelfle Feb 28, 1911 Chicago; s Walter M, Gerald; d Helen (Mrs J L Galbraith); 1883 adm to Ill bar; 1883-1937 prac law in Phelps Center & Holdrege; 1886 first Phelps Co atty; past city atty; 1898- fed court bankruptcy referee, Hastings & McCook divs; Neb St Bar Assn; past grand chancellor & past supreme representative of KP; Meth Ch; Indep; res Holdrege.
O'SHEA, EDWARD J: Publisher; b Boston, Mass July 26, 1876; s of William O'Shea-Mary Ann Hughes; ed Lincoln HS; U of N; Sacred Heart Coll; m Laura Carolyn Cooper Aug 29, 1910 Holdrege; s William James (dec 1931); Edward J; d Frances Ann, Mary Elizabeth; 1888-91 printers devil in shop of John McIntosh, Lincoln; 1891-94 printer in various shops, Lincoln; 1894-98 printer in Osborne Calendar Shop, Red Oak Ia; 1900-07 printer, Cal, Ore & Wash; 1907-13 publisher Holdrege Progress; 1913-16 publisher Ohiowa Spotlight; 1916-publisher Holdrege Progress; during Sp-Amer War in Co D 1st Neb vol inf, served in Philippines; C of C; Cath Ch; Dem; parents born in England, came to Boston Mass 1869, to Lincoln 1879, father was bookbinder; res 1001 West Ave, Holdrege.
PATTERSON, BERTSELL J: Farmer & Stockman; b Russell Co, Kas Sept 16, 1878; s of Samuel M Patterson-Charity E Field; ed Kas & Neb; m Emma Keller Nov 26, 1903 Kearney Co; s Murl E; d Eunice, Alberta L (Mrs Claremont Peck), Thelma A (Mrs Lester Jensen), Lois N; prior to 1902 helped father farm; 1902- farmer & stockman, Phelps Co, owner & opr 1600 A farm, 125 A under irrigation; 1937 Master Farmer; writes agrl articles for local & Omaha papers; past twp treas; sch bd mbr 20 years; past pres Western Neb Holiness Assn; Ch of the Nazarene, SS supt; Dem; hobby, SS work; father farmer & stockman, came to Phelps Co in 1891; res RFD 4, Kearney.
PETERSON, HENRY ADOLPH: County Supervisor; b Phelps Co, Neb July 16, 1888; s of Frank G Peterson-Augusta Johnson; ed Phelps Co; Holdrege Bus Coll; m Esther Larson Jan 14, 1914 Phelps Co; s Lester W; d Harriet A; 1911-24 farmer & stockman, Phelps Co; 1924-38 Ford dlr, Loomis; 1927 Phelps Co supvr, 1933- chmn of bd; 1938- land buyer for Central Pub Power & Irrigation Dist; agt & committeeman for Scandinavian Mutual Ins Co, Axtell; owner farm int & real est, Holdrege; past dir sch bd, Loomis; past mbr twp bd; past mbr city coun; past state secy Farmers Union; dir C of C; Indep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; parents born in Sweden came from Ill to Phelps Co 1881, father farmer, stockman & Phelps Co supvr several years; res Loomis.
PETERSON, THEODORE AUGUST: Physician & Surgeon; b Phelps Co, Neb June 27, 1899; s of Oscar Peterson-Elizabeth Lundin; ed Overton HS; KSTC 1918; U of N, BSc 1923, MD 1925; active in Scandinavian SA; Alpha Kappa Kappa; grad work Cook Co Hosp, Chicago; U of Vienna Austria 1932; Mass Gen Hosp, Boston 1938; m Doris Marie Andrews Oct 19, 1929 Chicago; s Theodore Andrews, Rodney Holmes; 1925 Interne Douglas Co Hosp, Omaha; 1926-27 Interne Swedish Covenant Hosp, Chicago; 1927- prac med, Holdrege; 1935- owner & opr Holdrege Hosp; surg for CB&Q RR; phys & surg for Holdrege bd of edn, also Christian Orphans Home & Bethphage Mission; originator of annual Phelps Co old settlers reunion & picnic, held at Peterson's Resort; during World War mbr SATC at KSTC; Phelps Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; FACS; chmn advisory bd SA; C of C; Rotary; Country Club; AF&AM; RAM; Tehama Shrine; KT; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off 425 W Ave; res W 4th Ave, Holdrege.
