NEGenWeb Project
Kansas Collection Books

Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Produced by
Don Schreiner.

Surface and Natural Products | Early Settlement | Events and Items

War Record | County Organization | County Roster
County Representation


Court House and Jail | Railroads | Ferry and Transfer Companies
Otoe County Fair Association | Otoe County Medical Society
The Old Settlers' Association | Assessments for Taxation


Nebraska City:  Early Settlement | Selling Town Lots | A Judicial Joke
An Incident of the Panic | An Era of Speculation


Nebraska City (cont.):  Transportation and Telegraphs | Incorporation
Official Roster | Criminal | Education

Nebraska City (cont.):  Religion

Nebraska City (cont.):  The Press | Government Offices
Fire Department | Fires | Societies | Wyuka Cemetery


Nebraska City (cont.):  Public Buildings | Hotels | Banks
Board of Trade | Elevators | Nebraska City Gaslight Company
Manufacturing Interests

9 - 14:

** Nebraska City Biographical Sketches **

PART 15:

Syracuse:  Education | Religion | Societies | Railroad Interests
The Press | Biographical Sketches

PART 16:
Syracuse (cont.):  Biographical Sketches (cont.)
PART 17:

Palmyra:  Education | Societies | Religion | Business
Biographical Sketches

PART 18:

Dunbar:  Events and Items | Education | Religion | Societies
Railroad Interests | Delaware Precinct (biographical sketches)

PART 19:

Unadilla:  Religion | Societies | The Press | Events and Items
Biographical Sketches

PART 20:

Wyoming | Camp Creek | Other Towns
Biographical Sketches:  North Branch Precinct | Hendricks Precinct
Osage Precinct | McWilliams Precinct | Berlin Precinct | Minersville
Otoe Precinct

List of Illustrations in Otoe County Chapter

Part 20


Aside from Nebraska City, Syracuse, Unadilla and Dunbar, the principal town in Otoe County entitled to special mention is Wyoming (now called Dresden); and that not for its present importance, but its past glories. The town was laid out in 1855, and the following year had grown to such dimensions that Jacob Dawson established a weekly newspaper, called the Wyoming Telescope; and with the assistance of a Mr. Jackson, the paper was continued about two years, then suspended publication. During the early years of its existence the citizens imagined Wyoming was to be the leading town of the upper Missouri. Before the completion of the Union Pacific Railroad, the Mormon emigrants for Salt Lake were brought from St. Louis by boat, and Wyoming was the point of debarkation and where their land carriage commenced. Two large houses were erected for the accommodation of the new converts--one of them, a two story and basement stone edifice, is still standing. Here, too, is the burial place of several persons, Mormon emigrants. Dresden at present contains a post-office, two small stores, and two or three scores of people. The present village known as Wyoming, is merely a post-office, situated two miles from the old site.


While not even a post office, Camp Creek is worthy of note as possessing one of the oldest church organizations in Otoe County, the church edifice being situated on the bank of Camp Creek, at the particular point so named, eight miles south of Nebraska City.

Prior to the year 1857, there had been regular preaching for at least a year, under the auspices of the United Brethren of Nebraska City, held in private houses. The first attempt at any organization, however, being made by the Congregationalists. In June, 1857, the first services were held on the bank of Camp Creek, the audience occupying seats on a fallen tree trunk and the pastor, Rev. William Leech, standing upon the stump. Around them were the lately deserted wigwams of the Otoes who had been removed the preceding spring, and the aboriginal woods.

The following Sabbath (July, 1857) a Sabbath school was organized and held its exercises in the same spot with twenty-five members. In the spring of 1858 a frame building was built near Camp Creek, largely through the influence of the Sabbath school, and services were held until the organization of the Congregational church in Nebraska City, when the Camp Creek Congregationalists joined that body and helped to organize it.

