Transcribed by Fred Dethlefsen
Dorothy Huse Nyberg
Traveling westward from Illinois in hope of
benefiting his health. Willard Graves visited the Wayne
county region in 1867, about the time Nebraska was
admitted to statehood. From his bed in a spring wagon
Mr Graves observed the quality of the soil, the hills
and vegetation. He was impressed with its fertility.
He was invigorated by the air and sunshine and his
rheumatism was cured. I in describing the territory on
his return to Illinois he told his friends, "not the
like of it is to be found in the state".
Willard Graves was a man o wealth who lived in
Mendota, Illinois. After traveling through Iowa,
Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, Logan valley in
northeast Nebraska appealed to him as the most promising.
The rolling prairie, tall grass and rich soil led him to
realize this western land should be a good investment.
In company with Col. Warner of Dakota City, who had hunted
in this region, Graves spent two or three weeks in the
valley and selected what he thought was the best land.
He then went to the United States land office at Dakota
City and with the aid of government maps, entered 40,000
acres of land, most of it in Wayne County on Logan creek
and its tributaries.
Graves then returned to Illinois and sought families
who wished to travel west to establish homes. He offered to
help them get homesteads, advanced money for transportation
and offered I provide for them until they were settled. They
were to make repayment by breaking prairie for him.
Land could be obtained by pioneers as homesteads or
timber claims or it could be bought. Those who were
naturalized and who took oath to settle on their land for
permanent homes were given homesteads of 160 acres each.
Some took pre-emptions, holding title to claims for two
years and then settling on the land as homesteads. If one
holding a pre-emption preferred, he might buy the land for
$1.25 an acre. Settlers might also take 160 acres each as
timber claims, plant part of the land to timber and care
for it for twenty years. Five acres of timber were to be
planted the first year and ten the second.
Gov.David Butler, first executive of Nebraska,
was in office when the first settlers arrived in Wayne
County in 1869.The land had just been surveyed by the
chain method.
In the colony coming from Lee County, Ill,in 1869
were C. E. Hunter, two Allen families, Albert and Isaac
Miner families, a Mr Hawley, R. B. Crawford, Abner
Fletcher, Captain Whitten. In the same year W. E. Durin
joined the settlers, John McGuire and Wesley Mahollam,
took homesteads in 1869. The nine families first mentioned
came in the spring of 1869 and most of them spent the
following winter at Homer on the Missouri river bottoms.
They returned to the new settlement the next spring.
In April, 1870, another colony came from Paw Paw, Ill.
This group included the families of Mathew B. Richardson,
Isaac Richardson, 0. F. Crane, Albert Miner, George Scott,
Alexander Scott, Enoch Hunter, George Hunter, William Agler
and Benjamin Harmon. John Cass, Mr. Brummond and. Mr
Steinbrook, three others, were in the colony but became
discouraged and returned east. About the same time
settlements began to spring up near the present site of
Hoskins and on Plum creek north of the present location
of Wisner.The caravan of twelve covered wagons bringing
the early settlers followed the Mormon Trail. Spring
floods delayed the party. The trek started early in April
and was completed by May 5, 1870.
Dugouts, sod houses and crude frame shanties housed
the pioneer families. These shelters stood one on the vast
rolling hills which were treeless but covered with deep grass.
The task of preparing the sod for crops was difficult.
The heavy grass was first burned off the land and the soil
plowed. It was customary at first plow three furrows, then
drop the corn and cover the seed with another furrow. Thus
the corn grew though the lapping of two furrows and was called
sod corn. The rich prairie provided plenty of food the settlers
and the small amount of livestock and poultry brought to the
new country.
Prairie fires, grasshopper raids, blizzards, floods
drouths were among the hardships endured by early settlers.
Severity of the dreaded prairie fires best be appreciated
by the suffering they caused. One of the worst of these
blazes occurred Oct. 13, 1878, and took the lives of Mrs
W. E. Duran and daughter, Anna. As was the custom, furrows
had been plowed around the LaPorte settlement to protect
homes, but early on October 13 a raging blaze swept from
the southwest, headed for little settlement. Forty men
were struggling frantically to stop the fire, which rose
forty feet into the air. Mr Durin and son were away from
home. Mrs Durin and Anna, seeing the blaze beaded for their
home, went to help fight it. The two were caught in the
flames and overcome by the heat and smoke. When the wind
lulled, the fire went to Coon creek and died out. Mrs. Durin
and daughter died a few hours after the tragedy.
Little shelter, few homes, and no roads made the
prairie a treacherous place when winter storms struck.
In November, 1871, William Hunter, Albert Miner and W.
H. Allen went to the Indian reservation some miles
southeast of their home for wood. When they were returning
they were caught in a blizzard which had come up suddenly.
The men became separated and Hunter was frozen to death,
but the others reached homes of friends. Oscar Harmon
was another pioneer who was caught in one of these severe,
storms and was frozen to death. It was in 1870 that lie
went to Homer for supplies and lost his life near the
present site of Emerson.
As a rule dealings between the pioneers and Indians
were very friendly. But on one occasion in 1870 five young
Indians traveled through Wayne County and scalped C. S.
Munson while he was breaking prairie on his place in Plum
Creek precinct. The scalp was found at the Winnebago agency.
The warriors were arrested, tried in Dixon County, convicted
and sent to the penitentiary.
Another tragedy occurred when the George Buskirk
dugout caved in and smothered 10 months old Freddie Buskirk
after the thatched roof caught fire Dec. 21, 1874. His
father had gone to West Point for supplies and Mrs. Buskirk
was doing chores when the accident happened.
Wayne County was under the sponsorship of Dixon County
for two years. When steps were taken to organize the county,
a meeting was called at the George Scott homestead Sept. 26,
1870. M. T. Sperry, W. E. Durin and Isaac Miner were chosen
commissioners; AIonzo Allen, sheriff; A. A. Fletcher, probate
judge; W. G. Vroman, surveyor; Nathaniel Allen, coroner.
As B. F. Whitten, who was named treasurer, failed to qualify
because of not having lived here long enough, George Scott was
chosen. He dug a hole in the floor of the basement at his
home for safekeeping of the money, covering it with ashes.
LaPorte, about six miles southeast of Wayne and now a
ghost town, was the first county seat. A courthouse was
built there in 1874. But when the railroad was extended
through Wayne County in 1881, LaPorte was not on its route,
and settlers voted to move the county seat to Wayne,
established that year on the new railroad.
Wayne was named for the county and the county for
Anthony Wayne, Revolutionary War general. Also in 1881 the
town of Winside was located on the new rail line southwest
of Wayne.
Settlement in southwest Wayne County started about the
same time as that at LaPorte. The Hoskins was located, however,
when the railroad was built. The branch line from Wayne to
Bloomfield was started in 1886 and it was then Carroll was
established on this route. Wakefield, part of which is in
Wayne County, was established 1881. It was named for Charles
Wakefield, a pioneer.
Sholes, west of Carroll on the branch line,
established in 1902. Altona, an inland town south of
Wayne, dates back to 1898. Several small settlements have
had post offices in years gone by but all are now ghost towns.
That Wayne County should have a college was the plan of
Willard Graves who on April 22, 1871, deeded 10,000 acres of
his land in Dixon, Cedar and Wayne Counties for this purpose.
About 5,000 acres of the land lay in Wayne. County. Money
realized from the lease and sale of the lands was to build a
fund for the school which Graves preferred should be located
either on a site southeast of present Wakefield or southwest
of the present location of Wayne. Because provisions of the
grant were not fullfilled, the Graves' heirs had the trust
set aside June 12, 1895.
The second move for a college in Wayne was the
establishment there of a Lutheran academy. The academy
was first located at Homer and was moved to Wayne in
1887 when that community offered more to the school. After
two years Midland college, started at Atchison, Kas.,
was moved to Fremont to serve north Nebraska and about me
time J. M. Pile offered to start a normal school in Wayne.
So the Lutheran academy gradually died out.
In 1889 County Superintendent W. E. Howard invited J.
M. Pile of Fremont to conduct summer institute work at Wayne.
He was asked to return next year. The enthusiasm with which
he was received caused Wayne citizens to investigate the
possibility of founding a normal college with Pile at its
head. A tract of land was sold and the became stockholders
in the company which raised $20,000 for the school. Pile
came as president and he was to have the school providing
he maintained an attendance of 200 for at least five
years. This was done and Pile headed the growing college
until the state bought the institution in 1910.
When Wayne College became a state normal school U.
S. Conn was made president and the school attendance
continued to grow. In 1921 the state legislature changed
the name to the Wayne Teachers College, and authorized the
school to present four years of college work and to grant
bachelor of arts degrees. The attendance reached about 800,
and the physical plant grew to include nine modern brick
buildings. Dr. Conn was succeeded as president in 1935 by
Dr. J. T. Anderson.Masters degrees were offered for the
first time in 1939.
Development in farming, business and the professions
has kept pace with that in education On the native granite
boulder marking the site of LaPorte, the first county seat,
is this inscription."The pioneers who tamed the wilderness."
This pioneer spirit is the backbone of America. it is the
spirit which has brought the United States to its high
position among nations of the world and it is the spirit
which will save it for posterity.
ADDISON, H D: Attorney; B Newcastle, Neb Jan 17, 1901;
s of J D Addison-Anna Wyant; ed Newcastle HS; U of N, LLE
1923; m Alma Lammali 1929 Lincoln; s John 1923 prac law,
Wayne; Wayne Co att 4 years; mbr 9th Judicial Dist and Neb
St Bar Assns; Men's Club; Country Club; Meth Ch; Rep;
res Wayne.
AHERN, JAMES J: Merchant; b Jackson, Neb Dec 12, 1878;
s of Maurice P Ahern-Sarah Groves; ed Wayne HS; WSTC; U of N;
rn Nellie Pridmore in Chicago; s John Maurice; d Marion (Mrs,
Walter Lippold), Margaret; 1897 tchr, Dixon; 1899-1902
territory salesman for J V Farwell Co, C hicago; 1903. opr
J J Ahern gen store, Wayne; past chmm Comml Club;
Kiwanis; ch mbr Country Club; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby,
fishing; res Wayne.
