NEGenWeb Project - Webster County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
Who's Who
KAILEY, MRS GEORGE: Homemaker; b Webster Co, Neb Sept 28, 1895; d of Johnson B Wisecarver-Mary O Bean; ed Red Cloud HS 1913; Northwestern U 1916-17; m George A Kailey Feb 2, 1917 Hastings; s George Robert; d Katherine Beatrix; 1913-15 tchr, Webster Co; 1918-25 substitute tchr at Red Cloud, dramatic tchr 10 years; 1917- homemaker; mbr bd of edn 4 years, pres 1938; NFWC; Womans Club, pres; OES, past worthy matron; Meth Ch, past SS supt 5 years, tchr several years; Dem; hobby, dramatics; father came from Va to Webster Co, homesteaded & took tree claim 1878; res Red Cloud.
KALEY, HOWARD B: Auto Dealer; b Red Cloud, Neb Sept 16, 1901; s of Albert U Kaley-Winter Welcome Dow; ed Red Cloud HS 1921; m Mayree Hudson Apr 16, 1931 Red Cloud; d Joyce Jan; 1916-21 clk in Burden Groc Store, Red Cloud; 1921-24 clk with father in Cowden Kaley Clothing Co, Red Cloud; 1924 owner & opr Chrysler & Plymouth Sales & Service, 1931 added Chevrolet agcy; mbr vol fire dept 20 years, 1937- fire chief, 1938 org first aid squad, instrumental in getting E & J resuscitator & inhalator, one of 1st in Neb; ARC; Lions; BPOE 159; AF&AM 53; KT; Tehama Shrine; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, sports; parents came from Ohio to Red Cloud 1890, father oprd store 20 years; res Red Cloud.
KELLOGG, JESSIE M: Retired; b Red Cloud, Neb June 4, 1878; d of Edward Pearl Kellogg Jr-Eliza Jane Outhwaite; ed Red Cloud HS 1897, U of Wash, BA 1906; grad work U of N & Columbia U; 1897-98 & 1901-02 tchr, Webster Co; 1914-16 grade sch tchr, Red Cloud; 1916-18 grade sch tchr, Tecumseh; 1919-32 HS tchr, Red Cloud; 1932- ret; 1913-17 guardian of Camp Fire Girls; DAR; PEO, 1st pres; Womans Club, treas; NFWC; Congl Chris Ch, SS supt; Rep; hobbies, antiques, literature; father came to Webster Co 1870, was 1st Webster Co supt of edn; res Red Cloud.
KIZER, SAMUEL B: Retired; b Wayne Co, O Aug 21, 1847; s of Thomas Kizer-Sarah Oxenrider; ed Ohio; m Anna M Knoble Oct 4, 1868 Bryan O; s Charles Henry, William R, Clarence E; d Emma (Mrs Oliver Knoble); Lillie (Mrs Charles M Dickenson); 1868-80 carp, O; 1880-90 resided in Webster Co; 1890-1919 carp & contr, Red Cloud; 1919- ret; past J P; past mbr sch bd dist 68; during Civil War served 3 years in Co B 16th US inf; only living Civil War veteran in Webster Co; during World War mbr coun of defense; GAR, last mbr in post; Meth Ch, past SS supt; Dem; hobby, travel; res Red Cloud.
KRAL, FRANK LOUIS: Farmer; b Kankakee Co, Ill June 1, 1883; s of Joseph B Kral-Elizabeth Peters; ed Webster Co; Queen City Bus Coll, Hastings; m Alice Goodwin Apr 29, 1913 Hastings; s Francis Joseph, William Creighton, James Thomas; d Helen Lucille; 1907- farmer, 1917- purebred stock raiser, Webster Co; 1912- mbr sch bd dist 38; 1936-37 secy Webster Co Fair bd; past pres & past secy Farmers Union; dir Farm Bur; Amer Aberdeen Angus Breeders Assn; MWA; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, raising Aberdeen Angus cattle; parents came from Ill to Webster Co 1887, father was farmer; res Bladen.
LATTA, GEORGE EARL: Farmer; b Webster Co, Neb Apr 28, 1886; s of George Austin Latta-Margaret Ann Peak; ed Cowles HS; m Ethel Irene Osborne Nov 27, 1912 Lincoln; s George Russell; d Roxine Evelyn (Mrs Emil Pavelka), Betty Lee; 1910- owner & opr farm, stock raiser Webster Co; past mbr & past secy Farmers Elevator bd 5 years; Amboy Tele Exchange, dir 5 years; mbr Cowles consolidated sch bd 20 years, secy 13 years; Farmers Union, secy 5 years; Farm Bur, mbr since orgn; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, raising good stock; parents homesteaded in Webster Co 1871; res Cowles.
