Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Pawnee County Names
Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
Names index edited and proofed by Lynn Waterman.
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Abbott, (Mr.) Political Organization
Abbott, Rufus Early Settlement
Abbott, Rufus Political Organization
Abrams Early Settlement
Acott, Andrew Jayhawking
Adair, J. W. Table Rock
Adam Political Organization
Adams, (Mr.) Early Settlement
Adams, Jacob Early Settlement
Adams, Jacob Jayhawking
Adamson, James K. Early Settlement
Adamson, Lydia Early Settlement
Adamson, Priscilla Early Settlement
Adkins, Abraham Jayhawking
Agnew, S. Pawnee City: The Press
Aikins, W. J. County Societies
Alexander, Clark Early Settlement
Alexander, Clark Table Rock
Allen, Alex. Pawnee City: Churches
Allen, Ellen Table Rock: Biographical Sketches
Allen, Washington Early Settlement
Allison, J. Table Rock
Amold, C. V. (Rev) Table Rock
Anderson, Joseph Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Anderson, Sarah Jane (Mrs.) Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Andrews, (Mr.) Table Rock: Biographical Sketches
Andrews, D. C. Table Rock: Biographical Sketches
Andrews, Dudley Table Rock: Biographical Sketches
Andrews, Ellen (Mrs.) Table Rock: Biographical Sketches
Andrews, Mina Table Rock: Biographical Sketches
Andrews, Murvilla Table Rock: Biographical Sketches
Andrews, Nellie L. Table Rock: Biographical Sketches
Archer, (Mr.) Early Settlement
Archer, Robert Early Settlement
Armstrong, A. Table Rock
Arnett, W. B. Early Settlement
Arnett, W. B. Political Organization
Arnett, William Table Rock
Arnold, C. V. (Rev) Early Settlement
Audas, Thomas (Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Aughey, (Prof) Location & Natural Features
Babbitt Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Babbitt, V. M. Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Bailes Early Settlement
Baker, J. (Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Ball Early Settlement
Ball, (Mr.) Political Organization
Ball, Benjamin Early Settlement
Ball, Levi Early Settlement
Ball, Rezin Early Settlement
Ball, Rezin Political Organization
Ball, Sarah H. (Miss) Schools
Ballance, William Table Rock
Barnes, John Early Settlement
Barnes, Mary F. Early Settlement
Barnes, William Early Settlement
Barrow, R. C. Pawnee City: Churches
Bartholomew, (Mr.) Other Post Offices
Bates, Grin Pawnee City: Societies
Batton, A. S. Pawnee City: Educational
Beebe, P. B. Early Settlement
Beebee, B. P. Pawnee City
Beishline, (Mr.) Early Settlement
Belding, G. T. Political Organization
Belding, G. T. Pawnee City
Bemis, Horace Early Settlement
Bennett, Frank General Statistics
Biddlecome, Nathan Early Settlement
Billings, H. Table Rock
Billings, Hiram Early Settlement
Billings, Hiram Table Rock
Bingham, W. B. (Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Blackburn, (Mr.) Table Rock
Blacker, Allen Early Settlement
Blacklaw, J. Political Organization
Blacklaw, John Table Rock
Blacklaw, John General Statistics
Blodgett, A. L. Table Rock
Bobst, (Judge) Early Settlement
Bobst, (Mr.) Early Settlement
Bobst, (Mr.) Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Bobst, Christian Early Settlement
Bobst, Christian Pawnee City: Churches
Bobst, Christian (Judge) Early Settlement
Bobst, Christian (Judge) Means of Communication
Bobst, Christian (Judge) Political Organization
Bobst, Edmund Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Bobst, Emily Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Bobst, George T. Early Settlement
Bobst, George T. Means of Communication
Bobst, George T. Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Bobst, George T. (Mr.) Means of Communication
Bobst, Grace Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Bobst, Mary Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Bobst, Mary E. (Mrs.) Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Bobst, Mattie Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Bobst, Maud Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Bobst, Minnie Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Bobst, Robert Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Bobst, Samuel Jayhawking
Bonine, J. A. Pawnee City: Churches
Boock, William Early Settlement
Bookwalter General Statistics
Boomer, Henry Early Settlement
Bower, Eliza Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Bowhay, Elmer Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Bowhay, John Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Bowhay, Lorinda P. (Mrs.) Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Bowhay, Mary Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Bowhay, Mary Ann (Mrs.) Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Bowhay, Milton Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Bowhay, Peter Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Bradley, Luke Early Settlement
Bradon, (Mr.) Pawnee City: Churches
Brim, James Early Settlement
Britt, Leroy F. (Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Brock, John W. Early Settlement
