Guernsey County Ohio GenWeb Project
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Joshua HURD and Sarah PILES

Submitted by:Marjorie Pidcock

Page 300 at the Court of Common Pleas Probate Div. Marriage Book

This is to certify that Guernsey Co.on this fifth day of September in the year of our Lord 1826. Joshua Hurd of Beaver Twp. and said county and state and Sarah Piles of the fore said Twp was legally joined in marriage before me at a justice of the peace in and for the County of Guernsey, State as fore said given under my hand and seal this October 6, 1826. Signed by William Heart J.P. (filed and duly recorded)

George A. SHULTZ and Jane FOSTER

Submitted by: Mary McKain

Guernsey Co Marriage Records: #939

The State of Ohio. Guernsey County. S.S. George A. SHULTZ having made application for a license for >himself and Jane FOSTER and being duly sworn, says that he is of the age of 21 years, and has no wife living, and that she is of the age of 18 years, a resident of said County, and has no husband living, and that said parties are not nearer kin then second cousins: and there is no legal impediment to their marriage. George A. SHULTZ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of November, A.D. 1874. Wm S. DOUGHERTY Probate Judge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do hereby certify that Mr. George A. SHULTZ and Miss Jane FOSTER were joined in Marriage by me on the 30th day of November, A.D. 1874. J. H. CONKLE


Submitted by: Mary McKain

Guernsey Co Marriage Records:#1288

The State of Ohio, Guernsey County. S.S. I hereby certify that I this day solemnized the marriage of Eli MILLER and Miss N.L.McPEEK. Witness my hand this 24th day of Jan. 1861. A.D. Filed Feb. 1, 1861 and duly recorded. Attest Jno. C.FORD Probate Judge and J. E. HOLLISTER, Pastor.

James McPEEK and Margaret BOYD.

Submitted by: Mary McKain

Guernsey County Marriage Records; Volume C 1832-1848; #2336

I do hereby certify that on the 22nd day of November, A.D. 1836, by nature of a license from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Guernsey Co, James McPEEK and Margaret BOYD were legally joined in marriage by me, a Justice of the Peace, in and for said county. Given under my hand seal this 19th day of December, 1836. Alexander D. Taylor, Justice of the Peace. Filed Dec 20, 1836 and Duly recorded

DILLEY, Ephraim and HENRY, Rachel

Submitted by: Gary Poole
Ephraim DILLEY b.25 Oct 1799 Sussex Co. N.J.
married Rachel HENRY b.17 Mar 1802 Pa.
Married in Senecaville,Guernsey Co.Oh. 5 June 1821 .

HALL, John Gailard and LAWRENCE, Mary Wilson

Submitted by:
Date: July 15, 1935.
Place: Quaker City, Guernsey Co. Ohio

MOORE, John Wilson and ELLIOTT, Mary Ellen

Submitted by:
Date: January 8, 1874.
Place: Quaker City (?), Guernsey Co. Ohio

LAWRENCE, Robert Spaulding and MOORE, Mariella

Submitted by:
Date: October 17, 1941.
Place: Quaker City, Guernsey Co. Ohio

HEED, Gilbert and SHALLCROSS, Anna

Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 26 Dec 1929; page 146:
........"The marriage of Gilbert Heed and Miss Anna Shallcross both of Cambridge which took place July 18, 1928 at Vienna, has been announced.
........"Mrs. Heed is secretary-treasurer of the Oxford Pottery Co. of Cambridge and Mr. Heed is a son of Mr. Harry Heed. He is a graduate of the Byesville schools and received his A. B. dgree[sic] in Muskingum college in 1929. He is now athletic coach in the Poland schools.
........"The father of the bridegroom was born in Barnesville and has many friends of his boyhood days living here. He is a nephew of Mrs. A. E. Kennard and Marshal C. C. Bulger."