LEWIS, ERNEST VERDON: Physician & Surgeon; b Arapahoe, Neb Apr 1, 1900; s of George W Lewis-Charlotte Pettis; ed Beaver City HS 1919; U of N, BA 1923, MA 1927, MD 1929; Alpha Kappa Kappa; m Dorothy Jane Fawthrop June 21, 1930 Omaha; s James Pettis, George Walter, Warren Fawthrop; 1927-28 tchr of bacteriology & pathology at U of N D; 1930 prac med, Red Cloud; 1939 city phys; 1930- sch phys; Webster Co Med Soc, past secy; Neb St & AMA; res Red Cloud.
McBRIDE, EDGAR: Bank President; b Blue Hill, Neb Aug 6, 1892; s of Edward J McBride-Margaret ___; ed Blue Hill HS; St Mary's Coll, St Marys Kas; m Eva Theresa Conniff Feb 16, 1925 Louisville Ky; s Edgar John, James; d Margaret, Ann, Frances; 1913- with Comml Bank of Blue Hill, 1916-33 cash, 1933- pres; 1933- treas & dir Farmers Grain & Stock Co, Blue Hill; 1933- treas & dir Glenwood Tele Co, Blue Hill; 1919- mbr village bd, chmn since 1926; during World War 1st class priv, acting off sgt hdqrs Co, Camp Greenleaf, Fort Oglethorpe Ga; past comm Amer Leg post 176, adjt; treas ARC; Neb Bankers Assn, mbr exec coun, 1938 pres group 4; dir Comml Club; Cath Ch; Dem, mbr finance com of State Central Com, 1936 del to natl conv, Philadelphia; hobby, promoting & working with 4-H Clubs; res Blue Hill.
McCALLUM, GERTRUDE ESTELLE: Minister; b Bladen, Neb Jan 26, 1899; d of John H McCallum-Della E Tuttle; ed Bladen HS 1918; Neb Wes 1918-20; Neb Meth Conf Summer Sch of Theology, 1939; 1922- 28 off secy, Turner Brothers Glasscloth Mfg Co, Bladen; 1929-30 asst cash, Service State Bank, Bladen; Sept 11, 1938 ordained in First Meth Ch, Omaha; 1930-39 org Epworth Leagues, Holdrege dist; 1939- pastor, Cowles Meth Ch, choir mbr; Meth Ch, ladies aid mbr at Bladen, WFMS, corresponding secy Holdrege dist 2 years, mbr at Bladen; Epworth League pres at Bladen 16 years, pres Holdrege dist 10 years; past SS supt & tchr 16 years; hobby, church work; grandparents came from Ia to Neb 1873, homesteaded near present site of Bladen; paternal grandfather Civil War veteran; res Bladen.
McCONAHAY, ALVA MILTON: Dentist; b Curtis, Neb Feb 7, 1908; s of Milton Clyde McConahay-Mildred Irland; ed Curtis HS 1928; U of N, DDS 1933; Xi Psi Phi; m Sylvia Kerr May 6, 1934 Alma; 1928-33 worked at various vocations, Curtis & Lincoln; 1933-34 prac dentistry with Drs Ralph Ludwick & Fritz Pierson at Lincoln & Dr Walter Hoppe, Holdrege; 1934- dentist, Red Cloud; 1934- mbr DORC, US army; prior to 1934 active in NNG; Neb St & ADA; Lions, secy; Meth Ch; hobby, sports; res Red Cloud.
MORANVILLE, MRS GRACE: Homemaker; b Nelson, Neb Nov 2, 1894; d of Charles Wilbur Scherzinger-Emma Augusta Fletcher; ed Nelson HS; Grand Island Acad & Coll 1914; A N Palmer Sch of Penmanship, Cedar Rapids Ia; KSTC; Horner Inst of Fine Arts, Kansas City MO; m Dr Elmer C Moranville Mar 11, 1918 Kansas City Mo; s H Blake, Kendall E, Ronald E; d K Eleanor; 1911-12 tchr, Buffalo Co; 1914-19 tchr of music, penmanship & art, Guide Rock; 1919- homemaker, Guide Rock; during World War recruiting ofcr for Webster Co World War nurses; sponsor jr Amer Leg aux; Amer Leg aux, past pres, past 10th dist pres & del to natl conv Los Angeles 1938; NFWC; Garden Club; J C Club; Meth Ch, guild mbr, choir dir, bd mbr, also mbr ch bd of edn; Dem; hobby, civic affairs; res Guide Rock.
