First Schools Part 2: Political History Part 3: County Roster | Seward County Schools Death of a Pioneer Seward: Incorporation | Societies | Religious Part 4: Seward (cont.): Schools | Driving Park Association Biographical Sketches Part 5: Seward: Biographical Sketches (cont.) Part 6: Milford: Location and Natural Features Early History | Churches Societies | Biographical Sketches Part 7: Utica: Biographical Sketches Biographical Sketches:B Precinct | C Precinct Part 8: Biographical Sketches: F Precinct | G Precinct I Precinct | J Precinct Part 9: Biographical Sketches: K Precinct | L Precinct M Precinct | N Precinct | O Precinct | P Precinct List of Illustrations in Seward County Chapter The public schools of Seward under the able and efficient charge of Prof. G. F. Cummings. Their progress during the past few years, though gradual, has been manifest, not only in their growth in numbers, but in the increased efficiency of its able corps of teachers, and in the earnest application, liberal attainments and high character of its pupils. They have had the hearty support of the District Board of Education and the utmost harmony prevails among teachers and scholars. They are graded into five departments comprising a Primary Course, a Secondary, Intermediate, Grammar and High School. At the present time 350 pupils are in attendance, distributed in the several departments as follows; In the Primary, in charge of Miss Nettie M. Cox and Miss Freeman, 125 pupils, In the Secondary, in charge of Misses Smith and Davis, 100 pupils. In the Intermediate, in charge of Miss Ella Benson, forty pupils. In the Grammar, in charge of Alexander Campbell, forty-five pupils. The High School Department is under the personal charge of Prof. Cummings, assisted by Miss Nettie L. Boyd, and has forty pupils. A most careful and systematic course of study is carried out in every department that will give the scholar the most thorough and practical common school education, and fit him for the active duties of life. Good government is maintained, and the percent of scholarship and deportment will compare favorably with the leading schools of the State. The school building is a large, two story, healthful and roomy brick, erected in 1874 at a cost of $8,000. It is well located, and is one of the many bright features of the city. The present Board of Education is composed of the following persons: R. P. Anderson, Director; G. Babson, Jr., Moderator; J. N. Edwards, Treasurer; Mrs. S. C. Langworthy, H. L. Boyes, Richard Norval. The Seward County Driving Park Association was organized September 8, 1877, with the following officials: Claudius Jones, President, E. McIntyre, Secretary; Thomas Graham, Treasurer; Directors, W. O. Whitcomb, J. S. Henderson, William Gill. These gentlemen have continued to hold their several positions up to the present time. The society owns a tract of forty acres, three-fourths of a mile south of Seward, on which has been erected all necessary buildings, and an excellent half-mile course laid out. It is sound financially, and holds an annual meeting in connection with the Agricultural Society. LUKE AGUR, Justice of the Peace and loan agent at Seward, was born at West Cambridge, Middlesex Co., Mass, August 12, 1829, being the son of Luke and Maria Agur, whose maiden name was Cutter. The parents of both were among the earliest settlers of Massachusetts and were land grant holders of King George. The subject of the sketch remained in his native State until 1849, when he went to California at the time of the great mining excitement, going by way of Cape Horn; returned from there in 1855, and immediately went to Wisconsin, where he located at Darlington, La Fayette Co., and followed agricultural pursuits, remaining here until 1871, at which time he came to Seward County, Neb., and purchased a quarter section of land from the Burlington & Missouri Railroad Company, and a mill site on Lincoln Creek, situated on Section 31, Town 12, Range 2 east, C Precinct, and the same year erected the mill now known as the Marysville Mills, being 24 x 36, two stories high, two run of buhrs and an excellent water power, with a capacity of grinding 300 bushels of wheat per day. Here Mr. Agur made his home until 1874, when he moved into Seward; was a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1875, and has served two years as Justice of the Peace. He was married in Massachusetts in 1863, to Miss Mary Adams, by whom he had two sons--Edward S. and Clinton L., who died in 1874. WEST B. BARRETT, of