Brown, Richard Early Settlement
Bruch, John Pawnee City: Churches
Bruch, Sarah (Mrs.) Pawnee City: Churches
Buckman, Augusta C. (Mrs.) Sheridan Precinct
Buckman, Rollin Sheridan Precinct
Buckner, (Mr.) Early Settlement
Bull, W. B. General Statistics
Burch, Hiram Table Rock
Burch, Hiram (Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Burg, (Mr.) Early Settlement
Burg, John Early Settlement
Burg, Julia A. West Branch Precinct
Burg, William Early Settlement
Burge, H. V. Clay Precinct
Burge, John Early Settlement
Burns, I. Table Rock
Burns, Isaac Table Rock
Burns, Isaac (Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Burrow, Gottifried Early Settlement
Burrow, William Early Settlement
Bush, George Pawnee City: Churches
Bush, Mrs. George Pawnee City: Churches
Butler Pawnee City: Business History
Butler, (ex-Gov) Early Settlement
Butler, (Gov) Jayhawking
Butler, (Mr.) Early Settlement
Butler, (Mr.) Pawnee City: Business History
Butler, D. (Hon) Political Organization
Butler, David Early Settlement
Butler, David Jayhawking
Butler, David (Hon) Early Settlement
Butler, John A. Early Settlement
Butler, Mary J. Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Button Bros General Statistics
Button, C. G. Clay Precinct
Button, Sarah M. (Mrs.) Clay Precinct
Campbell, Robert (Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Carkey, William Early Settlement
Carpenter, L. J. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Carpenter, Lorinda P. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Carpenter, Lucien L. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Carpenter, Lura Myrtle Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Carpenter, Parmelia E. (Mrs.)Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Carrington, J. (Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Carter, Richard Early Settlement
Carter, Tack Early Settlement
Casey, C. E. Pawnee City: Societies
Casey, Charles E. Pawnee City: Business History
Casey, Charles E. Pawnee City: Societies
Cassel, J. R. Early Settlement
Chambers, (Mr.) Table Rock
Chambers, (Mr.)(Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Chambers, W. M. Table Rock
Chambers, William Table Rock
Chatfield, R. F. Table Rock
Chestnut, Nathaniel (Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Chivington, J. M. (Rev) Table Rock
Clark, (Mr.) Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Addie M. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Bertha Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Charles Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Charlotte Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Cyrus Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Effie Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Ellen Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Emma (Mrs.) Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Hannah Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Henry Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Henry A. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Jane (Mrs.) Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Maggie Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Mary Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Mary J. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Naomi Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Sarah Jane Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Sophia M. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Thomas Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Thomas Fremont Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Ulysses S. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Clayton, Abraham Early Settlement
Clency, Priscilla (Mrs.) Early Settlement
Clency, Richard Early Settlement
Cleve, Lou Cincinnati: Biographical Sketches
Clifton, (Mr.) Jayhawking
Clifton, Isaac Jayhawking
Coard, J. J. Pawnee City: Societies
Coard, John J. Pawnee City
Cochran, J. W. Early Settlement
Cochran, J. W. Pawnee City
Coffey, Elizabeth Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Cogswell, A. P. Pawnee City: Societies
Collins, George W. Pawnee City: Societies
Collison, Richard Early Settlement
Colony, John Early Settlement
Conard, Clara B. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Conard, Elizabeth (Mrs.) Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Conard, Jessie F. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Conard, John Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Conard, Joseph B. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Conard, Myrta Z. Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Connolly, John Early Settlement
Cooper Table Rock
Cooper, Branick Early Settlement
Cooper, Hamilton Early Settlement
Cooper, Hamilton Table Rock
Cope, (Mr.) Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Cope, Elenora (Mrs.) Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Cope, Henry Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Cope, Ida Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Cope, J. A. Political Organization
