Resource Center
Under date of May 18 1910, the state superintendent sent the following letter to county superintendents of Nebraska:
"Under the provisions of section 2, subdivision 8, school laws of Nebraska, I have organized the Nebraska State Institute, the first session of which will be held at Lincoln, May 30 to June 4, 1910. I enclose herewith announcement.
"A leading feature of this institute will be the business sessions of the county superintendents' section, which will be devoted to a discussion of and action on matters of administrative policy as concerned in the duties of the offices of the state and county departments of superintendence.
"County superintendents will also have opportunity to attend other sessions and conferences of the institute, and to take the courses of study outlined for the afternoons in agriculture and domestic science. These courses of study will be most valuable to those county superintendents who are encouraging this work in their respective counties. They have been arranged for the purpose of giving superintendents such insight into general principles as will enable them to better supervise the work.
"Business matters referring to certification, school law, and other important features of the work as related to the county superintendent's duties will be before us for consideration and action. You are invited to bring with you for adjustment any of your county records which you desire to chock over with the records of this department. This will be an opportunity to clear up questions on certification.
"I enclose copy of letter written to county boards with reference to the payment of your traveling expenses. We expect this to be a most important meeting of county superintendents in its relation to the educational policies of the state as controlled and directed through the county superintendent's office.
"The county superintendents' section will be business from beginning to end. Every county should be represented. I enclose enrollment card, and trust that nothing will prevent the enrollment and attendance of every county superintendent.
Letters of similar import were sent to the faculties of the junior normal schools, to directors and instructors of normal training in high schools, and to county institute instructors.
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A tentative program was arranged and personal letters were written the various school people asking them to take a definite part on the program. Advance enrollment cards were sent out. The response was generous and gratifying in the extreme. The tentative program was then printed and mailed to all school people. A notice was also sent out announcing that
"The University of Nebraska has arranged to entertain all women superintendents, junior normal instructors, and other women in attendance at the Nebraska State Institute. All women are invited to make the Home Economics building at the University Farm their home while in Lincoln.
"As the program is arranged, this will be very convenient, since all the forenoon sessions are in the city and the afternoon sessions are at the University Farm, with good car service connections.
"The cost will be one dollar per day for each person. Rooms will be reserved in the order in which requests are received."
Monday, May 30
8:00 p. m. General Session, T. T.
8:00 a. m. |
Parliamentary Law, R. H. |
8:15 a. m. |
County Superintendents Section, R. H. |
Junior Normal Section, S. C. |
10:00 a. m. |
Institute Instructors Section, S. C. |
11:20 a. m. |
General Session, R. H. |
1:30 p. m. |
Course in Agriculture, J. P. |
2:00 p. m. |
Interstate Conference on Certification, S. S. |
3:00 p. m. |
Course in Domestic Science, H. E. |
4:00 p. m. |
Officers State and District Teachers' Assn., S. C. H. |
8:00 p. m. |
General Session, R. H. |
Wednesday, June 1
8:00 a. m. |
Parliamentary Law, R. H. |
8:15 a. m. |
County Superintendents Section, R. H. |
Normal Training Section, S. C. |
9:00 a. m. |
Interstate Conference on Certification, S. C. R. |
10:00 a. m. |
Institute Instructors Section, S. C. |
11:20 a. m. |
General Session, R. H. |
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1:30 p. m. |
Course in Agriculture, J. P. |
2:00 p. m. |
Joint Meeting Interstate Conference on Certification and College and University Section, S. C. H. |
3:00 p. m. |
Domestic Science, H. E. |
4:00 p. m. |
College and University section, S. C. R. |
4:30 p. m. |
Excursion through Soil Laboratory, University Farm. |
5:30 p. m. |
Dinner University Farm, H. E. |
6:30 p. m. |
Reception, H. E. |
8:00 p. m. |
General Session, A. H. |
8:00 a. m. |
Parliamentary Law, R. H. |
8:15 a. m. |
County. Superintendents Section, R. H. |
Junior Normal Section, S. C. |
9:00 a. m. |
College and University Section, S. C. H. |
10:00 a. m. |
Normal Training Section, S. C. |
11:20 a. m. |
General Session, R. H. |
1:30 p. m. |
Course in Agriculture, J. P. |
2:00 p. m. |
School Officers Section, R. H. |
3:00 p. m. |
Course in Domestic Science, H. E. |
8:00 p. m. |
General Session, R. H. |
8:00 a. m. |
Parliamentary Law, R. H. |
8:15 a. m. |
Joint Conference, R. H. |
County Superintendents Section |
Junior Normal Section |
Normal Training Section |
Institute Instructors Section |
11:00 a. m. |
Recess |
11:20 a. m. |
General Session, R. H. |
1:00 p. m. |
Conference Boys and Girls Club, A. H. |
1:30 p. m. |
Course in Agriculture, J. P. |
3:00 p. m. |
Schoolmen's Agriculture Club, A. H. |
3:00 p. m. |
Course in Domestic Science, H. E. |
4:00 p. m. |
Society for Promotion of Industrial Education, A. H. |
4:30 p. m. |
Informal Tea, H. E, |
8:00 p. m. |
General Session, R. H. |
Official Headquarters--State Superintendent's Office.