PHELPS, ROYAL GROVER: Dentist; b Franklin Co, Neb Dec 17, 1884; s of Elbert S Phelps-Ellen Chisholm; ed Bloomington HS; Neb Wes; Lincoln Dental Coll, DDS 1908; Xi Psi Phi; m Ethel Clara Shetler Mar 31, 1912 Holdrege; s Boyd Royal; d Phyllis Mae, Dorothy Fae; 1908-dentist, Holdrege; dir Holdrege Savings & Loan Assn; past mbr city coun; past pres S W Dist Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; past dir Kiwanis; past dir C of C; past pres Country Club: AF&AM; past high priest RAM; past comm KT; Tehama Shrine; Dem, past chmn Phelps Co Central Com; hobby, golf; father homesteaded in Franklin Co 1870; off 716 1/2 4th Ave; res 603 Morton, Holdrege.
PIERCE, JOHN H: Dairy Owner & Operator; b Phelps Co, Neb Oct 19, 1887; s of John P Pierce-Martha Clay; ed Phelps Co: U of N, BSc 1910; m Emma O Zimmerman Apr 16, 1930 Holdrege; 1910-11 chemist for Great Western Sugar Co, Sterling Colo; 1911-1918 org & mgr Cedar Grove Dairy, Falls City; 1919-30 rancher, farmer in S D & Neb; 1930- owner & opr dairy, Holdrege, only centralizing plant in Phelps Co, has complete pasteurizing system; C of C: Kiwanis, chmn of underprivileged children com; mbr BSA com 3 years; IOOF; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; parents born in Sweden, homesteaded in 1870's before Holdrege was founded & before RR came; wife's parents born in Sweden, came to Harlan Co in 1883 & homesteaded; off 514 4th Ave: res 711 Morton, Holdrege.
READ, HAROLD NASH: High School Principal; b Crested Butte, Colo Mar 19, 1900; s of James Lee Read-Edith Genella Nash: ed Franklin Acad, Franklin; Neb Wes, BA 1927; mbr track team 2 years; U of N, MA 1934- Columbia U, grad work; Delta Omega Phi; m Geulah Velma Betts June 1, 1922 Franklin; d Roberta Lou, Kathryn Ann; 1922-26 HS prin, Hyannis; 1927-33 supt of schs; Wood Lake; 1934 prin jr & sr HSs, Holdrege; NSTA, past secy dist 5, mbr of del assembly & mbr sub-com for edn & certification of tchrs; NEA, mbr dept of secondary sch prins; chmn publicity com of C of C; past pres Rotary; Presby Ch, elder; hobby, scrap book; res 623 Hancock, Holdrege.
RYDLUND, GEORGE A: Elevator Manager; b Phelps Co, Neb Oct 26, 1888; s of John G Aydlund-Matilda Engquist; ed Phelps Co; Luther Coll; m Evelyn Nafe Feb 14, 1906 Fort Dodge Ia; s George, William; d Violet Irene (Mrs Rolla Bricker), Mildred Garnett (Mrs Vincent Hedstrom), Marjorie Evelyn (Mrs Willard Everett), Linnea Josephine; 1901-04 worked in Ia, learned barber trade; 1905-06 emp in sch supply co, San Francisco; 1906-12 farmer & .stockman, Phelps Co; 1911-15 oprd barber shop, Funk; 1913-22 mgr W M Bruce Elevator; 1922-34 mgr Farmers Co-op Elevator, 1934- mgr & agt Crowell Elevator Co; chmn village bd; past mbr sch bd; mbr vol fire dept; past secy C of C; AF&AM 146: Luth Ch; Dem mbr Phelps Co Central Com; parents born in Sweden, homesteaded in Phelps Co 1879; res Funk.