On April 26, 1868, the number of Congregationalists in Camp Creek had become so great that a separate organization seemed desirable, and on that date the church was organized with twenty-seven members: James McAllister and wife, C. A. Corsaw and wife, D. C. Walter and wife, John Cook and wife G. F. Lee, E. F. Mayhew, Mrs. L. Wells, I. J. Mitcham, Mrs. E. A. Bain, Misses Cassie, Marian, Lilian. Etta and Jane Cook, John J. Hays, J. E. Condman, W. H. Farmer, A. Baird,

Rev. Roswell Foster was acting pastor from the time of the organization until January 15, 1871; Rev. C. C. Humphrey one year, from May, 1871, to May, 1872; Rev. George Davies, three months in the spring of 1873; Rev. A. B. Pratt, from September, 1873, till his death, December 28, 1875; Rev. J. E. Lowes, from March, 1876, two years; Rev. A. A. Crissman, from May 15, 1879, to May, 1880, and Rev. L. T. Mason from April 15, 1881, to the present time.

A church building was erected in 1868 at a cost of $2,700. It was of brick and had a seating capacity of two hundred. A parsonage was erected in 1877 at a cost of $1,000.

The present membership of the church is forty-three, and that of the Sabbath school ninety-five.

There have been many revivals of religion in this church, the first in 1868 adding twenty members, and those in 1870-73-77-78-80 being also very successful.


Talmage.--This new town, laid off the latter part of 1881, and named in honor of a distinguished railroad official, is one of the products of the Missouri Pacific railroad. It occupies high, rolling ground near the banks of the Little Nemaha, and although but a few months old is improving rapidly. One of the marvels of Talmage is that the first building erected there was a printing office. Persons interested in building a town there offered liberal inducements, and the printer and his outfit was soon on the ground. An excellent local journal is produced and the future glories of Talmage are predicted from week to week. The first stock of goods was brought in by F. M. Patrick, Postmaster of Grant, Nemaha County, who saw there a better location for the sale of his merchandize. The post office will probably soon be changed to Talmage. J. Cummings, dealer in agricultural implements, soon followed Mr. Patrick. Then came the Chicago Lumber Co., with a good stock. A large number of houses will be erected the present season.

Hendricks.--In the southwest corner of the county is a post office. In addition to this may be found upon the map, the names of Minersville, Barney, Delaware, Edgan, Ela, Nursery Hill, Paisley, Summit, Talbott, and possibly others, none of which places have any existence except in name, the last two being farms without even a house, the other with neither post offices or business houses.

Solon.--A post office located in the extreme western part of the county, on beautiful, rolling, prairie land, was established in 1873. One store is now in operation, and with its natural advantages, a branch road connecting the two lines of the B. & M. would soon make what is now little but a name, a place of some importance. The population given it in the last census is 101, this including the surrounding country, if not all of the precinct.

Dresden.--A post office formerly known as Wyoming, and treated of under that head. Population 81.

North Branch.-- A post office with an accredited population of 52. It has no business houses.

Burr Oak, situated near Solon, is a post office.

Arlington is a railroad station between Syracuse and Dunbar.

Osage, in the southern central part of the county, is a post office.



EDWIN ANDREWS, farmer and stock raiser, Section 34, P. O. Syracuse, was born in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., N. Y., January 1, 1828, and left there in April, 1869, for Nebraska City. Remained there a short time and finally settled on Section 34 where he now lives. He had $4,000 when he left his native home, but he now has 840 acres of land in a good state of cultivation, one of the finest farms in the county. He was elected Justice of the Peace in 1871, and served for one year. He was married to Miss Diana C. Weller, of Onondaga County, in 1852. They have four sons and four daughters, Charles C. born March 4, 1853; Mary P., born April 12, 1854, now the wife of L. E. Sinsabaugh, a prominent merchant of Syracuse, Neb.; George, born April 7, 1858; Warren, September 2, 1859; Albert E., July 25, 1861; Evagene, May 6, 1863; Genave, February 27, 1865; Hannah, June 8, 1867. Mrs. Andrews was born August 24, 1830, in Onondaga County, N. Y.

J. D. HALVORSEN, P. O. Syracuse, was born in Norway, April 22,1845. Emigrated in 1866 to Cook County Ill., and remained two and one-half years. Then in 1868 came to Nebraska, and took a homestead of eighty acres and bought eighty acres besides. He married in 1868, Miss Sophia Swanson, also a native of Norway. They have three children.

