NEGenWeb Project
Kansas Collection Books

Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Gage County
Produced by
Brenda Busing, Diana Busing, and Lori Laird.


Climate, Soil and Rainfall | Water Courses | Natural Products
Early Settlements | Indians


Pioneer History | First Things | Additions to the County
Early Modes of Travel

Progress of the County | Official Roster

Beatrice:   Robert Emery | Educational | Town-Lot Steal | The Press
Churches | Post Office | Societies | Bank

 5 ~ 7:

Beatrice Biographical Sketches:


Blue Springs:   Public Schools | Churches | Societies
Biographical Sketches


Wymore:   Biographical Sketches
Liberty:   Biographical Sketches

PART 10:

Odell:   Societies | Biographical Sketches
Holmesville:   Biographical Sketches
Adams:   Biographical Sketches

PART 11:

Caldwell:   Biographical Sketches
Biographical Sketches:
Grant Precinct | Holt Precinct | Highland Precinct | Clatonia Precinct
Nemaha Precinct

List of Illustrations in Gage County Chapter

Part 9


   Wymore is situated a mile and a half south of Blue Springs, at the junction of Indian Creek with the Big Blue, magnificent streams of clear and rapidly flowing water, beautifully fringed on either bank with forest trees; and also at the junction of the Beatrice Branch of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad with the southern main line of the same road, soon to be completed to Denver, when it will be the shortest route from Chicago or St. Louis to that city. South of and adjoining the town plat is the celebrated Otoe Reservation, ceded by the Indians to the General Government. From the town site, far-reaching views are had of the surrounding country, with its meandering streams and fertile valleys, and pleasing and picturesque undulation of hill and dale. Flanking the town on the east is the Big Blue, with its timber bordered banks, and on the south, Indian Creek, whose opposite bank is bold and bluffy, abounding in stone quarries, inexhaustible and choice in their character, giving a pleasing aspect to the landscape view, both as regards utility and beauty.

   The town was platted and recorded on the 21st of May, 1881, and in June, nine months ago, building operations on a rapid scale began. It now has a population of about seventeen hundred, and before the end of the year, will very likely have two thousand.

   The railroad company, owning the undivided half of several hundred acres, and many hundred town lots, is doing all in its power to add to the growth and prosperity of the town, thereby to enhance the value of its property here. They have made it the end of a division, and have erected a round-house of sixteen stalls, to which they soon expect to add eight or ten more, and will erect machine shops and employ at this point about one hundred and twenty-five hands. The company own the quarries, and have constructed side-tracks along the south bank of the creek, convenient to them. They are to contribute several thousand dollars to the erection of an iron bridge across the Blue, in order that they can secure their portion of the trade from the East, which would otherwise go to Blue Springs. The rivalry between these two places is very manifest; each tries to secure advantage over the other.

   Their neighbor deprived them of immediate school privileges, yet not altogether without cause. A school building has been erected on the faith that the future district will take it and reimburse those who advanced the money.

   A church society has been organized, and the School Trustees are to erect a church building, which, for the present, will be used for school purposes, and be open to all religious denominations, but will ultimately pass into the hands of the Christian denomination, and be known as the First Christian Church and society of Wymore.

   There are two papers, the principal one being the Wymorian, published by the Wymorian Publishing Company, and is a very creditable paper. The Wymore Reporter, although something of a county paper, is mainly devoted to the real estate business, in which one of its editors, C. M. Murdock, is engaged. Murdock & Walker are the editors and proprietors. The town has made remarkable growth, and will doubtless become as flourishing as its neighbor. Its citizens are very hopeful, and exceedingly ambitious. That they expect their place to become the county seat they make no effort to conceal, and the change is not improbable, should the county ever be divided. We were even shown the square reserved for a court house. Like Beatrice and Blue Springs, it is surrounded by a fertile agricultural district.


