SECTION 1. Either branch of the Legislature may propose amendments to this Constitution, and if the same be agreed to by three-fifths of the members elected to each House, such proposed amendments shall be entered on the journals, with the yeas and nays, and published at least once each week in at least one newspaper in each county where a newspaper is published, for three months immediately preceding the next election of Senators and Representatives, at which election the same shall be submitted to the electors for approval or rejection, and if a majority of the electors voting at such election adopt such amendments, the same shall become a part of this Constitution. When more than one amendment is submitted at the same election, they shall be so submitted as to enable the electors to vote on each amendment separately. SEC. 2. When three-fifths of the members elected to each branch of the Legislature deem it necessary to call a convention to revise, amend or change this Constitution, they shall recommend to the electors to vote at the next election of members of the Legislature for or against a convention, and if a majority voting at said election vote for a convention, the Legislature shall, at its next session, provide by law for calling the same. The convention shall consist of as many members as the House of Representatives, who shall be chosen in the same manner, and shall meet within three months after their election, for the purpose aforesaid. No amendment or change of this Constitution, agreed upon by such Convention, shall take effect until the same has been submitted to the electors of the State, and adopted by a majority of those voting for and against the same. SECTION 1. That no inconvenience may arise from the revisions and changes made in the Constitution of this State, and to carry the same into affect, it is hereby ordained and declared that all laws in force at the time of the adoption of this Constitution not inconsistent therewith, and all rights, actions, prosecutions, claims and contracts of this State, individuals or bodies corporate, shall continue to be as valid as if this Constitution had not been adopted. SEC. 2. All fines, taxes, penalties and forfeitures owing to the State of Nebraska, or to the people thereof, under the present Constitution and laws, shall inure to the use of the State of Nebraska under this Constitution. SEC. 3. Recognizances, bonds, obligations and all other instruments entered into or executed upon the adoption of this Constitution, to the people of the State of Nebraska, to the State of Nebraska, to any State or county officer, or public body, shall remain binding and valid, and rights and liabilities upon the same shall continue; and all crimes and misdemeanors shall be tried and punished an though no change had been made in the Constitution of this State. SEC. 4. All existing courts which are not in this Constitution specifically enumerated, and concerning which no other provision is herein made, shall continue in existence, and exercise their present jurisdiction until otherwise provided by law. SEC. 5. All persons now filling any office or appointment shall continue in the exercise of the duties thereof, according to their respective commissions, elections or appointments, unless by this Constitution it is otherwise directed. SEC. 6. The District Attorneys now in office shall continue during their unexpired terms to hold and exercise the duties of their respective offices in the Judicial Districts herein created, in which they severally reside. In each of the remaining Districts one such officer shall be elected at the first general election, and hold his office until the expiration of the terms of those now in office. SEC. 7. This Constitution shall be submitted to the people of the State of Nebraska, for adoption or rejection, at an election to be held on the second Tuesday of October. A. D. 1875, and there shall be separately submitted at the same time for adoption or rejection the independent article relating to " Seat of Government," and the independent article, "Allowing electors to express a preference for United States Senator". SEC. 8. At said election the qualified electors shall vote at the usual places of voting, and the said election shall be conducted and the returns thereof made according to the laws now in force regulating general elections, except as herein otherwise provided. SEC. 9. The Secretary of State shall, at least twenty days before said election, cause to be delivered to the County Clerk of each county blank poll-books, tally