PART 1: |
Location, Natural Features, Etc. | Water Powers Means of Communication | County Schools Political Organization | Early History |
PART 2: |
Albion: Present Condition | Schools | Churches | Societies The Press | Hotels | Business | Biographical Sketches |
PART 3: |
St. Edward: Local Institutions Biographical Sketches: Beaver Precinct Cedar Rapids: Biographical Sketches Biographical Sketches: Cedar Precinct Plum Creek Precinct | Boone Precinct List of Illustrations in Boone County Chapter |
The early history of Albion and the county are closely connected. As has been shown, the first settlements in the county were made on the town site, and since that time it has continued to be the center of trade. It was platted October 9, 1872; by Loran Clark and surveyed by George W. Newberry. The land platted was located on the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 20 north, of Range 6 west. July 6, 1877, Mansfield's Addition was recorded, and, on the 5th of December, of the same year, Clark's Addition was made. In 1879, Clark, Connelly & Stout's Addition was surveyed by C. P. Bollman, and the record made September 26. The first building erected on the town site was the Frontier Hotel, already mentioned. During 1873, it was opened as a generel store by S. D. Avery. After a few months, Mr. Avery sold to Horace Clark, who continued the business. The next business house was a harness shop, opened in 1874, by John Hare. Nothing further was done in the line of building until 1876, when A. L. Nickerson built the store which he now occupies. In 1876, also, Dr. D. A. Lewis built a drug store and carried on his business for some years. The building is now occupied by Gorman's stock of goods. In the spring of 1877, J. W. Riley built the hardware store, which is now occupied by Loran Clark. The growth of the town until 1879 was very slow. But little settlement had been made in the county, and the transactions of business were of little consequence. During that year, however, a sudden impetus was given to business by a rush of immigration to the county, and, during 1880 and 1881, during the building and after the completion of the railroad, Albion grew rapidly. This growth has received no check and still continues, and a constantly increasing business warrants great expectations for its future. Albion is now a town of about 600 inhabitants. It is centrally located in the county, on the Beaver Creek, and is the terminus of the Omaha, Niobrara & Black Hills Railroad. It is forty-one miles from Columbus, and one hundred and forty miles by rail from Omaha. Its inhabitants are an intelligent and enterprising class of people, and all the institutions common to civilization are found here in flourishing condition. Schools and churches both show a healthy condition of public sentiment and receive a hearty support. Albion is situated in School District No. 1. It has no district town school, but the building of this district is l cated conveniently and thus far has been sufficient to satisfy the needs of the community. It was built in 1873, at a cost of $1,300, and was the first schoolhouse in the county. Its present value, including the site, is only $350. John Peters is the present Director of the district, and Mrs. E. M. Weitzel and H. O. Smith were the teachers during the last year. The wages paid are $50 per month; the number of children of school age is 155. Of these, sixty-three are enrolled upon the books and fifty-two are regular attendants. Last year, there were 172 days of school taught. The Albion Private School was started September, 1881, by Rev. J. A. Hungate. The number of scholars enrolled is forty-five and the average attendance is something less. Rev. Mr. Hungate is assisted by Miss Clara G. Cook and Miss Edna Davis. The building used is the Baptist Church and furnishes very commodious and convenient room. The work done by this school is highly commended and the prosperity bids fair to continue. The Methodist Church is the oldest in Albion or Boone County. Rev. S. P. Bollman, who came into the county in June, 1871, and has since contributed in many ways toward the growth and prosperity, held the first religious services. In the spring of 1872, Rev. Mr. Bollman was received into the Nebraska Conference and was appointed to a circuit. Elder Vandoozer was at the time Presiding Elder, and the first quarterly meeting was held at T. H. Bowman's house, in May, 1872. In October, 1874, Rev. Jabez Charles was appointed to the circuit and was followed, in October, 1876, by Rev. D. Andrews. He soon resigned and Rev. William Shertzer took the place. In October, 1877, Rev. C. W. Wells became pastor. During this year, the parsonage was built, at a cost of $300. In 1878, Rev. Thomas Thompson became pastor, and remained two years. The church was built while he was here, at a cost of $1,400. In 1879, Albion was made a station, and, in 1881, Rev. R. F. Bishop became the settled pastor. November 28, 1881, Rev. C. W. Wells was again appointed and is the present pastor. The present membership of the church is seventy-five. The Sunday school is attended by forty scholars. The Congregational Church was organized at Albion September 4, 1872. The meeting was held at the house of John Hammond and the sermon was preached by the Rev. O. W. Merrill. Rev. A. Dresser assisted, and also Rev. S. P. Bollman. The members who organized the church were Mrs. Emma M. Weitzel, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, H. Maricle, Mrs. M. Newbury, Mrs. R. J. Dresser, Mrs. Maria Voorhees, Alex. Voorhees, Mrs. Frances Voorhees, George Newbury and R. D. Cross. For some years, the church was supplied by Rev. J. E. Lowes, who traveled in this section. The first regular pastor was Rev. C. C. Humphrey, who came October 1, 1874. In1876, Rev. James Armstrong became pastor; he was followed, in May, 1880, by the present pastor, Rev. A. A. Cressman. The present membership of the church is thirty-three. As yet, no church building has been erected, but one