the firm of W. B. Barrett & Co., the pioneer lumber merchants of Seward and the surrounding counties, came to Nebraska in the fall of 1872, locating at Seward, where he opened a lumber-yard in company with J. F. Stanhilber, the latter now being a well-known lumber dealer of Oshkosh, Wis. The subject of this sketch was born in Pennsylvania July 23, 1835, and at the age of nineteen years came West to Wisconsin, and afterward traveled around in various Northwestern States and Territories, and in the winter of 1856, visited the Red River of the North, and in connection with a party of men surveyed the town of Breckenridge, Dak., and erected the first house on the Red River. In 1858, started for California, but did not get any farther than Utah, where he remained until 1859, when he went to Pike's Peak, remaining in that part of the country until the breaking-out of the rebellion, and then enlisted in the First Colorado Cavalry, Company M, in 1862, serving his country for three years, after which he returned to Pennsylvania on a visit to his friends and relatives, and then went back to Wisconsin, where he was married at Oshkosh, November 18, 1866, to Miss Anna S. Chase, and remained there until he came to Nebraska in 1872. Mr. Barrett is a member of the A. F. & A. M., Oliver Lodge, No. 38, at Seward, and is a charter member of Seward Lodge, No. 1403, K. of H. JAMES G. BERDROW, blacksmith and machinist at Seward, came to Nebraska in May, 1874, locating in Seward, and is the pioneer blacksmith of the town, being also engaged in the manufacture of buggies and wagons, He was born in Franklin County, N. Y., on the 5th day of November, 1833, and was married in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., in 1859 to Miss Harriet S. Wilson, of St. Lawrence County, N. Y., by whom he has four children--Lawiston G., Orin L., Asa and Henry J. The subject of this sketch served one year as a member of the City Council of Seward, and is a member of the Masonic Order of Oliver Lodge, No. 38. Mr. Berdrow has belonged to the order of Good Templars, Pearl Lodge, No. 204, for twelve years; is a charter member; also a charter member of the Temple of Honor, and Treasurer No. 8, Seward, Neb.JAMES. H. BETZER editor of the Blue Valley Blade, at Seward, was born in Ross County, Ohio on the 24th of January, 1836. Left his native State in 1856, and went with his parents to DeWitt County, Ill., where they made a permanent home, but the subject of this sketch went to Iowa, where he remained until the spring of 1857, when he was called home to Illinois on account of the death of his father. In 1858, went to Iowa, locating in Marion County, and was there married the same year to Miss Rhoda C. Welch. Here he commenced operating a saw-mill, and pursued that calling until 1866, at that time becoming connected with the Pella Blade, a weekly newspaper published at Pella, Iowa, and which he continued to edit until 1877. He then removed to Monroe, Jasper County, and founded there a paper known as the Monroe Times, but at the expiration of six months moved his office to Chariton, Lucas Co., and changed the name of his paper to Lucas County Republican. After running this for six months, he sold out, and in June, 1879, came to Seward, Neb, and purchased the paper there known as the Seward Advocate, but which he has changed to the Blue Valley Blade. This is a four-page, seven-column paper, being Republican in politics. The editor is also doing a regular jobbing business. HIRAM L. BOYES, senior member of the firm of Boyes & Sons, proprietors of the Seward City Flouring Mills, was born in Hillsboro County, N. H., January 9, 1812, and is the son of James and Martha Boyes, his mother's maiden name being Ramsey, the former of French descent and the latter Scotch-Irish. His father followed farming, but was a ship carpenter by trade, and when the subject of this sketch was three years. They located in Cattaraugus County, N. Y., where the father died in 1828. In 1836, was married to Miss Esther L. Hibbard of Erie County, N.Y., who was born September 16, 1816. Moved to St. Joseph County, Mich., in 1844, and there followed farming, and, in 1849, at the time of the great mining excitement, started for California, going around by Cape Horn. After four years of mining experience returned home, and immediately settled in Story County, Iowa, and was among the early settlers of that locality. Here he engaged in agricultural pursuits, which he continued until 1867, at that time coming to Nebraska and locating on the