J. D. HARMER, North Branch, born in Lancaster County, Pa., February 1, 1847, and remained at home until 1865, when he moved to Mills County, Iowa, and remained there five years, engaged in clerking and teaching; from there to Nebraska, where he bought 120 acres on Section 10 and 15, Township 9, Range 11. Was elected Justice of the Peace, February 1, 1882. Was married November 18, 1871, to Miss Minerva Linville, the youngest daughter of Henderson Linville, of Mills County, Iowa. She was born in 1855. They have four children, three sons and one daughter, all living.

JAMES GOODRICH, retired farmer, Syracuse, born in Canisteo, Steuben County, N. Y., June 15, 1818, and left with his parents for Independence, Allegany Co., N. Y., where he received his education and worked on his father's farm until 1839; and bought fifty acres of wild land and built a log hut, and with a strong arm and a brave heart, commenced to carve out his fortune; but after three years of steady toll he changed his mind and concluded to turn his labor to cash, and try something else. So he sold his farm and married Miss Amanda M. Thorp, third daughter of John Thorp, Esq., of the town of Alford, Allegany Co., where Amanda was born September 19, 1820, and died while being moved from her late home in Fremont County, Iowa, March 12, 1882. Then after selling his land he worked out by the month for two years; but in the winter of `46 returned to his native home to visit his parents, when he met with a serious accident, which crippled him for life; but he entered into partnership with his brother-in-law, in a saw mill, which he managed four years. Then sold to his partner, and bought a farm and again started into farming in the same county; but in three years sold again. In 1856, moved to Fulton County, Ill., and rented a farm, and worked for six years. Then to Knox County, and in April 1866, to Fremont, Iowa, and bought in Fisher Township, Section 26, Range 40, and sold in 1882. Then to Nebraska, and bought 160 acres, which he gave to his son, H. G. Goodrich. He was elected Assessor for 1869, and served on year, and Trustee two years; but has retired from active life.

CARLOS JACKSON, Syracuse P. O., born in Otoe County, near Nebraska City March 22, 1859, and lived at home until 1878, when he worked for Munroe & Dillon for four years. Then worked for Mr. Warner, of Nebraska City. Then to Section 35, Township 9, range 11. Was married April, 1881, to Miss Jennie Cochran, of Shelby County, Mo.

GUSTAVE JACOBSON, P. O. Syracuse, born in Sweden, May 2, 1839. Emigrated in April, 1874, to Nebraska, and settled in Section 22, Township 9, Range 11. Was married in 1867, to Anna Cajsa, born in Sweden. Have three boys and one girl.

JACOB MILCHIVE, P. O. Syracuse, born in Germany, January 25, 1849, emigrated to Nebraska in 1857, and rented a farm near the city, where he lived for two years; then he bought a small garden spot; then came to Section 30, Township 9, Range 11, where he has 160 acres. He was elected School Moderator, and served one term. Married in 1870.

JAMES McELHANEY, farmer, Section 36, Township 9, Range 11, North Branch Precinct, Otoe Co., Neb. Was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, October 29, 1836, moved with parents to Indiana, in 1848, and lived nine years, then returned to Coshocton County, Ohio, where he lived till 1869, then went West and engaged in freighting on the plains for the next three years, when he settled on the present farm with no house in sight, but immigration setting in, it was soon all settled up. From 1873 to 1875, the grasshoppers and drouth nearly cleaned the county out. He was elected Assessor, in 1871, holding the office two years, then retiring for two years was re-elected and has continued in the office ever since. Was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace, in 1877, but refused to qualify.

GEORGE RODAWAY, farmer, Section 26, P. O. Syracuse, born in Somersetshire, May 8, 1845; emigrated to Columbia County, Wis., 1861, and worked for two years, and from there to Minnesota, then to Dakota, then to Nebraska City, and worked at his trade, as a stone mason one year; then to Colorado, for two years mining, and was very successful, and in 1866, came to Nebraska, and settled on Section 26, Township 9, Range 11, 160 acres, which he bought . He has broke all his land, and planted and raised an orchard of 300 apple trees, which are in a healthy condition and bearing, besides a choice lot of small fruit, and ten acres of forest. He married Miss Sarah Gentry, of Tennessee, March 10, 1866 and has seven children.