SANDSTROM, ANDREW J: Furniture Dealer & Funeral Director; b Sweden Feb 24, 1863; s of Carl G Sandstrom-Ingry M Johnson; ed Sweden; m Jennie Hoffstrand June 10, 1897 Bertrand (dec): s Carl G; d Marguerite (Mrs H E McDowell), Dorothy; m Emily C Carlson Nov 11, 1915 Bertrand; came with parents to Amer 1880; 1891 emp in elevator & lbr yard, Bertrand; 1892- owner & opr furn store & undertaking bus, Bertrand; owner farm ints, Phelps Co; active in development of Tri-Co Pub Power & Irrigation Project; helped locate lot for 1st bldg in Bertrand; past city treas 4 years; past mbr village bd; past treas sch bd 8 years; past Phelps Co coroner 4 years; past constable 12 years; ch mbr vol fire dept; twp treas; bd mbr Bethphage Mission; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; C of C; ch mbr Westland Luth Ch, past deacon; Dem, mbr Phelps Co Central Com; res Bertrand.
SCHROCK, SAM T: Rancher & Real Estate Owner; b Peoria, Ill Nov 12, 1876; s of Andrew Schrock-Magdelena Shick; ed Barton Co Mo; Phelps Co; m Helena Sauer Oct, 1904 Holdrege; s Samuel Truman; d Violet May (Mrs Forrest Morrison), Ruth Genevieve, Helen Marie, Patricia Louise; 1889 came with widowed mother and family to Phelps Co, lived in dugout & sod house 10 years and worked for mother until 1900; 1900-15 wheat farmer near Holdrege; 1916 stockman & owner 1000 A ranch, 1939 owner 3,200 A ranch, Phelps Co; 1920- resident of Holdrege, owner several blocks of bus bldgs, cold storage system, 3 oil stations & 200 A Seldom Lake, being developed for fishing: pres & dir PCA, Hastings; has given lectures to agrl men; contributor of articles on farming & stockraising published in newspapers & farm journals; C of C; Dem; hobby, travel, has traveled over much of US; res 504 Grant, Holdrege.
SHRECK, NEIL: Treasurer & Manager Telephone Co; b Bertrand, Neb Mar 20, 1901; s of Dr W A Shreck-Harriet A Chittenden: ed Bertrand HS; U of N, 1920-22; m Lucyle M McGrath Sept 4, 1927 Bertrand; s
Who's Who
William Charles; 1918-19 oprd battery & electric bus, Bertrand; 1922- treas & gen mgr Bertrand Tele Co, Inc; 1937-38 in electrical dept Central Neb (Tri-Co) Pub Power & Irrigation dist, Hastings; active in Tri-Co work since 1930; dir Bank of Bertrand; mbr sch bd; mbr city coun; dir C of C; BSA, com mbr; Golf Club; AF&AM, 275, past master; Congl Ch, trustee; Rep; hobbies, fishing, golf; res Bertrand.
SHRECK, WILLIAM A: Physician & Surgeon; b Corydon, Ind Sept 3, 1864; s of Philip Shreck-Sarah Reed; ed Danville Ind Normal Sch; U of Louisville Ky, MD 1896; grad work Polyclinic, New York City; m Harriet A Chittenden Dec 30, 1896 Holdrege; s Neil C, Horace W; 1886-88 emp in Comml State Bank, Holdrege; 1889-93 P M, Holdrege; 1896-1937 prac med, Bertrand; 1937- phys & surg Brewster Clinic, Holdrege; oldest practicing phys in Phelps Co; pres Bertrand Tele Co; past pres & secy bd of edn 35 years; past pres Phelps Co Med Soc, Neb St Med Assn, past Pres 10th dist; C of C; AF&AM; Congl Ch, past deacon & treas; Rep; hobbies, fishing, golf; off Brewster Clinic; res 1011 East Ave, Holdrege.
SHAFER, ANDREW JACKSON: Attorney; b Sparata, N Y Dec 12, 1855; s of George Shafer-Mary Clemons; ed Dansville, N Y Seminary BSc 1879; Laura V Steinhardt June 15, 1892 Kearney (dec Mar 15, 1937); 1880 adm to N Y bar; 1880-93 prac law, Dansville N Y; 1883 adm to Mich ,bar; 1886-88 oprd farms, Phelps Co; 1888- prac law, Holdrege; 1891-1900, 1913-22 & 1927-30 Phelps Co atty; past city atty 18 years; atty for Phelps Co insanity bd 40 years; Neb St Bar Assn; Presby Ch; Dem; org Populist Party in Phelps Co 1887; hobby, gardening; wife was graduate of Dansville N Y Seminary, tchr in Dansville Seminary & Kearney schs; off 305 West Ave; res 507 Burlington, Holdrege.