place where he now lives. Immediately began improving the mill site, and erected a saw mill, which was replaced by the fine grist mill in 1870. The building is 30 x 40 feet, three stories high, with four run of buhrs, and has a capacity of making daily forty barrels of flour, and is one of the best mill properties on the Upper Blue River. Messrs. Boyes & Son are practical millers of long experience and have brought their business up to a fine standard, and may be named among the mos t enterprising, public-spirited men of Seward County. The former is a life member of the National Liberal League. JOHN BROWN, Sheriff of Seward County, came to Nebraska in 1857, and located at Rock Bluff, Cass Co. Here he engaged at freighting from Plattsmouth to the Rocky Mountains until 1870, when he went into the Indian Territory, and worked at the lumber trade, hauling from the Choctaw Nation to Fort Sill, remaining here until 1873; he then came up to Kansas and was employed on the Atchison & Santa Fe Railroad until 1874, and then returned to Cass County, Neb. In 1875, came to Seward, and was soon afterward appointed Constable and Deputy Sheriff, being elected to the office of County Sheriff in 1881. Was born in Monroe County, N. Y., October 17, 1846, and was married at Seward, Neb, to Miss Maggie Ogg, on the 28th of April, 1881. She was born in Ottumwa, Iowa. ![]() [Portrait of Edmund C. Carns.] EDMUND C. CARNS, Lieutenant Governor of the State of Nebraska and dealer in real estate and livestock at Seward, was born in Butler, Butler Co., Penn., February 19, 1844, and is the son of Andrew and Mary E. Carns, who were both natives of that State. His father was engaged in the foundry business in his native State, and here the subject of this sketch received his education, and in 1858, removed West to Mercer County, Ill., with his parents, where he commenced farming, which he continued until 1864, at that time going to Minnesota, where he followed government transportation, and afterward took a trip to California. Returned from there in the spring of 1873, and settled in Seward, Neb., where he began buying grain, and was the first grain buyer in the place. In 1875, was a member of the State Constitutional Convention, and was the first State Senator from Seward County, and is at this writing, serving his second term as Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska, being nominated by acclamation. Was married, March 31, 1880, in Omaha, to Miss Margarett J. Burke, of Forestville, N. Y. ![]() [Grove House.] "GROVE HOUSE."--RESIDENCE OF MR. JOHN CATTLE, SR. JOHN CATTLE, Sr., President of the State Bank of Nebraska at Seward, is an Englishman by birth, and came to Nebraska in 1876, settling at Seward, where he had two sons and a daughter, who preceded him from England two years. Bought a section of land (3), G precinct, and now has a most excellent farm, being entirely fenced, and well stocked with 1,000 head of French Merino sheep and 100 head of fine graded stock. In February of 1881, bought the bank mentioned at the head of this sketch. Is a member of the M. E. Church at Seward. Mr. Cattle was born in Yorkshire, Eng., on the 14th of March, 1817, and was married at the same place in 1846, to Miss Alice Sorby, by whom he has three sons and three daughters. CAPT. ROBERT T. COOPER, County Treasurer, first came to Nebraska in the year, 1868, and after taking a general survey of the country and its prospects, he returned to the East and did not come here to make his home until 1874. He then bought a farm and mill site on the Big Blue River, erecting a mill thereon, then known as the Cooper Mills, but afterward as the Seward County Mills. This he has continued to operate, and has since taken J. S. Henderson as partner of the same, the mill being 24 x 36, two stories high, two run of buhrs, a thirty-horse power, and a capacity for making twenty-five barrels of flour daily. The subject of this sketch was born in Stephenson County, Ill., May 24, 1842, and enlisted from that State at Freeport, in 1861, in the Forty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company B, as private in the late war, and was promoted in January, 1863, to Second Lieutenant; in October, 1864, when he was discharged and returned to his former home in Stephenson County, and, in 1869 and 1871, was elected Treasurer of said county. He was one of the original members of Seward Post, No. 3, of G. A. R. and is also a member of the A. F. & A. M., Evergreen Lodge, No. 170. WILLIAM W. COX came to Nebraska in February, 