Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Burt County Names
Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
Names index edited and proofed by Lynn Waterman.
Adriance, Jacob (Rev) Tekamah
Alinger, Adam Organization
Anderson, (Mr.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Anderson, John P. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Anderson, Matilda (Mrs.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Arlington, (Mr.) Oakland
Arlington, Aaron Oakland
Arthur, John G. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Arthur, Mattie (Mrs.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Ashley Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Ashley, James Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Askwig, James Oakland
Astor Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Astor, Althea (Mrs.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Astor, C. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Atwater Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Atwater, George E. Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Atwater, George E. Decatur
Atwater, W. B. Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Austin, M. V. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Axling, W. E. (Rev) Oakland
Bailey, T. B. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Barber, B. F. Bancroft
Bardwell Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Bardwell, C. E. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Barlow, C. B. Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Barns, F. W. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Bates, William Organization
Bates, William (Rev) Indians
Bates, William (Rev) Tekamah
Bayer, Joe Bell Creek Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Bean, Benjamin Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Beck, (ex-State Senator) Arizona
Beck, (US Senator) Arizona
Beck, W. B. Indians
Beck, W. B. Tekamah
Beck, William B. (Hon) Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Beckman Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Beckman, A. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Blanchard Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Blanchard, (Mr.) Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Blanchard, C. Organization
Bradwell Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Bree, Caroline Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Brewster, George W. Oakland
Brookings Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Brookings, G. P. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Brown, J. A. Alder Grove
Buck, W. N. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Burpee, John L. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Burpee, L. H. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Burt, Francis (Hon) Organization
Byers, W. N. Tekamah
Byers, William N. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Byram Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Byram, (Mr.) Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Canfield Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Canfield, E. D. Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Carr Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Carr, Robinson Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Charde Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Charde, A. B. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Charde, A. B. Oakland
Chase, John Decatur
Chillcot, Asa Arizona
Chillcot, Miles Tekamah
Chillstrum, Caroline Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Alonzo (M. D.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Clark, David Bell Creek Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Clark, Emily Bell Creek Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Clark, H. M. (Dr.) Tekamah
Clark, Hiram G. Bell Creek Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Clark, Lucy A. (Mrs.) Bell Creek Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Clark, Paulina (Miss) Oakland
Clark, W. A. Bell Creek Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Comar, O. S. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Comar, O. S. Lyons
Conkling, A. T. Tekamah
Conkling, J. R. Tekamah
Cook Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Cook, (Mr.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Cook, P. L. Organization
Cook, P. S. Organization
Corbin, A. N. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Cornelius, Samuel D. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Cox, George Alder Grove
Craig, William S. Bell Creek Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Crannell, G. A. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Cuming, (Gov) Organization
Dakin, Charles R. Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Darst Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Darst, (Mr.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Decatur, ("Commodore") Oakland
Decatur, Stephen Decatur
Demaree, (Mr.) Tekamah
Denny, John Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Driscoll Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Driscoll, John Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Drury Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Drury, W. E. Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Drury, W. E. Decatur
Ellis, J. F. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Engleman, Conrad Decatur
Erickson, George Tekamah
Everett Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Everett, F. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Everett, Franklin Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Everett, Franklin Lyons
Everett, Fremont Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Everett, Josiah Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Everett, Josiah Lyons
Fees, (Mrs.) Tekamah
Fees, Deidrick Tekamah
Fees, John Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Flint, (Mr.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Folsom, (Mr.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Folsom, B. R. Indians
Folsom, B. R. Organization
Folsom, B. R. Tekamah
Folsom, B. R. Decatur
Folsom, B. R. (Hon) Indians
Folsom, B. R. (Hon) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Folsom, Jerry Tekamah
Folsom, John B. Tekamah
Folsom, Mary (Mrs.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Folsom, Niles R. Tekamah
Fontanelle, Logan Lyons
Fontenelle, (Mr.) Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Fontenelle, Henry Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Fontenelle, Henry Decatur
Fontenelle, Logan Decatur