lists, and forms of return, and twice as many of properly prepared printed ballots for the said election as there are voters in said county, the expense whereof shall be audited and paid as other public printing ordered by the Secretary is by law required to be audited and paid; and the several County Clerks shall, at least five days before said election, cause to be distributed to the Judges of election in each election precinct in their respective counties said blank poll-books, tally lists, forms of return and tickets. SEC. 10. At the said election the ballots shall be of the following form: For the new constitution. SEC. 11. The returns of the whole vote cast, and the votes for the adoption or rejection of this constitution, and for or against the articles respectively submitted, shall be made by the several County Clerks to the Secretary of State, within fourteen days after the election, and the returns of said vote shall, within three days thereafter, be examined and canvassed by the President of this Convention, the Secretary of State, and the Governor, or any two of them, and proclamation shall be made forthwith by the Governor, or the President of this Convention, of the result of the canvass. SEC. 12. If it shall appear that a majority of the votes polled are "for the new constitution," then so much of this new constitution as was not separately submitted to be voted on by article shall be the supreme law of the State of Nebraska, on and after the first day of November, A. D. 1875. But if it shall appear that a majority of the votes polled were "against the new constitution," the whole thereof, including the articles separately submitted, shall be null and void. If the votes "for the new constitution" shall adopt the same, and it shall appear that a majority of the votes polled are for the article relating to "the seat of government." said article shall be a part of the constitution of this State. If the votes "for the new constitution" shall adopt the same and it shall appear that the majority of the votes polled are for the article "allowing the electors to express their preference for United States Senator," said article shall be a part or the constitution of this State. SEC. 13. The general election of this State shall be held on Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November of each your, except the first general election, which shall be on the second Tuesday in October, 1875. All State, district, county, precinct and township officers, by the constitution or laws made elective by the people, except school district officers, and municipal officers in cities, villages and towns, shall be elected at a general election to be held as aforesaid. Judges of the Supreme, District and County Courts, all elective county and precinct officers, and all other elective officers, the time for the election of whom is not herein otherwise provided for, and which are not included in the above exception, shall be elected at the first general election, and thereafter at the general election next preceding the time of the termination of their respective terms of office; Provided, That the office of no County Commissioner shall be vacated hereby. SEC. 14. The terms of office of all State and county officers, or Judges of the Supreme, District and County Courts, and Regents of the University, shall begin on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January next succeeding their election. The present State and county officers, Members of the Legislature, and Regents of the University, shall continue in office until their successors shall be selected and qualified. SEC. 15. The Supreme, District and County Courts established by this constitution shall be the successors respectively of the Supreme Court, the District and the Probate Courts, having jurisdiction under the existing constitution. SEC. 16. The Supreme, District and Probate Courts now in existence shall continue, and the Judges thereof shall exercise the power and retain their present jurisdiction until the courts provided for by this constitution shall be organized. SEC. 17. All cases, matters and proceedings pending and undetermined in the several courts, and all records, judgments, orders and decrees remaining therein, are hereby transferred to and shall be proceeded and enforced in and by the successors thereof respectively. SEC. 18. If this constitution be adopted, the existing constitution shall cease in all its provisions on the first day of November, A. D. 1875. SEC. 19. The provisions of this constitution required to be executed