   J. H. AKE, dealer in wood, coal, flour, feed and agricultural implements, Wymore, Neb., was born in Bedford County, Penn., in 1821, where he lived until 1855, when he moved to Muscatine, Iowa, where he engaged in buying grain and stock, and dealing in lumber. In 1868, bought the Young America Flouring Mill at that place, and ran it until 1869, when he moved to Syracuse, Otoe County, Neb., where he engaged in farming until 1882, when he moved to this place. Mr. A. has been twice married; in 1843 at Lowell, Mass., to Miss Charlotte White, and by this marriage has four children living--Permelia, John, Adolphus and Frank. Was married in 1860 to Miss Albina Rohn, at Catasauqua, Penn., and has six children--Preston, Luella, Albert, Austin, Clara and Nellie.

   C. M. ALLEY, contractor and builder; employs a large force of men, and has erected the Livsey Opera House and other noted buildings. He settled in Wymore December 8, 1881. First came to Omaha, Neb., 1864, being then a boy. His father followed contracting and building. Lived in Omaha about three years, and took the first contract for grading on the Union Pacific Railroad, and Mr. C. M. Alley removed the first earth. He went to Saline County in 1875, where he followed contracting and building, and then came to Wymore. He erected the Grayson County Seminary in Denison, Texas, at a cost of $14,000, living in latter State over two years. Married in Saline County, Neb., February 8, 1877, to Miss Annie Christie, of Vinton, Iowa; have three children--Charles G., Francis M., and Cora I.

   W. H. ASHBY was born in Livingston County, Mo., in 1841. He commenced the study of the law at the age of eighteen, but in the spring of 1861, like so many other young men of that State, he followed the fortunes of Gen. Price into the Confederacy. He was in the Confederate service until the final surrender, and was paroled a Captain on the 16th day of May, 1865, having been slightly wounded several times, and very severely at the seige of Vicksburg. He came to Nebraska in August, 1865, and in 1869 settled himself at Beatrice, Neb., where he successfully practiced the profession of the law until he entered the practical field in 1875. In June of that year he was appointed by President Grant a member of the Sioux Commission to purchase the Black Hills, and spent the summer and fall among the Indians. He was appointed to carry the report of the commission to Washington. In 1876, he took an active part in the political campaign, and stumped the State for the Republican ticket. In January, 1877, he was sent by the Government as Special Agent to Panama, West Indies and South America, to investigate the manufacture of black sugar, through the importation of which the Government is annually defrauded by several millions of revenue. He probed the matter to the bottom and was prepared to show the fraud by such clear testimony as would have been irresistible; but the smugglers were too influential and the Secretary of the Treasury ordered him to return to Panama, whereupon he resigned and returned to Beatrice, Neb., where he resumed his law practice, and remained there until June, 1881, when he removed to Wymore. Here, in connection with Mr. Wymore, from whom the town is named, he purchased a large body of land and laid out the same in town lots. This property increased enormously in value, and a considerable fortune will reward his good judgment and resolution. Mr. Ashby was married in 1879 to Miss Zilla Shaw, of San Francisco. He has been connected with the newspaper press of Nebraska, and is an energetic writer and a forcible and eloquent speaker.

   C. T. BRADLEY, proprietor Potter House, a first-class hotel, erected in 1882, and opened February 22, costing $4,500. It contains twenty-four rooms; can accommodate thirty guests. He was born in Chenango County, N. Y., May 8, 1825. Moved with his parents to Luzerne County, Penn., 1833, where he, at an age of ten years, began learning engineering on a railroad, following the business there until 1867. Then went to Rock Island, Ill., where he was engineer in a saw-mill three years. Then went to Atlantic, Iowa, and farmed seven years; moved in latter village and kept boarding house two years. Moved to Griswold, Iowa, and opened Whitney House; kept it a year. Prospected some time. Finally came to Nebraska. Married in Chenango County, N. Y., 1850, to Miss Nancy M. Morse, of latter county. They have two children--Francis J., married and farming in Cass County, Iowa; George E., married and assisting his father. Mr. B. is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

   BYRON CARPENTER, was born in Washington County, Vt., in 1827. Remained there until 1851, when he went to Kentucky, and the following year went to Tennessee, and was employed as teacher in a business college at Memphis, Tenn. From there went to Bridgeport and taught in Rotherwood Seminary, a preparatory school for boys, remaining there about four years. In 1858, emigrated to Iowa, locating at West Liberty, where he followed teaching. Then went to farming until 1864, when he went to Murfreesboro and took charge of a plantation, remaining there two years. He then returned to Iowa, and was farming part of the time, handling farm machinery from 1870 to 1874. In October, 1880, came to Nebraska and located at Wymore, and is engaged in real estate brokerage, loan and insurance agency.

