Jonas Rotroff
Donated by Kathleen Morgan


Will of Jonas Rotroff

Highland Co., Ohio, Will Book 4, p. 309-10

LDS Microfilm # 0570624

In the name of God I Jonas Rotroff being paid in body but sound in mind and memory, do make this my last will and testament. I do give and devise to my dear wife the house she now lives in and her support off my farm, that we now live on her natural life, or as long as she remains my widow. My son Jacob (she remains my widow).

My son Jacob my oldest son I have gave to him his full share, also my son John I have also give him his share, also my daughter Margarett Shane I gave her share, also my daughter Catherine Nace I gave her her share, also my daughter Betsey Forge I gave her share, as much as I intend to give them.

My Daughter Poly Spears I give and bequeath the farm that I now live on to her and her husband their natural life, and then to and at their death to fall into the hand of my daughter Polly children the land is to go to Jonas my daughter Polley second son, by him dividing with the other heirs that is his brothers and sisters, to give each fifty dollars as soon as he can conveniently make it, and in case of his death before he occupies it, it is to be equally divided between his brothers and sisters.

And after my decease my property is to be sold except my house furniture that is to be left with my wife as long as she remains my widow, and at her death to go to my daughter Polly and her heirs. The other property to be sold and after my debts and expenses are paid to give my son Jacobs oldest son Jonas fifty dollars, and also my son John son Jonas Henry to get fifty dollars, my Cow to be in possession of my wife. I also wish my son Jacob and my son John to administer on my estate and to have it settled. July 20th 1846.

Jonas (his + mark) Rotroff

This done in presence of us
James Hetherington
Hugh S. Hetherington

State of Ohio Highland County ss.

Personally appeared in open court, on this day John Rotroff & Jacob Rotroff Executors named in the last will and testament of Jonas Rotroff deceased, late of said county, and thereupon bringing said last will and testament and also appearing James Hetherington and Hugh S. Hetherington subscribing witnesses to said Will, who being duly sworn depose and say that the written instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of said Jonas Rotroff was in their presence acknowledged and published by him as such that they saw him affix his name thereto, that at the time he was over the age of twenty one, of sound mind and memory and free from all restraint whatsoever, and that they subscribed their names to said will as witnesses in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other. And further say now.

Sworn to and subscribed in open
Court September 29th 1846

James Hetherington
Hugh S. Hetherington

Attest Samuel Bell Clk.

Submitted by:
Kathleen Morgan

Last Modified (none)

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