PART 1: |
Topography | Early Settlements | Organization | County Roster York County Agricultural Society |
PART 2: |
York: Early history | Incorporation | Schools | First Term of Court New York | Local Matters | Elevators | Banks Nebraska Conference Seminary | Public Schools | Churches Societies | The Press |
PARTS 3 ~ 5: |
PART 6: |
Baker Precinct | Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches West Blue Precinct: Church History |
PART 7: |
Beaver Creek Precinct | North Blue Precinct Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches |
PART 8: |
Stewart Precinct: | Woodruff Precinct List of Illustrations in York County Chapter |
C. LANGWORTHY, President of the York County Bank, came to Nebraska in the spring of 1877, and established the above bank. This is run in connection with the Seward County Bank at Seward, and does a general banking business throughout Seward and York Counties. In 1881 he erected the large building in which he now does business, being 21 x 50, two stories high and fronting on Lincoln avenue and Sixth street. Is furnished with an excellent fire and burglar proof vault, besides a double steel burglar chest, and a yale time lock. Mr. Langworthy had formerly been cashier of the Monticello National Bank, in Iowa, and has been connected with the banking business for fourteen years. This Iowa bank had a capital of $50,000, and was run two years as a national bank, being then incorporated under the State charter of Iowa, with a stock company, and the capital increased to $100,000. The subject of this sketch was born in Dubuque County, Iowa, May 4, 1844, where he received his education, being a graduate of the Commercial College there. He is the owner of nearly 1,400 acres of land in York County, and a member of the A., F. & A. M., Monticello Lodge, Iowa. A. C. Ward, cashier of this bank, is a native of Genesee County, N. Y., and a graduate of Lafayette College in Easton, Pa., a gentleman fully competent and able to fill the responsible position with which he is entrusted. ROBERT E. LEACH, farmer and stock raiser, Section 26, town 11, Range 3, west, P.O. York, came to this State in July, 1870, located at Lincoln, where he farmed in Lancaster County one year, and in January, 1872, came to York County, and homesteaded 160 acres, which is now one of the finest improved farms in the county. He has a fine grove of his own planting, also a lot of choice grapevines and fruit trees, and a good comfortable frame residence and excellent out-buildings, in fact it seems almost incredible that so much could be accomplished in so short a space of time. The subject of this sketch was born at Leon, N. Y., August 21, 1844, son of Eli E. and Juliette Leach, nee Saunders, who removed to Outagamie County, Wis., when Robert L. was but five years of age. In 1863 he became a soldier of the Rebellion, enlisting in Company I, of the Thirty-second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Served till the close of the war, and then returned to Wisconsin, where he was employed at farming and lumbering till his removal to Nebraska. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., York Lodge, No. 35, being one of the first members of said lodge. He married, September 1, 1872, Mary E., daughter of L. D. Brakeman, of York Precinct, the ceremony performed at the residence of the bride's father. They have a family of seven children, Juliette S., Chloe I., Minnie M., Lily J., Mary B., Garfield, and an infant daughter unnamed. CHARLES LE COUNT, senior member of the firm of Le Count Bros., hardware merchants, came to York County, Neb., in October, 1869, and took up a homestead on Section 24, Town 10, Range 1, west, Beaver Creek Precinct. In 1872 he started a hardware store at York, in a small building 16 x 20, this being the first store in that line in the county. But times having changed and his trade and stock increased to such an extent that it now takes a building 120 x 20 to comply with it all. He has served as a member of the City Council of York several terms, and was one of the original members of the Universalist Church in this city, being the donor of the lot on which this edifice stands. He belongs to the I. O. O. F., York Lodge, No 35, and was an original member of York Lodge, No. 561, of the A., F. & A. M., and has officiated as Treasurer ever since its organization. The subject of this sketch was born in Wayne County, N. Y., June 9, 1828, and is the son of John H. and Esther Le Count, neeSmith; his father of French and his mother of English descent. They left New York State in 1835 and went to Michigan, from there to Ohio, and in 1850 to Dodge County, Wis., where Charles made his home until his emigration to Nebraska. He was married in 1852, in Wisconsin, to Jane