   J. R. HOAG, dealer in real estate, Wymore, Neb., was born in Rensselaer County, N. Y., in 1822, and when young, became a member of the Christian Church. At twenty years of age he became mission preacher in Western New York, which work he followed until 1847, when he entered the Meadville Theological Seminary, and graduated in 1850. In 1850, became pastor of the Oshawa Christian Church, Canada West, and in 1851 engaged in publishing the Oshawa Freeman, a weekly paper, and the Christian Offering, a semi-monthly journal. In 1855, returned to the States and filled the pulpit in various places in New York, Ohio and Indiana, fostering, at the same time, his "Pastors' Institute" and his lectures on masonry, music, homiletics and the Palestine course. In 1866, came to Rochelle, Ogle County, Ill., and in the following year became interested in the Nebraska emigration. His first trip of observation discovered the Eden of the West. He returned and wrote up the country in the county papers. Seven trips followed within eight months, in which time he selected in person, and entered (using college scrip warrants), thirty-one thousand acres of public lands for other people, and influenced over one hundred families in Illinois to come, who settled within a radius of twenty-five miles of Beatrice. On his last trip, he entered for himself, as a future home, the south half of Section 19, Town 2 north, and Range 7 east. In 1880, he came as a mission preacher to Blue Springs. In 1881, the town of Wymore was laid out joining his land, and increased its value in seven months to over $12,000. This required him to become one of the founders of the town, and March 30, 1882, he recorded his plat of one hundred and twenty acres as "Hoag's Addition to the town of Wymore." He was married in Western New York in 1848, to Miss Electa E. Freeman. They have five children--Mary, Eva, Clara, Freeman and Olive. He belongs to the Masonic order.

   J. B. LININGER, merchant, was born in Franklin County, Penn., in 1830. In 1846, went to Illinois, and located in Peru. Two years later, went into trade with a stock of general merchandise, which he was engaged in for about twenty years, and a part of the time had a branch store at other points. In 1870, came to Nebraska, locating at Ashland, Saunders County, and went into the mercantile business there, shipping the first car of goods to that point, remaining there two years. From there went to Wisner, Cuming County, where he engaged in the grain business for two years. Selling his grain house there, moved to Waverly, Lancaster County, where he erected a grain house and did a large business in grain, live stock and general merchandise for six years. When the new town of Wymore offered inducements, he closed out his business at Waverly and went to Wymore, and opened a large store with a full line of general merchandise, November, 1881, his store being 25x60 feet. Meeting with a good trade, he is putting in a large stock of farm machinery, which he will carry in connection with his other business. Mr. L. put up an ice house in the fall of 1881, and has put up about six hundred tons of ice, which he is shipping to Kansas City and other points on the Missouri River. Will make this one of the most important points in his business. In 1864, was married to Miss Hannah Glazier, of Peru, Ill. They have four children--Nettie B., Ellen M., Carrie M. and Karl A. L. Mr. L. is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery.

   RICHARD LIVSEY, proprietor Livsey Opera House, also dealer in general line of furniture; is a Notary Public and real estate, fire and life insurance and loan agent, etc. He erected the above Opera House during the season of 1882, the size of which is 50x100 feet, three stories high, including basement, 50 feet high from ground. It is built of stone and brick, at a cost of over $12,000. Mr. L. came to Blue Springs, Neb., in 1880, and engaged in the furniture business until summer, 1882, when he moved to Wymore. He was born at Rochdale, Lancashire County, England, January 28, 1829. Was married in England in November, 1851, to Miss Ann Howarth, of Rochdale, England. They have three children--Elizabeth, Alice and Annie. He came to America in April, 1880.