H. E. SACKLEY, farmer, Section 15, P. O. North Branch, was born in Lapean County, Ont., in 1831, and in March, 1845, moved with parents to Ogdensburgh, N. Y., and in 1847, to Chicago for twenty years; then mad a trip west, on a prospecting tour, and engaged in overland freighting business, but found the Indians troublesome, abandoned the project, and turned his face eastward again, and engaged in teaming and peddling in Chicago, but in 1870, settled again in Nebraska, in Saline County, and took a homestead, but owing to reverses and family afflictions, gave up this claim, and went back to Chicago again, and sold his personal effects, and came back to Otoe County, and finally settled on Section 15, Township 8, Otoe County, he being one of the first settlers here. He has been elected to offices of prominence, but would not qualify. He was married to Miss Emma Peira, at Chicago, in July, 1856, who was born at Saint Catherine's Ont., a daughter of Edward Peira, an engineer on the lakes; have had two children--Etta, born 1860, and died of malpractice, 1862; Albert, born 1864, was killed by horse running away in 1871.

ROBERT SACKLEY, farmer, P. O. Syracuse, born in Ontario, Dominion of Canada, September 9, 1840, and removed with parents, in 1845, to Ogdensburgh, N. Y., then to Chicago for a short time, and engaged in expressing, then in 1861, to Nebraska for a short time, then to Chicago for eighteen hears, and in 1879, finally settled in Nebraska. Was married April 20, 1871.

MILTON SMITH, farmer, P. O. Syracuse, was born in Boone County, Iowa, October 25, 1852, and moved with his parents to Nemaha County, where he engaged in farming until 1880, when his brother and mother came to Otoe County, and bought eighty acres, as above. His father was born at Bowling Green, Ky., December 25, 1804, and located in Southern Illinois. In 1864, he and his family moved to Nemaha County, Neb., where he passed away in 1869. He was married to Miss Rebecca Dailey, September 10, 1835. Jacob Dailey, her father, was born in Green County, Pa., January 27, 1791. He was a volunteer in 1812, but peace being proclaimed before he was enrolled, he retraced his steps. Mr. Smith was married in Ohio, in 1814, August 16, to Miss Mary Ann Watson, of Guernsey County, Ohio.

C. D. WALDO, P. O. Syracuse, born in Tolland County, Conn., April 9, 1835, and remained at home until 1850, went from there to Wood County, Wis., a short time, from there to Hancock County, Ill., until 1856, except one year, when he was in the Rockies, mining, and returned poor, back to Illinois, Hancock County, and remained there until 1874, when he came to Nebraska, and settled on Section 31, Township 9, Range 11, eighty acres of Burlington & Missouri land, and has made good improvements. Married Miss Mary A. Cook, of St. Albans, Ill., May 8, 1864. Have three children.

WILLIAM S. WEBBER, farmer, P. O. Syracuse, was born in Genesee County, N. Y., January 14, 1844, and moved to Calhoun County, Mich., in 1856, with his parents, for two years, then to Eaton County, Mich., and remained until 1866, when he came to Nebraska, and remained one year, then to Kane County, Ill., for two years, then removed to Nebraska where he now lives. He was married in 1867, to Miss Amanda C. Ellis, of Eaton County, Mich.

R. S. WILLIAMS, farmer, P. O. Dunbar, born June 15, 1829, in Washington County, Ky., and lived there until 1854; came to Cass County, Ill., and engaged in farming for ten years, when he got married to Miss Amanda Carper, in August, 1859, then in 1863, came to Nebraska, and rented a farm, and followed that business until the present time, on eighty acres, and have nine children.

C. E. WOODS, farmer and stock breeder, Section 34, P. O. Syracuse, born in Westmoreland County, Pa., July 20, 1839. Came to Washington County with parents, when a child, and from there went to Hillsdale County, Mich., in 1852, then to Illinois, with parents, until 1867, then to Omaha, and was engaged in buying and selling stock, and then to Fremont County, Iowa, and engaged in raising Short-horn cattle, and farming until 1878, when he moved to Nebraska, with brother, and settled on Section 34, Township 9, Range 11, still engaged in raising Short-horn cattle, of which he has some fine specimens. His thoroughbred Fanny Allen being one of his best, then his Second Belle of Ashbrough, bred by D. W. Bowers, of Lincoln, Neb., then his thoroughbred Daisy, an eleven year old Short-horn, has had and raised ten calves, which were all sold at high prices.