MORHART, ELBERT LEROY: Merchant; b Red Cloud, Neb Aug 24, 1881; s of Adam Morhart-Mary M Dwyer; ed Red Cloud HS 1899; m Mabel Margaret Buerstetta Oct 5, 1908 Tecumseh; s Frank Elbert; 1898-1900 clk in Turnure Brothers Groc Store, Red Cloud, also plumber & electrician; Neb Retail Hdw Assn, att 2nd conv; AF&AM 53; Congl Chris Ch; Rep; hobbies, flowers, mechanical tinkering; father came from Ill to Neb 1872, oprd hdw & impl store, Red Cloud; put copper roof on dome of first Neb St capitol bldg; res Red Cloud.
MUNDAY, J FRANK: District Judge; b Princeton, Ill Aug 30, 1878; s of M J Munday-Mary U Johnson; ed Edison; PSTC 1902; mbr interstate debate team; U of N, BA 1911, LLB 1912; m Grace C Courtright 1908 Beaver City; d Pauline; 1912 adm to Neb bar; 1912-38 prac law, Red Cloud; 1915-19 Webster Co atty; 1933- judge 10th judicial dist of Neb; mbr bd of edn for state normal schs, 3 years; past mbr bd of edn 6 years, Red Cloud; during World War chmn of Red Cloud HG & local 4-min men, mbr advisory bd; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; AF&AM; past commr KT; Shrine; Congl Ch; Dem, del to natl conv Chicago 1932; hobbies, soil & weather conditions in relation to crop production, Neb history, wrote articles on location dispute of Pike Pawnee Village for Neb History Magazine; res Red Cloud.
NICHOLSON, ROBERT VINCENT: Dentist; b Wisner, Neb Sept 9, 1890; s of William McLernon Nicholson-Emma Jacobia; ed Wisner HS 1907; U of N, DDS 1913; XI Psi Phi; m Bernice Marie Dickson Aug 15, 1920 Amboy Minn; d Marion Bernice, Kathleen Elizabeth; 1913- dentist, Red Cloud; 1925- mbr bd of edn, pres; during World War in US army med detachment Fort Crook 8 mos; Amer Leg post 238, past comm; SW Dist Dental Soc, past pres; Neb St & ADA; Lions; AF&AM 53, past master; KT; Tehama Shrine; Congl Ch, trustee; Rep; hobbies, sports, tennis; father came from Ireland to
in Nebraska
Neb, homesteaded near Wisner in early 1870's, oprd gen store at Wisner many year; res Red Cloud.
OHMSTEDE, EDDIE: Lumber Merchant; b Guide Rock, Neb Nov 12, 1895; s of Gerhard Ohmstede-Caroline Knehans; ed Guide Rock HS 1913; m Ella Ely Aug 18, 1921 Denver; foster d Nedra Eline; 1913-18 emp by brother Chris on farm, Webster Co; 1920-37 farmer, Webster Co; 1937- owner & opr Ohmstede Lbr Co, Guide Rock; during World War in MTC, service park unit of US army, disch Fort Benjamin Harrison Ind after 8 mos service; Amer Leg post 278, comm; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn, dir; Comm Club, pres; AF&AM 128; Dem; hobbies, gardening, sports; father came from Germany to Webster Co 1878, was Webster Co commr 8 years; res Guide Rock.
OVERING, EDWIN JAMES: Owner Monument Co; b Newton, Mass June 2, 1874; s of Edwin Jonathan Overing-Lillie Hedges; ed Red Cloud HS 1894; Beloit Wis Coll 1895; m Johanna Van Pilsum Jan 1, 1902 Pella Ia; s Robert; d Ruth I, Rachel W; m Nina Simmons June 18, 1924 York; s John Edwin; d Mary Ann; 1878 came with parents to Albion; 1896-1916 ptr of brother George H in monument bus at Red Cloud, 1916- owner & opr; past mbr & past pres Webster Co Agrl Soc several years; mbr bd of edn 32 years; BSA, 1st scoutmaster in Webster Co; mbr lib bd since orgn; mbr Neb St planning bd; secy ARC 17 years; Assn of Neb Sch Bds & Execs, secy since 1930; Lions, 3rd VP; Chris Sci Ch; Rep, chmn Webster Co Central Com; hobby, reading; parents came from Mass, homesteaded in Boone Co 1878; pre-empted claim in Box Butte Co 1886, came to Webster Co 1890; res Red Cloud.
