BOYD'S NEW YORK STATE DIRECTORY 1872-1873 FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY Claverack, Columbia Co. Page 902 Is a very pretty village situated on an undulating slope or small hills. It is 3 1-2 miles east from Hudson and 13 miles south-west from Chatham, on the Boston & Albany R. R. Claverack proper, or Claverack Hill, contains 3 churches, viz, Episcopal, Methodist and Reformed Presbyterian, one very large college and academy, 1 flour and grist mill, 1 extensive and well cultivated nursery, and one very fine new hotel, with all the modern improvements, pleasantly situated and in itself an attraction to summer pleasure seekers. Aiken, R., hosiery manufacture Clark, F. P., general store CLAVERACK COLLEGE & HUDSON RIVER INSTITUTE, Rev. Alonzo Flock, A. M., president Cole, J. H., physician, Columbia Colgrove, J. S., country store, Columbia Colwell, Chas., blacksmith Hermance, Herman C., saloon Heermence, P. W., grocer, Columbia LASHER, A. W. carriages and sleighs, Columbia LAWRENCE HOUSE, Henry Lawrence, prop. Columbia [see ad on above page] Minkler, D. S., carriage trimmer, Columbia Myer, R. B., blacksmith, Columbia Neefus, G. W., postmaster and shoemaker, Columbia Philip, James F., physician, Church Pulver, Peter S., flour and grist mill, Columbia Smith, John P., saw mill Studley, E. G., nursery Studley, J. J., station agent, B. & A. R. R. Van Deusen, A. R., physician, Columbia Van Deusen, Cornelius & son, blacksmiths and wagons Wurter, Gottleib, shoemaker, Church