Hotel Headquarters--The New Lindell, 13th and M.
Institute Secretary--Jennie B. Adams, State Superintendent's Office. Copies of all papers presented are to be filed with the institute secretary.
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All persons attending the institute should register in the office of the state superintendent. This applies to those who sent in advance enrollment cards as well as to all others.
Drills in parliamentary practice as applied to ordinary business sessions of committees, clubs, associations, and other organizations will be conducted by F. M. Gregg of the Peru State Normal School thirty minutes each morning before the opening session in Representative Hall. Everybody is invited to participate.
Section and conference chairmen are instructed to open their respective sessions promptly at the time indicated. Sessions will close promptly except when continued by direction of those present, where such action will not conflict with any other scheduled meeting.
Wednesday, June 1, at 5:30 p. m., the University of Nebraska will serve dinner in the Home Economies building to those attending the institute. After dinner program: Chairman, E. C. Bishop, State Superintendent; Toastmaster, George Coupland, Member Board of Regents University of Nebraska.
Steekleburg Concert Company in a patriotic and classical program.
11:20 a. m. Addresses--Samuel Avery, Chancellor University of Nebraska.
W. E. Harmon, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Helena, Montana.
E. T. Fairchild, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Topeka, Kansas. Address--Agricultural and Industrial Training in Minnesota
C. G. Schulz, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, St. Paul, Minnesota.
11:20 a. m. Address--The Country School Situation in Iowa
John F. Riggs, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Des Moines, Iowa.
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Address--The Consolidation of Schools In Ohio John W. Zeller, State Commissioner of Common Schools, Columbus, Ohio.
Jessie Field, Superintendent of Page County Schools, Clarinda, Iowa. Other addresses to be announced.
11:20 a. m. Address--A. C. Shallenberger, Governor of Nebraska.
8:00 p. m. Address--The Improvement of the Rural School
Harlan Updegraff, Specialist in School Administration, U. S. Bureau of Education.
11:20 a. m. Address--A. C. Nelson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Section Chairman, FRANK S. PERDUE, State Department of Education
Conference on Certification.
Leader, JOSEPH SPARKS, State Department of Education
1. Emergency certificates, their issuance and limitations--
L. R. Willis, Hastings
D. F. Story, Valentine
Garland E. Lewis, Broken Bow
A. L. Burnham, Stanton.
2. Elementary certificates, their registration and extension--
E. E. Hays, Kearney
J. M. Matzen, Fremont
3. Transfer of grades on incomplete examination, and transfer of certificates--
Chas. F. Stillwell, Beaver City
R. D. Hendrickson, Loup City
4. Reading circle credits on county certificates, more nearly uniform system for granting such credits--
Emma R. Miller, West Point
Josephine F. Moberly, Tecumseh
M. Edith Walford, Bridgeport
5. Examination program, changes in--
N. A. Housel, Madison
Mabel Day, Red Cloud
6. Records, explanation of state system--suggestions for county system.--
Lulu S. Wolford, Pawnee City
H. A. Collins, Papillion
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Note.--The last fifteen minutes of this session will be set aside for taking definite action on matters under discussion.
Conference on School Law
Leader, J. L. McBRIEN, University Extension.
1. Extension of free high school tuition law; approval of non-accredited high schools
John E. Ray, Geneva
L. W. Colebank, Stockville
E. L. Vogt, St. Paul
2. Problems of compulsory education--
W. A. Yoder, Omaha
Edwin Curtis, Minden
L. Nemaha Clarke, Auburn
3. School Library law, changes in; selection and care of library books--
Charlotte M. Templeton, Lincoln
T. J. Oliver, Falls City
Mrs. E. B. O. Williams, Wahoo
4. State aid to school districts; changes in law--
Edith H. Morrison, Sidney
H. R. Dellinger, Hyannis
Minnie B. Miller, O'Neill
Chas. G. Ammon, Bassett
5. County superintendent's annual report; discussion of items and recommended changes--
Mrs. Ruth Erfman, Bloomington
James Pelley, Greeley
Fred S. Lecron, Columbus
Note--The last fifteen minutes of this session will be set aside for taking definite action on matters under discussion.