is now contemplated and bids will soon be received on the work. Hon. Loran Clark has donated a lot and a building will be erected, costing in the neighborhood of $1,000. The Baptist Church was organized in October, 1878, by Rev. A. J. Wright. Among the earliest members were Deacon S. W. Pierce and wife, Mrs. Lavina Pierce, Mrs. William Crouch, Deacon John Clark and wife, Stephen Clark and wife, Mrs. Waller and Frank Pierce. Rev. A. J. Wright remained as pastor until July, 1880, and, in August of the same year, Rev. J. A. Hungate arrived. The church building was erected in the fall of 1879, and cost $1,200. The lots upon which it stands were donated by A. G. Mansfield. The present membership of the church is twenty-nine. The Union Sunday School meets every Sunday at the Baptist Church; eighty-five scholars attend, and the school is in a prosperous condition. F. B. Tiffany is Superintendent. St. Nicholas Catholic Church was organized at Albion in 1877 by Father Smith. Occasional services were held, but the priest did not reside at Albion, and as yet the society has not grown strong enough to support a local priest. Father Smith came until 1880, and in the spring of that year, Father Flood, of Shell Creek, became pastor, and has since visited the parish every two weeks. Among the earliest members were Michael Mathews, John Halligan, Patrick Halligan, John O'Neill, Stephen Thomas, John Raleigh, James Burns, Robert Cunningham, Archie Cunningham, James Mooney, James Toney, Cornelius Deagon and James Tierney. There are now about thirty-seven families in the church, and thirty children attend the Sunday school, which is held every two weeks. When Clark, Connelly & Stout made-their addition to Albion, they donated two lots to the church, and, in 1881, a building was erected at a cost of about $700. Albion Lodge, No. 78, A., F. & A. M., was organized August 1, 1879. The charter members were Henry H. Gillett, Luther Clark, Manley B. Boardman, Adelbert L. Nickerson, Loran Clark, Thomas N. Williamson, Fitz M. Sackett, Peter J. Files, Jacob Widaman, William Willott and Lafayette B. Wamsley. The number of members has since increased to twenty-two and new ones are being constantly added. Regular meetings are held on the last Saturday of each month. The hall, which is used by both the Masons and the Odd Fellows, is in the second story of Judd & Lidell's drug store, and is handsomely furnished by the two societies. The officers of the lodge at the present are: H. H. Gillett, W. M.; Luther Clark, S. W.; Samuel Fox, J. W.; John G. McKay, S. D.; Jacob Widaman, J. D.; William Simpson, Secretary; E. M. Gunther, Treasurer; James Starring, Tiler. Albion Lodge, No. 83, I. O. O. F., was organized March 8, 1880. The early members were Henry J. Hudson, H. C. Kilborn, H. M. Grimes, Alex. Pringle, George Garrett, John Kepfer, Samuel Dalton, G. Shaw and William Cannicutt. Although so lately organized, the growth of the society has been rapid and the membership already numbers thirty-two. Regular meetings are held every Tuesday evening in the hall used by the Odd Fellows and Masons. The officers at present are: George Rieder, N. G.; L. P. Judd, V. G.; A. D. Brainard, Secretary; Alex. Pringle, Treasurer; M. C. Kilborn, Warden; Samuel Fox, Conductor; Charles Beitz, Inside Guard; D. G. Bobbs, Outside Guard. The Albion Cornet Band was organized in the summer of 1880. There are ten members. The instruments were purchased by private subscription of the citizens and cost $225. Mr. A. W. Ladd is leader. The Albion Orchestra was also organized in 1880 by Mr. Ladd. There are six members and music is furnished for entertainments of all kinds. The first paper ever published in Boone County was the Boone County News. It was established in 1874, and for six months maintained a precarious existence. At the end of that time, it succumbed to the inevitable, and Boone was without a paper until the Argus office was opened. The Boone County Argus was established in 1876. The first issue was dated June 30, and the salutatory patriotically declares for "Boone County first--the world afterward." W. A. Hutton was editor and proprietor. In 1877, D. A. Willard purchased the property and Col. P. Bollman edited it for a short time. When he retired, James I. Robinson became editor and remained until the fall of 1878, when A. D. Brainard purchased the office. Afterward, in January, 1881, Mr. Robinson purchased a half-interest, since which time no changes have been made. The paper is issued as an eight-column folio, is Republican in politics and anti-monopoly in sentiment. Its circulation is 1,000 and is constantly increasing. Connected with the paper is a fine job office. The Boone County News, a new paper and in no way related to its earlier namesake, was started in 1879 by A. W. Ladd. Mr. Ladd published a paper in Knox County, Ill., before coming here, and the experience there gained enabled him to quickly establish himself in his new home. For nine months, the News was issued as a seven-column folio, but increasing business soon compelled enlargement and it is now issued as-a six-column quarto. It is the official paper of the county. The Commercial Hotel is the largest in town, and was built in 1880 by J. E. Needham and run by him until September of that year. It was then sold to C. A. Oblinger, who ran it awhile and then rented it to D. C. Young. In March, 1881, A. Palmer took the house, and, in January, 1882, H. J. Howard became proprieter. It is largely patronized by the traveling public and is satisfactorily managed. There are accommodations for forty guests. The Albion House was the first hotel in Albion. It was built in December, 1876, by A. B. Case and run by him two years. S. Z. Williamson then occupied it about one year, and was followed by N. C. Killburn, who only remained eight months. A. B. Case then took charge again, but soon rented to E. V. Van Dorn, who remained about seven months. The house then again was opened by A. B. Chase, who is the present proprietor. During