ANDERSON, J T: College President; b Phelps Co, Neb;
s of George T Anderson-Eliza Hendrickson; ed Ragan HS;
KSTC; Neb Wes, BA 1916; U of N, MA 1927; U of Southern
Cal, PhD; Pill Delta Kappa; m Nellie Rosser Nov 5, 1905
Holdrege; s LeRoy; d Itha (Mrs Winfield Edson), Fern
(Mrs Edwin Swanson); 1910-12 Harlan Co supt of schs;
1912-15 supt of schs, Alma; 1915-17 supt of schs, Ashland;
1918-20 prin Holdrege HS; 1920-28 Ragan consolidated schs;
1928-35 prof of edn and dean of men KSTC; 1935- pres WSTC;
summer, of 1933 visiting instr in U of Southern Cal; pres
NSTA; NEA; Amer, Assn of School Administrators; Kiwanis;
AF&AM, Holdrege; Bapt Ch; res Wayne.
BARTELS, RUSSELL WILLIAM: Attorney; b Carroll, Neb
Feb 10, 1908; s of Fred Bartels-Elizabeth Peters; ed Wayne
HS; WTRC, BA 1927; TJ of N, LLB 1932; Order of Coif; 1931
adin Neb bar; m Inez English June 2,1935 Wayne; 1927-28
tchr, Lyons HS; 1931- prac law, Wayne; AF and AM,
past master; 9tli Judicial Dist Bar, Neb St Bar, and
Amer Bar Assns; Rep; hobby, music; off 218 1/2 Main;
res Wayne.
BECKENHAUER, WILLIAM, mortician; b West Point, Neb
1878; s of Carl Beckenhauer-Sophia Gunsel; ed West Point;
Fremont Normal; Northwestern Col Naperville,Ill; m Lillian
Krause Mar 19, 1901 West Point; d Frances, (Mrs J H Volk),
Florence (Mrs WR Wiltse), Faye (Mrs W H Behl), Faunell
(Mrs N G Pickett); 1901-08 in furn and undertaking bus,
Bancroft; 1908-09 in gen mdse bus, DaIton; 1909-15 ptr in
Gertner and Beckenhauer, Wayne; 1915- owner Beckenhauer
Funeral Service, Wayne Neb Funeral Dirs and Embalmers
Assn; Natl Funeral Dirs Assn, has attended 6 natl convs;
pres., Country Club; Men's Club; Kiwnis pres; AF and AM,
Scot Rite; Meth ch; Rep; hobby, golf; res Wayne.
BENSHOOF, CURTIS E: Mayor; b Muscatine Co, la Mar 12,
1867; s of William Benshoof-Eliza Cooper; ed Red Oak la: m
Carrie Tidrick Feb 1, 1893 Winside; a Mark Calvin, Gurney,
Worley, Ben; d Neva (Mrs Harold Quinn); 1882-1920 farmed
in Wayne Co; 1920-26 in impl bus Winside; 1926-31 ran
livery stable Winside; 1931- owner of garage, Winside; mbr
sch bd 14 years: 1935-mayor Winside; mbr city coun; VP
Winside State Bank; Wayne Co conservation service
committeeman, Hancock pct; Cornm Club; IOOF, past
noble; Metli Ch, trustee, treas; Dem; hobby, attending
rodeos; res Winside.
BENTHACK, WALTER: Physician and Surgeon; b Columbus,
Neb May 8, 1896: s of Dr P L Benthack-Wilhelmina Wetgen;
ed Chadron HS: U of N, BA 1920, MD 1924; 1925 interne U
of N Hosp, Omaha; Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha; m
Phoebe Bennett July 7, 1923 Lincoln; s Robert; d Elaine,
Eleanor, Elsie, Wilhelmina, Alice; 1926-30 prac in Pierce;
1930- prac in Wayne; owner and mgr Benthack Hosp; pres sch
bd; Jan 1939- secy bd of edn for state normal schs;
Country Club; Five-Co Med Soc, past pres; Neb St
and AMA; AFandAM: chmn Wayne Co Dem Com; father,
phys and surg in Neb 40 years; res 118 W 3rd, Wayne.
BERRY, FRED S: Attorney; b Mapleton, la Mar 15, 1879;
s of William Berry-Rachael Murrey; ed Sioux City, la HS;
U of N. BA and LLB 1903; m Nelle Davey Sept 9, 1908 Dakota
Co: s Frederick Jr; 19101 prac law Wayne; co atty and city
atty 10 years; 1920-30 mbr bd of edn for state normal schs;
past pres 9th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; pres Neb St Bar Assn
1927; VP and mbr gen coun Amer Bar Assn, mbr house of dels;
AF and AM 32 degree: Shrine; Kiwanis; del to natl Rep Conv
in Kansas City, MO 1928; chmn Rep state conv
1936; off Berry Bldg; res 319 W 8tli, Wayne.
BLAIR, FRED L: Clothier; b Harlan, Ia Sept 6, 1877;
s of Robert T Blair-Laura Bowen; ed Harlan, Ia; m Mabel
Dickson Jan 7, 1908 Elmwood; d Myribel Ruth (Mrs L SeiberIing),
Betty Lou; 1894-96 clk.: for J P Webster, Dunlap, la; 1896-1912
mgr Natlian Sampler, Fremont; 1912- owner-opr F L Blair
Clothing Co, Wayne; ch mbr Kiwanis; mbr C of C; Country Club;
AF and AM; Presby Chr; hobby, golf; res Wayne.
BRACKENSICK, WALTER A: Clergyman; b Quincy, III May 13,
1896; s of John E Brackensick-Elizabeth Vahle; ed Quincy, 111;
St Paula Coll, Concordia, Mo; Concordia Coll, St Louis; m
Minna Kuenkel June 26, 1924 Oklahoma City; s James Robert; d
Dorothy Joan; 1922-24 missionary in Okla; 1924-27 pastor
Emmaus Luth Ch, Denver; 1927-29 coptr in shoe bus, Oklahoma
City; 1929-36 pastor, Newman Grove; 1936- pastor Grace Luth
ch, Wayne; N Neb Dist of Mo Synod; Country
Club; hobby, gulf; res 901 Logan, Wayne.
BREDEMEYER, H LOUIS: Grocer; b Franklin Co. Mo Mar 10,
1877; s of Henry E Bredemeyer-Minnie Roethemeier: ed Franklin
Co, Mo; m Anna Brune June 20, 1906 Winside; s Lester W, Walter
H; 1898-1904 clk in gen store, Talmage; 1904-05 mgr groc,
Wayne: 1905- in groc and gen store, Carroll; 1933 with Clover
Farm Assn; past mbr sch and village bds; mgr and secy
cemetery assn; helped org Comm Club; Lions; Luth Ch; Rep,
pet committeeman; hobby. Gardening; res Carroll.
BRESSLER, JOHN T, JR: Bank President; b Wayne, Neb
May 15, 1894; s of John T Bressler-Julia Fair; ed Phillips
Acad, Andover, Mass; U of N 1917; m Helen Main Sept 20, 1922
Wayne; s John T III, Richard M; d Helen Patricia; 1919-30
opr farms near Wayne; 1930 VP First Natl Bank, Wayne, 1931-
pres;1917 during World War in USN, disch Mar 1919 Newport,
R 1, commd ensign; Country Club; Kiwanis; Men's Club: AF and
AM, past master; Scot Rite; Tangier Shrine; Neb
and Amer Bankers Assns; Presby Ch; res Wayne.
BRESSLER, WALTER S; City Clerk; b Altoona, Penn Sept
25,1892; s of J M Bressler,-Cora Glasgow: ed Wayne HS: WSTC
1909-10; m Hazel Sears Sept 5, 1911 Wayne; s Walter R, Hazen;
1912 farmed in Wayne Co; 1912-22 with C W Hiscox in impl bus;
1922- city clk light and water commr; 1922- mbr city coun;
League of Neb Municipalities; vol fire dept; Men's Club;
Country Club; AF and AM, past master: Bapt Ch, trustee;
hobby, hunting; res 515 E 7th, Wayne.
BRINK, DON M: Manager, Telephone Co; b Lyons, Neb
May 4, 1902; s of James W Brink-Bessie Taylor; ed Rosalie
HS 1921; m Irma Jennewein Oct 1, 1924 Sioux City, Ia; d
Dona 1921-37 Rae; 1921-37 with Northwestern Tele Co; 1937-
mgr Home Tele Co, Carroll; VP Lions; Nebraska Telephone
Assn: Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, travel; res Carroll.
BRITTAIN, JAMES E: Attorney; b Wayne. Neb Dec 11, 1893;
s of James Brittain-Mary Roberts; ed Wayne HS; U of N. LLB
1916, MA 1923; Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon;
m Marie Gettman Feb 23, 1929 Hartiington; 1916 adm to bar;
1917-18 with McLaughlin, Neeley and Morehouse, attys, Omaha;
1918 Wayne Co judge; 1919 dep collector of internal revenue;
1922-29 with F S Berry, atty, Wayne; 1928 Wayne city atty;
1929-prac law, Wayne: father prac law in Wayne 1876-1908
and was apptd co judge until 1918; paternal ancestors came
to NY from England in 17th century; mbr Kiwanis: Country
Club; BPOE; Wayne Co, 9th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns;
Presby Ch; Dem, chmn Co Central com 1932; bobby. stamp
collecting; off 2011/2 Main; res 312 W 4th, Wayne.
BROWN, LARRY: Store Manager; b Funk, Neb Dec 30,
1911; s of E E Brown-Elvira Carney; ed Holdrege HS; U of
N 1928-31; Sigma Chi; m Lenoir Baggett Feb 14, 1921
Stockville; s Larry (dec), Tom B; d Linda; 1931-35 asst
mgr Brown-McDonald Dept Store, Wayne; 1936- mgr Brown
McDonald, Wayne; Men's Club, past pres; Country Club;
Presby Ch, trustee; hobbies, golf, football;
res 1112 N Main, Wayne.
