Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Colfax County Names
Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
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MacKenzie, Alexander D. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
MacKenzie, Evaline Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
MacKenzie, James C. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
MacKenzie, Lillias May Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Maly, Emilie Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Maly, Jaroslav Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Maly, Stanislav Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Maly, V. Schuyler: Societies
Maly, Vaclav Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Maple, J. C. Organization
Maple, J. P. Organization
Markham, William Schuyler: Fire Department
Markovec, Miss Mary Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Marlin, I. D. Organization
Marlin, J.D. Other Pioneer Events
Marlowe, W. A. Schuyler: The Churches
Marshall, Joseph Other Pioneer Events
Martin, Miss Louisa Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Mason, Miss Lottie L. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Matherson, Anna Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Matherson, Mrs. Maria (Curry) Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
McAllister, James Organization
McBride, J. C. Schuyler
McBride, J. C. Schuyler: The Press
McCall, Miss Schuyler: The Schools
McCormick, Frank Other Pioneer Events
McGinnis, Miss Mary L. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
McGuire, J. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
McIntosh, Arthur Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
McIntosh, James Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
McIntosh, James S. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
McIntosh, John County Agricultural Association
McIntosh, Laura M. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
McIntosh, Lizzie Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
McIntosh, William Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
McKee, Miss Jane Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
McKenzie, J. C. Schuyler: Societies
McLung, Marion Schuyler: Fire Department
McMurrey, R. M. Early Justice
McMurrey, R. M. Early Justice
McMurrey, R. W. Early Justice
McNamara, John (Rev.) Schuyler: The Churches
McPherson, Gen. Stanton Precinct: Biog. Sketches
McPherson, Mrs. John Schuyler: The Churches
Miller, Amanda Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Miller, Col. Early History
Miller, John Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Miller, John Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Miller, Josephine Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Miller, Lorin Early History
Miller, Louise Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Miller, Matthew Schuyler: Societies
Moon, Z. E. Schuyler: Societies
Munroe, James W. Schuyler: Societies
Murphy, Annie Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Murphy, Bridget Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Murphy, John Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Murphy, Kittie Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Murphy, Maggie Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Murphy, Mary Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Murphy, Patrick Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Nieman, Location and Natural Features
Nieman, H. W. Schuyler: General Business
Novotny, Edward Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Novotny, Emily Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Novotny, John Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Novotny, Mary T. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Nowak, Mr. Location and Natural Features
O'Connor, Father Schuyler: The Churches
Otradovsky, Frank Schuyler: Societies
Owen, J. F. Schuyler: Societies
Owen, J. F. Schuyler: Societies
Owens, Miss Margaret Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Packard, Bertha M. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Packard, Gordon S. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Packard, Judson L. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Packard, Judson L. Jr. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Packard, Minnie I. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Paine, J. M. Other Pioneer Events
Papez, Joseph Other Pioneer Events
Parker Bros. Schuyler
Parker, C. S. Schuyler: The Churches
Parker, Charles A. Schuyler: Societies
Parker, F. H. Schuyler: The Churches
Pattison, A. B. Early History
Payne, R. L. Benton
Penn, W. H. Early Justice
Penn, Wm. Early Justice
Perigo, Mrs. Other Pioneer Events
Pettitt, Albert Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Pettitt, Caleb Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Pettitt, Frank Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Pettitt, Fred Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Pettitt, Isabel Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Pettitt, Lucy Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Pettitt, Robert Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Pettitt, Sarah Jane Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Pettitt, Walter Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Phelps, C. J. Schuyler: Societies
Phelps, C. J. Schuyler: Societies
Phelps, Charles J. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Phelps, Edna E. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Phelps, Harry E. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Phelps, Helen C. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Phelps, Mary E. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Phelps, Sarah L. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Phinney, John Organization
Poppleton, A. J. Early Justice
Prokes, Jan Schuyler: Societies
Prokes, John Schuyler: Societies
Prokes, John Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Prokes, Louis Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Prokes, Martin Schuyler: Societies
Quinn, Early History
Ralston, E. D. Other Pioneer Events
Ramsey, H. Schuyler: Fire Department
Rank, Peter Schuyler: Societies