the early years of Albion's growth, it did good service for the traveling public, and it has not been forsaken now that others claim a share of the public patronage. The Central Hotel was built in 1878 by James Diffenderfer, but was not opened as a hotel until March, 1880, when the present landlord, John Kimmel, rented it. It is located directly opposite the Commercial Hotel, and is patronized by the farmers principally. Albion's position is one which renders it an important business point. Being the terminus of the road, it naturally becomes the marketing-place for a vast extent of country north and west. Added to this, the demand of a large and rapidly settling county, serves to keep the capital collected here in active service. The amount of business done in a year may be safely estimated at $500,000, and is distributed among forty firms, as follows: Six general stores, three groceries, three hardware, two drug, two furniture, two restaurants, two livery stables, two tailors, two banks, three hotels, one jeweler, three implements, two harness shops, one shoe shop, two milliners, two barber shops and one photograph gallery. Besides, there is a flouring-mill, two newspapers, four lawyers and four physicians. There can be no better test of business prosperity than the manner in which a community sustains its papers. In this respect, Albion has no superior. Albion Flouring-Mills.--Among the many business enterprises of Boone County none has proved of more substantial benefit than these mills. The buildings were erected by Sackett & Crouch in 1875, and are situated about a mile and a half southeast of town, on the Beaver. The mill is three stories high besides the basement and is 30x40 on the foundations. There are four run of stone--three for grinding flour and one for feed. All grades of flour are made, from patent down, and in each the product of the mill is of the best quality. The capacity of the mill is 300 bushels per day. Besides the part occupied by machinery, there is also storage room for from 6,000 to 8,000 bushels. In September, 1881, Sackett & Crouch sold the property to Mann & Peck, who are now engaged in making extensive improvements and will soon have one of the finest mills in the State. The Boone County Bank is the only institution of the kind open at present in the town. The business was begun in March, 1880, by C. De Roberts. A general banking business is done, collections promptly attended to and taxes paid for non-residents. The office is a neat and commodious building, located on Fourth street, near the Argus office. Thompson & Baker's Bank.--The building which will be used by this firm is now in process of construction, and is situated near the News office. A general banking business will be done. The implement business is represented by three firms, and is one of the most important branches of business carried on here. The whole country west is furnished from this point, and the settlers are largely engaged in grain raising. It is estimated that the machinery business of 1881 amounted to $30,000. The three firms are: Galbraith Bros., who commenced their business in November, 1879; J. W. Riley, whose operations date from 1878, and Bronson & Hamilton, who started May 1, 1881. The lumber yard of the Columbus Lumber and Grain Company is located west of the depot. This company, which has such an immense business at Columbus, also has a large trade here. Albion furnishes goods to an extended tract of country, and the rapid settlement of this section makes the lumber trade an important branch of business. Loran Clark & Co.'s lumber yard is located east of the depot and also does an extensive business. Mr. Clark was one of the earliest settlers and is widely and honorably known as a business man. In addition to the yard, this company also controls one of the elevators at this place. The capacity of the building is about 5,000 bushels. A large shipping business is done, and the books show 125 cars of grain exported since the 1st of September, 1881. Sackett's elevator was opened in August, 1880, and has a capacity about the same as Clark's. Here, also, an extensive grain business is done. Corn is the principal variety shipped. It has been estimated that the grain business alone at Albion amounts to over $100,000 annually. JAMES S. ARMSTRONG, attorney at law, Albion. Has resided at Albion the past three years, engaged in the practice of law; he has also carried on, in connection with his law business, a general insurance, collection, loan and real estate business. He was admitted to the bar in La Porte, Ind., in 1873, first locating in Michigan City, afterward going to La Porte, where he remained about a year. He is one of the leading Republicans of Boone County, and was the candidate of that party for County Judge at the election in 1881. He is a member of the order of I. O. O. F., and A., F. & A. M. He was born in La Porte, Ind., November 27, 1851. He was married at Omaha, December 10, 1879, to Miss Emma Nye, who is a native of Springville, Ind. MANLY B. BOARDMAN, Justice of the Peace, insurance, loan and real estate agent, was born in Geneva, N. Y., in 1830. His parents moved to Vienna, N. Y., when he was an infant. When fourteen years old, he began clerking in a general store in Genesee County, N. Y., remaining there four years; he then went to Buffalo, where he obtained employment as clerk in a wholesale and retail store two years; he was afterward employed in other towns in New York, and finally obtained employment in a wholesale house in New York City, afterward becoming a partner and continuing there until 1870, when he moved to Caldwell County, Mo., engaging in farming one year; he then moved to Nebraska, locating near Albion, where he has since resided. He has 160 acres, ninety acres being under cultivation. He is one of the Justices of the Peace of Manchester Precinct; was elected on the Republican ticket in 1879, and re-elected in 1881; he held the same office from January 1, 1876, to