A. L. YOUNG, farmer, Section 35, P. O. Syracuse. He was born in Onondaga County, N. Y., March 7, 1851, and moved to Nebraska with his parents in 1872, and settled as above mentioned on 160 acres. He was married in 1876, to Miss Louisa Annable, who was born in Winona County, Minn., in 1859. They have two children; Nettie B., born August 5, 1878, and Guy G., born Nov. 23 1880.


J. H. DAVIDSON, farmer, P. O. Hendricks, was born in Taylorstown, Washington Co., Pa., December 3, 1837, where he remained until he was eight years of age, when he accompanied his mother and only sister. His mother marrying a man by the name of Allen McNeal, a very prominent man of his community in Central Ohio, and remained on his farm till he was twenty-one years of age, at that time receiving his share of his father's estate and grandfather's legacy. He went to Page County, Iowa, in the spring of 1858, and purchased 160 acres of land, after making some improvements returned to Ohio, and was married to Miss Margaret J. Dickson, May 23, 1861, second daughter of Isaac Dickson, formerly a miller and farmer of Washington County, Pa., but now a large farmer of Marion County, Ohio. Mr. Davidson was drafted in September, 1862, in the Governor's call for nine months; served six weeks and then hired a volunteer substitute, and was subsequently honorably discharged; was after this elected Second Lieutenant of Company E, Twenty-third Regiment of Flat Foot Militia, and served until all were discharged by proclamation of the Governor. On August 24, 1865, moved with his family, consisting of himself and wife, and two children, by private conveyance to his farm in Iowa. Remained there five years, and during that time was burned out by a prairie fire, whereupon his wealthy uncle, Robt. Davidson, gave him half a section of land in Nebraska, one-half in Otoe County, the other in Nuckolls County, upon the express condition that he sell out in Iowa and remove thither and improve it in Otoe County. The following appeared in the Page County Herald, February, 1870: "Sold out--Mr. J. H. Davidson, our excellent friend of Lincoln Township has sold his farm, and will emigrate to Nebraska during this month. Mr. D. does not move from Page County because he thinks Nebraska a better State, on the contrary, he regards the glorious kingdom of Page standing head and shoulders above all competitors. But he has an uncle, who has kindly given him half a section of land, one-half in Otoe County, and he goes thither to improve it. May good fortune attend him." He has resided here eleven years amid the discouragements of droughts, of grasshopper raids, and is now in easy circumstances, takes a prominent part in every important movement. Was elected Justice of the Peace, in 1878, to fill the vacancy made by the removal of his predecessor; was elected for two successive terms of two years each. He is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F. of Palmyra, and has an excellent education, taking a scientific course at the Ohio Central College, Marion County, Ohio, and is a regular correspondent of six newspapers. After leaving college he taught school for several terms. Was appointed January 3, 1882, Notary Public for six years by Gov. Nance. The family consists of the following names: George A., Mary E., Isaac D., Lizzie M., Jennie C., and J. Brownlee. The two oldest were born in Ohio, the next two were born in Iowa, the two youngest were born in Nebraska.

GEORGE M. DOUGLASS, farmer, Hendricks P. O., born December 4, 1843, Grant County, and town of Platteville, Wis., where he remained until August 11, 1862, then enlisted in Company E. Twenty-fifth Wisconsin Infantry, and was discharged May 15, 1865, and remained there until 1868, when he came to Nebraska and settled and took a homestead on Section 23, Township 7, Range 9, 160 acres. When he came here he had only about $700, including outfit and teams, and is now in good circumstances, and has 220 acres of land. He was married to Miss Margaret A. Rogers, of Grant County, Wis. Mr. D. was elected Assessor in 1874, and has served nine years. He has four children, Clara M., born February 9, 1870, John L., May 21, 1872, Laura J., August 8, 1875, Mary E., September 17, 1878.

HENRY KLAUS, farmer, P. O. Hendricks, was born at Oldenburg, Germany, June 11, 1833, and emigrated to St. Louis, in 1852, where he remained three years engaged in tanning leather, then went to California, where he remained two years, then removed to Knox County, Ill., and engaged in farming, in 1858, where he remained until 1864, then went to Germany on a visit for one season, and in 1866, came to Otoe County and took up a homestead on Section 2, Township 7, Range 9, 160 acres, and has bought 160 acres since. Mr. K. has been successful only as a farmer, and stock feeder. He was married October 7, 1864, to Miss Angeline Kuhlmann of Oldenburg, Germany. They have three children, Katie L., born July 12, 1865; Delia A. born December 3, 1868; Lillie M., born April 9, 1873.

