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Submitted by: White, Betty C. daughter of Beulah (Curtis) Lighty


Suspended on an overhanging ledge of Silver Cliff by a small sapling, 35 feet directily above the B. & O. and Pennsylvania railroad tracks at the rear of the South Eleventh Street cemetery, Beulah Curtis, age 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Curtis of 413 Highland Avenue, was rescued from probable death Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock by R. L. Blachman and E. E. Stevens, who, hearing the child's cries and seeing her precarious situation, secured a rope and after some difficuity succeeded in drawing her to safety.

The child, in the company of Lucile Moore, aged 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, of South Tenth Street, had gone to the cemetery to gather wildflowers. Wearied of their task, they wondered to the edge of the cliff. The Curtis girl suddenljy slipped and rolled almost 20 feet to the very edge of the precipice where a slender sapling checked her fall.

Mr. Blackman, who was walking along the tracks, heard the child's cries and discovered her sitting astride the sapling with her feet almost over the edge of the cliff. He told her to hold tightly and not to move until he came back and then ran to the Cambridge shops where he secured a rope and enlisted the aid of Mr. Stevens. They went to the top of the cliff and after some difficulty during which Mr. Stevens himself, almost lost his balance and plunged over the cliff, succeeded in getting close enough to the child to throw the rope around her shoulders. She was then pulled up the declivity to safety. She was uninjured.

Mr. Stevens said last night that the sapling was a very small one and the fact that it held the child's weight was miraculous.

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