   J. T. MARTIN, Assistant Postmaster, came to Nebraska, October, 1881, locating in Wymore, and engaged in the real estate business as clerk, until he became Assistant Postmaster. Was born in Washington County, Ind., January 24, 1848. Moved with his parents to Woodford County, Ill., in 1852. Was raised on a farm until 1866, when he came to Pawnee County, Neb., and engaged in agricultural pursuits. Was Postmaster at Table Rock three years; also Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. Is a member Masonic order of Pawnee City, and I. O. O. F., of Table Rock; also of Equitable Aid Union and Mutual Life Insurance Company. Married September, 1879, to Miss Ada McClure, of Sterling, Ill. Have two children--Lou and Thomas. Mrs. Martin deals largely in all kinds of millinery goods, keeping the best general stock in the village.

   HENRY G. MECHLING, real estate dealer, Justice of the Peace, etc., first located in Fairmont, Neb., in 1873, where he engaged in implement business one season; then into the sale of sewing machines, wind-mills, etc., until fall 1879, when he moved to York, York County, and continued the same business until September, 1881; then moved to Wymore, Neb., and engaged in contracting and building, which business he still continues, in connection with other business. Born in Butler County, Penn., February 8, 1845. Enlisted in August, 1862, Company F, One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Served nine months. Re-enlisted in Fifty-sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Militia, Company F. Served some time, and re-enlisted in Fourteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company L. Was wounded three times in battle of Liberty, Shenendoah Valley, Discharged February 10, 1865. Is member W. A. Webb Post, No. 18, G. A. R. Married in Pennsylvania, September 27, 1866, to Miss Maria Moody, of Westmoreland County, Penn. Have four children--Lewella, Cora E., Iva M. and Anna M. He is a member Encampment Lodge, I. O. O. F., of East Brady, Penn.; also of the Mutual Aid Union of Wymore, Neb.

   W. H. McCLELLAND, real estate, Wymore, was born in Knox County, Ohio, 1838, where he lived until 1876, and was engaged in farming. Enlisted, August 26, 1862, in Company F., One Hundred and Twenty-first Ohio Infantry, Second Brigade, Fourteenth Army Corps, serving three years, and has seen hard fighting, having taken part in twenty-three general engagements--Perryville, Ky., Liberty Gap, battle of Franklin, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Lookout Mountain, Resaca and others being some of the principal fights. Was discharged in 1865. In 1876, settled in Missouri, locating at Marysville, Ottawa County, where he engaged in the real estate business, remaining there five years--settling in Wymore, Gage County, Neb., June 10, 1881, and commenced in the real estate business, town lots and farms and wild lands. Has put up several buildings, one business house 48x60 feet, and will put up another, 40x48 feet, adjoining this. Is also President of the Wymore Mortgage and Loan Association, organized under the State laws of Nebraska. Was married in 1862, at Centerville, Ohio, to Miss S. F. Murry. Is a member of Sparta Lodge, No. 2,689, I. O. O. F., of Ohio.

   GEORGE F. WALKER, Postmaster, Wymore, Neb., was born in Worcester, Mass., in 1850. In 1865, his parents moved to Kansas, settling in Washington. In 1869, he commenced to read law, and was admitted to the bar in 1872, but shortly afterward went to Blue Springs, Neb., where he practiced law until 1875, when he went to Topeka, Kan. In 1881, he returned to this State and located in Wymore, and in November, on the establishing of the post office here, was appointed Postmaster. Was married in 1875, at Blue Springs, Neb., to Miss Elizabeth Artz. They have one child--Charles F.

   SAMUEL WYMORE, farmer and stock-raiser, dealer in real estate, loans, etc. He first came to Nebraska in March, 1859, and located on Johnson Creek, Pawnee County; farmed three years; then located three miles north on West Branch, where he lived some time. Then to Daviess County, Mo., farmed some time, when he came to his present location in September, 1866, and opened a farm. He now owns 240 acres east of B. & M. R. R., and an undivided one-half of 140 acres, part of which is occupied by the village of Wymore. The village was named in honor of Mr. Samuel Wymore. He was born in Cold Creek Prairie, Ind., November 20, 1835. Married in Daviess County, Mo., in 1856, to Miss Isabelle Louisa Scott. They have four children--Mary S., Peggie, Matilda and Samuel.