Foster, Lucy A. Bell Creek Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Frank, Caroline (Mrs.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Frank, George Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Fried Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Fried, F. J. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Fried, Josephine (Mrs.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Fried, Samuel Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Fuller, A. B. Decatur
Gardner, John Decatur
Gates, A. H. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Gates, George G. Organization
Gibson, (Mr.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Gibson, G. W. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Gibson, Isaac Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Gibson, J. S. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Goodman, C. F. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Goodwill, John A. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Goodwill, Mary (Mrs.) Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Goodwill, William F. Organization
Goodwill, William F. Tekamah
Griffin, (Mr.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Hall, Titus E. Organization
Hamilton, William (Rev) Decatur
Handy, (Mr.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Handy, W. L. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Hanson, (Mr.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Hanson, James Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Hanson, Robert (Hon) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Hanson, Sophia (Miss) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Hanson, Sophia (Mrs.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Harney, M. M. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Harrington Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Harrington, Olney Organization
Harrington, Olney Tekamah
Hart, (Mr.) Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Hart, R. L. Lyons
Hart, R. S. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Hartman, C. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Hase, Bishop Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Haywood, (Mr.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Haywood, William N. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Healea, George Oakland
Hendricks, Emily Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Hinman, T. J. Decatur
Hobbs Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Hoffman, L. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Hotchkiss, (Mr.) Lyons
Hull, G. P. Tekamah
Irwin, George Decatur
James, (Postmaster General) Riverside
Johnson, A. H. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, F. M. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Jones, Althea Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Jones, Libby Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Kerney Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Kessler, (Mr.) Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Kessler, John F. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
King, James Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Kryger, L. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Lambert, J. Y. Tekamah
Lange, (Mr.) Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Lange, F. E. Hard Times
Lange, F. E. Tekamah
Lange, F. E. Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Latta Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Latta, (Mr.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Latta, Budd Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Latta, George C. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Latta, J. P. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Latta, Libby (Mrs.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Latta, Mary A. (Mrs.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Latta, W. W. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Latta, William R. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Laughlin, Mattie Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Laughlin, T. J. Decatur
Leaming, S. T. (Capt) Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Leaming, S. T. (Capt) Decatur
Leaming, Silas T. (Capt) Decatur
Leeper, T. W. (Dr.) Oakland
Lemmon, J. S. Oakland
Lemmon, John S. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Libbey, E. R. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Lincoln, Abraham (President) Decatur
Loveland, J. S. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Lund Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Lydick, H. C. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Lydick, Jonathan Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Lyon, W. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Lyon, W. (Hon) Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Lyon, Waldo Lyons
Malmsten Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Malmsten, L. J. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Malmsten, Mary (Mrs.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Mann, John D. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Marks Oakland
Marsh, Henry Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Marshall Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, W. H. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Mason, John R. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Mason, Mary A. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Mason, W. W. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Maynard, (Mr.) Tekamah
McDougall, (Dr.) Decatur
McGuire, Elisha Arizona: Biographical Sketches
McLaughlin, D. L. (M.D.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
McLaughlin, George S. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
McLaughlin, Georgetta W. (Mrs.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
McLaughlin, Linnetta M. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
McLaughlin, Mary V. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
McLaughlin, William R. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
McMullen, Peter Lyons
Mennell, Emily (Mrs.) Bell Creek Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Meyers, C. A. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Michael, Frederica Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Miller, William (Gen) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Morell Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Morell, Mary Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Morrell, A. Oakland
Nelson Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Nelson, Austin Organization
Nelson, Austin (Hon) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Nelson, Caroline (Mrs.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Nelson, John L. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Nevett, John Organization
Neville Decatur