CARREL, Joseph and ALBIN, Nancy

Submitted by: Nancy Caton
Joseph Carrel and Nancy Jane Albin, Guernsey County, 2 July 1817.
His parents George and Isabella Carrel.
Her parents James Albin and Barbara Hoover.

FINLEY, Samuel and FRAME, Catherine

Submitted by: Norma J. Finley
FINLEY, Samuel b.July 1800 and Catherine Frame
married June 21, 1821
by Thos B. Clarke

LOWE, Benedict and DILLEHAY, Lucinda

Submitted by: Carol A. Steele
Benedict LOWE and Lucinda Dillehay
No. 1473
I do hereby certify that on the twenty sixth day of April last by virtue of a License from the clerk of the Courts of Common Pleas of Guernsey County, Benedict LOWE and Lucinda DILLAHAY (sic) were legally joined in marriage by a Justice of the Peace in and for said County. Given under my hand this 26th day of May A.D. 1831.
William Dillon
Justice of the Peace
Moses Sarchet, Clerk
Filed May 27th 1831 and duly recorded.

DOUGLASS, Samuel and CAMPBELL, Catherine

Submitted by: MRS RUTH E JONES
Following is original certification of marriage of Samuel Douglass and Catherine Campbell on Sept. 7, 1837,
residents of Beaver Twp, Guernsey Co., OH:
No 2514:
this is to certify that by virtue of a license from the Clerk of the County of Common Pleas of Guernsey County, Samuel Douglass and Catherine Campbell were legally joined in marriage on the seventh of this inst. by me a Justice of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid. Given under my hand this 9th day of Sept A.D. 1837. filed Oct 27, 1837 and duly recorded.
signed: Ezekiel Vance J.P.


Submitted by: Ginger Edie Hoffman
Following is original certification of marriage of John Braninger and Mary Fisher on February 22, 1844,
residents of Guernsey Co., OH:
No 4290:

4290 John Braninger and Mary Fisher
I do hereby certify that on the 22nd day of Febuary 1844 by virtue of a license from the Clerk of the court of Common Pleas of Guernsey County John Braninger and Mary Fisher were legally joined in marriage by me a justice of the Peace in and for said County given under my hand and seal this 25th day of Febuary 1844,
J.P. Cunnard J.P.
Filed March 20, 1844 and duly recorded.

NOTE from submitter:
On the edge of the marriage document for John Braninger and Mary Fisher:
I hereby certify this is to be a true copy of the original filed in this office on November 30, 1978, Vol. C, Page 468, Edgar A. Moorehead, Judge and ex-office clerk, Court of Common Pleas, Probate division, Guernsey County, Ohio and signed by Joan Forguson, deputy clerk
John Braninger and Mary Fisher were my Gt. Gt. Grandparents. John was a son of Frederick K. Braninger and Susannah Hayes. Mary Fisher was a daughter of Jacob Fisher and his second wife Eleanor.

BRILL, George P. and LINGENFELTER, Mary Ann

Submitted by: Bernice Wilson
Following is original certification of marriage of George P. Brill and Mary Ann Lingenfelter on September 17, 1835,
residents of Guernsey Co., OH:
No 2087:

No 2087 George P. Brill & Mary Ann Lingenfelter
I do hereby certify that on the 17th day of September, 1835, by virtue of a license from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Guernsey County, George P. Brill and Mary Ann Lingenfelter were legally joined together in marriage by me a justice of the peace in and for said county. Given under my hand, on the 19th day of September, 1835.

Ezekial Emerson, J.P.

Filed Sep. 28, 1835 and duly recorded.

EVERETT, James and SMITH, Sarah Anne ("Annie")

Submitted by: Tom Everett

Sarah Anne SMITH was united in marriage to John EVERETT, in GUERNSEY CO., OHIO, April 18, 1826.
A total of thirteen children were born to them.
James Smith April 1, 1827,
John Ross March 20, 1829,
Hannah Garett December 22, 1830,
David Little December 20, 1832,
Elizabeth Archer March 9, 1834.
The remaining children were born in WASHINGTON and LAWRENCE CO., OHIO.