PACE, IRA ALBERT: Physician & Surgeon; b Weldon, Ill Aug 24, 1868; s of Robert Pace-Isabela Mason; ed Weldon Ill HS; Eureka Coll, Ill; Metropolitan Bus Coll, Chicago; U of Vt, MD 1891; m Orpha Pettit Mar 25, 1908 Denver; children by prior marriage, s Ira A Jr, Leo L, Dr Paul T; 1891-97 prac med, Cornland Ill; 1896-98 prac, Tarkio Mo; 1898- prac, Guide Rock; owned & oprd Pace Drug Store 10 years; past mbr sch bd 30 years; past mbr lib bd 8 years; past mbr village coun several years; Webster Co Med Soc, past pres; Neb St Med Assn; AF&AM 128, past master; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, sports; res Guide Rock.
PEIRCE, ALVAH BENJAMIN: Retired; b Medina Co, O Dec 27, 1852; s of Lorenzo M Peirce-Emeline Branch; ed Medina O; Oberlin Ohio Prep; Washington Ia Acad, 1874-75; m Mary E Hummel Sept 17, 1878 in sod house, Webster Co; s Lawrence L, Claude A; d Marion A (dec), foster d Laura K; 1873-74, 1876-77 tchr Medina Co, O; 1877-93 tchr in dugout, rock, sod & frame school houses, Webster Co; 1878-1939 farmer, Webster Co; 1939- ret; moderator 20 years sch dist 75; past pct assessor; past twp clk; SAR; pres local ch Anglo-Saxon Fedn of USA, past del to convs; pres Webster Co Pioneers; lectured on church work in Neb & org several SS; celebrated 61st wedding anniversary 1939; Congl Ch, deacon 55 years, SS tchr, past SS supt; Rep, past mbr Webster Co Central Com; hobby, church work; direct descendant of Abraham Peirce who settled in Plymouth colony 1621 & with Capt Miles Standish owned a cow on shares; res Red Cloud,
PHARES, MRS BARBARA NEWHOUSE: Merchant; b Mauch Chunk, Penn Sept 1, 1869; d of Fredrick Newhouse-Caroline Heubner; ed Red Cloud HS; m Paul C Phares Oct 26, 1886 Franklin; s Charles Francis, Lewis Sheridan, Ernest Henry, Paul Fredrick; 1886-1902 homemaker; 1902- owner & opr ready-to-wear & dry goods store, estab by father 1879, Red Cloud; B&PW, past pres; OES; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, travel, fancywork; parents came from Penn to Red Cloud 1879; husband oprd Chief off, Red Cloud 1902-18; res Red Cloud.
REED, HUGH STEVEN: Physician & Surgeon; b Pleasantville, Ia Sept 22, 1879; s of Dr William Reed-Sarah Jane Blankenship; ed Milo Ia HS; Keokuk Med Coll, MD 1906; m Elsie Hammer Aug 1898 Warren Co Ia; s Dr Paul A, Buren; d Hazel (Mrs Harold Doyle); 1898-1900 tchr, Warren Co Ia; 1900- 02 emp on farm, Warren Co Ia; 1906-07 prac med, Swan Ia; 1907- prac med, Guide Rock; city phys 30 years; past mbr village coun 2 terms; mbr park bd; Webster Co Med Soc, past secy-treas; Neb St Med Assn; Comm Club; AF&AM 128, past master; Chris Ch; Dem; hobby, farming; father (dec) Civil War veteran; res Guide Rock.
SHERWOOD, MRS W A MINER: Homemaker; b Waukon, Ia Dec 29, 1869; d of James L Miner-Julia M Erickson; ed Red Cloud HS; St Marys, Notre Dame Ind; m Walter Allen Sherwood Oct 29, 1889 Red Cloud; s C Miner, Phil Sheridan; 1884-89 emp by father in gen store, Red Cloud; 1889- homemaker, Red Cloud; mbr bd of edn 6 years, pres 2 years; chmn bldg com when new sch bldg was built; mbr park bd; mbr lib bd 10 years; during World War supvr Webster Co work rooms, since has been Webster Co chmn home service ARC; Amer Leg aux, past pres; Womans Club, ch mbr, 1st pres; NFWC; Episc Ch, guild mbr; Dem; hobby, civic enterprises; father came from Ia to Red Cloud 1877, oprd store, active in banking, farming & stock raising, in 1885 planted 1st alfalfa in Republican valley; res Red Cloud.