CARHART, CHARLES E: Lumber Dealer; b Platteville,
Wis, Feb 25, 1875; s of John S Carhart-Elizabeth Ivey;
ed Mapleton, la HS; Capital City Cornml Coll, Des Moines,
la; m Ethel Miller June 7, 1899 Mapleton, la; s Ralph M,
John C; d Elsie Mae (Mrs E C Edmonds); 1895-1900 bkkpr
Merritt and Bush Mfg Co and Paragon Refinery, Des Moines;
1900-14 owner hdw and furn. bus, Mapleton. Ia; 1914-29
in hdw bus Wayne; 1921 owner chain of lbr yards in Wayne,
Hartington, Randolph, Bloomfield, Plainview, Pierce; chmn
sch bd Mapleton, la 6 years; past pres Wayne sch bd; past
mbr city coun; Master Mcht; past pres Fedn of Neb
Retailers; past pres Neb Bee Keepers Assn; AF and AM,
past master; RAM; Scot Rite; Abu Bekr Shrine; Kiwanis;
Country Club; hobbies, fishing, beekeeping; res Wayne.
CARHART, JOHN C; Lumber Dealer; b Mapleton, la
Jan 27, 1902; s of Charles B Carhart-Ethel Miller; ed
Wayne; WSTC; U of III; Alpha Tau Omega; m Winifred Main
in Wayne; s David, Robert; 1925-37 with Carhart Lbr Co;
1937- gen mgr Carhart Lbr Co yards; 1935-1938 sch bd
dir; past pres Wayne Mens Club; AF and AM, past master;
Country Club; hobby, golf; res Wayne.
CHERRY, J MURRAY; County Judge; b Iowa City, Ia
Aug 16, 1861; s of -Tames S Cherry-Ellison McFarland;
ed Iowa City; m Edith M Mears Apr 24, 1886 Wayne; d
Frances; 1884 came to Wayne from la; 1885-86, 1891-92
mgr Milligan-English Lbr Co; 1888-89 agt for Fuller,
Smith and Fuller, Lindsay, 1890-93 elevator opr, Wayne;
1893-96 dep co clk; 1919- Wayne Co Judge; sheriff of
Wayne Co 2 terms and co treas 2 terms; city clk and
water commr 7 years; AF and AM, past master, secy 35
years; Omaha Scot Rite; Meth Ch; Dem; res Wayne.
COLSON, MYRON; Hatchery Owner; b Oakland, Neb
Apr 27, 1901; s of F D Colson-Nellie Anderson; ed
Oakland, m Beatrice Lindahl Nov 6, 1929 Omaha; s
James Myron; d Elaine Beatrice; 1922-26 opr hatchery.
Oakland farm; 1926-29 in hatchery bus, Oakland; 1930-
in Hatchery bus, Wayne; owner of hatchery, Laurel;
former hatcherv owner at Tekamah, West Point, Oakland,
Winner, S D; Neb Poultry Improvement Assn; Internatl
Baby Chick Assn; Bapt Ch; hobbies, fishing, travel;
res 802 Lincoln, Wayne.
CORYELL, WILLIAM C; Auto Dealer; b Clarinda, la
Apr 25, 1887; s of Andrew Coryell-Luella Beach; ed
Villisca, la; m Selma Bilson Oct 5, 1913 Havelock; s
Roy; d Leone; 1905-10 CB and Q RR machinist, Havelock;
1910-18 mechanic In various towns of la & Neb; 1918-19
opr of garage Sioux City, la; 1920- opr Chevrolet Agey,
Wayne; AF and AM, Mens Club; Kiwanis: Neb Auto DIrs
Assn; Country Club: Presby Ch; hobby, golf; res Wayne.
CRAIG, DONALD ORIE: Physician and Surgeon; b
Clearwater, Neb Oct 8, 1909; s of M A Craig-Mina Keeney;
ed Clearwater; U of N, MD 1937; Phi Beta Phi; in Irene C
Ehlers May 17, 1936 Atlantic, la; s Donald Robert; d
Cynthia Ann; 1937-38 interne Charles T Miller Hosp,
St Paul, Minn; 1938- prac med, Winside; father (dec)
farmed in Antelope Co 37 years; Comm Club; Five-Co Med
Soc; Neb St Med Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; res Winslde.
CRAVEN, H B; Hardware dealer; b Monroe, Wis Aug 27,
1879; s of Rees Craven-Anna Miller; ed Wayne HS; m Maud
Reynolds, June 22, 1905 Fullerton; d Harriett
(Mrs M W Whitman), Cathryn (Mrs William Kingston);
1900-01 emp in Wayne brickyard; 1902-03 with Orth Drug
Store; 1904-07 clk Chase and Neely Hdw Co, Wayne;
1907-08 opr Craven Bros Hdw store; 1908-15 with Neely
and Craven Hdw Co; 1915-18 with Craven and Welch; 1918-
owner and opr H B Craven Hdw Co, Wayne; AF and AM;
Kiwanis; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, co fairs; res Wayne.
CROSSLAND, MRS MARY; Homemaker; b Westphalia,
Germany Oct 31, 1864; d of L 13 Chonlau-Amelia
Kerchling; ed Columbus HS; m George Crossland Mar 8,
1886 Norfolk; s Rev Weldon Frank, William A, Clemen
C, Dr Paul M; active In ARC during World War; Womans
Club, treas 5 yeirs; OES 149, treas 10 years, past
chancellor; Meth Ch, pres Mission Circle, Norfolk dist
pres; res 220 E 6th, Wayne.
DAVIS, BURR R; Attorney; b Wayne, Neb July 12,
1907; s of Albert R Davis-Edna Bush; ed Wayne HS; U of
N, LLB 1930; Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Alpha Delta; in Mary
Ellen Vallery June 25, 1932 Mynard; a James Burr; 1930-
prac law Wayne; serving 2nd term as co atty; dir and
atty, First Natl Bank; lic to prac In fed courts; AP and
AM, past master; mbr 9th Judicial Dist and Neb St Bar
Assns; Presby Ch, elder; Rep, VP Wayne Dist Y R Club;
hobby. fishing; res Wayne
DECKER, FREEMAN B; County Superintendent of Schools; b
Arlington, Neb Feb 26, 1908; s of Bernard Decker-Keokia
Hagenbuck; ed Arlington HS, WSTC, BA 1930; m Constance
Herndon July 15, 1931 Fremont; d Karen, Judith; 1930-35
prin Carroll HS; 1935-38 with Cravens Photo Studio,
Wayne; 1938 Wayne Co supt of schs; pres city lib bd;
pres Wayne Safety Coun; secy Wayne Mens Club; Country Club;
NE Neb Schoolmen's Club; NSTA; hobby, fishing; res Wayne
Jan 28, 1902; s of George W Dierking-Jennie Mondy; ed
Gary, Ind and Emerson HS; McCormick Theological Seminary,
Chicago 1928; Franklin, Ind Coll 1929; grad work at
Northwestern Coll and Harvard IJ; Sigma Alpha Epsilon;
m Eleanor Crawford July 6, 1935 Indianapolis; 1928-35
minister, Greenwood, Ind; 1935- minister, First Presby
Ch, Wayne; chmn natl mission com for Niobrara presbytery;
hobbies, fishing, travel; res Wayne.
DITMAN, NORAN L: Veterinarian Stanton, Neb Aug 3,
1908; m Charles L Ditman -Blanch Barnett; ed Stanton HS
1927; U of la, DVM 1932; Alpha Tau Omega; m Irene Wieble
Mar 22, 1935 Lincoln; s Robert L; 1932-33 prac in Stanton,
1933- prac in Winside; rnbr village coun; helped estab
local CCC; Neb, Neb St and Amer Veterinary Assns; Luth Ch;
Rep; hobby, horse racing; res Winside.
DOTSON, E H; Optometrist; b Lima O Apr 22, 1890;
s of I M Dotson-Nellie Shipley; ed Pierre, SD Omaha Optical
Inst, OD 1912; grad work Omaha 1915; m Berniece Martin July
18, 1920 Enola; s Lloyd; 1912 emp in Wayne; 1915 estab prac
off and res Wayne.
ELLIS, MERLE BERT: Grocer; B Allen, Neb Apr 5, 1911; s of
Myron Ellis-Nellie Brownell; ed Allen HS 1926-30 mbr football
team, basketball and track teams; Boyles Bus Coll Omaha; m
Marie Simkins May 8, 1933 Allen; s Merle Jr, Gerald Jay;
1930-32 in cafe work, Sioux City; 1932-34 in cafe work, Allen;
1934-39 mgr Sherman Bros Store; 1939-with Council Oak Stores;
1939-mbr to bd; 1934-39 mbr vol fire dept; 1938 pres Lions;
Luth Ch; hobby, hunting; res Wayne.
FANSKE, LOUIS A; Jeweler; b Belle Plaine la; s of August
Fanske-Ellizabeth Welsh; ed Belle Plaine Ia, Omaha Watchmaking
School and Horological Inst 1898; m Mary Wells, Oct 12, 1910
Wayne; s Richard L; d Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs C Olson); 1908
with E Soleman and Son, Tama la; 1909-opr jewelry store, Wayne
past mbr school bd; Neb St Jewlers Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby,
fishing res Wayne.
GAEBLER, WALTER; Undertaker and Furniture Dealer; b
Hermann Mo, Jan 10, 1869; a of Frederick C Gaebler-Wilhelmina
Ronneburger; ed tral Wes U, Warrenton Mo 1888 lic mortician
1905; m Julia Grauer Oct 18, 1894 Melrose Mo; a Irving F,
1891-92 emp in gen mdse store, Winside; 1892-owner and opr
store, 1939 ptr of H L Neely; mbr village bd 40 years, chm *
15 years, city clerk 25 years; mbr sch bd 24 years; AF and
AM, past master; Scot Rite 32 degree Tangier Shrine; ch mbr
Neb Retail Hdw Assn; Comm Club; Luth hobby, fishing;
res Winside.