A. Littlefield, who was born in Readsboro, Vt. They have four children living, Adelaide A., John C., Charles A., and Laura M. JOHN LETT, dealer in all kinds of seeds, came to York County in May, 1871, and took up a homestead on Section 32, Town 11, Range 3, West, North Blue Precinct, which was a soldiers claim of 160 acres. On this he resided till 1877, when he moved into York, where he engaged at various occupations. In 1881, commenced his present business, of which he has made a decided success. He was elected Assessor of York Precinct in the fall of 1880, and re-elected in 1881. Was born in Richland County, Ohio, February 28, 1842. When but a small lad, came with his parents, Abraham and Elizabeth Lett, to Iowa, and were among the early settlers of Cedar County. His mother's maiden name was Barnhart. Here he lived, working on the farm, and acquiring an education, till the breaking out of the Rebellion, in 1861, when he enlisted with Company E, of the Eleventh Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and served three years and eleven months, taking an active part in all the engagements of his regiment. Mr. Lett was married in 1865, in Iowa, to Miss Carrie Draucker, of Pennsylvania. They are members of the Presbyterian Church, York, and are both earnest workers in that society. Mr. L. was one of the instigators and original members of Robert Anderson Post, No. 32, G. A. R., and was the first Adjutant, and second Commander of the same. NILS P. LUNDEEN, B. & M. Land Agent and real estate broker, was born in Sweden, April 22, 1850. Emigrated to the United States in 1870, first locating at Burlington, Iowa, where he was engaged at various occupations until January, 1873, when he was employed by the B. & M. R. R. Co., in their land office in that place, being finally appointed their agent for York County, and moved here. He is Notary Public of York County, and was appointed by Gov. Nance, as First Lieutenant of the Nebraska National Guards. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., York Lodge, No. 35, and also of the Sewdish Church, at this place. He was married October 30, 1874, in Burlington, Iowa, to Miss Anna L. Broman, a native of his county. They have four children--Nellie A., JHellen P., Elmer T. and Oscar. BENJAMIN F. MARSHALL, wagon and carriage manufactory, machine and repair shop. This gentleman came to Nebraska in the fall of 1871, and took a claim in York County, Section 22, Town 11, Range 3, West, York Precinct. This he homesteaded, and began to improve, at the same time started a blacksmith shop, one of the very first in the county, and had customers who came forty miles to get work done. In 1877, he removed his shop to York, opening in a small 20 x 30 building, which in the fall of the same year, was replaced by a two-story 32 x 60 building. His shop is supplied with three forges, and a ten horse power steam engine, and he does the most extensive business of the kind in the county. The subject of this sketch was born in Canada, December 12, 1844. Came to the United States in 1869, locating in Illinois, where he was employed at his trade till his removal to Nebraska. He married at Columbus, this State, June 18, 1872, Miss Sarah J. Pursel, a native of Pennsylvania. They are original members of the United Brethren Church, of York County, and erected the first residence in York. Their family is composed of five children--Laura O., Walter J., Fred, Arthur and Bertha F. LIEUTENANT JAMES P. MILLER, stock raiser, and ex-County Sheriff of York, came to Nebraska in the fall of 1870, taking up a homestead on Section 12, Town 10, Range 3, West, in York Precinct, and one mile west of the present site of the city of York. Was among the very early settlers of that precinct, the population not exceeding ten families at the time of his advent. In the fall of 1873, was elected County Sheriff, and to this office he was re-elected four consecutive terms, the people thereby expressing their faith in his adroitness and integrity. Lived on the farm until 1878, when he moved to the city of York, where he has since made his home. Was one of the charter members of York Lodge, No. 35, I. O. O. F., organized in 1874, and the first lodge of that fraternity established in the county. The subject of this sketch was born in Franklin County, Ohio, on the 29th of April, 1834. Enlisted in December, 1863, in Company D, of the Fourth Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, serving till the close of the Rebellion. At the battle of Salem, Ala., he captured the flag of the Twelfth Mississippi Confederate Regiment, for which gallant act of meritorious service, he received a medal from Congress. Was afterward detailed to recruit a colored regiment at Atlanta, Ga., and was commissioned