   Liberty is a village of about fifty inhabitants, on the Burlington & Missouri Railroad, about ten miles southeast of Wymore, just east of the Otoe Reservation. It is surrounded by a rich agricultural country, which, for many years, with the railroad, will be its chief support.


   NATHANIEL D. CAIN, dealer in real estate, also farmer, was born in Claiborne County, Tenn., in 1823; was raised in that State. During the war, Mr. Cain, being a Union man, was raided continuously, and nearly all his property destroyed. In 1864, the remnant of Morgan's band made a raid on him, and, during the fight, Mr. C. was struck on the head with a gun, and was left for dead, but revived and joined his family, but it was a number of months before he recovered from the effects of the blow. In 1865, unable to stand the persecution, he left his native State and made his way to this State, homesteading in Liberty Precinct, on Section 2, Town 1, Range 8 east. In 1880, upon the advent of the railroad, and the locating of a station here, Mr. C. laid out the east half of his homestead in town lots, and is engaged in selling the same. Was married in 1844, in Claiborne County, Tenn., to Miss Mary Sharp. They have six children--Charlotte M., Margaret E., Sarah A., Louisa P., Nancy C. and Jonathan S. Mr. C. is a member of the Baptist Church.

   STEPHEN EVANS, farmer, P. O. Liberty, was born in Fayette County, Ohio, in 1823. In 1845, he went to Delaware County, Ind.; in 1852, went to Black Hawk County, Iowa, and in 1866, moved to this State, homesteading in this precinct, on Section 11, Town 1, Range 8 east, and now owns 240 acres. Mr. E. has been engaged in farming all his life. In early life he met with an accident, which has caused considerable pain; while out hunting a piece of a gun-cap flew into his eye, and it has resisted all effort at removal. Was married in Fayette County, Ohio, to Miss Rebecca Jimerson in 1845. They have nine children--William C., James M., John W., Henry H., Francis A., Ella, Nancy E., Ulysses Grant and Ida May. Mr. E. was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace, in 1858, in Black Hawk County, Iowa, and served two terms. Is a member of the M. E. Church.

   S. FISHER, farmer, was born in Clinton County, Ohio, in 1833. In 1834, his parents moved to Hancock County, Ind., where he lived until 1850, when he removed to Wapello County, Iowa, where he lived until he removed to this State in 1859, locating just over the line in Pawnee County; in 1868, he moved to his present place on Section 36, Town 2, Range 8 east. He owns a farm of 320 acres, 100 acres under cultivation. Was married in 1856, in Wapello County, Iowa, to Miss Sarah Parkhurst. Their children are Albert R., Matilda C., William R., Nancy E., Mary A., Stephen A., John D., Sarah J., Francis M., Joseph H., Ira M., Sylvester F., Edward E., Keziah C., Ellen C. and Ida E.

   JAMES GAY, blacksmith, Liberty, was born in England in 1844, where he learned the trade of blacksmith. In 1869, he emigrated to America and settled in Minooka, Ill., where he worked at his trade until 1879, when he came to Nebraska and located at Beatrice and worked at his trade. In 1880, moved to Liberty and built a shop, his shop being the second building built in the place. Was married in Minooka, Ill., on March 20, 1878, to Miss Elizabeth Kennedy. They have three children--Mabel, Walter and Nellie (twins).