January 1, 1878, when he declined to accept the office another term. He is also extensively engaged in the insurance business, having a number of the best companies doing business in the State, and is also employed as land examiner for capitalists loaning money in the vicinity of Albion. He was married, in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1854, to Miss Mary Treat Lamb. They have five children--Minnie S. (now the wife of D. E. Logan), Carrie W., George M., Gracie C. and John L. Mr. B. is a member of Albion Lodge, No. 78, A., F. & A. M. SAMUEL P. BOLLMAN, County Treasurer, was born in Westmoreland County, Penn., May 11, 1818, living there until 9 years old, when his parents moved to Armstrong County, Penn., where he lived until 17 years old. His father dying, he and his mother returned to Westmoreland County, where he resided about eight years; he was there engaged in teaching school and attending Jefferson College; he then taught school in Pittsburgh, Penn., about five years. At the end of that time, he began attending Allegheny Theological Seminary, graduating in 1851. He was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Blairsville in that year. His first charge was the Washington Church, in Indiana County, Penn., where he remained nearly twenty years. He was elected County Superintendent of Schools in 1854, and held the office three successive terms of three years each. In 1870, he went to Fairfield County, Va., where he united with the M. E. Church, laboring there until June, 1871, when he sold his property there and removed to Nebraska; leaving his family at Omaha, he went to Boone County and located his farm. He was appointed one of the Commissioners to organize Boone County; he acted as Deputy Treasurer of the county during the first term, which was fractional, and, in 1873, he was elected Treasurer, which office he still holds, now serving his fifth term. In politics, he is a stanch Republican. He has been married twice; his first marriage took place in 1841, in Salem Township, Westmoreland County, Penn., his wife being Miss Margaret A. McCutchin, a native of the same county. She died in 1849, leaving three children, one of whom--Samuel H.--is living. In the fall of 1851, he was married, at Cherry Tree, Indiana Co., Penn., to Miss Harriet Gamble, who was born in Susquehanna County, Penn. They have three children living--Calvin P., George M. and Jennie A. (now the wife of James I. Robinson). D. F. BOTHWELL, stock-dealer, has been dealing in live stock, handling cattle and hogs, since January, 1881. During the year 1881, he shipped twenty-five car loads of hogs to market. He disposes of his cattle to local dealers. He was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., in 1830, living in that and Tompkins County, N. Y., until 1864, engaged principally in farming. He then went to Juneau County, Wis., engaging in meat market and live-stock business until 1870; then went to Missouri, engaging in the stock business in Chillicothe, Jefferson City and Kansas City, until 1873, when he went to Chicago, engaging there in the meat market business until 1876; he then returned to Juneau County, Wis., remaining there until 1879; in that year he moved to Albion, where he has since resided. He was married in Juneau County, Wis., in 1865, to Miss Adelaide Balfour, who is a native of Canada. They have two children--Dana F. and Martin. BRONSON & HAMILTON, dealers in agricultural implements, Have been established since May 1, 1881. Their stock averages $6,000; their business is quite large, requiring the work of three men to carry it on during the spring, summer and fall seasons. H. M. Bronson was born in Chenango County, N. Y., in 1847, living there engaged in farming with his father until 1870; he then went to Oneonta, Otsego Co., N. Y., where for ten years he was engaged in the carpenter and builder business. He moved to Nebraska, locating at Albion, in February, 1880; engaged in dealing in lumber, and in contracting and building, until May of the next year, when he went into the present business with John D. Hamilton. He was married in Oneonta, N. Y., in September, 1871. to Miss Lenora Spencer, who is a native of that place; they have one child--a son--Le Grand. Mr. B. is a member of the Masonic order. GEORGE E. BROWN, M. D., has resided at Albion, Boone County, since August, 1880, following his profession; has been engaged in the practice of medicine since 1876, three years of the time in York, Neb., one year at Butte City, Montana Territory, and two years in Albion; he is a graduate of Pulte Medical College of Cincinnati, Ohio, having taken a three-years course; he was born at Lockport, N. Y., in 1850, remaining there until 1868, when he removed to Lansing, Mich., going into the drug business and remaining until 1873, then commenced studying medicine under Dr. B. F. Bailey, Professor of Theory and Practice at Detroit Medical College. Was married in 1879 at York, Neb., to Nirean Quigley, who was born and lived in Andrew, Jackson Co., Iowa, until 1878, when she removed to York. LORAN CLARK & CO., dealers in lumber, Albion; firm is composed of Loran Clark, Luther Clark and W. A. Mears; has been in existence about two years; they carry a stock of lumber averaging $12,000; the firm were formerly engaged in hardware and grain business, carrying a hardware stock of $6,000, and handling 150 to to 175 car-loads of grain per year; at the present time, they deal in lumber only, doing a large business at Albion and St. Edward. LUTHER CLARK, of the firm of Loran Clark & Co., Albion, was born in Franklin County, Vt., in 1832; his parents moved to Wisconsin in 1841; he engaged in dealing in grain, produce, etc., at Mazomanie, Wis., in 1854, and carried on that business until 1872; he then carried on a dairy farm until July, 1878, when he moved to Nebraska, locating at Albion; in December of that year, he became associated in the hardware and agricultural implement business with J. W. Riley under the firm name of