GILLESPIE, JOSEPH T: Optometrist; b Gretna, Neb
Nov 9, 1893; s of Michael J Gillespie-Elizabeth Connors;
ed Creighton Prep; Creigton U; Omaha Watchmaking SchooI
and Horological Inst; Northern III Col Optometry, Chicago
1921; m Anna Marie Rodethorst Sept 8,1925 Omaha; s Michael
J jr, Joel Arthur; 1915-18 with E F Strain, Gregory SD;
1919-20 with Ed Morey In Chadron 1922-35 optometrist,
Bloonifield; 1935 -prac in Wayne; during World USN. radio
station, wireless opr, Newport R 1, Cambridge Mass, dish
Feb 1919 In Cambridge Mass; Neb Assn of Optometrists Inc;
mbr, Optometric Assn; Country Club, Amer Leg, hobby,
gardening; off and res, Wayne
GORMLEY, ROBERT E: Dentist; b Kearney, Neb Mar 23,
1896; s of John F Gormley-Mary E Hotchkiss; ed Milford;
Central HS Oniaha; Creighton IJ, DDS 1922; Delta Sigma
Delta; m Ella Petersen Mar 28, 1923 Omaha; d Ruth; 1922-
dentist, Winside; mbr, sch bd; BSA troop committeeman;
during World War, in 89th div 341st machine gun batt,
O/S 1 year, army of occupation, disch Camp Funston June
1919; Amer, Leg, past comm; AF and AM, secy, past master;
res Winside.
HAHN, HENRY H: College Dean; b Baltic 0 May 25,
1868; s of Henry Hahn-Mary Magdalene Rickert; ed Mt
Union Coll, BA 1892; U of N, MA 1912; Columbia U 1911-12;
m Lulu Haywood June 21, 1892 Cridersville 0; s Ralph
Waldo; d Magdalene (Mrs, E H Barkley); 1884-88 tchr in
Ohio; 1891-95 supt of schs, Danbury la 1895-1902
supt of schs, Mapleton la; 1902-12 supt of schs, Blair;
1912 dean WSTC; NEA; AF and AM, past master; RAM, Blair;
K P. Blair; res Wayne.
HEIDENREICH, WILLIAM C: Clergyman; b Lena, Ill
May 3, 1883; s of Ludwig Heidenreich-Louise Rech; ed
Lena Ill HS; Midland Coll; Western Seminary, Atchison
Kas; ordained in Grace Luth Ch, Omaha 1906; m Maude E
Fulsom Nov 26, 1907 Waterville Kas; d Pear1
(Mrs G L Kistler), Helen, Ruth, Louise, Dorothy,
Wilma; 1906-10 in mission work, Oshkosh and Lewellen;
1910-13 pastor in Forreston Ill; 1913-20 pastor, Sharon
Wis; 1920-21 pastor, Manlius Ill; 1921-27 pastor
Meredosia Ill; 1928 pastor, St Paul's Evang Luth Ch,
also, choir-leader, Wayne; secy 5 years Northern Ill
synod; sponsor Lutli Student Assn at WSTC; past secy
Wayne Co Ministerial Assn; Evang Synod of Neb United
Churches, treas ministerial com; hobby, traveling;
res Wayne.
HENDRICKSON CLARENCE: Attorney; b Adams Co, Ia
Sept 23. 1880; s of Kleng Hendrickson-Ellen Vanberg;
ed Red Wing Minn HS; U of N LLB 1906; m Bertha Auker,
Aug 14, 1912 Omaha; s Max Jay; 1907-10 prac law Allen;
1910- prac law Wayne; 1912-15 city allt; 1927-31 Wayne
Co atty; chmn Wayne Co Taxpayers League; AF and AM; U
of N Alumni Assn; 9th Judicial Dist and Neb St Bar,
Assns; Meth Ch; Rep, del to two state conventions,
hobby, Bible reading; res Wayne.
HERFKENS, AUGUST F: Auctioneer; b Holland, Feb 18,
1903; s of John Herfkens-Elizabeth Zadellioff; ed Wynot
HS; Kansas City Sch of Auctiorieering 1936; m Dorothy
Hochstein Apr 20, 1926 Fordyce Neb; s James, Francis,
David, Charles, Robert; d Doris Ann; 1925-38 opr of farm,
raised Poland China hogs and Holstein cattle; 1938- mgr
Wayne Sales Pavilion; KC, Hartington; Wayne Mens Club;
Cath Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, baseball;
res 409 Logan, Wayne.
HERNDON, CHARLES C: Photographer; b Jacksonville,
Ill July 2, 1879; s of P M Herndon-Minnie Whitehurst;
ed Camp Point, Ill; m Nina M Smith June 19, 1903 Camp
Point Ill; d Marjorie (Mrs Wilbur Britton), Constance
(Mrs Freeman Decker); 1908-18 photographer, Squires
Studio, Lawrence, Kas; 1918-28 photographer of Townsend
Studio, Iowa City la; 1928- owner and mgr Ci,aven Studio,
Wayne; AF and AM, past master; Scot Rite; Kaaba Shrine;
hobbies, hunting fishing, res 710 Douglas, Wayne.
HISCOX, ARMAND: Funeral Director; b Wayne, Neb
May 7, 1907; s of Charles W Hiscox-Fairy Reeves; ed
Wayne HS; Wayne Normal; Williams Inst of Embalming,
Kansas City Kas 1929; m Ariel Houston July 9, 1936
Cherokee la; 1928-31. with George H Long Mortuary,
Kansas City MO; 1932- owner and mgr Hiscox Mortuary,
Wayne; Neb and Natl Funeral Dirs Assns; Mens Club,
past pres; AF and AM; Country Club; Presby Ch, trustee;
hobby, huntling; father impl dlr in Wayne 25 years;
res Wayne.
HISCOX, WILLIAM A: Hardware Merchant; b Dodge Co,
Neb June 4, 1872; s of James Hiscox-Elizabeth J Endley;
ed Leigh HS; m Lulu V Sutherland Sept 2, 1896 Battle
Creek; 1896-1907 farmed in Dodge and Holt 1907-13 owner
of livery bus, Wayne; 1913- owner and mgr of Hiscox hdw
Store; 1916-20 nibr city coun; Neb retail Hdw Assn;
Kiwanis past dir; AF and AM; IOOF, past grand; Country
Club; Meth Ch; hobby, gardening; father came to Dodge
Co 1868, homesteaded and farmed 40 years.
Res 412 Logan, Wayne.
HOLEKAMP, NOLAN G: Publisher; b Carroll, Neb Nov
11, 1910; s of George L Holekamp-Stella McEntaffer ed;
Carroll HS; m Marian Stephens June 18, 1936 Carroll;
1929-30 clk Texley Drug Store; 1933-34 in CCC; 1935-36;
foreman soil conservation service Hartington; 1936 owner
publisher of Carroll News; 1937-39 mbrbi,town bd; mbr
Comm band; 1937-39 chief Carroll vol fire dept; NPA;
Lions; secy MWA; Meth Ch; hobby, band work; father
was traveling representative for, Marshall Paper Co;
res Carroll.
HOOK. THEODORE S; Insurance Agent; b Sloan,
la Nov 24,1889; s of James J Hook - Mary A Parker;
ed Whiting la; U of la, BA 1911; U of Cal 1915;
Northwestern U; m Lenora Perry June 21, 1916 Reno
Nev; d Dorothy Augusta, Marjorie Parry, Barbara
Ellen, Shirley, Lenora; 1911-13 science and math
tchr, Ironwood Mich HS; 1913 tchr Reno Nev; HS; 1914-20
prin Douglas Co HS, Garnerville Nev; 1920-22 farmed in
Montana Co Ia; 1922-24 HS prin, Whiting la; 1924
supt of schs, Eureka Nev; 1925-29 supt of schs,
Wayne; 1929 dist agt Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co
of Milwaukee; Norfolk Underwriters Assn; chmn Wayne
Comm Coun; Country Club; Kiwanis, past pres, past secy;
AF and AM, past master; RAM, Walkfield; Sioux City
Scot Rite 32 degree; Kerak Shrine, Reno Nev; elder
First Presby Ch; 1930-40 moderator Niobrara presbytery;
chmnWayne Co Rep Central Com since 1934; hobby, church
work; off 210 1-2 Main; res 420 W 4th, Wayne.
HUSE, EUGENE WEBSTER: Publisher; b Janesville,
Minn Dec 14, 1870; s of William Huse-Elmina Berry; ed
Ponca HS; m May Fisher Aug 19, 1896 Wymore; d Olive
((dec), Dorothy H (Mrs F W Nyberg), Miriam, Edith
(Mrs D S Wightman); 1891-98 with Ponca Journal; 1898
owner Newcastle paper; 1899-1903 editor Klamath Falls,
Ore Republican; 1903-05 owner Wayne Herald; 1907-10 mgr
Daily Express, Beatrice; 1910- owner and publisher Wayne
Herald; 1929 chosen mbr of All Amer Weekly Newspaper
Eleven by John H Casey. U of Okla; Kiwanis; Country
Club; NPA; Rep; hobby walking; father (dec) organized
Ponca Journal, Hartington Herald , Wayne Herald at
LaPorte, and Newcastle Times; res 314 W 4th, Wayne.
INGHAM, C T: Physician and Surgeon; b La Grange,
Tex 0ct 2, 1869; sa of Francis Edwin Ingham-Jane Gregory;
ed Monona Co , la; Western Normal Coll, Shenandoah, la;
Sioux City Coll of Med, MD 1893; m Bertha E, Starks Sept
25, 1895 Coleridge; sa Ralph S, Charles Gregory; d Ruth
Mary (Mrs D H Summers), Esther Mae; 1893-1913 prac in
Coleridge; 1913- prac in Wayne; 1917-32 Wayne Co phys;
1936- WSTC phys; past mbr town and sch bds, also city
phys 20 years, Coleridge; 1917- mbr Wayne Co health bd;
1917-27 mbr Wayne sch bd; Kiwanis, past pres; AF and AM,
past master; Scot Rite, 32degree Sioux City, la; Presby Ch;
hobby, woodwork; res Wayne.
la Nov 17, 1898-; s of Robert McKnight Jamieson-Sarah
Crane; ed Cheyene HS Des Moines Still College of
Osteopathy, DO 1927; m Lucille G Whitman May 28, 1927
Omaha; s Robert McKnight; d Janet Elaine; 1927-36
osteopath, Wayne; 1936- opr Jamieson Clinic, Wayne;
Mens Club; Neb and Amer Osteopathic Assns; Amer Coll
of Osteopathic Surgeons, chmn public health and welfare;
bobby, travel; res 318 W 2nd, Wayne.