Second Lieutenant of Company F. Was married in June, 1873, in York, to Maria, daughter of David and Elvira Baker, who were the first settlers in Baker Precinct, and from whom the precinct derives its name. ![]() [Residence of Judge D. T. Moore.] DAVID T. MOORE, the son of John and Sarah Moore, was born in Wayne County, Ohio, on the 23rd day of September, year unknown, the family records having been lost. His father was the only son of John Moore, who came to America before the Revolution and was of Scotch descent. He was a soldier in the battle commonly called Braddock's defeat. After this he married a Miss McNairy, likewise of Scotch descent, and when the Revolution broke out he joined the patriot ranks of the common soldier to that of a captain before the close of the war. The father of the subject of this sketch was a soldier for some time in the war of 1812, and after marrying a Miss Snowdon, of Virginia, settled in Wayne County, Ohio. When Daviod was only five or six years old, his parents, with their family of eleven children, moved to Putnam County, in the western part of Ohio, then an almost unbroken wilderness, passing through a part of what has long been known as the Black Swamp, and although David was very young he still remembers vividly the corduroy roads, mud holes, broken wagons, and dead horses, the wild woods and the still wilder Indians. After remaining in Putnam County about one year, and his father dying, his mother gathered her eleven children and returned to Wayne County, Ohio, where the mother being unable to provide for so many, David with his sister Malvina found a home in the family of a cousin, John Miller, of Holmes County, Ohio. Here, at about the age of nine years, he first saw the inside of a school room. He worked on the farm and attended the district school two and a half months each year until the age of sixteen. At this time a favorable opportunity occurring he taught the district school at $12 per month. After teaching successfully for three months, and drawing $36, the amount of his winter's wages, and with no one to advise or condemn he tied his whole fortune up in a cotton handkerchief, and with a small copy of the Bible and Buillon's Latin Grammar, and Reader he hung the whole upon a stick across his shoulder and started on foot, one bright summer morning from his whilom home, and walked twenty-five miles to Hayesville, in Ashland County, where Vermillion Institute was located. At this time a new world was opened up--the world of Letters heretofore undreamed of. With but $36 in his pocket, without acquaintances or friends, he entered upon the academic course of study, having no idea where the money was to come from, how much it would take, or what he would do with the knowledge should it ever be obtained. There was a thirst for knowledge that could not be satiated in any way but in constant study. But the years rolled on in teaching and study, and he had climbed through the course of study, and must go somewhere to complete the college course. What seemed to be an accident directed his course to New Athens, in Harrison County, to a college under the direction of the Associate Presbyterians. To this place he started the second time on foot and travelied over 100 miles, until at the end of the third day, footsore and covered with dust, he arrived at the little out-of-the-way town, the goal of many an anxious hope. Here, as before, he worked, taught and studied until the middle of the senior year was gained. At this point he stopped and being directed to St. Clairsville, in Belmont County, he obtained a suitable situation as principal of the Union Schools established in that town. Here he taught, studied and labored, but never returned to complete his collegiate course. He had obtained a fair standing as a Greek, Latin and Hebrew scholar, and could read and hold a limited conversation in German, French and Spanish languages. The mathematical course had been principally obtained by study while teaching and reviewing these branches for the purpose of standing the examinations in college. While in St. Clairsville he, in common with thousands of others, became greatly excited over the political issues of the day. The Whig party was dead, the Democratic party was a non-combatant, and the South was aggressive. His sympathies became enlisted with the thousands struggling to bring our government back to the first principles engrafted in the Declaration of Independence. He went with the hundreds to Philadelphia in 1856, and was admitted into that great body as an alternate delegate from Belmont County, Ohio. Here he just gained sight of those great apostles of human rights and political freedom, Lovejoy, Wilson, Stevens, and a host of other, and heard words that burnt