LIGHTY, Elmer E. and CURTIS, Beulah Ruth

Submitted by: Betty C. White - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lighty

Dated Sep. 2, 1934

Miss Beulah Ruth Curtis Becomes Bride of Mr. Elmer E. Lighty

Miss Beulah Ruth Curtis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Curtis, 413 Highland Avenue, became the bride of Elmer E. Lighty, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Lighty, of Weirton, West Virginia, at the close of the morning service at the First Baptist Church, September second. (1934)

Mrs. Wilma Townsend at the organ, played Lohengrin Wedding March, and Rev. T. D. Rees read the impressive single ring ceremony.

The bride was attired in a lovely rose crepe ensemble, trimmed with white fur and her acessories were of white. She carried a Colonial bouquet of brides's roses and baby's breath.

The attendants were Miss Thelma B. LePage of Cambridge, and Willard E. Dillon of Byesville. Miss LePage wore an Eleanor blue ensemble with white accessories and carried a bouquet of pink roses and babys breath.

Following the ceremony, a three course chicken dinner was served at the home of the brides parents. The table was centered with a wedding cake and fall flowers.Places were arranged for the honored ones, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Gessell and Amos Chutes of Lowell; Mr. and Mrs Percy Oaks of Toledo; Raymond Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Curtis and son of Belle Valley; Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Curtis of East Cambridge, host and hostess.

During the evening, friends and neighbors gathered at the Curtis home and showered the bride and groom with many lovely gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. Lighty left late Sunday for their home in Weirton, where Mr. Lighty is employed with the Kroger Baking Company.

Mrs. Lighty was a member of the junior class of Brown High School, and Mr. Lighty attended Cambridge High School.

LONG, Jacob and SHERRARD, Jane

Submitted by: Mann's Residence
Document Source: Guernsey County Marriage Book A, page 136

LONG, Jacob and SHERRARD, Jane, m. 20 June 1820

SLASOR, George and CLEARY, Anacca

Submitted by: Mark H. Slasor
Document Source: Guernsey County Ohio Probate Court records,
Index No 1 to Marriage Records, Vol A, page 139

George Slasor to Anacca Cleary, 29 December 1820 in Gurnsey Co.

SLASOR, Zachariah Clary and ADAM, Sarah Anna

Submitted by: Mark H. Slasor
Document Source: Guernsey County Ohio Probate Court records,
Index No 1 to Marriage Records, Vol C, page 428

Zachariah Clary Slasor to Sarah Anna Adam, 29 Dec 1842 in Guernsey Co.

SLASOR, William and RHINEHART, Elizabeth

Submitted by: Mark H. Slasor
Document Source: Guernsey County Ohio Probate Court records,
Index No 1 to Marriage Records, Vol D, page 76

William Slasor to Elizabeth Rhinehart, 12 April 1846 in Gurnsey Co.

SLASOR, Delilah and ARMOUR, George W.

Submitted by: Mark H. Slasor
Document Source: Guernsey County Ohio Probate Court records,
Index No 1 to Marriage Records, Vol D, page 299

Delilah Slasor to George W. Armour, 26 December 1860 in Gurnsey Co.
Note: George's last name is spelled "Armor" on the marriage entry.

SLASOR, Vinson Leroy and ARMSEY, Lucinda Caroline

Submitted by: Mark H. Slasor
Document Source: Guernsey County Ohio Probate Court records,
Index No 1 to Marriage Records, Vol D, page 435

Vinson Leroy Slasor to Lucinda Caroline Armsey, 7 January 1855 in Gurnsey Co.

Note: The surname was entered as Vincent Slazor.

SLASOR, Thomas and DONAHUE, Mary

Submitted by: Mark H. Slasor
Document Source: Guernsey County Ohio Probate Court records,
Index No 1 to Marriage Records, Vol D, page 579

Thomas Slasor to Mary Donahue, 14 December 1859 in Gurnsey Co.