1860, and first located in Nebraska City, where he worked at the carpenter's and joiner's trade. At the expiration of two years, he removed to Lancaster County, one and one-half miles west of where the present city of Lincoln, is, at the place known as the Salt Basin. Here he embarked in the manufacture of salt, supplying a number of the Western markets, and after pursuing this occupation for a time, went to Seward County in 1864, and took up a homestead on Section 8, Town 11, Range 3 east, G Precinct, being among the first settlers in the county. Here he remained, improving his land, until the fall of 1873, at which time, he moved into the town of Seward and commenced in the grain business, also adding a complete stock of agricultural implements, following this business until 1881. In 1880. Mr. C. purchased fifteen acres of land adjacent to Seward, and has had it surveyed into town lots, being now known as the Cox Addition, of which he is still proprietor. He had been Justice of the Peace of his precinct and is now Notary Public, and was one of the original members of the first Baptist Church in the county. The first religious meeting was held at his house, the Rev. Dr. McKesone officiating. Has been correspondent of the New York Tribune, Omaha Republican and various other papers, and is a member of the I. O. O. F., Seward Lodge, No 16, and taught the first school in the county. The subject of this sketch was born November 12, 1832, at Versailles, N.Y., and married in Knox County, Ill., March 27, 1856, to Miss Rebecca Sampson, who was born in Preble County, Ohio, 1833. Their family consists of seven children, viz: Kate J., now Mrs. J. A. Ruby, of Seward County; Nettie M., a teacher in the public schools of Seward; Elmer E.; William Lincoln, the first white male child born in G. Precinct; Omar L.; Charley B.; and Nora A. HERMAN DIERS, dealer in general merchandise in Seward, came to Nebraska in 1870, locating in Seward, where he commenced keeping a store, in a small 20 x 36 building, one and one-half stories high, and with a small stock of general merchandise. In 1878, this building was replaced with a fine two-story brick, 20 x 80, and is now filled with as complete a stock in that line as can be found in the county. He was a member of the City Council, and served for several terms, both under the old village charter and under the city charter; term expired May 1, 1882. He was born in the town of Ruttel, Germany, March 23, 1845, coming with his parents to the United States in 1857, and living with them in Clayton County, Iowa, and remained there until he came West and located in Nebraska. He received his education both in his native State and in Iowa. He was married in Seward County, in 1871, to Miss Annie C. Schulte, who was born in Ohio, but raised in Iowa. They have three children--Lewis H., John H. and Theodore C. STEPHEN R. DOUGLASS, retired farmer at Seward, was born in Windham County, Conn., on the 26th of August, 1827, being the son of Joseph and Elizabeth Douglass, nee Lilybridge, his father being of the original family of Douglass, who were the first settlers of the New London, Conn, being of Scotch descent. The subject of this sketch received a common school education, then served an apprenticeship at shoemaking, and also did some merchandising until 1854, at which time he left his native State and came West as far as Illinois. Remained here a short time, and in the fall of the same year removed to Iowa, where he entered land in Mitchell County, and commenced farming and stockraising, being among the earliest settlers in that part of the State. This he successfully operated until 1864, when he took another move westward, finally locating in Seward County, Neb., and took up a homestead on Section 12, Section 19, Range 3 east, O Precinct. Immediately began operations by making a small dug-out, in which he had only lived four weeks, when he was obliged to decamp on account of Indian troubles. Moved to Otoe County with his family, and remained there until the spring of 1866, when they returned to their claim, Mr. D. having revisited form time to time, and held his land, and were the second settlers in that precinct. Mr. Douglass was married in Cedar City, Minn, October 15, 1857 to Miss Jane E. Donovan, who was born in Franklin County, Penn, whose ancestors were of Irish descent. She is one of the original members of the Congregational Church in O Precinct. ELIJAH K. DUNBAUGH, druggist at Seward, was born in Cumberland County, Penn, in 1824, and is the son of