Resource Center
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Lincoln, Nebraska, the Week of January 10-20, 1911 City Auditorium.
In Conjunction with State Corn Show. State Convention at University Farm, Room 206 Agricultural Rail.
Special delegates appointed by County Boys' and Girls' Associations under the direction of county superintendents.
The University College of Agriculture offers special courses in. Agriculture and Home Economics for delegates from the different counties. The course of instruction for girls is in charge of Miss Rosa Bouton, Director of the School of Home Economics, and all courses of instruction for girls will be given in Home Economics Hall.
The following departments of the College of Agriculture will give instruction to boys:
Department of Agronomy and Farm Management.
Department of Horticulture.
Department of Animal Husbandry.
Department of Animal Pathology.
Prof. Percy B. Barker will have charge 'of the boys during the entire course.
The Y. M. C. A. of the School of Agriculture will provide rooms and boarding places for boys.
Board and room for the girls will be provided by the city Y. W. C. A., under the direction of Miss Etta Agee.
The total expense of board and room will not exceed $5.00 per week.
Girls will report at Home Economics Hall, University Farm.
Boys will report at the office of Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes, Agricultural Hall, University Farm.
Great care has been exercised in planning the courses of instruction with a view of enlarging upon and giving more technical instruction along the lines which have been started at the various county contests. The courses will prove to be both interesting and highly instructive to the delegates, and every effort will be made to see that the boys and girls are properly entertained.
The general arrangements for this work are in charge of the State Department of Public Instruction and the University Department of Farmers' Institutes.
County managers should report at once, in writing, to Val Keyser,
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Supt. of Farmers' Institutes, the names of delegates and the time they will arrive in Lincoln, so that the reception committee can meet them.
The entire stage of the City Auditorium will be used for exhibits in junior classes. The prize winning exhibits of corn and articles of sewing should be brought or sent, express prepaid, to the City Auditorium on or before Friday, January 13, 6:00 p. m.
The State Board of Agriculture donates $200.00 to be used as cash premiums for Nebraska Boys' and Girls' Junior Corn Show.
Much credit is due the State Board of Agriculture for the interest taken and financial support given to this work each year. It would not be possible to conduct the State Contest and Corn Show for boys were it not for the financial support tendered through the courtesy of the State Board of Agriculture. The state managers of the State Boys' and Girls' clubs wish to express their hearty appreciation for the assistance the Board has rendered in the promotion of this important work.
State Corn Improvers' Association donates $50.00 in cash for State Junior Show and Corn Judging Contest.
Sweepstakes prize for the best ten ears of yellow dent corn exhibited in the Junior Corn Show, The Blodgett Scholarship .... $100.00
Sweepstakes prize for the best ten ears of white dent corn exhibited in the Junior Corn Show, one pen of five white Plymouth Rock chickens. Awarded by Fred Strobel, Route 6, Box 2, York, Nebraska, value ................. $100.00
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Other Than Yellow or White Dent Corn
Western District.
Sweepstakes prize for best ten ears of corn other than yellow or white dent. Awarded by First National Bank, McCook, Nebraska ........ Cash $25.00
CLASS A--Corn.
(No. 1, including all counties east of the west boundary lines of Knox, Antelope, Boone, Nance, Merrick, Hamilton, Clay and Nuckolls counties.)
Lot 1.--Best ten ears yellow dent corn--
First premium, one bred, pure bred, Poland China gilt,
awarded by King Bros., Albion, Nebraska, |
$50.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 5.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 4.00 |
Fourth Premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Fifth premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Sixth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$65.00 |
Lot 2.--Best ten ears white dent corn--
First premium, one bred, pure bred Poland China gilt,
awarded by W. E. Bennett & Sons, Winnetoon, Nebraska,
$40.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 5.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 4.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Fifth premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Sixth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$55.00 |
Lot 3.--Best ten ears field corn other than yellow or white dent--
First premium, one bred, pure bred, Duroc Jersey gilt,
awarded by E. H. Gifford, Lewiston, Nebraska, |
$30.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 4.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fifth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$40.00 |
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(Combining districts Nos. 2 and 3. Including all counties west of the east boundary lines of Boyd, Holt, Wheeler, Greeley, Howard, Hall, Adams and Webster counties.)