SIMPSON McKIBBIN, farmer, P. O. Hendricks, was born in County Down, Ireland, in May, 1834, and emigrated to America, in 1848, and remained in Oakland County until 1854, then went to Grand County, Wis., and remained there three years, engaged by the month at driving team, then went to Clayton County, Iowa, where he remained one year, and then to Mitchell County, burning lime, and from there to Otoe County, Neb., in 1864, where he took a homestead of 160 acres on Section 2, Township 7, Range 9, where he has since bought 320 acres adjoining. When he came to Nebraska, he had only $500, all told, including his outfit, and now is wealthy, having 480 acres of land well stocked with hogs, cattle and 700 sheep and all necessary implements and machinery and good buildings. He was married March 1, 1860, to Miss Harriet M. Douglass of Mitchell County, Iowa. They have five children, George I., born April 2, 1864; Mary E., born May 24, 1866; Agnes E., born June 25, 1868; John S., born October 19, 1874; Fred L., born October 9, 1878.


ALBERT ARMSTRONG, farmer, P. O. Syracuse, born in town of Dorset, Bennington Co., Vt., December 1, 1843, from there he went to Milwaukee, Wis., to live with guardians when a boy until the age of fifteen, when he went to Clark County, Mo., where he remained until 1866. Previous to this he enlisted in October, 1861, in Company E, Seventy Missouri Cavalry, and was discharged at Cassville, October 15, 1862, for disability, then took a trip to Denver for health, but finally settled in Otoe County and was married to Miss Mary E. Holladay of Adams County, Ill., and in 1867, bought a homestead on Section 1, Township 7, Range 11, 400 acres.

S. C. BARNES, P. O. Syracuse, farmer, born in Lenox, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, May 11, 1855, and received a common school education and left with parents in 1867, and moved to Dunn County, Wis., and remained there until 1871, when he came to Nebraska and settled on Section 19, Township 7, Range 11, 160 acres, with his father. He married Miss Malica Hoover on July 1, 1876. She was born in Kosciusko County, Ind. They have one son, born July 1, 1878, one daughter, born June 31, 1880.

Z. P. EARLE, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. Syracuse, was born in Fulton County, Ill., October 3, 1837, and moved to Keokuk County, Iowa, with his parents, at the age of eight years, where his father died in 1851. Then hired out by the month and went to school, and in 1859 came to Nebraska and started a ranch forty-five miles east of Kearney, on the Platte River, and did a good business until 1864, when the Indians made a raid and took nearly every thing he had. He sustained a loss of $2,000. When he first came to Nebraska he had only $1. His first work was to mow and put up seventy tons of hay. In 1866, he started freighting, in which he was successful until 1868, when he pre-empted 160 acres on Section 18, Township 11, Range 10, in Cass County, Neb. Since that time he has added to it, and has now in Cass and Otoe counties, 640 acres. He was married in February, 1868, to Mrs. Owen, relict of the late William Owen, a merchant of Springfield, Ill. They have six children. Mrs. E. was born in Holidaysburgh, Pa., January 26, 1840, and went to Oregon with her sister, and was married to Mr. Owen.

J. F. FERGUSON, farmer, Syracuse P. O., born in Boone County, Ind., April 16, 1840, and removed in 1862 to Coles County, Ill., and engaged in farming one year, on a rented farm. Then to Otoe County and took a homestead of 160 acres, on Section 32, Township 8, Range 11, where he made good improvements, and in 1880, sold it to John Shepherd, Esq., an extensive farmer and stock dealer. Then he moved to Township 7, Section 8, Range 11, and bought 320 acres. He was married in 1861 to Miss Eliza Ann Davis. They have eight children. He has set out on his new place three acres of choice fruit trees, which are doing well.