prior to the adoption or rejection thereof shall take effect and be in force immediately. SEC. 20. The Legislature shall pass all laws necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this constitution. SEC. 21. On the taking effect of this constitution, all State officers hereby continued in office shall, before proceeding in the further discharge of their duties, take an oath or affirmation to support this constitution. SEC. 22. The Regents of the University shall be elected at the first general election under this constitution, and be classified by lot so that two shall hold their office for the term of two years, two for the term of four years, and two for the term of six years. SEC. 23. The present executive State officers shall continue in office until the executive State Officers provided for in this Constitution shall be elected and qualified. SEC. 24. The returns of the whole vote cast for the Judges of the Supreme and District Courts, District Attorneys, and Regents of the University, under the first general election, shall be made by the several Clerks to the Secretary of State within fourteen days after the election; and the returns of the said votes shall, within three days thereafter, be examined and canvassed by the Governor, Secretary of State, and the President of this Convention, or any two of them, and certificates of election shall forthwith be issued by the Secretary of State to the persons found to be elected. SEC. 25. The Auditor shall draw the warrant of the State quarterly for the payment of the salaries of all officers under this constitution, whose compensation is not otherwise provided for, which shall be paid out of any funds not otherwise appropriated. (State v. Weston, 4 Neb., 216.) (State v. Weston, 6 Neb., 16.) SEC. 26. Until otherwise provided by law, the Judges of the District Courts shall fix the time of holding courts in their respective districts. SEC. 27. The members of the first Legislature under this constitution shall be elected in the year 1876. SEC. 28. This constitution shall be enrolled and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State, and printed copies thereof shall be prefixed to the books containing the laws of the State, and all future editions thereof. The Legislature may provide that at the general election immediately preceding the expiration of the term of a United States Senator from this State the electors may, by ballot, express their preference for some person for the office of United States Senator. The votes cast for such candidates shall be canvassed and returned in the same manner as for State officers. The seat of government of the state shall not be removed or relocated without the assent of a majority of the electors of the State, voting thereupon at a general election or elections, under such rules and regulations as to the number of elections and manner of voting and places to be voted for as may be prescribed by law; Provided, The question of removal may be submitted at such other general elections as may be provided by law. Done in convention at the Capitol, in the city of Lincoln, on the 12th day of June, in the year of our Lord 1875, and of the independence of the United States of America the 99th. JOHN LEE
WEBSTER, President. |
O. A. ABBOTT, | B. I. HINMAN, | C. H. GERE, |
J. E. BOYD, | L. B. THORNE, | T. S. CLARK, |
C. W. PIERCE, | J. E. DOOM, | A. J. WEAVER, |
S. B. POUND, | W. L. DUNLAP, | M. W. WILCOX, |
M. B. REES, | J. G. SWAN, | |
The State Republican Convention of September 26, 1876, was one of the most protracted ever held in Nebraska. It continued its sessions until Saturday morning, but not from discord. The action was spirited, though fairness prevailed. The ticket nominated consisted of Silas Garber, for Governor; O. A. Abbott, Lieutenant Governor; Bruno Tzschuck, Secretary of State; J. B. Weston, Auditor; J. C. McBride, Treasurer; S. R. Thompson, Superintendent of Public Instruction: George H. Roberts, Attorney General; F. M. Davis, Land Commissioner; Frank Welch, Congressman, and Thomas J. Majors, Contingent Congressman. The platform sustained the action of the National Republican Convention, in nominating Hayes and Wheeler; indorsed the principles enunciated in the national platform; affirmed the equality of all men before the law; commended the administration in its policy of enforcing laws in protection of civil and political rights of citizens; approved of the Government's financial policy; advocated a protective tariff; favored the granting of pensions to loyal soldiers in the late war; condemned the