into his very soul, words never forgotten. He returned home fully determined to study law, and prepare himself for that great battle that all felt must come sooner or later. He now commenced the study of law in St. Clairsville, but health giving way he determined to go South, and see for himself if these things could be so. After passing through Kentucky and Tennessee, he landed at Franklin Springs, a popular little watering-place in the north part of Alabama. Here he taught a few pupils for board, and studied law, but in the spring of 1857, not liking the Southern character, he came North and located in Taylorville, Ill., where he continued the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1859, and commenced practice in Taylorville, in partnership with Z. P. Shumway, but the rebellion coming on Mr. Shumway volunteered for three years leaving the business of the office to the care of his partner. Poor health and close confinement finally drove him from the practice of his profession and he was forced to take some active outdoor employment to save life, and obtained employment as travelling special agent of an active insurance company. This employment he continued until the 19th day of January, 1864. In Taylorville he met among his pupils a Miss Sarah N. Shumway, daughter of Major Shumway, formerly a native of Massachusetts, and married her on her twentieth birthday. She was an accomplished lady, having honorably graduated at the Illinois Conference College for Females, located in Jacksonville, Ill. A short time after their marriage they started for Iowa. He intending to try once more the practice of the law, but circumstances so prevailed as to cause him to undertake merchandising in the little city of Washington, Iowa, where in about three years, by the rapid decline in merchandise which followed the close of the war, the young couple found themselves without the possession of a penny. The insurance business presented itself again and he accepted the general agency of an active western insurance company, which he followed for about fifteen months. Then taking the little money he had made and the other had saved, they took their little son Dwight Shumway Moore, born in Washington, Iowa, and started in the spring of 1869, for the still farther west in search of a place where there were no rich people, but where all live on a social equality. This place was found to be about three miles north of the present location of York. Here a homestead was taken, a sod house constructed, a well dug, and plowing commenced in June, 1869. Being settled the farthest west of any one they had no neighbors, and lived for months without seeing any one but the passing braves going and returning from the hunting grounds. The nearest post office was Seward about thirty-five miles by way of the road. When there were plows to be sharpened they were taken to the same town, there being no blacksmith shop nearer. The only mill was at Milford, not far from forty miles the then travelled road. They had but $30 in money and this soon went leaving them like their neighbors, minus coffee, tea, sugar, meat, vegetables and often flour. They ground wheat in the coffee mill for cakes and used boiled wheat for dessert, and sometimes dessert was all they had for dinner. But good health continued, pure air and pure water was abundant; and in a few months the emigrants came in and the deer, antelope, elk and buffalo disappeared. In the spring of 1870 the county was organized, D. T. Moore taking quite an active part in obtaining petitions for that purpose. At the election for county officers D. T. Moore was elected unanimously to the office of Probate Judge. Through his influence a State road was located and surveyed from Lincoln through Seward, York and Hamilton Counties, which was not much more than located until both sides of said road was lined with new homesteaders. In the spring of 1871, he was elected over his competitor by a vote of two to one as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention to convene at Lincoln in June, of that year. In this convention he took quite an interest, and was constant in attendance and faithful in the discharge of his duties, and his votes and speeches in that body show that he even then foresaw the coming storm wherein labor and capital would become (by means of corrupt men) antagonistic forces. In 1872 he attended the State Republican Convention for the nomination of State officers, and although unexpected and unsolicited he received quite a complimentary vote in that body for Governor. He withdrew his name after one vote was cast. Since then he has taken personally no active part in the politics of the State, but is wide awake to the political situation and fully believes