STORMS, A W: County Attorney; b Holdrege, Neb June 18, 1907; s of J W Storms-Edith E Nordgren; ed Holdrege HS; U of N BA 1928; mbr debate team; U of Mich, JD 1930; Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho; Tau Kappa Epsilon; Phi Alpha Delta; Order of Coif; m Carmen D King Aug 9, 1932 Lincoln; 1930 adm to Neb bar; 1930- mbr law firm Anderson & Storms, Holdrege; 1931- city atty; 1939- Phelps Co atty; Phelps Co, 10th Judicial Dist, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; pres Rotary; dir C of C; Country Club; UCT; Dem, 1936- secy Phelps Co Central Com; res Holdrege.
SWANSON, ARNOLF B: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Warren Co, Ill May 20, 1876; s of Olof Swanson-Bengta Erickson; ed Ill; Kearney CO; m Annie Lundeen Jan 19, 1927 Holdrege; 1893-95 emp on farms Kearney CO; 1895-1910 farmer & stockman; 1910-13 in real est & in bus Minden: 1913- in real est & ins bus: Holdrege, former ptr of J A Slater in real est & ins bus 15 years; owner farm ints & city property, Kearney & Phelps Coo; dir Bethphage Mission; past dir Holdrege Auditorium Assn; C of C; Luth Ch, past trustee; Rep; hobby, farming; parents born in Sweden, homesteaded in Neb 1884; off 305 W Ave; res 701 Garfield, Holdrege.
SWARTZ, WILLIAM HENRY: Bank Cashier; b Elkhart, Ind June 18, 1873; s of Levi Swartz-Anna Elizabeth Perkins; ed Harvard HS; m Ella Amelia Hurd Dec 19, 1899 Harvard; s Leslie Loren, Theodore Milton, Roger William; d Ruth Dorothy (Mrs Danforth R Hale), Elizabeth (Mrs Raymond A Kinney); 1893-1903 bkkpr Union State Bank, Harvard; 1904-07 in impl bus, Harvard; 1907- cash & dir First Natl Bank, Loomis; dir First Natl Bank of Holdrege; past secy Phelps Co Natl Farm Loan Assn 4 years; past mbr sch bd; Country Club, Holdrege; MWA; Presby Ch, Holdrege; Rep mbr Phelps Co Central Com; hobby, raising & developing tulips; res Loomis.
TITUS, LISCOMB W: Banker; b Harvard, Neb Feb 20, 1891; s of Liscomb J Titus-Leilia Waller DeHart; ed Holdrege HS; U of N; Phi Gamma Delta; m Gladys Hanna Mar 30, 1921 Los Angeles; d Jane, Margaret Joan; 1910- with First Natl Bank of Holdrege, 1911-12 asst cash, 1913- VP, 1936- cash; 1936- dir First Natl Bank, Loomis; past mbr Holdrege bd of edn 2 terms; during World War in US army, 46th aero squadron; past comm Amer Leg; past dir C Of C; Country Club; Presby Ch, elder; hobby, fishing; res 902 E Ave, Holdrege,
TITUS, LOUIS B: Banker; b Harvard, Neb Dec 3, 1880; s of Liscomb J Titus-Leilia DeHart; ed Holdrege HS; m Lulu Johnson June 6, 1906 Holdrege; s Liscomb J; d Anne T (Mrs K O Baker), Elizabeth J (Mrs Robert Best); 1898- with First Natl Bank of Holdrege, 1908-37 cash, 1937- pres; 1908-37 VP, 1937- pres First Natl Bank, Loomis; mbr city coun; past dir C of C; past pres Rotary; Country Club, Presby Ch, SS treas; hobbies, hunting, fishing, golf; res 806 East Ave, Holdrege.