action of the Democratic party in declaring null and void the constitutional amendments, and, in the South, permitting outrages on the life and liberty of citizens, and closed with the following resolutions: WHEREAS, The construction of the Union Pacific Railroad was a national enterprise, inaugurated and carried to a successful completion by the National Republican party, and built with the nation's treasure, Resolved, That all business originating in the State of Nebraska and produced and situated on the line of railroads connected with the Union Pacific Railroad, in shipment and transportation over said Union Pacific Railroad, is entitled to equal advantages and facilities, without discrimination of any kind in favor of the business of any or either of such connecting railroads, or of said Union Pacific Railroad; that to effect that end, said Union Pacific Railroad ought, in equity and justice, to carry such business over its line, from whatever point received, at a pro rata of its own through tariff on similar business; and that all railroads so connecting with said Union Pacific Railroad ought, in equity and justice, to grant to the St. Joseph & Denver, Atchison & Nebraska, Midland Pacific, Omaha & Northwestern Railroads, and all other railroads which may now or hereafter connect with such connecting roads all the rights, privileges and immunities in respect to rates, time and transportation, possessed or claimed by themselves or either of them, in respect to the Union Pacific Railroad. Resolved, That it is the sense of this Convention that, if legislation is necessary to effect the ends specified in the foregoing resolution the same be urged upon Congress by our Senators and Representatives. The Democratic platform of 1876 was adopted September 6, and reads: 1st. That we heartily indorse the statement of principles of the Democratic party, as enunciated by the St. Louis Convention, and that we look upon the election of Tilden and Hendricks as the only means of saving to this country the Government our fathers gave us. 2d. That, in view of the Republican party, we have no faith in their pledges of reform; that they have so often deceived the people, and obtained their support on the strength of such pledges, that it is the height of folly to trust them longer; and that the people place no confidence in a party whose entire history is replete with broken pledges, violated personal rights, criminal extravagance and unpunished corruption. 3d. That we arraign the Republican party, and particularly a Republican Senate, as being false to the interests of the people and to their repeated pledges of economy, in refusing to consent to a reduction of the expenditures of the Government made by a Democratic House of Representatives. 4th. That we denounce the policy of the Republican party in furnishing the Indians arms and ammunition with which to take the lives of the tax-paxing white men, and in protecting the Indians, while they leave our frontier unprotected. 5th. That we denounce the interference, on the part of the General Government, with a free exercise of the elective franchise, by keeping a standing army over the ballot box in several States of the Union, as an unwarranted exercise of the executive power, in a time of profound peace, for the sole object of subserving party purposes. 6th. That the pretended claim of the Republican party that they are the friends of the soldier is a gross and deceptive fraud, in that after a Democratic House had passed a bill for the purpose of equalizing the bounties of soldiers, and a Republican Senate defeated the same. 7th. That we demand the utmost economy in the expenditures of our State Government, and that the public money shall not be used by its custodians in speculation or to advance party ends, and that such use be punished with severe penalties. The aggregate vote for Governor was 52,234; for Congressmen, 51,774. The Republican ticket was elected. The twelfth session of the Legislature was called December 5, 1876, to pass upon the question of the legality of the election of Amasa Cobb to the office of Presidential Elector. Mr. Cobb was chosen by ballot, in joint convention of both houses. The thirteenth session of the Legislature was held December 5, the same day as the preceding session, and was for the purpose of canvassing the popular vote cast for the State ticket and Congressman. The fourteenth session of the Legislature convened in regular session January 2, 1877. The Senate consisted of the following members: First District, J. W. Holt, P. W. Birkhauser; Second, Church