John and Mary Dunbaugh of old Pennsylvania stock, his father still being alive at the advanced age of eighty-five years. The subject of this sketch received such education as the public schools of his native State afforded, going to school during the winter and working at home on the farm in the summer. At the age of nineteen, he left home and went into an adjoining county, and engaged with a distant relative, Jacob Bender and here he learned the cabinet trade, serving three years. He worked at his trade in various places until 1840, when he opened a shop at Waynesburg, which he run for three years, and during this time was married to Miss Margerette Dysert, and in 1852, removed to Carroll County, Md., where he was engaged in the hotel business. In 1854, came West as far as Illinois, and settled in Sangamon County, where he worked at carpentering and building until 1873. Then wended his way farther westward, and located at Seward, Neb. Embarked in his present business in May, 1874, and is now the oldest resident druggist of Seward County. Held the office of Mayor of Seward in 1880. He is a member of the Masonic order, Oliver Lodge, No. 38, his wife being a member of the Presbyterian Church at Seward. JOSEPH W. DUPIN, Clerk of Seward County, came to Nebraska in April, 1870, and took up a homestead on Section 8, Town 11, Range 2 east, F Precinct, and was among the first to settle in that precinct. Here he resided until March, 1873, when he moved to Seward, being then appointed Deputy Clerk under Thomas Graham, which position he held until 1878. In 1880-81, he was deputy under O'Keefe, and in the fall of 1881, was elected County Clerk. Mr. D. is a member of the A., F. & A. M., being a charter member of the Oliver Lodge, No. 38, at Seward, and is also a member of the Baptist Church there. Was born in Bardstown, Nelson Co., Ky., on the 16th of February, 1840, and was married at Elizabethtown, in the same State, to Miss Georgie Fairleigh, who is a native of the same State. JOHN N. EDWARDS, attorney at law and loan broker at Seward, came to Nebraska in July, 1873, and located at Seward, where he opened a law office, and was among the first practicing lawyers in the town. He is a native of Pennsylvania, having been born in Huntingdon County on the 20th of January, 1847. Coming West, he enlisted, at Fairfield, Iowa, in the Nineteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Company B, of the late war, but was transferred at Davenport to the Seventh Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, Company M., and served until June 22, 1866. Returning to Iowa at the close of the war , he entered the college at Pella, and in the fall of 1869, was elected Superintendent of Jefferson County, Iowa. At the close of his official duty, he entered the Iowa State University, and was a graduate of the law department of that institution in the spring of 1873, being admitted, in July of the same year, before the Supreme Court of Iowa. He was married December 22, 1869, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, to Miss Nannie Kirkpatrick, daughter of the Rev. A. J. Kirkpatrick, of that city. Mr. Edwards is a member of the G. A. R., Seward Post, No. 3, and was their first Commander, having served in that capacity since their organization. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., Seward Lodge, No. 26; is also a charter member of the K. of H Lodge at Seward, and was the first Dictator. Mr. Edwards is largely engaged in handling money for Eastern and home capitalists, his neighbors having implicit confidence in his integrity. CHARLES N. EMILTON, dealer in agricultural implements, came to Nebraska in 1872, locating at Crete, where he engaged in the machine business, which he pursued for about one and a half years. Then moved on a farm for a time, and afterward clerked for Cory Brothers, dealers in agricultural implements, and in 1879 came to Seward, where he started a branch house for the above firm. In the spring following his location here, he bought out his employers, and has since run the business himself. He was born in Windsor County, Vt., February 9, 1837, and in 1861 enlisted in the late war at Pekin, Ill., in the Thirty-first Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company I, under Hon. John A. Logan. After serving a little over a year, he was discharged on account of ill health which unfitted him for service. In 1869, he came to Nebraska, and started a store at what is now Central City, Merrick County, which was the second store in the