JACOB LISK, farmer, Section 17, Township 7, Range 11, post office address Syracuse, born in Seneca County, N. Y., November 28, 1834. Moved to Rochester, N. Y., and engaged in the hardware business for about three years, except six months while at school. Then went back to Seneca and engaged in farming for seven years, and was Deputy Postmaster for one year in Waterloo Post office, same county, and in 1864, moved to Decatur, Van Buren Co., Michigan, and engaged in the hardware business for six years, and was burnt out and left almost penniless. Then engaged in the grocery business for two years. Then in 1872, came to Nebraska and settled in Range 11, Section 17, Otoe County, 160 acres. He was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1873, and held the office until the present year. Has been Assessor for two terms previous to 1879, when he was elected to the Legislature by the Republican party, and served one term, and is now Deputy County Treasurer and Census Numerator. He was married to Josephine Stephenson, daughter of Sheriff Stephenson, of Waterloo, N. Y., in 1860. Mrs. Lisk was born in 1838. Have one daughter living.

PETER VAN ANTWERP, P. O. Syracuse, farmer, on 160 acres, Township 7, Range 11, Section 18. Born in Province of Quebec, Canada, August 3, 1837, and moved with his parents to Rochester, N. Y., and remained in that State and engaged in farming until 1859, when they moved to Boone County, Ill., and again engaged in farming until 1867. Then leaving his parents, he moved to Nebraska and took up a homestead of 160 acres on Range 11, Section 18, and has made substantial improvements. He is an extensive dealer in and raiser of stock. He feeds an average of 100 cattle, 500 sheep, 200 hogs, and generally ships direct to market. He married Miss Mary Dodge, of Sycamore, Ill., July 4, 1861. Mrs. V. was born June 17, 1844. They have one son born July 20, 1866; one daughter born May 13, 1875. Mr. V. takes a moderate interest in politics and education.


MRS. LEVINIA A. R. PARSONS, farmer, P. O. Syracuse, relict of the late Cyrus Reed. Was born in Ulster County, N. Y., December 13, 1822, and came to Pickaway, Ohio, with parents. Was married to Mr. C. Reed, August 2, 1857. Mr. Reed was the son of Elias Reed, one of the first settlers in Ohio. He was a prominent farmer and carried on extensive woolen mills. Mr. C. Reed was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, July 12, 1817, and was an extensive farmer and cattle dealer. Died at his late residence in Otoe County, December 4, 1870, leaving a widow and a small family of five to mourn his departure.

MATHEW G. REED, farmer, on Section 10, Township 7, Range 10, P. O. Syracuse. Born in Marysville, Union Co., Ohio, October 31, 1831. Moved to Iowa in 1856 for two years; then to Nebraska. In 1858, took a pre-emptive claim on Section 11, Township 7, Range 12; then back to Iowa and was married in 1859; and in 1862, came to Nebraska again and took a homestead, where he now lives. He was one of the pioneer settlers of this part of the county. He married Miss Ruth Smith, of Washington County, Iowa, who was born April 4, 1842, who died and left four sons and eight daughters, all living.


WILLIAM M. BROWN, P. O. Syracuse; born in Indiana, and went with parents to Iowa, where he remained until 1880, then to Nebraska, and bought 120 acres on Section 30, Township 9, Range 12. Married in February, 1876, to Miss Mary E. Beard, of Iowa, and has four children. Enlisted at Davenport, Iowa, in Company E., Thirty-first Iowa Infantry, 1864, and was discharged same year.

AUGUST HEYER, farmer, P. O. Syracuse; was born in Germany, September 4, 1841; emigrated to Lasalle County, Ill., in 1870, where he remained for three years; then moved to Nebraska. He was married in 1873 to Manda Roennan. They have five children.