Lot 4.--Best ten ears yellow dent corn--
First premium, one bred, pure bred, Duroc Jersey gilt,
awarded by Horace Wolvin, Utica, Nebraska, |
$30.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 5.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 4.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Fifth premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Sixth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$45.00 |
Lot 5.--Best ten ears white dent corn--
First premium, one bred, pure bred, Poland China gilt,
awarded by C. C. Clement, Ord, Nebraska, |
$ 50.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 5.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 4.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Fifth premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Sixth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$ 65.00 |
Lot 6.--Best ten ears field corn other than yellow or white dent--
First premium, one bred, pure bred, Poland China gilt,
awarded by B. F. Wilson, McCook, Nebraska, |
$30.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 4.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fifth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$40.00 |
Either Eastern or Western District
(Includes Entire State.)
Lot 7.--Best collection of not less than five varieties of corn, two ears only of each variety--
First premium, awarded by First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska |
Cash $25.00 |
Second premium, one trio Barred Plymouth Rock |
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Chickens. Awarded by Chas. W. Mulloy, Fremont, Nebraska,
9.00 |
Total |
$34.00 |
Lot 8.--Best ten ears of pop corn, any variety--
First premium, one trio Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens.
Awarded by W. A. Irvin, Wilber, Nebraska, |
$12.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Total |
$15.00 |
Lot 9.--Best single ear of field corn, any color--
First premium, awarded by Bloomington State Bank, Bloomington, Nebraska |
Cash $25.00 |
Second premium, one trio Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens.
Awarded by W. F. Holcomb, Clay Center, Nebraska, |
9.00 |
Total |
$34.00 |
Acre Contest.
Lot 10.--Each contestant will exhibit ten ears of corn grown on the acre, a written report of his work, and affidavit by committee who measured the acre, saw the corn husked and weighed, as directed in bulletins Nos. 12, 15 and 20.
Only those enrolled in the Home Experiment Department of the Nebraska Boys' and Girls' Club, and with the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, last spring, are eligible to enter Lot 10.
First premium, one bred, pure bred, Duroc Jersey gilt.
Awarded by C. C. Van Deusen, Kennard, Nebraska, |
$40.00 |
Second premium, one trio white Wyandotte chickens.
Awarded by E. E. Bowers, Bradshaw, Nebraska, |
$15.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Total |
$58.00 |
Ear to Row Experiment.
Lot 11.--Each contestant will exhibit ten ears of corn, grown in the "Ear to Row" Experiment, and a written report of his work. See directions in bulletins Nos. 12, 15 and 20.
Only those enrolled in the "Ear to Row" experiment
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in the Home Experiment Department of the Nebraska Boys' and Girls' Club are eligible to enter Lot 11.
First premium, one bred, pure bred, Duroc Jersey Gilt.
Awarded by T. P. Moren, Johnson, Nebraska, |
$30.00 |
Second premium, one trio white Plymouth Rock chickens,
Awarded by Walter Hogue, Fairfield, Nebraska, |
10.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Total |
$43.00 |
Husking Contest.
Lot 12.--Each contestant will exhibit a written report and affidavit by committee, as directed in bulletin No. 20.
Only those enrolled in the Husking Contest in the Home Experiment Department of the Nebraska Boys' and Girls' Club are eligible to enter Lot 12.
First premium, one Poland China Gilt. Awarded by Chas.
McCourtney, Table Rock, Nebraska, |
$25.00 |
Second premium, one trio white Wyandotte chickens.
Awarded by A. H. Seymour, Swanton, Nebraska, |
10.00 |
Third premium, |
Cash 3.00 |
Total |
$38.00 |
Corn Judging Contest.
Each county may enter a judging team composed of two winners in the County Judging Contest. Where no county judging contest was held, the county superintendent is authorized to appoint a judging team to represent the county.
Any person who has been a regular student in a School of Agriculture, or has taken therein a course of six weeks in agriculture is not eligible to enter this contest.
First premium, one bred, pure bred, Duroc Jersey gilt.
Awarded by F. C. Crocker, Filley, Nebraska, |
$35.00 |
Second premium, one trio Partridge Cochin chickens.
Awarded by P. H. Gibson, Hampton, Nebraska, |
$25.00 |
Total |
$60.00 |
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Each county may enter a judging team composed of the two winners In the County Judging Contest. Where no County Judging Contest was held, the county superintendent is authorized to appoint a judging team to represent the county.
Any person who has been a regular student in the Domestic Science Department of a School of Agriculture and has taken a course of more than six weeks in domestic science is not eligible to enter this contest.
First premium, one trio Black Orpington chickens. Awarded
by A. M. Hadley, Doniphan, Nebraska, |
$30.00 |
Second premium, one trio Buff Plymouth Rock chickens.