Riley & Clark; in the spring of 1881, they sold out to the firm of Loran Clark & Co., Luther Clark being a member of the firm; in January, 1882, the firm gave up the hardware and grain business. Luther Clark was married at Waukesha, Wis., in 1856, to Miss Mary T. Babcock, who is a native of Waukesha County, Wis.; they have five children--Lucian, Loran, Wilmonte, Frank A., Ernest W. Mr. Clark is a member of the Albion Lodge, No. 78, A., F. & A. M., and a member of Unity Lodge, I. O. U. W., at Mazomanie, Wis. ![]() [Portrait of Loran Clark.] LORAN CLARK, SR., member of the firm of Loran Clark & Co., was born in Franklin County, Vt., in 1830, living there until ten years old, when his parents moved to Waukesha County, Wis.; he remained in Wisconsin engaged in farming with his father until he attained his majority; in 1859, he went to Colorado, engaged in mining which he followed until 1862, when he went to Nevada, engaging in the same business until 1868, when he returned to Colorado; he there engaged in stock raising until the fall of 1871; he then went to Nebraska, locating in Boone County, where Albion, county seat of that county, is now situated; for several years he lived on his homestead, on a portion of which the town of Albion now stands, it being laid out by him in 1872; in the fall of the next year, he engaged in merchandising, opening the first store in Albion, and for four years his was the only store in the town; then for one year he was associated with Ed. S. Connelly in the practice of law; in 1874, he was elected Representative of the then Thirteenth District to the State Legislature, and was re-elected in 1876; he has been a member of the Republican party since its organization, and is one of the most prominent representatives of that party in Nebraska; in the spring of 1879, he was appointed to the Revenue Service, and was assigned to the cities of New York and Philadelphia for one year, he was then transferred to the West, having charge of all the Territories west of the Missouri River to the eastern line of Oregon and Washington Territory, and north of Utah and Nevada, and including Kansas and Colorado. He was married at Columbus, Neb., in 1872, to Mrs. Elizabeth B. Rice, who is a native of Ohio. He is a prominent Mason and member of Mt. Calvary Commandery No. 1, Omaha, Neb. Mr. Clark has done much for the development and advancement of Boone County, expending his time and money to that end, and with a liberal hand. Albion owes much of her prosperity and rapid growth to him. REV. A. A. CRESSMAN, pastor of the Congregational Church and County Superintendent of Public Instruction; has resided in Albion since May, 1880; is pastor of the Congregational Church also at Cedar Rapids and Boone; he was born at Northampton County, Penn., July 4, 1849, living in that county until twenty-one years old; when seventeen years of age, he began teaching school; when he attained his majority, he began his course at the Oberlin Theological Seminary at Oberlin, Ohio, and graduated from there in July, 1875; his first regular charge was at Clarksville, Ohio, where he remained until October, 1876; he then went to Monroeville, Ohio, as pastor of the Presbyterian Church at that place, remaining until May, 1879; he then moved to Nebraska, living at Camp Creek until May 17, 1880, when he moved to Albion; he was elected County Superintendent of Schools of Boone County, in November, 1881. He was married in Rochester, Mich., in 1874, to Miss Josephine Redmond, who is a native of Michigan; they have two children--Zephyr May, born February 12, 1877, and Ralph Gates, born February 14, 1880. WILL B. DANIELS, Sheriff of Boone County, Albion, was born in Westfield, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., August 7, 1843; lived there until 1860, when he went to Dunkirk, N. Y., working in the machine shops at that place until February, 1861; he then went to Delaware County, Iowa, and in August, 1861, he enlisted in Company C, Thirteenth United States Infantry, of which W. T. Sherman was at that time Colonel; he was with Sherman's army until May 19, 1863, when he was wounded in the left shoulder at Vicksburg, Miss.; from the effect of this wound he lay in the Gayoso general hospital ten months; he was discharged at St. Louis in March, 1864; he then returned to Delaware County, Iowa, and engaged in farming; in the fall of 1864, he was married in Delaware County, Iowa, to Miss Sarah N. Browder, who was a native of that county; in 1872, he moved to Boone County, Neb., locating on the southwest quarter of Section 6, Town 19, Range 5; he has in this farm 160 acres, of which eighty are under cultivation; his farm is well improved, has a good frame house, barn and outbuildings; in the fall of 1875, he was elected Sheriff of Boone County on the Republican ticket, he is one of the foremost leaders in that party, and is very popular with the citizens of the county, among both Democrats and Republicans; he is now serving his fourth successive term in the office of Sheriff. C. F. DEFFENDERFER, undertaker and dealer in furniture, Albion, has been engaged in present business at Albion since April, 1868, carries a stock of $2,000; he was born in Union County, Penn., in 1839, living there until 1878, when he moved to Albion, Neb.; ten years of this time he was employed in the furniture and cabinet business. He was married at Mansfield, Penn., in 1873, to Matilda M. Gray, who was born on the island of Santa Cruz; they have two children--Maud and Herbert. HON. JOSEPH HAMILTON, real estate, loan and collection agent, was born in New York City July 14, 1826. He resided in his native city until 1849, when he removed to Milwaukee, Wis., to take charge of the mechanical department of the Milwaukee Daily Sentinel. In 1850, he started a job printing office, and shortly afterward he started, with W. D. Wilson, the Milwaukee Daily Journal. In 1852, he sold his interest in the Journal to his partner. In 1857, he again connected himself with the Daily