Reed, Miss Lydia M. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Riley, Harry A. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Riley, J. J. Schuyler
Riley, J. J. Schuyler: Societies
Riley, Jennie E. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Riley, John J. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Riley, Lillie E. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Riley, Minnie A. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Rippey, Rev. Dr. Schuyler: The Churches
Robinson, Oliver L. Schuyler: Societies
Rolfer, Mr. Early History
Ross, John Early Justice
Rowe, A. T. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Rowe, Amy Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Rowe, Clara C. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Rowe, Howard A. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Rowe, Marion E. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Rowe, Sarah A. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Ruh, Peter Early Justice
Russell , H. C. Schuyler: The Churches
Russell, Geo. N. Early Justice
Russell, H. C. Schuyler: General Business
Russell, H. C. Schuyler: Societies
Russell, H. C. Schuyler: Societies
Russell, H. C. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Russell, Joseph Early History
Russell, Joseph Sr Early Justice
Russell, Lizzie E. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Russell, Mary A. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Russell, S. A. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Russell, Thomas Early Justice
Russell, W. H. Schuyler: Societies
Ryan, Father Schuyler: The Churches
Sayers, Miss Isabel Wilson Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Sears, William Schuyler: Societies
Seyfried, Miss Barbara Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Shafer, W. County Agricultural Association
Shafer, W. Schuyler: Societies
Shafer, W. Schuyler: Societies
Shafer, Wesley Organization
Shaw, Rev. Mr. Schuyler: The Churches
Shaw, Thomas Schuyler
Shellnut, Miss Eliza Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Shelton, Miss Ellen Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Shinn, Moses Early History
Shonka, Miss Mary Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Sides, Addie K. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Sides, Amelia Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Sides, Ella M. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Sides, Elmer E. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Sides, Henry M. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Sides, J. B. Schuyler: Fire Department
Sides, J. B. Schuyler: Societies
Sides, John B. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Sides, Letetia Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Simka, Frank Schuyler: Societies
Simmons, Mrs. Frances Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Simodines, Miss Anna Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Sinkula, Miss Antoinette Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Sinula, Miss Magdalen Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Skinner, Alva Organization
Skinner, F. B. Early Justice
Skinner, Joseph Early History
Skinner, Joseph Early History
Skinner, Q. B. Organization
Skinner, T. B. Early Justice
Smattan, Joseph Schuyler: Societies
Smith, Albert Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Smith, Charles Wilson Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Smith, F. J. Organization
Smith, Fred Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Smith, Henry J. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Smith, J. A. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Smith, J. P. Schuyler: Societies
Smith, J. P. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Smith, James P. Organization
Smith, Jennie Y. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Smith, John Wilson Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Smith, Joseph Wilson Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Smith, Julia M. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Smith, L. C. Organization
Smith, L. C. Schuyler
Smith, L. C. Schuyler: General Business
Smith, L. C. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Smith, Levi C. Schuyler: Societies
Smith, Mr. Schuyler: General Business
Smith, O. J. Schuyler: Societies
Smith, Olney J. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Smith, Riley Wilson Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Smith, Walter L. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Smith, William Wilson Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Smith, William Martin Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Snyder, Webster Schuyler
Spaulding, George Early History
Sprecher, J. P. Schuyler: The Schools
St. Clair, W. P. P. Organization
St. Clair, W. P. P. Schuyler
Steible, John Other Pioneer Events
Stevens, Ada B. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, Anna Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, Etta Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, Francis A. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, Frederick Organization
Stevens, George F. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, George L. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, Henry O. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, Ida M. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, John B. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, Lilian L. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, Melvina Bell Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, Miss A. L. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, Quincy H. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, Vesta C. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, W. M. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Stevens, William H. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Strong, J. P. County Agricultural Association
Strong, J. P. Organization
Sumner Bros. Schuyler
Sumner Bros. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Sumner, C. E. Schuyler
Sumner, C. E. and W. H. Schuyler: General Business
Sumner, Charles E. Schuyler: Societies
Sumner, Charles E. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Sumner, W. H. Schuyler: Societies
Sumner, W. M. Schuyler: Societies
