Abraham, Arthur Valley: Biog. Sketches Abraham, Charles Valley: Biog. Sketches Abraham, J. M. Valley: Biog. Sketches Abraham, James Valley: Biog. Sketches Abraham, John Valley: Biog. Sketches Abraham, Lot Valley: Biog. Sketches Abraham, Maggie Valley: Biog. Sketches Adams, Mrs. Jeremiah Valley: Biog. Sketches Agee, Dr. James W. Valley: Biog. Sketches Agee, J. W. Waterloo: First Things Alkier, Miss Abitha Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Allen, Miss Alice V. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Andresen, Charles Millard: Biog. Sketches Andrews, Miss Parmelia Valley: Biog. Sketches Appleby, Miss Catharine Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Arnold, I. A. Waterloo: Associations Askwig, A. E. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Askwig, John Cyrus Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Askwig, Lois Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Aye, Miss Mary Millard: Biog. Sketches Bailey, F. M. Elkhorn Station Baker, Miss Sarah Valley: Biog. Sketches Baldwin, B. B. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Baldwin, Cyrus Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Baldwin, Mollie Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Ball, J. H. Florence: Early History Ballenger, Charles A. Valley: Biog. Sketches Ballenger, Edella C. Valley: Biog. Sketches Ballenger, Eliza M. Valley: Biog. Sketches Ballenger, Francis L. Valley: Biog. Sketches Ballenger, Mary E. Valley: Biog. Sketches Ballenger, S. W. Valley: Biog. Sketches Ballenger, Stephen S. Valley: Biog. Sketches Barber, Miss Electa Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Barber, Miss Mary Ann Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Barber, Mrs. R. W. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Barlow, Miss Elizabeth Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Barrows, R. C. Waterloo: Churches Bartlett, Miss Catherine Valley: Biog. Sketches Batcheller, Miss Addie T. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bean, George Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bean, Mary Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Beck, Miss Albina Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Biggs, Mr. Florence: An Era of Prosperity Bigler, A. Florence: Early History Bigler, Adam Florence: Early History Boaz, J. Valley: First Things Boaz, Mr. Waterloo: Churches Boaz, Rev. Mr. Elkhorn Station Bowen, Mr. Elkhorn Station Bowman, T. H. Elkhorn Station Bracken, Florence Florence: Early History Bracken, John H. Florence: Early History Brewster, C. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, Clarence G. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, Clyde R. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, Dilas R. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, E. Ethelbert Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, E. P. Florence: An Era of Prosperity Brewster, Ernest L. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, Hattie L. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, Henry C. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, May L. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, Nelle H. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, Roderick E. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, Roderick P. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Brewster, Zerefa F. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bryant, Catherine A. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bryant, Eliza J. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bryant, Ella M. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Bryant, Fannie E. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bryant, G. A. Waterloo: Associations Bryant, George A. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Bryant, Grace G. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bryant, James A. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bryant, John Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bryant, John S. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bryant, Lucy J. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bryant, Mary P. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Bryant, Mr. G. A. Waterloo: The Press Bryant, Otis F. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Bryant, William G. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Burke, Albert Valley: Biog. Sketches Burke, Edward Valley: Biog. Sketches Burke, Henry Valley: Biog. Sketches Burke, Mary Valley: Biog. Sketches Burke, Milie Valley: Biog. Sketches Burney, John Millard: Early History Burton, G. G. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Burton, G. G. Waterloo Burton, Mrs. E. J. Waterloo Butler, A. D. Valley: First Things Byars, Charles E. Valley: Biog. Sketches Byars, Edgar R. Valley: Biog. Sketches Byars, Edna P. Valley: Biog. Sketches Byars, Harrel Valley: Biog. Sketches Byars, Harry Alvin Valley: Biog. Sketches Byars, James V. Valley: Biog. Sketches Byars, Julia C. Valley: Biog. Sketches Byars, Lawrence S. Valley: Biog. Sketches Byars, Leonidas P. Valley: Biog. Sketches Byars, Lindsey L. Valley: Biog. Sketches Byars, Lula May Valley: Biog. Sketches Campbell, C. E. Valley: Biog. Sketches Campbell, George Waterloo: Associations Campbell, Sidney Earl Valley: Biog. Sketches Campbell, Stewart A. Valley: Biog. Sketches Carson, W. C. Valley Chambers, Miss Mary A. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Chapman, Phillip Florence: Early History Cheney, Miss Susan M. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Clark, C. H. Waterloo: First Things Clark, Edith Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Clark, Elam Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Clark, Elam Waterloo: First Things Clark, Emma Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Clark, Ester Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Clark, F. G. Waterloo: Associations Clark, Frank J. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Clark, Frederick R. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Clark, Isadore Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Clark, Mr. C. H. Waterloo: The Press Clark, W. H. Waterloo: Associations Clark, William H. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Claussen, Miss Sophia Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Clifton, Charles T. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Clifton, Daniel Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Clifton, Hanna G. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Clifton, Harvey L. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Clifton, John M. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Clifton, Joseph L. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Clifton, Lucy F. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Clifton, Mollie Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Clifton, Mrs. Henry Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Clifton, William Henry Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Colvin, C. A. Waterloo: Associations Compton, James Florence: Early History Compton, Mrs. Florence: Early History Compton, Mrs. Florence Compton, Sarah Florence: Early History Connerly, Guy O. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Connerly, Harry P. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Connerly, Homer E. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Connerly, Jesse T. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Connerly, Lee O. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Connerly, William B. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Connor, Miss Rachel Valley: Biog. Sketches Coon, Miss Lucy Jane Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Cottner, Samuel Millard: Business Interests Cottner, Samuel Millard: Schools Cowles, John Florence: An Era of Prosperity Crawford, F. G. Waterloo: The Press Crawford, F. J. Elkhorn Station Crawford, G. N. Elkhorn Station Crawford, George N. Elkhorn Station Critchfield, A. J. Florence: An Era of Prosperity Crook, Miss Mary J. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Crosby, Miss Mary Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Davis, John Valley: Biog. Sketches Davis, Miss Juliett Frances Valley: Biog. Sketches Deersen, Addie M. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Deersen, Albert J. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Deersen, Charles A. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Deersen, Franklin F. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Deersen, George N. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Deersen, Henry Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Deersen, Henry W. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Deersen, Mrs. Catherine Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Deersen, William M. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Dennis, Abraham Valley: Biog. Sketches Denton, L. W. Waterloo: Associations Denton, Lewis Millard: Early History Denton, W. A. Waterloo: First Things Denton, William Valley Dibble, Miss Nancy Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Dodds, J. R. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Donahoo, Augusta Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Donahoo, Edwin E. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Donahoo, Loran Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Donahoo, Mary L. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Donahoo, Mitchell Millard: Early History Donahoo, Millard: Early History Donahoo, Thomas J. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Donnelly, William Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Dowling, Charles B. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Dowling, Clara May Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Dowling, Clarence E. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Dowling, Harvey O. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Dowling, Jessie E. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Dowling, Loyal A. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Dowling, Mary E. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Dowling, Orrin W. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Dowling, Sarah Emily Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Dowling, William Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Dowling, William Henry Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Driver, Mr. Florence: Early History Dunbar, Miss V. E. Valley: Biog. Sketches Dungan, David R. Waterloo: Churches Egbert, Alfred Valley: Biog. Sketches Egbert, Andrew S. Valley: Biog. Sketches Egbert, Arthur Valley: Biog. Sketches Egbert, Ellen Valley: Biog. Sketches Egbert, Emily Valley: Biog. Sketches Egbert, Ida Valley: Biog. Sketches Egbert, John Valley: Biog. Sketches Egbert, Mary Valley: Biog. Sketches Egbert, Nels Valley: Biog. Sketches Ellesden, Miss Eliza Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Ellis, Mr. M. Waterloo: Churches Ellis, Mrs. Amelia Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Ellison, Miss Iva A. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Elwood, A. B. Waterloo: First Things Emerick, Mrs. John Valley: Biog. Sketches Erway, Miss Melissa Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Evans, Alvin E. Valley: Biog. Sketches Evans, Annie I. Valley: Biog. Sketches Evans, Eleazer D. Valley: Biog. Sketches Evans, Frank L. Valley: Biog. Sketches Evans, Lillie C. Valley: Biog. Sketches Evans, Martha E. Valley: Biog. Sketches Evans, Mary L. Valley: Biog. Sketches Evans, William D. Valley: Biog. Sketches Fay, Miss Julia Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Fleming, Mrs. Allen Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Flood, John Waterloo: Hotels Forgy, Samuel Florence: Early History Foster, Mr. Waterloo: Churches Fouts, George W. Valley: Biog. Sketches Fouts, Gertie May Valley: Biog. Sketches Fouts, John Valley: Biog. Sketches Fouts, Luella Valley: Biog. Sketches Fouts, Mrs. George Valley: Biog. Sketches Gardiner, Miss Mary Valley: Biog. Sketches Gaylord, Miss Sarah A. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gaylord, Reuben Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gelston, Annie Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gelston, Charlie Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gelston, Edward Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gelston, Emma Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gelston, Frank Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gelston, George W. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gelston, Henry Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gelston, Samuel T. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gelston, Willie Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gibau, Miss Philomene Valley: Biog. Sketches Glandt, Peter Millard: Early History Graham, Miss Lizzie Valley: First Things Graves, Luna Fidella Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Graves, Miss Mary A. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gray, Henry A. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Griffin, Mr. Florence: Early History Gue, J. H. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gue, Katie G. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Gue, William M. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Hagenbuck, Mrs. Waterloo: Associations Hagenbuck, Mrs. Henry Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Hale, Mrs. David Valley: Biog. Sketches Hall, Charles Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Hall, Edward Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Hall, Eliza Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Hall, Halsey A. Millard: Early History Hall, James Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Hall, John Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Hall, Margaret Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Hall, Mary Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Hall, Philip Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Hall, Robert Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Hall, WIlliam Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Haney, Clark Elkhorn Station Haney, Mrs. John Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Haney, Mrs. William Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Harmon, Miss Rebecca Virginia Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Harrier, Albert Valley: Biog. Sketches Harrier, Caroline Valley: Biog. Sketches Harrier, Charles Valley: Biog. Sketches Harrier, Charles H. Waterloo: Associations Harrier, Charles H. Valley Harrier, Emily Valley: Biog. Sketches Harrier, Henry Valley: Biog. Sketches Harrier, Perry Valley: Biog. Sketches Harrier, Sarah Helen Valley: Biog. Sketches Harrier, William Valley: Biog. Sketches Harrington, J. G. Waterloo: Associations Harrison, Sarah Ann Florence: Early History Hartford, Alice Valley: Biog. Sketches Hartford, Elias Valley: Biog. Sketches Hartford, Jasper Valley: Biog. Sketches Hartford, Myron Valley: Biog. Sketches Harvey, Miss Elizabeth Valley: Biog. Sketches Heitholt, J. H. Millard: Biog. Sketches Herrington, J. G. Waterloo: First Things Hollenback, John Millard: Early History Hopper, Ella Elkhorn Station Hopper, John M. Waterloo: First Things Hopper, L. Elkhorn Station Hopper, Mrs. Waterloo: Associations Howcroft, C. Elkhorn Station Howie, Miss Jane Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Huddleston, H. A. Waterloo: Associations Huddleston, R. H. Waterloo: Associations Huddleston, R. H. Waterloo: First Things Hudsmith, E. Valley: First Things Hugg, George Florence: An Era of Prosperity Hunter, Mrs. Thomas Valley: Biog. Sketches Hurst, Miss Eliza Ann Valley: Biog. Sketches Huss, Rudolph Florence: An Era of Prosperity Jackson, David Millard: Early History Jackson, Miss Julia A. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Janney, William Elkhorn Station Johnson, Amelia Valley: Biog. Sketches Johnson, Eli Valley: Biog. Sketches Johnson, Eli Jr. Valley: Biog. Sketches Johnson, Elisabeth Valley: Biog. Sketches Johnson, George Waterloo: Associations Johnson, H. S. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Johnson, Henry Valley: Biog. Sketches Johnson, Herman W. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Johnson, Lars Millard: Business Interests Johnson, Lucy Valley: Biog. Sketches Johnson, Mary Valley: Biog. Sketches Johnson, Miss Bettie Valley: Biog. Sketches Johnson, Miss Lucy Valley: Biog. Sketches Johnson, Mr. George Waterloo: Associations Johnson, William Florence: Early History Jones, H. O. Elkhorn Station Jones, Mrs. Julia Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Jordan, Miss Ellen Valley: Biog. Sketches Kabler, John Millard: Early History Kaelber, Christian Millard: Early History Kaelber, Christian Millard: Schools Kaessner, Gustav Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Kapp, Miss Angeline M. Valley: Biog. Sketches Karslins, Henry Millard: Early History Kelsey, E. A. Waterloo Kelsey, Elias A. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Kelsey, G. A. Waterloo Kelsey, Millard: Early History Kelsey, Mrs. Salley Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Kennedy, A. R. Millard: Early History Kennedy, Captain Florence: Early History Kilbourn, Miss Florence Florence: Early History Kingsley, James Florence: An Era of Prosperity Knight, Albert B. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Knight, Arthur D. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Knight, Edward B. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Knight, Ella E. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Knight, George W. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Knight, J. Gardner Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Knight, John D. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Knight, John Thurston Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Knight, Lucy E. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Knight, Maggie W. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Knight, Minnie L. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Knowlton, Miss Ida Valley: Biog. Sketches Kolberman, Charles Millard: Business Interests Kopp, S. A. Waterloo: Associations Kursten, Henry Millard: Early History Lamb, Miss Rachael Valley: Biog. Sketches Lau, J. Elkhorn Station Lau, John Elkhorn Station Leary, Mrs. Ellen Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Lemke, Claus Millard: Biog. Sketches Lemke, John Millard: Biog. Sketches Leonard, Miss Ann Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Lindenberger, Alice Elkhorn Station Lindenberger, George T. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Lindenberger, James A. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Lindenberger, Jennie M. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Lindenberger, John H. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Lindenberger, L. B. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Lindenberger, Mabel Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Lindenberger, William A. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Link, Dr. Millard: Schools Link, H. Millard: Schools Link, Harvey Millard: Early History Livingston, Mrs. Robert Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Logan, J. H. Waterloo: Associations Logan, J. H. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Logan, J. H. Waterloo: Hotels Logan, J. H. Waterloo Logan, James A. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Logan, John E. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Logan, Mr. Waterloo: Hotels Lutz, John Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Lyon, James Millard: Early History Malcom, Dr. Florence: Early History Marsh, Miss Ellen Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Marsh, Miss Ida May Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Marshall, Allan Millard: Early History Martin, Mrs. Robert Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Mayhew, Alfred Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Mayhew, Emily Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Mayhew, Freddie Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Mayhew, Jessie Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Mayhew, Joseph Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Mayhew, Sophia Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches McCarthy, Miss Ellen Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches McCormick, John Elkhorn Station McGrath, Miss Eliza Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches McHenry, Mr. Elkhorn Station Mcknight, Alice Valley: Biog. Sketches Mcknight, Ellen Valley: Biog. Sketches Mcknight, George Valley: Biog. Sketches Mcknight, Mary Jane Valley: Biog. Sketches Mcknight, Minnie Valley: Biog. Sketches McLaughlin, J. Waterloo: Associations McLaughlin, J. Waterloo: First Things McLaughlin, Miss Lou Waterloo: Associations Messenger, E. Waterloo: Associations Messenger, E. J. Waterloo: The Press Meyers, W. Elkhorn Station Millard, Ezra Millard: Early History Millard, Ezra Millard Miller, Miss Sarah Jane Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Millitz, Miss Wilhelmina Millard: Biog. Sketches Mills, Millard Millard: Business Interests Mitchell, Fletcher Millard: Early History Mitchell, J. C. Florence: Early History Mitchell, Mr. Florence: Early History Mitchell, Mrs. Florence: Early History Moore, Miss Susan Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Morgan, Mr. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Neilson, S. B. Waterloo: Churches Nelson, Miss Bettie Valley: Biog. Sketches Nelson, Miss Ester E. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Newman, H. Valley Noyes, Carlton B. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Noyes, Hiland B. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Noyes, Isaac Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Noyes, Mary B. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Oster, Mrs. Mary Valley: First Things Page, Mrs. Florence: An Era of Prosperity Paine, Thomas Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Parker, J. M. Florence: Early History Parker, William Frederick Florence: Biog. Sketch Parmelee, Dan S. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Parmelee, Edward A. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Parmelee, H. S. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Parrish, Miss Sarah Valley: Biog. Sketches Paste, Mrs. Charles Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Patrick, Thomas Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Paulson, Miss Ellen M. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Peacock, Miss Phebe E. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Peck, G. W. Florence: An Era of Prosperity Peck, Mr. Florence: An Era of Prosperity Peckenpaugh, Miss Elizabeth Lorinda Valley: Biog. Sketches Pegram, B. R. Florence: Early History Perley, E. A. Millard: Early History Petersen, Annie Sophia Valley: Biog. Sketches Petersen, James Frederick Valley: Biog. Sketches Petersen, Lars Valley: Biog. Sketches Phillips, Carrie Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Phillips, George D. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Phillips, George W. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Phillips, Hattie Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Piper, Alexander Florence: Early History Pleyall, Col. Florence Poland, Miss Phoebe H. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Pomeroy, Hiram Millard: Early History Potwin, George Millard: Schools Powell, Jerome Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Powers, C. Elkhorn Station Puffer, L. A. Valley Puffer, Mr. L. A. Valley: First Things Purchase, M. W. Waterloo Purchase, M. W. E. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Purchase, Miss Mary A. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Purchase, Mrs. Waterloo: Associations Randall, Miss E. J. Valley: Biog. Sketches Rebhansen, Miss Lizzie Millard: Biog. Sketches Reed, Mrs. John E. Valley: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Clara Belle Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Cora B. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Edwin Florence: Early History Reeves, Elizabeth E. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Ida May Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Idella F. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Idella F. Mr. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Jesse Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Jesse Millard: Early History Reeves, Jesse A. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Joseph C. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Mary L. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Olive May Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Preston Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, Preston Millard: Early History Reeves, Sophrono Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, William Florence: Early History Reeves, William D. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, William N. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reeves, William Nebraska Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Reid, Alfred Valley: Biog. Sketches Reid, Charlie Valley: Biog. Sketches Reid, Hugh Valley: Biog. Sketches Reid, James Valley: Biog. Sketches Reid, Jennie Valley: Biog. Sketches Reid, John Valley: Biog. Sketches Reid, Maggie Valley: Biog. Sketches Reid, Robert Valley: Biog. Sketches Reid, William Valley: Biog. Sketches Repas, Mrs. Ellis Valley: Biog. Sketches Rhodes, Mrs. Henry F. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Roberson, Louisa B. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Roberson, Maggie May Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Roberson, S. A. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Roberts, R. Elkhorn Station Robinson, George Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Rolfs, H. J. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Royce, G. C. Waterloo: Associations Royce, Miss Lucy Waterloo: Associations Sarpy, Peter A. Florence Saunders, Miss Sarah C. Valley: Biog. Sketches Schroeder, Julius Millard: Biog. Sketches Schwab, John Millard: Business Interests Schweder, Julius Millard: Early History Seldon, "Donk" Florence: Early History Seldon, O. B. Florence: Early History Selsor, Richard Valley Shinn, B. H. Valley: Biog. Sketches Shipley, Thomas Florence: Early History Shoebridge, Mr. Florence: Early History Short, Thomas & Valley Short, William Waterloo Silvas, J. B. Waterloo: Associations Silvis, J. B. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Simpson, Miss Anna Maria Valley: Biog. Sketches Smith, V. Florence: An Era of Prosperity Snowden, Miss Nancy J. Valley: Biog. Sketches Snowden, W. P. Valley: Biog. Sketches Snyder, Miss Louisa C. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Soles, Mrs. Charles Valley: Biog. Sketches Stahlen, J. H. Florence: An Era of Prosperity Standen, Alfred Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Standen, Charles A. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Standen, Frank G. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Standen, Jennie M. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Standen, Julia Elkhorn Station Standen, Nettie M. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Standen, Sidney M. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Sterret, Miss Amelia Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Stevens, Cyrus Millard: Early History Stevens, George F. Millard: Early History Stewart, A. S. Elkhorn Station Stewart, A. W. Elkhorn Station Stewart, J. W. Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Stewart, Lizzie Elkhorn Station Stootsman, J. B. Florence: Early History Stout, E. S. Waterloo: Associations Straight, Miss Lovenia Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Sumner, Miss Elizabeth Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Tex, Michael Millard: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Alvin D. Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Cyntha F. D. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Cyrus E. Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Eddie E. Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Elizabeth S. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Ethan E. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Frank H. Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, I. L. Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Isaac F. Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Jonathan Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Jonathan Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Laura A. Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Lewis Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Lillie May Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Luella May Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Margaret E. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Mary Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Minnie E. Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Miss Frances Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Miss H. H. Waterloo Thomas, Miss Hannah H. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Myrtle L. R. Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Ollie Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, V. H. Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomas, Walter S. Valley: Biog. Sketches Thomsen, Miss Maggie Millard: Biog. Sketches Thrush, Miss Mary E. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Todd, John I. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Todd, Mary E. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Todd, T. D. Waterloo: Biog. Sketches Todd, T. D. Waterloo: Hotels Truman, Miss Lucy Valley: Biog. Sketches Turner, Samuel Florence: An Era of Prosperity Van Alst, Theodore Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Van Scyoc, Edna Valley: Biog. Sketches Van Scyoc, Estelle Valley: Biog. Sketches Van Scyoc, Helen Valley: Biog. Sketches Van Scyoc, J--- Valley: Biog. Sketches Van Scyoc, May Valley: Biog. Sketches Van Scyoc, S. Valley: Biog. Sketches Wagner, L. F. Florence: Early History Warren, David Millard: Early History Watts, J. R. Waterloo: Associations Watts, R. R. Waterloo: First Things Weaver, M. L. Waterloo: First Things Weber , Jacob Florence: An Era of Prosperity West, Miss Eliza Waterloo: Biog. Sketches West, Miss Mary Elkhorn Station: Biog. Sketches Weston, J. C. Waterloo: First Things Weston, John Elkhorn Station Whitcomb, Miss Lois Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches White, Alsie Elizabeth Valley: Biog. Sketches White, Benjamin Valley: First Things White, Benjamin Valley White, Sophia Nevada Valley: Biog. Sketches White, William O. Valley: Biog. Sketches Whitmore, Frank Valley: Biog. Sketches Whitmore, Katie Lucia Valley: Biog. Sketches Whitmore, William G. Valley: Biog. Sketches Whitney, O. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Wilcox, Annie Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Wilcox, Belle Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Wilcox, Carl Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Wilcox, Earl Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Wilcox, Edith Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Wilcox, M. S. Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Wilkins, Henry Elkhorn Station Wilkning, Miss Mary Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Willey, Miss Mary Union Precinct: Biog. Sketches Williams, James C. Florence Williams, John M. Valley: Biog. Sketches Williams, L. B. Waterloo: First Things Winters, W. H. Waterloo: Churches Wolcott, Mrs. Amos Elkhorn Precinct: Biog. Sketches Wright, H. C. Elkhorn Station Bailey, F. M. Elkhorn Station