   A. J. GRIMES, billiard hall, was born in Meigs County, Ohio, in 1847, where he lived until the war broke out, when he enlisted at the tender age of thirteen, in Company H, Thirty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, serving four years, four months and seventeen days, being the youngest enlisted soldier in the war of 1861-65; was in the most of the battles of his regiment; they saw some heavy fighting; was slightly wounded at Mission Ridge, Chattanooga, Carthage; was discharged at Columbus, Ohio, and mustered out at Wheeling, Va.; was in the second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Hoover's Gap, Crawfish Springs, Mission Ridge, Chickahominy, Dogwood Gap, Litchfield, Clyde Mountain Junction, Doblin Depot, Harper's Ferry, Charleston, Winchester, Cross Keys, Port Republic, Strasburg, Lookout Mountain, and many others. After leaving the army, he returned home but soon after went to Arkansas and took charge of the Louisville Coal Company's Yards, on Island No. 63, Mississippi River; was there six months, when the yellow fever broke out, and he was obliged to leave, returning to Ohio and took charge of a circular-saw mill, running it over a year, when the mill was moved out, and he went to the new point, and took charge of it another year. He then settled in Meigs County, Ohio, and worked at the stonemason's trade, having learned it of his father previous to entering the army, remaining there until 1879; then went to Kansas, settling in Phillips County, and engaged in farming for one year, when he went into the grain trade and also employed as a salesman for the Nebraska Mills by Martin Bros.; thence to Beatrice in 1879, remaining there until the spring of 1882, when he bought a new outfit of billiard tables and opened a billiard hall in Liberty. Was married, in 1868, to Miss Estella Place, of Meigs County, Ohio. They have two children--Nellie May and Bertie.

   E. W. LANE, of the firm of Lane & Samson, general merchandising, Liberty, was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, in 1842. In 1859, his parents moved to Marshall County, Iowa. In the fall of 1863, went to Polk County and engaged in farming until 1866, when he moved to Cass County, Neb., and homesteaded in 1869; sold his homestead and opened a general store at Elmwood in that county. In 1874, moved to Mitchellville, Polk Co., Iowa, and ran a livery stable until 1875, when he went to Nevada, Story Co., Iowa, and opened a stock of groceries. In 1879, moved to Liberty, Gage Co., Neb., and opened a general store. Was married, in 1865, to Miss Florilla Tomlinson, in Polk County, Iowa. They have five children--Ella A. (born in 1866), Burt F. (born in 1870), Charles L. (born in 1872), Lula F. (born in 1874), and Maud (born in 1880). Mr. L. is a member of Nevada (Iowa) Lodge, No. 99, A., F. & A. M., also Nevada (Iowa) Lodge, No. 115, A. O. U. W.

   J. D. LEWIS, restaurant and livery stable, Liberty, was born in Dane County, Wis., in 1850, where he remained eighteen years. In 1868, went to Iowa, locating in Fremont County, remaining there and in vicinity eleven years. In 1880, located in Blue Springs, Gage Co., Neb., going to Liberty the fall of 1881, where he put up a building, opened a meat market, selling soon after, and built a second building; selling again, he put up a building 16x40, and opened a restaurant in March, 1882; went into the livery business with his brother, and ran a feed and sale stable in connection; also carries a full line of fancy groceries and confectionery, tobacco and cigars, in the building with his restaurant; was married to Miss Hattie North, of Essex, Page Co., Iowa, in 1876. They have no children of their own but adopted a little girl whom they named Anna Lewis.

   A. P. McMAINS, farmer and stock-raiser in Liberty Precinct, was born in Marion County, Ind., in 1831; in 1839 moved to Hickory County, Mo., where he lived eight years; in 1845, went to Mahaska County, Iowa, near Union Mills, remaining there until he came to Nebraska in 1858; first located in Pawnee County, where he engaged in farming two years, and on March 20, 1860, located in Section 26, Town 2, Range 8, in Gage County, taking 160 acres as a homestead; now has 280 acres, which lie on Wolf Creek, and is raising stock; has ninety-five head of cattle, hogs and horses; has 160 acres improved, with good orchard, etc.; enlisted in 1863 in the First Nebraska Volunteer Infantry, serving six months in the campaign against the Indians in Western Nebraska; was married in 1859, in Pawnee County, Neb., to Miss Mary L. Wymore; they have six children--Arminda, James A., William H., Lewis A., Joseph R., Berty L. They belong to the Baptist Church.