Awarded by Mrs. Jas. B. Christopher, Carleton, Nebraska,
$22.00 |
Total |
$52.00 |
$100.00 |
$200.00 |
The Blodgett Scholarship is awarded as a Sweepstakes Prize for the best ten ears of yellow corn exhibited in the Junior Corn Show. If the winning exhibit was grown from Blodgett's yellow dent seed, furnished by the donor, the value of the scholarship will be doubled, or made $200.00.
This scholarship is granted to the winner for attendance at the University of Nebraska School of Agriculture, or College of Agriculture for the year 1911-1912. It is to cover matriculation, laboratory, and library fees, and expenses for books and supplies not to exceed $100.00 or $200.00, according to above stipulation. If the winner is a student already enrolled in the University, the scholarship may be applied to cover expenses of this year's work if desired.
Scholarship awarded by Reuben E. Blodgett, Beatrice, Nebraska.
The following lots are arranged to include work done by members of the Home Experiment Department of the Nebraska Boys' and Girls' Club, as outlined in bulletins Nos. 16, 17 and 19. Any girl of school age is eligible to enter this class.
Lot 1.--Best work apron with sleeves. This may be either hand or machine made, or combined hand and machine made.
First premium, one trio S. C. Buff Orpington. chickens.
Awarded by C. A. Nelson, Greeley, Nebraska. |
$ 9.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 3.00 |
300 |
Third premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$15.00 |
Lot 2.--Best work apron without sleeves. This may be either hand or machine made, or combined hand and machine made.
First premium, one trio S. C. Rhode Island Red chickens.
Awarded by Judge Samuel Lippincott, Ashland, Nebraska. |
$ 7.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$13.00 |
Lot 3.--Best fancy apron; any design, hand or machine made; may be embroidered or trimmed, as exhibitor desires.
First premium; one trio barred Plymouth Rock chickens.
Awarded by M. F. Rockwell, Hemingford, Nebraska. |
$10.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$16.00 |
Lot 4.--Garden Hat.--
First premium, one trio barred Plymouth Rock chickens.
Awarded by E. C. Jewell, DeWitt, Nebraska. |
$ 6.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$12.00 |
Lot 5.--Petticoat.--
First premium, one trio Duff Cochin Chickens. Awarded by
Mrs. F. C. Black, Nebraska. City, Nebraska. |
$ 7.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$13.00 |
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Lot. 6.--Shirt Waist.---
First premium, one trio barred Plymouth Rock chickens.
Awarded by J. G. Mullis, Dunbar, Nebraska. |
$ 7.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$13.00 |
Lot 7.--Sofa Pillow Cover.--
First premium, one trio B. C. White Leghorn chickens.
Awarded by Austin Boyer, DeWitt, Nebraska. |
$ 5.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$11.00 |
Lot 8.--Holders,--
First premium; one trio barred Plymouth Rock chickens.
Awarded by Miss Voorhees, Sweetwater Nebraska. |
$ 4.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$ 7.00 |
Lot 9.--Dressed Doll, Long Clothes.
First premium, one trio White Plymouth Rock chickens,
Awarded by G. J. Wolcott, Central City, Nebraska. |
$ 5.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$10.00 |
Lot 10.-Dressed Doll, Short Clothes--
First premium; one trio Brown Leghorn chickens. Awarded
by Mrs. C. Stinton, Geneva, Nebraska, |
5.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 1.00 |
Total |
$10.00 |
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Lot 11--Collection of sewing samples. This exhibit Includes one or more of the samples of work in:
- Running and Overcasting
- Basting and Hemming
- Overhanding
- Stitching and Backstitching
- Felled Seam
- Buttons and Buttonholes
- Dorothy Seam on Flannel
- Hooks and Eyes
- Loop stitch, Feather Stitch, French Knots.
- Directions for which were given la bulletins Nos. 16, 17, and 19. Each entry must represent the work done by one girl only. It may include as many of the above named samples of work as the exhibitor desires, but there should be only one sample of the same kind of work.
First premium, one trio Barred Plymouth Rock chickens.
Awarded by M. S. McCollister, Beaver Crossing, Nebraska.
$10.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 4.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 3.00 |
Fourth premium |
Cash 2.00 |
Fifth to Sixteenth premiums, inclusive, $1.00 each |
Cash $12.00 |
Total |
$31.00 |
Lot 12.--County Collective Exhibit. Exhibit by county superintendent of articles named above in lots 1 to 11 inclusive. Award will be made for the largest number of articles and the best quality of work manship on the following basis:
(a) Number of articles entered |
40 per cent |
(b) Workmanship |
60 per cent |
First premium |
Cash $15.00 |
Second premium |
Cash 10.00 |
Third premium |
Cash 5.00 |
Total |
$30.00 |
Grand total of premium list |
$1050.00 |
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