Sumner, William H. Schuyler: Societies
Sutherland, Alex. Schuyler: Fire Department
Sutherland, Alexander (Rev) Schuyler: The Churches
Sutherland, W. G. Schuyler: Societies
Tennants, Other Pioneer Events
Thatcher, Miss Helen Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Thompson, Miss Cornelia Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Tillotson, Miss Marion Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Tolda, Frank Schuyler
Toncray, E. W. Early History
True, E. L. Schuyler: General Business
True, E. L. Schuyler: Societies
True, Edward L. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Truesdell, Mr. Early Justice
Truley, E. L. Schuyler: Societies
Turner, George Schuyler: Societies
Tury, C. P. Schuyler
Upton, A. P. Schuyler
Upton, H. P. Organization
Upton, H. P. Other Pioneer Events
Upton, H. P. Schuyler: General Business
Van Antwerp, D. H. Schuyler: Fire Department
Van Antwerp, D. H. Schuyler
Van Antwerp, D. H. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Van Antwerp, Earl Elihu Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Van Antwerp, Frank A. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Van Antwerp, Geo. L. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Van Doozer, Rev. Mr. Schuyler: The Churches
VanAntwerp, D. H. Schuyler: General Business
Vanhousen, Daniel Schuyler: Societies
Vavra, Adolf Schuyler: Societies
Verba, Thomas Organization
Vincent, Emily Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Vincent, John Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Vincent, John N. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Vincent, Louisa Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Vincent, Nettie Grace Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Vincent, William Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Walker, Horace R. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Walker, Lydia R. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Walker, Mercy A. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Walker, William M. Colfax Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Walling, A. M. Stanton Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Walling, Guy J. Stanton Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Walling, Maude E. Stanton Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Walling, Minnie M. Stanton Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Warren , William Other Pioneer Events
Watters, Arthur Garfield Stanton Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Watters, Joseph Earnest Stanton Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Watters, L. K. Stanton Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Watters, Nellie Mabel Stanton Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Watters, Thomas Henry Stanton Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Welch, John Schuyler: Societies
Welch, Jonas Early History
Wells, Location and Natural Features
Wells, Clara May Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Wells, G. H. Schuyler: Fire Department
Wells, G. H. Schuyler: Fire Department
Wells, G. H. Schuyler: Societies
Wells, G. H. Schuyler: Societies
Wells, G. H. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Wells, G. H. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Wells, George H. Schuyler: General Business
Wells, Miss Sarah E. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Wells, N. W. County Agricultural Association
Wells, N. W. Schuyler: General Business
West, Della Other Pioneer Events
West, Hally M. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
West, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Other Pioneer Events
West, Rea Cady Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
West, William Schuyler: The Press
West, William Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Wetherer, William Early History
White, Mr. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Whitman, Emma A. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Whitman, Fred W. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Whitman, Grace R. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Whitman, T. W. Schuyler: The Schools
Whitman, T. W. Schuyler: Societies
Whitman, Theron W. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Williams, J. W. F. Organization
Williams, J. W. F. Other Pioneer Events
Williams, J. W. F. Organization
Williams, Miss Schuyler: The Schools
Wilson, Miss Elizabeth Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Witters, George S. Schuyler: The Press
Woods , Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Woods , Nathan Other Pioneer Events
Woods, Alma L. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Woods, Carrie A. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Woods, Dale J. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Woods, Dr. James Schuyler: The Schools
Woods, Dr. James A. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Woods, Etta V. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Woods, Horace C. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Woods, J. F. Schuyler: The Churches
Woods, J. F. Schuyler: Societies
Woods, J. F. Schuyler: Societies
Woods, James Schuyler: Societies
Woods, Joseph F. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Woods, Kate L. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Woods, Nathan Organization
Woolworth, James M. Organization
Wright, H. C. Schuyler: Societies
Young, G. M. Other Pioneer Events
Young, G. M. Other Pioneer Events
Zartman, Miss Elizabeth Wilson Precinct: Biog. Sketches
Zentmeyer, Miles Schuyler: The Churches
Zentmeyer, Miles Schuyler: Societies
Zentmyer, George Aubrey Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Zentmyer, M. Organization
Zentmyer, Miles Schuyler: The Press
Zentmyer, Miles Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Zerzan, Edward Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Zerzan, Emma Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Zerzan, George Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Zerzan, Joseph Schuyler: Societies
Zerzan, Joseph Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Zerzan, Josephine Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
Zerzan, Mary K. Schuyler: Biog. Sketches
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