TRUMBO, LAWRENCE A: Contractor; b New Virginia, Ia July 13, 1882; s of W Judson Trumbo-Mary L Spencer; ed Osceola Ia HS; m Nora E Loving Apr 12, 1905 Gunnison Colo; d Neva I; farmed in Ia until 1904; 1904-05 resided at Gunnison Colo; 1905-17 carp, Holdrege; 1917- contr & builder, Holdrege; built Lincoln Sch at Holdrege, Loomis Sch, Presby Ch & Hotel Orleans at Orleans, Presby & Evang Churches at Holdrege, Grainger Brothers whol groc house McCook; supt of construction on Municipal Bldg, Holdrege; mbr city coun 7 years; past mayor 2 years; AF&AM 146, past master; RAM, high Priest; OES, past worthy patron; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep, chmn Phelps Co central Com since 1933; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res 803 West Ave, Holdrege.
WATERS, HARRY E: Publisher; b Doniphan, Neb Sept 30, 1889; s of George E Waters-Carrie B Daniels; ed Hall Co; Doniphan HS 1905; m Jennie Maude Ofield Jan 18, 1910 Cairo; s George, Everett, Donald; d Dorothy, Maxine, Jeannette (Mrs George Hall), Twyla; 1908-14 teleg opr for CB&Q RR, Lincoln; 1914 publisher, Cairo Record; 1914-16 in electrical bus, Cambridge; 1916-19 carp; 1919-23 publisher, Cambridge Clarion; 1923 linotype opr Omaha World Herald & Omaha Printers Supply Co; 1924-26 linotype opr Holdrege Citizen; 1926- publisher Bertrand Herald; 1931-35 movie projectionist for Bertrand Theater; 1938 land buyer for Central Neb (Tri-Co) Pub Power & Irrigation Dist; C of C; Neb St Hist Soc; AF&AM 150, past sr warden; Indep; hobbies, cabinet work & wood working; res Bertrand.
WESTFALL, WILLIAM H: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Champaign Co, O Mar 27, 1873; s of Michael B Westfall-Rebecca Guyton; ed Champaign Co O; Gosper Co; Grand Island Bus Coll 1894; Rohrbough Brothers Bus Coll, Omaha; m Myrtle Greenlee Feb 1903 Gosper Co; 1893-1902 farmer, Gosper Co; 1902- promoter of immigration & ins & real est agt, Bertrand; notary pub since 1905; past J P 15 years; past mbr town bd 30 years; chmn village bd 20 years; past mbr twp bd; trustee in bankruptcy cases; active in promotion & development of Central Neb (Tri-Co) Pub Power & Irrigation Dist; active in promotion of municipal ownership of local projects; C Of C; Indep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; parents came to Gosper Ca 1885 & farmed; res Bertrand.
WILEY, GLEN A: Store Manager; b Monterey, Va Apr 27, 1900; s of James C Wiley-Mary E Kramer; ed Thornwood W Va HS; Massey Bus Coll, Richmond Va; m Irma W Walker June 21, 1928 St Louis Mo; d Dian Elma, Karen Kramer; 1919 bkkpr NR&P Stores Co Minden W Va; 1918-21 in chg of payroll off of Buffalo-Eagle Colliery Co, Braeholm W Va; 1921-29 salesman for Storrs Schaefer Co, Cincinnati O; 1929- with J C Penney Co, 1929 salesman in chg of clothing dept at Colorado Springs Colo, 1929-34 asst mgr Los Animas Colo; 1934-36 asst mgr Fort Collins Colo, 1936-37 in chg of men's wear & ready-to-wear dept at Salt Lake City Utah, 1937- mgr, Holdrege; C of C; Kiwanis; Meth; hobbies golf, baseball; res 716 6th Ave, Holdrege.
WINQUEST, CHESTER O: Merchant; b Holdrege, Neb Mar 21, 1890; s of Samuel Winquest-Ida C Johnson; ed Holdrege HS; m Daisy E Cederburg June 21, 1911 Holdrege; s Harold Latham; d Kathryn Josephine, Phyllis Ann; 1902 delivered groceries after sch; 1906-21 clk in various stores, Holdrege; 1921- owner & mgr Winquest Groc Store & Market, Holdrege; dir Municipal Park; mbr city coun; trustee, Masonic Bldg; past dir C of C; ch mbr Country Club; AF&AM 146; RAN 42, past high priest; KT; Meth Ch, trustee; hobbies, hunting, golf, football, baseball; parents born in Sweden, early Phelps Co Pioneers, father was tailor, off 409 East Ave; res 724 West Ave. Holdrege.
Part 1: County history, bios (Anderson-Hammond) | Part 2 (Hanson-Winquist)
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