Howe; Third. G. W. Covell, C. H. Van Wyck; Fourth, S. M. Chapman; Fifth, G. W. Ambrose, C. H. Brown; Sixth, A. N. Ferguson; Seventh, W. C. Walton; Eighth, G. F. Blanchard; Ninth, J. C. Crawford; Tenth, Isaac Powers, Jr.; Eleventh. S. W. Hayes; Twelfth, John Aten; Thirteenth, G. H. Thummel; Fourteenth, J. E. North; Fifteenth, H. Garfield; Sixteenth, A. M. Bryant; Seventeenth, Thomas P. Kennard and C. N. Baird; Eighteenth, T. W. Pepoon; Nineteenth, L. W. Colby; Twentieth, J. W. Dawes; Twenty-first, E. C. Carns; Twenty-second, W. M. Knapp; Twenty-third, M. W. Wilcox; Twenty-fourth, J. S. Gilham; Twenty-fifth, E. C. Calkins; Twenty-sixth, B. I. Hinman. Officers: Hon. Othman A. Abbott, President; Hon. George F. Blanchard, President pro tempore, D. H. Wheeler, Secretary; E. J. Baldwin, Assistant Secretary; Thomas Harlan, Sergeant-at-Arms; Miss Ella Marlay, Enrolling Clerk; Miss Mollie Baird, Engrossing Clerk; M. J. Houck, Doorkeeper. The house roll by districts was: First District, J. D. Gillman, William Gerdis, Joseph H. Meyers; Second, E. Jordan, W. J. Halderman; Third, William Anyan, L. M. Boggs; Fourth, W. H. Doolittle, William R. Spicknall, Fifth, J. G. Evans, John Frerichs, J. J. Mercer; Sixth, George McKee, F. W. Robb, J. B. Elliott, Paul Schminke; Seventh, John Cadman, W. C. Griffith, Henry Spellman. R. O. Phillips; Eighth, J. A. Jury, M. M. Runyon, E. M. Mengel; Ninth, J. C. Gilmore, T. N. Bobbitt, J. M. Beardsley; Tenth. S. F. Burtch; Eleventh, A. H. Baker, J. S. Gibson, William Neville, P. P. Shelby, G. E. Pritchell, James Creighton, L. L. Wilcox, Thomas Blackmore; Twelfth, H. B. Nicodemus, N. S. Belden; Thirteenth, Henry Sprick; Fourteenth, F. M. Johnson; Fifteenth, W. J. McVicker, J. W. Pollock; Sixteenth, J. C. Hefferman; Seventeenth, J. P. Walters; Eighteenth, L. C. Champlin; Nineteenth, W. W. Fitzpatrick; Twentieth, S. T. Caldwell; Twenty-first, J. E. Smith; Twenty-second, S. Sadler; Twenty-third, James W. Small; Twenty-fourth, C. M. Northrup; Twenty-fifth, E. Whitcomb, T. B. Parker, James McCreedy; Twenty-sixth, Thomas Wolfe, Thomas A. Healey; Twenty-seventh, S. V. Moore, Lee Love; Twenty-eighth, Thomas B. Johnson; Twenty-ninth, Peter Harrison; Thirtieth, S. W. Switzer; Thirty-first, Anthony Reis; Thirty-second, B. B. Hills; Thirty-third, N. J. Paul; Thirty-fourth, Henry A. Bruno; Thirty-fifth, Albinus Nance; Thirty-sixth, Cyrus Allen; Thirty-seventh, N. W. Wells; Thirty-eighth, C. C. Barnum; Thirty-ninth, Alexander Bear; Fortieth, G. A. Hall; Forty-first, C. F. Eiseley; Forty-second, C. H. Frady; Forty-third, Thomas G. Hullihen; Forty-fourth, W. B. Lambert; Forty-fifth, Loren Clark; Forty-sixth, J. H. McColl; Forty-seventh, A. H. Bush; Forty-eighth, A. E. Harvey; Forty-ninth, W. P. P. St. Clair; Fiftieth, Samuel Barker; Fifty-first, D. P. Whelpley; Fifty-second, J. O. Chase. Officers: Hon. Albinus Nance, Speaker; B. D. Slaughter, Chief Clerk; J. F. Zedizer, Assistant Clerk; W. B. White, Enrolling Clerk; Hannah M. Kellum, Engrossing Clerk; L. B. Palmer, Sergeant-at-Arms; H. W. Gregory, Doorkeeper. The State Republican Convention of October 2, 1878, nominated: For Supreme Judge, Amasa Cobb; for Congressman (long term), Edward K. Valentine; for Congressman (short term), Thomas J. Majors; contingent Congressman, Thomas J. Majors; for Governor, Albinus Nance; Lieutenant Governor, E. C. Carns; for Secretary of State, S. J. Alexander; for Auditor, F. W. Liedtke; for Treasurer, G. M. Bartlett; for Superintendent of Public Instruction, S. R. Thompson; for Attorney General, C. J. Dilworth; for Commissioner of. Public Lands and Buildings, F. M. Davis. The platform of that year is given below: The Republicans of Nebraska, re-affirming the principles that carried the nation successfully through the crisis of rebellion, the dangers of reconstruction, and the readjustment of the social and business interests of the people, and meeting the issues of the hour in the same unfaltering spirit with which they confronted the grave problems that met them upon the threshold of their power, declare: 1. Elections shall be free in the South as in the North; equal rights of all citizens, as ordained by the amended constitution, shall be guaranteed, and it shall not be dangerous to the life or limb of a citizen to hold and express an opinion, and to vote as he pleases. 2. The public service shall be elevated on a basis of a pure, economical and efficient administration of affairs, the tenure of an office to be secure for the term prescribed in the commission, during a faithful performance of its duties, and the rights and privileges of an official as a sovereign citizen of the Republic should not be interfered with, so long as they are exercised without neglect of his duties. 