St. Peter's Episcopal Church - Brushton, New York - c 1900
St. Peter's Episcopal Church was designed by Juanilla DeJouve Brush, wife of
Henry Neilson Brush, the family for whom the town of Brushton is named. Mrs. Brush
spent a great deal of time in New York City delving over countless architectural drawings
and details before deciding on the design for the church. Every detail
was carefully scrutinized by Mrs. Brush, whose financial generosity made the
church possible.
Over a year after the church was consecrated, Mrs. Brush
arranged for the bell to be shipped from New York City, along with "porch glass" for the
church because, as she wrote in a letter on Nov. 26, 1870 from New York City to her
son, H. Corbin Brush regarding the shipment of the bell
and glass: "every thing in an Episcopal Church ought to be just so...I can send the Bell
any time - I am only waiting to hear that the Bell cote is finished...I intend paying
$100 towards the Bell and I intend paying for the Porch Glass would be such a
nice thing if you could have the Bell by Christmas."
On June 30, 1868, Henry Neilson Brush and Juanilla Brush deeded the property
for the church to St. Peter's.
On June 2, 1886, the property for the rectory was deeded to the church
by H. Corbin Brush and his wife, Florence Cook Brush.
Minutes of St. Peter's Church
Taken from Record Book kept from 1867 - 1917
Record of Proceedings of the Meeting for the organization and incorportion of St. Peter's
Protestant Episcopal Church at Brush's Mills, Franklin Co. State of New York held at Brush's
Mills June 20, 1867.
On this day the following persons of full age, belonging to the church and congregation
worshiping in the School House, in the said village in which devine worship is
celebrated according to the rites of the Prostestant Epiocopal Church in the State of New York
met together at their said place of worship pursuant to notice duly given in the time of
morning service on the Sunday previous thereto for the purpose of incorporating themselves
as a religious society under the acts of the Legislature of the State of New York.
Henry N. Brush, H. Corbin Brush, Christopher Jameson, George Earl, Henry Hale, David Smith,
George Farrington, G.P. Baker, Benj. J. Whipple, F.J. winkley, Daniel Hazen, H.W. Stearns, Jonas F.
Clay, Martin Bushnele, J.S. Wile...
The said meeting then proceeded on motion to elect by ballot, Two Church Wardens, and Eight
Vestrymen, when the following persons were duly elected: Henry N. Brush and Christopher
Jameson were elected Church Wardens and the following persons were elected Vestryman:
Benj. F. Whipple, H. Corbin Brush, George Farrington, Francis F. Heath, George P. Baker, Milton
Heath, William S. Wall, John S. Wile.
May 12, 1869
On the Twelfth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and sixty nine, this Church was solemnly consecrated by the Rt. Rev. William
Croswell Doane, Bishop of Albany. There were present and assisting in the
ceremonies the following clergymen: Rev. John Randall AM (Rector), Rev.
N.W. Camp, Rev. J.H. Hopkins, Rev. John F. Winkley, Rev. Edward Dollaway,
Rev. John Kidney, Rev. William M. Ogden, Rev. James W. Stewart, Rev. L.
Neide, Rev. John F. Potter.
The Apostolic Rite of Confirmation was for the first time adminstered to Five
H. Corbin Brush
Clerk of the Vestry of St. Peters Church
Last Entry - April 10, 1917
At a meeting of the congregation St. Peter's Church held at the rectory,
April 10, 1917, pursuant to a call of the
rector, Rev. E. E. Hutchinson, the following business was transacted.
The treasurer had his report and on motion duly make and seconded was approved.
Warren H. Smith was nominated for Sr. Warden and W.L. Laurence for Jr. Warden:
there being no further nominations the usual rules of order were suspended and the clerk instructed
to cast our ballot for each of the above and they were declared
elected to the respective office. Charles H. Smith, H.H. Hawkins, Geo. W. Harris,
Neilson C. Brush and Irving Peck were nominated for vestrymen
and in the absence of other nominations the clerk was instructed to cast
one ballot for these men and they were declared vestrymen for the ensuing year.
Neilson C. Brush was duly elected treasurer and Charles H. Smith, clerk.
The business of the meeting having been completed, the halls having been open for one hour,
the meeting adjourned.
Charles H. Smith, Clerk of Vestry
The names here were taken from handwritten document. Some of the names may not
be correctly spelled. For corrections contact
Anne Sponholtz -
Last Modified (none)
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