Cope, James A. Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Cope, Jessie Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Cope, Nancy (Mrs.) Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Cope, Olive (Mrs.) Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Copeland, (Mr.)(Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Corey, (Capt) Early Settlement
Cotheran, (Mr.) Jayhawking
Cotter, James Early Settlement
Cotter, James Table Rock
Covert, Lucas Early Settlement
Cowperthwaite, R. G. Early Settlement
Crampton, Eli Early Settlement
Cromwell, A. F. (Dr.) Early Settlement
Cromwell, A. F. (Dr.) Political Organization
Cropsey, A. J. (Col) Political Organization
Cruse, Charles Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Cruse, Sophia M. (Mrs.) Other P.O.'s: Biographical Sketches
Cummings, Israel Table Rock
Cummings, S. H. Table Rock
Cummins, J. H. Pawnee City: Societies
Cummins, John Pawnee City: Societies
Cummins, S. H. County Societies
Cunningham, Dent Early Settlement
Cunningham, William Early Settlement
Curtis, (Mr.) Political Organization
Curtis, Peavy Table Rock
Curtis, W. H. County Societies
Daniels, B. M. Pawnee City: Churches
Dare, G. W. J. Table Rock
Dark, R. Table Rock
Dark, W. Table Rock
Davenport, J. S. Pawnee City: Societies
David Pawnee City
David, (Mr.) Pawnee City: Business History
Davis Pawnee City
Davis, D. D. Pawnee City: Churches
Davis, D. D. Pawnee City: Societies
Davis, Fannie (Mrs.) Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
De Coudres, L. C. Pawnee City: Societies
De Coudres, Laura J. Pawnee City: Societies
Dean, A. C. Political Organization
Dean, A. C. Pawnee City
Dean, Archibald C. Early Settlement
Denney, W. W. Early Settlement
Dewey, Timothy Early Settlement
Dimond, C. V. Early Settlement
Dimond, C. V. Table Rock
Dobbs Pawnee City
Dobson, J. Table Rock
Dobson, James Early Settlement
Dodge, Matt Early Settlement
Dort, (Mr.) Sheridan Precinct
Dort, A. D. Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Dort, Addie C. (Mrs.) Sheridan Precinct
Dort, Albert D. Sheridan Precinct
Dort, Charles Sheridan Precinct
Dort, Cora Sheridan Precinct
Dort, Edith F. (Mrs.) Sheridan Precinct
Dort, J. C. Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Dort, John C. Sheridan Precinct
Dort, Joseph B. Sheridan Precinct
Dort, Roxey Sheridan Precinct
Dort, Theodore Sheridan Precinct
Downing, George E. Early Settlement
Downs, H. F. Pawnee City: Societies
Drew, Carrie Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Dubbert, Mary Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Duer Bros Pawnee City
Duer, Enoch County Societies
Duer, Enoch Pawnee City
Duer, Mrs. J. L. County Societies
Dungan, (Mr.) Pawnee City: Churches
Dungan, D. K. Pawnee City: Churches
Dungan, D. R. Pawnee City: Churches
Dusenbery, (Mr.) Plum Creek Precinct
Dusenbery, Albert A. Plum Creek Precinct
Dusenbery, Ann E. (Mrs.) Plum Creek Precinct
Dusenbery, Beecher Plum Creek Precinct
Dusenbery, Charles W. Plum Creek Precinct
Dusenbery, Charlotte Plum Creek Precinct
Dusenbery, Cornelius Plum Creek Precinct
Dusenbery, David S. Plum Creek Precinct
Dusenbery, Josephine Burchard: Biographical Sketches
Dusenbery, Josephine Plum Creek Precinct
Dusenbery, Judson Plum Creek Precinct
Earley, James Jayhawking
East, Isham Early Settlement
East, John Early Settlement
East, William Early Settlement
Eckman Pawnee City
Eckman, (Mr.) Pawnee City: Business History
Eckman, J. N. County Societies
Eckman, J. N. Pawnee City: Business History
Edee, C. T. Pawnee City: Business History
Edee, C. T. Pawnee City
Edgerton, John Early Settlement
Edgerton, John Jayhawking
Edgerton, Samuel Early Settlement
Edwards Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Edwards, G. L. Pawnee City: Societies
Edwards, J. L. County Societies
Edwards, J. L. Early Settlement
Edwards, J. L. Jayhawking
Edwards, J. L. Political Organization
Edwards, J. L. Pawnee City: Churches
Edwards, J. L. Pawnee City: Societies
Edwards, J. L. Pawnee City: The Press
Edwards, J. L. (Judge) Early Settlement
Edwards, Mary M. Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Edwards, Mrs. Elma County Societies
Edwards, Mrs. J. L. Schools
Edwards, Sarah H. (Mrs.) Schools
Egelhof, Eva Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Elliott, (Mr.)(Rev) Pawnee City: Churches
Ellis, Blanche Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Ellis, Carrie (Mrs.) Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Ellis, H. Pawnee City: Societies
Ellis, Hattie Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Ellis, Howard Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Entwistle, Mary M. (Mrs.) Early Settlement
Entwistle, Thomas Early Settlement
Ervin, (Mr.) Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Ervin, Charles Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Ervin, J. B. (Hon) Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Ervin, Lillie (Mrs.) Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
Ervin, Minnie Pawnee City: Biographical Sketches
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