3. Sincerely seeking fraternal relations with the States lately in rebellion, we summon the people to vigilance and unflinching warfare against the demand that the damages sustained by the people of these States, in consequence of unprovoked war waged against the Union, shall be paid out of the national treasury; and the raids of the solid South, in anticipation of Democratic control of the national purse, must be met with the same unfaltering spirit of resistance which foiled the attempt to take possession of our public property with an armed hand. 4. The authority conferred upon Congress by the Constitution to regulate inter-state commerce, and the authority reserved to the several States in their domestic affairs, is amply sufficient to afford the remedy against the growing oppressions of powerful monopolies; and the rights of the people should be jealously guarded against extortion and tyranny on the part of corporations and their combinations of massed capital, by adequate State and National legislation. 5. The faith of the nation shall be sacred, and its contracts be redeemed in spirit and letter, and the nation's honor shall be held as inviolate as the nation's life. 6. We hail the auspicious signs of reviving trade and industry, and congratulate the people upon this practical evidence that the depression which grew out of the financial disorders forced upon us by the rebellion is giving place to returning confidence and permanent prosperity, which can rest alone on a fixed monetary standard, settled values, and full security and certainty for the future. 7. The greenback shall not be dishonored or depreciated; shall be made as good as honest coin; the laborer's dollar shall mean a real dollar; the uncertainty of its value, which robs toil and paralyzes trade, shall cease, and our currency shall be the best currency, because, whether paper or coin, it shall be convertible, secure and steady. 8. The demonetization of silver worked a fraud upon the people by crippling the nation's resources for paying its indebtedness. The act restoring its legal tender character and providing for the coinage of standard silver dollars was timely and just; but its coinage should be free, and the 30,000,000 trade dollars now in circulation should be made legal tender. 9. The record of the Democratic party in its recent attempt to steal the Presidency by violence, intimidation and murder during the campaign at the polls; by stuffing ballot-boxes, falsifying returns, and obstructing the canvassing of votes; by bribery of electors and by pretended returns from false and fraudulent electors, followed by the device of an extra constitutional method of canvassing the electoral votes; its repudiation of its own offspring--the Electoral Commission--as soon as it failed to carry out its partisan designs; its plot to precipitate anarchy and revolution by fillibustering in the House of Representatives until the expiration of the constitutional time in which the electoral canvass could be completed; and the corrupt bargain which it attempts to prove it made as the condition precedent to the abandonment of the conspiracy, illustrates the spirit of its so-called Democracy, being subversive of the Constitution, destructive of law and order, and in contempt of public honor and decency. We arraign this party as a constant disturber of public tranquility; as a wanton foe of public security in its persistent assaults upon the authority and stability of the established government; as false to the nation in crippling its army in a time of uncertainty and danger; as guilty of false pretenses in claiming for the Democratic House a reduction in public expenditures, to be replaced by deficiency bills; as dependent upon a solid South, and thereby subservient to its demands; as joining hands with the miscalled Greenback-Work-and-Labor party to support its wild schemes of inflation with flat money; and its further or greater success would be a national calamity. 