Sentinel, and remained with that institution until 1863, when failing health compelled him to seek more active outdoor employment. He then engaged in life insurance and was General Agent of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York, in whose employment he remained for seventeen years, the last two of which he was Inspector of Agencies. In 1874, he was a member of the Wisconsin Legislature, and is the author of the law regarding State printing, which is said to be one of the most complete and thorough laws on the subject of public printing of any State in the Union. He was again a member of the Legislature in 1877, and received the entire vote of his party for Speaker of the House. Mr. Hamilton is a prominent member of the Masonic order, having been advanced to Thirty-second Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. He has been Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin, and is well known throughout the county as a well-posted Freemason. In 1880, he removed to Nebraska and located in Albion. He has a fine farm adjoining the town, and his residence is one of the best in Nebraska. REV. J. A. HUNGATE, Pastor of the Albion Baptist Church, was born in Marion County, Ill., in 1857. In 1864, his father, J. D. P. Hungate, a prominent Baptist minister and missionary in Nebraska from 1859, crossed the plains with his family to Oregon and California, returning in 1873. Rev. J. A. Hungate obtained his academic training at Blair, Neb., and he began his collegiate course at Madison University at Hamilton, N. Y., in 1877, graduating in June, 1880. He was licensed to preach in 1878, and ordained in November, 1880. He has been Pastor of the Baptist Church at Albion since the fall of 1880. In the year 1881, Mr. H. started a private school with Miss Clara G. Cook as assistant at Albion. It is designed to be a preparatory department for college. During the first term there were forty-five in attendance from Albion and surrounding counties. ![]() [Portrait of D. A. Lewis, M. D.] D. A. LEWIS, M. D., Albion, has resided at Albion since 1875, engaged in the practice of medicine. Soon after he arrived he opened a drug store at Albion, and, in 1877, he took his brother, J. T. Lewis, into the store as partner. They continued in business, enjoying a large trade three years. When both were taken sick, his brother dying, he sold out the business, and since that time has devoted himself exclusively to the practice of medicine. He graduated at Keokuk, Iowa, and is the first physician that settled in Boone County. He is one of the prominent leaders of the Republican party at Boone County. He was a delegate from Nebraska to the Chicago Convention in 1880, being an outspoken supporter of Blaine. He is a member of Albion Lodge, No. 78, A., F. & A. M. He is of Welsh descent. Was born in Kenosha, Wis., in October, 1847, living there, and at New Lisbon, Wis., until he moved to Albion. He was married at Albion February 15, 1882, to Miss Sadie Thompson. MANN & PECK, proprietors of Albion Mills, was built by Sacket & Crouch, being completed in April, 1876, who operated it for some time. It is the first mill built in Boone County. It has one of the finest water powers in the State; has a head of twelve feet; has four run of stone and a capacity of 600 bushels per day. It was purchased in the fall of 1881 by the present proprietors, who have put in much new machinery, and made all necessary improvements. H. L. Peck was born in Lorain County, Ohio, in 1841; lived there until 1865, when he went to Sterling, Ill., where he remained eight years engaged in the milling business, which he had learned in Ohio. He then went to Maquoketa, Iowa, engaging in the milling business in that vicinity until the fall of 1881, when he moved to Nebraska. He was married at Hennepin, Ill., in the fall of 1875, to Miss Venora Turner, who was born in Aroostook County, Me. He is a member of the Masonic Order. JOHN G. MACKAY, Deputy Sheriff, was born in Thurso, Caithnesshire, Scotland, August 20, 1843. He came to America in 1862, landing in New York City. He soon afterward went to Washington, D. C., where he was employed as clerk in the Commissary Department. In 1865, he went to Providence, R. I., where he remained two years. He then returned to New York City, where he resided about seven years. In the fall of 1874, he went to Cincinnati, where he was employed as steward of the Gibson House. He then went to Chicago, holding the position of steward of the Palmer House nearly two years. He then returned to New York City, where he married, May 15, 1877, Miss Jane Olmstead, who was born in that city. In February, 1880, he moved to Nebraska, locating on a farm near Albion, consisting of 240 acres, of which forty acres are in cultivation. He has also two other quarter sections of prairie land on Sections 16 and 17. He is a Republican, and is a strong advocate of anti-monopoly. Was appointed Deputy Sheriff in 1881. He is a member of Albion Lodge, No. 78, A., F.& A. M., at Albion. THOMPSON F. MARTIN, agent O. N. & B. H. R. R. Co., Albion. Has been in the employ of the Union Pacific Railroad during the greater part of the time since 1868. Was first located at Cheyenne, afterward at Antelope, Bushnell, McPherson and Albion. Has been at the last-named place since October 1, 1881. He was born in Philadelphia in 1847, living there only a short time, when his parents moved to Delaware County, N. Y. He went into the employ of the New York & Erie Railroad in 1865 at Hornellsville, N. Y., and remained in the employ of that road until 1868. He was married at Warsaw, N. Y., in 1871, to Miss Lydia E. Thorpe, a native of that place. They have three children--Mary L., Warren B., Julia L. W. A. MEARS, of the firm of Loran Clark & Co., Albion, was born in Montgomery County, N. Y., in 1849; was raised in Wisconsin, where he learned the lumber business in which he is still engaged. He was married in St. Louis, Mo., in 1878, to Miss Annie O. Whipple, who was born in Rockbridge