SLASOR, Elizabeth and BRADY, John

Submitted by: Mark H. Slasor
Document Source: Guernsey County Ohio Probate Court records,
Index No 1 to Marriage Records, Vol D, page 414

Elizabeth Slasor to John Brady, 7 September 1854 in Gurnsey Co.

SLASOR, Caroline Bell and KAYS, Martin G.

Submitted by: Mark H. Slasor
Document Source: Guernsey County Ohio Probate Court records,
Index No 1 to Marriage Records, Vol 1, page 373

Caroline Bell Slasor to Martin G. Kays, 20 December 1866 in Gurnsey Co.

SLASOR, Thomas William and ROSEMAN, Margaret Jane

Submitted by: Mark H. Slasor
Document Source: Guernsey County Ohio Probate Court records,
Index No 1 to Marriage Records, Vol 2, page 393

Thomas William Slasor to Margaret Jane Roseman, 23 September 1875 in Gurnsey Co.

It stated he was 21 and she was 18 years old.

SLASOR, Frank Cisin and JOHNSON, Sarah Melinda

Submitted by: Mark H. Slasor
Document Source: Guernsey County Ohio Probate Court records,
Index No 1 to Marriage Records, Vol 5, page 471

Frank Cisin Slasor to Sarah Melinda Johnson, 24 March 1896 in Gurnsey Co.


Submitted by: H. Gattrell

Cap. John H. Carlisle to Mary E Bridgeman
date: June 30, 1880

BROWN, David Erasmus and HIXSON, Mary B.

Submitted by: Jana Brown

David Erasmus BROWN to Mary B. HIXSON Guernsey Co., Ohio,
18 April 1850

CONKLE, Henry W. and WALLER, Sara B.

Submitted by: Harry Steele

Henry W. Conkle married Sara Waller,
28 August 1856,
Marriage Book D Page 484

CONKLE, John and WALLACE, Maria E.

Submitted by: Harry Steele

John Conkle married Maria E. Wallace,
7 January 1875,
Marriage Book 2 Page 347


Submitted by: Harry Steele

John Shriver married Nancy Richmond,
22 November 1843,
Marriage Book C page 471

MORRIS, Isaac and BOTTS, Ebenilla

Submitted by: Nina Mack

Isaac MORRIS, Jr b 1812 PA
married Sept 21, 1834 to Ebenilla Botts

MORRIS, Abraham and HAZLETT, Sarah

Submitted by: Nina Mack

Abraham MORRIS b 1809 PA
married Aug 2, 1832 to Sarah Hazlett

MORRIS, Sarah and BIGHAM, Samuel

Submitted by: Nina Mack

Sarah MORRIS born PA 1802
married Samuel BIGHAM March 8, 1821

CONKLE, Martha J. and STEELE, A. J.

Submitted by: Harry Steele

Martha J. Conkle married A. J. Steele,
23 February 1858,
Marriage Book D Page 527

CONKLE, Margaret E. and CLARK, Joseph B.

Submitted by: Harry Steele

Margaret E. Conkle married Joseph B. Clark,
24 January 1861,
Marriage Book D Page 603

CONKLE, Lucina and HICKLE, Isaac Newton

Submitted by: Harry Steele

Lucina Conkle married Isaac Newton Hickle,
23 August 1861,
Marriage Book 1 page 3

SERVISON, Richard and SIMPKINS, Rachel

Submitted by: Don Hickman

Richard Servison married Rachel Simpkins
16 Mar 1837 Guernsey Co., OH,
Source LDS FHC index br>

SERVISON, Angeline and HUDSON, Jesse

Submitted by: Don Hickman

Angeline Servison married 8 Dec 1860 Jesse A. Hudson,
Guernsey Co.,
Source Marriage Records

SERVISON, Armanda and TAYLOR, Jacob

Submitted by: Don Hickman

Armanda Servison married 22 Apr 1866 Jacob Taylor,
Guernsey Co.,
Source Marriage Records