that "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." His politics have been Republican from the first start of the party of 1856. He has been on the political stump and advocated the cause of the party in every national election, but believes the party lash should never be applied to a man's conscience. He is a firm advocate of the free school system and hopes to see the day when technology, handicraft and the proper use of tools will be taught in high school in each county seat in the State. He thinks intemperance is a national crime and will never be subdued until text books shall be placed in the hands of the children and taught in the common schools defining in full the destruction that alcoholic beverages produce. He has his whole life been a believer in the Christian religion, and is now a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. About five years since he moved from his farm to York and has from that time to the present been engaged in the practice of law, and has seen York County spring up from a wilderness of prairie into a rich and populous county and York, the county seat, into what might be called the Athens of Nebraska. LIEUT. ANDREW C. MONTGOMERY, attorney-at-law, was born in Mercer County, Pa., August 23, 1837. He is the son of Archibald and Margaret Montgomery, nee Carnahan, of Scotch-Irish descent. The subject of this sketch received a common school education, then worked on the farm, and taught school in his native State until August 15, 1861. He then enlisted in the Eighty-third Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company B, and served three years, and during this time was promoted for meritorious service from private to several minor positions, and finally reached the rank of First Lieutenant. He was wounded at the battle of Malvern Hill through the right thigh, but remained in active service till the time of enlistment expired, being in a number of hard fought battles, such as seven days at Fredricksburg, Chancellorville, Gettysburg, the fight in the Wildnerness, around Petersburgh, etc. He returned to Pennsylvania, where he was employed at farming and at various other occupations until August, 1870, when he came to Nebraska with his family, and took up a claim in York County, on Section 32, Township 11, Range 2 west, York Precinct, and was among the early settlers of said precinct. He taught school two months in York in 1871, the first that was taught in said town. He took his pay in wood and other luxuries of the county. Here he lived, improving his homestead, until 1876. He then commenced reading law in the office of Hon. D. T. Moore, York, but finished his course with Hon. G. B. France, and was admitted to the bar before Hon. George W. Post, May 14, 1878. He has since made that his vocation. He served as Police Judge of York City two years. He is a member of the G. A. R., Robert Anderson Post No. 32. He was married February 22, 1864, in Pennsylvania, to Miss Annie M., daughter of Houston Borland, of Mercer County, Pa. MORGAN, McCLELLAND, & DAYTON, proprietors York Republican. This paper was founded in 1876 by Morgan & Ross, but the latter gentleman soon sold out his interest to Lee Love and he, in turn, sold out to E. E. Post. In 1881 he was succeeded by McClelland & Dayton. This is the oldest paper in York County; was originally six columns, but in 1877 was enlarged to seven columns, all printed at home. It is Republican in politics, a strong advocate of the temperance cause, and has a circulation of over 1,000 copies. W. E. Morgan, senior member of the firm, was born in Cheshire County, N. H., in 1836; graduated at the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., in the class of 1860. He served nine months as a soldier of the Rebellion in the Eighth Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, Company A. He came to York County, Neb., in the spring of 1871, and took up a homestead on Section 34, township 11, Range 2 west, York Precinct. He served as Probate Judge of that county from 1873 to 1875, and was one of the original Trustees of the Nebraska Conference Seminary, and has always taken an active part in the good and welfare of his town and county. JAMES I. MOSBARGER, farmer, Section 14, township 11, Range 3 west, was born in Coles County, Ill., July 2, 1848. His parents were Jacob and Sarah J. Mosbarger, the former of Germany, and the latter, whose maiden name was Prather, of Irish descent. They were among the early settlers of Coles Country, having settled there in 1842. Here the subject of this sketch worked on a farm with his father, and acquired a common school education. In August, 1872, he came to Nebraska and took up a homestead, where he now owns 120 acres of land all under plow. He has been a member