JOHNSON, J ALBERT: Baker; b Wayne Co, Neb Jan 1,
1899; s of Charles W Johnson-Jennie T Larsen; ed Wayne
HS; m Eva Olson July 10, 1918 West Point; s Darrell
Eugene, Gordon Howard; d Ardath Elaine, Janet Beverly;
1916-17 with bakery in Wayne; 1918-19 bakery owner in
Laurel; 1920-21 bakery owner in Columbus Junction, la;
1921-23 bakery owner, Sterling Colo; 1923 bakery owner
in Wayne; 1938 sch bd mbr; Neb Master Bakers Assn; Mens
Club; Country Club; English Luth Ch, trustee; hobby,
hunting; off 309 Main; res 209 W 10th, Wayne.
JOHNSON, JOHN C: Veterinarian; b Allen Neb Nov
9, 1888; s of Peter Johnson-Karen Christine Jensen; ed
Wakefield HS; Chicago Veterinary Coll, DVM 1917; m Hulda
Marie Jorgensen Mar 21, 1921 Omaha; s Harold Marchant,
Marvin Wayne; d Lorraine Elizabeth; 1917 with Dr Tobias
in Winside; 1917-19 during World War capt veterinary
corps 105th ammunition train 55th field artillery,
O/S June 4, 1917-May 27, 1919; Amer Leg, past comm
and treas; capt ROA; 1919-21 ptr of Dr Tobias in Wayne;
1921-34 ptr, of Dr William Hawkins. Wayne;1934 prac
indep in Wayne; 1936-37 chmn water com, city coun; Neb
St Veternary, Med Assn; Kiwanis, past pres, dir; AF and
AM; RAM, Wakfield; hobby, woodwork; father was pioneer
in Dixon Co, farmed 40 years; off 122 E 2nd;
res 110 E 8th, Wayne.
JOHNSON, PERRY F: Oil Dealer; b Wakefield,
Neb Feb 2, 1907; s of John N Johnson-Anna Pearson; ed
Wakefield; m Anna Knudsen Dec 25, 1931 Wayne; s Duane
Leslie; 1924-34 farmed in Thurston Co; 1934 bulk oil
station opr for Socony Vacuum Oil Co, Carroll; rnbr
town coun; mbr finance comm Carroll Coop Credit
Assn; Lions, dir; vol fire. dept, VP; Luth Ch; Rep;
hobby, reading; res Carroll.
JONES, THEODORE T: Osteopath; b Baltimore, Md
May 8, 1872; s of Thomas Jones-Priscilla Rice; ed
Somerset, Penn HS; Jobn Hopkins U; Des Moines Still
Coll of Osteopathy; Post Grad Eye Ear Nose and Throat
Clinic, Chicago; Kirksville Coll of Osteopathy; Denver
Polyclinic; Iota Tau Sigma; m Reba Nangle Sept 9, 1914
Wayne; d Helen A, Margaret Nangle; 1912- osteopath,
optometrist, skin specialist, Wayne; 1924-28 mbr
examining bd for pensions;1917-18 Wayne Co phys; 1920
city phys; NE Neb, Neb and Amer Assn, has, attd 7 natl
convs; 10OF; BPOE, past chancellor comm; KP; Mens Club;
ch mbr Country Club; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies,
collecting stamps, fishing; res Wayne.
KAGY, MRS M H: Merchant; b Kinmundy, III Sept 24,
1886; d of J B Haselden-Sarah McCulley; ed Kinmundy III
HS; m Earnest Kagy Feb 21, 1910 Kinmundy, Ill; 1915-23
with Davison and Fuller Co. Emerson; 1923-28 with R L
Larson. Wayne; 1928 owner and opr Kagy Ready to Wear,
Wayne; B and PW; Presby Ch; res Wayne.
KEARNS, WILLIAM PATRICK: Clergyman; b Philadelphia,
Penn Aug 28,1873; s of William Kearns-Margaret Ellen
Curran; ed O'Connor, Greeley Co; Creighton U; St Paul's
Seminary, Minn; 1905 ordained St Paul's, Omaha diocese;
1905-06 asst pastor St Philomena's, Omaha; 1906- pastor
at St Mary's Catli Ch, Wayne, also Mission Ch, Carroll;
KC; dir of Priests Eucharistic League for Neb;
hobbies, horseshoe pitching, athletics; res Wayne,
KINGSLEY, RICHARD J: Newspaper Publisher; b
Wellington, Kas July 16, 1902; s of Walter G Kingsley-
Emma Schue; ed Wellington, Kas; U Of Kas; U of Mo, B J
1924; Columbia U, 1927; Phi Kappa; Pi Alpha Pi; m
Bertha Summitt Oct 17, 1933 Wellington Kas; d Barbara
Kay; 1925-26 reporter Muskogee Okla, Phoenix; 1926 city
editor Poiica.Okla News; l927 city editor Blackwell
Okla Tribune; 1927-31 city editor Arkansas City Kas
Traveler; 1931-39 manager, editor News and Star at
Shawnee Okla; 1939- owner, publisher Wayne New;
Lions Club; Shawnee Okla Mens Club; NPA; Country
Club; St Mary's Cath Cli; res 303 E 3rd, Wayne.
KIRKMAN, ROBERT KEITH: Druggist; b Oak, Neb
July 30, 1904; s of Jacob Peak Kirkman-Christie Ely;
ed Oak HS; U of N, PhG 1923; Phi Delta Chi; m Nelle
Hartnell Oct 22, 1929 Aurora; 1923-25 druggist for
0T Attebery, Morrill 1925-30 druggist for Thomas
Pharm, Aurora; 1930-33 drug store owner,Gretna;
1933 owner Kirkman's Drug, Wayne;1930-33 mbr Gretna
fire dept; 1923-25 mbr Morrill city band; past dir
Mens Club; dir Kiwanis; pres NE Neb Druggists Assn;
Neb Pharmacy Assn; Country Club, dir; Neb
Rexall Club, VP; hobby, golf; res 4th, Wayne.
KORFF, FRANK F: Court Clerk; b Avoca, Neb Apr 7,
1900; s of Henry F, Korff-Alvina Thies; ed Hartington
HS; WSTC; m Lucille Brewster Dec 23, 1926 Wayne; s
James LeRoy; d Anabelle Lee, Sandra Fay; 1921-29 asst
cash State Bank at Wayne; 1929-31 agt, New York Life
Co; 1931- clk of dist court; Mens Club; Country Club;
mbr Neb Assn of Dist Court Cleriks; Dem, chmn Wayne Co
YD Club, chmn 1938-39 birthday ball; AF and AM; St
Paul's Luth Ch; hobby, fishing; res Wayne.
LANGEMEIER, ROY: Oil Dealer; b West Point, Neb Apr
1, 1909; s of William F Langemeier-Sophie Hasebroock;
ed Plainview HS; mbr hasbetball team; m Rose Kirch Sept
26,1933 Plainview; 1929-30 farmed, Pierce Co; 1931-owner
and mgr I,angemeier Service Station;pres Skelly Club;
Mens Club; Gace Luth Ch, finance com; hobbies, baseball,
football; father farmed in Dodge and Pierce Cos 35 years;
off 614 Main; res 109 W 7th, Wayne.
LARSON, R L: Merchant; b Harlan, la Sept 30, 1893;
s of L G Larson-Bernice Records; ed Randolph HS; U of N
1916; m Jeanne Smith Aug 1937 Minneapolis; d Margaret
V, Sharon Lou; 1922- opr gen store, Wayne; during World
War with med corps at Fort Riley and Fort Sheridan,
disch Fort Sheridan, June 1919, instr in academic
subjects; AF and AM; Scot Rite; Tangier Shrine; OES;
Mens Club; Kiwanis; Country Club; Presby Ch; hobby,
fishing; res Wayne.
LERNER, WALTER H: Merchant; b Wayne, Neb Dec 15,
1892; s of Anton Lerner-Margaret Kugler; ed Wayne; m
Anna M Stuts Sept 3. 1917 Wayne; d Margaret Ann,
Katherine Sue; 1919-32 with William Piepenstock, Wayne;
1933- owner Walter Lerner Shoe and Harness Store, Wayne;
1918 during World War in 338th field arty ordinance
detachment, O/S 7 mos, disch Camp Dodge,Jan 1919; Amer
Leg; AF and AM; Luth Ch; Non-partisan; hobby, gardening;
res Wayne.
b LaSalle Co, III Dec 17, 1875; s of Moses Lewis-Martha
Shaw; ed Broken Bow HS; Grand Island Coll, BA 1900; U of
N, MA 1910; U of Chicago, PhD 1924; U of Colo, grad work;
m Edith May Bernschein Aug 31, 1910 Fort Dodge la; s
John Kenyon; d Jeanette Ernestine (Mrs Everette Copes),
Virginia May; 1901-01 supt of schs, Miller; 1902-06
Custer Co, supt of schs; 1908-10 fellowship student in
history dept U of N; 1906-08 instr in history, Grand
Island Coll; 1910-35 head of history dept, WSTC; 1936-
in chg of WPA research work sponsored by U of N, supvr
of political science research, including survey of co
administration in Neb and collection of source material
for Neb; 1919-20 mbr Neb St constitutional conv; 1910-35
mbr Wayne city coun; 1937 editor of Survey of the
Financial Administration of Neb Cos; author of State
Course of Study in Civics for Neb Training HS 1926; with
wife wrote history of Holt Co for Who's Who in Nebraska;
during World War served in selective draft work; Amer
Political Science Assn Neb St Hist Soc; AF and AM 120
Wayne; Bapt Ch; Rep, 1930-34 cmn Wayne Co Central Com;
hobbies vocal music, politics, gardening; off Room 1,
University Hall; res Nebraska, Wayne;
temporary res 525 S 17th, Lincoln.
