Seniors, Page Two
Marvin Wiley
"Teacher's pet?" "Blessings be on the man who first invented Eats." Pres. Student Body 4; Class Sergeant-at-Arms 3-4; Class Basket Ball
Capt. 2-3-4; Basket Ball 2-3; Base Ball 3; Foot Ball 2-3; Capt. 4;
Athletic Editor "Linnorus" 4; Weisheits Verein; Euphronian Society. |
Lois Carpenter
"When she will she will and when she won't she won't." Pres. Athenian Society 4; Girls Glee Club 3-4; H. S. Play 2;
Weisheits Verein. |
Edith Fry
"Serenely she moves on her way in hours of trial and dismay." Glee Club 3; Athenian Society; Weisheits Verein. |
Elsie Krieg
"For a sunny disposition, and a warm heart beating true. For a smile that's always ready or a cheery word or two." Editor-in-chief "Linnorus" 4; Vice Pres. Student Body 3; Class Sec.
2-3-4; Student Body Sec. 4; Glee Club 1; Sec. 203; Pres. 4; Tennis Club
4; Class Sergeant-at-Arms 2; Euphronian Society; Sec. Girls Athletic
Club 3; Class Treas. 3-4; Weisheits Verein. |
Amelia Miller
"Yes, Amelia is quality not quantity, but just the same she is always there." Athenian Society; Weisheits Verein; Class Prophecy 4. |
Russell Hall
"A born hustler. Strong point, argument. We are sure of his success." Business Manager "Linnorus" 4; Track 1; Basket Ball 2-3; Class Basket
Ball 4; Base Ball 2-3; Foot Ball 4; Debate 2-3-4; Yell Leader 3; Class
Pres. 3; Mgr. Foot Ball 3; Mgr. Class Play 3; Pres. Tennis Club 4;
Debate Editor "Linnorus"; Weisheits Verein; Euphronian Society. |
Elmer Henderson
Entered 4. "A diligent seeker after the germs of knowledge." Vice Pres. Class 4; Euphronian Society; Class Basket Ball; Manager
Base Ball 4. |