Newton, (Mr.) Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Newton, W. B. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Oak, (Mr.) Oakland
Oak, John Tekamah
Oak, John Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Oak, John Oakland
Olander Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Olinger, M. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Olinger, Michael Tekamah
Olinger, William G. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Palmquist, A. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Palmquist, Andrew Organization
Parmelee Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Parmelee, E. L. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Parrish, (Mr.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Parrish, Watson Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, J. W. Tekamah
Paul, (Mr.) Decatur
Peebles, (Mr.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Peebles, J. M. (Rev) Lyons
Peebles, W. E. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Peel, Clara E. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Percival, Robert Decatur
Perkins, (Mr.)(Rev) Alder Grove
Peterson, Elsa (Mrs.) Tekamah
Peterson, Emma Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Peterson, G. M. Tekamah
Peterson, L. A. Lyons
Peterson, Lewis Organization
Peterson, Lewis P. Tekamah
Peterson, P. F. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Peterson, Peter Organization
Pilcher, (Mr.) Oakland
Piper Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Piper, J. F. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Porter, (Mr.) Tekamah
Porter, C. F. Decatur
Preston, John G. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Price Decatur
Purple, H. C. Organization
Purple, H. C. Tekamah
Randall, A. C. Alder Grove
Rathbun, Mary Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Ray, Mary Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Raymond, William T. Tekamah
Reed Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Reed, (Mr.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Reed, J. R. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Reinert, Peter Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Renard, Fred Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Reordan Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Reyman, M. L. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Richardson, Levi Lyons
Riesche, Emily (Mrs.) Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Riesche, John Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Roberts, W. B. Organization
Roberts, W. B. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Robertson, (Gen) Organization
Robinson, George Alder Grove
Rork, P. L. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Rose, (Mr.) Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Rose, (Mr.) Decatur
Rosen Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Rosen, Clara E. (Mrs.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Rosen, J. P. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Ross Oakland
Rust, R. H. (Dr.) Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Sandig, Ernest Hard Times
Sarpy, (Col) Decatur
Sarpy, Peter A. Decatur
Savage, Georgetta W. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Sawtelle, C. B. Alder Grove
Shafer Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Shafer, (Mr.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Shafer, E. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Shaw Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Sheckell, N. J. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Shenstrom, Matilda Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Shumway Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Simpson, J. M. Arizona
Smith, J. H. Tekamah
Smith, T. G. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Snyder, F. L. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Snyder, Mary E. (Mrs.) Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Spielman, H. S. M. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Spielman, Jesse Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Sprick, (Mr.) Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Stork, Frederica (Mrs.) Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Stork, J. H. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Story, Samuel T. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Straight, (Col) Decatur
Straight, G. F. (Col) Decatur
Stringfield, L. F. (Rev) Tekamah
Struthers, Andrew Bell Creek Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Stubbs, J. J. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Sutherland, J. R. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Taylor, Mary E. Arizona: Biographical Sketches
Templeton, (Mr.) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Templeton, R. A. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Thomas Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Thomas Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Thomas, A. A. Organization
Thomas, A. A. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Thomas, G. P. Indians
Thomas, G. P. Tekamah
Thomas, G. P. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Thomas, George P. (Hon) Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Thomas, Ira Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Thomas, J. R. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Thomas, J. R. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Thompson, Elsa Tekamah
Thompson, Ira Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Thompson, Mrs. Thomas Tekamah
Thompson, T. Tekamah
Vickell, Josephine Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Waite, William Lyons
Wallerstedt, F. A. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Welch, Frank (Hon) Decatur
Wells, A. E. Oakland: Biographical Sketches
Whitacre, Thomas H. (Dr.) Decatur
White Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
White, (Mr.) Tekamah
White, W. B. Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Wilder, Z. B. Tekamah
Williams, (Mr.) Decatur
Willsey, M. Lyons
Wilson Tekamah: Biographical Sketches
Wilson, O. F. Decatur
Wood, Thomas Decatur: Biographical Sketches
Yeaton, (Mr.) Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Yeaton, Edgar A. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Yeaton, Edna T. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Yeaton, Elias M. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Yeaton, Florence May Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Yeaton, Joel S. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Yeaton, Melvin T. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Yeaton, Susan T. (Mrs.) Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Yeaton, Zelotes D. Lyons: Biographical Sketches
Young, John Tekamah