Conference on Recommendation and Legislation
Leader, W. D. REDMOND, State Department of Education
1. Support of county superintendent's office
a. County superintendent's salary.E. A. Murphy, Centerb. Office assistance and traveling expenses.
W. A. Posey, Hebronc. Supplies.
William Ebright, North Platted. Eighth grade examinations.
John A. Rhoades, Blair
Jessie B. Pyrtle, Beatricee. County teachers' associations.
F. A. Stech, David City
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f. County contests and conventions.S. C. Stephenson, Aurora
Leader, Edith A. Lathrop, Clay Center
2. County institutes, organization and management.
Maine McAndrew, Ainsworth
Mary E. Foster, Plattsmouth
F. W. Montgomery, Elwood
3. Reading circles, teachers, pupils.
Nettie C. Nelson, Tekamah
Dorethea Kolls, Grand Island
4. Course of study, how made effective; proposed changes.
Bess V. Crews, Trenton
Note--The last fifteen minutes of this session will be set aside for taking definite action on matters under discussion.
General session of County Superintendents, Junior Normal, Normal Training, and Institute Instructor sections.
1. Consolidation of school districts
Ben F. Robinson, Sholes
J. H. Garrett, Mullen
2. School Buildings and Grounds
Leader, W. K. Fowler, Former State Superintendent of Nebraskaa. Lighting
b. Heating
c. VentilatingHannah C. Johnson, Albion
Carrie L. Munkres, Chadrond. Equipment
F. J. Vogltance, Schuyler
Jas. T. Anderson, Alma
3. Industrial Education
Leader, E. C. Bishop, State Superintendenta. Agriculture--organization-course of study
b. Domestic Science--organization--course of study
Meyer Brandvig, Butte
R. C. Harriss, Fairbury
R. C. King, Nebraska City
Lillie M. Cole, Osceola
Elizabeth Bettcher, McCook
Agnes Lackey, Gering
W. H. Brokaw, Seward
Alice Florer, York
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4. Physical Education
Leader, C. A. Fulmer, Nebraska Wesleyan Universitya. Playgrounds
b. Medical inspection
c. Defectives and delinquentsR. W. Eaton, Geneva,
W. E. Miller, Hartington
Helen Hastings, Grant
5 Standard rural schools
Leader, A. V. Teed, Ponca.Requirements, establishment, recognition,
L. A. Olinger, Lexington
Huldah Peterson, Holdrege
At the close of discussion on this subject it is expected that steps will be taken to formulate the Standard Rural School for Nebraska and to perfect plans for encouraging the establishment and maintenance of the same throughout the state.
Note--The last fifteen minutes of this session will be set aside for taking definite action on matters under discussion.
Section Chairman, H. K. WOLFE, University of Nebraska
Topic: Course of Study
1. Uniformity of course--
a. Subjects completed in one sessionR. W. Eaton, Geneva
Mrs. Leora S. Rustin, Hemingford
V. L. Strickland, Nelsonb. Subjects that cannot be completed in one session
J. G. W. Lewis, Ravenna
C: W. Philpott, Lincolnc. Conformity to state normal course--
A. O. Thomas, Kearney
2. Institute week, the double program--
Chas. W. Taylor, McCook
Mrs. Genevieve Richmond, Ogalalla
E. S. Cowan, Creighton
Wm. Ebright, North Platte
3. Credit--
a. Class records--R. I. Elliott, Broken Bow
C. F. White, Trentonb. System for reporting junior normal credit--
J. A. Beattie, Lincoln
L. W. Colebank, Stockville
E. P. Bettenga, Valentine
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c. System for reporting junior normal and county certificate credit--Wilson Tout, North Platte
Mrs. Nellie West Caster, Red Cloud
Garland E. Lewis, Broken Bowd. Regulations governing absence from class, making up work, granting of credits--
W. H. Gardner, University Place
T. N. Fleming, Omaha
H. H. Reimund, Crawford
4. Methods Relative emphasis placed upon methods and academic Instruction.
C. W. McMichael, Holdrege
Celia A. Gorby, O'Neill
Note.--The last fifteen minutes of this session will be set aside for taking definite action on matters under discussion.