County, Va. ![]() [Portrait of W. J. Nelson.] W. J. NELSON, attorney at law, general land and loan agent, Albion, has been engaged in the practice of law since 1866. He moved to Nebraska, locating at Columbus, in April, 1871. During that year, he located his farm in Boone County, on the northeast quarter of Section 28, Township 20, Range 6, of which 100 acres are under cultivation. He also owns the southeast quarter of Section 27, of which twenty acres are under cultivation. His home farm is well improved, having a good frame house, being, at the time it was built, the best house in Albion and vicinity. He moved his family to his farm in the spring of 1872. For several years, the county business was transacted at his house. He is closely identified with the organization and government of the county. He held the office of County Clerk one term and was elected County Judge in 1873. He has done nearly all the surveying and locating farms of settlers in the county. He was born in Stark County, Ohio, January 2, 1839, living there until 1869. He enlisted, in Stark County, Ohio, in August, 1862, in Company B, One hundred and Fourth Ohio Volunteers as First Sergeant. In the following November, he was commissioned Second Lieutenant of his company. In August, 1863, he was again promoted, being made Quartermaster of his regiment; was afterward Brigade Quartermaster and Post Quartermaster at Knoxville, Tenn. In April, 1864, he was made Assistant Quartermaster of the Twenty-third Army Corps. He was afterward Master of Transportation of the Army of the Ohio, under Gen. Schofield, in the Atlanta campaign. Toward the close of the war, he was sent to Washington, D. C., remaining there until the close of the war, Receiving Officer for Sherman's army. He was one of the paroling officers at Greensboro, N. C., and signed the parole of Raphael Semmes. For several months after the war closed, he was engaged in collecting abandoned Government property in North and South Carolina, and moved to Washington the Harper's Ferry arsenal property from Cape Fear River, where it was found. He was discharged at Washington City in September, 1865. He then returned to his home in Ohio, where, until the spring of 1869, he carried on a large flouring mill. He then visited the West, in the interest of an agricultural implement manufactory company, living in Northeastern Missouri and at Keokuk, Iowa, until he moved to Nebraska, in the spring of 1871. He was married near Canton, Ohio, in the fall of 1865, to Miss Kate Kaler, who was born in Stark County, Ohio. They have two children--Harry J. and Cora K. Judge Nelson has been a member of the M. E. Church since he was fifteen years old. He has held all the official positions in that church. He takes very great interest in everything pertaining to its management, and is the most active and energetic member in that church at Albion. He has been a Delegate to every Lay Conference held in the State since his residence therein. He was also Alternate Delegate to the General Conference held at Baltimore in 1876. He is the proprietor of the Albion Cemetery, situated on his land, and which he intends to make one of the most beautiful cemeteries in the West. It is prominently situated on a high knoll, one mile south of Albion, and commands a fine view of Albion and the Beaver Valley, over twelve miles each way. He is also a prominent Republican; was a Delegate to the Republican State Convention in 1881. C. A. OBLINGER, dealer in groceries, confectionery, bakery, etc., Albion, has resided at Albion since August, 1880. In the fall of that year he built the Commercial Hotel. In July, 1881, he established his present business; carries a stock of $1,500. He was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, in 1847. When nineteen years old, he was established in the boot and shoe, stove and tinware business by his father, who had for many years operated a general store. He carried on his store about nine years. He move to Nebraska in October, 1875, locating at Seward, engaging in farming and stock-raising. He was married, December 25, 1871, at Germantown, Ohio, to Miss Maggie Hetzler, who is also a native of Montgomery County, Ohio. They have two children living--Elmer and Maud. JOHN PETERS, County Clerk, Albion, was born at Alton, Ill., in 1844, living there, engaged in the business of house and carriage painting, paper hanging, etc., until 1872, when he removed to Albion. He there engaged in the real estate business, and has located the homesteads of settlers in Boone County. He is also the land agent of the B. & M. R. R., and has sold for it nearly all the land sold by it in Boone County. He has been very energetic and indefatigable in his efforts to direct emigration to Boone County. In this he has been very successful. It is due to him more than to any other citizen that the county has been settled so rapidly. He is undoubtedly better posted regarding the lands of Boone County than any one else. He is now serving his fifth consecutive term as County Clerk of Boone County, having been first elected in 1873. In politics he is a Republican, taking a prominent part in the councils of that party. He was among the first to take up arms for the Union in the late rebellion, enlisting as a private in 1861, at Alton, Ill. in Company D, Tenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and serving until July 4, 1865, when he was discharged at Louisville, Ky. He was in the Army of the Tennessee and the Army of the Cumberland, taking part in nearly all the battles in which those commands participated. He is Past Grand of Albion Lodge, No. 83, I. O. O. F., and a member of Albion Lodge, No. 1396, Knights of Honor, at Albion. He was married, in Brighton, Illinois, in 1867, to Miss Sarah E. Widaman, who is a native of Montgomery County, Ohio. They have five children--Norman W., Blanche, Leona, Nellie and Guy. HIRAM RICE, Postmaster, Albion, has held the office of Postmaster since 1878; was appointed under R. B. Hayes' administration. Prior