SHERWOOD, WALTER ALLEN: Bank President; b Mineral Point, Wis Jan 23, 1867; s of John Wheaton Sherwood-Sarah Frances Allen; Mineral Point Wis HS; ed Red Cloud HS; m Carrie M Miner Oct 29 1889 Red Cloud;, s C Miner, Phil Sheridan; 1883-85 clk, Farmers & Mchts Bank, Ainsworth; 1885- 91 asst cash Red Cloud Natl Bank; 1891-93 with Farmers & Mchts Bank & First Natl Bank, Red Cloud; 1938- pres & with J L Miner org Peoples Bank, later consolidated with Webster Co Bank, renamed Peoples Webster Co Bank of Red Cloud; past mbr bd of edn 2 terms; past mbr city coun; treas Webster Co ARC since orgn; MWA; Rep; hobbies, baseball, sports, homeless boys; res Red Cloud.
SILVEY, JAMES ALEXANDER: Lumber Dealer; b Bedford, Mo Dec 3, 1890; s of Nathaniel Greene Silvey-Sally Belle Leftwich; ed Chillicothe Mo HS 1907; Chillicothe Mo Bus Coll 1907-08; m Mazie Verrel Wonderly Feb 11, 1914 Red Cloud; s Gene Avonne; 1908-13 gen mgr, Saunders Brothers Co, Billings Mont & other locations; 1913- part owner J A Silvey Lbr Co, Inavale, Ong & Holstein, mgr at Inavale; past mbr sch bd; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; AF&AM 53; KT, past comm; ch mbr Tehama Shrine; Meth Ch, treasauditor; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Inavale.
SIMONS, ELMER KALEY: Clerk of District Court; b Cumberland, Md Apr 27, 1872; s of Henry B Simons-Mary A Kaley; ed Red Cloud; m Belle K Knight Dec 23, 1896 Inavale; d Freda M (Mrs Gilford Saunders); 1889-91 clk in Whitsom Hdw Co, Red Cloud; 1891-94 fireman, western div CB&Q RR; 1894-98 mgr W M Richardson Ranch near Inavale; 1898-1934 farmer, Webster Co; 1934- Webster Co clk of dist court; Neb Assn of Clks of Dist Court; AF&AM 296; Congl Ch; Rep; parents came from Ia to Neb 1877, father Civil War veteran; hobby, sports; off Courthouse; res Red Cloud.
SMITH, CLYDE MERWIN: County Sheriff; b Blue Hill, Neb May 26, 1885; s of William Robert Smith-Harriett May Parks; ed Blue Hill HS; m Lida McClure Sept 1, 1909 Hastings; s Norman Eugene, Neil Merwin; 1902-19 farmer, Webster Co; 1919-37 owner & opr Ford Agcy, Red Cloud; 1937-39 salesman for John D Kelliher, Allis-Chalmers dlr, also substitute RFD carrier, Red Cloud; 1939 Webster Co sheriff; past mbr city coun 10 years; Neb Sheriffs & Peace Ofcrs Assn; Lions; AF&AM 53; Rep; hobby, sports; parents came from Wis 1871, homesteaded near Blue Hill; off Courthouse; res Red Cloud.
SPENCE, LEROY ERNEST: Retired; b Cottage Home, Ill Aug 25, 1872; s of William Carrol Spence-Eliza Jane McCoy; ed Cottage Home & Carbondale Ill; m Lillie Hoffman Aug 1894 Bladen (dec); m Nellie Bennett June 1899 Bladen; s Rolland Earl (dec), Harold Leroy, Leslie H, Leland R; d Vera Gail (Mrs Paul L Crews), Marjorie Louise (Mrs Russell Sautter); 1891-1921 owner & opr optical, jewelry & gen mdse store, Bladen, also in barber bus short time; 1893-1936 owner & opr newspaper, Bladen; 1909-25 in real est & bldg bus at Bladen, Lincoln, Chappell & Hildreth; 1936-38 owner & opr newspaper, Orleans; 1938- ret; 5 years ptr of J R Hogate in mfg glass substitute, Bladen; past mbr city coun; past village clk; 1913- mbr sch bd; in BSA work several years; past mbr Webster Co Fair bd; past secy ARC; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep, past pct committeeman; hobbies, travel, town development & building; res Bladen.