Course of study (Continued)
5. Model school--Its organization, purpose, and utilization--
Elizabeth Everson, Alma
E. Ruth Pyrtle, Lincoln
Susie H. Frazier, Alliance
6. Class organization, minimum and maximum number of students--
John A. Woodard, Havelock
W. T. Davis, Beaver City
1. Spirit of the school, relation of principal and instructors thereto--
J. W. Crabtree, Peru
W. R. Pate, Sidney
2. Characteristics of student body; special help; direction and development of social life; recreation--
G. A. Gregory, Lincoln
A. F. Guiliver, Bloomfield
3. Lectures and entertainments--
D. W. Hayes, Alliance
J. O. Lyne, Minden
4. Preparation of instructor for class work--
B. E. Dill, Wilber
I. G. Wilson, Albion
P. M. Whitehead, Gothenburg
5. Adaptation of course of study and class instruction to local conditions--
W. T. Stockdale, Madison
O. H. Bowen, Pierce
Note.--The last fifteen minutes of
this session will be set aside for taking definite action on matters
under discussion.
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Section Chairman, O. A. GREGORY, State Department of Education
General Topics
1. Regulations governing the establishment of normal training courses.
H. H. Graham, Wymore
2. Required qualifications of normal training teachers
A. E. Fisher, Neligh
3. Relation of normal training class to high school.
a. Separate department or integral partE. E. Lackey, Syracuseb. Attitude of student toward school, toward teaching profession.
Geo. E. Martin, Nebraska City
Mrs. C. A. Jaquith, Gates Academy, Neligh
4. Membership of class
a. Qualifications for membershipCharles Arnot, Schuyler
P. E. Clement, North Bendb. Sufficient reasons for dropping from class; habits and cow duct; health
J. A. Doremus, Auburn
6. Reference library, requirements, selection of, arrangement, use
Byron E. Yoder, Ravenna
I. N. Clark, Weeping Water
6. Results of normal training work
S. H. Wood, Falls City
C. N. Walton, Wahoo
7. Recommended changes in regulations
E. U. Graff, Omaha
Note--The last fifteen minutes of this session, will be set aside for taking definite action on matters under discussion.
1. Reviews
a. Scope and purpose, academic, methodsW. W. Stoner, York
M. W. Ryan, Greeleyb. Order in which review subjects are taken
C. S. Jones, Ordc. Alternation of subjects by years
C. L. Anderson, Oxford
2. Observation
a. Relation of observation work to the class recitation in pedagogy
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Ed M. Hussong, Franklin
R. L. Hoff, Humboldt
Albert G. Owen, Hastings College Academyb. Method of conducting, how much, when
Ernest F. Monroe, Shelton
Clyde B. Toof, Fairfieldc. Student's preparation, record and report
H. Jennings, Exeter
C. F. Lehr, Penderd. Observation in the grades; in rural schools
A. L. Caviness, Fairbury
George E. Lee, Arapahoe
3. Practice teaching
a. How much, whenWalter Kiechel, Tecumsehb. Preparation of pupil
Julius Gilbert, Newman Grove
C. M. Sutherland, Genoac. Plan followed.
Mrs. Lydia Forbes Bell, Osceolad. Results
J. W. Gamble, Plattsmouth
4. Certification of normal training graduates
a. Acceptance of gradesJ. G. L. Hanlen, Flainviewb. Reading circle credits
Miss Rachel Fairchild, Spencerc. Complete state examination
Jas. E. Delzell, Lexington
Sr. M. Rose, Spalding Academy
Note--The last fifteen minutes of this session will be set aside for taking definite action on matters under discussion.
Normal training, junior normal; and Institute instructors sections
join with the county superintendents section for conference on
General Topics.
Section Chairman, C. A. FULMER, Nebraska Wesleyan University
1. General program for one and two week institutes
E. L. Rouse, Peru State Normal
2. Relation of academic to professional work
H. H. Hahn, Blair
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H. E. Bradford, Kearney
Grace Sylla, Hastings
3. General preparation of instructor
W. A. Clark, Kearney State Normal
J. W. Searson, Lincoln
4. Daily preparation of instructor for class work
A. H. Waterhouse, Fremont
Mrs. Elizabeth Crawford, Peru State Normal
5. Methods of presentation: Lecture, quiz, drill, class work
Charles Fordyce, University of Nebraska
W. L. Stephens, Lincoln
6. Amount and character of work to be done by teachers outside of instruction and lecture period
U. S. Conn, Columbus
Eleanor Lally, Peru State Normal
Anna E. Caldwell, Kearney State Normal
Note-The last fifteen minutes of each session will be set aside for taking definite action on subjects under discussion.
(Free to attend any section desired).
Institute instructors, junior normal, and normal training sections
join with county superintendents section for conference on General
Joint conference with Interstate Conference on Certification
Chairman, C. C. SCHULZ, State Superintendent of Minnesota.
