Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
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Aiken, James The Express Companies
Allen, J. T. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Ames, Oliver The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Ames, Oliver Sioux City & Pacific Railroad
Anderson, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Anesworth, J. E. Sioux City & Pacific Railroad
Atchison, Dr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Atchison, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Atray, H. H. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Babcock, A. C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bailey, James The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Baister, H. H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Barber, Judge The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Barlow, Milton Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Barnard, Judge The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Barney, D. N. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Beatty, A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bechel, W. F. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Bechel, W. F. The Express Companies
Bell, S. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Belmont, August The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Benton, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Benton, Senator The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bergen, A. J. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Berry, A. S. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bertram, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Blackburn, T. W. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Blair, John I. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Blair, John J. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Blakely, David The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Blatchford, Judge The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Bleckensdorfer, Jacob The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Blickensderfer, J. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Blodgett, William P. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bloodgood, S. D. W. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bonnell, John C. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Boomer, L. B. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Boomer, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Bown, F. D. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Boyd, James E. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Bradford, L. J. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bradshaw, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bresie, W. R. The Express Companies
Brewster, Augustus The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bridges, George The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Briggs, Clinton Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Brodhead, E. H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bronham, D. C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bronson, Mrs. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Broody, Azariah The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Brooks, Chauncey The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Brough, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Brown, J. J. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Browning, H. H. The Express Companies
Bryant, John H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Buchanan, J. R. Sioux City & Pacific Railroad
Bull, Lorenzo The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bunn, W. Jr The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Burgess, Walter S. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Burnham, Leavitt The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Bushnell, C. S. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bushnell, Cornelius S. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Bushnell, Nehemiah The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Caldwell, S. S. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Calvert, L. E. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Camp, Benjamin F. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Campbell, A. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Campbell, John D. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Campbell, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Campbell, Samuel R. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Canfield, Thomas H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Carroll, Charles The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Carver, H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Carver, Jonathan The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Cass, George W. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Catlin, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Challis, L. C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Chapin, H. The Express Companies
Cheever, Benjamin H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Childs, O. W. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Cisco, John J. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Clark, A. D. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Clark, D. O. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Clark, H. T. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Clark, Henry T. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Clark, J. T. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Clark, L. C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Clark, P. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Clark, S. H. H. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Clark, T. B. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Clopper, John Y. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Collamer, George W. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Colvin, H. D. The Express Companies
Congdon, I. H. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Cook, Ebenezer The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Cook, Lyman The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Coolbaugh, William F. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Coon, C. B. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Cooper, Peter The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Corby, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Cornell, F. R. E. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Covode, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Creighton, E. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Creighton, E. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Creighton, John A. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Curtis, Col. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Curtis, Gen. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Curtis, Gen. A. R. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Curtis, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Curtis, S. R. (Gen.) The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Curtis, Samuel R. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Daily, J. H. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Dame, Timothy The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Dana, S. T. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Davis, G. T. M. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Davis, Jefferson The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Davis, W. R. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Dawson, C. S. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Dickey, J. J. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Dillon, Sidney The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Dillon, Sidney The Express Companies
Dix, Gen. The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Dix, John A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Dodge, (Chief Engineer) The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Donahue, Peter The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Donnison, William The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Dorman, C. D. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Downs, C. H. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Drake, J. H. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Dunham, E. W. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Dunn, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Dunning, James The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Durant, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Durant, T. C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Duvant, T. C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Eaton, Joseph The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Edwards, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Elston, Isaac The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Ernst, C. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Esterbrook, E. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Eustis, P. S. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Evans, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Farnum, Henry The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Ferry, W. H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Fessenden, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Field, Joseph The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Finney, Robert The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Fisk, James Jr The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Fleming, Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Fletcher, Charles F. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Flower, R. P. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Fox, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Frost, George W. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Fuller, L. A. The Express Companies