place, but after remaining a short time, he returned East, and was married in Illinois, in 1871, to Mrs. Elizabeth J. La Sourd, of Indiana, coming back to Nebraska. JAMES M. FLETCHER, proprietor of the Excelsior Meat Market, at Seward, came to Nebraska in 1879, and first located at Lincoln, where he worked at his trade until the spring of 1880, at that time moving to Seward, and opened his present business, and is now the oldest firm of the kind in Seward, having a trade that required the killing of four beeves per week. The subject of this sketch was born at Millersburg, Bourbon Co., Ky., on the 6th of October, 1856. HON. THOMAS GRAHAM, Surveyor, came to Nebraska in the summer of 1866, and took up a homestead on Section 30, Town 9, Range 4 east, Seward County, where he resided until 1872, when he moved into Seward. In 1869, he was elected Clerk, the county seat then being in Milford, and was continually re-elected to that office until the fall of 1879, the county seat being changed to Seward in 1871. In the fall of 1880, he was elected State Senator of the Twenty-first District, and holds that office at this writing. He has the full confidence of the people, as may be seen from his being continually elected to office in both county and State, on the Democratic ticket, when the county is two-thirds Republican. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. Lodge, No. 26, having belonged to the order for twenty-six years. Was one of the special committee to draft resolutions for regulating railroad in Nebraska, and surveyed the original plan for Seward for Lewis Moffitt, the original proprietor of the town. The subject of this sketch was born in Philadelphia County, Penn., on the 6th of November, 1832, moving to Allegheny County with his parents when only four years old. After receiving a common school education, he attended an academy at Hookstown, Penn.; and, in the year 1849, became connected with a surveying party, which occupation he followed on the Pittsburgh & Stubenville Railroad, and also on the Chartiers Valley Railroad. Was married November 5, 1866, at Plattsmouth, Neb., to Mrs. Jenette Denison, who was born in Jefferson County, N. Y., on the 10th of September, 1837. JAMES H. HARRIS, real estate dealer at Seward, Neb., was born in Washington County, N. Y., August 15, 1820. Leaving his native State at the age of sixteen, he wended his way westward to Indiana, settling in Goshen, Elkhart Co, where he remained until 1852; and, at the time of the great mining excitement, went to California, where he was a resident until 1869. Returning at that time to the East, he remained until 1870, when he came to Nebraska, temporarily locating at Plattsmouth, and, in the summer of the same year, went to Lincoln, where he was employed in the Burlington & Missouri Railroad Land Office. In the spring of 1872, he removed to Lincoln on some land now known as the Harris, Roberts & Moffitt Addition, and is now proprietor of about 300 lots in that town. WILLIAM IMLAY, farmer and dairyman at Seward, was born in Allegheny County, Penn., August 18, 1830, is the son of David and Dorcas Imlay, nee Johnson, who were formerly residents of New Jersey, being of Scotch and Welsh descent. When William was five years old, his parents removed to Muskingum County, Ohio, living there until the winter of 1841, at that time going to Wabash County, Ind. Here he was married, in October, 1853, to Miss Mary E. Donalson, who was a native of that State, and lived here, his occupation being that of a farmer, until the fall of 1856, when he came West to Harrison County Iowa, making his home there until April, 1858; but in the fall previous, had been out in Nebraska, and taken up a claim in Cass County. In the spring of 1858, Mr. Imlay moved his family out there, and began a pioneer life; but, in 1863, was so unfortunate as to have most of his improvements destroyed by the prairie fires, which forced him to abandon his claim, and seek means of support in some other occupation. Then went to Lincoln County, to the place known as the Great Salt Basin, and began the manufacture of salt, which he followed until April, 1864; then removed to Seward County and took up a homestead on Section 18, Town 11, Range 3 east, being the first white settler, next to R. T. Gale, in the county. Was elected one of the first County Commissioners, and filled that responsible position for seven years. He has also represented his District in the Territorial Legislature in 1864-65, which then consisted of Saunders, Butler, Lancaster