LEWIS, MRS MAY BERNSCHEIN; Homemaker; b Hartley,
Ia May 1884; d of Ernst Bernschein-Mary Adams; ed Fort
Dodge la HS 1902; Tobin Coll, Fort Dodge Ia 1903; tchrs
certificate Gregg Coll, Chicago 1906; m John Greenleaf
Whittier Lewis Aug 31, 1910 Fort Dodge Ia, s John
Kenyon; d Jeanette Ernestine (Mrs Everette Copes),
Virginia May 1903-04 emp during vacations by Fort Dodge
Ia Gas and Electric Co, also Great Western Cereal Co,
now Quaker Oats Co;1905-07 shorthand tchr in Tobin Coll,
Fort Dodge la; 1907-10 shorthand and stenography
tchr, Custer Coll, Broken Bow; 1910-12 and 1918-19
tchr of stenography at WSTC; 1912-18 and 1919-
homemaker; 1922-23 secy to Charles E Merriam, head of
political science dept, U of Chicago; during World War
chmn woman's, com Wayne Co coun of defense 1917-18;
with husband wrote Holt Co history for "Who's Who in
Nebraska;" helped org and lst pres1919 Wayne Woman's
Club; Lincoln Womans Club; NFWC, chmn service, past art
and music chmn past publicity chmn 3rd dist, past state
chmn of program bldg; Presby Ch, Wayne; Indep; hobbies,
federated club work, reading; res 820 Nebraska, Wayne;
temporary res 17th, Lincoln.
LEY, HENRY E; Banker; b I Neb Oct 25, 1903; a of
Rollie V Pearl Reynolds; ed WSTC; U of Neb 1923-25; Sigma
Chi; in Anna I EvansJune 7, 1930 Homer;baraI-lelen; 1926-34
east Wayne State Natl Bank; 1934-cash Wayne State Natl
Bank; mens Club; AF and AM, past master; IOOF; Country
Club, dir; Meth Ch; res 719 Lincoln, Wayne.
LEY, ROLLIE W: Banker; b Jordan Minn May 15, 1879;
s of Henry Ley-Alice Walter; ed Wayne HS; WSTC; U of N;
LBC; m Pearl E Reynolds Oct 1905 Fullerton; s Henry; d
Joy (Mrs H E Hein), Mary Alice (Mrs Alice Champe),
Marjorie (Mrs Richard Armstrong), Josephine; 1898 clk
in gen store, Wayne; 1899-1909 and asst cash Wayne
State Natl Bank 1909-24 cash, 1924- pres and chmm bd;
1912-26 sch bd, secy and pres; city treas 2 terms;
Amer Bankers Assn, state VP natl bank div; and pres Fed
Savings and Loan Assn; treas Wayne Co Fair and Agri Assn;
treas Greenwood Cemetery Assn wanis; Country Club; IOOF,
past noble grand; Sons of Hermann; mbr finance com
of Dem State Central Com; res 701 Lincoln,Wayne.
LUNDBERG, HERMAN: Banker; b Pelarna, Sweden Feb 1,
1879 s P Lundberg-Anna Knutson Pelarna Sweden HS; WSTC;
m Anna R Lund Aug. 20, 1908 Wayne; d Ruth Louise;
1903-07 bkkpr Natl Bank, Wayne, 1908-25 asst cash,
1925-36 cash, 1936- VP 1917-20 mbr city coun; Kiwanis,
treas; ch mbr Country Club; AF and AM; IOOF, past grand,
secy 24 years; Rebekah; del to tercentenary celebration
June 25-July 2, 1938 in Del, commemorating first settlement
of Swedes in Wilmington also tercentenary of First Swedish
Luth Ch org in U S; Luth Ch, past deacon; hobby, travel;
res 503 Logan, Wayne.
LUTGEN, SIDNEY ANSON: Physician and Surgeon; b
Marietta, 0 July 2, 1887; s of Athenius Lutgen-Sarah C
Asa; ed Colby Kas HS; Cotner U, MD 1904; grad work 1906
with Dr 0 J Oxner, Chicago; 1907 at Mayo Clinic; U of N;
1938; Alpha Kappa Kappa; m Grace Welch Jan 27, 1910
Lincoln; s Joe G; C and NW RR surg 15 Years; 1908-10
prac with Dr C A Lutgen, Auburn; 1910- prac rned Wayne,
mgr of Wayne Hosp; 1932-37 staff phys WSTC; med examiner
for Wayne during World War; Kiwanis, pres; Country Club;
Wayne Co, Elkhorn and Logan Valley Med Socs; Neb St
Eclectic Med Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; off 918 Main;
res 409 W 10th, Wayne.
MCNATT, LLOYD W: Merchant; b Farmers Branch,
Tex Sept 19, 1888; s of William Larkin McNatt-Lessle
Wilson; ed Whitesboro, Tex; Draughn's Bus Coll,
Oklahoma City; m Minnie Ehlers Nov 26, 1924 Council
Bluffs la; s Lloyd W Jr; d Verona (Mrs M R Parke),
Delores; 1908-11 farmed in Cotton Co, Okla; 1912-16
representative of Scotch Remedy Co, Oklahoma City;
1919-28 salesman for Simmons Hdw Co, Sioux City Ia;
1928- owner and mgr McNatt Hdw Co, Wayne; during World
War sgt at Camp Pike Ark, non-commd OTS, disch Dec 31,
1918 Des Moines; Amer Leg, past adjt; Mens Club; Kiwanis;
Neb Retail Hdw Assn; AF and AM, jr warden; Country Club;
Meth Ch, steward; hobbies, golf, fishing; off 203 Main;
res 2031/2 Main, Wayne.
MARCH, PHILIP L: Theater Owner; b Akron, la
Aug 24, 1905; s of John F March-Elizabeth Lake; ed
Akron la HS; U of la; U of SD, BA 1926; Phi Delta
Theta; m Lois Schoeneman June 18, 1929 Hawarden Ia;
s Jack; d Marianne; 1926-31 rngr March Theater,
Vermillion SD; 1931 mgr Gay Theater, Wayne; owner and
opr theaters at LeMars and Alton la, March Bros
Theaters Inc;.secy-treas Marschoene Theaters Inc,
Wayne Neb and Hawarden la; dir Allied Theaters of Ia;
ROTC; Kiwanis, dir; Mens Club; Country Club; AF and AM;
Presby Ch; res Wayne.
MERCHANT, EARL H; Owner Service Station; b Walnut,
la July 4, 1883; s of Wilson G Merchant-Mary Young; ed
Walnut la; m Delpha Auker June 30, 1908 Wayne; s Stanley E,
Robert A; 1904-19 came to Wayne from la,followed blacksmith
trade; 1919- opr first service station between Sioux City
la and Norfolk; AF and AM, Wayne Lodge 120; Mens Club; Neb
Petroleum Marketers Inc; Country Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies,
reading, athletics; res Wayne.
MINES, PAUL ROGERS; Jeweler; b Wayne, Neb June 3,
1893; s of J G Mines-Jean Rogers; ed Wayne HS; WSTC;
Bradley Tech Sch, Peoria III 1915; m Marguerite Heckert
June 11, 1917 Wayne; d Jeanne, Nancy; 1915-32 with father
in jew-store Wayne; 1932- owner I R Mines Jewelry Store,
Wayne; Neb St & Amer Natl Retail Jewelers Assns; Mena Club,
dir; during World War assigned to U S Bur of Standards;
Amer Leg, past comm; past master AF&AM; hobbies, fishing,
stamp collecting, specializing in U S issue of 1861; father
came to Wayne Co in 1889, in jewelry bus 42 years, early
chief of fire dept and mbr sch bd; dir Masonic home at
Plattsmouth; res 908 Douglas, Wayne.
MITCHELL, CLAUDE 0: Owner Monument Works; b la
Sept 1, 1877; s of F M Mitchell-Ellen Thompson; ed
Dakota Co; m Ethel Z Beeks 1901 Pender (dec); m Katherine
Robinson July 33, 1918 Omaha; d Leila (Mrs C F Maynard),
Hazel, Bonnie (Mrs J M Shaffer); 1890-1917 farmed in
Dakota Co; 1917 owner and mgr Wayne Monument Works;
1895-1901 moderator sch bd, Thurston Co; pct assessor
Thurston Co; Memorial Craftsmen of Neb; Kiwanis; Country
Club; A Fand AM; IOOF; Meth Ch; res 802 Douglas, Wayne.
MITTLESTADT, GUSTAV A: Lumber Dealer; b Ukraine
Feb 20, 1870; s of Carl Mittlestadt-Elizabeth Turinus;
ed Ukraine; m Minnie Heller Dec 28, 1878 Boscobel, Wis;
s Louis P; d Paula (Mrs J M Strahan); 1893 emp in sugar
factory, Norfolk; 1894 machinist, Stillwater Minn;
1895-1907 hdw store owner, Laurel; 1907- owner-rngr
L C and G A Mittle stadt Lbr Co; mbr city coun; 1907-29
chmn Winside sch bd; pres lib bd; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn;
Comm Club; AP and AM; Sons of Hermann; WOW; Royal
Highlanders; Lutli Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Winside.
NEEDHAM, CHARLES E; Livestock and Coal Dealer;
b Sioux City la Nov 21, 1878; s of George M Needham-Mary
Ross; ed Sioux City; Sioux City Bus Coll; m Lora Fish
June 25, 1902 Winside; d Ruth (Mrs A B Green); 1895 with
brother George in impl bus, Winside; 1907 with
brother Charles in livestock feeding and grain bus;
opr grain elevator, coal dlr, opr 240 A farm; past
mbr sch and village bds; hobbies, travel, fishing,
baseball; res Winside.
NEEDHAM, LUCAS W: County Clerk; b Sioux City,
la Jan 10, 1885; s of George M Needham-Mary Marie Ross;
ed Witiside; WSTC; m Angusta Gigear Apr 3, 1910 Dakota
City; livestock feeder and buyer in Winside; 1938 Wayne
Co clk; AF and AM, past master; Scot Rite 32degree;
Tangier Shrine; KP; BSA worker; Neb Assn of Co Commrs,
Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds and Co Highway Commrs;
Country Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, baseball; res Wayne.
NEELY, HAROLD L: Hardware and Furniture Dealer;
b New Market, la June 19, 1897; s of J G Neely-Myrtle
Smethers; ed Winside HS 1914; lic as mortician in Neb
1927; m Alta Prince Aug 12, 1920 Wayne; s John; clk 4
years, Gaebler hdw Co; 1920 ptr in Gaebler and Neely;
mbr village bd; past mbr, sch bd; AP and AM, past master;
Neb Retail Hdw Assn; past pres Comm Club; Rep; res Winside.
