Brushton High School - Grades 6, 7 and 8 - c 1905
Please Note: The caption information is taken from a handwritten document;
therefore, some of the names may not be spelled correctly. For corrections contact
Anne Sponholtz
First row (l to r)- Neilson Corbin Brush, Ewart Feik, William Lewis, Dennis Mullin,
Leo Delosh, Stephen Lewis, Warren Huto
Second row - Jainec Criuclaw, Elizabeth Orton, Georgianna Conger, Bertha Whitman,
May Whitman, Myrtle Orton, Frances Conger, Lou Spencer, Eugene McCarthy,
William Amlott, Newton Crowley, Vilas Follet, William Blanchard, Addison Pettie
Top row - Lulu Geddes, Ada Minpler, Philomina Russell, Pearl Andrus, Myrtle Woods,
Mildred Harris, Ruth Taylor, Maria Jocks, Gilbert Harris, Roswell Conger
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