Gale, W. S. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Gannett, J. W. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Gannett, J. W. The Express Companies
Gannett, Joseph W. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Gardner, Ransom The Union Pacifc (part 1)
George III of England The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Geutsch, M. T. The Express Companies
Gibson, E. T. M. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Gilmore, J. A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Gise, Jonas Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Gise, Jonas Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Goble, M. H. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Gorham, Charles T. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Gorin, Franklin The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Gould, Jay The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Gould, Jay The Express Companies
Grant, W. H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Green, John Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Green, John A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Grimes, W. H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Griswold, George The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Gwin, Senator The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Gwyer, William A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hall, G. W. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Hall, Millard P. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hall, P. E. Sioux City & Pacific Railroad
Hamilton, G. A. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Hammond, Charles G. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hammond, Henry The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hancock, W. J. The Express Companies
Hanna, Samuel The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hanscom, A. J. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Harbaugh, Springer The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Harding, B. F. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hargreaves, George Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Harker, C. M. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Harris, George B. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Harrison, Joseph The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Harvey, William E. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hatch, C. F. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Haven, Henry P. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hawksworth, D. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Haywood, Benjamin The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Henderson, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Henry, John E. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hensley, S. J. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Herndon, Lt. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Highland, E. F. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Hiland, J. H. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Holdrege, G. W. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Holliday, Ben The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Homan, G. W. Jr The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Hommedien, S. S. L. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hopkins, A. L. The Express Companies
Horbach, J. A. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Horbach, John A. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Hosmer, C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hosmer, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
House, J. E. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Howe, Thomas M. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Huntington, C. P. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Huntoon, S. A. The Express Companies
Hurford, O. P. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Hurford, O. P. The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Jefferson, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Jerome, A. G. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Johnson, Andrew (Pres.) The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Johnson, William F. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Johnston, J. K. The Express Companies
Jones, A. D. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Jones, George W. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Jones, John R. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Jones, S. B. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Josselyn, S. T. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Judah, T. D. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Keith, M. W. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Kelley, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Kennedy, (Mayor) The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Kennedy, Howard The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Kennedy, John S. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Kerr, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Keyes, Henry The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Kimball, T. L. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Kimball, T. L. The Express Companies
Kimball, Thomas L. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
King, S. Butler The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Kip, H. The Express Companies
Knight, William Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Kontze, Augustus The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Korty, L. H. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Kountze, A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Kountze, A. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Kountze, Augustus The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Kountze, Augustus The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Kountze, H. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Kountze, Herman Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Ladd, W. S. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Lake, George B. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Lane, E. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Langworthy, Lucius H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Leahy, P. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Lemon, T. B. (Rev.) The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Lewis, John T. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Livingston, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Lombard, C. A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Long, E. K. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Louier, J. F. D. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Lovejoy, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Low, Jesse The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Lowe, A. A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Lowe, Dr. E. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Lowe, Enos The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Lowe, Enos Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Luce, F. M. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Lushbaugh, B. F. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
MacLean, K. C. Sioux City & Pacific Railroad
Maguire, L. L. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Marquette, T. M. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Marsh, C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Marsh, Ephriam The Union Pacifc (part 1)
McAlpine, T. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
McCarthy, Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
McCarthy, O. P. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
McConeb, H. T. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
McConnell, Robert The Union Pacifc (part 3)
McConnell, William The Union Pacifc (part 1)
McConniff, J. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
McCormick, J. S. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
McCormick, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
McDougal, Senator The Union Pacifc (part 1)
McFarland, J. D. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
McIndoe, W. D. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
McKusick, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
McLane, Louis The Union Pacifc (part 1)
McLaughlin, Charles The Union Pacifc (part 1)
McPherson, William M. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Mekins, Edward The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Meson, Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Millard, Ezra The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Millard, Ezra The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Millard, Ezra Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Millard, Ezra Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Millard, J. H. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Miller, George L. (Dr.) The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Miller, J. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Mills, D. O. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Mills, George M. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Mills, George M. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Monell, Dr. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Monell, Gilbert C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Monell, Gilbert C. The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Monroe, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Morford, George V. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Morrell, Daniel J. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Morrell, G. C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Morrell, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Morris, Thomas A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Morrison, George S. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Morrow, John A. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Morse, J. W. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Morsman, E. M. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Morsman, E. M. The Express Companies