Chairman, CHARLES FORDYCE, University of Nebraska.
Appointment of Committees
1. Major and minor requirements
a. First grade state certificates on basis of UniversityGeo. E. Condra, University of Nebraska
William F. Dooley, Creighton University
Geo. Sutherland, Grand Island College
A. O. Thomas, Kearney State Normalb. First grade state certificate on basis of state normals
W. A. Clark, Kearney State Normal
J. A. Beattie, Cotner Universityc. Second grade (elementary) state certificate
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J. W. Crabtree, Peru
C. H. Bright, Wayne Normal
C. X. Hansen, Dana College
2. Character and amount of observation and practice work
E. J. Bodwell, Beatrice, president state board of examiners for life certificates
E. L. Rouse, Peru State Normal
3. Equivalents
a. High school and collegiateA. O. Thomas, Kearney State Normal
A. A. Reed, University of Nebraskab. Time
D. B. Perry, Doane Collegec. Practice; observation; teaching
D. W. Hayes, Peru State Normal
W. H. Clemmons, Fremont Normal College
4. Recommending teachers-Character of testimonial, by whom made.
A. E. Turner, Hastings
5. Relative significance of the two classes of first grade state certificates
R. S. Calder, Bellevue College
Wm. E. Schell, York College
6. Evaluation of credits-The deciding authority; authenticity; records
P. J; Harrisen, University of Nebraska
Sara L. Garrett, Kearney State Normal
Wm. C. Bishop, Nebraska Wesleyan University
Note--The last fifteen minutes of
this session will be set aside for taking definite action on subjects
under discussion.
Chairman, C. C. SCHULZ, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, St. Paul, Minnesota
1. What grades or kinds of certificates may be exchanged?
2. What shall be the basis of exchange?
3. Shall a given term of teaching, or of professional preparation, or both, be required for exchange?
4 How may candidates be certified from one state department to another?
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5. What shall be the standard for a normal school, and for a college, to entitle the diploma to recognition?
6. Other topics of interest to the conference.
Katherine M. Cook, State Superintendent of ColoradoJohn F. Riggs, State Superintendent of Iowa
E. T. Fairchild, State Superintendent of Kansas
W. E. Harmon, State Superintendent of Montana
James E. Clark, Territorial Superintendent of New Mexico
John W. Zeller, State Superintendent of Ohio
A. C. Nelson, State Superintendent of Utah
W. H. Jackson, former State Superintendent of Nebraska
Harlan Updegraff, Specialist in School Administration, United States Bureau of Education
Continuation of conference
Joint meeting with college and university section
Chairman, J. C. ELLIOTT, West Point, President Nebraska School Officers' Association
No subject of specific character has
been assigned, but the time of the session will be devoted to
perfecting the organization of school officers, broadening its scope,
and furthering its legitimate objects.
Stock Judging Pavilion, University Farm
TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1:30 P. M.
Lecture: The collecting, storing, and testing of seed corn
"How can I increase my yield of oats?"
Laboratory: Scoring and judging corn
Lecture: Potatoes and how to grow them
Laboratory: Judging beef cattle
Lecture: The care and testing of milk
Laboratory: Judging dairy cows
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Lecture: Some weeds of Nebraska, and how to kill them
Laboratory: Judging draft horses
Home Economics Building, University Farm
GERTRUDE N. ROWAN, University of Nebraska
Lecture: Relation of food to the body
a. Food principles
b. Composition of foods
c. Classification of foods
Meat Demonstration: One-half beef animal and one-half mutton into the commercial cuts by an experienced meat cutter
a Nutritive value of proteid food
b. Comparative nutritive value of various cuts
c. Comparative value of various cuts.
Cooking Demonstration: Cooking and serving of different cuts of meat.
Lecture: The Carbohydrates
Demonstration: Bread and rolls. Cooking and serving of fruits and starches
Sewing: Use of sewing books
a. Teaching of the fundamental stitches
b. Buttons and button-holes. Hooks and eyes
c. Gathering, ruffling, plaiting, use of biases
d. Patterns; enlarging of patterns drawn to a scale
Lecture: Bacteria, Yeasts, and Molds
a. Relation to disease
b. Cleanliness as a preventative rather than a curative measure
Demonstration: Trays for the sick
A bandaging demonstration
Lecture: Balanced Rations
a. Balanced rations for the lower animals
b. Balanced rations for the higher animals
c. Planning meals to satisfy the needs of the body
d. Economical rations
Demonstration: Salads and desserts
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