to his appointment, he had been Assistant Postmaster about one year. He has a cigar, stationery and confectionery store in connection with the office, carrying a stock of $1,000. He is also, to some extent, engaged in loan business. He first located at Albion in 1871, engaging in farming four years and then was in mercantile business about one year. He was born at Racine, Wis., in 1851. When four years old, his parents moved to Minnesota, living there two years; then went to Pike's Peak, remaining there until 1863. They then went to California and Nevada, but remained there only a short time. They returned to Wisconsin in the winter of 1864-65. The subject of this sketch then lived in Wisconsin and Ohio until 1866, when he went to Nebraska, living in Columbus until 1871. He was married in Albion, in the fall of 1879, to Miss Mabel Armstrong, who was born in Michigan. They have one child--Verne Knisely. J. WATSON RILEY, dealer in agricultural implements and farmer, Albion, has been in his present business over four years, handling over $5,000 in cash goods and $7,000 in commission goods per year. He employs one man permanently and several sub-agents. He is the pioneer hardware merchant of Albion. At first he carried on the business himself, afterward the firm was Riley & Gamage and afterward Riley & Clark. Since the spring of 1881, he has carried on the business himself, dealing in agricultural implements exclusively. He located near Albion in the fall of 1872, settling on the southeast quarter of Section 35, Township 20, Range 6, in Boone (formerly Manchester) Precinct. He has on his home farm 160 acres. He also owns the adjoining quarter section on the west. On the two farms, 145 acres are under cultivation. He was born in Leeds, Eng., February 16, 1830; emigrated to America in 1847; engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods in the State of Connecticut until 1856. He then moved to Dubuque County, Iowa; engaged in farming in that county until 1872, when he moved to Boone County, locating as before stated. He was married, at Rockville, Conn., January, 1852, to Miss Jane E. Wardle, who is also a native of Leeds, Eng. They have seven children living--Jane E. (now the wife of William W. Baker, a farmer, living seven miles northwest of Albion), Frederick W., Samuel, Anna, Hattie, Lizzie and Minnie. He is one of the most prominent of the Republican leaders of Boone County, and has been twice elected County Judge of that county; was first elected in 1875 without opposition, and re-elected in 1877. He is a member of the Albion Lodge, No. 83, I. O. O. F. DR. JAMES RUSSELL, dentist, Albion, has resided at Albion the past two years, engaged in the practice of medicine and dentistry, making a specialty of the cure of cancers, in which he is said to be very successful. He has also been engaged in developing his farm, in Greeley County, Neb., during his residence in Albion. He has been engaged in the practice of dentistry during the past twenty years. He was born in Middlesex, Vt., in 1823, living there until 1859, when he moved to Wisconsin where he resided about ten years. He then went to Howard County, Iowa, living there until he moved to Albion. He was married in Concord, Vt., in 1849, to Miss Sarah Ann Howard, who died in 1858, leaving three children--Mary, Curtis H. and Clarence. He was again married, in 1858, to Miss Adaline S. Howard. They have one child--Nettle I. F. M. SACKET, dealer in grain, coal and live stock, Albion, has been dealing in grain the past six years, hauling 200,000 bushels per year. He has dealt in coal for the past two years, handling about 1,700 tons per year. He was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, in June, 1848, living there until nine years old, when his parents moved to Wisconsin. He learned the milling business in Wisconsin, beginning in 1865, and followed it until he moved to Nebraska, in 1875. On his arrival at Albion he continued in the milling business, building the Albion mills. He was married at Mauston, Juneau County, Wis., August 20, 1872, to Miss Caloline E. Adler, who was a native of Wisconsin. They have two children--Cora May and Maud S. J. HENRY SMITH, M. D., Albion, was born in Canada in 1842, living there until 1860, when he came to the United States: He received his preliminary education at Clark Seminary, Aurora, Ill., where he lived for several years. For a time he engaged in the practice of dentistry at Aurora. He took one course of lectures at the Detroit Medical College, at Detroit, Mich., and two courses at Rush Medical College, Chicago, graduating from the latter in 1870. He then went to Kendall, Orleans Co., N. Y., engaging there in the practice of his profession about ten years. He then moved to Albion, Neb., where he has since resided. He was married in October, 1871, at Kendall, N. Y., to Miss Mary C. Barnum, a native of Dutchess County, N. Y. They have four children--Carrie W., Louisa, James Barnum and Joseph Pomeroy. He is a member of the Masonic Order. F. B. TIFFANY, County Judge, Albion, Boone County, was born in Litchfield County, Conn., in 1848, living there until eighteen years old. He then began a preparatory course at Stamford Seminary, New York, and entered the freshman class at Amherst College in 1868. After leaving college he studied law, but owing to ill-health was obliged for a time to give up his studies. Recovering his health, he resumed his law studies and was admitted to the bar. He removed to Nebraska in 1878, but did not permanently locate till 1880, when he went to Albion. In the fall of 1881, he was elected County Judge of Boone County, on the Republican ticket, of which party he is a prominent member. He is a member of Albion Lodge, No. 1396, Knights of Honor, at Albion, being Reporter of the lodge. He is also a prominent member of the Congregational Church. He was married in Waterbury, Conn., in 1874, to Miss Sarah A. Platte, who was born in Wallingford, Conn. They have two children--Mary and Arthur. |