STEINER, ERIC V: Merchant & Funeral Director; b Grants Pass, Ore June 24, 1895; s of Jacob Steiner-Pauline Lang; ed Guide Rock HS 1915; m Erma Faith Koontz May 16, 1920 Red Cloud; s Eric V Jr; 1915-17 clk for I W Crary Merc Co, Guide Rock; 1919-21 in various vocations, Guide Rock; 1921-22 salesman for Capital Brush Co, Denver; 1922-26 clk F G Turnure & Son, gen merc bus, Red Cloud; 1924-26 with I L
Who's Who
Amack & Co, funeral home, Red Cloud; 1926-35 owner & opr Palace Bakery; 1936- part owner & opr Steiner Furn Co & Funeral Home; 1938- mbr city coun; 1923- mbr vol fire dept, mbr first aid com since orgn; during World War in USN res 18 mos, petty ofcr radio dept; Amer Leg post 238, 1925, 1926 & 1939 comm, 1932 adjt; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; Lions, chmn civic improvement; Red Cloud Golf Club, pres; AF&AM 53; Tehama Shrine; German Luth Ch; Rep; hobbles, hunting, fishing; res Red Cloud.
THOMPSON, WILLIAM HENRY: Owner & Operator of Gravel Pit; b Webster Co, Neb Apr 21, 1892; s of Rees Bowen Thompson-Ida L Bennett; ed Webster Co; Hastings Bus Coll 1908-11; m Grace Irene Boner Oct 11, 1913 Webster Co; s Dale Morgan; d Ruth lone; 1913-19 farmer, Webster Co; 1919-24 ptr of father in Thompson Sand & Gravel Pit at Cowles, 1924- owner & opr; 1935- owner & opr recreation parlor, Cowles; mbr village bd 15 years; mbr sch bd 15 years; Meth Ch; Rep; parents came to Neb in early 1870's; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Cowles.
TURNER, ALFRED SAMUEL: Inventor & Manufacturer; b Webster, Neb June 26, 1882; s of James S Turner-Sarah Branch; ed Webster Co; m Mabel Boom June 28, 1911 Red Cloud; s Orville A, Carroll F; d Melba L; 1903-23 farmer & stockman, Webster Co; 1916 invented & patented glass cloth, substitute for glass, 1916- mfr; 1923 built factory, Bladen; past chmn Webster Co Fair bd several years; past mbr 4 years sch bd dist 25; past mbr sch bd, Bladen; past chmn ARC 3 years; Meth Ch, past trustee; hobby, curios; father came from England to Neb 1874 & homesteaded near Bladen; mother came with parents from New England states; res Bladen.
VAUGHAN, BYRON BECKER: Editor & Publisher; b Unadilla, Neb Dec 24, 1893; s of Charles E Vaughan-Lillie May Becker; ed Guide Rock HS; Grand Island Coll 1910-12; m Opal Brookley Nov 18, 1920 Edgar; s William Byron, Thomas Charles; 1912-13 oprd Edgar Sun; 1913-20 bkkpr & asst cash Edgar State Bank; 1920-25 asst cash Marcus Ia State Bank; 1926-27 bkkpr & cash Frank E Scott Livestock Commission Co, Sioux City Ia; 1929- owner & opr Blue Hill Leader; pres Glenwood Tele Co, hdqrs Blue Hill; 1928- village clk; past mbr sch bd 9 years, pres 4 years; during World War sgt Co G 355th Inf, 89th div, Camp Funston Kas, 16 mos, 2nd lt 69th inf 10th div 7 mos; Amer Leg post 176, past comm; NPA, recd certificate of award 1937; Comml Club; past secy; AF&AM 129, past master; Meth Ch, steward; Rep; hobby, sports; res Blue Hill.