of the School Board three years. He was married in October, 1868, to Miss Barbara E. Landis, formerly of Ohio. They are original members of the Christian Church, Houston Precinct, and superintendend the first Sabbath school in Houston Precinct. They have seven children--Cora L., Henry J., Rosa J., Isaac N., James A., Mary E., and Jacob F. Mr. Mosbarger had three elder brothers, who were soldiers of the Rebellion. DR. WILLIAM H. MARTIN, physician and surgeon, came to the State of Nebraska in 1868, first locating in Nebraska City, where he engaged in the practice of his profession. In 1875 he located in York. He was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, December 13, 1839, and is the son of D. C. and Sarah Martin, who were of English descent; his mother's maiden name was White. He received his literary education at the Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, from which he graduated in the classical course in 1862. He then studied medicine in the offices of three of the leading physicians of the city of Delaware. In the winter of 1862-63 he attended lectures at Michigan University, at Ann Arbor. In 1864 he commenced attending lectures in the Bellevue Medical College, New York City, graduating from the said college in the spring of 1865. His first practice was in the eastern part of Ohio, where he remained until his emigration to Nebraska. He is a member both of the State Medical Society of Nebraska and the Central Nebraska Medical Society. He was married in 1862, in Ohio, to Miss Georgiania A. Ladd, a native of Michigan. Their family consists of four children--Minnie May, married to E. W. Mosier, of York; Junius C., Charles F., and Mamie C. PROF. WILLIAM PECK, A. M., teacher of mathematics and modern languages in the Nebraska Conference Seminary, York, was born in Prussia, near Berlin, May 4, 1837. Was a student in his native country until eighteen years of age, when he went to England and joined the British and Foreign Legion, in which he served until the close of the Crimean war. Then emigrated to the United States, and after traveling around through various localities finally settled in Washington County, Neb., in 1865. Entered the ministry in 1871, and in 1873, was ordained deacon, at Plattsmouth, by Bishop Andrews, and two years later elder at Lincoln, by Bishop Gilbert Haven, deceased. Was engaged in the ministry in Nebraska Conference until 1881, when he was appointed to his present position by Bishop Foster. He is a graduate of Baldwin University, Berea, Ohio, also of Baker University, Kansas. He was married in Washington County, Neb., in 1866, to Miss Patience D. Cameron, who was born in Canada, and by whom he has three children, Mary, John and Ida. THOMAS PORTER, farmer, Section 24, Township 10, Range 3, west, P.O. York, came to Nebraska in the spring of 1871, and homesteaded the place upon which he now lives, which was a soldier's claim of 160 acres. This he has improved till he now has 120 acres under plow and thirty of timothy and blue grass. He also has a fine grove of his own planting, and one and one-half miles of cotton-wood trees around his farm. Mr. Porter was formerly from Ohio, born in Guernsey County, July 30, 1834. His boyhood was spent in his native State, where he received his education and made farming his occupation till 1854. Then removed to Vermillion County, Ill., and continued his former pursuit till 1864, when he became a soldier of the Rebellion, enlisting in the Forty-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company F. At the close of the war he returned to Illinois, and in 1871, came to Nebraska, as above. He is a member of Robert Anderson Post, No 32, of the G. A. R., and he and his wife belong to the Baptist Church, York. Mrs. Porter was originally from Ohio, but they were married in Illinois, her maiden name, Elcey Kimbell. They are the parents of three boys and six girls. ![]() [Residence of Judge George W. Post.] HON. GEORGE W. POST, Judge of the Fourth Judicial District, Nebraska, was born at Cumberland, Guernsey Co., Ohio, February 20, 1851, the son of William E. and Sarah S. Post, the former of old New England stock, the latter of Scotch origin. They removed to Athens County, same State, when George W. was but a small child, remaining there till he was ten years of age. They then went to Missouri, about the time of the breaking out of the Rebellion, but his father being a Prebyterian minister and of Northern blood, his services were not appreciated, consequently remained there but a short time. However it was long enough to result in the loss of considerable property. They then removed to Leon, Iowa, thence to Bloomfield, same State, and here the subject of this sketch entered the army when fourteen years old, in