WARREN MUNN, farmer, Section 4, Berlin Precinct, was born in Ohio, near Wooster, Wayne County, September 12, 1838. Left school when he was twenty-one years old, removing to Davenport, Iowa, and from there to Nebraska City in the spring of 1860, engaging in freighting on the plains and frontier before, during and after the Indian War. He was Master of Transportation for the Government for Colorado and New Mexico, and experienced numerous difficulties in consequence of Indian hostilities and Texas lancers. This was in 1861-2, after which time he was made Yard Master in the Quartermaster's Department, holding the position about three years, when he returned to Nebraska City, where he and his brother took a train to Virginia City with the first supply of drugs that was ever brought here, then loaded up with passengers when Warren brought the trains back. He then made winter trips to Denver, experiencing lots of hardships on account of snow. In the spring he fitted up a train of his own and went to Salt Lake, making the trip in fifty-six days; then took a load from there to the mines of Idaho and returned to Salt Lake and went into quarters on Wisdom River, Montana, encamping with the Ponduray tribe; left in the spring for Helena, sold his outfits, and followed mining there for a short time; then went to Fort Benton and took passage on the Viola Bell for Nebraska City. After arriving here made arrangements with Isaac Coe to transfer some corn from Kearney to Laramie and Cheyenne, then came here and purchased a farm; was sent for shortly afterward to come to Utah and take position of train master to complete a contract by Alexander Majors on the U. P. Road. After getting through, disposed of his stock and outfits and returned to this city once more; went to Ohio, where he and his brother bought a number of horses, and together with their household goods shipped them to this place, and has been ever since on his farm. Was married December 15, 1869. They have six children, Elle K., Adelbert C., Emma J., Eva, Edna and Warren W.

ROBERT SATTERLY, farmer, P. O. Syracuse; born in Devonshire, England, August 17, 1827, and emigrated to Ohio in 1854, and remained three years, when he came to Nebraska and remained three years; then he went to Denver and California Gulch, engaged in prospecting and mining until 1861, and remained two years; then returned to Colorado for two years, where he settled on a rented farm for three years; then in 1868 bought a farm of 160 acres, on Section 19, and has made good improvements. Was married to Miss Mary Whitten, of Otoe County, on April 5, 1865. They have two children: Phoebe Jane, born August 30, 1867; Robert Scott, born November 15, 1871.


JAMES D. CARMICHAEL, retired; came to Nebraska in July, 1857, and located at Minersville, engaging in the saw mill and lumber business, and keeping a steamboat wood yard. He continued at this business for ten years, and then entered the grain business. In 1868 he moved on to his farm on Section 2, Otoe Precinct. For seven years he was Postmaster at Otoe City, and in 1875, 1876 and 1877, was Postmaster at Minersville, carrying on a mercantile trade at the same time. November 20, 1880, he sold his farm, and in December moved back to Minersville, where he began dealing in groceries, wood and in real estate. He was Justice of the Peace for two years, and Road Supervisor for ten or twelve years. he was born in Wayne Township, Mifflin Co., Pa., August 9, 1812, and lived there until 1845, when he moved to Lafayette, Ind. He lived there four years, and returned to Pennsylvania for a year. After that he spent a short time in St. Louis, going thence to Rock Island; in the latter place he remained until he came to Nebraska. He was married at Derry, Mifflin Co., Pa., March 28, 1837, to Julia A. Layman, a native of Clark's Ferry, Pa., born in 1815. They have on child living, Myra, now Mrs. George W. Brown, of Otoe Precinct, Otoe Co., Neb. Three sons died, Henry, aged nine years; Edwin, aged sixteen; and William L., aged six.


HUMPHREY D. GILBERT, M. D., Otoe Precinct P. O., Nebraska City, was born in Broome County, N. Y., in 1815. He entered the University of New York in 1834, and received his diploma the following year, and commenced practicing medicine at his home, and continued until coming to Nebraska City, in June, 1866. He remained in this city till November, 1867, when he removed to Lincoln, this State, and followed his profession about fourteen years. Mr. G. was one of the first trustees of that town, County Commissioner for six years, and assistant superintendent of the Insane Asylum there in 1872. Mr. G. found his health commenced failing him a few years ago, so he concluded to retire from active life, and bought his present farm and located on it in December, 1880, where he expects to spend the remainder of his days. For two years he was a partner of E. S. Hawley in the hardware line, in Nebraska City. Member of the A., F. & A. M. Was married at Deposit, N. Y., in 1849, to Jane M. Sheldon. They have three children, Martha, Annie and Frederick Allen.

LEWIS LEWIS, farmer, Otoe Precinct, P. O. Nebraska City; was born in Chester County, Pa., September 20, 1831. At the age of sixteen years he went at farming and continued to follow it as long as he remained in that section. He came to Nebraska in April, 1855, and pre-empted his present place in 1857, and has since been engaged in general farming. Was married in Nebraska City to Susan Wright, in 1862. They have seven children; Mary, Rosena, Annie, Ella, Lewis, John and Henry.

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