VAUGHAN, THOMAS HENRY: Postmaster; b Washburn, Ill Sept. 29, 1878; s of Charles E Vaughan-Lillie May Becker; ed Otoe Co; Grand Island Coll; m Bertha Valentine Sheppard Oct 10, 1904 Guide Rock; s Allen Charles; d Cleora S (Mrs Frank M Hayes); 1898-1905 music tchr, Guide Rock; 1905-37 owner & opr Signal, Guide Rock; 1937- P M; past mbr city coun; NPA; Neb ch Natl Assn of P Ms; Comm Club; AF&AM 128; Bapt Ch; Dem, past secy Webster Co Central Com; hobby, croquet; res Guide Rock.
VOGLER, SYDNEY EUGENE: Cashier; b Barnes, Kas Aug 16, 1896; s of Theodore Vogler-Laura May Dalrymple; ed Barnes Kas HS 1916; m Edna Mae Rencin June 23, 1920 Fairbury; s Robert Eugene; 1913-16 emp in various vocations, Barnes Kas; 1916-17 tchr, Washington Co Kas; 1919-24 with First State Bank of Lodgepole, 1920-24 bkkpr & asst cash; 1924-29 liquidating agt for Neb St guaranty fund commission; 1931- cash, Guide Rock State Bank; past mbr sch bd 1 term; during World War served in US army gen hosp 32, Chicago, 10 mos; Amer Leg; Comm Club, piles 1931-38; AF&AM 128, master; OES, worthy patron 5 years; Meth Ch, past SS supt, Lodgepole; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Guide Rock.
WALDO, CHARLES ALEXANDER: Merchant; b Baldwin, Ia Jan 15, 1878; s of Horatio H Waldo-Belle Lynas; ed Bloomington HS; m Josephine Lidadell Constant Norris Dec 10, 1905 Webster Co; d Margaret (Mrs Herbert L Smith), Norma (Mrs Charles Parriott) ; 1901-03 brakeman CB&Q RR, Alliance; 1903- owner & opr gen store, Inavale; past Webster Co commr 6 years; mbr sch bd 10 years; Meth Ch, steward; hobby, fishing; res Inavale.
WEESNER, ROSCOE PRYOR: Merchant; b Jewell Co, Kas Dec 8, 1887; s of William Lanear Weesner-Julia White; ed Red Cloud HS; Red Cloud Bus Coll; m Ruth Warren Dec 9, 1908 Red Cloud; s Roscoe Paul, William Warren, John Verlin, James Edward; d Rachel (Mrs Edgar Lowman), Juliet (Mrs Clive Bogardus), Emeline; 1909-12 farmer, Jewell Co Kas; 1912-32 owner & opr groc, dry goods & ladies ready-to-wear store, Red Cloud; 1932- owner & opr groc store, Red Cloud; past mbr bd of edn 3 terms; Fedn of Neb Retailers; Lions; Congl Ch; Dem; hobbies, football, sports; res Red Cloud.
WHITAKER, HAROLD HOSMER: Lumber Dealer; b Red Cloud, Neb June 18, 1905; s of Charles D Whitaker-Ethel Hosmer; ed Red Cloud HS 1923; m Marie Williams Nov 1, 1928 Hardin Mont; s Melvin Wayne; d Barbara Marie; 1922-25 clk Burden Groc, Red Cloud; 1925-27, 1929-34 yardman Malone Gellatly Co, 1936- mgr & ptr; 1927-29 yardman V C Johnston Lbr Co, Lodge Grass Mont; 1934-36 mgr Sack Lbr Co, Alliance; 1936- mgr Red Cloud Ice Co; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Natl Assn of Ice Industries; pres Lions; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, music, sports; grandfather, A C Hosmer, thought to have estab 1st newspaper in Webster Co; res Red Cloud.
WONDERLY, ZELMA: County Superintendent of Schools; b Hebron, Neb Oct 16, 1897; d of Alonzo Daniel Wonderly-Mary Susan Bishop; ed Red Cloud HS 1916; Neb Wes 1923; Hastings Coll; 1916-19 tchr, Webster Co; 1919-21 grade sch tchr, Inavale; 1923-27 grade sch tchr, Hastings; 1924-26 summer sch tchr of primary work, Hastings Coll; 1927- Webster Co supt & guest lecturer summer sch 2 short sessions; NSTA; Neb St Assn of Co Supts, past pres & past secy; OES; Meth Ch, supt of jr dept 13 years; hobbies, poetry, gardening; off Courthouse; res Red Cloud.
Part 1 County History (Adams-Jimerson) | Part 2 (Kailey-Wonderly)
Who's Who in Nebraska (introduction & directory, list of abbreviations)Visit Webster County website
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