10. We earnestly protest against the proposition to withdraw the public lands west of the 100th meridian from settlement under the homestead, pre-emption and timber culture laws, and we demand that as soon as practicable the Indians now within our borders be removed to territory set apart exclusively for their use. 11. We invite all good citizens, of whatever previous political ties, to unite with the Republican party, the only effectual bulwark against national repudiation and disgrace, the only organization capable of preserving the national honor. This great exigency appeals to all Republicans to rise to its high obligation and join heart and hand for the triumph of the principles upon which the security and welfare of the republic depend. The Democrats responded by promulgating, September 25, sentiments and principles in the following manner: The Democratic party of Nebraska, in convention assembled, reaffirm their faith in and devotion to the Union, and the Constitution with all of its amendments, and declare: that strict construction, home rule, the supremacy of civil over military power, the equality of all citizens before the law, liberty of individual action unvexed by sumptuary laws, absolute acquiescence in the lawfully expressed will of the majority, elections free and untrammeled by governmental control, except so far as the obedience of the law demands, are essential to the preservation and due administration of a free government. Furthermore, be it known, that the Democracy of Nebraska is against any and all protective tariff, for the reason that no one industry can be protected at the expense of all other industries; for the reason that we desire a perfect commercial freedom, wherein we may sell where we can sell highest, and buy where we can buy lowest. Be it known, further, that the Democracy of Nebraska declares itself unalterably opposed to subsidies to railroads, or other private corporations, either in lands, money or bonds, by either municipal, county, State or National contributions, for the reason that we have seen and experienced the evils and injustice of such contributions; for the reason that it robs the many to enrich the few; for the reason that it inspires corporate capital to capture and control the Legislatures of States to elect United States Senators, and to corrupt the people and their Representatives, for the reason that in Nebraska, corporate capital is endangering popular rights and subverting the popular will. Be it known, that, we are against a system of revenue which makes a discrimination in favor of the rich, and adverse to the poor. We are for men of moral and mental worth in all public offices and against professional place hunters and political jobbers everywhere, in or out of party. We are for honesty, economy, exactness and a strict accountability in the administration of public affairs, and we denounce the Republican party in this State because it has squandered the public lands; because it has robbed the school funds; because it has wasted the public money in rotten contracts for rotten public buildings, and levied a tax of half a million dollars a year for ten years to enrich favorites and feed imbeciles in office. We further arraign the Republican party for the crime of defrauding the nation of a President, justly elected, by a majority of a quarter million of the popular vote, and its reckless disregard of the rights and demands of the people, in this and other matters involving their best interests. We declare that the commercial and industrial stagnation that has so long prevailed throughout the country, and the consequent wide-spread want and suffering, is due to the pernicious financial legislation of the Republican party, and we hereby arraign it for its acts and charge. That by a sweeping change in the measure of value, wholly in the interest of moneyed capital, by the demonetization of silver and the destruction of legal tender paper, it has wrongfully added, in effect, hundreds of millions to the burden of debt and taxes upon the people, and the burden has as yet been only partially removed by the act of our party in Congress, by the remonetization of silver. The policy of the Republican party, in the contraction of paper currency and hoarding gold, has increased the value of money and securities and decreased the value of capital designed for productive use. Thus idleness and stagnation, instead of industry and prosperity, have been fostered. As measures of relief to the people, we insist that the period of resumption shall be postponed beyond the period now fixed by law, but that resumption shall be had as soon as the needs of the country will admit; the lawful liberation of the coin in the treasury ; the removal of all restrictions to the coinage of silver and the reestablishment of silver as a money metal, the same as as it was before its fraudulent demonetization; the limit of either gold or silver to be determined by the demand for it; the gradual substitution of