NUSS CARL G: Merchant; b Scranton, Penn-Sept 18,
1906; s of Joseph Nuss-Marie Herdt; ed WSTC 1928; m
Lillian Hayne Feb 18, 1927 Omaha; s Gene Carl, Joseph
Wilton, d Lillian; 1929-32 clk G Sommers and Co,
Minneapolis; 1918-28 with father in mdse bus, Wayne;
1932-33 owner Variety Store, Pender; 1933- owner and
mgr of J C Nuss Co; owner and opr Hartington store;
Kiwanis, past dir; Country Club; KC; hobbies, woodwork,
golf, tennis; res 7th and Lincoln, Wayne.
b Klamath Falls, Ore Nov 12, 1899; d of Eugene W
Huse-May Fisher; ed Wayne HS; U of N, BA 1922; Theta
Sigma Phi; m Fred W Nyberg July 3, 1925 Wayne; Neb
Writers' Guild; B and PW; Girl Scout Coun; ARC coun,
chmn Wayne Co roll call 1939; AAUW; DAR; past worthy
matron OES; off 110 Main; res 818 Douglas, Wayne.
OLSON, COLBURN N: Photographer; b Crofton,
Neb Sept 19, 1907; s of Nels J Olson-Agnes Emerson;
ed Hartington; Augustana Coll, Souix Falls S D; Neb
Wes; WSTC 1930; m Margaret Fanske July 12, 1934 Wayne;
d Noriene; 1930-38 salesman for Liggett Myers Tobacco
Co; 1938- owner Wayne Photo Co; automatic rifle instr
in NNG 4 years; Wayne Mens Club; Photographers Assn of
Amer; AF and AM; IOOF; Luth Ch; hobby, fishing; res Wayne.
PERRY, LELAND F: Dentist; b, Sturgis, S D Apr 18,
1905; s of Frank Perry-Della Goree; ed Norfolk HS; U of N,
DDS 1929; Alpha Tau Oinega; Delta Sigma Delta; m Bernice
Hager Feb 15, 1930 Lincoln; d Nancy Ann, Rebecca Jane;
1929 dentist in Wayne; past pres Five-Co Dental Soc;
Neb St Dental Assn; pres Wayne Co theatrical group, ch
mbr; past pres Mens Club; Country Club; Meth Ch; Rep;
hobbies, theatricals, golf, fishing; res Wayne.
PICKETT, C LEE: Manager Telephone Co; b Kokomo,
Ind Jan 6, 1879; s of Dr John J Pickett-Mary McCracken;
ed Broken Bow HS; m Bessie T Thomas Apr 15, 1922 Omaha;
s Ned J; 1899-1903 with Central Tele Co, Broken Bow;
1903-05 with Thurman la Tele Co; 1905-10 with Broken
Bow Tele Co; 1910-16 with Howard County Tele Co, St Paul;
1916-32 with Northwestern Bell Tele Co. Norfolk; 1932-
mgr of Northwestern Bell, Wayne; AF and AM, mbr in Wayne,
past master, St Paul; Kiwanis; Mens Club; secy of finance,
Metli Ch; hobby, travel; res Wayne.
PILE, JAMES H: Sheriff; b Fenton, Mich Apr 21, 1889;
s of J M Pile-Ella J Meek; ed WSTC, BSc 1906; U of N, 1907-08;
in Rhea Chaney Dec 3,1917 El Paso Tex; s James M jr, Eugene
Cooper, Robert; d Mary Ella (Mrs R E Romberg), Elizabeth
Anne, Jessie L, Helen, Fredericka; 1909-10 tchr, WSTC;
1912-13 with Barrett and Daley Hdw Co; 1928-31 and 1932-35
with McNatt Hdw Co, Wayne; 1931-32 acting P M; 1935-
sheriff; 1916-19 during World War in 34th div, 127th
field arty, Camp Llano Grande Tex. Deming N M, Fort Sill
Okla, disch Nov 1918; Amer Leg; Neb Sheriffs and Peace
Ofcrs Assn; vol fire dept; AF and AM Presby Ch; hobby,
stamp collecting; father (dec) founded Neb
Normal Coll, now WSTC; off courthouse; res Wayne.
PODOLL, HERMAN J: Soil Conservation Chairman;
b Atlantic, la July 15, 1886; s of Ferdinard
Podoll-Augusta Smith; ed Stanton Co; WSTC; m Joy Dorrance
Mar 19, 1913 Fairmont; s Donald, Harvey, Billie; farmed
until 1912 with father; 1913- opr of 560 A farm in Wayne Co;
1934-35 pct supvr; 1935 Wayne Co chmn Soil Conservation Com,
helped obtain CCC in Winside; Comm Club; chrnn of coun
Trinity Luth Ch; hobby, livestock farining; res Winside.
REISBIG, LORENZ GEORGE; Grocer; b Norfolk, Neb Nov 25,
1912; s of John Reisbig-Emma Pfenning; ed Norfolk HS; m
Agiies Sobotka Sept 18, 1933 Battle Creek; 1928-31 with
Roberts Groc in Norfolk; 1932-34 with Mouritsen Market,
Norfolk; 1934- owner groc store, Norfolk; 1935-36, clk in
Safeway Store, Norfolk; 1936- mgr Safeway Store,
Wayne; Kiwanis; KC; St Mary's Cath Ch; hobbies,
fishing, coin collecting; off 304 Main;
res 711 Windom, Wayne.
RINGER, MARTIN L: Mayor; b Stella, Neb Sept 19,
1884; s of Calvin J Ringer-Susanna Walters; ed Wayne
HS; WSTC 1906; m Rose Piekenstock Dec 10, 1913 Wayne;
d Mildred; 1906- opr one of largest real est and ins
offs in NE Neb; 1932-mayor; League of Neb Municipalities,
Neb Assn of Ins Agts; Neb Real Est Assn; Country Club;
hobbies, travel, baseball; off 308 Main; res Wayne.
SCRIBNER, WILLIAM R: Banker; b Seward Co, Neb Sept
21, 1881; s of C L Scribner-Emma White; ed Staplehurst
HS; m Anna Thiessen Apr 10, 1907 Grand Island; s Charles
L; 1900-03 clk in W B Barrett Lbr Yard,Staplehurst;
1904-12 mgr Gilchrist Lbr Co, Pleasanton; 1912-24 VP
Pleasanton State Bank; 1931-36 asst receiver, receivership
div, dept of banking State of Neb; 1936-38 in ins and real
est bus, Winside; 1939 secy-treas and dir Carroll Co-op
Credit Assn; mbr town coun, Pleasanton; Pleasanton mbr
sch bd 6 years also treas; past secy Winside Comml Club;
village treas Carroll; Lions; AF and AM, Kearney; Meth Cli;
hobby,baseball; res Carroll.
SEYMOUR, EDWARD: C reamery Owner; b Randolph Co,
III Jan 13, 1889; s of George Edward Seymour-Minnie
Humphrey; ed Ellis Grove, IIl; m Elizabeth Rodenburg
Mar 21, 1911 Ellis Grove III; s Melvin Edward, Lyle
Eugene; d Marian Adele; 1915-21 farmed in Mille Lacs
Co, Minn; 1919-21 tieas .sch bd Milaca Minn; 1921-23
mgr co-op creamery, Milaca Minn; 1924-30 owned creamery
Appleton Wis; 1930- owner and rngr of Wayne Creamery;
1935-secy sch bd; Neb Ice Cream Mfrs Assn; Meth Ch,
bd of stewards, past lay del to annual conf, past
treas lay conf; res 302 W 2nd, Wayne.
SIMAN, HARRY E: Attorney; b Winnebago, Minn Sept
20, 1869; s of John Siman-Ann Smart; ed New Lisbon Wis;
U of the Northwest, Sioux City Ia, LLB 1895; m May B
Sullivan 1889 New Lisbon Wis; s Victor L, Paul F; 1895-98
prac in Sioux City Ia; 1898- prac in Wayne; co atty 4
years; Neb sen from 7th senatorial dst 1919-20; mbr
Winside sch bd 15 years; city atty Winside 40 years;
lic to prac in Neb supreme court in 1903; Mens Club;
Kiwanis; AF and AM, past master; Scot Rite 32degree;
Tangier Shrine; past grand chancellor KP; past pres
9th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; Meth Ch;
Rep; off 202 1/2 Main,Wayne; res Winside.
STEELE, JAMES J; County Treasurer; b Smythe Co,
Va May 23, 1884; s of Erastus W Stecle-Caroline Z
Atkins; edI WSTC; 1902-04 and 1908 tchr, Wayne Co;
1904-08 farmed, Wayne Co; 1909 homesteaded in S D;
1910-13 farmed, Wayne Co; 1894 mgr Gasoline Supply
Co, Wayne; 1922 Wayne Co treas; 1916-17 in US army
during Mexican border difficulties; 1917-19 during World
War, 2nd It. niachine gun Co 76th div, 2nd It AS, Fort
Sill Okla, aerial observer O/S Sept 1918-Feb 1919;
information ofer, port of embarkation, Hoboken N J
Feb-Oct 1919, disch Oct 27, 1919; Amer Leg; Kiwanis;
IOOF; MWA; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby. flower, gardening; off
Courthouse; res 202 E 7th, Wayne.
STEWART, WILLIAM A: Police Chief; b Clayton Co,
la Jan 12, 1886; s of John Stewart-Jane Bradford; m
Nettie A Bell Sept 5, 1888 Tecumseh (dec); d Delia
(Mrs E Stevens), Ruby (Mrs William Thielman), Lalia
(Mrs 0 Wamberg), Leah (Mrs C Sakal), Phoebe.
(Mrs R Penhollow); left Iowa 1870 witli pareiits and
settled in Platte Center Kas; 1880-1908 opr butcher shop
Boise Ida; 1908-20 butcher, Wayne; 1921-
chief of police; Cath Ch; hobby, res Wayne,.