   F. M. MUCHMORE, dealer in real estate and proprietor hotel, Liberty, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1832, but was raised in Fayette County, Ind., living on his father's farm until his removal to Nebraska in 1856, when he located on Turkey Creek, in Johnson County, eleven miles southwest of Tecumseh. In 1858, he moved to Marshall County, Kan., but in 1868 returned to Nebraska, settling in present location. In 1875, on account of ill health, went to California, but in 1878 returned again to this State. In 1881, the B. & M. R. R. built a branch road through this section, and located a station on Mr. Muchmore's farm, and during the year he laid out forty acres in town lots, and built a hotel; was married in Delaware County, Ind. in 1851, to Miss Ellen T. Jimerson. They have nine children living--Sarah E., Mary J., Julia E., Ruth E., Emma I., Dora M., Nancy R., Francis J., Alda E.

   J. S. MUCHMORE, of the firm of Muchmore Bros., formerly Beemblossom & Muchmore, druggists, Liberty, was born in Greenwood County, Kan., in 1860. In 1860, his parents moved to Iowa, where his father enlisted in Company C, Thirty-first Iowa Infantry, and was taken sick with small-pox, and died in the hospital at Nashville, Tenn., in 1864, leaving the mother with a family of three children to take care of. Among them was J. S., the second, and the subject of this sketch. In 1866, they went to Kansas, and in the following year came to this State, locating in Liberty Precinct, where his mother, Nancy A. Muchmore, homesteaded a quarter section in 1881; moved to Liberty in 1882; went into the drug and book trade, erecting a building for that purpose.

   C. H. PALMER, grocer, Liberty, was born in Detroit, Mich., in 1848; his parents moved the same year to Genesee County, N. Y., where he remained about twenty years, and was on the farm with his father. In 1869, went to New Mexico, and engaged in sheep-raising, remaining there seven years, meeting with good success. In 1876, returned to New York State and went to farming, remaining three years. In 1881, came to Nebraska and bought a stock of groceries, putting up a store 18x30, and in April, 1881, commenced with the first stock of groceries in Liberty; was married in 1879, to Miss Frances A. Sisson, of Pembroke, Genesee County, N. Y. They have one son, Walter L., born February, 1881.

   R. H. SAMSON, merchant, firm of Lane & Samson, was born in Lincolnshire, Eng., in 1851, his parents emigrating to America the following year; located in New York State, and remained there three years, then moved to Wisconsin, and located in Grant County, where he remained until 1862, then went to La Fayette County, and remained on the farm with his father until 1877, when he went to Kansas and located in Marshall County, remaining one year; he then came to Nebraska in the year 1878, locating in Mission Creek, Town 1, Range 9, Pawnee County, and was engaged in farming for three years. He sold out in 1881 and bought an interest in the general store of E. W. Lane. In 1878, he was married to Miss Louisa Wurm, of Shullsburg, Wis. Mr. Samson is a member of JustitiƦ Lodge, No. 12, and also Wildey Encampment, No. 14, I. O. O. F., of Shullsburg, Wis.

   A. V. STARR, proprietor hotel and livery and feed stable in connection, was born in Schuyler County, Ill., in 1832, living there until his removal to this State in 1874, when he located at Johnson County, two miles from Tecumseh, moving to Liberty in 1881, where he built a hotel at a cost of $1,000; was married in Schuyler County, Ill., in 1852, to Miss Rachael J. Burress. They have six children living--William H., Harriet, Lilly, Laura, Jonathan E., George V. Mr. Starr was Assessor, Collector and Township Clerk in Illinois; was elected Justice of the Peace for Liberty Precinct in 1881. They are members of the Baptist Church.

   C. S. WYMORE, Postmaster, was born in Indiana in 1841. In 1849, emigrated to Iowa, remaining there until 1859, when he came to Nebraska, and located in Pawnee County, eight miles south of Pawnee City, and remained there until 1861, when he enlisted in Company D, Second Kansas Cavalry, serving until 1865; was in the Western army; was sent to Fort Leavenworth, and was mustered out at that place. He then returned to Gage County, Neb., and settled on Section 35, in Liberty Precinct, and engaged in farming. In 1875, was appointed Postmaster of Liberty office; at that time kept the office on his farm until 1880, when he removed to the village which was just starting; he handles a stock of stationery, books and confectionery in connection with the office; was married in 1868 at Liberty, to Miss Sarah A. Cain. They have five children--Louisa J., Aldera, Nathaniel, William W. and Charles Adelbert; is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

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