and Seward Counties. Was also one of the original members of the Presbyterian Church here, which was the first church organized in the county. His family consists of five children-Sarah F., now Mrs. Allen S. Anderson, of Seward County; Josephine L, now Mrs. John Williams, of Seward, William A., of Montana Territory; David Mc and John T. LLOYD G. JOHNS, ex-County Treasurer of Seward and stock-raiser, was born in Northumberland County, Penn., December 22, 1840, and is the son of Abia and Jane Johns, whose maiden name was Teats, the former being of Welsh and the latter of German descent. He received an academic education in his native State; and, in 1861, enlisted in the rebellion in the Forty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company C, and served until the close of the war. Was in the army, Department of the Gulf, and afterward in the Army of the Cumberland, taking an active part in all of the engagements. At the close of the war, he returned to Pennsylvania, and, in 1867, came West as far as Illinois, where he remained until the spring of 1868, and then came to Seward County, Neb., and took up a homestead on Section 30, Town 12, Range 3 east, B Precinct. He now owns one section of land in that precinct, which he devotes to stock-raising, having at this writing seventy-five cows of the Short-Horn breed. Mr. J. was appointed Postmaster at Seward by U. S. Grant in 1872, which position he retained for four years, and, in 1877, was elected County Treasurer of Seward, in which capacity he served four years, the last term expiring January 1, 1882. Is one of the original members of the Baptist Church at Seward, and a charter member of Seward Lodge, No. 26, I. O. O. F., and of Encampment No. 7 at the same place. Is a member of Oliver Lodge, No. 38, A. F. & A. M. and of the G. A. R., being first made a member of that order at Rockford, Ill, in 1867, and now belonging to Seward Post, No. 3. Was married, in November, 1870, at Lincoln, Neb., to Miss Mary R. McKillip, of Clinton, Iowa, by whom he has one daughter, Erma Marie. EWARD W. JONES, of the firm of Jones & Sons, proprietors of the Farmers' Home Hotel; also of meat market at Seward; came to Nebraska in the fall of 1879, locating at Seward, and first started an eating house at the old Burlington & Missouri depot, and, in March, 1881, moved up in the town, and opened the Farmers' Home. In January, 1882, he purchased a meat market, and now runs it in partnership with his son. He is also proprietor of the Union Poultry and Pet Stock Yards at Seward, shipping such stock all over the Northwest, doing an excellent business in that line. The subject of this sketch was born in England on the 14th of June, 1829, coming to the United States in 1856, and during the same year settled at Dubuque, Iowa, where he kept store, and also ran a poultry and pet stock yard, coming to Nebraska in the fall of 1879. CLAUDIUS JONES was born in Orleans County, N. Y., on the 30th day of June, 1826, and is the son of David and Cynthia Jones, the former being Welsh and the latter of old New England stock. He spent the first twenty-five years with his parents on the farm, during which period he received a common school education. In 1850, he opened a small country store, near his native home, which he conducted successfully until 1856, when he took his first step westward as far as Henry County, Ill. In June, 1859, he was married to Miss Harriett I. Weed, of his native town and State, and settled in Galva, Ill, at which time and place he opened a banking house, which is now known as the First National Bank of Galva, Ill, which he placed on a solid foundation. In 1868, moved to Monmouth, Ill., and, in 1870, was one of the incorporators of the Monmouth National Bank, and served as Cashier and Vice President until he sold out his interest for the purpose of coming to Nebraska. In July, 1873, he opened the State Bank of Nebraska at Seward, and conducted it so successfully for six years that it was acknowledged by all to be one of the safest and best paying institutions of the kind in the State. In 1879, in consequence of poor health, he sold out his bank and retired to his large farm near Seward, and intends to spend the balance of his days looking after his fine herds and enjoy the fruits of his labor. He has always been a liberal contributor to all public enterprises, and has established for himself a reputation as a citizen and business man, which is not only a credit to himself but an honor to the community in which he resides. |