the Forty-fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Company D, one hundred days call. Here also, his father died in 1868, leaving a wife and six children, dependent on their own exertions for support. George W. the third child, previous to his father's death, had attended the public school, and since the age of twelve years, had devoted his leisure time to reading law. He had also taught school some, and during this same year of 1868, entered the Troy High School, Iowa, where he was a student for two years. Then commenced reading law, in the office of Hon. H. C. Travers. Was admitted to the bar, in the early part of 1871, before Hon. Judge Williams, at Ottumwa, Iowa, and very soon afterwards came to Nebraska, choosing York as his field of labor. He was one of the first lawyers in the county and at that time there was only one exclusive dwelling house in the town, which was occupied by Dr. Tutton, the material, sod. To be sure, there was an inferior structure, that went by the name of hotel, but the accommodations were limited, Judge Post being one of eighteen who occupied a room. Soon after locating here, he became connected with T. L. Warrington, in the law business, continuing a year, after which he practiced alone till 1875, when he was elected Judge of the Fourth Judical District of Nebraska, and re-elected in the fall of `79. He was married January 1, 1879, at Mount Pleasant, Pa., to Laura, daughter of Dr. James McConaughy of that city. JOSHUA B. READ, farmer, P.O. York, came to Nebraska in 1870 and purchased a claim on Section 18, Township 11, Range 2, west York Precinct, from the Government. After living on it two years, took up a homestead in Houston Precinct, Section 32, Township 11, Range 2 West. On to this he moved his family and lived there six years, improving his land, after which he returned to his former claim, where he now resides. Owns 240 acres, of which 160 is in York and eighty in Houston Precinct. Mr. Read erected the first frame house in the latter named precinct, hauling the lumber to construct it from Lincoln, a distance of sixty miles. In 1873 he helped organize the first school district in that precinct, and was one of the directors of the same. An incident in the life of Mr. Read, which will admirably illustrate the condition of the treasury of York County in 1870, we relate the following: Mr. Read had been to Milford to transact some business, and on his return from there, while passing through York, the county officials were holding their first meeting in said place. The building in which they were congregated was a small, inferior frame structure, the first and only one in the town. It was entirely destitute of chairs or seats of any kind; there was no desk of any description on which to write. Of course the officials could not proceed with business without either of these, so they cast about to get means to procure them with. As none of the officers had any money, and there was not a dollar in the treasury, they called on Mr. Read, and he loaned them six dollars. It took a good deal of perseverance to get this money back, but he finally succeeded after the lapse of two years. The subject of this sketch was born in Hardin County, Ky., June 25, 1833. Son of Lewis and Alice Read nee Brown. His father is of Scotch and his mother of English descent. He remained in his native State till his emigration to this State. Followed farming till twenty-eight years of age, and then became a merchant. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate Army of the Rebellion, Eighth Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, Company K. He went in as a private, but in the fall of 1863 was promoted to First Lieutenant, and in the spring of 1864, to Captain, for meritorious service under Gen. Morgan. He married in Kentucky in 1866, Miss Alice Rodgers, of that State. They are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Houston Precinct. They have four children, Jocie H., Alford L., Emma., and Charley. JOSIAH J. RICHARDS, proprietor of the "Cedar Park Farm," more generally kown as "Cochran Place," came to Nebraska in the spring of 1880, and purchased the above farm. This contains 160 acres all under a high state of cultivation. He has a fine residence, well surrounded with different kinds of ornamental trees, and a twelve acre grove of soft maples. In addition to this, he has a young orchard just starting to bear, and all kinds of small fruits in abundance. The subject of this sketch was born in Champaign County, Ohio, February 9, 1829, son of Josiah and Nancy Richards, Powell, who were of German lineage. In 1844 they removed to Logan County, Ill. They were farmers by occupation, and there Josiah J. went to Logan County, Ill. They were farmers