United States legal tender paper for national bank note and its permanent establishment as the sole paper money of the country, made of equal tender coin for all dues to the Government, the amount of such issue to be so regulated by legislation or organic law as to give the people assurance of stability in volume and value. The immediate repeal of the national banking act. No further issue of interest-bearing bonds. No further sale of bonds for the purchase of coin for resumption purposes, but the gradual extinction of the public debt. Our warmest sympathy is extended to the labor classes who have been thrown out of or crippled in their employment by the ruinous financial policy and unjust legislation of the Republican party, and we pledge the Democratic party to a reversal of that policy and a restoration of all the rights thus wrongfully wrested from them upon its ascendancy to power. We deprecate the employment of organized force in this country except to execute law and maintain the public peace. No violence should be countenanced to obtain redress for any alleged grievance, but should be repressed at any cost, and redress sought and secured by legal methods. Resolved, That the rate of interest in this State ought to be reduced. For Governor, the total vote cast was 52,417; for Congressman, 50,247, and was Republican by a large majority. The fifteenth session of the Legislature met January 7, 1879. Below is given the roster of the Senate: First District, P. W. Birkhauser, G. P. Stone: Second, Church Howe; Third, C. H. Van Wyck, D. T. Hayden; Fourth, Orlando Tefft; Fifth, C. K. Coutant, C. H. Brown; Sixth, C. V. Gallagher; Seventh, John A. Cuppy; Eighth, William Marshall; Ninth, Louis Otterstein; Tenth, W. B. Beck; Eleventh, Louis Ley; Twelfth, O. P. Sullenberger; Thirteenth, E. W. Arnold; Fourteenth, J. T. Clarkson; Fifteenth, W. F. Kimmell; Sixteenth, T. A. Bonnell; Seventeenth, E. E. Brown, M. B. Chency; Eighteenth, B. F. Dorsey; Nineteenth, James A. McMeans; Twentieth, J. H. Grimm; Twenty-first, T. L. Norval; Twenty-second, D. A. Scovill; Twenty-third, J. F. Coulter; Twenty-fourth, A. L. Wigton; Twenty-fifth, John D. Seaman; Twenty-sixth, George H. Jewett. Officers: Hon. Edmund C. Carns, President; Hon. William Marshall, President pro tem.; Sherwood Burr, Secretary; C. H. Babcock, W. M. Seely, Assistant Secretaries; Miss Kate E. Stover, Engrossing Clerk; J. T. Allen, Enrolling Clerk; J. N. Cassell, Sergeant-at-Arms; W. H. Thomas, Doorkeeper. The House roll, by districts, was: First District, John Kloepfel, B. R. Stouffer, W. M. Patton, J. Fenton; Second, R. A. Kennedy, S. Barnard; Third, John Sparks; Fourth, S. B. Starrett, W. R. York; Fifth, W. A. Pollock, N. Johnson, E. Lash; Sixth, J. L. Mitchell, R. D. Brownlee, Jacob Lisk, George Ferguson; Seventh, M. H. Sessions, S. G. Owen, W. W. Carder, T. R. Burling; Eighth, H. A. Fisher, B. F. Hammitt, F. E. Davis; Ninth, R. B. Windham, I. F. Polk, Isaac Stone; Tenth, Amos Gates; Eleventh, George Plumbeck, L. M. Bennett, R. E. Gaylord, Patrick McArdle, W. H. Burns, J. S. Gibson, B. E. B. Kennedy, C. J. Karbach; Twelfth, C. F. Eiseley, G. M. Dodge; Thirteenth, Giles Mead, J. J. Thompson; Fourteenth, Robert Hanson; Fifteenth, B. A. Thompson, John E. Long; Sixteenth and Seventeenth, W. H. Vanderbilt; Eighteenth, C. B. Slocumb; Nineteenth, G. C. Bruce; Twentieth, R. M. Simonton; Twenty-first, J. E. Smith; Twenty-second, R. A. Batty; Twenty-third, H. A. Draper; Twenty-fourth, J. D. Jenkins; Twenty-fifth, M. B. C. True, J. W. Gilbert, N. H. Moore; Twenty-sixth, H. A. French, William Hickman; Twenty-seventh, W. T. Scott, W. H. Keckley; Twenty-eighth, R. W. Grayhill; Twenty-ninth, G. H. Bush; Thirtieth, J. H. Davis; Thirty-first, A. H. Bradley; Thirty-second, P. J. Dempster; Thirty-third, J. F. Frederick; Thirty-fourth, J. W. Sparks; Thirty-fifth, T. S. Sparks; Thirty-sixth, F. Englehard; Thirty-seventh, N. W. Wells; Thirty-eighth, T. C. Ryan; Thirty-ninth, C. P. Mathewson; Fortieth, J. A. Ziegler; Forty-first, R. N. Day; Forty-second, Tobias Mack; Forty-third, B. Y. Shelley; Forty-fourth, F. H. Trowbridge; Forty-fifth, Oscar Babcock; Forty-sixth, T. L. Warrington; Forty-seventh, Sidney Baker; Forty-eighth, R. H. Rohr; Forty-ninth, F. W. Gassman; Fiftieth, A. W. Vandeman; Fifty-first, D. C. Loveland; Fifty-second, M. S. Price. Officers: Hon. C. P. Mathewson, Speaker; B. D. Slaughter, Chief Clerk; J. F. Zediker, T. H. Benton, Assistant Clerks; Miss Kate Strickland, Engrossing Clerk; W. P. Squire, Enrolling Clerk; Isaac Goodin, Sergeant-at-Arms; C. H. Horth, Doorkeeper. |