Motherhead, A. M. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Mowe, G. W. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Munroe, J. A. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Murphy, Frank Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Myre, E. R. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Napoleon The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Nash, F. A. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Nelson, J. B. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Nelson, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Newman, Horace The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Nichols, P. T. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Noyes, Edwin The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Ogden, W. B. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Ogden, William B. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Olcott, T. W. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Olsen, C. P. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Olsen, P. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Opdyke, George The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Orr, Col. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Paddock, A. S. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Paddock, H. A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Paine, Charles The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Palmer, (Mayor) The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Parker, Samuel (Rev.) The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Paxton, W. A. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Paxton, William A. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Penny, Charles W. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Perine, P. L. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Phelps, Royal The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Phillips, E. C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Phipp, W. H. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Pierce, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Pike, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Platt, T. C. The Express Companies
Plumbe, John Jr The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Pomeroy, S. C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Pontez, Charles The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Poor, H. V. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Poor, Henry V. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Poppleton, A. J. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Poppleton, A. J. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Poppleton, Andrew J. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Porter, C. W. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Porter, H. H. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Potter, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Potts, Dr. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Powell, A. C. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Pruyn, J. V. L. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Quick, W. H. The Express Companies
Redick, John I. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Redick, John I. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Reid, Hugh T. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Rice, R. N. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Richardson, Lyman The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Richmond, Dean The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Robinson, Gen. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Robinson, J. R. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Robinson, John R. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Rodgers, C. B. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Rollins, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Rosekrans, E. H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Ruggles, S. B. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Ryan, James T. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Sapp, W. F. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Saunders, Alvin The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Saunders, Alvin The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Saunders, Alvin Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Saunders, Gov. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Scranton, J. H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Scranton, Joseph H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Secor, Charles A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Seward, A. D. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Seymour, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Seymour, Silas The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Seymour, Silas The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Sharpless, George W. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Shelby, P. P. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Shepard, J. The Express Companies
Sherman, Hoyt The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Sherman, I. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Sickles, T. E. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Simpson, Col. The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Simpson, J. H. (Col.) The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Simpson, James H. (Lt. Col.) The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Simpson, Silas The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Smiley, Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Smith, Francis The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Smith, H. M. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Smith, Platt The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Smith, W. S. (Gen.) The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Stanberry, R. The Express Companies
Stancliff, Lewis J. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Stebbins, C. S. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Sterling, Levi The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Stevens, F. S. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Stevens, George E. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Stewart, Andrew The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Stoddard, T. B. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Stone, Amasa The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Stone, J. C. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Strahorn, R. E. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Swan, Thomas The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Sweesy, William F. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Swift, Henry A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Swift, W. H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Taylor, E. B. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Taylor, J. G. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Taylor, J. P. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Taylor, W. H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Teasdale, T. W. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Thayer, Nathaniel The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Thomas, Chester The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Thomas, Lewis A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Thompson, D. E. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Thompson, J. Edgar The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Thompson, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Thurston, John M. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Tilton, Alfred E. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Tracy, J. F. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Train, George Frances The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Train, George Francis The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Trowbridge, Charles A. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Truesdale, W. H. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Tucker, E. R. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Tuttle, Charles The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Vallandigham, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Van Kuran, A. S. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Vining, E. P. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Virgin, A. H. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Volaw, Jonas The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Wattles, J. S. Sioux City & Pacific Railroad
Watts, Mr. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Wells, Charles F. Jr The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Wells, R. W. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
White, W. M. The Union Pacifc (part 2)
Wilbur, R. H. The Union Pacifc (part 3)
Wilgus, John The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Williams, Jesse L. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Wilson, Noah L. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Winter, E. W. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Winter, John D. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Woodbury, Dwight The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Woodman, C. W. The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Wright, W. H. S. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Yates, C. E. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
Yates, H. W. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
Young, Brigham The Union Pacifc (part 1)
Young, C. D. W. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RR
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