by occupation, and there Josiah J. went to school and worked on the farm till 1858, when he was married to Miss Eliza Musick, after which he commenced farming for himself. Their family consists of eight children, Henrietta, now Mrs. William Wendell, of Lincoln, Ill.; Emma H., Anna B ., Albert D., Straut, Lott, Pearl and Roy. Mr. Richards' farm is entirely fenced with osage orange and willow hedge. ANDREW L. SANDALL, farmer and stock raiser, Section 84, Township 11, Range 3 west, P.O. York, was born in Sweden, Nov. 17, 1848. He came to the United States with his parents in 1858, who settled in Henry County, Iowa, and commenced farming. When eighteen years old, Andrew L. started out for himself, working at various occupations until the spring of 1871. Then came to Nebraska and homsteaded eighty acres of his present farm, and has since added eighty more. This is all under cultivation, with the exception of twenty acres fenced for pasture. He also has a fine young orchard and three acres of timber all of his own planting. Mr. Sandall was the second Swedish settler in York County, but now their number in York and Baker Precincts has increased to twenty-five families, all thrifty, agricultural people, and able to support a church of their own denomination, called Bethesda Church. Mr. Sandall was married in 1873 at York, by Rev. W. E. Morgan, to Miss Matilda Kaliff, who was also born in Sweden, they being the first couple married in the first church building in York County. They are original members of the church mentioned above in Baker Precinct. CHARLES M. SANDALL, farmer and stock raiser, Section 28, Town 11, Range 3 west, P.O. York, came to Nebraska in the fall of 1871, and took a look at the country. Liking it very much, he returned to his former home, in Henry County, Iowa, where he was married the following spring, to Miss Fredicka Anderson, a native of Sweden, and immediately started for Nebraska, in company with six Swedish families. He took up a homestead of eighty acres on Section 34, one mile east of his present farm, on which he lived five years. He owns 200 acres of excellent farm land, all of which is under cultivation, and entirely surrounded by willow and osage orange hedge. Also a good residence and a number one barn form part of his improvements. Mr. Sandall has gone into stock raising quite extensively, and has been very successful in the same. He was born in Sweden December 23, 1845, and emigrated to the United States, with his parents, in 1858. They first settled in Henry County, Ill., but only remained there one year, and went to Henry County, Iowa, where they farmed, and there the subject of this sketch lived till his removal to Nebraska. His family consists of five children--Clara A., Silas C., Rebecca C., Carl O. and Esther A. His wife was the first Swedish lady in York County, and they are both original members of Bethesda Church. The Swedish settlement, which goes by the same name as the church, consists of twenty-five families, Mr. Sandall being largely instrumental in bringing them all to this State. The first religious service of this society was held at the residence of E. J. Dalstadt on Section 34, in the summer of 1872. CAPT. WILLIAM T. SCOTT, attorney at law, of the firm of Scott & Frank, and senior member of the same, came to Nebraska in the spring of 1875, locating at York, where he commenced the practice of law, and at the same time established the weekly paper, known as the York County Sentinel, the second newspaper published in the county. This he successfully edited for one year, and has since devoted himself to his profession, with no partner until the fall of 1879, when the above firm was organized. Capt. Scott was the first Mayor of York City, being elected to the same in 1877. Was re-elected in 1878, but resigned, to fill the office of Legislator, being elected Representative from York County at the same time, and during the fulfillment of this office was Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the Lower House in 1879. Has served as County Attorney for three terms, and is at this writing Captain of the State National Guards of Nebraska. The subject of this sketch was born in Meade County, Ky., October 30, 1845, but removed with his parents to Harrison County, Ind., in 1864. Was a student in the University of that State, leaving the literary department as a junior, to take up the study of law, graduating from the law department of the said university in the year 1869, and was soon after admitted to the bar. He was married in Indiana, in 1871, to Sallie Miller, who is a native of that State. He is a member of the State Central Committee, and belongs to the I. O. O. F., York Lodge, No. 35. He is Chairman of the York County Republican Committee. |