STRAHAN, J M; Postmaster: b Wayne, Neb Mar 11,
1895; s of Frank E Strahan-Luelle Larison; ed Wayne HS,
mbr football and basketball teams; WSTC 1913; U of N
1914-16; Sigma Chi; Theta Nu Epsilon; m Paula E
Mittlestadt June 2, 1922 Omaha; s Jimmie M; d Barbara
Jean; 1920-22 with B F Strahan filling station, Wayne
1922-25 in hdw bus, Madison; 1925-33 with father in
livestock bus; 1933- P M; Natl Assn of P Ms; Neb League
of Dist PMs; during World War, 2nd It in AS,unassigned
disch Arcadia Cal; Mens; Club, past dir; Country Club,
dir; AF and AM; Amer Leg; Bapt Ch; hobbies, golf,
refereeing basketball; res Wayne.
SURBER, RAY H: Furniture Dealer; b Davenport,
Neb Sept 18. 1896; s of William R Surber-Annie, Wheeland;
ed Davenport HS; m Leona Hawley Mav 5, 1922 North Platte;
s Charles William, Harold Eugene; 1922-34 P M, Davenport;
1934- owner Surber Furn Co, Wayne; during World War in Ist
supply Co Camp Raritan N J, disch Mar, 1919; Amer
Leg; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, trout fishing; res Wayne.
SWAN, AXEL L: Merchant; b Stromsburg, Neb May 10,
1892; s of Alex Swan-Augusta Bork; ed Stromsburg HS;
m Ella Maude McLean Oct 20, 1921 Tekamah; 1906-08 clk
Headstrom and. Skelton Store, Stromsburg; 1908-10 hotel
clk Stromsburg; 13 store clk, Ericson Bros, Stromsburg;
1913-17 clk for C F Holm Stromsburg; during World
War-1917 served in US army, 89th div 314tli MTC,
O/S July 1918-June disch June 1919; 1919 homesteaded in
Wyo; 1919-20 clk clothing Oakland; 1921-35 clk Fred Blair,
gen mdse, Wayne; 1936- owner and mgr Swan's Store; Mens
Club, past dir Amer Leg, past comm, adjt and chaplain
Country Club; IOOF, past grand; hobby, golf; father was
plumber and brick maker in Stromsburg 50 years; res Wayne.
SWIHART, MARK 1; County Commissioner; b Kennard,
Neb Dec 7, 1877; s of William E Swihart-Sarah Allen; ed
Kennard; m Mary Meadows June 1891 Kennard; s Charles M,
William E, Albert T, Gerald R; d Fern (Mrs Robert Culley),
Helen (Mrs David Thomas), Jessie (Mrs Evan Hamer), Norma
(Mrs Glen Jenkins); 1898-1905 blacksmith, Kennard; 1905-36
farmed in Wayne Co; 1936- Wayne Co commr; 1920-36 sch
bd moderator; 15 years pct assessor; I,ions; WOW; Presby Ch,
elder, Rep; hobby, reading; res Carroll.
TEXLEY, ANDREW; Physician and Surgeon; b Wisner,
Neb Mar 11, 1872; s of Gilbert Texley-Geneld Helekson;
ed Albion HS; Highland Park Coll, Des Moines, PhG 1890,
Kansas City Med Coll, MD 1900; Barnes Med Coll 1905; m
Cora J Person Mar 23, 1894 Columbus, s Lloyd A,Lawrence;
1890-94 druggist, Newman Grove; 1900- prac med, Carroll;
past mbr town bd; climn sch bd; mbr city bd of health;
Kiwanis, past pres, Randolph; AFand AM; IOOF, ch mbr;
Neb St Med Assn; Meth; Dem; hobby, baseball; res Carroll.
THEOBAD PERRY: Lumber Dealer; b Ord, Neb July 10
1888; s of S R Theobald-Josephine Goodin; ed Wayne HS;
WSTC; Wentworth Mil Acad 1908; m Marion H Hyde Nov, 1910
Wayne; s Robert Ashton; d Marion Jo; 1908 with Fisher
Dickerson Lbr Co, Wayne;1908-09, with F G Philleo Lbr Co,
Wayne 1910-22 mgr C A Chase Lbr Wayne; J922-30 with
Theobald-Horney Lbr Co, Wayne; 1930-owner mgr Theobald
Lbr Co Inc; past dir Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Kiwanis past
secy; Mens Club; Country Club Presby Ch, trustee; Rep,
mbr Wayne Co Central Com; res 211 Douglas Wayne.
THEOPHILUS, DAVID; Lumber Dealer; b Ipswich, S D
Feb 16, 1887; s of Richard R Theophilus-Mary Ann Jones;
ed Carroll; WSTC; m Maud Thomas June 15, 1922 Salina Kas;
s Donald, Claire; 1912-35 mgr lbr yd for Smith Hovelson
Lbr Co at Carroll, Randolph and Sholes Neb and Smithland
la; 1937- mgr Fullerton Lbr, Co, Carroll; mbr sch bd;
Lions, AF and AM 289, Smithland la; Ch; Dem; hobby, reading;
res Carroll.
TRAUTWEIN, EDWARD; Merchant; b Germany, July 15,
1876; s George S Trautwein-Bobbette Elleg; ed Germany;
m Barbara Geignetter, Apr 11,1912 Wayne; 1891 with uncle
in meat market, Wayne; 1893-99 emp-at Bloomfield;
1899-1900 ptr of brother in Niobrara; 1900-02 with
uncle in Wayne; 1902- opr meat market, Carroll; past
mbr sch and village bds; past pres Carroll State Bank;
Sons of Hermann; Royal Highlanders; past dir Lions; Meth
Ch; Dem; hobbles, travel, hunting; res Carroll.
TRAUTWEIN, HENRY G; Merchant; b Heidelberg,
Germany Oct 17. 1878; s of John George Trautwein-
Bobbette Elleg; ed Heidelberg; m Leonora Tangeman
Sept 2, 1908 Winside; s Elwin, Marvin, Aronoel,
Henry G Jr; 1894-97 clk in Fred Volpp's Meat Market,
Wayne; 1898-1900 butcher for Tolf Hansen, Hetishaw
Hotel, Omaha; 1900-02 owner butcher shop,Niobrara;
1902-06 in butcher shop with brother Edwin, Carroll;
1908- owner and mgr City Market, Winside; 1912-39 mbr
town coun; 1918-27 mbr sch bd; 1912-13 mgr Winside
baseball team; past dir Comm Club; AF and AM; KP; Sons
of Hermann; English Luth Ch, treas; hobbies, hunting,
baseball; res Winside.
TUSKIND, ORVILLE; Store Manager; b Davenport, N D
Apr 4, 1906-, s of C 0 Tuskind-Tilla Perhus; ed Fargo
N D HS; N D State Coll i925-26-,Delta Kappa Sigma; m
Phyllis Weeks Aug 8, 1933 Fremont; s Kenneth Weeks;
1927-29 asst cash First Natl Bank of Sanborn N D; 1929-30
salesman, Marshall Wells Hdw Co, Duluth Minn; 1930-32
with father in gen store In Davenport, N D; 1932-35 asst
mgr Gamble Store, Fremont; 1935- mgr Gamble Store, Wayne;
mbr Purple Key, Fremont, Mens Club; Presby Ch;
off 217 Main; res 114 Douglas, Wayne.
WARNEMUNDE, ERWIN T; Banker; b Wayne Co. Neb
June 16. 1904; s of Fred Warnemunde-Ida Sellman; ed
Winside HS; m Irene Render Jan 7, 1926 Omaha; s Bradley
Lee; Jan 1923-31 asst cash, Mchts State Bank,Wiiiside;
1931-32 with Neb St banking dept; 1934-cash Winside
State Bank, 1936- dir; 1932- town clk; Neb Bankers
Assn; secy-treas Old Settlers Picnic Assn; Comm Club;
AF and AM, past master; Trinity Luth Ch; hobby, baseball;
res Winside.
WARTH, NICK; Mail Carrier; b Lindsay, Neb Feb 19,
1903; s of Simon Warth-Mary Schad; ed Lindsay HS; m Pearl
Mack Oct 23, 1924 Kimball S D; d Colleen Rae; 1918-23
clk, Harrington's Drug Store, Newman Grove, 1923-27 opr
theater and cafe, Lindsay; 1928-29 mgr lbr and grain off,
Cornlea; 1929-35 publisher Carroll News; 1935-39 P M;
1939- RFD carrier; mbr vol fire dept; Lions, pres, secy
1934-39, dep dist gov 1938; Cath Ch; hobby, stamp
collecting; father pioneer of Lindsay, opr elevator for
Nye-Schneider Fowler Co 50 years; res Carroll.
WEIBLE, NORRIS F; Grocer; b Winside, Neb Dec 31,
1916; s of Fred W Weible-Helen Hoffman; ed Winside HS; U
of N; m Helen Pfeiffer Apr 9, 1939; 1935- with brother opr
Cash Groc, Winside; Comm Club, pres; pres HS Alumni Club;
BSA, scoutmaster; hobby, BSA work; res Winside.
WENDT, ERIC P; Superintendent of Schools; b Beemer,
Neb June 17, 1904; s of William Wendt-Anne Schriever;
ed Beemer HS; WSTC, BA 1927, capt varsity basketball
team 1927, editor coll annual and 1925 year book;
Stout Inst; U of N; m Adella Brozovsky Nov 1,1927
Beemer; d Jackelyn Lou, Mary Ann; 1927-30 coach, Rosalie
HS; 1930-34 coach and manual arts supvr, Superior HS;
1934-35 prin Creighton Sr HS; 1935-37 supt Newcastle
schs; 1937- supt of schs, Winside; NSTA; pres Four Co
Men Tchrs Club; NEA; Comm Club; Luth Ch; hobbies, golf,
woodwork; father (dec) farmed in Cuming Co 40 years;
res Winside.
YOUNG, LAWRENCE S; Dentist; b Atlantic. la Apr 10,
1891; s of George Young-Mary E Nellis; ed Correctionville,
Ia HS; Creighton U, DDS 1917; Xi Psi Phi; m Mable M Hall
Aug 17. 1913 Sioux City la; s Ronald, Paul, Jimmie; d
Kathryn (Mrs M Valdez), Leah; rn Ida Barelman Feb 21,
1931 Sioux City Ia; 1917-18 dentist, Newcastle; 1918-
dentist, Wayne; AF and AM; Wayne Co Dental Soc; NE Neb
Dental Soc; Neb St Dental Assn; Evang Luth Ch; off 321 Main;
res 402 Sherman, Wayne.