SERVISON, George and MONIGNER, Eileen

Submitted by: Don Hickman

George Servison married 1 Feb 1879 Eileen Monigner,
Guernsey Co.,
Source Marriage Records

MCCOY, Henry C. and STIGLER, Margaret

Submitted by: Charlotte Dumont

Marriage of Henry C. McCoy and Margaret Stigler,
on August 08-1835, in Guernsey Co. Ohio.
Minister Rev. Hugh Broom, at The Red Brick Baptist Church

BELL, Hamilton and BICHARD, Nancy

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Hamilton Bell married Nancy Bichard
6 December 1854
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage License

BICHARD, Edward and NEWNOM, Gladys

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Edward Bichard married Gladys Newnom
29 July 1925
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage License

BISHARD, Elmer and OAKLEY, Mary Lou

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Elmer Bishard married Mary Lou Oakley
8 May 1943
Source Elmer Bishard

BISHARD, Henderson and WATT, Mary Viola

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Henderson Bishard married Mary Viola Watt
21 Feb 1891
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage License

BICHARD, James and DE LA RUE, Rachel

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

James Bichard married Rachel De La Rue
1 August 1799
Guernsey Island/St. Sampson Marriage Register

BICHARD, James and LEPAGE, Martha

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

James Bichard married Martha LePage
26 January 1822
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage Records

BICHARD, Martha and SARCHET, Moses

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Martha Bichard married Moses Sarchet
3 March 1826
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage Records

BICHARD, Nancy and ALBRIGHT, Charles J.

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Nancy Bichard m. Charles J. Albright
3 October 1838
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage Records

BICHARD, Rachel and LANGLEY, Peter

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Rachel Bichard married Peter Langley
17 November 1821
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage Records

BICHARD, Anne and SARCHET, Thomas

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Anne Bichard married Thomas Sarchet
27 Feb 1790
Guernsey Island/St. Sampson Marriage Register

BICHARD, Thomas LePage and BUZZARD, Mary Ann

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Thomas LePage Bichard married Mary Ann Buzzard
9 November 1848
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage Records

BICHARD, Daniel and BURT, Elizabeth Jane

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Daniel Bichard married Elizabeth Jane Burt
30 December 1861
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage License

BICHARD, Peter S. and GILL, Catherine

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Peter S. Bichard married Catherine Gill
15 August 1865
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage License

BISHARD, Charles and ROBERTS, Eliza Jane

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Charles Bishard married Eliza Jane Roberts
19 November 1868
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage License

BISHARD, Emma and TURNBAUGH, William

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Emma Bishard married William Turnbaugh
25 June 1889
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage License

BISHARD, Ulysses Grant and WAGSTAFF, Alma

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Ulysses Grant Bishard married Alma Wagstaff
19 April 1893
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage License

NEWNOM, Eusebius Henry and ARBUCKLE, Margaret

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

Eusebius Henry Newnom married Margaret Arbuckle
18 December 1844
Guernsey County Probate Court/Marriage License

NEWNOM, John and BLACKBURN, Frances (Fanny)

Submitted by: Cynthia Keives

John Newnom married Frances (Fanny) Blackburn
11 April 1833
Muskingum County Marriage Records

JOHNSON, Richard and KUHNS, Ruth

Submitted by:

Richard Johns(t)on and Ruth Kuhns were married 25 Feb 1849
in Guernsey Co.,
Marriage record is in Vol D, p. 215 (or 457)

WILLSON, John P. and FULLER, Hannah

Submitted by:

. John P. Willson and Hannah Fuller
Guernsey County. On the 26th day of September 1844
I Solemmized th marriage of John P. Willson with Hannah Fuller
Filed September 30th A.D. 1844 J.M. Lanning, J.P. and duly recorded Attest Tho's.W. Peacock,Clerk.
Sending this as written
Also a # 54 in top corner of page

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